Ankle bandage. How to apply bandages to ankle joints? Inability to move independently

Elastic bandage: advantages and disadvantages of use

Pressure used to stop bleeding in open injuries;

  1. ​Elastic bandages are equipped with Velcro or metal fasteners at the end. The bandage should be comfortable and look neat.​
  2. ​Advertising​
  3. The third group of ligaments, represented by the tibiofibular syndesmosis, posterior transverse, posterior and anterior tibiofibular ligaments, connects the tibia with each other.
  4. ​This orthopedic product is put on a special cotton stocking. Next, it is recommended to put the injured limb in the correct position, and then carefully and carefully put on the splint. The splint has fastening elements. The splint should not exert any pressure on the protrusions of the bones. The device is worn on the limb at night or during daytime sleep. Walking in it is strictly prohibited. The inside of the splint can be treated with a damp, soapy cloth. It is necessary to prevent water from getting on the metal, as it will be damaged. The splint must be worn daily, combining it with special exercises developed by the orthopedist. Adjustment of the splint fasteners is carried out exclusively by a doctor.​
  5. ​fractures, bone cracks;​

Soft ankle orthosis. It resembles in appearance a removable fabric bandage.​

  1. ​The rules for applying an elastic bandage directly to the ankle joint include the following steps:​
  2. ​Elastic bandage length. As a rule, it directly depends on which joint the bandage will be applied to in the future. Depending on the length, the following types of material are distinguished:
  3. ​An elastic bandage for the ankle joint is one of the types of medical supplies that is prescribed to the patient for use (by applying it) for various injuries and damage to the joint.​
  4. ​medicinal, with special impregnation with drugs that gradually reach the affected tissues and joint;​

​Each of the listed dressing options has its pros and cons.​

​In case of poor circulation, tingling or numbness, the bandage should be removed.​

​The most common injury is to the outer group of ligaments (usually the anterior talofibular ligament is affected).​

Description of the properties of bandages and their application

​The splint can be washed, but it must be dried away from heated objects. To wash it, you will need a special bag.​

​dislocations in the joint area.​

  • ​Rigid orthosis. Has plastic inserts and elastic tires. This ankle joint is perfectly fixed.​
  • ​The bandage starts above the ankle, while the bandage moves circularly.​

​bandage for wrist joints, the length of which reaches 1-1.5 m;​

​Elastic bandage has a huge number of advantages over ordinary models, the main ones are the following:​

​immobilizing or fixing, used to fix a joint and ensure limb rest;​

​The elastic bandage is made of cotton fabric and therefore does not have a harmful effect on the skin. Used to apply a pressure bandage. For ease of fastening, some types are equipped with Velcro or metal fasteners at the end. You can also use an adhesive plaster to secure it.​

  1. ​The bandage can be worn for several hours, or as recommended by your doctor. In any case, you should remove the bandage at least twice a day to improve blood circulation in the joint.Advertising​
  2. ​Applying the bandage begins from the ball of the foot in a circular motion from left to right.​
  3. ​There are three types of injuries to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint:​
  4. ​The advantage of using a splint is the ability to fix damaged limb elements in the required position.​
  5. ​Indications for wearing an orthosis:​
  6. ​Then it is recommended to wrap the heel with a bandage.​
  7. ​for the ankle joints, the length ranges from 1.5-2 m.​
  8. ​Elastic bandages can be used repeatedly, and an ordinary gauze bandage can be deformed after the first use.​
  9. ​protective, used for open injuries of the foot, for example, fractures, impervious to moisture and containing bactericidal additives;​
  10. ​Elastic bandages can be used repeatedly, so they are well suited for frequent use​

Applying an elastic bandage to the ankle joint

  1. ​The bandage should be applied with uniform tension without first unwinding.​
  2. ​Rupture of individual fibers. In everyday life, such an injury is usually called a sprain of the ankle joint, however, this name does not correspond to the actual state of affairs, since the ligaments are completely inelastic and cannot stretch.​
  3. Any injury can occur as a result of the patient receiving bruises, direct blows, falls, twisted legs, or wearing high-heeled shoes. Most often the human ligamentous apparatus is affected.
  4. ​arthritis or arthrosis of the joints;​

​Then grab the foot with a bandage twice.​

  1. ​Other articular surfaces require 2-3 m of elastic bandage. To secure the lower extremities, it is recommended to purchase 5 m of elastic bandage, and for the upper extremities - 4 m.​
  2. ​The elastic bandage, after being applied to the articular surface, does not deform or slip. It tightly fixes the affected joint. An ordinary bandage requires frequent re-dressing, as it periodically slips off the joint.​
  3. ​corrective or corrective for long-term fixations for various pathologies.​

Orthosis: description, classification and method of use

​However, an elastic band may not be suitable for sports training. An ankle brace can be too bulky and hinder the athlete's movements.​

​Wrap your foot, including your ankle, with a pad, a padding material used before applying tape to protect the skin.​

​For additional fixation, gauze or felt pads can be applied to the ankles before wrapping them.Advertising​

  1. ​Torn ankle ligaments. A significant part of the fibers is torn, but the ligaments continue to perform their supporting function.​
  2. ​In order to prevent damage, sprains and dislocations of the ankle joint, it is recommended to strengthen it; the ideal methods are the following:​
  3. An ankle bandage is a kind of elastic belt that has special belts and fasteners. An ankle brace can be worn not only in case of a joint injury, but also during pregnancy to support the lumbar spine and after surgery.​

​sprains or tears of ligaments and tendons;​

  1. ​Then the bandage moves, positioned crosswise. It is applied from the foot to the shin, then again to the foot. This results in a visible cross on the front surface of the bandaged joint.​
  2. ​Extensibility of the elastic bandage. To reliably fix a limb after injury, bandages with a medium or high degree of extensibility are used. After surgery on the legs, low-elastic bandages should be used to avoid the development of varicose veins.​
  3. ​The bandage is universal because it fits any joint.​

​An elastic bandage or a special tape that secures the ankle can be made of synthetic or natural material with the addition of synthetic fibers, eliminating the possibility of an allergic reaction.​

  • ​Sports tape is often used with a lining material - a liner, which protects the skin and hair from the sticky surface of the tape.​
  • ​You should start wrapping from the ball of your foot and finish just above your ankles. The heel can be left open.​
  • ​Complete rupture of the ankle ligaments or their separation from the place of attachment.​
  • ​walking on logs;​
  • ​Ankle bandage has the following positive properties:​

​recovery after a fracture of the ankle, leg, foot;

  1. ​Then the bandage is returned back to the shin. In this way, several wraps are made around the ankle, after which the bandage is secured.​
  2. ​Rules for applying a bandage:​
  3. ​Good fixation of the limb for a long time.​
  4. ​These fasteners are equipped with a special one- or two-sided Velcro fastener (Velcro) and have a universal size. Most often, they are fixed on the foot in the form of a figure eight bandage. The use of a bandage or tape allows you to wear shoes and ensure foot hygiene. Mainly used to provide first aid or in mild cases of ankle injury.​
  5. ​Sports tape is thinner and does not restrict movement, but is inferior to an elastic bandage in terms of tightness of fixation. Moreover, all tapes are disposable and their frequent use is expensive.​

Application of bandages

​Wrap your foot with a bandage.​

  • ​All three types of ankle ligament injuries are accompanied by the same clinical signs, however, the severity of these signs directly depends on the severity of the injury.​
  • ​walking on pebbles;​
  • ​promotes rapid fusion of ligaments;
  • ​flat feet, excess body weight, hallux valgus;​

​Caring for a bandage involves following these important recommendations:​

​Technique for applying a fixing bandage to the ankle​

​The bandage can be easily removed and applied quite simply (there is no need for special preparation of the patient).​

​Prescribed for flaccid or drop foot syndrome, which may be caused by neurological disorders. Orthoses are mainly made of carbon fiber or other composite materials with fiber reinforcement. The ankle is rigidly fixed, ensuring the immobility of the joint, but its use is quite comfortable, since the inner shell is made of special foam that takes the shape of the ankle. The foot, ankle and lower leg are secured with cuffs and soles.​

  • ​Wrap several strips of tape around your ankle from bottom to top from the sole.​
  • Bandaging should be done with both hands: holding the beginning of the bandage on the sole with one hand, and continuing bandaging with the other. The bandage is applied in 3 overlapping turns, so that each subsequent turn covers the previous one by half the width of the bandage.
  • ​A patient with damage to the ankle ligaments complains of pain when walking. Swelling and bruising in the area of ​​injury are visually detected. Palpation of injured ligaments is painful. Possible hemarthrosis.
  • ​walking barefoot on grass or water.​
  • ​restores the muscular system;​
  • ​partial paralysis of the leg and foot;​
  • ​Washing the bandage should be done only when necessary (this is approximately 2 times in 10 days).​

​Elastic bandages must be applied in the morning or after resting in a horizontal position with the limbs raised (the angle of elevation of the limb is 30°). You need to rest for at least 15 minutes. This is done to avoid swelling of the lower limb.​

​One elastic fiber bandage can replace 20 ordinary gauze bandages, which is quite profitable and rational.​

Tutor and features of its use

In addition, the design of the orthosis involves the presence of a hinged joint, metal splints (spring) and a mobility regulator with a ten-degree scale. Sometimes orthoses are equipped with a special pneumatic chamber to adjust the degree of compression.​

  • ​Preparation for applying a bandage.​
  • ​This will secure the liner and become the basis for the rest of the bandage. It is important to fix the base. The remaining part of the tape can be cut off with scissors. Do not wrap it too tightly; the bandage should be comfortable.​

The direction of the turns on all layers of the dressing should be the same. The bandage should fit evenly, but not press. If necessary, re-bandage.​

​When the ankle joint is sprained, the swelling is local, the victim experiences pain, but retains the ability to walk. When the ankle ligaments are torn, swelling spreads to the outer and front surface of the foot. Walking is difficult due to pain.​

​The best way to walk on a log is recognized.​

​fixes the damaged joint;​

​injury prevention for people actively involved in sports.​

  • ​Washing of the bandage must be strictly done by hand without any use of surfactants. Wash with regular soap. There is no need to twist the bandage. It is enough to squeeze lightly. Drying of the bandage is carried out on a fabric backing in an unfolded form.​
  • An elastic bandage is applied from the narrow area of ​​the damaged joint to the wider one. Example: the ankle is the beginning of the bandage, the knee joint is its end.​
  • However, despite all the positive aspects of using this type of product, the use of elastic bandages also has some disadvantages. Among them are the following:

​The orthosis allows you to move without discomfort and pain, provides sufficient compression (fitting), a massage effect and a reduction in swelling. It is often used in the postoperative period and to prevent injuries during sports.​ ​The area where the bandage is applied should be clean and dry. The leg should not be suspended. If you use tape, the hair in this area should be cut.Advertising​

​3​ Complete rupture of the ankle ligaments is accompanied by hemarthrosis, severe swelling, and bruising extending to the dorsum and plantar surface of the foot. Walking is severely difficult, sometimes impossible due to pain.​

​In this case, the log used should not be thin. It should lie on the ground. You need to move around it barefoot or in sports sneakers.​ ​has a compression effect;​

​Advantages of using an orthosis:​


​Elastic bandages should be stored rolled up and away from exposure to sunlight. Ironing the material is strictly prohibited.​

The bandaging process must be carried out carefully and carefully. The appearance of any folds is unacceptable.​

​Blood flow is impaired when an elastic bandage is applied incorrectly.​

The main difference from orthoses is the greater degree of fixation of the foot and the absence of hinges. The use of splints is intended in cases where complete immobility of the joint is required. Often the splint is a complex structure for fixing the foot, knee and lower leg. It is considered optimal to manufacture an individual, anatomically accurate splint based on a plaster cast.​

The ligamentous apparatus of the ankle, a complex musculoskeletal structure, experiences heavy loads when moving, as it bears the weight of the entire body. The causes of damage to muscle tissue, ligaments, cartilage and bones in the ankle joint are associated with external traumatic or internal biochemical effects on the ankle. For treatment and prevention, an ankle joint brace and its design variants are used.​

Classification of ankle ligament injuries

​Next, wrap the upper part of the foot with longitudinal strips of tape, as if securing the frame with transverse staples.​

  • ​After the third turn, wrap around your ankle.​
  • Ligament failure is confirmed by a positive “drawer” symptom, to check which the doctor holds the patient’s lower leg with one hand and displaces the foot with the other. When the anterior portion of the lateral ligaments ruptures, the foot moves anteriorly. When the lateral ligaments are torn, there is an increase in lateral mobility of the foot. The study is carried out by a traumatologist in comparison with a healthy joint.​
  • ​It has been established that, when trying to maintain balance on a beam, a person will strain the muscles of the ankle joint, and this, in turn, helps to strengthen them.​

Symptoms of ankle ligament damage

Eliminates numerous swelling;

​High-quality stabilization of the damaged joint.​

​The elastic bandage is unrolled outward and directly on the skin surface. This way you can avoid overstretching the bandage and unacceptable compression of the tissue.​

​Poor quality fixation of the limb due to violation of the bandaging technique.​

Treatment of ankle ligament damage

​Used for deforming arthrosis, paralysis, clubfoot, shortening of one limb, as well as in the postoperative period. The material for making splints is plastic or composite materials. An example of a splint would be special derotation boots, which do not allow the limb to turn left or right.​

​Fractures of the tibia, fibula, talus, metatarsus;​

​For greater fixation, you should make several turns around the foot, with each turn covering the previous one.​

​Further from the inner ankle, the bandage is carried in an eight-shaped turn through the instep of the foot to its outer edge, makes a full revolution around the shin above the ankles and returns from the outer edge of the sole to its inner edge.​

​Treatment of first and second degree ankle ligament damage is carried out on an outpatient basis.​

​Ankle ligament injuries​

​normalizes the production of synovial fluid;​

How to apply a bandage to the ankle joint

​Reduced mechanical load on the articular surface.​

An orthosis is a special device that follows the contours of a joint. It is applied to the affected joint. The appearance of the ankle orthosis is a sock, knee socks or boot. The toes should remain open. The ankle orthosis can be secured using special fasteners or Velcro. The orthosis is made of cotton fabrics, metal, plastic or wood.​

Method 1 of 3: Apply a pressure bandage

  1. ​Each next turn of the elastic bandage should cover 1/3 of the layer that came before it.​ ​To apply a bandage, certain skills and abilities of the patient are required.​​Bandages are soft and hard (reinforced). The former are made from synthetic materials, mainly neoprene. The inner cotton surface ensures the fixative is hygienic and hygroscopic. The ankle in a soft bandage is fixed without restricting mobility, therefore it is used in the prevention of sports injuries, as it has soft plastic ribs that support the joint.​
  2. ​damage to external and internal groups of ligaments;​
  3. ​4​​4​ ​A patient with an ankle sprain is recommended to apply a tight figure-eight bandage to the joint. In the first two days after the injury, cold is applied to the injury site, and then heat. From 2-3 days, physiotherapy is prescribed (massage, ozokerite and paraffin applications, alternating magnetic field). The patient is allowed to walk.
  4. - a fairly common injury. Sprains, tears and ligament ruptures account for 10-12% of the total number of ankle injuries. Most often, the injury occurs in winter when the foot twists on ice, icy steps and platforms. Ankle ligament injuries account for approximately 19% of all sports injuries. The clinical picture of ankle ligament injuries depends on their severity (sprain, tear, complete rupture). As a rule, it includes local swelling, pain, limited range of motion in the joint and impaired walking. Treatment may include physiotherapeutic methods, application of a plaster splint, therapeutic punctures, warm baths and massage.​
  5. Eliminates the possibility of hemorrhage; ​Strengthening muscles and ligaments.​​Types of orthoses:​
  6. ​There should be no gaps in the skin between the applied layers of bandages.​ ​Poor care of the bandage can lead to its premature deterioration.​​Rigid bandages are used in the postoperative period and for abnormal joint mobility.​
  7. ​damage to the Achilles tendon, ankles;​
  8. ​X-shaped fixation.​
  9. ​Repeat the eight-shaped turns several times, so that the bandage covers the entire foot just above the ankles.​​A tight bandage will be most effective only if you follow the technique of applying it. If the outer group of ligaments is damaged, the foot is brought into the pronation position (plantar side outward), if the internal group of ligaments is injured - into the supination position (plantar side inward), in case of tears and ruptures of the tibiofibular ligaments - into the flexion position. This ensures minimal tension on the damaged ligaments. The bandage is applied so that each round of the bandage brings the ends of the injured ligaments closer together. Damage to the ankle ligaments
  10. Significantly warms the joint.
  11. ​Resorption of edema and pain relief.​

Method 2 of 3: dressing with sports tape

  1. ​Models for prevention. They are necessary in order to prevent damage to the ankle joint. The greatest tension in the bandage should be observed in the lower part. Gradually rising higher, the tension needs to be loosened (for example, the ankle joint has greater tension, and higher up, in the area of ​​the knee joint, the tension weakens).​ ​The most common elastic bandage is prescribed in cases of bruises and sprains. The applied plaster splint can be additionally secured with an elastic bandage. Fixation is performed on the second day after injury, since on the first day the plaster must dry thoroughly.​
  2. ​These bandages have plastic inserts (brace); can be equipped with special gel (silicone) pads for warming or cooling the pain area, air pockets for adjusting compression, lace-up or Velcro fasteners, as well as additional straps for secure fixation.​ ​damage to the muscles that flex and extend the foot;​​Now you should secure your foot and ankles relative to each other. To do this, pass the tape from the ankle over the foot and then, passing under the arch of the sole, return it diagonally behind the heel.​
  3. ​Repeated turns of the bandage should cover at least half the width of the previous stroke.​ ​In case of sprains of the ankle joint, working capacity is restored within 7 to 14 days.​- a fairly common injury. Sprains, tears and ligament ruptures account for 10-12% of the total number of ankle injuries.​
  4. The bandage is made of rib inserts (then it is rigid), elastic fibers, and an anti-allergenic coating that warms the joint. It is necessary to select a bandage according to the size of the foot, otherwise it can cause discomfort and severely rub the foot.​ ​Expansion of the range of motor activity in the joint.​​Therapeutic models. They are used to provide medical care for injuries in the area of ​​a particular joint.​
  5. ​The bandage is recommended to be applied 15 cm above and below the affected area. The ankle joint must be fixed, starting from the phalanges of the toes and ending with the middle of the shin. Thanks to the elastic bandage, the plaster cast can be removed daily and thus try to develop movements in the injured joint. However, it should be noted that therapeutic exercises of the joint should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician. It is not recommended to do this on your own.​
  6. ​Elastic bandages are produced in the form of socks, sometimes without heel and toe parts. These are the most modern fixatives, the production technology of which involves the use of infrared radiation, biotourmaline or ceramic fibers to create a warming bandage.​
  7. ​inflammatory processes occurring in the joint and its surroundings, for example, bursitis, arthrosis or arthritis;​

Method 3 of 3: which dressing method to choose

  1. ​5​​If a figure-of-eight bandage is applied to a child, you can get by with wrapping it twice.​
  2. ​If the ankle ligaments are torn, a plaster splint is applied to the patient’s shin for 10 days. Physiotherapy is prescribed from 2-3 days after the injury. During treatment, the plaster is removed. Working capacity is restored in approximately 3 weeks.​
  3. ​Most often, the injury occurs in winter when the foot twists on ice, icy steps and platforms. In addition, ligament damage can occur as a result of jumping from a height (often small) or walking on an uneven surface. Ligament damage may be associated with subluxation or dislocation of the ankle joint. Ankle ligament injuries are one of the most common sports injuries (about 19% of all injuries in athletes).​
  4. ​Many people think about the cost of the bandage. The range of bandages is quite extensive. There are also budget options for this orthopedic device. But it is better to purchase a bandage at an average price. The cost depends on the region of residence and the elements used in the bandage.​
  5. It is not advisable to use the orthosis for open wounds and injuries. It must be applied only after the bone fragments have fused. The most important point in purchasing this type of device is its correct choice.​
  6. ​Models are functional. They are used constantly for irreversible changes in the joint.​
  7. An elastic bandage is necessary only when the patient is actively moving. If the person is at rest, it is recommended to remove the bandage. In this case, you should carefully massage the area of ​​the affected joint (from the foot to the knee, from the hand to the elbow joint). Together with the use of an elastic bandage, you can apply medicinal ointments to the joint and special compresses. The principle of action is the effect of infrared waves on the tissue damaged area of ​​the ankle, increasing its temperature, creating a pronounced warming effect with additional improvement of blood microcirculation, joint mobility and the condition of connective tissues.​

​flaccid (spastic) paresis of the lower extremities, paralysis of the foot.​

Indications for use

  • ​Complete the dressing with three figure-of-eight wraps.​
  • ​The main thing is that the bandage is tight, but at the same time it should not bother the patient, strongly squeezing the bandaged area and causing pain. Otherwise, the bandage must be loosened or changed.​
  • ​Patients with complete rupture of the ankle ligaments are hospitalized in the traumatology department. In case of severe pain, 1-2% novocaine is injected into the damaged area. For hemarthrosis, a puncture is performed to remove blood and inject 10-15 ml of novocaine into the joint. A plaster splint is placed on the leg for a period of 2-3 weeks. UHF is prescribed to the area of ​​injury.​
  • ​There are three groups of ligaments that take part in fixing the ankle joint.​
  • ​The splint helps keep the limb in the correct position. Indications for using a splint:​
  • An ankle bandage is the most effective way to restore an injured joint. The use of a bandage is justified in the following cases:

​Degrees of rigidity of orthoses:​

Ankle Support

Ankle braces in the form of bandages

​To determine whether the elastic bandage has been applied correctly, it is recommended to use the following advice: after bandaging, the phalanges of the fingers should turn slightly blue. When active activity returns, they are quickly restored to a physiological state. Do not wrap elastic bandages too tightly, as this can cause blood flow problems and swelling.​

  • ​Elastic bandages are indispensable assistants for people involved in various sports, since a large number of joint injuries occur among athletes and people who are fond of sports activities.​
  • ​The choice of a hard or soft fixator depends on the severity of the disease or injury. But in any case, the appointment is made by the attending physician. These fixators are used after repositioning the joint, that is, bringing it to a physiologically normal state, which should only be performed by a medical specialist.​
  • ​In all cases of diseases of the ankle joint, means are used to ensure the possibility of a person’s movement and rapid rehabilitation, especially in the postoperative period, when access to the tissues surrounding the joint is necessary.​
  • The bandage should be clean, comfortable, and should not cause discomfort, tingling or numbness. Otherwise, it should be loosened or replaced.​

​To improve nutrition of the damaged area, the patient is recommended from the first days to move his toes, strain the muscles of the lower leg, flex and straighten the knee joint. After removing the bandage, exercise therapy, massage and warm therapeutic baths are prescribed. For two months from the moment of injury, wearing a tight bandage is recommended to completely restore the ligament and prevent its repeated ruptures at the healing site.​

​On the outer surface of the joint are the calcaneofibular, anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments, which run along the outer malleolus and keep the talus from lateral displacement.​

Ankle braces, hard and soft


​inflammatory processes in the joints;​

​injury to the ligamentous apparatus;​

​Ankle semi-rigid orthosis. It has straps that replace an elastic bandage. In addition to belts, inserts made of metal, plastic, and cords can be used.​


​If 30 minutes after applying an elastic bandage, the leg or arm goes numb and a pulsation is felt under the bandage, it means that the bandage is too tight and needs to be removed urgently, after which it is recommended to lie on the bed and raise the injured limb on which the bandage was applied, and apply a light massage.​


​Ankle braces are easy to maintain. Postoperative or post-traumatic ankles are periodically treated aseptically in a medical institution. In other cases, the synthetic material from which the retainer is made can be easily processed at home. The fasteners are washed with water or washed without the use of strong detergents and dried in air. Bleaching and machine drying are not recommended.​

Bandage bandages used in the treatment of injuries and diseases of the ankle are:​You can wear this headband all day long.Advertising​

Elastic bandages-fixators

​Secure the end of the bandage.​

​First aid for sprained or damaged ankle ligaments is to apply a fixing bandage. The bandage is applied with an elastic bandage or sports tape. There are several options for applying a bandage.​

​The deltoid (internal collateral) ligament, consisting of a deep and superficial layer, runs along the inner surface of the joint. The superficial layer is attached to the talus and scaphoid bones, the deep layer is attached to the inner part of the talus.​


​paralysis, etc.​

​muscle injury;​

An eight-shaped bandage for the ankle joint is also called a cruciform bandage. This is the most common way to bandage a damaged joint. Because it is this type of bandage that limits the movement of the foot, and for this reason the negative consequences due to injury are eliminated.

When the patient wears a bandage, this promotes a speedy recovery. The bandage prevents sprains, ligament ruptures, and subluxation. The joint will not fall out of the joint capsule. This product accelerates the healing of torn fibers and activates their growth to the muscles of the joint. The bandage normalizes lymphatic drainage and improves blood circulation. The fabric bandage eliminates pinched nerves, thus reducing pain. In addition, the inflammatory process does not develop.

If a person constantly lifts and carries weights and is on his feet all day, then such a bandage can be used as a preventive measure. Bodybuilders wear such headbands during training.

Especially the figure-of-eight bandage is used in the following cases:

  • inflammation of the periarticular tissues or joint, this can be arthritis, bursitis, periarthritis, tendonitis;
  • osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disorders;
  • bruises;
  • dislocations and subluxations;
  • sprains;
  • ankle fracture.

Ankle dislocation is divided into three degrees:

I degree is characterized by injury to the fibers of the ligaments, while they remain intact. In this case, apply an elastic bandage to the ankle.

II degree - the ligaments are torn in sections, but continue to function. Then apply an elastic bandage or a plaster splint.

In grade III, the injury is very severe. The ligaments are torn and disconnected from the walls. A plaster cast is applied to the ankle.

What syndromes does a person experience with different ankle injuries?

If the joint is inflamed, then motor activity decreases and pain is felt. The disease is treated under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise the risk of complications and relapses will increase. In addition, the disease can spread to other joints, destroying them. The person will gradually become incapacitated.

After a bruise, the pain is not too severe, the person still steps on the leg, but the leg swells and the joint moves poorly.

A hematoma may appear in the area where the injury occurred. If it is a dislocation, then the pain is felt more acutely. When the ligaments are damaged, a hematoma will occur.

When sprained, a person feels acute pain and swelling appears in the ankle. Due to the fracture, a person cannot step on his leg, and the leg turns blue and swells. It becomes impossible to move it.

In the case when you need to fix the ankle joint with a figure-of-eight bandage, you must follow the following procedure. Follow a strict order in which the bandages are applied. In order not to provoke deterioration, it is applied according to the rules and not too tightly. To secure the ankle, in addition to the bandage, also take clamps. The victim lies down on a horizontal surface, and place his injured leg on your knees. This is in case of an emergency. The victim does not need to move to ensure proper application.

Here's the algorithm:

  • first we make circular movements in the shin area, make 3-4 turns, while the bandage should be applied evenly;
  • then we apply the bandage to the outside of the foot, without over-tightening, you need to carefully place the end of the elastic bandage;
  • passing the instep of the foot, take the bandage to the inside of the ankle, make a couple of turns around the foot, take the bandage to the outside of the ankle;
  • After making a few turns, secure the bandage with clips.

The overlay technique has some rules:

  • overlay is done from right to left;
  • the bandage is applied evenly, pulling the bandage over the entire surface;
  • the bandage is wound so that layer by layer is at a distance of about 2-3 cm from each other;
  • The first and last layers should be attached to the narrowest parts of the ankle.

The first time it is better to have a specialist do it. After a series of training, you will be able to apply this type of bandage yourself.

When applying a fixing bandage, it is better to do it on top of the toe, this allows for improved blood flow to the joint that is damaged. If the wound is open, then you need to put a sterile napkin on it and take the patient to the medical center. In case of heavy bleeding, apply a tourniquet on top of a sterile bandage. If the victim has a displacement in the ankle, then the bandage is not applied. Where there is a bruise, apply something cold, then immediately call an ambulance.

During the recovery period after an ankle injury, it is recommended to use an elastic bandage. The use of such a remedy promotes reliable fixation of the limb in a static position and eliminates recurrence of injury. It is extremely important to apply the elastic bandage to the ankle joint correctly. Only in this case will the decision be beneficial. The procedure is usually performed by qualified doctors in treatment rooms. However, having mastered the correct technique, you can bandage the ankle joint with an elastic bandage yourself at home.

Why wear an elastic bandage?

The use of the product makes it possible to achieve a number of positive effects. First of all, fixing the ankle joint helps prevent damage to adjacent tissues. In addition, the use of the product reduces the load on the injured limb. Gradually, the intensity of pain decreases, swelling is eliminated, and local metabolic processes are activated.

An elastic bandage creates a so-called compression effect. In other words, when the product is applied to a limb, damaged tissues are compressed, which prevents their divergence. As a result, rehabilitation after an injury takes much less time.

Benefits of the solution

Fixing the ankle joint with an elastic bandage has a lot of advantages. Among the main advantages of the device, it is worth noting the following:

  1. You can apply the same elastic bandage to the ankle joint an unlimited number of times. By comparison, a standard gauze dressing often becomes unusable after the first use.
  2. When fixing the limb, the product does not slip and does not lose its shape. An elastic bandage securely fixes the limb.
  3. The device acts as a universal solution for injuries. The product can be applied not only to the ankle, but also to other joints.
  4. This bandage provides high-quality fixation of the limb throughout the day.
  5. An elastic bandage on the ankle joint is applied quite simply. Anyone can cope with the task (if they master the right technique). Using the product does not force a person to regularly visit treatment rooms.
  6. The elastic bandage is made from durable materials that can withstand significant stretching and other mechanical loads. As practice shows, one such device replaces several packages of gauze. Therefore, buying an elastic bandage looks like a good solution in terms of saving money.
  7. An elastic bandage is an indispensable assistant for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. It is these individuals who most often experience all kinds of joint injuries and soft tissue damage.


An elastic bandage for the ankle joint also has some disadvantages. First of all, to fix a limb yourself, you will have to spend time mastering the correct application technique. Mistakes made can result in limited blood flow to the limb. At the same time, insufficient tightness of the bandage will cause inadequate fixation of the damaged joint.

For repeated use, you need to learn how to care for an elastic bandage. Otherwise, the product may quickly become unusable. The clasp can also be damaged. This way, the bandage will often fall off your leg.

Elastic bandage for the ankle joint: indications

The use of a fixing bandage is indicated for various types of limb injuries. Most often, this method is used in case of sprained ligaments. This type of injury can occur when the foot rolls in. The condition is alleviated if you fix the limb with an elastic bandage and leave the leg without physical activity for several days.

Torn ligaments require taking more serious measures. In this case, the limb is immobilized with plaster for a period of about 10 days. Then the fixative is removed and a figure-eight elastic bandage is applied for another couple of weeks.

The above injuries can be recognized by the following symptoms. A sprain is characterized by sharp pain that subsides within a short time. After 2-3 hours, the discomfort may increase again. Then swelling is likely to occur. Movements are significantly limited. On the contrary, in the case of intense pain and swelling develop almost instantly. Hemorrhages into local tissues are possible. Any movement in the ankle joint becomes impossible.

There are other indications for using an elastic bandage:

  • Development of severe pain syndrome in case of tissue inflammation.
  • A limb bruise occurs when the epicenter of the impact load is closer to the joint.
  • Rehabilitation after a slight subluxation of the leg.
  • Prevention of injuries during active physical activity.


In what cases should an elastic bandage not be applied to the ankle joint? It is not recommended to resort to the procedure if there is an open wound at the site of injury or bleeding is observed. In such situations, the tissues are covered with a sterile bandage. If there is displacement of the joint, an ice bag is applied to the damaged area. Then the limb is provided with complete rest until the nature of the problem is determined by the doctor.

There are also relative contraindications for using an elastic bandage. We are talking about skin diseases, individual problems with blood circulation and the likelihood of blood clots. In an emergency situation, a bandage can still be applied to such people. But only for a short time, until the urgent need for its use disappears.

How to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint: bandaging

To ensure a fixing effect, you need to learn how to apply a bandage correctly. In order to immobilize the limbs, they most often resort to figure-of-eight bandaging. How to fix an elastic bandage on the ankle joint? They resort to the following actions:

  • Just above the ankle joint, 2-3 turns of the bandage are performed.
  • From the outer side of the limb a transition is formed to the inner surface of the foot through the ankle.
  • Next, the elastic bandage is wrapped around the sole of the foot, moving to the outer edge.
  • The bandage is then passed through the medial malleolus towards the shin.
  • Similar actions are repeated several times, which should lead to covering the entire area of ​​the damaged area.
  • The application of an elastic bandage is completed in the shin area, where the product is fixed with special fasteners.

Prevents extension of the limb at the ankle joint. The leg is kept bent. This position helps maintain ligaments and muscle tissue in a relaxed state. The result is a reduction in rehabilitation time after an injury.

What signs indicate improper bandage application?

Errors in the use of an elastic bandage are indicated by blue toes. The effect can occur in cases where the bandage is tightened too tightly. The result is impaired outflow of venous blood. You can avoid the problem by controlling your own feelings during the procedure.

Pallor or coldness of the limb also indicates an error. The sign suggests that arterial blood cannot enrich the tissues of the foot with oxygen in the required volumes.

A mistake is considered to be insufficient constriction of the foot at the ankle joint. In this case, the person will not feel the compression effect. The ankle will remain quite mobile. To eliminate the omission, you need to remove the elastic bandage and reapply it, but with more force.

When using an elastic bandage, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Do not use the product immediately after physical activity. You should give your body a rest for half an hour. This eliminates the possibility of swelling.
  2. By tightening the bandage as tightly as possible, blood circulation can be disrupted. Therefore, when using the product, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. When applying an elastic bandage, do not rush. You need to approach the task carefully, observing the correct technique.
  4. When applying the device to a limb, there should be no gaps in the skin or any folds.
  5. After removing the bandage, the leg should be lightly massaged for several minutes to improve tissue sensitivity and tone the muscles.
  6. If, half an hour after applying the elastic bandage, a feeling of tingling or pulsation occurs in the limb, the product should be removed. Such effects indicate that the device has been tightened too tightly.


Damage to the ankle joint is a fairly common injury that can occur suddenly in the most unexpected situation. To avoid more serious health consequences, it is important to have an elastic band available. A useful medical device will provide immobilization of tissue in the area of ​​injury and make the victim feel better before being examined by a doctor.

Diseases and injuries of the ankle require mandatory fixation of the joint in order to relieve stress and reduce recovery time. To solve these problems, bandages, orthoses, and elastic bandages are used.

The ankle bandage must be applied correctly to avoid secondary injury to the joint. The primary dressing is usually done in the treatment room. Further manipulation can be done at home independently, exactly repeating the actions of a medical professional.

Indications for wearing a bandage

What leg injuries exist?

Wearing a bandage can be preventative. For example, it is customary for athletes and dancers to fix their ankles. The use of a bandage is also indicated for:

  • inflammatory diseases of joints and tissues;
  • degenerative disorders;
  • injuries.

Important: in case of ankle fractures, the joint is immobilized with a plaster cast, but not with an elastic bandage.

Variety of species

Elastic leg bandage

There are several types of materials and orthopedic devices for bandages for sprains in the ankle joint and other disorders of the functionality of the joint:

  • elastic bandage;
  • orthosis;
  • bandage;
  • splint.

Each option has its own scope of application.

All about the elastic bandage

A material such as an elastic bandage has both advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include:

  • reusability - the elastic bandage retains its shape no matter how many times the bandage is performed;
  • when applied to the surface of the joint, the possibility of deformation and sliding of the material is eliminated, while the gauze version is difficult to fix on the surface of the joint;
  • economical use - one elastic bandage replaces 20 gauze bandages.

At the same time, the material also has a number of disadvantages, which are more related to violations of the overlay algorithm:

  • disruption of local blood flow (this is often observed when a too tight bandage is applied to the ankle);
  • insufficient fixation of the ankle.

An elastic bandage is indicated for use for bruises and ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus. In the practice of traumatologists, additional fixation of the ankle is sometimes practiced after a plaster splint has been applied.

For uncomplicated ankle injuries, additional fixation of the plaster splint with a bandage allows you to remove the orthopedic device from time to time to develop the joint. It should be remembered that this kind of manipulation can only be performed after consultation with the attending physician. Independent actions can provoke a worsening of the clinical picture of the condition.

An elastic bandage for the ankle joint can be easily combined with the use of medicinal ointments and pain-relieving compresses. This medical composition allows you to reduce the recovery time after injury and illness.

A bandage made of elastic material requires a careful approach when choosing. There are certain rules that must be followed:

  • length - determined by the joint on which the bandage will be applied. For the ankle joint, models with a length of at least 1.5 meters are suitable;
  • extensibility. If the ankle has been injured, a medium to high grade bandage will be required. Surgery is accompanied by severe swelling in the operated area, which negatively affects the quality of blood flow. The use of a dressing material with a strong degree of extensibility will lead to the development of a condition such as varicose veins. Therefore, the best choice is a low-elastic bandage.

Traumatologists have developed certain rules for the correct application of an elastic bandage:

  • Application manipulations are best carried out in the morning or after a long stay in a horizontal position (the angle of elevation of the injured limb is at least 30°). Compliance with these conditions will avoid the formation of swelling of the limb and, accordingly, excessive load on the joint;
  • bandaging begins from the narrow part of the damaged area and gradually goes down to the wider one;
  • during bandaging, the formation of folds that can rub the skin is not allowed;
  • the reel of dressing material unwinds outward and in direct contact with the surface of the skin - this way it will be possible to avoid excessive overextension and, accordingly, compression of the joint tissues;
  • each turn of the bandage overlaps the previous layer by 1/3;
  • the greatest tension of the dressing material should be observed directly on the foot, closer to the toes; as it rises along the joint, this factor should decrease;
  • applying a bandage for ankle injury or dysfunction involves fixing the area from the toes to the middle part of the lower leg;
  • the bandage is used only during active movement, if the patient is at rest with mandatory elevation of the limb and massage of the affected area;
  • fixing the ankle involves wrapping a bandage around the heel.

Knowledge of these requirements will allow you to bandage the ankle with an elastic bandage correctly - without distortions, bends and creating pathologically dangerous situations for recovery.

The bandage is applied using movements forming a circle. The ankle is fixed along the lower area of ​​the shin. Then, in a spiral, the dressing material is lowered to the instep of the foot, covering it, then the bandage is brought to the foot, covering it along the entire circumference. Next, the bandage is returned to the ankle.

What is an orthosis

Rigid ankle orthosis

An orthosis is an orthopedic device that follows the contours of a joint. Externally it can take three forms:

  • sock;
  • boot;
  • knee socks.

Elastic cotton fabric is used for production. Fixation is carried out with Velcro or fasteners.

In traumatology, three types of orthoses are used:

  • preventive – recommended for wearing by people at risk (athletes, dancers);
  • therapeutic – included in the treatment of ankle injuries;
  • functional – used for constant wear in patients with irreversible changes.

Orthoses are also divided according to the degree of rigidity into the following types:

  1. Semi-rigid orthosis. This version has belts and plastics. This type of bandage device is preferable if you need to apply an elastic bandage to a child’s ankle, since the quality of fixation is higher.
  2. Soft orthosis. Outwardly it resembles a fabric bandage of a removable design. Often recommended for minor joint damage.
  3. Rigid orthosis. It is distinguished by the presence of plastic inserts and an easily stretchable tire. In terms of the degree of fixation, it is as close as possible to a plaster splint.

Indications for wearing an orthosis include:

  • arthritis/arthrosis;
  • rupture of the ligamentous apparatus (complete or partial);
  • recovery period after an ankle fracture;
  • partial fracture of the foot and leg;
  • prevention of injuries in people at risk - athletes, dancers and others.

Today, in the practice of traumatologists, orthoses are becoming increasingly widespread due to a large number of advantages. For example, better stabilization of the joint, which is especially important in complex forms of injury. Also, while wearing, the mechanical load on the surface of the joint is reduced, the ligamentous and muscular apparatus is strengthened. It has also been noted that the use of an orthosis promotes rapid resorption of swelling and expands the range of joint mobility.

Important: the orthosis cannot be used if the skin surface is damaged or bone fragments have not completely healed.


Bandage for ankle fracture

The use of this option for fixing the ankle is characterized by the same effectiveness as the use of orthoses. Bandages are recommended in the following cases:

  • injury recorded in the ligamentous and muscular apparatus;
  • fractures or;
  • joint dislocation.

The bandage is an elastic belt with special fasteners and belts. It is recommended to be worn not only in case of joint injury after surgery, but also for women during pregnancy to support a pathologically weak joint.

Advantages of the bandage:

  • promotes rapid recovery of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus;
  • helps securely fix the ankle;
  • has a compression effect;
  • helps remove multiple edema;
  • normalizes the production of synovial fluid in the joint cavity;
  • eliminates the risk of hemorrhage.

Fact: it is selected based on the size of shoes the person wears.

What is a splint

The orthopedic product helps to maintain the joint in the correct position from the point of view of traumatology. It is used for inflammatory processes in the joint, its paralysis, and simple fractures.

The splint is put on a special cotton stocking. The fact that the product is worn correctly will be indicated by the absence of pressure on the protrusions of the bones. Wearing time is night or nap every day. Any movement is strictly prohibited.

The use of a brace is combined with exercises developed by an orthopedist individually for each patient. Before the first use, the doctor determines the position of the fasteners. You are not allowed to regulate them yourself.

An ankle bandage is a mandatory element of first aid for an ankle injury. However, it is not advisable to use it for all violations of the integrity of the joint. For example, if signs of joint displacement are visually noticeable (the foot is turned out and is in an unnatural position), a bandage should not be applied under any circumstances. The best solution would be to apply ice and call a doctor.

In general, any damage to the joint requires consultation with a doctor. After a detailed examination, he will decide on the type of material for fixing the ankle, the method of fixation and additional therapeutic measures. Independent actions can cause the condition to worsen.

To ensure the necessary level of immobilization in case of ankle injury, you need to fix the ankle joint. A fixing bandage is used to slow down the development of deformation processes and prevent displacement.

Ankle joint braces are soft bandage bandages of several varieties. Now dressings are differentiated according to the appropriateness of use and features of action. The most common protective bandage is applied for an open ankle fracture. You need to take measures to protect yourself from wound infection.

The protective bandage has bactericidal and antiseptic characteristics; it prevents condensation and moisture from reaching the damaged area.

In addition, there are bandages:

  1. Medicinal. They are necessary to speed up the healing of injury. The dressings are gauze impregnated with medicine,
  2. Pressuring. Such dressings are used to stop bleeding in hemarthrosis,
  3. Immobilizing. Most often used in sports medicine. The bandage is applied to the joint and fixes it, thereby giving maximum rest after injury or sprain,
  4. Corrective. Needed to fix the ankle joint for a long time. Bandages help eliminate congenital or acquired pathologies.

If the need arises, the doctor will place a splint or plaster on the foot. Typically, such measures need to be taken for fractures, when rehabilitation takes a long time.

Cross bandage

If the ankle joint is damaged, doctors apply an ankle bandage, which is called "".

You can apply a figure-of-eight bandage yourself, but you need to do this while following certain rules.

Application of this type of bandage begins with circular movements in the area of ​​the shin, then the bandage is led to the outer edge of the foot, after which the bandage is moved away from the inner ankle through the instep. Then one and a half turns are made around the foot, the bandage is moved to the outside of the ankle.

Features of the ankle orthosis

An ankle brace or brace is currently the most effective and sought after treatment for sprains, injuries and diseases of the ankle joint. Moreover, the orthosis is suitable for preventive purposes during fitness classes or regular sports training.

Orthoses best relieve and fix the ankle joint, which is very important during recovery after surgery or injury.

The main effect of the braces is that they reliably limit movements and any activity of the ankle joint, providing it with the necessary rest.

Nowadays they produce a lot of simple and universal ankle braces. Such devices can be used at any age. Bandages are very effective for mild ligament disorders, as well as for severe injuries that require complex treatment.

Ankle orthoses can have different degrees of fixation. For preventive purposes, as a rule, a bandage with light fixation is used. If there is severe damage to the foot or there has been surgery, the use of braces with a full degree of fixation is indicated.

The device fits the joint quite tightly, providing compression and a massage effect. Moreover, it protects the joint well during sports training, reduces pain and swelling after operations and injuries.

During exacerbation of arthritis, rheumatism and arthrosis, a fixing bandage is an indispensable component of the treatment process.

If the fixator is chosen incorrectly, the recovery process will be delayed, and the preconditions will be created for secondary injury to the ankle joint.

You need to know that only a doctor can choose a semi-rigid or rigid retainer correctly.

You can independently choose only a light fixation orthosis, which is intended to reduce pain in arthritis, arthrosis, sprains, as well as to prevent injury and pain when there is minor damage to the lower leg.

Choosing an orthosis

In order to choose the right ankle brace, you need to find out the severity of the injury. Doctors distinguish three degrees of damage to the ligaments of the foot or joint:

  1. With a mild injury (for example, a sprain), there is slight swelling and mild pain, as well as slight limitation of movement. The person can walk and put their weight on the injured limb. In these cases, doctors advise choosing an elastic fixator that provides the required level of compression and does not limit the movement of the joint. This fixing bandage is selected independently.
  2. The average degree of damage is expressed by swelling, slight pain and moderate limitation of movement. In this case, it becomes difficult to transfer your body weight to the limb. For such injuries, doctors recommend a bandage that compresses the joint and secures it and the ligaments with the help of stiffening ribs. Please note that this type of ankle brace should only be selected by a doctor.
  3. With severe injury, severe pain and severe swelling appear. The person experiences complete restriction of movement and is no longer able to fully rely on the affected limb. For these injuries, an orthosis is required that will completely fix and immobilize the ankle joint. This type of retainer can be prescribed by a doctor based on examination.

When choosing for easy ankle fixation, you need to pay attention to the material from which the device is made. A bandage with neoprene will speed up blood flow, provide warmth and keep you warm. Moreover, this bandage relieves swelling and pain during:

  • rheumatism,
  • sprains,
  • arthrosis,
  • arthritis.

If a person has an allergic reaction to synthetics, or overly sensitive skin, then it is better to opt for a fixing bandage that contains cotton.

Elastic ankle braces with silicone inserts provide secure fit and greater compression. This is important during sports activities and constant physical work.

Shin joint splint

A splint is placed on the ankle joint to correct joint movements. This design is the most optimal solution for ensuring stable immobility of the joint and maintaining it in a corrected state.

The splint is an ankle brace. When properly fixed, the device can provide rapid treatment without serious negative consequences.

The tutor allows you to prevent:

  1. dislocations,
  2. sprains,
  3. subluxations,
  4. damage to the joint capsule.

The ankle splint is a very practical and convenient device. During movement, the splint is almost not felt and does not cause any inconvenience. This is explained by the fact that the splint is designed so as not to affect extraneous segments of the limb.

Such structures are created from a variety of materials. The most commonly used materials are leather, plastic and some other durable materials. The basis of the adaptation depends, among other things, on the nature of the disease.