Calendula - benefits and harm, application and folk recipes. Calendula - medicinal properties and contraindications Dried calendula flowers use

Properties of calendula and features of its use. Contraindications and reviews.

  • Herbs and flowers give us not only aesthetic beauty, but also health in body and spirit. They can both strengthen and activate vital forces, and cause harm if used incorrectly.
  • Therefore, the ancestors were very attentive to the surrounding nature, noticed the healing properties of plants and passed on knowledge to their descendants
  • Let's talk in more detail about the amazingly beautiful orange flower calendula and its effect on the human body

Calendula - instructions for use

  • Russia, the Caucasus and Ukraine are generous with calendula, an orange flower that is grown for both ornamental and medicinal purposes.
  • It is popularly called marigold
  • Calendula blooms almost throughout the warm season until late autumn
  • The color ranges from white to dark brown. However, orange petals have the greatest healing effect.
  • Only its inflorescences without leaves and stems are collected, since the former contain a lot of healing substances

Calendula is added to:

  • ointments and creams
  • shampoos and conditioners
  • wound healing agents
  • expectorants, diuretics, calming nervous system

Calendula: healing properties

Our ancestors noticed the healing effects of marigolds for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and organs located next to it. Therefore, since ancient times, calendula has been used to treat:

  • gastritis
  • diseases of the liver, biliary tract
  • cystitis
  • inflammation in the throat and lungs
  • sleep disturbances, appetite
  • high blood pressure
  • visual impairment
  • Thanks to its bactericidal properties, calendula copes with coccal infections.
  • It can relieve pain in cancer patients and helps speed up the healing processes of the skin, for example, postoperative fistulas and wounds.
  • Marigolds have a strong effect on the human central nervous system, calm it down, induce relaxation and normalize sleep.
  • Calendula also occupies a worthy place in cosmetology. Masks with it refresh the complexion, nourish the skin, restore firmness and elasticity.

Calendula: is it possible for children

  • Calendula is not only possible, but also should be used from the first days of a baby’s life. It is a mildly allergic plant and at the same time has a lot of healing properties even for the most sensitive and delicate baby skin
  • Add marigolds to your baby's bath after the umbilical wound has healed.
  • maintain the optimal water balance of his skin
  • promotes the healing of minor scratches, wounds, and diaper irritations
  • carry out antibacterial treatment of the child’s skin
  • dry diaper rash and small wounds with weeping

Calendula oil can and should also be purchased for daily procedures with the baby.

You will cure insect bites, allergic rashes, and seizures if you lubricate them with marigold oil.

However, avoid giving calendula flower settings and decoctions orally to a child under 12 years of age. Only when he has learned to gargle on his own and not swallow the liquid is it permissible to treat sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils with its decoctions.

Is it possible to drink calendula?

Internal use of calendula flower infusion is mandatory for the treatment of ailments:

  • stomach
  • intestines
  • liver
  • biliary tract
  • hearts
  • blood pressure

You can prepare the infusion yourself or buy ready-made alcoholic infusions at the pharmacy.

  • In the vastness of the Runet you can easily find a lot of recipes to alleviate suffering from one or another ailment
  • Brew calendula flowers with boiling water and leave for several hours in a glass container in a dark place. Then take half to a glass at a time before each meal
  • Other herbs, such as chamomile, hawthorn, calamus, and yarrow, can also enhance the healing effect of marigolds. When brewing them or buying ready-made preparations and infusions in pharmacies, carefully follow the recommendations for dosage and frequency of administration.

If you have any doubts, consult your doctor.

Can calendula be used during pregnancy?

  • Since calendula flowers are rich in natural ingredients, vitamins and oils, and also have healing qualities, its tinctures can also be used during pregnancy
  • It is especially good to add marigolds to tea or prepare it yourself from herbs growing in your area.
  • It is strictly forbidden to ingest concentrated decoctions and infusions of calendula flowers during pregnancy.

The benefits of marigold infusion during pregnancy are:

  • reduction of toxicosis, vomiting. For this, herbal tea with the addition of calendula or its infusion is prescribed.
  • improving the health of the finished cavity with bleeding gums and plaque formation on the teeth. You should prepare a rinse using cadendula infusion and warm water.

In addition to the beneficial properties of using calendula flowers, there are also contraindications. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting to take calendula so as not to provoke:

  • changes in blood pressure
  • movement of stones in the gallbladder and bladder
  • increased toxicosis
  • premature birth or miscarriage

What does calendula tincture help with?

  • Due to their wide spectrum of action and combination of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and essential substances, calendula flowers are actively used both in the pharmaceutical industry and in traditional medicine recipes
  • Calendula tincture is effective for caring for oily and sensitive skin

It promotes:

  • reduction of pores and their cleansing
  • healing of pimples, wounds
  • cleansing the skin of herpes, drying it
  • return of healthy color

Marigolds in pharmacy or homemade tinctures work well in treating bleeding gums, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. They relieve inflammation in the mouth and larynx, sore throats and colds.

  • Classic methods of calendula treatment have been listed above
  • However, it should be added that the influence of calendula essential oils relieves neuroses, prolonged stress, and calms the psyche

Women have long appreciated the unique therapeutic effects of marigolds on themselves:

  • During menopause, calendula normalizes blood pressure and mood
  • diseases of the female reproductive system can be easily cured with this flower. Processes of erosion in the uterus and menstrual irregularities, thrush and inflammation recede under the influence of tuning or calendula oil

Uses of calendula oil

Calendula oil is completely non-toxic and mildly allergic. Therefore, it can be used even undiluted for both external and internal use.

Marigold oil does an excellent job of reducing:

  • capillary network on the face and body
  • manifestations of varicose veins
  • bruises and wounds on the skin
  • rashes, boils and carbuncles
  • urge to scratch insect bites, which is especially important for children

Calendula oil can act as a barrier to the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the deeper layers of the skin.

  • It softens rough areas of the body - heels, elbows, hands, treats corns, warts
  • Having a strong sedative quality, marigold essential oil calms the overexcited nervous system, relieves fatigue from a dynamic day full of stress.

Using calendula ointment

  • All the strong properties of calendula flowers are preserved in ointments with its composition
  • So, by applying them to problematic facial skin that is prone to acne, you heal the first one. As an antibacterial agent, calendula ointment dries wounds, fights bacteria and reduces pores
  • The amazing nutritional and moisturizing qualities of calendula cream will be appreciated by those with dry, sensitive, or oily skin. It's even suitable for babies
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women are saved from cracked nipples with ointment, oil or cream with marigolds
  • In the cold season, cream with marigold flowers will save your skin from dehydration, drying out, and cracking. In summer - protects against ultraviolet radiation, relieves itching from mosquito bites
  • Perform regular foot massages with calendula cream if they suffer from varicose veins or capillary mesh. If you have thin, sensitive skin that is prone to bruising, then calendula ointment will be a real lifesaver against them.
  • Scars, abrasions, cuts, eczema, allergic rashes heal faster and easier if you lubricate them with copper from calendula flowers

Using calendula suppositories

Calendula in suppositories copes well with the treatment of:

  • hemorrhoids of all stages. Due to the absence of toxins and low level of allergenicity, they can be used by pregnant women and during lactation
  • diseases of the female reproductive system

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity are faced with thrush. Calendula comes to their aid in the form of suppositories or decoctions for douching.

  • Cervical erosion is also a common disease in a woman’s life. Its manifestations are effectively reduced and cured with marigold suppositories
  • Menstrual irregularities and the period of decline of a woman’s reproductive functions are also alleviated by calendula

Use of calendula decoction

  • A decoction is a long-term simmering of a medicinal herb in a water bath, either boiling it directly in water, or infusing it in cold water, followed by short-term heating in a water bath. After it is allowed to cool and brew, it is taken orally according to the prescription, lotions and compresses are prepared for external treatment
  • Calendula decoction, like its tincture, is good as a choleretic agent. It helps relieve the suffering of cancer patients

Long-term regular use of the decoction:

  • restores normal functioning of the liver and bladder
  • promotes stone removal

There is an opinion that drinking marigold tea in the last stages of pregnancy can prevent premature birth.

However, it is better to consult your gynecologist before experimenting with medicinal herbs while pregnant.

How to gargle with calendula?

  • A cold or infectious disease comes at the most inopportune moment and is the first to affect the throat, ligaments, and tonsils.
  • Prepare yourself a calendula infusion or buy one ready-made at the pharmacy to start treating your throat by gargling.

To make a healing infusion at home, you need:

  • pour a tablespoon of dried marigold flowers into a glass of boiling water in a glass container
  • Close the lid tightly and leave for half an hour to infuse.
  • gargle up to 5 times a day with the resulting liquid
  • continue treatment for a week
  • If you choose an easier option - buy an infusion of marigolds at the pharmacy, then mix a tablespoon of it with a glass of warm water and immediately gargle your sore throat.
  • Continue to perform all manipulations until you feel comfortable and there is no pain in your throat

Note that along with rinsing the larynx, you are also preventing the entire oral cavity from gum disease.

Uses of calendula and chamomile

Calendula and chamomile flowers will help cope with serious disorders of the digestive system.

So, for gastritis and/or peptic ulcers, prepare yourself a medicinal drink:

  • Pour 3 measuring units of marigold and 2 measuring units of chamomile into a glass of boiling water.
  • leave to infuse for 6 hours
  • strain and add 4 measured units of fresh, preferably linden, honey
  • take half a glass 1 hour before meals before each meal

Thanks to the softening, enveloping and laxative effects of honey, the above diseases will not be felt so acutely.

  • Calendula with chamomile and hop cones are a powerful remedy for improving the structure and quality of hair.
  • Therefore, for those for whom this is an important and “delicate” moment, regular rinsing of the hair with the indicated herbs, taken in equal parts, is suitable
  • For a pleasant aroma of the infusion and your hair after the procedure, add a few peppermint leaves

The use of St. John's wort and calendula

St. John's wort enhances the qualities of calendula and its beneficial effects on the human nervous and mental systems.

Together these herbs:

  • relieve anxiety
  • improve sleep
  • relax and calm the excited central nervous system

Calendula shows its healing abilities more clearly if St. John's wort is added to it. Both of them are good for:

  • diseases of the digestive system, duodenum, liver
  • damage to the skin in the form of bruises, wounds, cuts, as well as boils and abscesses
  • the need to treat oral inflammation
  • throat diseases, colds, it is good to gargle with them

It is enough to brew St. John's wort and marigold flowers, taken in equal parts, with boiling water and let the potion cool. Then take it in the dosages determined by traditional medicine or an experienced naturopathic doctor.

Using calendula with sage

Sage has a strong healing effect on the human body. It enhances the qualities of calendula and together they are good for treating various ailments:

  • ulcers, gastritis
  • low stomach acid
  • duodenum and liver
  • inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and bladder
  • colds and inflammations of the upper respiratory tract
  • suppuration of the skin, cuts and wounds
  • gum inflammation, periodontal disease
  • cervical erosion and menopause

Even to relieve nervous tension, you can drink tea with the addition of tincture of calendula and sage.

In the vastness of the Runet you will find recipes for traditional medicine using these herbs along with others, for example, yarrow, hawthorn, mint, hop cones. Choose the best one - and restore your health correctly!

Calendula in gynecology

Orange calendula flowers have taken their rightful place in the treatment of female diseases. Gynecologists appreciated the unique properties and effects of marigolds on the female body.

So, for thrush and vulvitis, douching with calendula infusion can be prescribed.

For this:

  • prepare your own infusion from a spoon of dry material and a glass of boiling water
  • Take a teaspoon from a purchased pharmacy alcohol tincture and add it to a partial glass of hot boiled water.
  • However, remember that frequent douching is harmful - along with pathogenic bacteria, the beneficial flora of the vagina is washed out.
  • Therefore, use this method rarely, in cases of severe burning and discomfort. But the disease itself will not go away after douching; you need to add other methods of exposure and treatment
  • Calendula in candles is also popular in gynecology. Read more about this in the sections of the article above.
  • Marigold oil is effective for eliminating cervical erosion, as well as aromatherapy during menopause

Calendula baths for hemorrhoids

  • Calendula is an excellent antispasmodic, antibacterial and inflammation reliever. It also promotes the regeneration of skin and cells in the affected area
  • Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant and quite common disease. But you need to say goodbye to her gently and correctly, without sudden movements. Calendula is a good helper in this matter. Prepare a decoction and/or infusion of its flowers for yourself.
  • The decoction has a higher concentration of beneficial substances of the medicinal plant. That’s why baths made from it are more effective.
  • Pour 1-2 scoops of dried marigold flowers with cold water and leave to infuse overnight
  • In the morning, bring to a boil and remove from heat until cool.
  • Pour the warm broth into a small basin and sit in it for a quarter of an hour or as long as you feel comfortable
  • Repeat the procedures twice a day until pain and inflammation of the hemorrhoids disappear
  • Candles with calendula will help enhance the effect of baths with calendula. Buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy or make it yourself by freezing the decoction in its pure form, with butter or petroleum jelly.

Calendula for vision

  • Keratin-rich calendula delights our eyes with its orange color and valuable composition.
  • Nowadays, an increasing number of people suffer from visual ailments, and this has nothing to do with their age
  • Folk and traditional medicine offer many ways to strengthen and restore the eyes
  • Thus, an alcohol tincture of calamus and calendula flowers, according to representatives of unconventional methods of treatment, can restore your vision lost due to injuries and illnesses
  • Pour 2 measuring units of herbs into a glass container and pour half a liter of vodka
  • Leave the container with herbs in a dark place for 14 days
  • Take a teaspoon daily three times a day half an hour before meals
  • Duration of treatment is a year. You should take breaks for a month after finishing one bottle of infusion

Calendula contraindications

  • Calendula has so many beneficial properties, it helps against so many diseases and injuries. But there are also restrictions on its use.
  • The opinions of the authors of articles on the RuNet are divided regarding the use of calendula during pregnancy. Some strictly warn against completely abandoning it, others claim that marigolds save you from premature birth.
  • Most likely, you need to look at the general health of the pregnant woman - whether she has diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, what her blood pressure is, and so on. The best solution is a consultation with a gynecologist and a homeopathic doctor.

You should limit your intake or completely abandon calendula if:

  • exacerbations of diseases of the digestive system, liver, heart
  • the presence of serious disorders and surges in blood pressure, for example, hypotension
  • movement of stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders
  • allergies to chamomile, chrysanthemum, be sure to test for a reaction to marigolds
  • bronchial asthma
  • children under 12 years of age
  • taking sedative medications

Calendula reviews

Tamara Semyonovna, pensioner

I have loved the gifts of nature since my youth and know how to choose the right herbs to treat many diseases. I have been treating my entire life and my neighbors’ families with calendula for colds, gum inflammation, low stomach acidity, to cleanse the bile ducts, urinary and sweat systems. My granddaughters appreciate marigold flowers for strengthening their hair.

Valeria, student

My mother instilled in me respect for medicinal plants from childhood. I became especially attached to calendula flowers during exams. Tea with her calms me down, I sleep well and get enough sleep on the eve of exams. All my girlfriends also became friends with this amazing herb.

So, we looked at the features of using calendula both as a single product and as part of medicinal herbal teas to treat various ailments and improve the condition of skin and hair. We also considered contraindications and the opinions of the authors of articles presented on the Runet.

Be conscious when choosing methods and products to support and restore your health!

Video: calendula - medicinal properties and contraindications

Calendula officinalis is simply irreplaceable in a home medicine cabinet.

The plant has extraordinary healing properties. How to prepare and use it?
Sunny flower calendula officinalis

Calendula officinalis is an orange or yellow flower with many petals shaped like a long fingernail. People call it that - marigold. The flower belongs to the Asteraceae family. The plant is an annual plant, can reach 70 cm in height. The stem is covered with hairs, the leaves are dense, oval, elongated. The inflorescences are large. The brighter the flower, the more nutrients it contains.

In Russia it is grown as an ornamental plant. It blooms almost all summer and autumn, until frost, greatly decorating vegetable gardens, cottages and flower beds. Very common in private households.

In addition to beautiful sunny inflorescences, calendula has medicinal properties of a huge spectrum of action. If you prefer to be treated with herbs, then this flower is indispensable in your home medicine cabinet. But you need to know when and how to dry flowers, how to make and use preparations.

What diseases does calendula help with?

  • Skin problems: abrasions, pimples, blackheads, burns, wrinkles, cracks, wounds, fungal diseases, age spots, warts, freckles, boils, etc.;
  • Gastritis, gallbladder disease; stomach ulcer;
  • Gynecology: erosion, thrush, menopause, inflammation;
  • Helps normalize metabolism when combined with other herbs; used in preparations for weight loss and body cleansing;
  • Has a calming effect on stress, neuroses, and insomnia;
  • Colds, sore throat, cough;
  • Good for lowering blood pressure;
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • Delays the growth of tumors in oncology;
  • Headaches, toothaches;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

And this is not a complete list of ailments for which this magical flower can be used.

A natural question arises: where does the plant get such healing properties? To do this, you need to get acquainted with the chemical composition of the flower.

Chemical composition of calendula

The chemical composition of the calendula flower includes the following substances:

  • Calendula is a substance that distinguishes calendula from other plants and has broad healing properties;
  • Carotene. It is this that gives the plant such a bright color;
  • Resins;
  • Acids, including salicylic and malic;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Tannins;
  • Vitamins B and C;
  • A whole set of microelements;
  • Phytoncides; flavonoids;
  • Essential oils, thanks to which the flower has such a specific aroma.

Nutrients are found in the flowers of the plant; the roots are used very rarely.

Pharmacies sell some products based on calendula: dry collection, creams, ointments, tinctures, but you can also prepare them yourself.

Medicinal properties of calendula preparations:

  1. Diuretic;
  2. Cleansing;
  3. Astringent;
  4. Anti-inflammatory;
  5. Antiseptic;
  6. Expectorant;
  7. Painkiller;
  8. Calming;
  9. General strengthening;
  10. Restorative;
  11. Wound healing;
  12. Sweatshop.

How to collect and store medicinal raw materials?

Fully opened flowers should be collected from mid-July to September, in dry weather. The flowers are dried in the shade for a week. Can be dried in the oven at a temperature of 45-50 degrees or 4 hours in the dryer. During drying, flowers must be turned over from time to time.

Dried inflorescences should crumble when squeezed. Flowers should be stored in dark glass containers or bags made of natural fabrics for no more than 2 years.

Drugs and treatment

Infusion of marigolds can be used for rinsing the mouth and throat, douching, wiping affected areas on the skin, and for oral administration.

It’s easy to prepare the infusion: add 1 cup of boiling water to 1 tablespoon of raw materials, then leave until it cools completely. It is better to do this in a thermos. Filter the infusion and use it for:

  • Rinse for gum inflammation, sore throat, stomatitis;
  • As a lotion for conjunctivitis;
  • Add to baths for dermatitis;
  • For inhalation;
  • Drink as an expectorant;
  • Gauze is moistened with infusion and applied to the affected areas for dermatomycosis;

To treat barley, 10-15 dried flowers are poured with cold water and infused in a warm place for about an hour. Used in the form of lotions and compresses.

The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of herb per liter of water. Keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave and filter. The decoction is also used:

  1. For mouth and throat rinses: periodontal disease, toothache, stomatitis, sore throat, prevention and treatment of colds;
  2. Can be taken to improve the flow of bile and relieve spasms.
  3. Ulcers and skin inflammations are treated with lotions. For abscesses, trophic ulcers
  4. It is recommended to make gauze dressings soaked in calendula decoction. They need to be changed after 2 hours.
  5. Enemas: constipation, proctitis, hemorrhoids, rectal diseases;
  6. Take orally for tumor diseases along with treatment recommended by the oncologist; in this case, a glass of infusion is divided into 4 parts and drunk during the day;
  7. Neuroses.
  8. It is good to drink a decoction after colds and viral diseases to cleanse the blood and restore the body;
  9. The decoction is used to make baths for thrush. The duration of the bath is 30 minutes.
  10. To relieve dizziness, drink the decoction 3 times a day, 1-3 tablespoons.
  11. For stomach ulcers, drink the medicine 3 times a day, half a glass.

Tincture: 70 grams of calendula officinalis per 100 ml of vodka. Infuse for 7 days in a dark place, then strain. The tincture must be kept tightly closed.

Calendula tincture is used to treat skin diseases.

For various wounds or burns, the healing properties of the plant help to heal the wound faster, soften the skin, and protect against infection due to its antiseptic properties.

The tincture helps in the treatment of diseases such as:

Arrhythmia, shortness of breath, insomnia, rickets in children - the tincture is taken orally in the form of drops. The dosage should be individual, 20-30 drops three times a day for a month. For children, the tincture is diluted with water 1:2.

In gynecology, the tincture is used for baths and douching. The medicinal composition helps well along with traditional treatment for cervical erosion, cystitis, etc.

The tincture has a choleretic effect, reduces blood pressure, and helps with spleen diseases.
You can drink the tincture for gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, etc.

Marigold tea helps relieve:

  1. Fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, swelling.
  2. For insomnia, drinking tea in the evening normalizes sleep.
  3. It is also recommended to drink tea for stones in the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder.

Method for brewing tea: put 10 marigold flowers, a few raspberry leaves and a couple of mint sprigs in a teapot. Pour boiling water over, leave for 5-7 minutes and pour into cups. The drink is a little unusual, but tasty.

Calendula ointment. You can also make it in your kitchen. To do this you need:

  • 100 grams of marigolds and 200 grams of unsalted rendered lard:
  • Or 60 ml of marigold oil and 4 grams of beeswax.
  • Or 50 grams of Vaseline and 10 grams of flower powder.

Mix all the ingredients, hold for half an hour in a water bath, stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula, cool and put in a jar. This ointment heals burns, bruises, bruises, and cracks well. Treats diaper rash, helps with diaper dermatitis in young children. Used for allergic skin manifestations, eczema.

Flowers and seeds of the plant are used to prepare the oil. It is used to heal burns, cracked lips, frostbite, and in cosmetology. Calendula oil is good for massage.

A half-liter bottle is filled with flowers and seeds, then filled with olive or refined sunflower oil. Place the bottle in a cold place for 10-12 days, then filter. The finished oil is stored in the refrigerator.

Another option for preparing oil: fill a jar well with flowers and place it in the sun. After a few days, an oily liquid will appear at the bottom.

The use of calendula in cosmetology

The juice of the plant is used to whiten age spots and freckles. To do this, fresh flowers are passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out. Juice cannot be stored for a long time; it spoils quickly. It is better to prepare a new portion every day:

  • Spots and freckles are smeared with juice twice a day;
  • An infusion or decoction of calendula is good at restoring aging facial skin and smoothing out wrinkles;
  • Rinsing with calendula infusion or decoction improves the appearance of hair;
  • A mixture of alcohol tincture with castor oil will slow down the process of hair loss;
  • For teenage acne, the tincture is diluted 1:1 with water and used as a lotion.
  • The tincture relieves inflammation in oily facial skin, tightens pores; dry skin is wiped with infusion.
  • Calendula can be added to masks and shampoos.

What can you buy at the pharmacy?

In pharmacies you can buy dried calendula flowers in hundred-gram packs, ointment in jars or tubes, alcohol tincture and tablets. A special cream is produced for facial care.


Calendula should not be used if:

  • There is intolerance to plant components;
  • During pregnancy, use only externally.
  • Cannot be used internally by children under 12 years of age.
  • People with low blood pressure;
  • In case of exacerbation of stomach or intestinal diseases.

All medications should be used together with traditional treatment recommended by the attending physician. If you have a serious illness, you cannot cure it with marigolds alone. Be sure to consult with a specialist about how to use the infusion, decoction or tincture.

An overdose of the drug causes a bitter taste in the mouth. In this case, the drug must be discontinued for a while.

Calendula officinalis is indispensable in the home medicine cabinet. Try to dry flowers and make preparations from marigolds in the summer so as not to suffer from diseases during the cold season.

Do your teeth hurt? Rinse them with calendula preparation.

This material will talk about calendula, its beneficial properties and use in various fields. Marigolds, in addition to being very beautiful as decorative flowers, can be beneficial for our health. This has long been a known fact, as a result of which calendula is used both in folk remedies and in traditional medicine. Any raw material for medicines has its own indications for use, as well as contraindications. Calendula is no different here. We will try to understand the properties and secrets of use in this article.

There is a legend as old as the world. It says that the Sun has many gold coins that help it shine. One day the sun got tired of shining and sat down to rest on a hill. While he was resting, a coin rolled away. Having traveled a long way, she fell straight to the ground.

A new flower grew at the place where it fell - calendula, very similar to the Sun, with the same golden color of the petals. Calendula is also called marigold. This plant loves light very much and pleases with its flowering for a long time, which pleases the eyes of every passerby.

Marigold flowers have many vitamins and nutrients, which gives them the right to be used in a wide variety of areas. This plant is characterized by many medicinal qualities. Among them the most pronounced:

  • Bactericidal property against some pathogens
  • Calming property that acts on the nervous system
  • Healing and restorative properties for skin and hair
  • Immunomodulatory property that helps in regulating the immune system
  • Wound healing properties for various wounds, burns and scratches
  • Anti-inflammatory property

In addition to medicine, calendula is also used in cooking. It is used as a seasoning, coloring and flavoring. Among other things, now in the field of cosmetology one cannot do without this medicinal flower. It is used for:

  • rejuvenation
  • acne treatment
  • face and hand skin care
  • hair rinsing

Despite the fact that a lot has been said about the benefits of marigolds, one cannot fail to mention contraindications for the use of medicines from calendula.

  1. Pregnant women. You should not use this medicine internally (meaning decoctions, tinctures), as a miscarriage may occur.
  2. Allergy sufferers. Flower pollen may cause allergies.
  3. Hypotonics(people with low blood pressure and decreased heart rate). Marigolds tend to lower blood pressure, so eating calendula will likely make the situation worse.
  4. People with dry skin. Calendula perfectly tightens pores, so it is not recommended to apply it externally to dry, delicate skin.
  5. It would be advisable to say that marigolds are incompatible with hormonal drugs

To summarize, we see that the benefits of using calendula are much greater than the contraindications. In each individual case, it is appropriate to use it in different forms: decoctions, lotions, tinctures, teas (infusions), ointments. Let's say a tincture is used to fight acne.

Calendula for acne

According to reviews on the Internet, using calendula to clear acne from the face is very effective. In order not to cause unnecessary harm to your health, you should use alcohol tincture carefully.

  • Dilute calendula tincture in water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and apply this solution to the areas where acne occurs. There is no need to lubricate your entire face, because this liquid can cause dry skin.
  • After acne heals, scars remain. In order for them to resolve, you can prepare the following lotion at home. Take 40 ml of calendula alcohol tincture and dilute with 100 ml of water, add 3-4 drops of chamomile and tea tree essential oils. This product can be used 2 times a day.

  • It happens that it is not simple pimples that are sprinkled, but ulcerative pimples. In order to get rid of them as quickly as possible, you can use this interesting recipe. For it you need to add 1 tsp to half a glass of water. marigold tinctures.
  • You need to wet a light natural fabric with this liquid and place it on the area with ulcers for 20 minutes. Such manipulations should be repeated about two or three times a day.

Due to the fact that calendula alcohol tincture can be used in many ways, let’s take a closer look at this drug.

Alcohol calendula

The flowers of this plant contain substances that are biologically active in nature. In fact, it is thanks to them that marigolds can guarantee an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on our body.

  • The tincture consists of calendula flowers and 70% alcohol.
  • The antiseptic effect of alcoholic calendula for cuts, wounds, skin burns, inflammation of the tonsils consists in disinfecting the damaged area. It is also often used as a choleretic drug.

  • The drug must be stored in a cool, dark place.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such a tincture at the pharmacy, then it is quite possible to prepare it at home. To do this, put 4 tbsp in any glass container. freshly cut or dried marigold inflorescences and the same amount of alcohol or alcohol-containing solution. Place the tincture in a cool, dark place for 7 days. After that you can use it.

In the pharmacy, in addition to the usual tincture, calendula can also be found in a completely different form.

Candles with calendula

Due to its bactericidal effect, calendula is also available in the form of candles. Candles with this plant are suitable for treating:

  • For hemorrhoids. During inflammatory processes in hemorrhoids, it is suppositories with marigolds that reduce the growth and reproduction of bacteria. When the disease is painful, such suppositories are best suited because they have an analgesic effect.
  • This medicine is used as a single therapy or in combination with other drugs. Candles containing this healing flower are used as prescribed by a doctor, also according to the instructions. Treatment is completed when the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

  • For gynecological diseases. These include colpitis, endocervicitis, endometritis, salpingoophoritis.
  • It is used as an additional treatment for erosive lesions of the uterine cervix. Use the drug according to the recommendations of the attending physician.
  • Suppositories with marigolds can also be used in combination with other medications. The course of treatment is determined individually.

Calendula decoctions are also a good way to improve health.

Calendula decoction

Let's look at what else marigold decoctions can be useful for:

  • For the treatment of stomatitis or inflamed gums, apply the following decoction. For 2-3 tsp. flowers of this medicinal plant, take 1 liter of water and boil over low heat. After this, the broth should be left under the lid for 2 hours or more. It is necessary to rinse your mouth at night and after every meal.
  • For the treatment of conjunctivitis, eye fatigue or barley, you can use the same decoction. For this purpose, dip a cotton pad into the broth and apply lotions to the eyes for 10 minutes. in a day.

  • For the treatment of headaches and migraines This healing decoction is used. It is necessary to boil 2 tsp. calendula with 2 glasses of water. Then, you need to infuse it, and only then drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  • For the treatment of inflammation in the bladder use a decoction of calendula and nettle. To get a useful infusion, you should mix these herbs in equal proportions. Boil 1 glass of water with 1 tbsp. such a collection, leave for 20-30 minutes. You need to drink half a glass of this decoction 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

The widespread use of calendula in the field of gynecology deserves special mention.

Calendula in gynecology

Since ancient times, this flower has found its vocation in the treatment of female diseases. Now marigolds are not losing their popularity. We see how rapidly the medical field is developing, and yet, it is this plant that rightfully occupies its high position in the field of women's health.

  • These wonderful flowers should only be used as recommended by a doctor. After all, consuming calendula has its side effects for pregnant women, as well as women who have recently had childbirth or an abortion.
  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, marigolds can not only get rid of pathogens, but also relieve itching, burning, and discomfort. To do this, doctors prescribe douching with a decoction of calendula.
  • To obtain this decoction, pour 3 tbsp. marigold flowers with 4 cups of water and cook for 10 minutes. Then leave for at least 1 hour, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. This ready-made liquid is used for douching. However, you should not get too carried away with this treatment, because calendula also removes bacteria that are beneficial for a woman’s microflora.
  • To reduce uterine erosion, gynecologists can also prescribe douching from marigold flowers. But here a slightly different decoction is used. To get an infusion, boil 3 tbsp in 1 liter of water. dried or freshly cut calendula flowers. Then strain the resulting liquid and carry out the procedure morning and evening for several weeks.

  • Another infusion is used for the same purpose. Add 1 tsp to 1 glass of very warm water. a mixture of calendula tincture and 10% propolis extract. It is enough to use the resulting medicinal liquid for 7 days.
  • During menopause, women feel a deterioration in their health, experience problems with sleep and insomnia, and are often irritated and overstressed. To alleviate the condition of the fair sex, you can use a special infusion. 2 tsp pour 400 ml of boiling water over the flowers and let it brew for about 2 hours. Then strain. This amount is enough for the whole day, since this calendula infusion should be used 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

To relieve many symptoms of menopause, you can also use a pharmaceutical alcohol tincture. In this case, you need to dilute 1 tsp. tincture with 1 glass of water and drink half a glass of this liquid twice a day.

Choose one of the methods that you prefer. You should not get carried away and drink 2 infusions at once, because they can cause an overdose. Marigolds have many uses for medical ailments.

Gargling with calendula

As soon as we feel unwell in the form of a sore throat, sore throat or cold, we most often think about how we can gargle. Don't immediately run to the pharmacy. In this case, we can take advantage of what nature itself gives us. Available calendula tinctures are an excellent option for gargling.

  • For the treatment of sore throat You can use marigold tincture purchased at the pharmacy. To obtain a medicinal rinse, add 1 tablespoon of boiling water to a glass. tinctures. Let it sit for a while, covered, and you can consume it. It is enough to gargle with this solution a couple of times a day and recovery will be much faster.
  • To save yourself from a sore throat, you can try making your own infusion from the dried flowers of this plant. To do this, you need to fill a glass with boiling water and place 1 tsp there. calendula inflorescences. You need to tightly close the container with the liquid so that it infuses better. After about half an hour, you can start rinsing. You can cure a sore throat in this way in about a week.

  • For a cold It is recommended to use calendula teas. In order to cure mild ARVI, you can drink infused tea made from calendula and eucalyptus leaves. It is recommended to drink the resulting drink at night with honey until complete recovery.
  • There is another popular infusion for rinsing the larynx. For it you need to mix in equal proportions the flowers of the following herbs: calendula, sage, chamomile, linden, as well as the wild rosemary herb itself. 1 tbsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water of this composition. In order not to get burned and to achieve the best effect, you need to infuse the liquid for at least 30 minutes. After this, you can gargle a couple of times a day.

Tinctures and decoctions from marigold inflorescences treat not only colds, but also diseases of more complex forms.

Other diseases for which calendula helps

As mentioned earlier, calendula has healing properties. This plant is used for the following serious diseases:

  • Skin diseases. Infusions and ointments of marigolds are used for eczema, warts, boils, various inflammations, skin suppurations, and even insect bites. Usually wipe the problem area of ​​the skin several times a day until complete recovery.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Special infusions are used for ailments in the form of atherosclerosis, tachycardia, hypertension and heart failure, arrhythmia, angina pectoris. Taken orally. There is a specific dosage for the treatment of each disease.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions and tinctures of marigolds are used internally for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, constipation, and liver diseases. The course of treatment is often long, more than 10 days. The dose of the beneficial agent is determined by the patient’s condition.

  • Diseases of the nervous system. For insomnia, tics, neuroses, and increased nervous excitability, it is recommended to drink an alcoholic tincture of calendula or a special soothing tea with calendula and other herbs. It is possible to use a soothing relaxing bath with calendula, mint and oregano.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. Marigold tincture is drunk for cystitis. For best results, drink the drink for at least 10 days.
  • Gynecological diseases. Calendula infusions are used for douching for itching, vaginitis, trichomoniasis, and uterine erosion. The course of treatment often lasts from 7 to 10 days.
  • Urological diseases. For various inflammatory processes in the male genitourinary system, it is worth taking diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs that contain calendula. It is also recommended to drink an infusion of marigolds and rose hips several times a day for a week.

Calendula for hair

Beautiful, shiny, thick hair is the dream of every girl. In order for them to be so, your hair needs good care. For hair, especially hair prone to oiliness, calendula is perfect. The credits of this wonderful plant include:

  • Hair cleansing
  • Normalization of hair follicles
  • Saturation of hair with natural shine
  • Elimination of dandruff, itchy scalp
  • Restoring brittle and damaged hair

Today, hair products with calendula occupy a special place in the cosmetology market. The most common are all kinds of shampoos, rinses and masks.

If you have flowers of this plant at home, you can prepare infusions for rinsing yourself. Judging by the reviews of girls who used this product, it is really effective.

  • Recommended for oily or oily hair.
  • For healthy and clean hair you need to pour 2 tbsp. calendula flowers 1 liter of boiled water and leave for about half an hour. Can be used warm several times a month. With regular use, your hair will have a healthy shine and will stay clean longer.
  • You can also prepare a rinse for faster hair growth. To do this, you need to take calendula flowers, chamomile and hop cones in equal proportions. Then 2 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over these dry herbs and leave for about half an hour. After this, you can rinse your washed hair every 10 days.
  • To strengthen hair, use a calendula mask. To prepare it, you need to fill a half-liter jar with the flowers of the plant and add any oil (olive or vegetable). It is worth shaking the jar once every 2 days and after 14 days the hair mask with calendula is ready for use. Before applying to hair, you can strain through a sieve or cheesecloth to remove any inflorescences. This mask is rubbed into the hair and left for 30 minutes, wrapping the hair in a towel.

As you can see, science has recognized the medicinal properties of calendula, and boldly finds its use in the treatment of various diseases. You can easily note not only the beauty of this flower, but also its high qualities of preserving beauty, youth and health.

Video: “Properties and uses of calendula”

Calendula officinalis is an annual plant from the Asteraceae family. This flower is popularly called marigold, guessing, heart, pharmacy marigold or crocos.

The plant has a number of medicinal properties. The value of calendula is due to the abundance of useful components in its composition. It is thanks to its healing power that the flower is widely used in pharmaceuticals, medicine and cosmetology. We will consider further what properties this miracle plant has and how to use it correctly for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

A huge number of beneficial properties of calendula officinalis are due to its rich chemical composition. Almost all parts of the plant are valuable: its inflorescences, leaves and roots. However, most often the inflorescences of the plant are used for treatment purposes. They contain the maximum amount of valuable nutrients:

  • Vitamins – C, A;
  • Microelements: manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum, aluminum, chromium, selenium, silicon, boron, iodine;
  • Macroelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • Organic acids - salicylic, pentadencinic and malic;
  • Essential oils;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Proteins;
  • Saponins;
  • Phintocides;
  • Paraffin carbohydrates, etc.

This is only a small part of the components that make up the medicinal plant. The leaves, roots and seeds of calendula also contain many elements beneficial to our body. For example, green leaves contain a lot of ascorbic and salicylic acid. In traditional medicine recipes you can find the use of this part of the plant for the preparation of medicinal decoctions and infusions.

Beneficial features

Calendula officinalis has many medicinal properties. This makes it possible to use this plant for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of our body.

The plant has bactericidal and antiviral effects. It is effectively used to treat diseases caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Traditional medicine uses the flowers of the plant in the fight against herpes and some colds.

Due to its properties, calendula has various healing effects:

  • antiviral,
  • antipyretic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antispasmodic,
  • healing.

Calendula flowers are used as an expectorant and antipyretic during colds, flu and sore throats. Decoctions and medicinal teas prepared from the plant can relieve sore throat, nasal congestion and fever.

The anti-inflammatory properties of calendula make it possible to use the plant for some diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as in dental practice to eliminate symptoms of pyorrhea, gingivitis and dystrophic forms of periodontal disease.

The healing properties of calendula are also involved in gynecology. Infusions from the flowers of the plant can be used to treat female problems such as thrush, erosion, cystitis, as well as the appearance of various inflammatory and excretory elements.

Calendula officinalis increases the body's protective functions.

Calendula is endowed with antispasmodic and choleretic properties. This makes it possible to use it for the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis, as well as for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The medicinal plant is used to eliminate various damage to the skin. It has an antiseptic, wound-healing and restorative effect. Calendula is recommended for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, seborrhea, as well as household injuries - burns, scratches and cuts.

Calendula is used to treat internal organs. The plant is also used to reduce high blood pressure and stabilize hypertension. It improves the functioning of the heart muscle and has a positive effect on blood vessels.

The healing properties of marigolds do not end there. The plant is an effective means of treating and preventing a number of diseases.

Indications for use of calendula:

  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, acne, pimples);
  • Colds, flu, sore throat;
  • Headache;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Some diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis);
  • Diathesis;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Insomnia;
  • Dystrophy, etc.

Traditional medicine recipes with calendula

Calendula officinalis has found wide use in alternative medicine. The plant is used to treat many pathologies. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes - flowers, leaves, roots. Traditional medicine abounds in various ways of preparing calendula. Decoctions, tinctures, medicinal oils, teas and infusions are prepared from it.

Calendula can be used as a medicine in various forms: as a tincture, decoction, oil and even ointment. With the right recipe and method of preparation, it will not lose its medicinal properties and will help against a variety of diseases.

Alcohol tincture

For an alcohol tincture of calendula you will need 30-40 g of dried or fresh flowers of the plant. Pour them into a glass container and fill them with 110 ml of medical alcohol. Let the solution sit for 8-10 hours in a dark place. After the time has elapsed, the tincture will be ready. Indications for use: cuts, burns, purulent inflammations, wounds and other damage to the skin. If there are wounds, it is recommended to dissolve 1 tsp. tinctures in 100 ml of water. Rinse the wound with the resulting solution and apply streptocide.

Water infusion from inflorescences

Take a tablespoon of dried marigolds and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it. Next, let it brew for an hour and a half. After time, the infusion must be filtered. Indications for use: flu, sore throat, gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa. The infusion can be used to gargle. This remedy has an expectorant effect, promoting the removal of sputum.

Calendula flower oil

To prepare the oil, you will need the inflorescences of the plant and unrefined, cold-pressed oil. The best option is olive oil. At 2 tbsp. l. dried marigolds you need to take one glass of oil. The components are mixed in a glass container and left for 7-8 weeks. The jar needs to be shaken off periodically. When the oil is ready, it must be filtered and poured into an airtight container. The oil can be taken internally and externally. For external use

Healing ointment

Take one glass of dried inflorescences of the plant and grind them to a powder. Then, in a regular enamel pan, heat 200-250 grams of pork fat. When the lard is melted, add chopped calendula to it and mix well. Let the prepared mixture brew for a day. After this, add 20 grams of beeswax to the bulk and heat it up. Strain the finished mixture and store it in the refrigerator.

You can try a different ointment recipe. For this, 1 tsp. Grind the marigolds to a powdery consistency. Then add 1 tbsp to it. l. pharmaceutical Vaseline. Mix and store the finished ointment in the refrigerator. Indications for use: non-healing wounds, cracks, burns, allergic reactions, itching, excessive dry skin, etc.

The use of calendula for various diseases

You can use products with calendula for various diseases. In order for the medicine to have the desired effect, it is necessary to observe all the nuances of its preparation, because a variety of dosages and components are suitable for each disease.

For insomnia you need 2 tbsp. l. Infuse marigolds in 100 ml of alcohol. The product must infuse for 14 days. The prepared tincture is taken 20 drops twice a day. This method can also be used as an additional sedative or added to tea.

For sore throat, sore throat and flu You will need one tablespoon of dried marigolds. Pour the inflorescences into a cup and pour boiling water over them. We insist for 40 minutes. Gargle with the prepared infusion once every two hours. In addition, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp orally. l. solution diluted with water 3-4 times a day.

For dizziness This infusion will help: 10 g of calendula flowers are steamed in a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let sit for an hour. The finished infusion is taken 20-30 ml three times a day, half an hour after meals.

For arrhythmia you need 2 tsp. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water over the plants. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for 1.5 hours. After this, filter and take 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

For uterine fibroids it is necessary to use an alcohol infusion, the recipe for which is indicated above. The tincture is diluted with water in the proportion of 13 drops per 400 ml of water. The components are mixed, and the finished solution is consumed daily, 25 drops. It is necessary to take the remedy before main meals.

In cosmetology, medicinal calendula is used quite often. The beneficial properties of marigolds have long been used in the cosmetics industry. The plant extract can be found in the composition of many modern cosmeceuticals. The plant is used in some lotions, creams, tonics, serums, shampoos, gels, etc. Some skin care products can be prepared at home.

Rejuvenating mask: chop 1 tbsp. l. dry marigolds and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal to a powdery consistency. Add in a little lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. water and a few drops of avocado oil and wheat germ oil. Mix everything and apply to the face and décolleté for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, wash it off.

Anti-inflammatory facial lotion: 15-20 g of dried calendula inflorescences must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, then filter. Wipe your face with the prepared infusion morning and evening, using it as a lotion.

Healing ointment for acne and various rashes: grind 2 tsp into powder. calendula flowers. Mix them with 1 tbsp. l. baby cream To enhance the effect, you can add 1 tsp to the ointment. zinc The consistency should be uniform. Store the ointment in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Use the prepared product to lubricate those areas of the skin where there are pimples and pustular rashes.

Nourishing mask for dry skin types: 3 tbsp. l. pour dried marigolds with 100 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place. After 40 minutes, pour out the infusion, and add 2 tablespoons of honey to the remaining cake. Mix everything and apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Decoction for strengthening hair: you will need 50-60 g of fresh or dried plant flowers. They need to be poured with one liter of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes. It is recommended to rinse your hair with the cooled, filtered broth after washing. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Lightening agent for freckles and age spots: Take fresh calendula flowers and squeeze the juice out of them. 1 tbsp. l. Mix the finished juice in equal proportions with lemon juice. Apply the prepared product to problem areas twice a day until the pigmentation disappears.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, the plant has a number of contraindications. Main contraindications to the use of calendula:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Increased stomach acidity.
  • Decreased heart rate and low blood pressure.
  • Tendency to an allergic reaction to pollen.
  • Presence of kidney stones. Gallstone disease is a very important contraindication. Eating choleretic decoctions or teas can cause stones to shift, leading to blockage of the bile duct.

It is very important to follow the dosage. Exceeding the norm can cause various adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting. If taken externally, it can cause dry skin and the appearance of microcracks.

However, despite possible side effects, calendula remains an important and indispensable component in cosmetology and folk medicine. Calendula will help with illnesses, wounds, problems with internal organs and even eliminate external defects. The benefits of this plant for humans are incomparable!

Another name for this useful plant is medicinal marigold. In the wild, calendula grows in the Mediterranean; cultivated varieties are grown in the Volga region, Krasnodar region, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova. The flowers have medicinal properties, and preparations for external and internal use are prepared from them.

Composition, preparation of marigolds

The healing properties of calendula are due to the action of biologically active substances that are part of marigolds.

  • Brew 500 ml boiling water 1 tsp. mixture: 1 tsp. lavender, bird cherry flowers, wormwood, 2 tsp. oak bark, cucumber, birch leaves, calendula flowers, 3 tbsp. chamomile flowers, leave, strain.

Douche in the evening for two weeks.

The study confirms the effectiveness of calendula treatment for vaginal candidiasis.

Calendula tincture for hair and face

Pharmacy alcohol tincture of marigolds helps. It can be used undiluted, performing “spot” cauterizations. It will burn a little, alcohol dries out the skin.

For sensitive patients, dilute the tincture with water and wipe the face in the evening with a cotton swab moistened with the composition. If you are confident that yellowness can be hidden with makeup, the procedure can be performed in the morning.

In case of oily skin and in adolescence, to prevent the formation of acne on the face, prepare an infusion:

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. marigold flowers, let cool, strain.

Wipe your face with a cotton pad and apply compresses to skin irritations. The infusion can be frozen for wiping your face with ice.

It is useful to add a small amount of infusion (not tincture) to masks, lotions, and creams immediately before use.

Recipe for oily hair:

  • Mix 1 part and 10 parts of calendula alcohol tincture.

Recipe for dry hair:

  • Mix 1 part castor oil and 1 part calendula alcohol tincture.

Rub the mixture into the scalp and rinse after 15-20 minutes.


You should not be treated with calendula during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Medicinal marigolds can be harmful in case of low blood pressure, in case of bradycardia, decreased heart rate.

Modified: 02/26/2019