Biography of Tatyana Vedeneeva. How “Aunt Tanya” came to “Good night, kids!” SMS good night beloved Tanya beloved good night

Every country is proud of the people who glorify it: writers, artists, actors, politicians and musicians prove to the whole world that Russia is a great power. One of these women, of whom the Slavic people are proud, is Tatyana Vedeneeva. The artist's biography is full of thorns. Here is the “Iron Curtain” and devastation. However, this only strengthened the actress and made her even stronger.


The biography of Tatyana Vedeneeva began on July 10, 1953. The artist was born in Stalingrad, which was later renamed Volgograd. Even in childhood, her father and mother advised the girl to choose a profession, mastering which she could benefit society. They insisted that Tatyana become a doctor or a teacher. However, having a strong character, the girl decided completely differently.

And it all started from school, where in their free time from school the children spent time in extracurricular activities. One of these was where Tanya went with her girlfriend. It was small school performances that awakened the girl’s passion for this type of creativity, and the schoolgirl firmly decided to become an artist.

The beginning of a creative career

Tatyana Vedeneyeva’s acting biography began immediately after graduation, when the girl successfully entered GITIS the first time. Already in her first year she was invited to act in films. His debut was his role in the film Much Ado About Nothing. In 1974, literally a year later, the actress was invited to two large film projects at once: the full-length film “Hello, Doctor” and the serial film “Police Sergeant”. A year later, the artist starred in the popular film “Hello, I’m your aunt!”

Not having enough of just filming films, after graduating from college, the girl goes to work at the theater. Tatyana Vedeneyeva was sad at that stage: she had no roles. The reason for this was the lack of capital registration. The actress leaves the theater.

Fall and rise

It would seem that the dream of becoming a popular artist collapsed. But no. Fate decreed differently. By chance, she ended up in the selection of presenters on Central Television. And no one there cared about the issue of registration at all. Moreover, if successful, all issues of this nature were quickly resolved. The talented girl passed the selection and became a TV presenter. At the very beginning, its broadcasts were only at night and aimed at its Far Eastern neighbors. However, after a year, Tatyana was entrusted with daytime issues. Then came a sharp and rapid rise. The artist was hired as the host of the still popular children's program “Good Night, Kids!” And the biography of Tatyana Vedeneyeva was replenished with one more name - “Aunt Tanya”. That's what all the viewers of this show called her. Along the way, she acted in films and hosted the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”

Then Vedeneeva left the program and went into television journalism. But not for long. The instability and uncertainty of the prospects for the development of television in the 90s left Tatyana without work. She completely switched to her personal life and left for France.

And only at the beginning of 2000, the biography of Tatyana Vedeneyeva received a new twist. She became the host of the “Fashion Affairs” programs, as well as “Tatyana’s Day”. She was invited to the shows “Formula of Love” and “A Matter of Taste”. In 2009, the artist returned to the theater. Its stage was the stage of the “School of Modern Play”.

In 2012, the animated film “Brave” was released on Russian cinema screens, in which Tatyana Vedeneeva voiced one of the roles. Biography, children, personal life - all this is open to journalists and fans. It's no secret that the artist was married twice. She has three children: a son from her first marriage and two daughters from her second husband, who are more than family to the woman.

My darling, good night,
May you dream of magic and miracles,
I say goodbye to you until the morning, princess,
The kingdom of Morpheus has been waiting for you for a long time!
Good night, have a nice night,
I wish you a good night's sleep, my dear,
I love you and hug you tightly, tightly,
Look at me, please, in your dreams!

Sleep, kitten, sweet, sweet!
I want to come to your bed!
You're lying in that crib!
I want to come to you, baby!
Good night! Sweet dreams!
Gently kiss! I love!

Lullaby to my beloved
I'm composing now.
Good night my dear
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.
You fall asleep, my joy,
Need to rest a little.
You will gain strength at night,
So that you don't feel sad in the morning,
To sing songs in the morning,
She took on any task.
So that you get up cheerfully,
I wish only good things.

Composed for my beloved
Wishes for the night -
So that you sleep soundly,
Without grief and suffering.
So that all the fatigue disappears,
So that the troubles go away
And to dream about the sea.
And, of course, ships!
You swim in that sea
And also a magical gnome,
Let him tell you a bedtime story,
Close your eyes.

The evening has long come,
But you don't want to go to bed
After all, I haven’t wished for it yet
I'll tell you good night.
Honey, it's time to go to bed.
Go to bed, it's already late.
With best wishes,
I'm with you on a starry night.
Tomorrow will be the day again
Everything will be as you want
Now it's time to go to bed.
Go to sleep. Good night!

Good night, my joy.
Pleasant, peaceful dreams.
Dreams that only happen in childhood
Where is beauty, peace, love.
While you're sleeping, I'll miss you
Without your sweet, wonderful eyes.
I want to say good night
I will tell you many more times.

My beloved, good night!
Close your beautiful eyes,
Let yourself dream about everything you want.
Come on, my baby, go to sleep.
May your sleep be gentle and calm,
Let nothing disturb your peace.
I love you, my dear, I love you very much
You are my dearest little man.

Sleep soundly, my dear,
Quietly, like a child, sniffling!
I wish you good dreams
Sleep sweetly, my dear!
In your dreams we will be together
Walk under the clear moon
Somewhere romantic
Where will it be just you and me!

Good night, darling,
You are my dear, dear,
My beautiful, holy one,
Close your eyes, I beg you.
May you have pleasant dreams,
Grievances will dissolve in the night,
Hurry, baby, go to sleep,
Hug me in my dreams!

Good night my baby
You are like sweet candy!
You are my gentle breeze
You are my boat at sea.
Sleep sweetly, fall asleep,
Don't forget about me!
Remember the caress of my lips,
All this is just for two!
For you and for me,
Sleep, my beloved!
Sweet night, sweet dreams,
May there always be love!

Good night wishes in verses for your girlfriend

Dear, beloved, dear....
Fall asleep peacefully in a sweet dream
In my thoughts I hug you tenderly,
I'm endlessly in love with you.
Let nothing disturb your sleep,
Rest and gain strength.
Sweet dreams to you, my dear,
My flower, my tender petal!

Good night sweet dreams -
A long-worn phrase.
But let my love be with you
Doubles the “sweetness of dreams”!
May you dream of miracles
And the sky is soft blue,
And wonderful - wonderful forests,
And I’m right next to you!

Sweet night dear,
Close your eyes quickly
The stars whisper to you quietly,
That I love you very much.
May you dream of happiness
I will come to you in a dream,
I will protect you from bad weather,
I'll sing a lullaby.
I'll kiss your ear too,
I'll whisper about love
Go to sleep soon, baby
I love you very much!

My beloved, I wish you sweet dreams,
It’s night outside the window, the stars are shining,
I'll send you a kiss,
May you have good dreams!
You fall asleep my soul
I wish you sleep and gain strength,
I wish you pleasant and good dreams,
It's time for us to say goodbye until the morning.

I wish you some rest
From worries and bustle.
Let the incarnation dream
Your fairytale dream.
Relaxation and bliss
Let this night bring it.
Fairy of good dreams
Let him come to you soon.

Good night! I wish you sweet dreams,
And may the sorceress have a mysterious night
Anxious thoughts flickering in flocks
With a careless wave, everything will be driven away,
Will give joy and peace to the soul,
Fatigue will be relieved as if by hand.

Plunged into the arms of the night,
Trees, mountains and houses!
And now the goddess of dreams has returned,
To lull you to sleep again!
Let the best moments dream
What were in life and dreams,
And let them always shine in your soul,
Dreams that arose in dreams!

Smile, may the night give you
Magic dreams memories
And let it leave it on your soul,
Feelings of happy daydreaming.
May the night bring peace,
And wake up the morning with inspiration,
Flight gives the dawn of the soul,
Sun beam touch.

I'll be a little inaccurate, maybe.
Wishing you a good and sweet night,
Let the wish not be in vain,
And your dream will become the most beautiful!
So that in your dreams, as in a fairy tale, you dream
And the next morning everything seen would be fulfilled!

Good night my dear
The stars shine so tenderly in the sky!
I'll tell you, dear, not the same
You are like a flower - tender and graceful!
You light my path like the moon,
With its mysterious, magical light
You are my only one, my love!
And there is no one more precious in life!

Wishing good night and sweet dreams to your beloved

The stars are shining in the sky,
The dark night has come to us,
And there is no more wonderful time,
Yes, I just can’t sleep,
I remember everything about you,
Thoughts don't give me peace
I wish you good dreams
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Well, here comes my dear night,
Sleep well, sweet dreams,
I'm nearby, protecting you,
I'll be with you all night,
And even if you don’t see me,
But I'm close, I'm with you,
And only with your heart will you hear,
That I love that I am all yours!

Let the bed turn into a cradle,
And the stars from the sky will become a night light,
You will hear the trill of beautiful night birds,
And you will fall asleep in a magical, wonderful dream,
And I'll be waiting for you in the morning,
After all, our meetings are my everything,
My beloved - there is no other way to say it,
I was very lucky to meet you!

The night covers the house with large wings.
My darling falls asleep in the sweetest sleep.
I wish you serene dreams,
So that sleep can take your fatigue far away.
May you dream of summer gardens,
In those gardens you will be next to me.
I will truly protect your sleep,
So that you can greet the morning with a smile!

I would like to be your pillow
To purr tenderness in your ear!
I would like to become your blanket,
So that you hold me close to you!
And I would like to become your bed,
To hold you in my arms all night,
And gently kiss wherever you want!
My beloved, good night!

Now the day has been replaced by a veil of night,
The bed hugs you with pleasant warmth.
I wish you a sweet sleep,
May an angel fly over you all night,
Keeps you and your dreams secret.
And let the alarm clock sleep without noticing the clock.
There is no one like you in the entire universe,
Sweet dreams, beloved, dear!

Beloved, gentle - good night,
Beautiful, starry, wonderful.
And all the dreams you want
Let everything be charming.
Let him spin in a magical waltz
The world of dreams that beckons so much.
Your dream between earth and sky
May the angel protect you with care!

Good night, serene dreams
I wish you my dear, beloved from the heart.
The most beautiful, mysterious, tender -
Bright joy that knows no bounds!
Wonderful world of dreams and peace
The night will lift the curtain for you.
A magical golden fairy tale,
As for a non-fictional princess!

Let the stars from the sky, smiling,
They will sing to you quietly
A lullaby song, dear.
I only love you.
Let the teddy bear be fluffy,
It will warm your sleep with its warmth,
And the morning is clear and radiant,
Playfully, he will enter your house.

Have the sweetest and most peaceful night
The best, brightest, brightest dreams.
Remember that I love you very much.
You are my joy and love.
Without worrying about anything, you fall asleep.
Don't let bad things touch you
Relax, close your eyes
May Morpheus suddenly smile at you
May your world be enveloped in warmth
Will send confessions to my love in a dream
And he will arrange a rich feast
For a beautiful and pure creation.

You go to bed, you hug
Tightly before going to bed me.
I love it, you know everything
That's why I love you.

Good night, my sun,
Good night, sleep tight.
Let your heart beat quietly.
See you tomorrow, before dawn.

Darling, enter the arms of sleep,
Be gentle, calm and easy,
Cover yourself with a blanket in the night,
After all, you are so tired today.

Tomorrow in a great mood
Begin your ascent again
Strive for your desired goals,
Let life surprise and delight you!

Darling baby, go to sleep,
May you have a sweet dream,
May your night be quiet
Let the stars shine outside the window.

May your dreams be full of goodness,
I wish you a good night's sleep, my love,
Leave all your thoughts behind,
Dedicate yourself to Morpheus today!

Good night, darling,
Go to sleep quickly, it's already dark.
The last light has already melted,
Look out the window at night.

Only the stars shine a little,
And the world is already dozing outside the window.
And even the wind, the noisy wind,
He calmed down and slept in a magical sleep.

The noisy day has finally passed.
The stars are lit, there is a shadow on the earth of night.
I counted the month around the stars for a long time
And he dozed off, he was probably tired.
You, darling, quickly fall asleep,
During the day you wasted your strength.
You need a good, sound sleep,
He can drive away your fatigue.
The wind has fallen asleep, there is silence under the window,
Good night until the morning.

Blue stars in the night sky,
The month wishes to sleep sweetly.
The wind has already rocked the trees,
He falls asleep himself, probably tired.
Everything is surrounded by darkness,
We will sleep peacefully in silence.
The moon smiled at you slightly
He will give you a fairy tale in a dream.
Sleep, dear, because you have to get up tomorrow,
Start the day with new strength.

My beauty, you are sleeping -
It's long past midnight.
I love to watch you lie:
So tenderly, powerfully - a cat!
I will erase you at night,
So that early in the morning
To attract you more strongly
And whisper: “I love you!”
In the meantime I lie still,
So as not to wake you up,
You are my Love! And strongly
I want to be with you!

You fell asleep... Sweet dreams,
The scents of blooming gardens,
Be filled with energy, strength,
To strive for a happy life.

Let good dreams come true,
All your dreams come true
Let love warm you in the night
And my heart beats with joy!

I'm a blue-blue-blue blanket
I wrap up your figure in the evening,
And the stars of heaven are silvery frost
I'll sprinkle it on the bed and let the fog
From happy, carefree dreams
She will cover you, my love, until the morning.
And in your spring, fleeting dreams
Our love always reigns supreme.

You fall into the arms of sleep,
I want to tell you about my feelings,
About the fact that it’s easy and warm with you,
What a time with you, like magic!

When you are near, I am immensely happy,
I want everything to be extraordinary
Love and understanding, participation,
May goodness and happiness surround us!

I quietly went into our bedroom,
The baby saw you there
You've been waiting for me too long
And without waiting, you sleep quietly.

I agree, I was very late,
I agree, I'm very late
But my gentle kiss on the forehead,
Quiet, gentle was waiting for you.

And you curled up in a ball,
I hugged you tenderly
And leaning very close,
Sent an air kiss.

I'll tell you, don't laugh,
I take you seriously.
Don’t be afraid of my tenderness for yourself,
I'm also afraid of these caresses.

I'll tell you, and you listen,
Everything I say lives in me.
Our souls met in the world,
No more sadness in the darkness.

Increase by about an hour and a half. Before a night's rest, at least ten minutes of calm walk in the fresh air. " Calm nights"A warm, but not hot, general or foot bath helps. You can add a few... or night lights to the water. Many ladies mistakenly believe that in the evening it is necessary to take a sleeping pill and thereby ensure calm and deep sleep. In fact, it is much more useful to perform the simple procedures that I described. They...

To God: "Le Chaim (1), Ribono shel Olam (2)" - "The Source of Life and the Life of all living things! Good nights, Ribono went Olam!" After which, having rinsed the glass, he went to bed. When this became known everywhere in the city... , He rejoices in our joys? And if only the world received a respite from its sufferings for night, then God could also find peace at night, right? “That’s right,” the students confirmed. - Well, I wish the Creator calm nights, helping Him go to sleep. And He, in turn, gives rest to all the suffering of the world...


It's already evening outside, you'll soon go to bed,
May you have a beautiful dream...
Dreaming of meeting again, I will spread the bed
And I’ll look at the clouds in the blue sky...

Sunset is already close, the rays are getting weaker
In the distance of the floating red sun,
I'll pray quietly...

My dear, I love you very much,
Why aren't you sleeping, my beloved?
Let me kiss your cheek
Sleep this winter night.
May I come to you in fairy-tale dreams,
With tenderness and affection I will console you,
With a sweet smile on my lips I will say,
How I love and pamper you.