Why have people become so angry and cruel? Why are people so cruel? Why do kind people become cruel?

Feeling angry familiar to every person.

This condition can be explained not only from a psychological, but also from a medical point of view.

What is it: definition of the concept

Anger is a negative emotional reaction in which an extreme degree of dissatisfaction and irritation is felt.

Caused by specific circumstances, the actions of other people, and one’s own mistakes.

Often this feeling occurs for no apparent reason due to internal contradictions tearing apart the personality.

Anger is an exclusively negative, destructive phenomenon. It negatively affects not only the emotional state of the person experiencing it, but also his relationships with others.

The more people in society who demonstrate dissatisfaction and irritation, especially the negative attitude of all its members in general.

The same thing happens in a small group: one dissatisfied person can ruin the mood of everyone else.

Psychology of feeling

When a person becomes angry, special neurons located in the hypothalamus are activated. Anger fulfills the role of a defense mechanism. By the appearance of this feeling, we can judge the presence of a problem that is present at a given moment in time.

Often people engage in self-deception and ignore the negative reactions that arise in their minds.

As a result, the unpleasant feeling is suppressed, but does not disappear.

It stays deep inside and weakens the internal resources of the individual.

For this reason, it is so important to objectively assess such an emotional state, try to find a rational explanation for it, and take measures to resolve the situation.

Anger arises for several reasons:

There may be anger short-term or long-term. In the first case, the experience is reflected in the action performed, the phrase spoken, etc.

As soon as a person gives release to the thoughts that torment him, he immediately returns to a normal state.

Long-term anger accumulates over a long period of time. Such a prolonged emotion can negatively affect the personality, lifestyle and relationships with others.

This feeling not always destructive.

In certain situations, it can be a powerful incentive to make important changes in your life.

Anger at oneself is the most productive.

Not all people are able to recognize the fact that all events that happen to them are the result of their own thoughts and actions.

The ability to objectively assess your shortcomings helps you learn to control your life and. Exactly anger becomes a powerful engine, thanks to which a person completely changes the reality around him.

Medical factors

In a state of stress, irritation, anger, the level of norepinephrine.

This is a hormone of the adrenal medulla, which is in many ways similar in its characteristics to adrenaline.

During negative emotional reactions due to increased levels of norepinephrine in the blood the heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, and blood supply to the muscles increases.

If you pay attention to an angry person, you can notice the redness of his face, muscle tension, and a change in facial expressions.

In a state of strong excitement, a person begins to speak loudly, his nostrils flare, and his breathing quickens.

All these external manifestations of experienced dissatisfaction are the result of an increase in the level of norepinephrine in the blood. It is for this reason that it is so important not to keep feelings inside, but to give them a way out. This allows reduce negative effects on the body.

Causes of anger

Anger arises for various reasons. Depending on the gender and age of the person, these reasons may differ.

In society

Why did people become so evil and cruel? Modern society at the same time makes a lot of demands on a person and provides many temptations.

In pursuit of material wealth, people often do not notice how they constantly experience a feeling of dissatisfaction. They don't like their job, income, apartment, car, family, etc.

The desire to live up to imposed ideals and the constant bustle of life plunge people into a state of depression and chronic fatigue. All this leads to the fact that the slightest external stimuli become the cause of anger.

People argue in public transport because it is cramped and stuffy, quarrel with neighbors because of noise in the apartment, share parking spaces in the yard, envy more successful colleagues, etc.

The average person doesn’t have many real reasons why it’s really worth getting angry.

If you learn is at peace with himself and with the people around him, then you can minimize the frequency of occurrence of this destructive emotion.

Important appreciate small joys, take care of loved ones, get out into nature more often, communicate with animals, etc. The kinder a person is, the more favorable the atmosphere around him is. Evil people, as a rule, see one negative in all surrounding phenomena and events.

Among women

Why did I become angry?

An aggressive woman not only is not happy herself, but also makes her loved ones unhappy: her husband, children.

Main reasons reasons why a girl becomes angry:

Irritability during pregnancy

Changes during pregnancy progesterone and estrogen levels in a woman's blood. This leads to anxiety, irritability, and abrupt behavior.

Women in this position become vulnerable, impressionable and... Often they themselves are not able to control their own behavior.

In addition to hormonal changes, major physiological changes occur in the body: weight gain, swelling, nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. All this also negatively affects the emotional state of the expectant mother.

The forced need to lead a normal lifestyle until a certain period of time is also of great importance.

Pregnant women must perform professional duties, do housework, and take care of their husbands regardless of their well-being and psychological state.

In later stages, the inability to perform basic actions without assistance (tying shoelaces, getting into the shower, climbing stairs) often becomes an additional cause of irritation.

In men

Men are no less emotional than women. Reasons why they usually feel angry:

  • unmet need (for food, sex, care, money, material goods, etc.);
  • lack of recognition (from the woman you love, colleagues, family);
  • illness with resulting poor health;
  • troubles (personal, professional, financial);
  • envy;
  • loneliness.

Bitterness in children and adolescents

Teenage aggression, as a rule, manifests itself more clearly. This is explained by immaturity of the psyche, inability to control one’s behavior, and the desire to attract attention.

It is important for parents and specialists Recognize early that your child has problems and take appropriate measures. The main causes of children's anger:

So anger is destructive feeling, which you need to be able to fight at any age.

A pent-up negative reaction can cause serious harm to the human body.

Why are people evil? Find out about it in the video:

People have become cruel, too cruel. It’s especially scary to watch today’s news: someone was beaten with bats, someone was tortured, someone was shot, a bomb was dropped on someone... We are already literally shaking from cruelty, can it really be even worse? What is happening to our world? Why do people become angry and cruel? And how, in the end, can we stop this orgy of pain, horror and despair?

Why are some people kind and some cruel?
Why have modern people become especially cruel?
Why do kind people become cruel? Under what circumstances does this happen?
How to stop cruelty in the world? How to change the world for the better?

When the world around you begins to seem wrong, and people are too cruel - this signal. It’s not about sulking, locking yourself in your apartment, being afraid of everyone around you, being offended or angry. No! This is a signal to action. This is a signal that it is worth changing the world so that it becomes better, kinder, more welcoming. But we should remember that the world does not change when we yell at each other or hand out leaflets calling “thou shalt not kill!” at the nearest intersection. All this will give absolutely nothing. You can change the world only by bringing changes into it, that is, you have to start with yourself. And it will be difficult, but the desire is not small: to turn the world upside down and make people stop being cruel. This road can only be mastered by those who walk.

Why do we see the world the way we see it?

The most common complaint that can be heard from fighters for kindness and peace throughout the world is that people simply do not see all the threats that they themselves create. People are cruel, evil and don't even think about changing. And we, the kind and good, no matter how much we knock on them, we cannot get through. It is obvious that if everyone saw the world in all the glory of its cruelty, it would be transformed into one continuous kindness. And it seems so to you too, right? Then keep in mind that this is exactly what you think it is.

To get an answer to the question of why people are so cruel, you need to try to see the world through someone else's eyes, try to understand what motivates people.

To see the world as it is, you need to rely on something. In the case of studying the inanimate world, it is best to apply knowledge of physics - this way we learn the forces and laws that we obey. In the case of studying the plant world, you will have to turn to botany, and in the case of animals - to biology. Of course, when studying a person, you can turn to anatomy and physiology, but this will be a study of only the human body. And to understand his essence, you will have to turn to the study of his psyche - system-vector psychology. This new science for the first time accurately determines human psychotypes through their desires and properties.

It is through system-vector psychology that you can see people as they are. Moreover, one can understand why we ourselves see the world the way we see it, that is, with a slight distortion in our direction. For example, only those with the visual vector feel that the world is filled with cruel people, and they all intentionally do cruel things. It is the audience who divide the world into good and evil, defining all their best characteristics as good, and all that seems unpleasant to them as evil. Thus, a visual person cannot kill or injure any living creature, therefore anyone who kicks a dog or kills a chicken is defined by him as a cruel and evil person. At the same time, the viewer himself is very emotional and all people who also have this quality are perceived by him as kind, good people.

Other people see the world differently. For example, people with the skin vector divide people according to economic principles and social superiority, in relation to time and quantity. Through their crack, they also see only a piece of the world and, as a result, do not suffer at all from the fact that people have become cruel, but they are very worried that they have less income than others, that they cannot afford to buy a house, a car and a yacht. This is how they evaluate the world, this is how they speak. A skin-loving person will never say, “How cruel people are.”

And so in each vector, in each person there is his own piece of the world, his own crack into which he peeks.

This is why we make mistakes. Not every emotional person is good and kind. Not every rich person is a thief. And so on.

Why do people become cruel?

But, even learning to see the vectors and human values ​​in life, we unfortunately discovered that the world does not shine with positivity. There is a lot of violence in the world, people have really become violent. Information about war and horror settled into everyday news and became commonplace.

Through system-vector psychology, we have the opportunity to see the true reasons for this behavior of people.

When we go beyond ourselves, many things become obvious. People have become so cruel not because they are evil or want harm, but because they suffer. They do not receive additional happiness, they cannot find something that would bring pleasure. Of course, they rush around in search - and pray in churches, and change jobs, and go to success training, and try to get direction from horoscopes and fortune-tellers, but everything is in vain.

It's like having a bad tooth. It hurts and there is nowhere to escape from this pain, even if you climb the wall. Where to run, what to do? We drink analgin, and the pain goes away, for a while. This is not relief, not joy, but... a temporary lull, when you know that the pain will definitely return. Moreover, the same medicine, one tablet, will not help - you will have to increase the dose to dull the pain.

It’s the same here: people suffer, and in order to suffer less, they let off steam. Where? In other people: violence, crime, cruelty. Even just having a fight and shouting makes us feel a little better. But this relief is akin to an analgesic - the short-term analgesic effect will pass very quickly and the suffering will come with even greater force. And even the kindest among us become cruel too. Those who just yesterday could not kill a fly are today shouting about the possibility of dropping an atomic bomb on those who interfere with their lives.

How to change the world - how to make people stop being cruel?

It is impossible to take away painkillers from a person with a bad tooth - he will hate you. In the same way, it is impossible to take away from a suffering person the only opportunity to let off steam: to get angry, offended, scream, wear out, or just quietly hate everyone.

The only thing we can do is it's to become happy yourself and become an example for others. Show that you can live differently - differently, without suffering. Just like with a bad tooth - after all, everyone goes to the dentist for a reason, but because doctors can really help and the toothache will really go away. So here too - you need to feel happiness in yourself. Of course, in no case is any kind of self-deception or affirmation, prayer or conspiracy implied when we wind ourselves up, forcefully smile and affirm “I am the happiest person in the world,” but inside there is emptiness, melancholy and depression.

No, it happens differently. We become happy only when we begin to truly understand ourselves, the reasons for our behavior, and find answers to our internal questions. When in response to the internal question “stop, why am I doing this? Where am I going? Am I living right?” There are not some abstractions, but precise, definite answers. All this comes when we begin to understand the world as a whole, understand the actions of people, the reasons for their behavior.

And it is precisely those painful “points” that disturb us that are guidelines where we need to make an effort. If it seems that there is too little good around, then our own visual vector feels suffering and it is necessary to find a way to fill it. If it sounds like no one understands you, then you should ask yourself the question - who do you understand? If it seems that there is a lack of justice, it means that we are already suffocating from the injustice that we ourselves create. If there are only thieves around, you need to take control of yourself and stop thinking,

Why did people become evil? In the modern world, there are often people who are embittered by life. When you are walking down the street and suddenly look into the face of a passerby, the desire to look at people immediately disappears completely. Most walk around with gloomy expressions on their faces. Everyone has their own problems in life. People lack material wealth, family well-being, happiness and love. They look for it everywhere, but given that they see the bad sides in everything, few find it and therefore get upset and angry. All living beings on this planet are created to enjoy life and accept its gifts, but I have loaded my brain into thinking that everything comes with great difficulty. Some believe that they are unworthy of benefits; they have even stopped dreaming and believing.

All people love it when their . But how can you understand and love an evil person? When, when trying to somehow kindly, understand him, you come across thorns and insults addressed to you. Complaints about misunderstanding are a common manifestation of the character of such a person. Well, how can you not be offended by the fact that there is no one to listen and support you? Yes, you yourself reject any approach from the outside. Try to give your loved ones a chance and you will understand that they are not such bad people as you thought before. If no one comes to you on their own, don’t get angry and don’t keep everything to yourself, come up yourself, I assure you it will become much easier. And those around you will no longer fear and ignore you. When you need help, you need to ask for it, when you need support, there are many around who can support.

It's hard to live if you don't feel strong support behind your back. Look at the world with different eyes, it is not as scary and cruel as it seemed. Even if some person treats you unkindly, stop blaming him for this, think about it and perhaps you will understand that you yourself are to blame for the current situation. Stop spoiling them, try to improve them.

Unachieved goals

Unloved job, low salary, lack of growth and advancement in life. Another valid reason for anger. No one can rejoice in what is happening at the moment if the desire for something does not work out. You shouldn’t close yourself off and be offended by life. Maybe this is just not what you need now, but if you really want it, try other methods that you would never have tried before. The support and understanding of your loved ones will help you with this. How to achieve this was written in the first paragraph. Every person needs goals to develop. It is quite possible that you do not yet have aspirations and have not thought about what you really want. I suggest you do this right now. You need to have some kind of end point in your head. Think about how you will live if you achieve your plans. Make a list and take action. The main thing is not to doubt.

It happens that one is a successful businessman, but studied poorly at school and college, and the other is an excellent student in all subjects, with a bunch of certificates and thanks, but somehow the job is not found and life in general is not going well. That’s when such a negative emotion as envy wakes up. Everyone wants to live and not deny themselves anything. Most likely, whoever became a businessman never thought that he was unworthy of something or that he envied another. He simply had a plan that he acted on and soon received results. You shouldn't envy someone, appreciate what you have. You should not think that all blessings fall from heaven into your hands, this is not so. Most often, hard work and faith in a successful outcome are hidden behind the achieved results. Be happy for a successful person, take a closer look at how he behaves and what he says. You can learn a lot of useful things for yourself. This may be the case for you too, or even better. Everything depends on you.

They say that there are no evil people, only those who are offended by life. Resentment is also a negative emotion. And it takes root from the fact that society is accustomed to blaming circumstances and other people for everything. What's the point of this? If you want to do something, you need to stick together, look for allies and a common idea, and not be offended by each other. Fragmentation allows cities and countries, let alone a small team. Civil strife is a terrible thing. You should try to avoid its appearance at all stages of work. They can destroy everything. Need support, ask, need advice, contact. Nobody wishes harm. Stop thinking like that. Learn to help and support those around you and they will do the same to you. It’s high time we realized that we shouldn’t look for enemies among our friends. This is not beneficial for you. Grievances divide people and make them strangers. Understanding is very difficult to get back in the future. Take responsibility for your actions and perhaps some logical chain will be traced, you will come to the understanding that there are no people to blame for the disagreement, there is only a desire to evade responsibility.

Negative stereotypes

How many times have they told the world that by radiating negativity, you will attract even more similar situations that cause negative emotions. What does it take to be successful? Faith that everything will come true. If you want to taste success, feel like a successful and prosperous person. Give yourself a deep breath. Remove the shackles of unnecessary statements that have accumulated in your head for many years. Let them go and start living differently. Think more about your dreams, make plans, even the most incredible ones, build your life the way you dream about. Help each other push off from the dead point and start moving. We need to learn to give more. Everything will definitely come back. Of course, at first you will have to make an effort and show willpower, to prove to yourself that all the steps are not in vain. Write what you want your life to look like in a few years. Just do it without limiting stereotypes. Don't believe the words, better try it.

hate school! I wake up every day and try to find some
an excuse not to go there. I spend most of the year on sick leave,
I constantly catch colds, it seems to me, because I hate it so much

And it's all about my classmates. It all started two years ago
ago, when I moved to a specialized English school. If
If only my mother knew!.. And then it began: on the first of September I came
on the ruler, and the first boy from my class who saw me
shouted: “Look, there’s a bespectacled elephant coming!” I even
I didn’t immediately realize that he was talking about me. I used to have a lot of problems
wasn’t, I knew, of course, that I wouldn’t make a fashion model, but
I've never been particularly worried about my weight. And then right away
I felt so ugly! I almost cried, but controlled myself.

The girls in the class didn’t accept me either, they started talking to me
only one girl Katya. And the boys already started in the first lesson
throw paper balls at me and call me names in every possible way. Well
Did I do this to them? Then the teacher called me to the board and called
my last name, but it’s not very sonorous, to put it mildly: Kolbasnikova.
What happened here, everyone was just dying of laughter! And right behind me
and the nickname Fat Sausage stuck.

I tried to talk to the class teacher.
But she said that I was already a big girl to complain. My
Mom thinks so too, and the main thing for her is that she arranged for me
to a prestigious school and that I will receive a good education. How can I
to get it when I’m sitting in class and afraid that I’ll be called to the board,
and everyone will start shouting: “Fat Sausage to the board!” Study
I've become much worse than at my previous school, I just don't care
what grade will I get? I mark every day on the calendar, I wait,
when Saturday comes and you don't have to go to school and hear again
all these cruel words.

And recently I discovered that I have gained even more weight.
Probably because I come home angry and tired - I open
refrigerator and eat, for example, three whole cutlets. Or chocolate.
And I can’t stop, I eat everything I find. Mom has already become
hide products from me! And at school they began to tease me even more,
and even the teachers don’t stand up for me.

I do not know what to do. There's still time left until the end of school
two whole years, how can I survive them? I don't even have anyone to talk to
we have a heart-to-heart talk, we don’t see our friends from the old school, my mother doesn’t want to
listen to nothing about my problems in class. If I do finish
school, then I will definitely become a psychologist. And I will help the same
girls who are bullied and called names. But while I'm dreading Monday,
because I know that I will have to go to school again...


Psychologist Olga Ilyina comments on the situation:

How much, Oksana, I need to tell you. And everything first
queue. Therefore, reading in order, know: EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT.

BE SURE to show this article to your mom to find out what
what is really important to her is: the prestige of the school and the fact that her daughter is there
studying, or your psychological comfort and NORMAL SELF-ESTEEM.

I hope that you are still important to your mother. It's just, apparently
she didn't have time to STOP and REALIZE that you really
Badly. That even the best school cannot be good for you,
if for two years not only students, but also teachers DO NOT SEE
OR WASH AWAY your problem. (By the way, information for your
moms: if there is a person in the class who is meant to be the goat
absolution, then this speaks of a great pedagogical (!) problem.)

In this case, it is best to transfer you to another (better
old school, if there were friends there. And you can learn anywhere, it was

I called you by a different name for a reason, try it
and you call yourself differently. After all, Ksenia means “stranger.”
But Oksana is a completely different song. Open any book, especially
Ukrainian: no matter what Oksana, kindness will become. But becoming is not
only beauty, but also relief forms.

Hence the following: do gymnastics. You need to develop
flexibility. Also, if possible, go to oriental dancing
or belly dancing. In this case, you will not only feel good
your body, but you will also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and it becomes
Maybe your metabolism will speed up and you will gradually lose weight.

In the meantime, the court and the case, imagine that you are transparent
glass, and all the nasty things addressed to Ksenia pass by, like
through the glass, without touching you: after all, you are not only transparent, but
and they are not addressing you: after all, you have a different name.

And let mom not forget that she needs to change schools: it’s important
not only get a secondary education, but also feel
capable of more.

And the last thing: work on your body not to spite your enemies,
but for myself, my beloved. Improve yourself. You have something to strive for.

Throughout our lives, at least once we have met a person who, in our opinion, was cruel, angry and decidedly disgusting to us.

If your past is anything like other people's, you've probably been teased, gossiped about, yelled at, humiliated, cornered, intimidated, and unfairly punished - and your reaction was probably: " FOR WHAT?"

Why are people angry with each other? Why do some people even like to be bitchy and toxic? You, like most people, will answer something like “... because they are bad people”, “… because they are psychopaths/sociopaths”, “… they are evil”, “… well, that’s how they are, what can you do!”

Yes, such answers are quite normal and common, however, this view of things is very narrow. These answers are naive, and it’s time to better understand why “bad people are bad.”

Why do we like to be offended?

You are talking to someone, you said something frankly offensive, and your interlocutor is offended by you. He stands up threateningly and says: “You know, I learned something about you. You are a real bastard and you don't care about anyone but yourself. No wonder you have almost no friends." And then it quickly washes off.

What is your reaction?

Full of righteous anger, you can jump up and begin to rebut all attacks, striking back. Well, or you will continue to sit, thinking about what you said, while sadness and melancholy slowly devour you. “How could he do this to me?”, “What the hell have I done?” You can continue to stew in your hatred, cursing everything around you.

These two reactions are quite common, and I have behaved similarly in the past. Responding to another person's anger disturbs our peace of mind... but you know what I tell you? We like to be outraged. We like to be drunk with anger.

When we feel unjustly offended, we immediately reward ourselves with the title of “victim,” and not only that, we also experience a sense of superiority. How often in the past have you been angry at a “disgusting person” with the firm belief that “I am much better.” I think, often. But don't worry, this is normal. We all do it.

The fact is that anger is like a drug, and not only because it gives us a false feeling that we are supposedly better, more beautiful, more correct, more just. In addition to this, it creates the illusion of separation between us and the world (in other words, it strengthens our ego). Because of this, we cannot see through the veil of misbehavior because of our unwillingness to let go of anger.

Once we are completely willing to let go of our anger and all its delights, we can truly understand why people are so bad. This awareness will be of endless benefit to you.

How to tear off the mask of feigned cruelty?

When we blame bad and cruel people for all mortal sins, we deprive them of all human qualities. Yes, you will say that there are psychopaths and sociopaths who have no empathy or remorse at all. But these people (who by the way make up a very low percentage of the population) are not robots either. In fact, they also suffer from feelings of loneliness, resentment, disappointment, depression, and this explains a lot. Psychopaths can even show empathy when they want to.

I am convinced that not all “bad” people we meet are necessarily psychopaths or sociopaths, but in fact they are deeply wounded. And we don’t have time to understand their feelings because they disgust us (and because, let’s face it, we ourselves have been deeply hurt).

We spew out excuses like “So what? We are all sufferers, but this is not an excuse at all,” and thereby we strengthen our confidence in our rightness and continue to torment ourselves.

However, if you want to take responsibility for yourself, your life and your happiness, there is one thing you need to remember:

All cruel, angry, rude people are like that because they are in pain.

If you want to look behind the veil of this show of cruelty, you need to understand “what hurts.” You may have to delve into his past, talk to friends and colleagues to find out why he behaves this way. Well, or just guess.

No matter which approach you take, you're sure to learn something surprising: their behavior is driven by pain.

Perhaps it is family quarrels, problems at work, a breakup or divorce, tragedy or something more vague like depression, fear of failure, fear of rejection, low self-esteem, experiences when a person cannot cope with this pain, he directs it on others. And thus the pain is equalized, multiplying.

But you have the power to interrupt this circle of pain and prevent it from interfering with your thoughts, feelings, and life. The most important thing is to learn to see all these mechanisms in your own head and, as a result, to truly understand a person.

The next time someone treats you badly, take your time. Feel all the negative emotions and then let them go. Ask yourself, “What pain is this person experiencing that makes him do this?” Then open yourself to forgiveness and understanding, because all the mental patterns that led to such behavior on his part are or were in you. And the only reason why you may not have them is either an ideal childhood and growing up or