This is indicated by a decrease in the average volume of red blood cells. Mean erythrocyte volume MCV: low and high values

Red blood cells are highly specialized carriers of oxygen and carbon dioxide- one of the most important components of blood. It is interesting that every second more than 2 million new red blood cells die and are born in our body. But what can happen to our body if average volume is there a decrease in red blood cells or, conversely, is the average volume of red blood cells increased? How are studies carried out on the number of red blood cells, and which numerical indicator is considered normal and which is low?


The number of red blood cells is determined by a complete blood test. Often in the result form you can find a line mcv with some numerical indicator, which means the average number of red blood cells.

The name MCV comes from the English mean corpuscular volume, and the unit of measurement is usually considered to be a cubic micrometer or in fl - femtoliter. To calculate, take the average volume of red blood cells (ESR), which is then divided by the sum of the volumes of red blood cells in a portion of blood by their number in a given portion.

In the case where the average volume of red blood cells is reduced, a number of additional, more highly specialized studies are carried out to find out what this means and what deviations could lead to this.

Currently there are additional tests when the blood mcv value decreases. These include the average hemoglobin content in a red blood cell, the values ​​of which vary depending on the age of the patient and are absolutely independent of his gender. The size and color of blood cells are also analyzed for the volume of blood being tested.

Red blood cell indicators are:

  • increased value, then this is called macrocytosis (100 or more) - red blood cells are larger than necessary,
  • normal value – normocytosis (80-100),
  • low value – microcytosis (80 or less).

The average volume of red blood cells in the blood varies depending on the patient's age. So, for example, for a newborn it is 95-121 fl, and already on the 14-30th day of life it is 88-124 fl. Children aged 1-5 years should have 73-85 fl, and for an adult 20-65 the norm is 80-100 fl.

Reduced value

If the average volume is reduced, they speak of anemia, i.e. a lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

Most common reasons when red blood cells are below normal, the following are considered:

  • Iron deficiency or Iron-deficiency anemia. This form of anemia occurs without complications and has the simplest treatment compared to other types of anemia. If a child’s hemoglobin is low and the cause is determined to be a lack of iron, then the child is prescribed special diet with a repeat blood test in a month. If a child’s hemoglobin does not increase after a month, but rather decreases, then in this case, he is referred to a hematologist and drug treatment is prescribed.
  • Sideroblastic anemia. Also associated with iron deficiency, responds well to vitamin B6 therapy. This type of anemia develops quite rapidly and requires immediate action; the worst outcome of such a diagnosis can be death.
  • alassemia is a genetic disease. Anemia is caused by impaired hemoglobin production.
  • Lead poisoning. In case of lead poisoning, the average value of red blood cells decreases due to the fact that the bone marrow begins to fail and a disruption occurs in the body's production of hemoglobin.
  • Dehydration of the body. This is due to the loss of fluid from the body, which negatively affects the blood test.

Sometimes there are situations when the average volume of red blood cells is not reduced, but is within the normal range, but clear signs of anemia appear. This often happens if there is:

  • the presence of a malignant tumor,
  • the presence of chronic infections,
  • significant blood loss
  • the presence of diseases that cause insufficient production of hormones.

If the mcv is lowered in the analysis, then a qualified consultation with the attending physician or hematologist is necessary.

Increased value

If the average volume of red blood cells is increased, this may mean a disruption in the body’s functioning. Reasons when mcv is elevated can be:

  • Liver disease.
  • red defective bone marrow.
  • The thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency. This deficiency has a particularly negative effect on children under 2 years of age. At this age, you need to focus on eating foods containing high amounts of vitamin B12, for example, sour cream, eggs, liver, beef and others.
  • Shortage folic acid.
  • Smoking. Smoking releases a significant amount of carbon dioxide, which impairs blood transport in the body, leading to a deterioration in oxygen supply. Smoking women more susceptible to diseases respiratory tract, which may cause an increase in red blood cell counts.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Taking contraceptive and hormonal medications.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body. These can be infectious diseases caused by a virus or some kind of fungus.
  • Alcoholism. In this case, the mcv indicator can be brought back to normal; to do this, it is enough not to drink alcohol for 100 days. It is worth saying that in in this case Only mcv values ​​increase, and the hemoglobin value remains within normal limits.

There is a version that taking antidepressants for a long time can lead to increased levels, but in this moment this version is under study.

An increase in red blood cells in the blood may be temporary and not carry any abnormalities or pathologies. This situation can lead to:

  • stress,
  • being in high mountains,
  • excessive mental or physical work,
  • influence of toxins,
  • dehydration.

After these factors are eliminated, such important indicators red blood cells, as well as their average volume, will return to normal.

A method for assessing the number, as well as qualitative aspects shaped elements is a complete blood test. Informative indicators are a specific signal of changes that take place during the period of illness. To carry out analysis, nowadays they use modern laboratory devices - hemolytic analyzers, which is very convenient. But the transcript produced by the device is not always clear to an ordinary person, since the results are recorded on foreign language in abbreviated form.

The analyzer determines from 5 to 20 values ​​in parallel. In the article we'll talk O mean erythrocyte volume (MCV), as one of the primary indicators in clinical analysis. This is the erythrocyte index, a calculated measure that makes it possible to find out the volume occupied by one red blood cell. There are other indices that show the average hemoglobin content in an individual red blood cell (MSN), the average concentration of hemoglobin in the erythrocyte mass (MCHC), width of red blood cell distribution (RDW-CV).

How is MCV determined in a blood test?

The given index can be calculated in femtoliters, as well as in cubic micrometers. It is calculated by dividing total number cell volumes to the number of red blood cells. MCV in a blood test is automatically determined by the analyzer. Here's the formula:

MCV = hematocrit (%) x 10 / red blood cell count 10 6 µl

In combination with other erythrocyte indices, such a calculation can identify the processes that cause anemia. If there are many abnormal red blood cells in the blood, as is the case with sickle cell anemia, then the MCV count is unreliable.

Normal mean erythrocyte volume (MCV)

The parameters of the average volume of erythrocytes are unstable; they change with age. In newborns, the volume is maximum and reaches 112 (or even more) fl, and over the course of a year this value drops to 77-79 fl. A gradual decrease in indicators occurs throughout life. More detailed information is displayed in the table.

When interpreting the results, the MCV is lower 80 fl is considered as microcytosis, and the value is higher 100 fl interpreted as macrocytosis. The following are reasons why your average red blood cell volume may be high or low.

The average volume of red blood cells is reduced - reasons

Among the factors of reduced MCV is a violation of water-electrolyte balance, or rather hypertonic dehydration, in which all fluid spaces are reduced due to lack of fluid. It's about about dehydration caused by poor water intake and loss of hypotonic fluid.

The average volume of erythrocytes below normal is recorded in hypochromic and microcytic anemias caused by impaired hemoglobin formation. It is known that hemoglobin tends to influence the type and size of red blood cells. If this protein is in the blood, then the red blood cells will be smaller. Impaired hemoglobin synthesis can also be observed in thalassemia, a genetically determined blood disease.

The average volume of red blood cells is increased - reasons

An increase in MCV can be observed with a lack of cobalt-containing substances (vitamin B 12), when the proportion of red blood cells decreases, but at the same time they become prohibitively large. By the way, on my blog you can read about, as well as the reasons for them.

A slight increase in MCV may be associated with smoking, as well as with taking hormonal hormones. contraceptive medications women of fertile age. In case of alcohol abuse, macrocytosis is always diagnosed, and hemoglobin at the same time remains within the normal range. This detail during laboratory testing makes it possible to suspect alcoholism. The process is reversible and MCV returns to normal approximately one hundred days after stopping drinking alcohol.

The average volume of erythrocytes above normal is diagnosed with myxedema ( endocrine pathology), liver and bone marrow diseases. Anemia, associated with blood loss and death of red blood cells, plays an important role in increasing the index.

Some sources suggest that prolonged use of antidepressants may give rise to macrocytosis, although the exact connection has not been established.

Now you know why the average volume of red blood cells is increased or decreased, and if you are interested in information about the reasons for the increase in red blood cells themselves, then all the information is in. And in the following articles you will find information about other erythrocyte indices.

Hemoglobin is the main pigment that is found in other blood cells called erythrocytes.

Hemoglobin plays an important role in any organism. Thanks to it, the gas transport function is performed. Hemoglobin reaches various tissues of the body to enrich them with oxygen, subsequently turning into carboxyhemoglobin.

In the human body, hemoglobin is present in the required quantity. For example, a man’s body has an acceptable hemoglobin content of 130 to 160 g/l, which cannot be said about female body, which contains 120-140 g/l. As for children, up to the age of one year, acceptable hemoglobin data can be from 100 to 140 g/l. For children from 1 to 6 years old - from 110 to 145 g/l. For teenagers, the optimal amount of hemoglobin is 115-150 g/l. You can read more about this in the article:.

Of course, it is simply unrealistic to overestimate the role of hemoglobin itself, because it is involved in various functions any organism:

  • it can deliver oxygen to any tissue of the body;
  • maintain the necessary and correct blood pH.

If any violation occurred in the activities of at least some organ, then this exact sign that there is not enough oxygen in the body. And all cells do not have enough oxygen, as a result of which the metabolism deteriorates. If the hemoglobin number has decreased significantly, then this may indicate the occurrence of anemia or, in another way, this disease is called “ anemia».

But, in addition to hemoglobin, red blood cells play an important role, and it is also important to know the value of the average volume of red blood cells that are in the blood.

These are the so-called cell indicators " red blood", the average volume of which is indicated in a special form, indicating the effective qualities of the clinical analysis.

This analysis is carried out by special hematology analyzer. It matters " MCV ", which means " mean corpuscular volume" . Translated into Russian, this is the average corpuscular volume, measured in cubic micrometers or fl - femtoliters.

In order to find out the average volume of red blood cells is reduced, laboratory workers conduct hematological tests, where red cells are counted. The quantity is calculated by dividing the sum of cell volumes by the required number of red blood cells.

According to MCV values, red blood cells are divided into several types:

  • microcytes– this is when the average volume of red blood cells is low and it is much less than 80;
  • normocytes– this is the case when the average volume of red blood cells is from 80 to 100;
  • macrocytes– this is in the case of an increased average volume of red blood cells, which ranges from 100 or more.

Naturally, it is very difficult to determine the average volume of red blood cells accurately if there is a large number of abnormal forms of red blood cells in the blood. These also include sickle cells.

Calculation of average red blood cell volume

For the adult body valid value red blood cells is 80-100 femtoliters . Regarding newborn babies, their MCV values ​​are slightly higher than those of adults and can reach up to 125 femtoliters. But, upon reaching the age of fifteen, these indicators drop to the required values, as in an adult.

Reasons for low levels of red blood cells in the blood

First of all, it is worth thinking about the fact that the water-electrolyte balance has been disturbed. To be more precise, in other words, hypertonic dehydration has occurred, as a result of which hypotonic fluid is lost with insufficient water supply or, in general, dehydration.

Hypochromic And microcytic anemias, in which the average volume of red blood cells is fixed within limits below normal. From the time of medical discoveries everyone has long known that hemoglobin significantly affects not only appearance, but also on the size of red blood cells. If this protein is below normal in the blood, then the red blood cells will also have a significantly smaller size. For thalassemia ( genetic disease blood) hemoglobin synthesis is disrupted.

MCV is an index indicating the average volume of red blood cells. In order to identify the cause, which was a consequence of the fact that the number of red blood cells has become much smaller, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the red blood cells. If its intensity has decreased, then this is a significant sign that there is much less iron in the blood. In other cases, it may indicate that the person's body has been damaged by lead, so the person's bone marrow may not work well.

If the color of the bodies becomes brighter, this often indicates macrocytosis. In this case, there may also be a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12. If the number of red blood cells has decreased due to severe blood loss, then polychromatophils can be seen in the microscope. These are red blood cells that contain a basophilic substance and an insufficient presence of hemoglobin.

In almost every person, with a thorough examination, one or another disorder can be identified in the blood cells, and this is especially true for red blood cells.

Red blood cells are red blood cells, responsible for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the internal organs.

There is a certain amount of them in the blood (on average, the norm is about 4x10^9 cells). All of them participate in the process of gas exchange between external environment and organs (through lung tissue).

Their level can be increased as a result physiological characteristics(carrying a child, living in the mountains) and decrease (if their number is reduced, then some pathological process is taking place).

In order to perform their function normally, red blood cells must have a sufficient amount of hemoglobin, a binding transport molecule. It is found in every red blood cell, and its amount can be determined by measuring the average volume of red blood cells.

What is the volume of red blood cells and hemoglobin, how is it measured in adults and children, and what reasons can lead to a change in its quantity?

What is this indicator?

The term average erythrocyte volume is understood as an indicator reflecting the hemoglobin content in human erythrocytes (denoted by the abbreviation MCV). It is calculated by multiplying the hematocrit percentage by 10 and then dividing the resulting number by the number of red blood cells.

The normal value is from 70 to 110 (depending on age). MCV is measured in femtoliters.

Indicators below 80 are regarded as a criterion for developed anemia (although, as already mentioned, when testing the child’s blood, its level can be reduced to 70). An increase in the average volume of more than 110 can be regarded as macrocytosis.

Changes in erythrocyte volume are observed during development various diseases. For their timely diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a detailed blood test to determine the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the formed elements. If at least one of them is changed, then there is a hidden pathology.

Indications for blood tests

The most common indications for determining the average volume of red blood cells are:

  • Suspicion of anemia (decreased red blood cell count or decreased hemoglobin amount);
  • Family history of blood diseases. In this case, the examination must be carried out in children starting from 2 months of age.

Except for these indications, an extended blood test and MCV determination are performed for patients in intensive care units, surgery (at the stage of preparation for surgery), undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, as well as for patients who have been in epidemic-prone areas for some time. infectious diseases blood.

Most often, patients suffering from certain diseases have elevated MCV levels. Its decrease is somewhat less common. Below we describe in more detail those conditions in which red cell volume is increased, and those due to which it may be reduced.

Increase in mean red blood cell volume

When is the average red blood cell volume elevated? Most often, the indicator is increased with the development of hyperchromic anemia, accompanied by an increase in red blood cell size.

The main situations in which an increase in MCV is observed:

All of these conditions directly or indirectly contribute to an increase in the average volume of red blood cells, which can be detected in an extended blood test.

Reasons for decreased average red blood cell volume

Contrary to the above, MCV levels may decrease. Low level characteristic of the development of microcytic, when small, underdeveloped blood cells are present in the blood, in which the CP (color index) is reduced.

The reasons for the development of this condition and a decrease in the normal volume of red blood cells can be caused by:

  • Metabolic disorders (in particular, disorders water-salt metabolism). In this situation, the average volume of red blood cells is reduced due to changes in the ionic balance of cells and the release of intracellular fluid. An indicator below normal is also detected with the development of massive burns.
  • Hemoglobinopathies are diseases associated with impaired formation or breakdown of the hemoglobin molecule. Refers to the number hereditary diseases. As they develop, there is a disruption in functioning internal organs due to their hypoplasia (due to lack of oxygen). In addition to a decrease in MCV, they are also characterized by a decrease in normal color index(which in healthy body close to 1).
  • Disturbances in the synthesis of red blood cells and changes in their quality indicators (for example, with sickle cell anemia). In this situation, the decrease in MCV is due to a small “framework” - the production of reduced and deformed red blood cells.

For staging correct diagnosis must be taken into account amount of each enzyme blood.

The main parameters are determined during general analysis blood.

Mcv is an abbreviation that stands for average red blood cell volume.

This test can detect diseases circulatory system. Many of them are evidenced reduced level Mcv.

Mcv represents average volume index red blood cells The indicator is determined by dividing the total number of cells by the number of red blood cells. When Mcv decreases, we can talk about anemia. This indicator divided into varieties.

MCH indicates the level of hemoglobin in one cell of a red blood cell. MCHC determines the volume of hemoglobin per total red blood cell mass. RDW-CV characterizes the width of red blood cell placement.

Blood test forMcv will not always show a constant value. Norms change with age. At the birth of a child, the limit is considered to be 112 units. During the first year of life, Mcv decreases to 75 units. Up to ten years, the parameters should not exceed 94 units.

In adulthood, norms can also be different. They directly depend on the specific age and gender. For example, in women from 18 to 45 years old, results from 81 to 100 units are considered normal. For men of the same age, the norms are significantly lower. On average they are 90 units.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes.

Under pressure from the fetus, organs begin to shift, which can cause discomfort. Changes hormonal background And blood composition. The latter can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

This is a fairly common occurrence in pregnant women. It is based on a lack of iron in the body. The gap is filled by taking special vitamin complexes. However, only a doctor can prescribe treatment, depending on individual woman's blood counts.

If the disease is present in pregnant women, it is noted general deterioration well-being. You may experience dry mouth, tingling in the tongue, or deterioration of the hair, nails and skin.

The child has

Blood diseases may also occur in childhood. The most common is anemia. It can form for a number of reasons.

Video: what are the blood test standards?

Most main reason slow formation of red blood cells in cells is considered. It is possible that there is not enough hemoglobin in the red blood cells or their destruction occurs with great intensity.

In most cases, anemia in childhood is caused by acute iron deficiency in organism. In some situations, anemia occurs when there is a large loss of blood caused by various injuries fabrics. In any of these cases, the child must be hospitalized in order to carry out comprehensive treatment measures.

What does it mean?

The Mcv level in the results of a general blood test should be normal. If the indicators are below normal, then it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment to restore Mcv.

In the process of analyzing the results, other parameters are also assessed. Only after this everything is compared with the symptoms, and a final diagnosis is made.

In most cases, sharp decrease V blood Mcv speaks of the development of anemia. Red blood cells break down too quickly or do not have time to reproduce replacements. Together with that appear characteristic symptoms , which are most often expressed as follows:

  1. Pale complexion;
  2. General loss of strength;
  3. Dizziness;
  4. Fainting;
  5. Lack of appetite;

How to increase?

Most best option casts Mcv indicator back to normal - taking individually prescribed medications. These include drugs containing iron. Along with this, the patient is shown strict diet.

First of all, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in necessary vitamins and minerals. The most useful products in this case include prunes, beef, lamb, legumes, dried apricots, green vegetables. It is very important to limit the use of iron inhibitors.

These include products that slow down iron absorption process. The most pronounced inhibitor is cow's milk. That is why children need to introduce it gradually, without completely replacing breastfeeding.

Huge value in the process mineral metabolism has vitamin C. In order for iron to be better absorbed, you need to eat 250 grams of vitamin C every day. Various algae also have a very good effect on the composition of the blood.

Today there are many varieties of dietary supplements, including one or another type of algae.

You should not refuse to eat various spices and herbs. To iron level positive influence Parsley, alfalfa, burdock root and nettle provide relief. However, it should be remembered that before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. IN otherwise, its symptoms will remind you of themselves repeatedly.

Mcv increase

Treatment is subject to not only a decrease in Mcv level, but also its increase. The reason for this phenomenon is believed to be vitamin B12 deficiency. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells and an increase in their volume. Slight upward fluctuations in Mcv may occur due to smoking or taking hormonal medications.

Also, the indicator may increase with regular use alcohol. The Mcv level returns to normal after stopping drinking alcohol. The problem in this case can be observed from the outside endocrine system, bone marrow or liver areas.

In this case, treatment that involves reception medical supplies , increasing the level of vitamin B12. In more serious cases medications are prescribed on an individual basis.