After the military service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs entered the army. About army food. Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Enter one of the military institutes of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are such institutes, for example, in Novosibirsk, Perm, and St. Petersburg. However, before entering such a university, you need to study for 4 years at one of the military schools (preferably the Airborne Forces or the like). In addition, you must pass entrance exams and demonstrate excellent physical training. However, upon graduation, you will be able to immediately apply for an officer position in one of the special forces units.

Even after you are enrolled in the unit Special Forces and keep working on yourself. Acquire a military specialty according to your position.

Helpful advice

In order to serve in the special forces of the Airborne Forces, enter the Novosibirsk Higher Military Combined Arms Command School. It is here that future officers of special intelligence units are trained. Graduates of this school are sent to the special forces of the Airborne Forces and the GRU.


  • airborne work how

Many books have been written about special forces, many films have been made, and even more stories related to it circulate among the people. If you think that military service special purpose- this is your calling, start fulfilling your dreams.


Assess your physical fitness, for which try to complete the mandatory task for joining the special forces. Do twenty pull-ups on the bar, do push-ups sixty times, and hold the corner for one minute. All tasks must be completed in twelve minutes. If you cannot do this yet, train until you complete the entire test task well.

Send your resume by email [email protected], in which indicate your data: name, age, contact phone number. In addition, please inform us about the free time you have to participate in training and games, the availability of camouflage and airsoft weapons, and whether or not you have experience participating in airsoft events. If you have a car (in which you can go to the test site), be sure to notify about it. Tell us everything about yourself possible information which you consider important for joining the special forces.

Appear for the interview exactly at the specified time, if the decision is positive, you will receive permission to participate in training with a probationary period.

Pass full course training and a probationary period during which uniforms are not required. During the introductory course, you will have to overcome all the fears that a person may have: heights, fire, water, explosions, etc. To do this, you will need to climb and get off the roof with the help of climbing equipment, overcome the fire-assault zone, crawl along a ditch with water under the fire of bullets and the roar of explosions, and get used to the sight of corpses.

Video on the topic

St. Petersburg University Ministry of Internal Affairs trains specialists for HR departments Ministry of Internal Affairs, internal affairs bodies Ministry of Internal Affairs, divisions psychological service Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia. Studying there is a prestigious and promising choice. Candidates for admission can be young people from 16 to 22 years old who have not passed military service. Also those who have served or are undergoing military service under a contract, but have not reached 24 years of age.


Submit a report to the commander of the military unit at least 6 months before the start of the selection tests. Indicate your details and name educational institution Ministry of Internal Affairs, faculty and specialty in which you want to study.

Serve Required documents: autobiography; characteristics from the place of study or work; a copy of a state-issued education document; results of professional psychological selection; three certified photographs measuring 4.5x6 cm; special inspection materials Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSB; medical documents(ECG, certificates from narcological, tuberculosis and psychoneurological dispensaries, certificate from an infectious disease specialist, x-ray of the paranasal sinuses, FLG in frontal and lateral projections, blood sugar, HIV, biochemical and general tests, Wasserman reaction); If you are under 18 years of age at the time of admission, provide certified written consent to the admission of your representatives - parents or guardians/trustees.

A serviceman shares his memories of ammunition supply conscript service internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (2009-2010). Separate orders of Zhukov, Lenin and October revolution Red Banner Operational Division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky or ODON.

1. Vegetarians and those who have any restrictions for religious reasons - are there any such at all and is there a practice of organizing some kind of organization for them? special food?
No, well, we didn’t have many Muslims, and we ate even less pork.

2. If, suddenly, you come across low-quality food (undercooked, for example, or prepared from not the freshest ingredients) - what are the actions of a fighter faced with this?
Walk hungry! For example, I never ate buckwheat, I gave it to the starving people from Nizhny Tagil.

3. What kind of seasonings and sauces can you get for the main dish? Are there any restrictions on them?
Black pepper mixed with salt and mustard is always on the table. Both or two are useless. It was considered an honor to buy “Mayanesik” and have a laugh at lunch!

4. Which dish on the regular menu is rated highest?
Fried fish, cutlets, milk porridge. We have Fried fish was once a week. Or less often, good! It’s not even fried, it’s baked, but everyone called it fried. And the cutlets were on Sundays, there was not much meat in them, but they still seemed very trump. There was also pickle among me!

5. What do they usually not finish eating, if anything at all?
Boiled fish. It’s already g***y, it’s still lying in freshly washed baths, which is why it has a persistent taste of cleaning products.

6. Sweets, cookies, chocolate, sweet pastries- which of these is present on the regular menu and with what frequency?
Baking in the form of rolls (essentially the same bread, just with sugar) - every week. The rest sometimes. Especially on holidays.

7. Are there any “holiday” menus? For example, on a fighter’s birthday, are they offered something in addition to the standard nutrition? And on February 23 or other “core” for the unit professional holidays?
On the DR, how will you stir it up yourself! The “beach package” with “mayanesic” was considered very wow.

8. If a fighter doesn’t eat enough at lunch, what are his possible actions on production additional food? How are things going with the supplement? Can I get it if I want?
Addition is not allowed. But if you really want it, then you definitely need it. Everything is decided through personal connections with the canteen.

9. Personally, I don’t have enough of the usual portion of drinks, what else can I drink in the cafeteria? Are there coolers with drinking water?
This is the trouble. Especially at the KMB (author's note: Young Fighter Course - initial period service by young soldiers, designed to master the basic skills of army service, lasts about a month, and sometimes longer). I was so fucked up that I’m still shaking. I was ALWAYS thirsty, my mouth was dry inside. Because you can’t use the tap, they’re watching. For breakfast, 200 ml of "coffee" from which you only want to drink more, for lunch, 200 ml of compote or highly diluted juice. For dinner 200 ml of tea. All. There is no water and they do not provide it. I remember in the bathhouse from under the shower hot water I drank because I just became so dehydrated, I don’t remember being so thirsty in my entire life. After KMB it’s easier, of course, but still. In summer, for example, you should definitely carry a flask of water with you. Complete. It is prohibited to drink from it!

10. What is missing from the regular menu that we would like? daily meals strengthen or expand by what?
Water, damn it. By the end of the service, the dining room and food in general had changed greatly in better side, everything was enough, no complaints.

11. Has the practice of receiving food parcels from home continued? If so, what do they send and how do they divide it among themselves?
We had it, yes. But it did not always reach the recipient.

12. Usually (in my experience) tea is offered to everyone at the same strength and is already sweet. Is it possible to drink unsweetened?
There is an opportunity - when everyone is given unsweetened! This happened to us often.

13. If there is a TV in the dining room, then who decides what exactly everyone will watch?
[looks with scary eyes]

14. What kind of dishes and cutlery are used and is it possible that they are not washed clean enough?
Spoon, plate, mug. Sometimes - bowler hats. The cleanliness of the dishes is checked in the most careful way, if suddenly dirty ones are found - it’s so screwed that it’s scary to imagine.

15. How do you rate it? appearance(more precisely, internal), the general “decoration” and cleanliness of the dining room?
Poor, but clean! Exactly what you need. At first, only conscripts were cooks, then civilian personnel appeared, but the conscripts did not go away. Here you also need to understand that our canteen was for 3000+ people per person.

The city of Nizhny Novgorod ranks fifth in the country in terms of population. It is a large industrial, economic and Cultural Center Russia, with improved infrastructure, economic and communication links. The region is especially developed information technologies. The city with a long history attracts tourists and travelers. It is famous for its spiritual life; on its territory there are great amount monasteries and temples.

This indicates high level spiritually moral culture population of the city not only today, but also in the old days. Nizhny Novgorod is also known for its updated defense system. Here, many young guys learn not only military craft, but also cultivate moral and strong-willed qualities - collectivism, mutual assistance, patriotism, courage, bravery, military honor, valor and many others.

Military units of Nizhny Novgorod and region

39 military units of the Russian Army are stationed in the region and city. Among them is the SMVCh VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the protection of public order, military unit number 6908.

History of SMVCh Russia

SMVCh - special motorized military units. They belong to parts of Russia, their task is to ensure public safety and maintaining order in major cities And settlements countries.

The history of these special forces units begins with the military police units of the same name Soviet Union. Special units were involved to maintain public order during the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the city of Moscow, the 300th anniversary of the city of St. Petersburg. The units took part in operations to restore order in Chechnya. Since 1999, about 4 thousand special forces soldiers have taken part in the counter-terrorist operation in the Chechen Republic.

The military personnel of these units take measures to protect public order during emergency situations, carry out rescue of people, protect property left unattended, ensure the regime state of emergency(if it has been entered). Until the arrival of investigators from the investigative bodies, military personnel ensure the safety of traces of the crime.

SMHF VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Nizhny Novgorod

There was a similar military unit in the city of Gorky, but it was disbanded in 1998. In 2015, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to restore a military unit in Nizhny Novgorod, due to the fact that the city was intensively developing and preparing to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018. The military unit of the SMVCh was formed again and began to fulfill its military tasks and duties.

The tasks were carried out by the personnel of the military unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Nizhny Novgorod in the five districts of the city. Initially the battalion was located in the city of Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region, but due to the remote location of the unit, the military personnel could not carry out patrols throughout Nizhny Novgorod. To solve this problem, the unit was transferred to the Moskovsky district of the city.

Servicemen of the special unit, together with police officers, are mastering patrol routes on the streets of Nizhny Novgorod. Every day, more than 150 military personnel go out for combat service: 27 foot patrols, five vehicle patrols and one control group provide order. During the first day of service, special forces soldiers were detained for administrative offenses 99 persons.

Military unit of Nizhny Novgorod number 6908 has 285 people, a little more than half of them, the rest are contract servicemen. The commander of the military unit of the SMVCh VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nizhny Novgorod is Lieutenant Colonel Anatoly Vakhrushev. The Gorokhovetsky training ground, located in Nizhny Novgorod near the Ilyino station, is constantly used by military unit number 6908 for shooting ranges.

Future plans

After a visit by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Nizhny Novgorod to a special forces military unit, it was decided to create Single center on training of special forces police officers in Nizhny Novgorod. Currently, special forces are trained together with police officers of other specialties (criminal investigation operatives, district police officers, patrol officers). A decision was made to train special forces specialists according to a separate training program.

Contract service

In Nizhny Novgorod, military unit number 6908 recruits for military service under a contract everyone aged 18 to 35 years who have served in the Russian Armed Forces. To schedule an interview, you can contact the following address: Nizhny Novgorod, Heroev Avenue 37 V, military unit number 6908.

Selection of candidates for service in the special unit

In special military units There are no random people; they come here to serve of their own free will. Moreover, not everyone will be accepted into special forces. The command of the military unit of Nizhny Novgorod carefully studies the personal files of conscripts or candidates for contract service, conversations are held with future military personnel. Beginners pass physical fitness standards, which include testing physical condition health, emotional readiness for physical activity, a test of endurance and psychological stability.

Conscripts and candidates for contract service undergo psychological tests several times, the first test is carried out during the interview, and the second test is carried out during recruitment. Strict selection is carried out in the interests of the conscript himself and Russian Army in general, because military personnel protect the population, society and the state.

The special forces are subordinate to the General Staff of the Main Intelligence Directorate under the Ministry of Defense. The structure of the Main Directorate includes 13 main and 8 auxiliary departments and departments.

Anyone who dreams of contract service in special forces, first of all, must decide in which unit he would like to serve. This could be the FSB or the customs service, an anti-terrorist center or foreign intelligence, drug control service or military topographical department and others.

Requirements for candidates

Special forces are elite military units Russian Federation, who are in a higher degree of combat readiness, ready to carry out the most complex and risky tasks. In order to get into them, you need to have high physical, moral and psychological qualities. More often these troops are recruited best representatives younger generation who have already served in the army, especially in the Airborne Forces.

Military personnel applying for service in special forces are subject to special requirements:

  • physical health;
  • military service;
  • age up to 28 years;
  • higher education;
  • rank of warrant officer or officer;
  • height not lower than 175 cm.

But there are also exceptions.

As a rule, they concern those who have combat experience or come to serve from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other law enforcement agencies.

There is a specific methodology for selecting military personnel who will subsequently undergo training and serve in special forces. With the help of the latter, strength, endurance, agility, speed and other necessary qualities of candidates are determined. Therefore, future candidates applying for service in elite units should start playing sports as early as possible and develop the necessary qualities.

To check physical fitness applicants, there are special standards. This is running (3 km in 10 minutes), pull-ups (at least 25 times), push-ups (at least 90 times), press (90 times in 120 seconds).

An advantage in selecting candidates will be the presence of a rank in any sport.

The main task of the Main Intelligence Directorate is reconnaissance, so not only strength and physical endurance are important here. You also need to be able to work with your head; intellectual abilities play a big role in selection.

The medical board will check you from “A” to “Z”, thus determining your readiness for this service. A psychologist will talk to you, identifying all aspects of your moral and psychological readiness.

But this is not all the requirements for those wishing to join the special forces. In addition to the above, you must have no criminal record, your immediate family will be checked and their consent to your service in such units. You will also have to take a lie detector test.

Where to go if you want to serve in special forces

Anyone who meets the stated requirements must contact the military registration and enlistment office at their place of registration. There, at the Main Selection Point for contract soldiers, tests will be carried out. If you pass them, you will move one step closer to your dream. After all, serious tests await you ahead - daily training, even on weekends and holidays, you may be thrown into an unknown area without provisions, you will be given tasks, the solution of which will require not only strength and endurance, but also your ingenuity, your intellect. Every six months, those who cannot cope with such loads are eliminated, so endurance, perseverance and patience will not be superfluous.

For persons holding an officer rank, general military training is carried out at the Higher Military command school, located in the city of Novosibirsk, and special training is carried out at the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Academy includes Higher Academic Courses, as well as adjunct courses. For those who have the rank of warrant officer, necessary condition is the presence higher education. Only in this case can he receive the rank of officer.