The 1st Sunday of July is such a holiday. Professional holidays in July and August. Sunglasses Invention Day

On July 1, 3 Orthodox church holidays are celebrated. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, and days of honoring the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Church Orthodox holidays July 1

Peter's Fast (Apostolic) - 28th day

Multi-day fast. Installed in honor of the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul.

On June 4, the Apostolic, or Peter's, Fast begins. It is observed in memory of the holy apostles, who, having received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, prepared through fasting and prayer for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel.

The meaning of the post

Peter's Fast, like other fast days of the calendar year, was established not for exhaustion and exhaustion of the flesh, but for worthy preparation for the holiday. The joy of a Christian is not in the contentment of a well-fed flesh.

True joy in a person is born only in a full spiritual life, when every day lived brings a person closer to God. The main meaning of the fast established by the Church is for a person to learn to subordinate his body to his spirit, and lower needs to higher ones.

The Gospel tells how one day a man whose son was demon-possessed approached Jesus Christ. This man had already asked the Lord’s disciples for help, but they were unable to heal his son.

After listening to the unfortunate father, the Son of God healed the boy. And when the disciples asked Jesus Christ why they could not free the sick man from the evil spirit, the Lord answered them: “This generation is driven out only by prayer and fasting.”

Martyrs Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus

Dedicated to three holy martyrs - Roman soldiers. They suffered for their faith in Christ during the reign of Emperor Vespasian in 70-79.

The holy martyrs Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus were Roman soldiers. The holy martyr Leontius, a Greek by birth, during the reign of Vespasian (70 - 79) served as a military commander in the imperial troops in the Phoenician city of Tripoli. Christian Leontius was distinguished by his courage and prudence; the soldiers and citizens of Tripoli treated him with deep respect for his virtues.

The emperor appointed the Roman senator Hadrian as ruler of the Phoenician region, with the authority to persecute Christians and, in case of refusal to make sacrifices to the Roman deities, to put them to torture and death. On the way to Phenicia, Adrian was informed that Saint Leontius had turned many away from the worship of pagan gods. The ruler sent the tribune Hypatius with a detachment of soldiers to Tripoli to find and detain the Christian Leontius. On the way, the tribune Hypatius became very ill and, being near death, saw in a dream an Angel who said: “If you want to be healthy, cry three times together with your soldiers: “God of Leontius, help me.” Opening his eyes, Hypatius saw the Angel and said: “I was sent to detain Leontius, how can I call on his God?” At this time the Angel became invisible. Hypatius told the soldiers, among whom was his friend Theodulus, about his dream, and together they all three times called on God for help, whose Name Saint Leontius confessed. Hypatius was immediately healed to the general joy of the soldiers, and only Theodulus sat on the sidelines, reflecting on the miracle. His soul was filled with love for God, and he persuaded Hypatius to immediately go together to the city in search of Saint Leontius.

At the entrance to the city, they were met by an unknown man and invited to his house, where he generously treated the travelers. Having learned that the hospitable host was Saint Leontius, they fell to their knees and asked him to enlighten them with faith in the True God. Here Baptism took place, and when Saint Leontius said a prayerful invocation over them in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, a bright cloud overshadowed the newly baptized and a blessed rain fell. The rest of the soldiers, in search of their leader, came to Tripoli, where Governor Adrian also arrived. Having learned about what had happened, he ordered Saint Leontius, the tribune Hypatius and Theodulus to be brought to him and, threatening them with torture and death, demanded that they renounce Christ and sacrifice to the Roman gods. All the martyrs firmly confessed their faith in Christ. Saint Hypatius was hung on a pillar and whittled with iron claws, and Saint Theodulus was mercilessly beaten with sticks. Seeing the steadfastness of the martyrs, they cut off their heads with a sword. After torture, Saint Leontius was sent to prison. In the morning he appeared before the ruler. Adrian tried to seduce the holy confessor with honors and rewards and, having achieved nothing, he subjected him to torture: the holy martyr hung upside down on a pillar all day with a heavy stone around his neck, but nothing could force him to renounce Christ. The ruler ordered the sufferer to be beaten with sticks until he died. The body of the holy martyr Leontius was thrown out of the city, but Christians honorably buried him near Tripoli. The death of the holy martyrs followed around 70 - 79.

Venerable Leonty, Canonarch of Pechersk

The church honors the memory of Saint Leontius. He was canonarch of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Lived in the 14th century.

There is very little information about the Monk Leonty that has reached us: perhaps because it was lost, and perhaps also because the saint entered the Kiev-Pechersk monastery as a very young youth and, after living there for a short time, went to the Lord.

What is known is that the blessed youth Leonty was the canonarch of the Pechersk Lavra. Having passionately loved the Lord since childhood, at a very young age he entered the Kiev Pechersk Monastery, where he took monastic vows. The saint had such a wonderful voice that when he mastered reading and writing, he began to fulfill the obedience of a reader.

Despite the fact that the Monk Leonty reposed (in the 14th century) very young, for his selfless feat of salvation he was glorified by the Lord with the grace-filled gift of miracles. The relics of the holy ascetic are located in the Far Pechersk and Feodosievsk caves.

In the evenings we gathered and brewed fragrant herbal teas (Photo: Subbotina Anna, Shutterstock)

Old style date: June 18

This day in Rus' has long been dedicated to the god Yarila. Even with the spread of Christianity, this tradition did not stop, but received a new interpretation: they said that in the middle of summer all the saints measure their strength with the pagan god, but cannot win.

Interestingly, there is still no consensus on who exactly our ancestors considered Yarila to be. There are, for example, versions that he was the god of the sun, the god of love and passion, the god of the forces of nature. It was believed that on Yarila all living things “come to yar”, that is, they begin to bear fruit. “Yarilo is a good fellow, rides around on a white horse, has a wreath on his blond curls, a bunch of rye in his left hand, and a club in his right hand. Yarilo waves his rye - the fields grow fat, the grain begins to spike; swings a club - thunder rumbles, rain pours. Wherever the horse steps, silk grass with azure flowers spreads.”, - this is how our ancestors painted the image of the deity.

Yarilin's holiday was called special; they said that they had been waiting for him “for a whole year”, that it was “all day”. Supernatural phenomena were expected on Yarila: the sun slowed down, and special “holes” formed on the ground, through which one could look at the other side of the world, or even at the other world. To do this, it was necessary to braid strong birch branches into a braid at noon and look through them from the steep bank of the river; They believed that in this way one could see loved ones about whom there had been no news for a long time.

On this day, they went to mowing, filling the mattresses with freshly cut and dried grass. In the evenings they gathered around the fires, had fun, danced in circles, and brewed fragrant herbal teas. They also organized “Yarilin games”, fairs, and visits to relatives. The holidays were accompanied by fist fights, songs, dances and riotous fun.

Name day on this day

Alexander, Vasily, Victor, Ipaty, Leonty, Nikanor, Sergey, Feodul

Professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers (Photo: Sailorr, Shutterstock)

There is probably no person in the world who would not gaze with delight at the blue, bottomless expanses of the sea, dreaming of someday going on an exciting journey on a snow-white liner. It is no coincidence that the sailor's profession is surrounded by such a romantic aura, and every boy dreams of becoming a sea captain.

The professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July in a number of post-Soviet countries. It was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 1, 1988 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays” and memorable days."

Sea and river transport is a huge complex economy and one of the key sectors of the economy, and this is the great merit of many generations who have devoted their lives to hard maritime work, forever linking their fate, the fate of their family with rivers and seas.

Today is a holiday for all sailors and river workers of the passenger, merchant and icebreaker fleets, port workers, ship repairers and many other specialists, thanks to whom the activities of sea and river routes are ensured.

Today is the Day of Maritime and River Fleet Workers in Russia and Ukraine, and the Day of Water Transport Workers in Belarus.

July 1 is a memorable date in Russia. And although it does not yet have official status, every year it becomes more and more famous in our country. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans.”

This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and to the memory of those who are no longer alive.

The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among combat veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been circulating for a long time. And they began to celebrate it informally at the beginning of the 21st century. This was caused by their desire to gather on one day, not tied to one or another event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (currently in our country there are separate memorable dates - Days of Military Glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military actions).

And so, in 2009, more than 3,000 veterans voted for July 1, as a day of remembrance for all participants in hostilities that took place after 1945 (and these are military operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in many countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa). This was recorded in a special document, and an appeal was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to officially establish such a Day. However, this issue has not yet been resolved, since, according to the authorities, such a holiday already exists - its function is performed on February 15 (the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed official duty outside the Fatherland).

But the initiators of the new date are not giving up - they are confident that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike June 22 (the Day the Great Patriotic War began), it should be dedicated to local conflicts. This will allow you to maintain the specificity of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, of whom there are fewer and fewer every year. But in our country there remain many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect.

Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as other participants in combat operations who are not military personnel, on Combat Veterans Day, and for all of them to once again get together and remember their fallen comrades.

It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, on July 1, Combat Veterans Day is already celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, countries of military operations is Poklonnaya Hill, where commemorative events begin with laying flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier, and then a cultural program is organized with the participation of famous artists.

In other cities, event participants also begin this day by laying wreaths at the Eternal Flame, at monuments to internationalist soldiers and other memorials. In addition, recently this date has been receiving increasing attention from the media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts.

The young generation is the future of Buryatia (Photo: withGod, Shutterstock)

July 1, 2011 was celebrated on a grand scale 350th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Buryatia into Russia. This holiday date was approved by the law of the Republic of Buryatia dated March 11, 2011 “On the Day of Celebration of the 350th Anniversary of the Voluntary Entry of Buryatia into the Russian State.”

It is interesting that the scientific debate surrounding the figure “350 years” itself lasted a very long time. Opponents of this date referred opponents to the works “Chronological list of the most important data from the history of Siberia 1032–1882” and “Complete collection of legislative acts of the Russian Empire from 1649 to 1913”, where, according to them, there is no hint of the exact date of Buryatia’s entry into composition of the Russian Empire. As, however, Buryatia itself is not on any of the maps of Russia or foreign countries of that period.

Proponents of the theory about the “350th anniversary of friendship between Russia and Buryatia” referred to the fact that in 1959 the celebration of the 300th anniversary of voluntary accession took place, and it is logical to celebrate the 350th anniversary half a century after that date - in 2009. Initially, this is what they wanted to do in Buryatia. But then, after “additional consultations with the scientific community,” the founding date of the Verkhneudinsk fort in 1661 was taken as the starting point, and the celebration was moved to 2011.

However, according to some other sources, the first step in the annexation of Buryatia to Russia was taken in 1627, when the Yenisei governor Pyotr Beketov made a successful campaign to collect taxes from the Trans-Baikal Buryats and founded the first Russian settlement here - the Rybinsk fort.

The capital of the modern Republic of Buryatia, part of Russia, is the city of Ulan-Ude. The territory of Buryatia is shaped like a crescent, stretching from north to south. It borders on the Irkutsk region, the Republic of Tyva, Mongolia and the Trans-Baikal Territory. A significant part of the republican border in the north and west passes through the waters of Lake Baikal. The Trans-Siberian Railway and the Baikal-Amur Mainline pass through the territory of Buryatia.

Buryatia is one of the most remote republics from the capital of Russia. The distance from Ulan-Ude to Moscow is 5532 km. However, Buryatia is now actively developing, including with the help of federal funds. For example, construction is underway here of one of the country’s largest special economic zones of a tourist and recreational type - “Baikal Harbor”. It is positioned as a world-class all-season resort with highly developed infrastructure and a key tourism center in eastern Russia. The area of ​​the “Baikal Harbor” will be 700 square kilometers.

Also among the iconic attractions of Buryatia are the Ivolginsky Datsan (the main Buddhist temple of Russia), several large nature reserves and national parks, including the Barguzinsky State Biosphere Reserve, the Baikal State Biosphere Reserve, the Dzherginsky State Nature Reserve and others.

St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 11th century (Photo: Brykaylo Yuriy, Shutterstock)

The professional holiday of Ukrainian architects and connoisseurs of the country's architectural masterpieces - (Ukrainian Architecture Day of Ukraine) is celebrated annually on July 1. It was established in support of the initiative of architects and urban planners, their creative unions, employees of design organizations and local urban planning and architecture authorities.

Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 456/95 dated June 17, 1995 states: “Establish the Day of Architecture of Ukraine, which is celebrated annually on July 1 - on World Architecture Day” (which until 1997 was celebrated on July 1).

World Architecture Day was established by the International Union of Architects, founded in 1946, after the Second World War, at a time when it was necessary to raise cities from the ruins, restore enterprises, and recreate architectural monuments. Initially it was celebrated on July 1, but in 1996 it was decided to coincide the celebration of Architecture Day with World Habitat Day, which is celebrated on the first Monday in October. This decision was made by the International Union of Architects at the 20th UN General Assembly in Barcelona.

The architecture of Ukraine is diverse, it is said that it is “sounded by bells.” Temple construction, whose history spans a thousand years, is a “stone chronicle” reflecting the ups and downs, wars and periods of spiritual growth from Kievan Rus to the present day. Ancient churches bear the influence of Byzantine and Romanesque styles, Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance. But in the diversity of schools, eras and styles, the face of Ukrainian architecture is unique.

In many cities you can see ancient buildings adjacent to masterpieces of new architectural thought. This is especially noticeable in the capital - the unique Kyiv.

On the holiday itself, according to the Decree of the Head of State, a ceremony is held to present the State Prizes of Ukraine in Architecture, the awarding of which is being prepared for this Day.

Canada Day is the country's main public holiday (Photo: Andresr, Shutterstock)

(Canada Day) is the main public holiday established in honor of the unification of all North American colonies of Britain into a single Dominion of Canada(formerly known as Dominion Day) under the British North America Act, which came into force on July 1, 1867.

On this day, the first colonies of British North America - the provinces Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Bronswick, united in a confederation called the Dominion of Canada, they laid the foundation for a new country.

The British North America Act, originally created by the four provinces, was equally open to the other colonies that joined the confederation later. Having accepted 6 more provinces one after another, Canada acquired its modern shape by the end of the 19th century. The process of the final formation of Confederation ended in 1949, when the former British Dominion of Newfoundland became the tenth province of Canada. Today, in addition to ten provinces, Canada also includes three Northern Territories.

British North America Act, which at one time marked the birth of a new state and embodied its constitution for more than a hundred years, was replaced by a new Canadian constitution in 1982. The transfer of constitutional power from Great Britain to Canada took place on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, where Queen Elizabeth II announced the new document.

Canadians celebrate their country's birthday with great enthusiasm. Many thousands of people take part in the festivities on Parliament Hill in the capital of Ottawa. On this day, blocked traffic became a common occurrence on the streets of Canadian cities. In all parts of the country, festive ceremonies and parades, concerts and open-air performances, and performances of choirs and orchestras are held. In many cities, luxurious fireworks displays are held in the evening.


For those who celebrate company day in these two months, I will repeat our offer :-). We organize any holiday outdoors, in a restaurant or in the office:


July 2
International Day of Sports Journalists. The holiday of sports journalists is celebrated on July 2 - on the same day in 1924 the International Organization of Sports Press was created in Paris.

3 July
Traffic Police Day (State Traffic Police Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). The service, which ensures our safety on the roads and guarantees compliance with traffic rules, was formed on June 3, back in 1936. And for seven decades now, the work of traffic police officers has been a respected and responsible profession.

1st Sunday of July
Day of workers of the sea and river fleet. Dreamers who connected their lives with the seas and rivers celebrate their professional holiday on the first Sunday in July and carry out the continuous work of one of the main sectors of the Russian economy.

July 11
Lighting Artist Day (Light Operator Day). It is with the help of light operators that all our holidays and events are filled with light. This became possible thanks to Alexander Lodygin, who received a patent for an incandescent lamp on July 11, 1874.

12 June
World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day. Workers of this romantic and very responsible profession guarantee the safety and comfort of passengers during the flight. Interestingly, this seemingly new specialty dates back to 1928 with the first steward to board an airplane.

2nd Sunday of July
Fisherman's Day. Since time immemorial, fishing has been not only a hobby, but also a way to feed oneself, and soon - other people. Fishermen fill our tables with delicious, fresh fish and seafood, so they rightfully celebrate their own professional holiday on the second Sunday of July.

2nd Sunday of July
Russian Post Day. Postal service employees perform a vital function in bringing people who are far apart together. Postal service was used a thousand years ago, and under Peter I, regular postal service began to develop.

July 18
Day of creation of state fire supervision bodies. On July 18, 1927, a decree was issued on the establishment of state fire supervision authorities, and since then, employees of the State Fire Supervision Authority have been guaranteeing fire safety throughout the country.

July 20
International Chess Day. The most intelligent sport - chess - originated in India back in the 5th century, and since 1966, the World Chess Federation introduced a professional holiday for chess players, celebrated on July 20 throughout the world.

3rd Sunday of July
Metallurgist Day. The courageous and dangerous profession became especially in demand in the post-war period, making a huge contribution to economic recovery. To this day, metallurgists ensure the continuous operation of a key sector of the economy - the mining of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Last Friday of July
System Administrator Day. This holiday was founded by American system administrator Ted Kekatos, who wished that important, but invisible at first glance, work would receive due gratitude.

26 July
Parachutist's Day. On the same day in 1930, a team of Soviet pilots made the first series of parachute jumps. This event was the start for the development of parachuting in Russia.

4th Saturday of July
Day of Trade Workers in Russia. Trade is an area without which modern life would be impossible, and every fourth Saturday in July the country honors those who have dedicated their lives to serving the population.

Last Sunday of July
Russian Navy Day. Perhaps one of the most memorable holidays both in the USSR and in modern Russia, which has the unofficial name of “Neptune Day”. The creation of a regular navy is the merit of Peter I, who for the first time built a full-fledged fleet, consisting of ships of various classes.

July 28th
PR Specialist Day. The relatively new profession of public relations specialist has already received due recognition in Russia, and since 2003 a new professional holiday has appeared on the calendar.


August 1
Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, it was on August 1, 1941 that the self-determination of the rear as a separate type of armed forces took place.

August 1
Collector's Day. Transportation of funds is a service that requires honesty and responsibility. The collection service was formed at the State Bank of the USSR on August 1, 1939.

August 1
Day of formation of the Special Communications Service of Russia. Ensuring high reliability and secrecy, transmitting important information are tasks that the Russian Special Communications Service has been performing with dignity since August 1, 1939.

August 2
Airborne Forces Day (VDV Day). "Blue Berets" are symbols of valor and courage. The professional holiday of paratroopers has been celebrated since August 2, 1930, when a group of 12 people was parachuted during an exercise near Voronezh.

1st Sunday in August
Railwayman's Day. The oldest professional holiday was established back in 1896 and is tied to the birthday of Nicholas I, who was the first to begin laying railways.

August 6
Railway Troops Day. Railway soldiers with their labor have made a huge contribution to victory since the time of the Russian-Turkish war. On August 6, 1851, Emperor Nicholas I signed the “Regulations on the composition of the management of the St. Petersburg - Moscow Railway,” which served as the basis for the emergence of the holiday.

August 7
Day of special communications and information of the Federal Security Service of Russia. The service, formed on August 7, 2004, is the successor to the KGB and operates secret information channels used by the president and other high-ranking officials.

8 August
International Mountaineering Day (Mountaineer's Day). On August 8, 1896, two fearless porters - Packard and Balme - were the first to conquer Mont Blanc, the highest point in the Alps.

2nd Saturday of August
Sportsman's Day. The mass holiday, symbolizing a healthy lifestyle, is always accompanied by sports competitions and active events, and all physical education workers receive well-deserved congratulations.

2nd Sunday in August
Builder's Day. Builder's Day was celebrated for the first time on August 12, 1956. To this day, workers in the construction industry have preserved the Soviet traditions of celebrating the holiday: ceremonial speeches, official meetings, awards and, of course, a feast.

12th of August
Air Force Day (VVS Day) of Russia. The holiday was established in 2006 as a symbol of recognition of the work of members of the Air Force. It is August 12, 1912 that is traditionally considered the day of the creation of Russian military aviation.

August 15
Archaeologist's Day. This day is not dedicated to any discoveries and is not a state day, but this does not prevent archaeologists from celebrating their professional holiday - the day of enthusiasts, discoverers and researchers of ancient human cultures.

3rd Sunday in August
Russian Air Fleet Day. The holiday of Russian Air Force employees has two origins: on August 12, 1921, Emperor Nicholas II ordered the formation of the first part of the air force in Russia, and on August 18, 1933, Stalin established the tradition of celebrating USSR Air Fleet Day in the USSR.

August 27
Russian Cinema Day. It dates back to August 27, 1919, when the new leadership of the country, understanding the need for the development of cinema, signed the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) on the nationalization of the film industry in the country. Since then, cinema has undergone global changes, but we still love old Soviet films.

Last Sunday in August
Miner's Day. The day to honor the courageous and dangerous profession was not chosen by chance: on August 31, 1935, a miner named Alexei Stakhanov exceeded the coal mining standard by 14 times! Since then, the term “working like Stakhanov” has appeared.

Published 07/01/18 00:14

Today, July 1, 2018, we also celebrate the Day of the Maritime and River Fleet Workers, the Day of the Tax Crime Department Employee and other events.

On July 1, 2018, the national holiday Yarilin Day is celebrated. The holiday is dedicated to the Slavic Sun God - Yarila, and it was nicknamed “The Top of Summer” due to the fact that it falls at the hottest time of the season.

The holiday appeared in those days when there was no Christianity in Rus' yet, and the ancestors of the Slavic peoples revered and asked for help from the heavenly intkbbee luminaries, nature and animals.

Yarila or Yarilo is considered a deity and is associated with the sun, warmth, fertility, masculine strength and war.

Although the Orthodox Church is against such holidays and calls it paganism and idolatry, Yarilin’s Day has not lost its former popularity. People continue to believe in the power of the sun and celebrate the peak of summer. This holiday is especially revered by the Eastern Slavs.

On this national holiday, people mow and dry the grass, and then stuff their mattresses with it.

It is believed that the seven days following the holiday will be hot.

Morning fog is spreading across the lowlands - the coming days will be fine.

If the month in the sky is such that you can “hang” a bucket on the lower horn - it means dry days. If the wind is blowing, it means fine days, and if there is a lot of dew, millet will grow.

Sea and River Fleet Workers Day

Sea and River Fleet Workers' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in July. In 2018, the event is celebrated on July 1.

It was included in the holiday register back in the Soviet Union. The year 1980 was marked by the adoption on October 1 of Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X “On Holidays and Memorial Days,” according to which not only the military fleet, but also the civilian fleet was awarded its professional holiday. On November 1, 1988, a new edition of the document was published under No. 9724-XI.

Tax Crime Department Officer's Day

Tax Crime Officer Day is celebrated in Russia every year on July 1. The purpose of the holiday is to increase the prestige of the profession of a tax crime department employee.

Sunglasses Invention Day

The day of the invention of sunglasses is celebrated on July 1, 2018. The holiday is dedicated to a device that protects the eyes from sunlight and ultraviolet rays, and is also a fashion accessory.

The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. By this day, constant sunny weather sets in over most of the planet. People who care about the health of their eyes, are afraid of wrinkles or follow fashion, put on sunglasses before going outside.

Alexander, Vasily, Victor, Leonty, Nikanor, Sergey.

  • 1535 - The trial of Thomas More took place in London, ending in a death sentence.
  • 1661 - The Treaty of Kardis between Russia and Sweden was signed.
  • 1751 - the first volume of the world's first Encyclopedia was published.
  • 1862 - The Russian State Library was founded.
  • 1904 - The Third Summer Olympic Games opened in St. Louis.
  • Gottfried Leibniz 1646 - German philosopher and mathematician.
  • George Sand 1804 - French writer.
  • Vera Mukhina 1889 - Soviet sculptor.
  • Pavel Antokolsky 1896 - Russian poet.
  • Estee Lauder 1908 - American businesswoman.
  • Sergei Sokolov 1911 - Soviet military leader.
  • Joseph Shklovsky 1916 - Soviet astronomer.
  • Klara Luchko 1925 - Russian actress.
  • Sydney Pollack 1934 - American film director.
  • Carl Lewis 1961 - American track and field athlete.

The list of Russian holidays on July 1, 2018 will introduce you to the state, professional, international, folk, church, and unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can select an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays July 1st

Sea and River Fleet Workers Day

For some, the sea is knee-deep, and for others, even a country pond will seem like the Mariana Trench. It doesn’t matter at all whether you are a sea wolf or a modest river wolf cub, you can safely include the Day of the Sea and River Fleet in your professional holiday. Perhaps all the boys once in childhood dreamed of becoming the captain of a huge ship and going on a long voyage to discover new lands, continents and mysterious uninhabited islands.

History of the Day of the Sea and River Fleet

More than thirty years ago, back in 1980, the USSR issued a decree that every year, on the first Sunday of July (July 1 in 2018), the country would officially celebrate Marine and River Fleet Workers' Day. Our country is rich in water resources, including seas, oceans, as well as numerous deep rivers and huge lakes. This geographical location simply obliged that river and sea transport became one of the main sectors of the country's economy. Often, sailors and rivermen are entire dynasties that have linked their destinies with the water element for many generations.

Tax Crime Department Officer's Day

An employee of the tax crimes department is a person who cannot be treated without due respect.
Individuals who conduct their business in bad faith even experience understandable fear when they are about to meet such a person. This situation is quite understandable, because a competent and decent specialist will never make a mistake and will definitely catch the culprit of an economic crime, which will inevitably be followed by penalties. It doesn’t matter in what area the mistakes were made due to negligence or intentionally, you will have to answer for it according to all the rules.

To ensure that such crimes are as few as possible, employees of the relevant services are constantly on guard. They improve their specialized knowledge, gain experience and skills, without losing vigilance for a second in their workplace.

Yarilin's Day (Top of Summer)

Yarilin's Day, which is also called the Top of Summer, is celebrated on July 1, which corresponds to June 18 according to the old style. Since ancient times, this day in Rus' was dedicated to the Slavic pagan deity Yarila - the god of the Sun. However, with the advent of Christianity in Rus', the holiday did not disappear, but was transformed, acquiring a new folk-Christian meaning. It was believed that it was at the “crown of summer” that all the saints measured their strength with the pagan Yarila, but could not finally win, so the deity was reborn every year.

In Slavic mythology, Yarilo was not only the god of the Sun - he symbolized fertility, the forces of the earth and nature, as well as carnal love and even passion - feelings that Christianity, as we know, does not particularly approve of.

Yarilo was responsible for ensuring that everything in nature “raged” and played - the ear was filled with grain, the grass became thicker and more fragrant, berries and mushrooms began to ripen in the forests, fish were found in reservoirs, etc.

Yarila, who was responsible for the Sun, was even expected to experience supernatural phenomena, which included eclipses and various natural disasters. The ancients believed that on Yarilin's day doors and windows to the other world open, through which you can look into both the past and the future, as well as see missing or deceased loved ones.

Sunglasses Invention Day

The day of the invention of sunglasses is celebrated on July 1, 2018. The holiday is dedicated to a device that protects the eyes from sunlight and ultraviolet rays, and is also a fashion accessory.


The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. By this day, constant sunny weather sets in over most of the planet. People who care about the health of their eyes, are afraid of wrinkles or follow fashion, put on sunglasses before going outside.

The first glasses with protection from sunlight were used by the Eskimos. They carried smoothed animal bones in which a horizontal slit was sawed for viewing. In this way they protected their eyes from the rays of the sun, which were reflected from the snow and ice.

In China in the 12th century, judges wore glasses with smoky quartz lenses to hide their views on the verdict, so that witnesses or defendants would not see the look in their eyes. Later, such glasses were also used to protect the eyes from the sun.

Industrial production of sunglasses was established in France during the reign of Napoleon. The first batch was intended for soldiers who fought in the African war.

The era of popularity of sunglasses began in the 20th century, when Hollywood stars could not do without them. Their eyes were constantly reddened by the arc lamps on film sets.

Folk signs on July 1

  • If you can mentally hang a bucket on the lower horn of the month, then there will be a drought in the near future
  • Fog creeps across the lowlands in the morning - a sign that the weather will be clear
  • On July 1, they went to mowing, filled their mattresses with grass, and in the evenings they gathered around the fires, danced in circles and had fun, organized games, fairs, fist fights, and dances.
  • In addition, the Orthodox Church commemorates the martyrs Hypatius, Leontius and Fedulus on July 1st.
  • On this day, the early raspberries usually faded and the late variety began to bloom.
  • The peasants tried to plant cauliflower seedlings in the ground right now.
  • In addition, by July 1, black currant and blueberry fruits appeared.