Palming for the eyes how to do. Palming or deep eye rest. Nuances when performing the exercise

It just so happens that a person pays attention to his health in general, to his vision, only when something starts to go wrong. Then he begins to do something to correct the situation.

Meanwhile, vision is perhaps the most important of all the senses: it is thanks to it that we can obtain up to 80% of the data about the world around us. Those who can see well and clearly into old age are incredibly lucky. But save excellent vision from a young age, maintaining it throughout your life is not so easy.

Palming: what to do and how to help your eyes with weakened vision

There are frequent and objective reasons for decreased vision. These include age-related changes in blood vessels, difficulties with the spine, which can worsen the blood supply to the eyes, difficult childbirth, and diseases. Most dangerous enemy for vision it is diabetes mellitus.

A severe complication of this disease is diabetic retinopathy, in which the walls are affected blood vessels, the blood supply in the fundus is disrupted, and it does not stop moving to the retina. Avoid significant loss of vision and possibly also blindness, the risk of which is diabetes mellitus grows 25 times, only regular monitoring of blood glucose levels can help.

You also need to preserve your vision by reducing the load when acute infections, capable of being reflected before your eyes.

Considerable difficulties may arise due to frequent overwork during long work on a PC, constantly watching TV programs, movies, reading in poor lighting conditions. Causes damage to vision from cigarettes and consumption alcoholic drinks, stress caused by too much mental stress.

Palming for the eyes: how to do it

Palming helps improve vision. Name this method relaxation of the eyes originates from the English. palm meaning palm. The conversation here will be about using the biofield of your hands, which can perform miracles. This simple exercise was developed based on the teachings of China and India.

First of all, you need self-hypnosis - be convinced that palming improves vision, and will probably even help you get rid of the need to wear glasses. Ready? Now let's begin.

To increase the energy of your hands, rub your palms harder against each other until you feel warmth. It's best to keep your hands hot. If your palms are dry and hot, everything is fine with your energy. When the hands are only slightly warm, the biofield is lowered. If they do not warm up at all, they are moisturized, this carries information about big problems body. In any case, do this exercise - your energy will improve over time.

  1. We place our hands on the eyes so that the central part of the palms is directed towards the eyeballs, while the palms themselves should cross in the center of the forehead. Elbows should be resting on the table.
  2. Make sure that the light does not fall behind your palms. If you still have the so-called. white spots, this means that the eyes need relaxation.
  3. Imagine: you paint them with black paint or hide them under a dark blanket.
  4. Think about something good, fantasize, daydream, that is, do everything to experience pleasure. Stay in this state as much as possible: 5-10 minutes. The longer the better.
  5. Now slowly remove your hands from your eyes and open them.

Another option for palming is available in hormonal gymnastics in Tibet.

Place your hot palms on your eyeballs and your fingers on your forehead. Start by pressing on the eyes at this pace: 1 second - 1 movement. You need to do 30 movements within 30 seconds. After this, leave your palms on your eyes and hold for at least 30 seconds. If your eyesight is not very good, it would be better to do this for about two minutes. During this time, the eyeball, as well as the receptors around it, are nourished. Thus, vision improves.

Even after one palming procedure, if performed correctly, you can notice increased clarity of vision and improved color perception. It needs to be done more often, but it is more effective after heavy loads on the visual organs. When working at a computer like this most useful exercise It is recommended to spend at least a few minutes after every hour. There are no restrictions for palming, so you can do it all the time. As the developer wrote new technique on vision restoration, the famous ophthalmologist W. Bates, palming is only a method of resting the eyes, but you cannot provide them with too much relaxation.

You can use many videos on the Internet by asking “How to do eye palming correctly: video instructions.”

Exercises according to Zhdanov

  1. Let's raise our eyes up and down (do this three times). Blink.
  2. We squint our eyes left and right (do this three times). Blink.
  3. "Diagonal". We look up to the right - down to the left, repeat. Blink. "Diagonal" in the opposite direction. Left up – right down. Do this three times. Blink.
  4. "Rectangle". Let’s raise our eyes upward and “draw” the top of the rectangle, now the right side, the bottom, the left side, again the top, thus three times in a row. We blink. In the opposite direction we “draw” a rectangle (counterclockwise). Top side, left side, bottom, right, thus 3 times. Blink.
  5. "Clock face". We present ourselves with a large dial. We examine it clockwise. Let's raise our eyes to the 12 o'clock mark - 3 o'clock, 6, 9, 12. We do this three circles. Blink. In the opposite direction. Let's look up at 12 o'clock, 9, 6, 3, 12... so three circles. We blink.
  6. "Snake". Draw from the tail. Eyes left, down and up, down and up, down and up, head. We blink. Now back. Starting with the head of the “snake”. Down and up (3 reps), tail. We blink.
  7. "Bow". Eyes to the left and down. Let's draw the side of the bow, diagonal, now the right side, diagonal... Do this three times. Blink.
  8. "Hourglass". We raise our eyes up: top, diagonal down, down side, diagonal up... 3 times. We blink.
  9. "Spiral". Let's rotate it clockwise with our eyes, starting from the nose. A small circle, another more, the 3rd - even more, the 4th - along the wall, the ceiling, another wall, along the floor. We blink. Let's twist the spiral. Eyes to the floor, down the wall, the ceiling, another wall! Another circle is less, the third is even less. 4th – very small. We blink.
  10. Horizontal "spiral". Imagine: in front of us lies a thick glass pipe (at eye level). You wind five turns around it with your eyes. Eyes to the left. 1st turn on the pipe, 2nd, 3rd - in front of you, 4th, 5th. Let's wind the rope. One turn, 2, wind in front of us - 3, 4, 5. Blink.
  11. Vertical "spiral". There is already a large pipe in front of you. Let's look at the floor. There is one turn of rope on the floor, chest level – 2, nose level – 3, hair level – 4, ceiling – 5. Let’s wind it up. There is a coil on the ceiling, hair level – 2, nose level – 3, chest level – 4, floor – 5. We blink.
  12. "Globe". So, in front of you is a giant glass globe. You try to scroll your eyes along the equator. You can move your head, ears, hair. 1st circle around the equator, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th! We blink. Now let’s spin the globe in the opposite direction with our eyes. Again six circles around the equator. We blink.

It's affordable and free tool, which allows you to relieve eye strain, developed by Dr. Bates, which is recommended by many ophthalmologists to this day. The essence of the method is relaxation of the eye muscles, which helps in long term improve vision. I found out about palming about a year ago, so own experience I can draw some conclusions about the pros and cons.


  • 1) effective relaxation of the eye muscles;
  • 2) relief from headaches;
  • 3) protection against vision impairment.

Even one-time palming (with correct execution) can significantly reduce headaches and provide good competition regular aspirin. This effect is not surprising, since headache is born precisely because of overstrain, and palming helps to effectively relieve it, or at least reduce.


  • 1) impossibility of palming in the office;
  • 2) relaxation requires concentration, which is not always possible to achieve;
  • 3) hourly execution (ideally according to Bates) can disrupt the mood for work.

The method also has disadvantages. Often only unemployed citizens or freelancers can afford to do it, since it will be difficult to explain to surrounding employees what you do. But even if understanding reaches their minds, the employer may count these breaks as “picking their nose,” which can spell trouble. In addition, palming every hour cools the ardor for work, because relaxation and work rhythm are multidirectional things. Those who know what it means to “be on the wave” will understand me. Palming also requires concentration and visualization of a black background, and this skill does not come immediately, over time. It is a little problematic to tune in to the method if there are distracting things. Recommended calm environment or developed ability disconnect from everything, despite the surrounding stimuli.

And now about how to do palming.

  • 1) rub the palms of your hands and, crossing them, place them on your face as follows: the bases of the palms lie on the cheekbones, the crossed fingers on the forehead, the bases of the little fingers strictly on the bridge of the nose;
  • 2) crossed palms should not allow light to pass through, creating complete darkness;
  • 3) blink your eyes under your palms, relax your arms and wrists, close your eyes;
  • 4) Palming is done while sitting, with your elbows resting on the table surface. IMPORTANT: do not throw back or tilt your head, it should keep a straight line with top part spine;
  • 5) contemplate the imagined blackness with closed eyes;
  • 6) postpone palming if violated peace of mind- for disorders, anxiety, fear.
  • 7) execution time - at least 5 minutes. The bigger, the better.

It all looks something like this:

Bottom line. Palming can and should be done. It is impossible to do any harm by palming; the “worst” thing is simply the absence of any result. Personally, palming really helps me relieve stress from sitting at the computer for a long time. It is especially good to “clarify” their vision when the letters begin to blur: after 5-7 minutes of contemplating the darkness, a clearer picture can be observed. Thus, I did not notice a lasting improvement in vision (deterioration either), but perhaps if you do it every day and every hour, the results will not keep you waiting. However, even one-time palming will help you relax and unwind. Be healthy!


Palming is one of the most effective exercises aimed at eliminating tension. Palming not only promotes muscle relaxation and eye rest, but also activates the activity of brain cells, which ultimately has a positive effect on the dynamics of vision correction.

Indications for the use of palming:

fast fatiguability eye;

– myopia;

– farsightedness;

– astigmatism;

– age-related vision loss;

- decreased vision after past diseases;

– regular eye strain.

What is palming? This term comes from the English palm - “palm” and means artificial darkening of the eyes using the palms.

The most important thing in palming is to accept correct posture and position your palms in a special way. These seemingly insignificant details actually have great value, and if you do not master the palming technique from the very beginning, the exercises will not give therapeutic effect. Sit on a chair, leaning forward slightly, resting your elbows on your knees or on the table. Your neck should be in line with your spine, relax your arms.

Before you start palming, warm up your palms by rubbing them together.

Straighten the fingers of your left hand and place your palm on your face. Little finger right hand Place the four open fingers of your left across the base (the position of your palms will resemble an inverted letter V). The intersection of the little fingers should be on the bridge of the nose, and the hollows of the palms should be exactly above the orbits of the eyes.

Now try to relax as much as possible, forget for a while about your worries and worries, mentally put aside all the important things that bother you. Under no circumstances try to focus on the sensations in the eye area; relaxation should be maximum.

When you tune in the right mood, close your eyes. Now you need to imagine that there is absolute blackness in front of your eyes. Contemplate it for 15 minutes. You may think that the exercise is quite simple, but in fact it is far from so. Don't be upset if you don't succeed right away complete relaxation, and instead of blackness, spots and glare will flash before your eyes. The latter indicates that you have vision problems, and it is precisely to eliminate them that you will do palming. Over time, you will not only learn to contemplate the darkness, but you will be able to quickly achieve complete relaxation.

How often to palm is up to you. Experts advise performing this exercise daily, even several times a day. If you have time, do palming as soon as you feel tension in your eyes.

From the book Improving vision without glasses using the Bates method author William Horatio Bates

9. Palming All methods used to eradicate refractive errors are only various ways achieving relaxation. Most people, although not all, find it easiest to relax with their eyes closed. This usually reduces the effort to see that

From the book Improving vision without glasses author William Horatio Bates

Mental palming In a quiet place at home in the evenings, do palming for 15 minutes or more. Soft music will help you achieve the desired state of complete relaxation. At some point you will feel like you have achieved truly successful palming. Remember

From the book Take off your glasses in 10 lessons author Igor Nikolaevich Afonin

Palming Let us sit down, dear reader, as comfortably as possible. Let's put our elbows on the table. You can place a pad under them to prevent your hands from slipping. The back and neck are straightened. Let's calm down. Take off the glasses if they are still on your nose. Why are they still on the nose? Let's look at Sivtsev's table,



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PALMING Starting position: straighten the fingers of one hand and place your palm on your face. Place the little finger of your other hand across the base of the four open fingers of your first hand (your arms form something like an inverted V). The intersection of the bases of the little fingers

From the book Perfect Vision Without Glasses author William Horatio Bates

Chapter XII. Palming All the methods used to treat refractive errors are simply different ways of achieving relaxation, and most patients, although by no means all, find closing the eyes the most effective. in a simple way achieving relaxation. It usually helps

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Palming Palming is one of the most effective exercises aimed at eliminating tension. Palming not only helps to relax muscles and relax the eyes, but also activates the activity of brain cells, which ultimately has a positive effect on health.

From the book The Best for Health from Bragg to Bolotov. Large reference book of modern wellness author Andrey Mokhovoy

Palming coined this term William Bates. It refers to an eye exercise that involves closing your eyes and covering them tightly with your palms for a few minutes. As a result, the eyes will relax, which is very important for vision. You can find a lot about palming

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Palming Palming is one of the most effective exercises aimed at eliminating tension. Palming not only helps to relax muscles and rest the eyes, but also activates the activity of brain cells, which ultimately has a positive effect on health.

From the book How to Improve Your Vision When You’re Over... author Gennady Mikhailovich Kibardin

Palming and vision The palming exercise was first developed in the 20s of the last century by the American ophthalmologist W. G. Bates. Today palming continues to be actively used by authors various techniques to improve visual acuity, especially in the elderly

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Palming This well-known exercise treats the eyes and prevents many eye diseases, including age-related changes vision, refreshes the mind and has a good restorative effect on the slightest sign eye fatigue. Thanks to the relaxation of the eyes

From the author's book

Palming and vision With the help of the palming exercise, millions of people on Earth achieve effective relaxation eye muscles. Palming is very simple to perform and very effective for relaxing the eyes. Palming was first developed in the 1920s

Bartsok-course of exercises for the eyes

Learn to do palming correctly, and then 1 minute or less will be enough for you to get deep, high-quality rest for your eyes.

For palming, it is best to place your elbows on the table, spreading them loosely slightly wider than your shoulders and straightening your palms with your fingers closed. With your palms facing your face, tilt your hands towards each other so that the closed fingers of one hand (except thumb) lay, without intertwining, on the closed fingers of the other. You will get something like a “house” with thumbs out.

Now tilt your head towards your palms so that your forehead rests comfortably on the crossed closed fingers of both hands, and your nose is under your little fingers.

Try not to strain your neck and shoulders while doing this. Your palms should completely cover your eyes from light, but not obstruct calm breathing and movement of the eyelids, especially not to put pressure on the eyelids, for which the shape of the palms superimposed on one another should be cup-shaped (as if you want to pour water into your palms).

This soft yet tight palming may require practice. The fingers should fit tightly to both the face and the nose, but not put pressure on the nose or interfere with opening and closing the eyes.

Look into the darkness of closed palms. If necessary, move your palms and fingers a little to close the gap you notice.

You should look softly into the darkness, and not peer. To do this, the eyes seem to sink inside the eye socket. This way you relax the orbicularis oculi muscle, a paired muscle located in the orbit around the eyeballs. If you can’t do this kind of immersion, listen to the audio recording “Rest your eyes while the rain rustles.”

After making sure that not a single ray of light, either from the side of the nose or from the side of the temples, penetrates into your palms, and your palms do not interfere with free breathing through your nose, gently close your eyes, smoothly lowering them down upper eyelids. The lower eyelids are relaxed. When lowering, the upper eyelids gently close with the lower ones without pressing on them.

It seems that there is nothing easier than closing your eyes. But you need to make sure that when lowering your upper eyelids, you are not trying to squint or squint your eyes. Close and open your eyes several times, making sure that your eyebrows, lower eyelids, or cheeks do not move along with your upper eyelids. You only make one move upper eyelid, the rest of the facial muscles should remain relaxed at this time.

The upper eyelid is a fairly flexible muscle structure. You can lower it down in different ways. Often it is lowered as if it is rolling down an ice slide. The eyelid rolls over the eyeball.

It is better to learn to close your eyes, as if hugging the eyeball, bypassing it. In order for our eyes to rest, we must relax all their muscles, so this way of closing our eyes is better.

Having learned how to correctly fold a dark “house” for the eyes, you can begin to further relax the eye muscles. With your head resting on your closed palms and your eyes closed, use one of the following three relaxation options.

  1. Relax your eyes, achieving more and more blackness before your eyes, imagining something very black, familiar and pleasant to you: black earth, starless night sky, black velvet or something else. You can pull this black by the corner, expand it from the center, or lower it from above so that it gradually takes up more and more of your field of vision. Perhaps after the first black you can imagine something even blacker. Then, maybe even blacker. In the coming blackness they must dissolve bright spots, gray – darken. And, if you manage to achieve complete blackness before your eyes, then you have managed to completely relax eye muscles, and you optic nerve Now he is not receiving any information. When your eyes rest, your brain also rests.
  2. Can be used in palming and exhalation relaxation. Try to breathe calmly and evenly. Breathe through your nose. Feel that cool air enters your nose, and warmer air comes out as you exhale. Imagine that you exhale this air through your eyes and eyelids into your closed palms, and the pleasant warmth of the exhalation flows into your palms from your eyes. The warm air you exhale may linger in the eye area. And then your eyes will be immersed in this warmth. To get a better feel for this technique, listen to the audio recording “Eye Immersion.”
  3. To speed up eye relaxation in palming, you can also use the warmth of your palms. Feel the warmth of your palms where they touch your face. All these places together are like circles around the eyes. It’s as if there are warm and soft glasses on your face. Now feel how the heat from these warm glasses slowly flows into the area around the eyes: onto the bridge of the nose, eyebrows, to the inner and outer corners of the eyes and into the area under the eyes. Imagine that from there the heat flows onto the eyelids, and then into the eye socket.

You can choose the option that is more convenient for you, or use them one by one. The main thing is not to rush, but to carefully monitor the presence and deepening of relaxation. Then you will learn to achieve quality rest very quickly. With sufficient training, you can do palming with your elbows suspended, standing or lying down. But, in this case, additionally, attention should be paid to the mandatory relaxation of the neck and shoulders.

The first techniques for restoring vision and increasing its sharpness have been known since ancient times, because even in the ancient practice of yoga, complexes for improving the eyes were thought out. It is known that for the best effect, not only training, but also complete relaxation is equally important. The latter is the basic principle of palming - a technique for restoring vision.

Palming to restore vision

The term “palming” (from the English palm - “palm”) was first introduced by William Bates, an ophthalmologist and the author of this technique for improving vision. Palming represents special exercise for the eyes, the essence of which is to relax them and, as a result, correct vision.

At one time, William Bates put forward a hypothesis that the main source of refractive errors is overstrain, to relieve which a person reflexively closes his eyes with his eyelids, and in the case of stress conditions- palms.

According to medical research, there is a specific reaction of the body to closing and relaxing the eyes: in this case, beta waves, which are electrical discharges in the cerebral cortex, are replaced by calmer alpha waves. This state of rest serves as the basis for subsequent restoration of vision.

Specifics of the exercise

Palming is based on isolating the eyes from light for a certain amount of time using the palms. The exercise should not be performed once; to achieve the desired result, it must be done daily and for at least 5 minutes.

When performing palming, you should experience complete comfort, coziness and warmth.

In addition to physical relaxation, to improve the effect of palming, it is necessary to practice the visualization exercise - mental vision - from time to time. Imagining landscapes and paintings in front of you has significant advantages:

  • With “mental” vision, a response occurs physical reaction. It has been proven that when imagining clear images, the eyes “see” them without refractive errors and this is a model for physiological organs vision.
  • Correction of refractive errors occurs; for this, in case of myopia, it is necessary to “examine” distant objects, and in case of farsightedness, one can imagine nearby objects.
  • Happening good workout memory and development of imagination.

Among other things, a significant indicator of vision assessment is the visualization of black color and the quality of darkness that the person performing palming sees. The more uniform and intense the darkness, the better vision will develop.

Take as the object of visualization the blackest objects you can think of (black fur, black velvet, black ink, etc.)

It has been proven that people who see well are able to more easily visualize the color black, hence the main idea of ​​palming - the formation of healthy vision properties.

It is known that there is a great way to relax the muscles of the eyes - sleep. It is similar to palming, because a sleeping person’s eyes are also closed. When people wake up, they actually feel some improvement in their vision. However, there are significant disadvantages of sleep, due to which palming is an advantageous means of resting the eyes:

  • during dreams, the eyeballs move chaotically, due to which the tension from them is not completely relieved;
  • dreams can be overly emotional and lead not to relaxation, but, on the contrary, to depression and stimulation of the cerebral cortex;
  • in a dream, memory and imagination are not trained, since in this case they are not controlled by consciousness.

Indications for palming

Thus, palming is indicated in the following cases:

  • myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • farsightedness;
  • strabismus;
  • cataract (early stage);
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • eye fatigue due to prolonged reading, watching TV shows, working at the computer, etc.;
  • prevention of diseases of the organs of vision.

Mainly treatment ophthalmological diseases by using exercises using the palming technique, people who want to restore their vision without surgical intervention and application of correction (glasses and contact lenses). When performed correctly and systematically relaxing the eyes, palming has a significant effect.

Palming is a simple and fun exercise that will help you relax and see the surrounding objects more imaginatively, brightly and clearly.

Contraindications for performing the exercise

Despite the significant advantages that palming brings, there are a number of restrictions on the implementation of this eye gymnastics.

Palming is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • less than six months have passed since previous eye surgery;
  • retinal detachment and other structural disorders of the visual organs have been diagnosed - in this case, permission to perform eye exercises must be given by the attending physician.

Despite the apparent simplicity of performing the exercise, you need to focus on this technique and do the gymnastics correctly to get the best results. healing effect. The sequence of actions when palming:

  1. Sit on a chair, leaning on the table. Place your head in line with the spine, without throwing back or tilting to the sides, which will worsen blood circulation and blood supply to the brain, as well as the organs of vision. For greater comfort, you can place books or a blanket folded several times under your elbows.

    When performing the exercise for a long time, support for the arms is necessary.

  2. If you have glasses or contacts, remove them.
  3. Close your eyes with eyelids.
  4. Rub your palms until you feel warm. Completing this point has great importance, since palming is nothing more than biophoresis (warming the eyes with the warmth of one’s own palms).
  5. Place your palms one on top of the other so that a right angle is formed between them at the intersection (at the base of the fingers).
  6. Bend your palms slightly into a bowl, as if you need to scoop up water. The fingers are positioned as close to each other as possible so that “water does not spill.”
  7. Place your hands on your face so that your eyes are in the middle of your palm and your crossed fingers are on your forehead. In this case, the nose will be located under the little fingers, and Bottom part palms - on the cheeks.

    The very construction of the exercise is based on the fact that in the dark (in our case, under the palms) a special substance (rhodopsin) is produced in the light-sensitive cells of the eyes, which is necessary for clear vision

  8. Remove everything possible gaps between your fingers, press your palms to your face so that no light penetrates. In this case, you should not create pressure on your eyes or face, and you also do not need to strain your hands.

Initially, after closing your eyes, you can see light spots - this is a signal of overexcitation of the endings optic nerve. Having imagined the color black or black objects, letters, numbers before your eyes, you need to mentally make it darker, focusing on the darkness, and not on the flickering highlights of light - this will only aggravate the situation. A signal that the exercise has been performed correctly is absolute blackness in front of your closed eyes - without dots, sparks, or spots of light.

You can move during gymnastics eyeballs, but not the facial muscles - they should be completely relaxed. Sudden movements are absent, complete relaxation and a state of rest are required.

You can perform palming daily and an unlimited number of times. As soon as you feel tired, tense and dry, you can spend five minutes doing this exercise and then get back to work.

Video: palming technique

Exit from palming

Once your eyes have completely rested, you should finish the exercise correctly. To do this you need to proceed as follows:

  1. Without removing your palms from closed eyes, close your eyes 5-6 times and relax your eyelids.
  2. Without opening your eyes, remove your palms from your face.
  3. Make rotational movements with your head: forward and backward, left and right.
  4. Rub your eyes with your fists.
  5. As you inhale, open your eyes, blinking quickly, which helps restore blood circulation and further relieve tension from the muscles.

Author's methods

Despite the fact that the founder of palming is W. Bates, there are other methods for restoring vision based on this exercise, which have been improved to achieve better results.

Professor Zhdanov's technique

Professor Zhdanov combined Bates's methodology with the works of psychoanalyst G. Shichko. Distinctive feature palming according to Zhdanov is that the return of lost vision is achieved not only by performing exercises, but also by self-hypnosis. During treatment it is necessary to maintain Personal diary, in which before going to bed you should write down the desired results, for example: “Tomorrow I will clearly see a distant tall building and count the number of floors” or “Tomorrow I will read the advertisement at the entrance without using glasses.” Thus, the person himself programs the restoration of his vision.

  • propolis extract;
  • blueberry extract with the addition of bee bread - a beekeeping product;
  • Vetom is a drug that strengthens the immune system.

The effect of treatment according to Zhdanov’s method depends on the initial diagnosis. The result can be achieved only in cases where the structure of the eye itself is not damaged, but only load-bearing functions. And also an important factor is how suggestible a person is and how great his desire to regain his sight.

Only with systematic exercises and precise execution of the palming technique can you literally see the result.

Video: lecture by Professor Zhdanov on the possibility of restoring vision

Palming according to Norbekov

A feature of vision restoration according to the Norbekov system is faith in success and positive attitude, because the long-term depression can destroy even the most disease-resistant person. M. S. Norbekov, the author of his own method of restoring the body, wrote a separate book dedicated only to restoring eye health. In it, he describes in detail how to independently create a state of joy and learn to imagine excellent vision, as well as where to get faith in successful outcome exercises.

To restore visual acuity this traditional healer also recommends using palming (Norbekov calls it “Nachihatto-Naplevatto”), as well as some other exercises using tables, candle fire and solarization.

The solarization technique is also practiced by other eminent specialists; it consists of performing exercises using sunlight or artificial light.

Norbekov for faster and good effect recommends combining palming with gymnastics to increase the flexibility of the joints and spine, since he is confident in the strong connection of its function with coherence of work internal organs. The scientist is convinced that with severe disorders identified in the body, it is impossible to fully direct efforts to restore vision and restore its sharpness, therefore it is important to monitor the condition of the spine and its loads.

Restoring vision according to the Norbekov system is achieved not only by performing eye exercises, but also special gymnastics to maintain flexibility of joints and spine

Video: method of improving vision according to Norbekov

Palming lying down

Many people who practice palming prefer to do it while lying down rather than sitting at a table. In fact, this body position is not only acceptable, but also recommended, since this is how a person can fully concentrate on the palming technique, forgetting about the weight of his body. Lying on a horizontal surface, there is no need for muscle control, relaxation is achieved more quickly and occurs fully. Depending on your desire, you can perform palming while sitting or lying down, if this is appropriate and the situation allows (for example, when you are at home).

You can do the exercise while lying on your back or stomach, finding a position suitable for relaxation. If a person prefers the first option, then he should place pillows under his elbows to avoid increasing tension in his hands. Palming while lying on your stomach can be found in yoga practices as one of the asanas (postures) for relaxation.

Palming in kindergarten

IN preschool institutions palming is used as one of the exercises to relax the eyes. Due to the age of the children, teachers do not explain the mental component of the technique, but only perform physical exercises:

  1. Children sit at tables or just on chairs and rub their palms until they feel warm.
  2. Children close their eyes and place their hands on them so that the eye is located in the center of the hand.
  3. Children hold their palms in front of their eyes for 3 minutes. At this time, they listen to calm music or a teacher who reads a book aloud.
  4. Music for palming

    The purpose of palming is to relax and relieve tension from tired eyes, and this can be achieved not only by presenting visual images, but also by listening to suitable music.

    Practice shows that best choice there will be slow instrumental music, such as classical. But lyrical songs are also suitable if they evoke positive emotions, pleasant feelings and are not associated with negative moments of the past. Each person can make their own individual selection of music for palming. These can be your favorite compositions, reminiscent of pleasant moments and emotions, helping you relax and tune in to the positive.

    Video: musical accompaniment of palming

    Despite the apparent simplicity of the technique, palming is a rather difficult exercise to perform, especially with regard to its psychological part. It is not enough to simply close your eyes; you need to fully concentrate on the images, the ability to see the darkness and relaxation. With practice comes a decrease in the time it takes for the visual organs to relax. With systematic repetitions of palming, the eyes will feel rested, which will give an additional incentive to restore the ability to see this world clearly.