Red clover: description, medicinal properties and uses of the plant. Clover

Clover is a perennial plant with well-branched, ascending stems. The stem of clover is pubescent, growing up to 50–60 cm in height. Clover leaves oval shape. The flowering stems of the plant, which have trifoliate leaves, emerge from the axils of the basal leaves. The trifoliate leaves have a peculiarity: they fold at night and open only in the morning. Clover flowers are pink or red, they are collected in inflorescences - heads. The fruit of clover is an egg-shaped bean with one seed inside. Clover blooms begin in May and last until September. The fruits ripen at the end of summer. Clover prefers to grow among bushes, meadows and clearings in forests.

Growing clover

Clover reproduces by seed method, however, for these purposes, purchased seeds will bring greater effect. Seeds should be sown in a place that has already been cleared of weeds and dug up. If the seeds were sown in early spring, then after 7–10 days shoots will appear. Clover needs very little time to form a root system and develop stems with leaves. Until the second year of growing season, you need to sprinkle foliage on the soil, thereby protecting the clover from weeds.

Clover is not a fussy plant, so it is not difficult to grow. It requires regular watering and organic matter. nitrogen fertilizers. Since clover can grow very quickly, the plant must be thinned out periodically.

Useful properties of clover

Clover leaves and heads contain vitamins various groups, as well as carotene, minerals and salicylic acid. Clover grass contains flavonoids that improve fat metabolism in the treatment of atherosclerosis. The herb of the plant reduces cholesterol levels. Clover gives the body the opportunity to cope with oxygen starvation, improves immunity, ionizes radiation and poisoning. Clover heads contain analogues of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens.

Clover tea promotes the formation of milk, which is why nursing women drink it. Thanks to the content in the plant salicylic acid it is used for sore throats, colds, and lung diseases. Clover has an anti-inflammatory effect, for this reason it is used for skin diseases and rheumatism.

Application of clover

Clover has long been used in folk medicine in the form of infusions, teas and decoctions. Decoctions of the plant help with exhaustion of the body, anemia, and are also used as a diaphoretic or diuretic. A decoction of clover roots is recommended for hernia, tumors and inflammation of the appendages. A decoction is prepared from the leaves and flowers of the plant, which is used for headaches, rickets, asthenia, anemia and shortness of breath, in addition, it is an anti-carcinogenic agent. Clover is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, bleeding and heavy menstruation.

Preparations based on clover are used not only internally, but also externally: for example, an infusion or decoction of clover flowers and roots can be used as a rinse for gingivitis, sore throat and inflammation of the throat and oral cavity. You can make lotions from clover infusions and use them for eye diseases and abscesses.

Clover tea for lactation. It is very easy to prepare. To do this, take 10 grams of clover heads and the same amount of dry St. John's wort herb. Add 20 grams of currants to this mixture and brew this mixture with boiling water.

Clover tea to cleanse the blood. To prepare it, you need to pour 5 clover inflorescences (dry) with 250 ml of boiling water, leave to brew for a quarter of an hour and strain. Next, add a teaspoon of honey and take 2 cups a day for one to two months.

Clover root decoction. Take 10 grams of crushed plant roots and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them. Put it on fire and keep it in a water bath for half an hour. After removing from the water bath, filter the composition and bring to the original volume with boiling water. You should take this decoction before meals no more than 5 times a day if you have inflammation of the ovaries or tumors.

Clover infusion for headaches, anemia and atherosclerosis. Take 1 tablespoon of powder from the leaves of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water. After leaving to brew for 40 minutes, take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of clover

People with diarrhea, stomach pain, or heart disease should not take drugs from this medicinal plant. Pregnant women should also not consume clover decoction. Doctors also do not recommend treatment with this plant for people who suffer from an estrogen-dependent form of cancer.

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The clover plant belongs to the legume family. Clover can reach up to 50 cm in height.

Clover can be either an annual or perennial plant. The flowers are white or red and are collected in the form of heads. The leaves are trifoliate, less commonly found with 4 petals. Very often you can hear about a symbol of good luck - if you find a clover with 4 leaves. The roots can sometimes become woody.

Genus: Clover

Family: Legumes

Class: Dicotyledons

Order: Legumes

Department: Flowers

Kingdom: Plants

Domain: Eukaryotes

A distinctive feature of clover is that it is pollinated only by bees and bumblebees. After the flowers have faded, the fruit remains - a bean, which contains 1 or 2 seeds. Clover is a forage plant, but there are also several types of decorative clover.

Clover roots contain special bacteria that help saturate the soil with nitrogen. The most common varieties of clover are red clover (meadow) and white clover (creeping), which differ in appearance by the color of their flowers. There are also more rare species clover.

Where does clover grow?

The clover plant can be found on all continents of our planet, except Antarctica. Feels good in temperate zones of continents, northern Africa and even Australia. Most often you can find it in clearings, forest edges and meadows. It grows well in cities too. Few people have not been familiar with this plant since childhood.

Medicinal properties of clover

Clover has anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, hemostatic, expectorant, astringent properties and is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Clover is either consumed internally in the form of decoctions or made into lotions. This plant helps relieve inflammatory processes in the body, cleanse the blood, relieve swelling and remove excess liquid from the body. helps with colds, headaches, and atherosclerosis. And lotions can be used for wounds, burns, and skin diseases.

Clover honey is also very useful. At the same time, it tastes very pleasant and smells aromatic.

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Instructions for use:

Description of red clover

Red clover is a perennial plant with straight, slightly hairy stems and small dark red flowers collected in spherical heads. From the botanical description of meadow clover it is known that it belongs to the legumes. Clover produces flowers in July and August, and during this period it is harvested for further use with therapeutic purpose. Dry clover in the air, laying out the grass with flowers in a thin layer, or at a temperature of 60-70 degrees in special dryers. You can store clover grass for a year, and inflorescences for 2 years. When preparing medicinal raw materials, it is important to be able to distinguish meadow clover from hybrid or creeping clover - in these plants useful substances contains less. Creeping and hybrid clovers are distinguished by white and pink inflorescences, respectively, smoother leaves and a creeping rather than straight stem.

Clover is mainly grown as fodder crop for farm animals, but the healing properties of meadow clover are also known: the stems, leaves, and flowers contain salicylic, ascorbic, coumaric, ketoglutaric acids, ethereal and fatty oils, resins, carotene, glycosides isotrifolin and trifolin, alkaloids, tannins, flavonols, vitamins B, E, phosphorus and calcium salts.

Red clover root is also useful - an antifungal substance (trifolirizin) is isolated from it and is used as an anticancer agent, anti-inflammatory in gynecology, and for the treatment of hernia.

In general, red clover is valued for its antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, and hemostatic effects.

Application of red clover

The stems of the plant are used as a remedy for scurvy and atherosclerosis, rickets, and malaria. Made from clover stems folk remedies help to remove headache and eliminate dizziness, increase appetite, and serve as an antiseptic.

Tinctures and decoctions are used for anemia, metrorrhagia, asthenia, asthma, shortness of breath, and cancer. Juice from the stems is used for the same indications, as well as for lingering cough, bronchitis, poisoning, gout, acute colds.

Externally, decoctions from the stems are used for abscesses, diathesis, malignant neoplasms, burns, to relieve rheumatic and other pains, heal wounds, soften the skin.

Clover juice is also used externally to treat diseases of the eyes, ears, panaritium, and hernia.

The beneficial properties of red clover are used in homeopathy - in the composition various drugs include essence from blooming fresh clover.

Clover leaves help heal wounds and stop bleeding.

Clover leaf juice is used for exudative diathesis(scrofulosis). A decoction of the leaves is used topically for burns, abscesses, to treat tumors, relieve pain, inflammation, and heal wounds.

The beneficial properties of clover flowers are highlighted separately. They can also be used externally and internally. Decoctions of clover flowers are good for treating wounds, bedsores, burns, ulcers, abscesses, treating felon and paronychia, eye and ear diseases. Decoctions are taken orally for anemia, scrofula, gastritis, colitis, bronchial asthma, chronic cough, urolithiasis, cholecystitis, diathesis.

The use of meadow clover has become widespread in folk medicine. The following recipes for tinctures and decoctions are known:

1. A decoction of meadow clover roots: you need to take 20 g of crushed roots, pour 200 ml of hot water over them, boil in a water bath under a lid (preferably in an enamel bowl) for half an hour, then, without cooling, immediately strain, squeeze out the roots, bring boiled water to the original 200 ml. Take this decoction of meadow clover root, one tablespoon 4-5 times a day before meals.

2. Flower decoction: 20g of flowers are poured into 250ml of water, boiled for 15 minutes, left for half an hour, filtered. You need to drink this decoction 3-4 times a day, 0.25 cups each.

3. Infusion of flowers: 20g of flowers are poured into 200ml of boiling water, left for an hour, filtered. Drink clover infusion 3 times a day, 2-3 tablespoons or 0.5 cups.

4. Infusion of stems, leaves (grass) of clover: 40g of raw material is poured with boiling water (200ml), left for an hour, filtered. You need to drink the infusion 0.25 cups 3-4 times a day.

5. Clover juice is prepared from the stems, flowers, and leaves of the plant. Drink it 1/4 or 1/3 cup, mixing with honey 3-4 times a day.

For external use of meadow clover, decoctions are prepared according to the same recipes.

In addition, the beneficial properties of meadow clover can also be used to prevent those diseases that the plant helps to cure. To do this, you can regularly brew and drink tea from clover flowers, and make salads from fresh young leaves.


Clover should not be used for therapeutic purposes by pregnant women or those who have varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis, estrogen-dependent cancer, there is a tendency to diarrhea and those who are concerned chronic pain in the stomach. It is not advisable to take clover infusions and decoctions for heart disease or stroke.

Cloverherbaceous plant, a member of the Legume family. Scientists consider Europe to be the birthplace of the plant, and it grows in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America. Clover is a branched stem with green leaves and dark pink flowers (see photo). Clover is best known as a valuable forage plant. Its high protein content makes it an ideal plant for livestock feed. This plant was also used to give fabrics a green tint.

Clover is used as a medicinal plant in many countries; it is known to Eastern and western medicine. Clover, among other things, is an excellent honey plant. Clover honey has a pleasant floral taste and a candy aftertaste, making this product a favorite treat for children and adults. Thanks to a large number fructose, honey is well digestible, so it is considered one of the most suitable varieties honey for dietary nutrition. Our ancestors used clover honey to treat burns and heal wounds, because high content ascorbic acid this product has good regenerative abilities. This honey also kills even those bacteria that modern antibiotics do not kill.

Clover has long been revered as a magical plant. Entire legends were written about the four-leaf flower and was considered a symbol of fabulous luck. One petal symbolized glory, the second - love, the third - health, and the fourth - wealth. According to ancient belief, a person who finds a four-leaf clover will be extremely lucky. Moreover, this person will bring happiness to his loved ones, as well as simply to the people he meets on his life path. A three-leaf clover was worn as an amulet, but a two-leaf clover indicated a speedy meeting with a lover. If a guy and a girl eat one four-leaf clover between them, then great love will arise between them. For single girls, there is a recipe for attracting love: you need to put a four-leaf clover in your shoe, and then a meeting with your other half is guaranteed.

There is an interesting Irish legend about clover. According to this belief, Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, explained on the three leaves of this plant the concept of the central symbol of Christianity - the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On this Saint's day it is customary to drink at least one glass of strong drink. There is even a unit of measurement for whiskey, conventionally called the “Patrick's glass.” This term refers to the average amount of drink consumed that day. The popular Irish expression "to dry the shamrock" means to place a clover leaf in the glass before pouring the whiskey. This is the significance of this plant in one of the most attractive and mysterious European countries.

Clover varieties

There are several varieties of this plant.

  • Trio meadow clover is an early ripening variety, with round leaves and bright pink inflorescences.
  • White clover, Jura variety, is a low-growing variety of clover. Grows well in fertile, fresh soil.
  • Mereya meadow clover is a perennial plant, suitable for field, meadow and pasture sowing.
  • Ermak meadow clover is a late-ripening variety that is frost-resistant.

Growing: planting and care

Clover is usually grown as food for domestic animals. The plant prefers sufficiently moist soil rich in fertilizers. It can be planted where it grows cereal crops. The plant reproduces using seeds. Before sowing, it is necessary to clear the soil of weeds and loosen it. The first shoots appear 10 days after sowing. Clover is considered one of the most unpretentious plants, because it only needs regular watering and periodic fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers.

If necessary, the plant should sometimes be thinned out.

Collection and storage IN medicinal purposes collect the inflorescences of the plant along with the leaves. They should be collected in mid-summer before lunch.

Flowers that are not wet with moisture and have living petals are valuable. Faded clover has no medicinal value. Shelf life – 1 year.

Beneficial features The beneficial properties of this plant are due to its chemical composition . Clover contains vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. The aboveground part is rich essential oils , glycosides, alkaloids. The plant has antitumor property , he is considered against all cancers. In addition, clover has a choleretic, antimicrobial, and antisclerotic effect. Thanks to the presence of flavonoids in its composition, clover helps strengthen vascular walls

and increases their elasticity. Clover is also an ideal natural stimulant immune system person. Regular consumption of this plant helps improve the protective barrier against most infections. Our ancestors used clover to detoxify the liver, as well as to cleanse the blood and restore intestinal functions. Clover honey at regular use also has a beneficial effect on the condition gastrointestinal tract, it helps with liver failures, problems with the gallbladder, and stomach. Honey does not put additional stress on the organs digestive tract because it is easily digestible. In combination with

green tea Honey promotes the rapid removal of toxins and has a diuretic effect. In gynecology, the plant is used for heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding. Astringent properties help with bleeding. The plant helps with inflammation of the ovaries,

genitourinary system . The infusion is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. raw materials poured into a glass of boiling water. Clover has also found its application in cosmetology; it is used as a healing agent.

Thanks to the presence of salicylic acid, it prevents the spread of purulent rashes.

Clover masks will be useful for people with problematic acne-prone skin. Baths with a decoction of this plant will help get rid of ulcers on the body. Use in cooking In cooking, the plant is used as an additive to the main diet or for preparing independent dishes. Clover leaves and flowers contain vitamins and minerals and are highly nutritious. Simple and

delicious dish considered a salad of rice and clover. It is prepared as follows: approximately 70 grams of clover and mint leaves are cut into small pieces and added to 100 grams of boiled rice. Season the salad with vegetable oil. To prepare the next salad you will need clover, 400 grams of cabbage, vegetable oil, dill, parsley, basil,

Clover is also great for making light soups, and sorrel is often added to it. First, prepare meat or vegetable broth. When it is almost ready, add chopped sorrel and clover, as well as onions and spices, to the pan. Add a chopped egg and a spoonful of sour cream directly to the plate.

There is also a recipe for a spicy clover salad: cut several medium-sized cucumbers into slices, add half of the chopped clover leaves, chopped onion, a clove of garlic, and basil. The salad is mixed and seasoned with sunflower oil.

You can use clover powder to season soups. To begin with, the leaves are dried in the shade and then ground into powder. It can be added when preparing seasoning. By adding the powder of this plant you can make a cake. To do this, one yolk is ground with granulated sugar, add 60 grams of flour, 45 grams of clover powder, raisins, mix the ingredients with egg white. The mixture is poured into a cake pan and baked in the oven until done.

You can make nutritious vegetable cutlets from clover. To prepare them, 100 grams of cabbage leaves are stewed, quinoa and clover leaves are added. Next, prepare a sauce from 10 grams of flour, 50 ml of milk, 10 grams butter and one chicken egg. The finished cabbage is mixed with the sauce, cutlets are formed, which are dipped in breadcrumbs on both sides and fried.

Clover benefits and treatment

The benefits of the plant have long been known in folk medicine. It is used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Crushed leaves of the plant can be used as a good hemostatic agent. When used externally, clover also helps for burns, rheumatism. It is recommended to use clover decoction at coronary disease hearts. When consumed regularly, the infusion also helps restore respiratory system, therefore the plant is recommended to be used for bronchial asthma.

Clover tea can be consumed if you have vitamin deficiency, especially with a lack of vitamin C, as well as with loss of strength, fatigue, headache. Tea will be simply indispensable during the period viral diseases. It is especially useful to drink this tea with a spoon of bee honey.

Clover is used to prepare an infusion that helps for eye diseases. For this, 1 tsp. dry raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused. Use the cooled infusion to wash your eyes and make cotton pads.

Harm of clover and contraindications

This plant can cause harm to the body due to increased blood clotting. Also It is not recommended to use clover internally for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, after a heart attack or stroke. It is contraindicated for pregnant women to consume clover, as it can negatively affect the development of the fetus.