A benign tumor can become malignant. Is there benign cancer? Important symptoms of a tumor. What does a benign tumor mean?

Disturbances in the genetic apparatus of cells lead to their incorrect regulation and the appearance of tumor tumors. In children, medulloblasts, primary gliomas localized on the cerebellum and cerebrum, are more common. This group includes astrocytomas, ependymomas, and other types named by cell type. appear more often in women. Astrocytic glia make up almost 60%, cancer occurs in only 2%. Less commonly, sarcoma and esthesioneuroblastoma are formed. The causes of brain tumors have not been fully identified, but the dominant factors have been identified.

Multifactorial disease is caused by heredity. Oncogenic viral information is blocked in DNA and RNA. The development of the disease is caused by oncogenes activated by point mutations, chromosomal rearrangements, and an increase in proto-oncogenes. Known genetic syndromes Turko, Gorlana, cellular nevus of the RTSN gene. Pilocytic astrocytoma occurs due to von Recklinghausen syndrome (neurofibromatosis gene). In most cases, the cause of brain tumor development is DNA abnormalities triggered by various aspects.

What causes a brain tumor

There is controversy regarding the effect of infrared, ionizing, and electromagnetic radiation on the body. It is believed that they can act as triggers for the appearance of a tumor. The following provoking factors are identified that cause brain tumors:

  • living near high-voltage lines;
  • negative effects of vinyl chloride;
  • consumption of aspartame;
  • prolonged stress;
  • gender factor - they occur more often in men;
  • ethnicity - the disease affects Caucasian races more.

One of the main causes of brain tumors is aggression external environment. This applies to those who are in radiation zones or work in chemical production. The catalyst for gene mutations is contact with arsenic, pesticides, and heavy metals.

Based on the complexity of the disease, a logical question arises: “How many people live with a brain tumor?” In the benign form, there is a gradual increase in the volume of the formation with periodic exacerbations. Pathological neoplasia is more insidious.

Sometimes it does not make itself felt for a long time or manifests itself with nonspecific symptoms. Sometimes the dynamics of growth and the reasons for the development of a brain tumor are so dominant that it is impossible to influence the process. Acute course comparable to the development of a viral one. Even after timely therapy, there is no guarantee of relapses or metastases.

Regardless of what causes a brain tumor, the survival prognosis is 5 years. Some patients live longer. It all depends on the course of the disease, mood, immunity , type and degree of differentiation. The more malignant cells are structurally similar to healthy ones, the better the prognosis.

If there is an obvious discrepancy, the disease proceeds in an aggressive form with rapid tumor progression. With the simultaneous presence of several degrees, the development of the scenario is determined by atypical cells.

Advice! It is important not to miss the symptoms. If the anomaly is detected in the initial stages, the outlook is favorable.

Characteristic signs

There are 2 types of symptoms:

  1. Focal.
  2. General cerebral.

Localization , The causes of a tumor in the head, depending on the effect on the brain centers, determine the specificity of the manifestations. When it puts pressure on the cerebellum, coordination is impaired, and on the occipital lobe, vision suffers. You should be wary when you see:

  • autonomic disorders, when there is constant weakness, fast fatiguability, sweating;
  • hormonal disorders arising from neoplasia on the pituitary gland;
  • psychomotor phenomena - progression of forgetfulness, absent-mindedness.

General cerebral symptoms are associated with nonspecific manifestations present in other diseases. This:

  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions.

Diagnosis, treatment

Important! To prolong life and improve its quality, reduce or completely eliminate complications arising from the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, strengthen the immune system and weaken cancer cells in patients with brain metastases, nutritional therapy with the inclusion of specially developed dietary supplements, as well as oncophytotherapy, immunotherapy and other auxiliary methods help patients with brain metastases.

Chemotherapy for brain metastases

Chemotherapy for brain metastases is prescribed according to regimens that take into account the characteristics of the tumor, the general health of the patient, and the composition and volume of concomitant treatment.

Recent studies have shown that when a metastasis in the brain increases to 1 cm or more, the permeability of the blood-brain barrier decreases, and chemotherapy drugs are able to penetrate into the cancer-affected organ from the blood.

The most sensitive to chemotherapy are small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer and melanoma. Accordingly, courses of treatment with antitumor drugs are prescribed primarily for brain metastasis of malignant tumors of this type.

For metastases small cell cancer It is easy to achieve good results using therapy according to the ArDV regimen (II line of chemotherapy).

Temodal is a new generation of chemotherapy drugs developed specifically for the treatment of patients with brain metastases. This cytostatic easily overcomes the blood-brain barrier and does not have a pronounced toxic effect on the hematopoietic system. The combined effect of temodal with radiation therapy causes a synergistic effect, several times increasing the percentage of partial or complete regression of metastases and contributing to a significant increase in the life expectancy of patients.

With all the obvious successes of this area of ​​oncology, it must be added that even the most selectively acting chemotherapy drugs remain highly toxic cellular poisons, which to one degree or another disrupt normal processes not only in tumor tissues, but also in normal tissues of the human body.

In addition to traditional chemotherapy, targeted drugs that selectively act on tumor cells and do not interact with healthy ones are increasingly used to neutralize metastases of malignant tumors in the brain.

Cyberknife for brain metastases

Treatment with the CyberKnife radiosurgical installation for brain metastases is indicated for both benign and malignant tumors - primary and secondary.

This robotic system has a number of significant advantages, the main one being maximum patient comfort during the procedure.

CyberKnife is the only installation in which a compact radiation source is mounted on a movable “arm” console. During the irradiation process, the console changes its position, directing thin beams of high-dose ionizing radiation from different positions directly to the tumor. In many cases, to achieve desired effect One session is enough.

Modern CyberKnife systems have six degrees of freedom, which allows them to direct beams to the target from 1200 different positions. Due to the fact that the beam is very thin, on its way to the target it comes into contact with a minimum number of healthy cells, and the constant change of the position of the emitter makes this contact one-time. At the same time, the tumor is constantly exposed to high-dose radiation.

The computerized installation is equipped with technologies that allow monitoring the spatial movement of the tumor with minor involuntary movements of the patient. Therefore, the device “does not miss”, and the patient does not need to lie completely still.

The advantages of the CyberKnife compared to the Gamma Knife, another device developed specifically for radiosurgery of brain tumors, include the absence of the need for rigidly attaching a stereotactic frame to the patient’s head. In addition, with the help of CyberKnife it is possible to irradiate tumors of a sufficiently large diameter and not correct form, while Gamma Knife can only be used to destroy metastases of regular shape with a diameter of no more than 3 cm.

The disadvantages of Cyber ​​Knife include:

  • impossibility of destroying tumor nodes larger than 6 cm;
  • increased duration of the irradiation session compared to the TrueBeam radiosurgery system;
  • a high probability of developing long-term complications during repeated irradiation of recurrent brain tumors in children, which limits the use of the method in pediatric neuro-oncology.

Radiation therapy in the treatment of patients with metastases and primary brain tumors

Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, differs from radiosurgery in lower doses of radiation and big amount sessions. The main obstacle to widespread use of this method in previous generation plants was a large number of side effects arising due to the high sensitivity of neurons to the effects of radiation.

New generation radiotherapy systems have significantly expanded the capabilities of radiation oncology, allowing doctors to select the optimal treatment regimen, achieving its maximum effectiveness and minimizing the risk of complications.

The best modern devices technologies supported:

  • IMRT, which modulates the intensity of ionizing radiation to provide maximum irradiation to the target and minimize the effect of radiation on adjacent normal tissue.
  • 3D-CRT, with the help of which a three-dimensional irradiation area is formed, repeating the shape of the tumor node.


Although benign brain tumors differ from malignant ones in a more “calm disposition,” their development and growth leads to serious problems. Therefore, it is better to remove any tumor. However, traditional surgery cannot always be performed, and even if it is possible, surgery carries high risks.

IN Lately Neurosurgeons are increasingly coming to the aid of high-tech “intelligent” radiosurgical and radiotherapeutic techniques. But with all their advantages, the likelihood of complications cannot be completely excluded.

Chemotherapy has an effect in the treatment of metastatic malignant brain tumors, which is enhanced in combination with radiation therapy. But the consequences of such treatment require long-term recovery, and it is not a fact that it will be complete.

Most important point. Even if a brain tumor is successfully defeated, the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease is high. And if the tumor appears again, then it is extremely difficult to cope with it, and often simply impossible, no matter what the above methods doctors resort to. Therefore, it is essential that the body regains the ability to independently prevent the appearance and growth of tumor cells or to do this with the help of supportive therapy that is safe for health. Active work is underway in this direction, and it is already bringing results.

What is a benign and malignant tumor? By what criteria are they divided?

I think it’s no secret to anyone that all the cells in our body are constantly dividing.

Old cells, having lived and worked for a certain period of time, die, and their place is taken by newly born and mature cells. This process never stops in a living organism.

But still, it obeys certain laws and has a very specific rate or rate of renewal.

So, A tumor is a newly formed tissue that differs from the normal tissue of the organ in which it originated. It differs in its structure and in the rate of cell division and growth.

How does a tumor occur?

First, a cell appears in which, for some reason, there was a failure at the genetic level.

Simply put, as a result of some unfavorable circumstances, an incorrectly programmed cell is formed in the body. Then this cell, like all the others, begins to multiply.

But, unlike normal cells, it multiplies too quickly. And as a result of such rapid and sometimes simply uncontrolled reproduction, a whole group of “wrong”, “underdeveloped” cells is formed.

Moreover, the faster this reproduction occurs, the greater the degree of underdevelopment of the newly formed cells.

And this is understandable: they simply do not have enough time for normal division and maturation. Plus, there is an initially incorrect genetic code, an incorrect “program” for the formation and development of the cell.

The Importance of Immunity

Here it should be said that such “wrong” cells constantly appear in the body of any living creature.

This is because the human body is made up of approximately 100,000 billion cells. And just, for example, 1 million new cells are formed in the intestines every minute. It is not surprising that with such a huge scope of work, mistakes sometimes occur.

Yes, mistakes happen. But the body has protection against such annoying troubles - immunity.

Thanks to it, all “wrong” cells formed as a result of an error are subject to destruction. And only when the immune system is weakened, it may not cope. And the “wrong” cell remains to live and reproduce. And serves as a source of tumor.

How do benign tumors differ from malignant tumors?

  • reproduction rate
  • degree of underdevelopment
  • ability to grow into neighboring tissues and organs
  • ability to metastasize

The faster new, “wrong” cells multiply, the more underdeveloped they are, the less they resemble normal tissue, from which, in fact, they were formed. And even more so they are malignant.

Malignant tumor

This is a formation consisting of malignant, life-threatening cells

These cells differ from all others by very high, uncontrolled division and reproduction.

Moreover, they actively grow into the normal tissues surrounding them, and are even able to travel with blood or lymph to other organs and tissues, where they settle and give rise to new tumors (so-called metastases).

According to the degree of maturity or differentiation, malignant cells can be

  • highly differentiated
  • moderately differentiated
  • poorly differentiated
  • undifferentiated

What does it mean? It’s just how similar a malignant cell is to a normal cell.

Well differentiated tumors

They retain quite a lot of signs of the tissue from which they originated.

The division and reproduction of these cells is accelerated, but still it cannot be called uncontrolled. They do not grow into neighboring organs and tissues for a long time and do not metastasize.

These tumors are the most favorable in terms of treatment and recovery of the body.

Poorly differentiated and undifferentiated malignant cells

They completely lose the signs of the tissue from which they originated. The origin of such a tumor cannot be determined even by examining its cells under a microscope.

Such tumors are characterized by very rapid, completely uncontrolled growth, germination into neighboring tissues and organs, as well as rapid and early metastasis.

It is clear that such tumors are the most dangerous for the life of the body.

Benign tumors

They also consist of changed cells, but these changes are much less pronounced

These cells are always similar to the cells from which they originated. Moreover, they continue to perform their function, that is, work, at least partially.

They multiply faster than normal cells, but still this process proceeds more calmly and slowly.

Benign tumors never grow into neighboring, healthy tissues and do not metastasize. Often they are even delimited from healthy tissues by a capsule.

Benign tumors most often do not cause any harm to the body.

But sometimes, when they reach large sizes, they can compress neighboring organs, vessels, choleretic, urinary tracts, and so on. This, in turn, can cause pain, discomfort and disruption of the function of those organs that are subject to compression and deformation.

But the most important thing is that some benign tumors can transform into malignant tumors over time.

This is why doctors often advise removing these seemingly harmless formations. And if you don’t delete them, then be sure to monitor them regularly and constantly.

Now, I hope you understand the importance of taking even completely benign tumors seriously.

How can you determine whether a tumor is benign or malignant?

Another important question, isn’t it?

Tumors can be detected using many tests.

This includes conventional x-rays, ultrasound, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging and others.

Already at this stage, it is possible to determine with a high degree of certainty what type of tumor it is: benign or malignant. How? According to certain signs.

Signs of benignity and malignancy

Contour Benign tumors, as a rule, have a fairly clear and even contour. And often they are generally surrounded by a capsule. They never grow into neighboring tissues or mix with them. Therefore, a clear boundary is maintained: tumor - healthy tissue. The same cannot be said about a malignant tumor. Its contour, sooner or later, becomes uneven, lumpy and unclear. Sometimes the contour cannot be determined at all. This happens because malignant tumors grow into normal tissue, disfiguring and destroying it. Tissue structure Benign tumors are most often homogeneous; foci of necrosis (cell death) rarely occur in them. Such foci are characteristic of malignant tumors. Due to these foci, the heterogeneity of the malignantly altered tissue appears. The problem is that malignant tumors grow so quickly that the growth of blood vessels cannot keep up with this growth. Therefore, the nutrition of the tumor suffers and some of its cells die. Metastasis Malignant tumors have a tendency to spread their cells to other organs and tissues - to metastasize. And the more malignant the tumor, the earlier it metastasizes. If the doctor, even with the usual X-ray examination, finds such distant daughter tumors, he can say with confidence that the tumor is malignant. Rapid growth If a detected tumor grows rapidly, this indicates that it is most likely malignant.


Of course, there are exceptions to all rules. That's why final diagnosis established using so-called "histology" or histological examination.

This study involves examining a piece of tumor under a microscope. Such a study gives a fairly accurate assessment of the tumor: from which cells the tumor was formed, what is the degree of its differentiation, and therefore its malignancy.

That's all I wanted to tell you about tumors. It was not in vain that I started this conversation. After all, I was going to write an article about focal changes in the liver and has even already begun. But I realized that we cannot do without a story about what a benign and malignant tumor is. And about focal changes - in!

All people know about the danger of malignant tumors. But there are also types of benign tumors, such as fibroids, adenoma, teratoma, papilloma. Judging by the name “benign,” such a tumor does not threaten human life. But doctors often strongly advise removing them. We will tell you how dangerous tumors are and their symptoms in this article.

A benign tumor is discovered randomly, for example, during medical scheduled inspection. Doctors identify several types of benign tumors, these include:

Myoma (from muscle tissue),

Fibroma (from connective tissues),

Teratoma (from embryonic tissues),

Papilloma (from epithelial tissues),

Adenoma (from glandular tissues).

All these types of tumors are similar cancerous tumors. They appear due to different pathological processes, which occur in the body at a time when the body has lost control over the process of cell division. With cancer, cells completely lose their original properties. A malignant tumor aggressively grows into surrounding tissues, spreading throughout the body due to modified cells, causing metastases. A benign tumor is not as dangerous as a cancerous one. Tumor cells retain certain original properties and do not transfer to other tissues. The tumor grows slowly, has clear boundaries, and is easily removed. Often, benign tumors appear on the skin, mammary glands, uterine wall, and ovaries.

The causes and symptoms of tumors are hidden in violations of the mechanisms of control of cell division, specialization, and growth. All this is stimulated by certain infections, heredity, and aging processes. Every benign tumor can be considered a precancerous tissue condition. Many people have a question: should they treat the tumor or not? Of course, treat! One of the symptoms of tumors is pain, and it can only be seen with an x-ray. Such a diagnosis will help give a certain understanding of whether this neoplasm is benign or not.

Benign tumors do not differ in composition from the tissue from which they grow. Malignant tumors have a different appearance. to install accurate diagnosis External examination is not enough. To assess the risk of developing cancer and determine how dangerous it is to health, you need to make a diagnosis at the cellular level.

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And again we return to our article.

Today, modern methods for diagnosing benign tumors are varied. They depend, first of all, on the type of tumor and location. The most popular method of searching for tumors is a biopsy. During this procedure, a sample of suspicious tissue is taken for histological analysis. This study is based on the fact that using ultrasound, the doctor performs a puncture, namely, inserts a thin needle into the tumor, which is attached to a syringe. Tissue particles are sucked through this needle. The resulting cells are examined under a microscope. The doctor can clearly determine whether this tumor is malignant or benign.

A biopsy does not provoke oncological degeneration of a benign tumor. The probability of cell restructuring is very low. But if the tumor progresses to the cancerous stage, then a weak immune system is to blame. But rebirths still happen. Oncology can develop upon contact with harmful substances (soot, tar, tar, arsenic), under the influence solar radiation. Food products also have carcinogenic properties. These include fats, low-grade coffee, smoked sausages, canned food. The likelihood of developing cancer increases even under stress.

People who have a benign tumor do not need to refuse the doctor's offer to undergo surgery, thereby removing the tumor. Medication, hormonal treatment helps the body only stop the symptoms of the tumor, as well as their growth. But don't expect the tumor to go away on its own. If the focus of a benign cell tumor is not treated, then you can get into various troubles with your health! For example, with uterine fibroids, it is possible to remove an entire organ, and skin papillomas can cause serious (cosmetic) defects.

We will tell you about the symptoms of tumors. All symptoms of neoplasms can be divided into general and local. Timely diagnosis is of exceptional importance, because in the early stages the effectiveness of treatment is higher than in advanced cases. But it is not easy to make a diagnosis at an early stage of a tumor. After all, the affected tissue does not give specific reactions that are associated with malignant growth.

Local symptoms are determined by the location of the tumor. When examining tumors on the mucous membranes and skin, they are easily identified. Upon palpation, doctors identify a tumor in the abdominal cavity. The same method is used to detect enlarged lymph nodes. A laryngeal tumor is accompanied by more symptoms than a laryngeal tumor adnexal cavity skulls If the tumor grows rapidly, symptoms are detected earlier.

Doctors pay attention to minor symptoms (signs) of the patient when questioning. Symptoms of stomach cancer: aversion to meat, loss of appetite, drooling, rapid satiety.

Typical symptoms of lung cancer are pain in the chest, severe cough, change in color and character of sputum.

Here are the symptoms of a brain tumor:


Nausea, vomiting,

Difficulty thinking, coma, confusion,

Frequent headaches that get worse when lying down

Double vision, blurred vision,

Other symptoms that depend on the location of the tumor. They include unsteadiness, weakness, dizziness, memory impairment, paralysis on one side of the body, personality changes, loss of hearing, and loss of smell.

Breast cancer causes the following symptoms:

Increased body temperature

Edema upper limb on the affected side

Discharge from the nipple (often bloody), the nipple becomes inverted,

Enlarged lymph nodes of the axillary, subclavian region,

In the area of ​​the nipple, erosion appears, a weeping surface on which crusts and scales form.

Some symptoms are the same for cancer different localizations. These symptoms include: poor appetite, weakness, low-grade fever, fatigue, inability to perform usual work, loss of body weight. With such symptoms, patients turn to the doctor for the first time.

When a cancer tumor disintegrates, a septic temperature is characteristic, which is not reduced by antibiotics. This reaction occurs due to the rapid growth of the tumor. Defeat bone marrow, intoxication with tumor decay products leads to anemia. With tumors of the testicle, pituitary gland, ovary, and adrenal cortex, symptoms of hormonal hyperfunction are observed.

The diagnosis of a tumor is confirmed by endoscopic and x-ray examinations.

If none of the methods used excludes the diagnosis of a tumor, then surgery is indicated.

If you hear a diagnosis of a “benign tumor” addressed to you, then do not immediately judge yourself! But don’t rush to throw away the stone from your soul. As they say, “God protects those who are careful.”

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Or a benign structure. The very name of a benign tumor speaks of its “good disposition,” since such formations are characterized by slow and insignificant development or its complete absence.

What does a benign tumor mean?

So, a benign tumor does not metastasize and does not tend to grow rapidly. With timely therapeutic measures acceptance in most cases occurs complete cure without subsequent relapses.

Although a benign tumor can be dangerous for a person, for example, if it develops secretly. In such a situation, failure to control the tumor can lead to its malignancy (malignancy).

In general, a benign tumor is a formation that is formed as a result of some failure in the chain of cell division-reproduction-growth. Under the influence of pathological factors, a change in the cellular structure occurs and an unusual formation is formed, which is characterized by slow development.

In practice, there are often cases when the initial parameters of a tumor remain unchanged for years, after which the tumor either goes away or undergoes malignancy.

Benign formations usually do not have any effect on the body, in addition, they are incapable of metastasis. Such tumors quietly develop in a specific area, without affecting other organs.

Tumor processes of a benign nature usually have favorable prognostic data and, after the necessary treatment, recede irrevocably.

How to distinguish it from a malignant formation?

Benign tumor processes have several distinctive characteristics by which they can be distinguished from malignant tumors:

  1. If a formation develops somewhere inside the body, then it can affect well-being and cause constant fatigue or insomnia;
  2. Benign tumors usually move easily without connecting to surrounding tissues;
  3. When localized on the skin or mucous membranes, formations may bleed;
  4. Physical impact on the formation, such as pressing or rubbing, can cause pain or other types of discomfort.

Can it become malignant?

Under the influence of negative factors, as well as in the absence of necessary treatment gene mutation becomes more intense, as a result of which tumor degeneration of a benign tumor can occur and it develops into a malignant one.


All formations of a benign nature are divided into proliferative or non-proliferative. Benign tumors can form in any organs and tissues, according to which they are classified into several types:

  • . These are usually elongated cavity tumors containing fluid inside. Cysts are formed predominantly from fibrous tissue;
  • . Formed from glandular tissues, it is very often found in the prostate gland, intestines, adrenal glands or liver.
  • . This formation grows from muscle tissue and looks like a capsule-like formation on a dense base. Found predominantly in the female reproductive system;
  • . This formation usually looks like a small papilla. Papillomas form from the skin. Develop due to papillomavirus. Localized mainly on mucous tissues and the surface of the genital organs;
  • . Such formations grow from nerve tissue due to nerve damage or amputation;
  • . This formation is of congenital origin, grows from blood tissues, prefers open areas on the lips, cheeks or mouth;
  • . These tumors grow from the tissues of the skeletal system and are congenital in nature;
  • . Formed from connective tissue elements, most often found on the female reproductive system;
  • – grows from adipose tissue, often takes a capsulated form;
  • . Such formations are formed and blood vessels lymphatic system;
  • , nevus. Perhaps the most famous benign tumors, which under the influence of UV radiation or injury can degenerate into malignant form;
  • . Such formations grow from brain cells.

Reasons for education

Each cell in our body lives for 42 hours, after which it dies and is replaced by a new one, but if the old cell continues to grow further, a tumor is formed.

Generally benign formations appear due to DNA mutations caused by:

  1. , or
  2. Professional activities in production associated with poisons, harmful vapors and other toxic substances;
  3. Frequent and prolonged exposure to the open sun or solarium;
  4. Radiation;
  5. Viral lesions;
  6. Disruptions in hormonal or immune activity;
  7. Wrong lifestyle;
  8. Various fractures traumatic injuries etc.;
  9. Genetic predisposition.

Incredibly, even a little stress combined with bad habits and lack of routine can trigger a gene mutation.

Signs and symptoms

Characteristic manifestations of a benign tumor are:

  • No metastasis and spread to other organs;
  • The likelihood of a sudden stop in development and growth;
  • Slow development;
  • Normal cell reproduction;
  • Existing independently of nearby tissues, such tumors are usually covered with an independent membrane;
  • Consist of cells almost identical to surrounding tissues;
  • Considered a precancerous stage.

Stages of growth

Experts distinguish benign tumors into only 3 stages:

  1. Initiationinitial stage characterized by DNA changes in which gene mutation occurs. First, the cell becomes indestructible, preparing for active reproduction;
  2. Promotion– The immortal cell begins to actively divide. The second stage of reproduction can last for years without revealing itself. But if oncology was still detected during the process of reproduction, then the formation of a tumor can still be prevented, in otherwise, the next stage begins;
  3. Progression– is considered the final stage of development. At this stage it happens rapid growth tumor cells. The formed tumor is not life-threatening, but large sizes can compress neighboring organs. This causes various ailments and disturbances in organic activity.

The progressive stage requires mandatory intervention oncologist, since the lack of therapeutic measures and disregard for the tumor can provoke its malignancy.

Benign tumors in children

As for the pediatric population, they most often have hemangiomas or angiomas formed from vascular tissues. Moreover, in girls such tumors are diagnosed twice as often. They are usually localized on the head, mainly in the scalp, and also on the genitals.

Such formations are not life-threatening, but can lead to various functional disorders. With the relentless growth of education, the use of therapeutic measures is indicated.

Often in children there are tumors from lymphatic tissues - lymphangiomas. They prefer to grow on the neck, are characterized by very slow development, and have favorable prognosis and are rarely complicated.

The photo shows a benign tumor - lymphangioma in a child

Also in childhood you can find benign formations such as lipomas and fibromas, which develop in stages, as in adults.

Any benign formation requires an oncological examination with the consultation of an experienced doctor, who will suggest a plan for further action.


To diagnose benign formations, traditional studies and hardware procedures are used:

  • Palpable examination;
  • Laparoscopic examination;


Such tumors usually do not cause problems in treatment, which is based primarily on a surgical approach. This tactic prevents further tumor growth and gets rid of cells that have undergone mutation.

After surgical removal usually no recurrent tumor formations are observed. As a result, the patient fully recovers.

Removal of the tumor

For removal, traditional surgical instruments are used or laser therapy. Cryotherapy, which involves freezing the tumor, is also considered very effective.

Do they do chemotherapy?

Since a benign tumor does not metastasize, there is no need for chemotherapy.

Regardless of the nature of the occurrence of a pathological formation in the human body, this is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and high-quality treatment.

Under the influence of external negative factors, the number of diagnoses of this type is steadily growing. What is a tumor, what are its types, and how dangerous it can be for the patient, we will consider in this article.

A benign tumor is an anomaly that occurs as a result of a failure in the processes of division, growth and reproduction of tissues at the cellular level. As a result, their structure in a certain organ changes qualitatively. External manifestation This action is precisely the appearance of the neoplasm.

This pathology can grow in absolutely any tissue, organ or system of human life. The rate of its growth, the possibility of damage to neighboring sections, as well as symptoms may be different, but at the same time they have a common feature - the risk of degeneration into a dangerous malignant anomaly, associated with a risk to the patient’s life.


Difference from cancerous tumor

The division of pathology into malignant and benign is important not only for correct setting diagnosis, but also for further treatment of the disease and determination of further prognosis, which differ significantly for these formations.

The fundamental discrepancies are highlighted, to which specialists first of all pay attention.

Benign anomaly:

  • tumor cells are absolutely identical to those from which it was formed;
  • characterized by expansive growth;
  • does not metastasize under any circumstances;
  • does not recur after therapy;
  • does not in any way affect the general health of the patient, does not provoke the development of concomitant diagnoses (with the exception of only isolated cases)

Malignant (cancerous) oncology:

  • pronounced polymorphism and cellular atypia;
  • accelerated growth, aggressive nature of distribution;
  • in most cases, the disease, diagnosed untimely, metastasizes;
  • high risk of relapse;
  • has a negative toxic effect on the body as a whole and can lead to human death.


Depending on the structure of histological changes and their impact on the cells of the affected organ, as well as on the degree of neglect, clinical symptoms and the nature of behavior, tumors that are benign in appearance are classified into the following types.


One of the common female diseases of the genitourinary system, which at a certain stage can turn into a cancerous state. If its location is unfavorable, surgical intervention is indicated.

Depending on the source of spread, it may be accompanied by external symptoms, or may not manifest itself in any way for a long time. Most often, it is diagnosed accidentally.

At large sizes has a compressive effect on neighboring organs, slowing down their activity. Often accompanied by fever, nausea, and weight loss. Sometimes it can be felt by palpation.


Formed in the prostate gland and as it increases in size with varying degrees of strength puts pressure on urethra . Not to be confused with cancer. The exact cause of the appearance has not been thoroughly determined. TO primary signs relate:

  • general weakness;
  • lack of appetite, sudden weight loss;
  • dryness oral cavity, especially in the morning;
  • unpleasant uric odor from the mouth;
  • causeless nausea;
  • qualitative change in the composition of urine, it becomes more cloudy in appearance;
  • both urinary retention and, on the contrary, frequent urge to urinate.

Requires a certain diet and is treated with medication.


It grows from the connective uterine tissue and is located on the walls of the organ or inside it. The main reason is too accelerated, uncontrolled processes of cell division, resulting from an increase in the level of estrogen secretion.

Sometimes a consequence of abortion, the use of contraceptive devices and the presence of a number of inflammatory diseases. IN in rare cases turns into cancer. Severe symptoms are characteristic only of the advanced stage of the disease. It is treated with hormonal drugs or surgery.


Resembles a common wart. The cause is papillomavirus. The incubation period is about 3 months, after which the disease appears. Affects people with weak immunity leading an unhealthy lifestyle. There is a high risk of infection in swimming pools, beaches and other public places.

Externally unaesthetic and cosmetically inconvenient. Accompanied by itching, liquid discharge from the lesion, can develop into cancer. It can only be removed in a clinical setting.


Sealing, stimulating overgrowth fibrous tissues. The focus of localization is the plantar and nerve endings of the foot. Located in the area of ​​the 3rd and 4th toes. Most often, older women suffer from neuroma age group. The cause is mechanical factors, injuries, tight shoes.

Manifested by a burning sensation at the site of the lesion, partial numbness of the area where the tumor spreads, mild pain . It is treated conservatively, in severe stages - surgically. Requires constant use orthopedic shoes or special insoles with a therapeutic effect.


A collective term that includes tumors of the vessels of the lymphatic and circulatory systems of the human body. They are characterized by both superficial and internal localization. Affects the skin, mucous membranes, muscle tissue, heart, liver, lungs.

The main sign of the presence of pathology is systematic bleeding of varying degrees of intensity. It is considered an intermediate stage between the formation and malformation of an organ. It is treated conservatively or through surgery.


A formation localized in the hard bone tissue of the facial apparatus, cranium, limbs, hips. Never develops into cancer. Previous injuries or severe infections lead to the development of this type of tumor.

Osteoma is often transmitted genetically - every second diagnosis is characterized by this particular cause. Basically, it is asymptomatic and painless. In severe stages, if the bone tissue of the skull is affected, the pain may be prolonged, severe in intensity, and headaches.

Basically, it can only be treated surgically.


Develops in skin tissues epithelium, mucous membranes, limbs, internal organs. It is distinguished by clear, pronounced boundaries, painted in darker, flesh-colored or pink colors.

Doesn't have age restrictions, is often congenital. Initially, the size of the tumor is small, similar to a pea. Over time, the anomaly grows and changes shape - it is more convex, resembles a mushroom, the color becomes more intense, even purple. It has a hard and soft consistency.

It is often accompanied by pain and does not tolerate injuries, which are associated with the risk of the disease progressing to the cancerous stage.


Popularly known as wen, because grows from the fat layer, which is found in almost all parts of the human body. Consequently, the area of ​​localization of the disease is quite extensive.

Has a single and multiple character. It is surrounded on all sides by a capsule, due to limited space it grows extremely slowly, does not grow into neighboring sections, and has practically no symptoms, except for possible external manifestations.

It is not life-threatening and never progresses to the stage of cancer.


It is a malformation of the lymphatic system and manifests itself as a thin-walled cystic formation. It can be so small that it can only be diagnosed with microscopic equipment, or it can be so large that it is visible externally.

Occurs at any age, however, in 90% of diagnoses these are children under 2 years of age. It is transmitted genetically and can be an acquired disease.

In the first case, this is the result of chromosomal mutations, in the second, it is a consequence of transferred herbs, viral infections or lymph obstruction.

The only solution to eliminating the problem is surgical cutting off the affected fragments of the lymph system.


A nevus is a collection of pigmented cells on the surface of the skin epithelium. Happens in adulthood. It is not dangerous in itself, but requires careful monitoring, since easily enters the active cancer phase, which manifests itself quite aggressively.

Can be inherited. Has different sizes and colors. Treated with radical promptly. Mechanical injuries in the area where nevus spreads, they are extremely dangerous and require urgent medical intervention.


Meningioma is a formation that originates in the tissues of the dura mater. The diagnosis is quite common and can appear in any sector of the skull. Symptoms vary and depend on the location of the anomaly.

The advanced stage is characterized active growth tumors, swelling of surrounding tissue pathology. Meninges are compressed, provoking surges in intracranial pressure, severe headache, intense nausea and uncontrollable vomiting.

The vast majority are benign formations. Treatment is surgery. Dangerous for the patient - if you miss the moment and do not go to the clinic in time, the consequences can be serious, even fatal.

You can watch a video of a real operation to see how a meningioma is removed:

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46 comments to the article “Tumors. Part 2. Differences between tumors, metastasis, impact on the patient"

    As for benign relapses, the phrase “they practically don’t give” is not entirely true... There are a lot of relapses... What is much less common is yes, of course, but they do happen...
    I'm talking about dentistry... Tumors are usually removed from the maxillofacial area, even benign ones. And localization in the oral cavity - absolute reading to be deleted. Because they interfere and become malignant... so, quite often there are relapses... perhaps due to the fact that surgeons spare the surrounding tissues and do not cut them out in reserve, as is shown for malignant tumors... tumor cells remain and everything is new, even worse... I saw a woman - half her face was removed in such a manner due to a hemangioma... True, they later performed amazing plastic surgery in Moscow... If I had not known that she had such a misfortune, I would not have noticed in my life... I take my hat off to these doctors, they know their stuff...

    Can you tell me which book this information was taken from? REALLY REALLY needed!!!

    The textbook by S. V. Petrov “General Surgery” was taken as a basis. The rest I wrote myself.

    Very interesting, and most importantly understandable to a person who does not have medical education. We hear about cancer and tumors all the time, but we also want to understand what they are. Thank you very much!

    But tell me, are lipomas and fibroids dangerous if they are on the skin? Should they be removed?

    These tumors themselves are benign and not dangerous, but if they are located in a place where they are often injured, they can become malignant. Consult an oncologist.

    Please tell me what is in the picture with lymph node indicated by black arrows? I just can’t figure it out, is it a connective tissue capsule or what?

    I am not a histologist, but it seems to me that a MALIGNANT tumor cannot have a connective tissue capsule even theoretically due to the infiltrating nature of tumor growth. Do you agree? I think the tumor there is simply growing randomly into the surrounding tissue.

    Tell me, what can I do to remove it? cancer intoxication? It's very urgent!

    Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to remove it quickly and effectively. To do this, you need to eliminate its source - malignant tumor... Everything else (infusions with glucose, vitamins) helps little.

    Can benign develop into malignant?

    Maybe this process is called malignancy.

    Please tell me, if you were diagnosed with a “malignant tumor” in the chest area before clarification (that is, before surgery, since it is not possible to do a puncture), is there a possibility that it is not cancer? If so, what else could it be? Thank you in advance

    Cancer is a malignant tumor of epithelial tissue. Malignant tumors from other tissues are called differently (sarcoma, leukemia, etc.). Since you have a malignant tumor in your breast, it is most likely cancer.

    Thanks for the answer. I was pleasantly surprised that you send me an email if you respond not on the website. And please also tell me if there are any chances of recovery if they are diagnosed with a malignant tumor. glands of 1st or 2nd degree.

    There are no degrees of cancer, there are stages: website/info/37

    Conditional gradation of prognosis for all malignant tumors: at stage 1, the chances of recovery are maximum (90% and above), at stage 2 they are less: 50-70%. The higher the stage, the greater the risk of dying. Stage 4 is considered hopeless, almost everyone dies.

    The child is 4 months old, the thumb on the right hand bends with a click. We visited an orthopedist and said it was a fibroma. I looked through so much information on the Internet and still couldn’t find anything. What is it and where does it come from?

    Fibroma is a benign connective tissue tumor. Theories of occurrence are the same as for other tumors. Having such a diagnosis, I would also recommend consulting with a specialized tumor specialist - an oncologist. Perhaps there is a chance that it is not a fibroid after all.

    Please tell me, if a tumor grows quickly, is it necessarily malignant? Can benign ones grow quickly?

    Benign tumors usually grow slowly. However, speed is sometimes a subjective concept. To decide what kind of tumor it is, its tissue is looked at under a microscope.

    Good afternoon Mom was offered before surgery to remove the tumor mammary gland sign an agreement to remove the entire organ, if necessary (based on the results of the analysis, which is carried out within half an hour after the first operation) while the patient is still under anesthesia. Or refusal. Could you please explain in which case the breast is completely removed? What does this depend on, on the stage, on the presence of metastases, or just on the fact that the tumor is malignant?

    The stage is determined by the size of the tumor, the degree of invasion into surrounding tissues and the presence and extent of metastases. This study is done in case of doubt about the malignancy of the tumor. If confirmed, the breast will be removed. If not, then only the pathological focus will be removed or not touched at all.

    A tumor of the lymph nodes, but growing slowly - this is not necessarily cancer, is it?

    Cancer is a malignant tumor of EPITHELIAL tissue. A tumor of lymphoid tissues is usually called leukemia, lymphoma, lymphosarcoma. But no matter what you call it, a tumor remains a tumor and lives according to its own laws.

    A lump on the arm near the armpit, about the size of a pea. When I noticed it, it was slightly painful when pressed, the doctor prescribed Ortofen tablets, now I don’t feel pain when I feel it, but it hasn’t disappeared. What should I do?

    Most likely, it is an inflamed lymph node. If it does not disappear within a month, see your doctor again.

    Is it possible to have surgery to remove fibroids in the breast during menstruation?

    Menstruation is a relative contraindication (that is, surgery is postponed if possible), since bleeding increases during menstruation.

    My mom has a lump in her upper chest, but she doesn’t want to go to the hospital((((How can you determine if it’s dangerous or not????? I’m worried about her!!!

    I will answer with a quote from an interview with Professor Putyrsky:

    According to statistics, only 5-6 percent focal formations that women are treated with is truly cancer. Everything else is either oncological benign processes, or non-oncological processes - focal mastopathy, lipoma, fibroadenoma, etc. Therefore, you do not need to diagnose yourself. Go to the doctor.

    The whole article is here: website/obzor-pressy/lactic-examination

    Please tell me what kind of examination is necessary to exclude oncology?

    It all depends on the expected location of the tumor and its type. First of all, pay attention to the patient's complaints. In each specific case, the scope of research will be different. Everyone, without exception, is given only general blood and urine tests, biochemical analysis blood, X-ray (fluorography) of the lungs, ECG, for women - examination by a midwife (gynecologist), etc.

    What symptoms accompany malignancy of a benign tumor? For example, on my back, in the area of ​​the lower part of the ribs, there is a subcutaneous lump in the form of a small ridge with a diameter of about a centimeter, and has been for a very long time, about 10-15 years. Over the past year it has grown a little and a second roller has appeared nearby. It is clear that you need to go to the doctor. But can a person himself determine the danger according to some criteria?

    The criteria for tumor malignancy are described in the 4th part of the series on tumors: website/info/38

    It has rapid growth, uneven contours, and a very dense consistency. Also possible: connection with the skin, increase local lymph nodes, the appearance of unusual symptoms (ulceration, discharge, etc.).

    The doctor explained to me that benign adenoma a malignant one may appear - he says that it is very difficult to find a malignant cell in this case - you can pinch off the material for a biopsy nearby and not see the malignant one - is this possible?

    Yes, it's possible. For reliable diagnosis tumors in difficult cases take a piece of tissue and look at it under a microscope. A tumor does not always grow in the middle of healthy tissue. More often, there are cases when a tumor develops among already pathologically changed tissues, for example, in the case of cancerous degeneration of an ulcer. Then you may “not find” a piece of tumor tissue.

    To exclude such cases, they try to take a biopsy from several places and to a sufficient depth. And the oncologist should never forget about the possibility of error. The biopsy can be taken again.

    Tell me please! What is the difference between relapse and metastasis? For example, if a tumor appears in the same place after some time, is it a relapse or metastasis?

    Relapse is the appearance of a tumor in the same place after treatment from the remains of tumor cells. That is, radical (not palliative!) treatment must be carried out, and only then, after some time, the tumor appears again, and in structure it is similar to the primary one (the one that was supposedly cured). Relapses are not multiple.

    Metastases are more often multiple, they are similar to each other and to the primary tumor in morphological structure, have common paths metastasis, in most cases it is possible to identify the primary tumor.

    What are the reasons for the transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one? What could affect this? And over what period of time does this happen?

    The causes of tumor malignancy are not fully understood, so predict exact time this event is impossible. There is an opinion that tumors arise from despondency, self-condemnation, and unwillingness to live; I wrote in more detail here: website/info/158

    Malignancy (malignancy) is a process governed by the theory of probability. This will be facilitated by the most various factors: type of benign tumor, heredity, reduced immunity, unfavorable physical, biological and chemical environmental factors (for example, oncogenic viruses, radiation, carcinogens), trauma, inflammation, etc.

    My mother has difficulty swallowing, she says that something seems to interfere with swallowing. She turned to her friend, an ENT specialist in our district hospital, and after examining the oral cavity, he found small tumor. In his opinion, this is a benign tumor and he convinced my mother of this, now she does not want to go to a specialist, she defends that there is no need for this. Is the ENT doctor right? Could he be wrong? He did not conduct any tests, but made conclusions after visual inspection. Please answer, I really need it. Thank you in advance.

    After all, an oncologist deals with tumors, not an ENT doctor. The ENT specialist, of course, can make a correct guess, but the final word still remains with the oncologist. If the mother is sure that there is no reason to be afraid, all the more necessary is to go to the oncologist to confirm this. Because if it turns out the other way around, then precious time will be lost.

    This is not the first time I have seen such a picture, when a person’s health deteriorates, they take all kinds of tests, do X-rays, etc. and even go as far as hospitalization, detect a tumor, but are in absolutely no hurry to undergo surgical intervention... Because as I understand it, the sooner they detect cancer, the more likely you are to cope with it. Why do doctors wait so long??? Isn't it possible to diagnose CANCER at earlier stages???

    It is not always possible to diagnose a malignant tumor at an early stage. The patient does not seek help, the doctor may not pay attention to minor symptoms, a queue for research, lack of equipment and specialists, etc.

    As for untimely treatment, surgery is not indicated for everyone. Much depends on the type and location of the tumor, as well as the clinical stage. Surgical interventions can also be radical and palliative. But if shown radical surgery, it must be performed no later than 5-6 days from diagnosis.

    Is the lymph node above the left collarbone enlarged only with stomach cancer? I’m enlarged, but it doesn’t hurt, I discovered it by accident a couple of weeks ago.

    Of course not. The most common reason enlargement of one or more lymph nodes - infection (from colds to HIV and tuberculosis). Less commonly, tumors and some non-tumor diseases are possible. In difficult cases, a biopsy of an enlarged lymph node is performed.

  1. Hello. The child is 2 months old, on December 31, my husband and I noticed a bulge on the child’s shoulder blade, they thought it was scoliosis or a dislocation. A week after the holidays, we went to see a surgeon. They did a CT and ultrasound and did not understand what kind of tumor it was. They sent us by helicopter to another hospital. We've been lying here for a week now. We did an ultrasound and here is the result: soft tissues in the subscapular region on the right, a soft tissue heterogeneous formation of 2.6 x 3.0 cm of heterogeneous structure with a clear dense capsule is located. Maybe this ultrasound makes it clear what it is? In this hospital, the child was examined by a group of doctors, including oncologists. And they told us to send us to the oncology center in Yekaterinburg. And no one understands what this name is. During these two weeks the lump increased in size chicken egg. Directly convex near the shoulder blade. Skin color is the same. The child is capricious, crying, has no fever, eats and poops normally. Usually when he wakes up he cries a lot. There was a hernia a month ago, but from all these crying, the umbilical hernia also increased. I've been waiting for my treatment quota for a week now. Next week we should be sent to Yekaterinburg for surgery. Tell me, does anyone understand this and know what it is? Is this tumor malignant or benign?