The dog has a snotty nose and is apathetic. A dog has a runny nose - we diagnose the causes and treat the disease. Video about runny nose in dogs

First, let's define what a runny nose is - it's rhinitis, and rhinitis, in turn, is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Depending on the course of inflammation, it can be acute or chronic.

Rhinitis can occur as an independent disease, due to hypothermia, dusty room, air pollution, or as a symptom of another disease, for example: allergies to pollen, inflammation of molars or premolars upper jaw. Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis) can also be accompanied by purulent rhinitis, getting foreign object, or tumor. One of the symptoms mycoplasmosis is rhinitis. With an adenovirus infection, the dog will also experience purulent discharge from the nose. Also, purulent rhinitis is one of the symptoms of carnivore plague. To confirm the diagnosis laboratory, you need to submit swabs from the nasal mucosa for polymerase testing. chain reaction, general analysis blood with erythrocyte sedimentation rate. These tests will allow you to accurately identify the pathogen and determine immune status body.

Most often, a runny nose in dogs occurs during the transitional periods of the year: spring - autumn, provided that the runny nose is not a consequence of any disease or its symptom, but appears due to hypothermia of the nasal mucosa, or the body as a whole.

How to cure a runny nose in a dog will depend on what kind of rhinitis we are dealing with. Symptoms acute rhinitis there will be a discharge of liquid from the nasal passages (transparent, non-viscous and practically odorless). The dog will scratch its face with its front paws, sneeze frequently, and lick its nose. If at the same time its activity and appetite are not disturbed, then such rhinitis with timely treatment passes in 5-7 days. IN in this case It is advisable to use immunostimulating drops (Derinat) and anti-inflammatory drops (Anandin drops), frequency of instillation and dosage according to the instructions or as prescribed by a doctor.

If a dog develops purulent rhinitis, the discharge becomes opaque (white, yellow, green), with unpleasant smell, and possibly interspersed with blood. At the same time, the dog scratches its muzzle, crusts have dried on its nose, and it has become difficult for the animal to breathe. Then don’t delay to rule out more serious infections! Independent purulent rhinitis, as a rule, occurs due to a bacterial or viral infectious origin.

Treatment bacterial rhinitis in dogs: first you need to soften the crusts on your nose with lotions with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, or Vaseline oil. After carefully removing the crusts, antibiotic drops are instilled into each nasal passage (Levomycetin ophthalmic 1-2 drops in each nasal passage) and the animal’s nose is lubricated with Vaseline oil, and for further hydration, you can add a drop of vitamin A (retinol acetate solution), then tissue regeneration will intensify, but not more often than once a day. You should refrain from using other oils that are so beloved by owners (for example, peach oil), as they can cause allergies in the animal. Treatment purulent rhinitis with the use of injection antibiotic therapy will speed up the result of intranasal exposure and prevent possible complications from developing.

Always remember that even a runny nose in a dog can cause a more dangerous disease, do not delay receiving it for a more accurate and timely diagnosis. Health to you and your animals!



Dog nose - main feature health problems. Therefore, if the nose is not wet and cold, like healthy dog, this should alert you. A dry, hot, and sometimes cracked nose should alert the owner - this is a symptom of the onset of the disease. Is it true, warm nose The dog may have it during play or immediately after sleep. But still be observant in order to catch a possible disease in time. If your dog returns home with his nose stained with clay or soil, remove the dirt with a damp soft cloth.
Dogs also have a simple runny nose as a result of hypothermia and inhalation of irritating substances. The nasal passages of dogs are very narrow, they have a lot of folds, so more effective than medicine in the form of aerosols, but aerosols are unpleasant for dogs, so it is better to use children’s runny nose drops in liquid oil.
Avoid using vasoconstrictor ephedrine-like drugs such as Sanorin and Naphthyzin to treat a dog’s runny nose. It is very dangerous. Thick greenish discharge from the nose, accompanied by the formation of thick crusts and roughening of the skin of the nasal mucosa, are often an indicator of plague. Especially if greenish purulent discharge from the eyes is also observed. It is clear that the help of a doctor is needed here. The resulting “crusts” can be removed by first softening them with petroleum jelly or glycerin. Remove secretions from the nasal passages using tightly twisted cotton wool flagella, also moistening them with Vaseline or glycerin.
Runny nose in dogs
Dogs have the most common reasons the occurrence of rhinitis as an independent disease - sudden cooling of the body, rapid transitions from heat to cold or vice versa. This type of rhinitis usually occurs in spring or autumn.

Freddy Krueger

Is your nose wet?

Natalia Grozenok

I treated with drops... there are special drops for dogs' noses

A Past And Future Secret

A veterinarian. And the sooner the better. A runny nose can be either rhinitis or a symptom of much more serious illnesses. Such, for example, as plague or adenovirus.

Did you take your temperature?

Khabibullina Natalia

What other symptoms does the dog have, temperature? Is she coughing? A runny nose can be a sign of adenovirus. There is also an assumption that something got into the nose, festered and now the process of rejection is underway. In any case, do not do anything on your own; it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Olga Zayarnova

Dogs very rarely have a runny nose just like that... More often it's plague or adeno viral infection.... don’t delay and go to the vet.

There are many diseases in dogs that are symptomatic of a runny nose, such as allergies or various tumors. The method of treating a runny nose depends on the specific cause of its occurrence. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis diseases.


A dog's runny nose can indicate a serious illness. To establish a diagnosis and begin treatment, you need to analyze nasal discharge. If the discharge is clear, there may be a foreign object in the nasal passage; such discharge may also indicate an allergy. If the discharge is quite thick, the dog most likely has a respiratory infection.

Allergy treatment

The most common cause of runny nose in dogs is allergies to pollen, dust, chemical substances etc. Like people, dogs are often susceptible to such ailments. Additional evidence of an allergy can include discharge from the eyes, frequent sneezing and cough, itchy skin. To begin treatment of a runny nose in this case, it is necessary, first of all, to accurately identify the allergen and not allow the dog near it. For allergies, veterinarians often prescribe antihistamines, such as chlorpheniramine or diphenhydramine. Before using any medications, consult your veterinarian; their effectiveness depends on the specific case and the dog itself.

In some cases, your veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroid medications.

Treatment for infection

If the cause of a runny nose is a viral infection (cold), as indicated by yellow and thick nasal discharge, treatment with antibiotics is necessary. Infection in dogs can be fungal, viral or bacterial. Depending on its specific type, certain drugs are used.

If purulent discharge is present, a diagnosis of distemper may be made. It's deadly dangerous disease requiring immediate treatment. It can also be treated with antibiotics, but other methods, such as fluid therapy, may be needed.

Pink nasal discharge indicates fungal infection. It is difficult to treat because... reproduces very quickly. However, the use of antifungicides can help get rid of the disease.

A course of treatment viral diseases lasts about 2 weeks, fungal - a month or more.

Foreign objects

A clear sign that a foreign object has entered the dog's nose is discharge from only one nostril. Additionally, nosebleeds may indicate injury. respiratory tract. Try to remove the object yourself, for example, using tweezers. If this fails, contact your veterinarian.

Surgical intervention

If your dog's runny nose is chronic and cannot be treated, it most likely has a tumor or polyps. In this case the only way The treatment is surgery.

How to treat a runny nose in a dog



We need to determine the cause, maybe it’s an allergy?

Maria Eremeeva

We washed it with furacelin, and also bought special drops from a pet store. Come there, they will advise you on drops for both the breed and the weight of the dog.
By the way, you don't have to worry too much because it's a common flower allergy in dogs. They feel spring earlier than people, so you can also buy some herbal allergy pills


Depending on the diagnosis.

Alenka Alenkina

Dogs don't have allergies!!! !

Most likely, it is a viral disease, there is no need to treat it like a runny nose, it should be complex treatment prescribed by a doctor


You can use baby drops, and furatsilin will do

Alexander Rura

if viral rhinitis, then rinse with furatsilin and antibiotics biomycin 25 mg/kg body weight for a course of 5 days

Pskov woman

Marianna wrote it correctly. This is most likely a viral infection (the so-called canine flu). Depending on the dog’s immunity, it proceeds in varying degrees gravity. Last spring our whole group of dogs got sick. Someone sneezed for a couple of days, and some ended up on a drip... But as it turned out, this rubbish also creates complications... It’s better not to self-medicate, but to visit a veterinary clinic, I think...
I read about an allergy supplement... Then give the dog antihistamine(like tavigil) and watch your nose. If the snot goes away, then your diagnosis is allergy... Look for the allergen... and eliminate...

My Shar Pei has a runny nose, how to treat it?


Fluffy Slipper

snot in dogs is most likely a sign of a viral disease, and not a runny nose... they don’t have a runny nose... so the sooner you see a doctor, the better for your dog!


Runny nose in dogs
In dogs, the most common causes of rhinitis as an independent disease are sudden cooling of the body, rapid transitions from heat to cold or vice versa. This type of rhinitis usually occurs in spring or autumn.
Rhinitis in dogs, as in cats, can occur after inhaling irritating substances or hot air, smoke during forests or other fires. And another reason for its appearance is when foreign bodies appear in the nasal cavity: spikelets or awns of plants.
A sick dog often sneezes, rubs its nose with its front paws, and licks its lips. Then nasal discharge appears, first liquid and transparent, then thick, and in infectious diseases - purulent. These secretions dry on the wings of the nose and form crusts.
If the discharge is profuse, the dog's breathing is labored and he wheezes. When complete blockage of the nasal openings occurs: the discharge from the nostrils and the crust on the wings of the nose dry out, the dog begins to breathe through the mouth.
For rhinitis how independent illness general state The dog does not change, her appetite is normal.
There are two forms of rhinitis in dogs: acute and chronic. Acute rhinitis usually proceeds well and ends with recovery within five to seven days. However, if measures are not taken to eliminate the cause of the disease, acute rhinitis becomes chronic.
How long rhinitis that occurs as a complication of a disease will last depends on the course of this disease. A runny nose may not stop for months or even years.
Treatment of acute rhinitis. If there is heavy discharge from the nose, the nostrils are cleaned and the crusts are removed several times a day, after softening them with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. To prevent crusts from appearing, the circumference of the nasal openings is lubricated with Vaseline.
3 - 4 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes insert pieces of cotton wool soaked into the nostrils. fresh juice Luke. The nasal area is warmed with hot sand poured into a small bag 3-4 times a day, or use inhalation method treatment: the dog inhales potato steam.
You can lubricate the nasal cavity several times a day with 1-2% menthol ointment or boric acid, 2 grams, with glycerin, 50 grams.
For irrigation of the nasal mucosa, a 0.5% tannin solution and a 1% soda solution are recommended. You can also carefully blow streptocide powder into your nose.
If you have a runny nose with thick discharge, wash your nose with boiled beetroot juice.
At chronic rhinitis the treatment is the same. However, with this form of the disease, constant nasal discharge causes irritation of the skin and it becomes weeping. Therefore, it must be dried. A powder of white streptocide is recommended, which is used several times a day.
Infectious rhinitis is treated simultaneously with the underlying disease, 5-10 drops of galazolin are instilled into the nose, into each nostril.
For increase protective forces the body should undergo general ultraviolet irradiation. Thymogen is also used, once a day for ten days it is instilled into the nose: for cats 1 - 2 drops, for dogs - from 1 to 8 drops, depending on weight, for a dog weighing 9 - 10 kilograms - 2-3 drops.

How to treat a runny nose in a dog, please tell me..


La Mur

Anandin - intranasal, i.e. drip into the nose and eyes. If it doesn't help, then run to the vet.

selena mystery of the night

inject fosprenil and gamavit once a day, 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. drip maxidin 0.015% or anandin into the nose. lubricate the nose oxolinic ointment. and solder with Vet 1.1.


First you need to eliminate the causes of rhinitis. it can occur due to inhalation of air containing dust, corrosive gases, mold, due to drafts, dampness and hypothermia, BUT it can also appear as a consequence of inadequate feeding, in particular vitamin deficiency. A.
and be a symptom infectious diseases!!! and here we also need to treat the underlying disease!
well, to treat rhinitis, the nasal mucosa is irrigated with 0.25% novocaine solution, 2-3% rum solution boric acid, 3-5% r-rum baking soda, dogs can be instilled into the nostrils 1% menthol solution V vegetable oil or fish oil.
if there is an increase in temperature, then antibiotics are prescribed, but in this case it is definitely better to consult a doctor.

A runny nose is a seemingly harmless disease. But it can cause a lot of problems if you do not pay attention to it in time and take action. Nasal discharge indicates the presence of an infection in the body, which can affect vital important organs dogs: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. In this case, treatment will be much more difficult. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to understand the causes of a runny nose and determine correct scheme treatment.

A dog's nose is a very sensitive indicator of an animal's health. At the slightest sign He immediately reacts to a cold: he becomes dry and hot. If these symptoms are accompanied by fever and nasal discharge, most likely your pet has caught a cold and a runny nose.

Rhinitis in dogs can be chronic or acute.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner acute form illness, which usually lasts a week, exists Great chance that it will become chronic. In this case, it will be much more difficult to cure it.

The symptoms are somewhat similar to those in humans and appear as the disease progresses:

  1. Nasal discharge is initially liquid and clear, then thickens and clogs the nasopharynx.
  2. Breathing through the nose is difficult, the dog begins to breathe through its mouth, sniffle and often lick its lips.
  3. The dog's muzzle swells and the eyes turn red.
  4. Sometimes dental or Ear ache, and polyps may form in the ears or mouth.

In some cases, shortness of breath appears, appetite worsens, the animal becomes apathetic and lethargic.


If your dog has snot running, the reasons may be the following.


As a result, acute chronic illness, accompanied elevated temperature, swelling, big amount mucus discharge from the nose and hoarse breathing. The animal is lethargic, lies down all the time, and refuses to eat.


Damage to the mucous membrane as a result of contact with harmful chemicals or caustic substances (gas, smoke). The animal's eyes begin to water, it sneezes, itching in the nose and snot appear.


Allergic rhinitis develops against the background of penetration into the nasopharynx various substances (household chemicals, cosmetics, plant pollen), causing allergic reaction. The dog has profuse snot and watery eyes.

Foreign body

Signs of the presence of a foreign body in the nose: the dog often rubs its nose with its paw, sneezes, and traces of blood are visible in the nasal discharge. Having noticed such symptoms, it is necessary to carefully examine the animal’s nose using a flashlight and, if detected, foreign object contact the clinic immediately.


Rhinitis can develop in dogs against the background of other, more serious illnesses: problems with the heart, kidneys or intestines. The weakened immunity of the animal provokes a runny nose and all the phenomena associated with it. This is usually the fate of the elderly, pregnant or in postoperative period animals.

The initial disease should be cured in order to then eliminate the runny nose. Also, one of the causes of a dog’s runny nose can be polyps and tumors in the nasopharynx, only by removing which can you get rid of snot.


If you notice a thick purulent discharge mixed with blood in your dog, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may indicate a very serious canine disease - Carré's disease or distemper (distemper).

The mortality rate from it is very high, especially in puppies, so you need to carry out all the necessary laboratory research to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Adenovirosis (laryngotracheitis)

It can also provoke rhinitis in the animal. In addition to nasal discharge and swelling of the muzzle, the dog develops a red edge around the eyes - inflammation of the conjunctiva. You should consult a doctor to rule out the presence of plague, the symptoms of which are similar to adenovirus.


If the first signs of the disease are noticed, you should not let the situation take its course; a runny nose will not go away on its own. To prevent it from developing more serious illness, you need to take action:

  1. Walking outside, especially in the cold season, should be reduced. For small dogs, warm clothing is required.
  2. The room where the pet is located must be ventilated, avoiding drafts.
  3. It is important to maintain the required level of humidity (60-70%) so that the pet’s mucous membranes dry out less. The bedding or rug should be insulated.
  4. It is necessary to introduce into the diet drugs that increase immunity (Immunal, Ribotan, Cycloferon), warm milk and foods fortified with vitamins A, B, C and E.
  5. For nasal congestion, use veterinary drops: Maksidin, Furacilin, Anandin. Apply no more than two drops into each nostril.
  6. Remove dried crusts from the nostrils with a cotton pad soaked in saline solution or weak solution hydrogen peroxide. After the procedure, you need to lubricate your nose with Vaseline or oxolinic ointment.
  7. To relieve congestion, you can use warm sand poured into a bag or sock, which is applied to the bridge of the animal’s nose for 2 minutes several times a day.
  8. As folk remedies To treat rhinitis, you can instill decoctions into the nose medicinal herbs(chamomile, string, raspberry leaves) or diluted beet juice. The same decoctions are used to rinse with purulent rhinitis.
  9. Cracked and inflamed skin around the nose should be treated with streptocide powder, and if the mucous membrane is severely dry, menthol oil should be instilled or a tinin solution should be injected. Good action provides nasal rinsing with Aqualor soft.

Remember that drops that people use for a runny nose (Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Galazolin and others) are not suitable for dogs.

If home remedies do not help and your runny nose persists, do not delay visiting your doctor. He can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Very often, pets are at risk of disease. There are many sources of microbes and viruses around them. The whole difficulty is that the animal cannot explain what exactly is bothering it. Some diseases are even very similar to human ones. For example, dogs sometimes experience nasal discharge. In most cases, the cause of their occurrence is rhinitis.

A dog's nasal discharge can occur due to several reasons. In normal healthy condition the nose should be slightly moist and cold. If it dries out and becomes warm, this may indicate that the dog has some kind of disease. Some discharge, however, is normal. They are watery, basically have no color and their quantity is not significant. But if they take on some shade and become abundant, this is already a reason to worry. At the same time, the animal may still sneeze or rub its nose with its paws.

Such discharge can be caused by the following factors:

  1. pathologies of the nasal passages or the upper part of the jaw of a congenital nature;
  2. some injuries cranium or upper jaw;
  3. various neoplasms in this area;
  4. various types of viral diseases;
  5. allergic reactions;
  6. microflora disorders and other reasons.

The discharge can be quite serious and dangerous reasons, but despite this risk, they often turn out to be a sign of ordinary rhinitis. This disease usually occurs during cool, wet seasons (autumn and spring). Or it may occur due to infectious diseases. The reasons listed above may also be a provoking factor for rhinitis.

Symptoms of rhinitis include snorting and rubbing the nose with the front paws. The animal may also shake its head. In addition, this may be accompanied by shortness of breath, constant sneezing. Well, of course, characteristic of of this disease the symptom is various copious discharges, which, when dry, form a kind of crust. At the same time, the dog’s body temperature may increase (by about 0.5 - 1 degree above normal).

Chronic rhinitis lasts for several months (but the duration may be different in each individual case). In this case, the discharge may have a faint odor and is sometimes mixed with blood.

It is worth noting that nasal discharge in dogs can be caused by: congenital pathologies. For example, nasopharyngeal polyps can cause, in addition to discharge, sneezing and difficulty swallowing. With neoplasms in the nasal cavity, swelling of the muzzle or deformation of the passages themselves may also be noticeable.

Often the reason heavy discharge from the nose some things may get into it foreign bodies. These can be plant seeds, small parts of toys or interior decoration, pieces of thread. Once they enter the nasal sinuses, they gradually begin to provoke irritation of the mucous membrane. This is precisely the reason that causes sneezing and copious discharge.

If you notice the symptoms mentioned above, you should not hesitate to contact your veterinarian. Since the animal itself cannot let you know what exactly is wrong with it, the owner cannot independently determine what exactly it is sick with. But the doctor will cope with this task with ease. The future condition of the puppy, and even its life, depends on the correct treatment. Therefore, rely only on own strength not desirable, and sometimes even dangerous.

How to cure nasal discharge in a dog

Depending on the cause, treatment for nasal discharge may vary. After examining the pet, the veterinarian will choose the most suitable one.

And speaking in general, without taking into account individual cases, we can give an example of the most effective means. But still, before using them you need to consult a doctor.

  • If rhinitis is acute, you must first clean the nasal passages and then drip a little furatsilin into them (concentration 0.1%). You can also use maxidin at a concentration of 0.15%. But you cannot take naphthyzin or other medications for such purposes, the purpose of which is to treat people. Also for acute rhinitis, nasal cavity The puppy can be lubricated with oxolin ointment, and also irrigated with a solution of menthol oil (1%). The nostrils should be cleaned of dried crusts and new mucus only with a moistened cotton swab.
  • If rhinitis is chronic, irrigation of the mucous membrane with a syringe with menthol oil and tannin solution (1% solid).
  • The veterinarian may prescribe homeopathic treatment. If the discharge is whitish or transparent, a combination of mucosa compositum and echinacea compositum is prescribed. If the discharge has a greenish-yellow tint, engystol with traumeel is used. If a dog has a fever and a depressed general condition, Engystol in combination with a compositum will be effective. If the dog also has rapid breathing, the same engistol is prescribed, but in combination with mucosa composium.
  • If your dog has nasal discharge, herbal medicine may also be prescribed. If rhinitis is just beginning, you can put beet juice, aloe, carrot juice, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil into your nose as drops. You need to instill 2-3 drops 3 to 5 times a day, depending on your general condition.
  • If the discharge has a yellow-green tint, engystol will be effective, especially if it is combined with traumeel. If the discharge is just beginning, it is good to use natural products: rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, beet juice, aloe and others.

It is worth noting that the sense of smell is very important for dogs; they practically live in a world of smells. Therefore, if a dog has any problems with such an important part of the body as the nose, you need to take this especially seriously. First, it is important to take your pet to the vet. Secondly, strictly follow his recommendations. Treatment of a dog initially consists of eliminating the factors that cause a cold or the causes of the disease. Taking care of your pet will ensure it has a long life happy life in future.

In autumn and spring, the number of viral diseases among people and animals increases sharply. A dog's runny nose occurs not only in the autumn-winter period, when it gets cold, but also at any other time. I propose to study the aspects of the appearance of this runny nose.

Causes of runny nose in dogs

First, let’s determine what causes nasal discharge:

  • allergy; The discharge in this case is always watery and transparent;
  • narrow nasal passages, which are characteristic of some breeds. Some of them: pug, griffon, Pekingese, bulldog and others;
  • foreign bodies entering the nose; the dog rubs its nose with its paws, the discharge is clear and may contain blood;
  • smoke, hot air;
  • viruses;
  • hypothermia

Each cause of rhinitis has its own treatment methods. Before starting treatment, make sure that you have correctly identified the cause of the disease. Although narrow nasal passages cannot be corrected. But viral rhinitis and runny nose during hypothermia must be treated. Because acute rhinitis can become chronic without treatment and the animal can suffer for months.

The first couple of days your dog has a runny nose, when the discharge is clear and watery, try to cure it yourself. Especially if the pet’s appetite has not changed and it remains active and cheerful as before. But if the discharge is already green or yellow, this means purulent, then this indicates a sign of a serious illness or the transition of acute rhinitis to chronic form. And here you cannot do without a trip to the veterinarian.

If a runny nose has just begun, then many dog ​​breeders advise dripping a solution of vitamin A (retinol acetate) or Derinat drops into the nose to strengthen immune system, "Pinosol" at thick discharge. There are a few more folk ways(beet broth, onions and more), but it’s better not to experiment on your pet. The consequences of nasal discharge are crusts, which are soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and removed. To prevent crusts from appearing again, lubricate the areas around the nose with Vaseline, 1-2% menthol ointment or vegetable oil.

A dog's runny nose may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Don't let the disease take its course. It is also possible that rhinitis is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, a runny nose is one of the symptoms of plague, inflammation of the pharynx, adenovirus, and tuberculosis. Of course, we really want these terrible diseases to pass by our pets, but it is better to know about their symptoms and take action in time. Plague can be asymptomatic, and it is the dog’s runny nose that will help the veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment on time. It's so easy to take cotton swab some nasal discharge and send for analysis.

If your pet suffers from a runny nose, then please have pity on other animals and do not go to the veterinary clinic, where he can easily infect others. Call better than a veterinarian on house. It might be more expensive, but you wouldn't want your dog to be infected either. veterinary clinic. For example, the disease adenovirosis (infectious laryngotracheitis) is very contagious. Caring for the health of dogs lies solely with their owners. If your dog suffers from a runny nose, do not think that everything will go away on its own. Be sure to treat your pet. I wish the owners and their dogs good health.