Benefits of an honorary donor to Russia. How to become an honorary donor. The title of honorary donor of Russia: receipt, benefits and payments

If you decide to join the ranks of citizens who have made donation an integral part of their lives, the information presented below may be useful to you.

The rights and benefits provided to donors are specified in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the donation of blood and its components.”

Where to begin?

Residents of the Russian Federation regarding donation issues can contact any state hospital at their place of registration - there they will be directed to a transfusion station.

Foreigners can also donate blood - to do this they need to reside legally in Russia for at least 12 months.

To become a donor you must have good health- after all, you donate blood to make a sick person healthy, and not to aggravate his situation even more. Therefore, when coming to a medical institution to donate blood, the prospective donor is obliged to provide the most complete information known to him about his childhood diseases, past operations or interactions with people who had an infectious disease.

If your health allows and you go through the donation procedure, you will be included in the Unified All-Russian Register of Donors, which contains data on the volumes of blood or its components received from you (plasma, red blood cells, leukocytes).

What should newbies do?

Are you donating blood for the first time in your life? Then you are entitled to benefits

  1. The day of inspection and the day of donation itself is a paid day off for the employee at enterprises of all forms of ownership.

If you are a military personnel, you are required to be relieved of duty or assignments.

  1. If you come to donate blood during vacation, on your day off or on a holiday, then the company must compensate you for this day - you can take a day off on any day that suits you or choose financial compensation. In the second case, you must be paid at double the rate for the day spent on donation.
  2. If you donate blood and immediately go to work, then the opportunity to take a day off on another day is yours, and it will also be paid according to average earnings.

It is prohibited for donors engaged in heavy, dangerous or hazardous work to go to work on the day of donation.

  1. The donor is entitled to lunch at government expense on the day of blood collection. At the request of the donor, it can be replaced with a cash payment equal to 5% living wage in Russia (approximately 400 rubles).
  2. The day of blood donation and the day after are paid days off for the donor. If you still worked on these days, then later, when you plan your vacation, you can add these two days to it.

Before donating blood, you will undergo a free medical examination, based on the results
which will determine the permissible one-time portion of blood or its components that you can donate without harm to your health. By passing the medically established standard again within the same year, you will be able to claim the following financial and social benefits:

Honorary donor, how many times do I need to donate blood?

If you want to earn the title of Honorary Donor of Russia, receive a special badge and go through the award procedure in a festive atmosphere, then you should carry out the following procedures for free:

  1. Donate blood and its components (except plasma) – more than 40 times.
  2. Or donate blood and its elements 25 times and plasma 40 times.
  3. Or donate plasma more than 60 times.

After this, new social benefits prescribed by law will become available to you.

  1. Get examined by all doctors without standing in hour-long queues.
  2. Use a chance free prosthetics teeth.
  3. Take a year off at a time that suits you.
  4. The first priority and with significant discounts is to purchase vouchers for health improvement in the country’s sanatoriums.
  5. If you have a prescription from a doctor, purchase medications half price.
  6. enjoy free travel around the city, as well as on suburban and intercity transport (in addition to taxi services) under the conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  7. Apply annually to receive a cash payment, which is indexed every year. In 2013, such a one-time annual payment was equal to 11,138 rubles; in 2014, its size increased to 11,728 rubles.

Please note that these social privileges are available not only to “Honorary Donors of the Russian Federation”, but also to “Honorary Donors of the USSR”, who received this title much earlier.

The authorities of each individual region Russian Federation has the right to determine benefits for donors at the local level. The city of Moscow is no exception. Here the procedure for obtaining a distinctive title is significantly simplified compared to others federal districts. Have you donated blood 20 times or plasma 30 times? Congratulations, you are now the owner of the title “Honorary Donor of Moscow” and the corresponding badge confirming this. From now on, your rights include:

  • free use of public transport;
  • free prosthetics;
  • 50% discount on the use of housing and communal services.

Firstly, the title of honorary Moscow donor is not permanent. It must be confirmed by donating blood at least 2 times annually. This must be done constantly until you can become the owner of the title of Honorary Donor of Russia.

Secondly, the financing of benefits for Moscow donors does not have stable sources - the Moscow Health Department has not adopted amendments to the local law regarding this issue. Because of this, there is no real opportunity for Moscow donors to use their well-deserved benefits. So, they cannot travel for free on minibuses or the metro.

How to document the title “Honorary Donor”?

Having donated blood or its components the required number of times, you have the right to come to the local representative office of the Ministry social protection population. You can apply for a title yourself or use the services of an intermediary.

You will be required to provide:

  • passport or power of attorney, if the donor wishes to obtain the title through his representative;
  • certificate in form No. 448-05/у. It should be given to you at the blood transfusion station. This document will indicate the amount of blood/components donated.
  • an application written by you to receive a certificate and a badge that would classify you as an Honorary Donor of Russia.

Now, for the convenience of donors, a service has been created to fill out an application for this honorary title via the Internet. You will be required to log into the portal public services, find the corresponding application there and attach scanned copies of your passport and formal certificate No. 448-05/у to it.

Another option for adding a donor to the list of Honorary Donors of the country is to contact the multifunctional center at your place of residence. Again, you are required to provide a passport and a certificate (notarized copies are possible).

The period for obtaining the certificate does not depend on the method in which you submitted the documents and is 95 days.

By the way, there were also cases of refusal to confer a title. Most often this happens in three cases:

  1. The donor did not include a certificate from the blood transfusion center with the package of documents.
  2. If you provided false information in the provided documents.
  3. If he lives in the city without registration.

After receiving the “Honorary Donor of Russia” certificate, you can apply for an annual benefit. To the representative office of the Ministry of Social Protection of Citizens located at your place of residence, you must provide:

  • original and copy of passport;
  • original and copy of the certificate confirming the assignment of the badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” or “Honorary Donor of the USSR”;
  • details of the bank where the funds will be received;
  • statement.

The title of “Honorary Donor of Russia” is awarded on a permanent basis - you will no longer need to confirm it.

Now the number of its owners is gradually growing, but this is still not enough. In 2008, there were 14 donors per thousand people. Ideally, this figure should reach 40 donors. Together we can achieve this!

Donation has always been equated to an honorable matter in Russia, since it is carried out by selfless and responsible people who are not indifferent to the fate of others. Currently, blood donation is being actively popularized - it is being distributed among young people, students, and schoolchildren. social advertisement, calling for blood donation at donor points. Young people are reassured that their help can be invaluable, and that with enough donated blood It will be quite possible to cope with many serious illnesses and injuries among our compatriots.

Active informing of schoolchildren and students bears fruit: for Lately The number of voluntary blood and plasma donors has increased significantly, and their number is only increasing every year. This is one of the most illustrative examples activity and responsibility of modern youth; yet many people continually criticize the current generation for the lack of these qualities.

Along with the active expansion of the circle of donors in Russia, there is also an increase in the number of honorary donors. Accordingly, this award is no longer so privileged. In this regard, the legislation has changed somewhat - the government has amended the bill regulating the receipt of an honorary badge.

In this article, we will tell you in detail not only about changes in the legislation on blood and plasma donation, but also about how to receive an honorary badge. You will also find out which legal basis There are now mixed blood donors. Especially for new donors, we will tell you:

  • what are the requirements for blood donors?
  • under what conditions can you donate blood?
  • what benefits are provided to blood donors on the day of donation.

You will learn all the basic information about blood donation, but the main focus in our article will be on the honorary donor badge: how to become honorary donor, what privileges this title gives, and so on.

Legal regulation of blood donation

Legislation that regulates the relationship between the donor, the host organization, and the volunteer’s place of work is both Labor Code Russian Federation, and the Federal Law “On the Donation of Blood and Its Components”.

The Labor Code is involved here primarily because the organization in which the volunteer is employed is obliged to provide him with some privileges during the donation of blood or its components (plasma, red blood cells, and so on). We will talk in more detail about the privileges that are provided to the donor from his organization a little later.

The federal law regulating the legal status of blood donors prescribes all the requirements for volunteers quite clearly and unambiguously. In the next section of the article we will analyze in detail all the requirements that are currently imposed on blood donors.

Who can become a blood donor in the Russian Federation in 2018-2019

The official website of the blood service presents a very convenient algorithm that allows you to determine whether you can become a blood donor in our country. The algorithm is quite simple, but converting it into text form is extremely difficult, and it will take up too much space. Therefore, we will simply briefly list the basic requirements for volunteers.

  1. The most basic requirement is age. Unfortunately, citizens under eighteen years of age cannot become participants in such a program. This is why schoolchildren who receive information about donation are so disappointed when they learn about this requirement. But when they reach adulthood, the desire to become a voluntary donor of blood and its components turns into a completely conscious desire, which pushes them to take this important step.
  2. The volunteer's weight should not be less than fifty kilograms. This is due to simple concern for the health of Russian citizens. If an adult weighs less than fifty kilograms, then taking such an amount of blood can have an extremely negative impact on his well-being. As a rule, thin citizens have an extremely difficult time even simple tests blood from a vein - what can we say about donation, which involves donating enough large quantity blood.
  3. Lack of any chronic diseases, affecting the composition of the blood or immune system. This is a completely obvious requirement and there is no need to explain it.
  4. It is necessary that the volunteer has never left our country within the last month. Abroad - especially in such exotic countries as the countries of the African continent, South America, south Asia and so on, there is great amount various infections, which our body, unadapted to them, is simply not able to tolerate. These infections enter the blood and change its composition, and therefore blood service employees are obliged to make sure that the citizen is not infected with any similar infection. Of course, no one will require any documentary evidence of this fact from you. However, please note that if you have been abroad for last month, then you will have to delay submitting the material. This period is set so that the infection (if any) has time to manifest itself. If within a month after returning home a person does not experience any ailments, then everything is in order with his health.
  5. There are some special rules for girls and women. First of all, donating blood depends in part on menstrual cycle. You cannot donate blood during menstruation and for five days after. This is due to hormone surges and some changes in blood composition that accompany each menstruation in girls. Therefore, the donation of material at the blood collection point must be coordinated with your women's calendar. The second “female” rule concerns young mothers. You cannot become a voluntary blood donor within a year after giving birth.

When you hand over the material at the collection point you will receive:

  • one paid day off from your organization;
  • free food;
  • monetary compensation (this must be waived if you want to receive an honorary badge).

The problem of shortage of donor blood is one and main reason provision by the state of various benefits, compensation and payments. These measures social support encourage citizens to become personnel donors with the possibility of subsequently awarding them with the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge.

Donation legislation

At the federal level, the development of the donor movement is regulated Federal law dated July 20, 2012 No. 125-FZ “On the donation of blood and its components,” which provides for the right of donors to receive benefits. At the regional level, local authorities may provide additional measures social support.

Social support measures (benefits) are provided exclusively to persons who donate blood free of charge.

Benefits provided to donors can be divided into:

  • provided to permanent (personnel) donors,
  • and honorary donors.

Benefits provided to regular donors and donors who donate blood once

Free food

As a rule, dry rations are provided (cheese, ham, chocolate, fruit, bread, water, tea). Replacement free food monetary compensation is only possible if you donate blood at mobile blood collection points.

The amount of compensation is 5% of the subsistence level of the working-age population established in the territory where the donation was made (about 500-900 rubles depending on the region).

If food is replaced with monetary compensation, the donor is considered to have donated blood free of charge.

Providing rest

Providing two days of rest for each change with preservation wages(Articles 165, 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Typically, one day of rest is provided on the day of blood donation and one day of rest at any time during the year. Provided that blood is allowed to be donated up to five times a year, the main leave can be increased by ten days.

Discount travel packages

Preferential receipt discounted vouchers on sanatorium- spa treatment for persons who donated blood two or more times during the year. Such vouchers are issued by the employer at the place of work or educational institution at the place of study.

Medical categories of donors

Donors are assigned medical categories, depending on the frequency of requests per year:

  • reserve (less than three times);
  • personnel (three or more times).

Starting from the first blood draw, a record card is created in which the participant’s health status and dates of procedures are noted. The accounting information is strictly reporting, since in the future it makes it possible to receive the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge, which gives the right to receive additional benefits and privileges.

To receive a badge you must:

  • carry out 40 blood donation procedures;
  • conduct 60 plasma donation procedures;
  • or 25 blood donation procedures and 40 plasma donation procedures.

If you donate blood the maximum number of times per year (up to 5 times), then you can apply for a badge after 8 years.

List of benefits provided to honorary donors of Russia

Honorary donors of Russia are provided with the following government benefits:

  1. Annual financial assistance, for 2017, the amount of which is just over 13,000 rubles. Not taxed income tax and are indexed annually. Regional authorities may increase the monetary payment.
  2. Extraordinary treatment as part of the free provision of medical services.
  3. Working honorary donors have the right to regular leave at a time of their choosing (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, if a person continues to donate blood, he accumulates a significant number of paid days of rest, which can be used at his own discretion, including adding to the main vacation.
  4. Just like donors who donate blood two or more times during the year, persons awarded the badge of honor have a priority right to receive preferential vouchers for sanatorium treatment.

In addition to the benefits provided labor legislation and legislation on blood donation, it is advisable to highlight the following privileges that the donor receives:

  • public respect and recognition. By sacrificing a part of himself, the donor is participating in some way in saving the life of another person. This action deserves high praise;
  • The badge “Honorary Donor of Russia” is a badge of distinction. In case of problems with the law, for example, when a criminal case is initiated against (for example, an accident resulting in death), the presence of a badge of distinction will be a circumstance mitigating liability.

How to become an Honorary Donor of Moscow?

Regional Moscow benefits are established by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 30, 2008 No. 1282-PP.

In the capital, the right to receive the “Honorary Donor of Moscow” badge arises after donating blood more than 20 times, plasma – 30 times.

Citizens who have donated blood a specified number of times at blood transfusion points belonging to healthcare institutions in Moscow can apply for the insignia.

It is worth noting that in order to receive a badge, donating blood required amount times should be carried out not only on the territory of Moscow, but in blood transfusion institutions related to Moscow. If a citizen donated blood 5 times in Yekaterinburg and 15 times in Moscow, then he cannot apply for a badge. It’s another matter if he donated blood 5 times in Yekaterinburg and 20 times in Moscow, then in this case he has the right to receive a badge.

List of benefits provided to honorary donors of Moscow

As mentioned above, regional authorities are given the right to establish additional social support measures. Honorary donors in Moscow are provided with the following benefits:

  1. Free travel on public transport.
  2. Free prosthetics (as prescribed by a doctor).
  3. Pay half price utilities. In accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 19, 2012 No. 758-PP, non-working pensioners have the right to replace this benefit with a cash equivalent (social supplement to pension). In 2017, the additional payment will be 1,162 rubles.
  4. Payment of half the cost of medications prescribed by the attending physician.

A prerequisite for receiving “Moscow” benefits is to continue donating blood at least 2 times a year. Those. after being awarded the insignia, the donor, in the year of award, continues to donate blood, for which he is given a certificate. The following year after the award, social support measures are provided only upon presentation of such certificates. In the absence of certificates, benefits are not provided. In contrast to the benefits provided for by federal legislation, regional benefits in Moscow are provided at the same rate as the citizen continues to donate blood. Federal benefits for honorary donors are constantly provided.

If the donor who received the badge in Moscow continues to donate blood and the number of donations increases to the amount required for the “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge, the citizen has the right to apply for such a badge. In this case, he is entitled to both regional and federal benefits.

Procedure for receiving benefits

All federal and regional benefits, with the exception of cash payments, are provided by institutions and organizations upon presentation of an honorary donor certificate. The need to replace it arises only in the event of its loss or damage.

To receive Moscow benefits, starting from the second year after receiving the title, you will already need certificates confirming that you have donated blood the required number of times.

To receive a cash payment, the donor submits an application to the territorial social protection authority at the place of registration. Along with the application, a certificate of honorary donor, passport, as well as bank details for transferring funds are presented.

Many Russians are interested inHow many times do you need to donate blood to become an honorary donor?since it is truly a worthy title and honorary donors enjoy numerous benefits.

To receive the official title of “Honorary Donor of the Country,” you must donate blood 40 times or 60 times with components completely free of charge.

Procedure for obtaining donor status

Knowing how many times you have to donate blood to become an honorary donor becomes a little scary, but there are people who do it with good intentions and that's wonderful. After donating blood for the 40th or 60th time, a Russian is required to fill out the fields that are mandatory in the application issued at the transfusion station. After 2-3 months, the person is given a personal identification card in the form of a booklet and a badge.

Honorary donors in the Russian Federation receive a financial reward in the amount of 13 thousand rubles every year. These people are served in government institutions out of turn and are given a 50% discount on medicines (if they have a prescription from the attending physician). An honorary donor can take a vacation at any time; the head of the enterprise is warned about this.

How to become an honorary donor in the capital?

To become an officially honorary donor in Moscow, you need to make 20 donations or 30 times with components. Donation should be carried out at transfusion stations, which are subordinate to the capital's Department of Health. They can be found near the capital's city clinics, research institutes and transfusion stations.

The title gives a Moscow resident the opportunity to travel on city vehicles(metro, trains, buses) completely free. The donor also receives a 50% discount on housing and communal services and a discount on medicines in all pharmacies in the city.

After a person has received a worthy title, he needs to donate blood at least 3 times or components (plasma) at least 7 times over the course of 1 year. After this year, the person receives the status of an honorary donor of the Russian Federation, while all the benefits of the capital are preserved.

For those who want to become an “Honorary Donor of the Country”

A person can donate blood only if he is completely healthy and his body weight is more than 50 kilograms. For those who donate blood for the first time, you should take with you an identity document and the results of fluorography; guys should bring a military ID. After the first donation, it is necessary to make another donation within six months.

The donor gets 1-2 days off (paid) and is given money for food. There is an opportunity to donate blood for cash. For 450 milliliters of blood in the capital they pay about 3 thousand rubles. For 60 donations a person receives the title of “Honorary Donor of Russia”, for 30 times of donations a person is given the title of “Honorary Donor of Moscow”. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to prohibit the employee from becoming a donor and is obliged to give legal days off.

Replenishing the blood bank is a noble cause that helps save and cure many people. Winners of a special medal and title "Honorary Donor of Russia"“are encouraged in every possible way by the state. Those awarded this badge include persons who have performed the following actions:

  • donated blood at least 40 times;
  • donated blood and its components at least 25 times. At the same time, plasma was also donated, and total of these procedures amounted to 40 ;
  • donated blood and components of this fluid up to 25 times. At the same time, plasma donation, summed up with the above procedure, amounted to at least 60 times;
  • donated plasma at least 60 times.

One of the conditions for assigning the status of an honored donor, which stands alongside the number of fences, is the implementation of the procedure without receiving payment ().

Benefits for honorary donors in Russia are provided upon availability of a certificate and are as follows:

  1. A donor in Russia has the right to health improvement and resort treatment primarily on the basis of vouchers issued by an enterprise or educational institution.
  2. Rendering medical care V government institutions without payment and out of turn.
  3. One type of privilege is additional leave provided in accordance with labor standards and paid for by the employer.

Procedure for registration of status

Since the right to be awarded a badge and assigned a title honorary/deserved donor belongs to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection; to obtain this status, you must contact the social protection authorities.

There is a certain procedure that consists of several stages:

  1. Collection of the necessary package of documents.
  2. Drawing up an application and submitting it to the department.
  3. Review of information about the applicant by the responsible authority.
  4. Making a decision by the management and notifying the citizen about it.

From the moment the review of documents begins until the applicant receives information about the decision, there must be no more than 95 days. The result can be either positive or negative, but it must be justified. In the first case, the final moment is the granting of the title and the issuance of the corresponding certificate.

List of required documents

To assign status Honorary Donor of Russia 2019 year, you must provide the following documents:

  • identity card - passport;
  • certificates issued in accordance with legal requirements from medical institution who collects blood and components, about the fact of donation.

Collecting documents is not difficult; certificates are issued at each visit to a special medical institution and collection of blood and components.

An example on the topic of receiving the title “Honorary Donor of Russia”

Christina Steinfeld is running for obtaining the status “Honorary Donor of Russia”. This opportunity regulated by:

  • Federal Law No. 125 dated July 20, 2012 (as amended on May 23, 2016).
  • By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 246 dated March 31, 2005 (as amended on April 5, 2012).
  • Government Decree No. 1228 dated November 26, 2012.

According to these laws, an honorary donor is recognized as a person who has donated blood and its components 40 or more times, or blood plasma 60 or more times.

The citizen meets the necessary criteria, so when she next donated blood at the clinic, she contacted the administration of this medical institution to be included in the personal list of donors applying for an honorary title.

After adding her name to this list, the latter is formalized in the regional or regional center blood transfusions to provide necessary information to the regional body executive power in the healthcare sector. The list is subsequently submitted to the Ministry of Health for approval.

Ministry of Health during 45 days from the date of receipt of documents establishes an award order specified persons honorary title. Within 15 days the order and the badges attached to it are sent to the place where the application was submitted.

Within one month after receiving the awards, Steinfeld was invited to a gala event at the district clinic, where she was presented with an honorary badge and a corresponding certificate.

During the presentation of awards, the citizen was explained her privileges that arose upon being awarded the title “Honorary Donor of Russia,” including a set social benefits and regular monetary allowance. The annual benefit amount is 10,557 rubles.


Whatever benefits and payments are assigned to honorary donors, they will always be of this category of citizens. The state encourages such noble deeds by:

  1. Annual cash payments for citizens of this category.
  2. Social guarantees and benefits.
  3. Additional privileges that are provided on the basis of regional legislative documents.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding registration of honorary donor status

Question: I have been donating blood and its components for seven and a half years. The procedures take place in accordance with a special schedule. During this period, my blood was drawn 26 times and plasma 31 times. I donate without payment. I contacted a specialist with a question about receiving the title of Merited/Honorary Donor of the Federation. To which I was told that such an opportunity would come after 40 blood draws or 60 plasma draws. Are there other conditions for the above status?

Answer: Exist alternative conditions, which are stipulated in Law 125, dated July 2012. It states that the title of Distinguished/Honorary Donor can be awarded to a person who:

  • donated blood at least 25 times, and the sum of such withdrawals and plasma donation should not be less than 40 times;
  • donated blood less than 25 times, and the sum of these procedures and plasma collections must be at least 60 times.

Compliance with one of the above points will allow you to obtain the desired status.