Colds on the lips can be quickly treated with folk remedies. How to quickly treat herpes at home? Alternative methods. Cold sores in children

It is quite common to see a person with small sores on the lips or nose. Especially, these rashes on the face bother us in rainy autumn or cold spring. This disease also has another name – herpes.

Everyone knows the feeling you experienced when you saw a painful swelling on your face in the morning. A cold on the lip is a nuisance to our appearance and causes painful discomfort. It doesn't seem to be a big deal. Many people believe that after some time the ulcers go away on their own. But the herpes virus is not as simple as we think about it. And if a cold on the lips occurs in a pregnant woman or a small child, you should worry and take this disease more seriously and responsibly. After all, there are still no drugs that destroy this virus and completely remove it from the human body. True, you can temporarily get rid of this suddenly appeared misfortune, and quite quickly. But…

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of constant colds and diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, then be sure to look into section of the site "Book" after reading this article. This information is based on the author’s personal experience and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. NOT advertising! So, now back to the article.

Find out the cause of the disease before treating it

The herpes virus is currently considered the most common infection around the globe. If this virus somehow ends up in the human body, then it becomes impossible to remove it or destroy it. Usually it “visits” us in childhood, and remains in our body. Where is the place where herpes hides? Viral particles, having entered the body, rise along the nerve endings into the cavity of the skull, occupy a nerve plexus called the trigeminal ganglion, and it is there that they remain in a “dormant state” for a long time. Occasionally, during the activation of the virus, particles wake up and infect the mucous membranes of our body. Among the world's population, up to 90% of people are its carriers. True, with good human immunity, the virus “does not reveal itself.” Under the influence of what reasons does herpes wake up, causing the appearance of colds on the lips? They are often different for different people.

  • This is most often hypothermia, or, conversely, overheating
  • In women there may be a connection with critical days
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee
  • Emotional stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Underlying illnesses such as the common cold, flu, HIV, or diabetes
  • Any lip injuries
  • Smoking

But, despite the different reasons, there is one common property - the herpes virus usually affects people with weakened immune systems, or at those moments when a person’s immunity is weakened for some reason (stress, cold, etc.).

Stages of development, as well as symptoms of colds on the lips

Stage 1: the onset of the disease manifests itself in a sudden burning sensation or even pain in the lips. The duration of this period ranges from two hours to a day. By the way, right now you can “slow down” the disease and avoid its further development if you start using special medications or folk remedies. In this case, the disease can be cured in two days. If you didn’t catch herpes “by surprise” or ignored it altogether, the affected areas of the skin will bother you for more than a week.

Stage 2: redness and areas of swelling appear near the lips, that is, the inflammatory process begins. And now bubbles have formed, containing a colorless liquid. It is in these bubbles that thousands of viruses accumulate.

Stage 3: The bubbles burst after some time, the liquid is released, begins to dry out, and ulcers form in this place. It is at this stage that the disease becomes contagious.

Stage 4 (final): the ulcers eventually become covered with a crust, which soon disappears.

Remember, cold sores are contagious.

If you touch the sores on your lips with your hand, the virus particles will end up on your hand. And then they can go anywhere. The virus is especially dangerous for the eyes. Therefore, most importantly, try to carefully monitor the cleanliness of your skin during illness. And, above all, it concerns your hands. Wash them often with soap.

During the entire period of the disease, you will have to think not only about how to cure your illness, but also about how to protect your loved ones. Avoid kissing while you are sick. Remember that by kissing your child, you are providing him with this virus for life.

During illness, use only individual cutlery, because the virus is contained in the saliva of a sick person. Make sure that no one else uses your towel.

Be careful when communicating. After all, colds on the lips are easily transmitted through the air through the saliva of someone infected with the virus.

Colds on the lips are especially dangerous during pregnancy. After all, it follows that the herpes virus has become more active in the body. Of course, this virus is not inherited. Experts believe that primary rashes are the most dangerous for pregnant women (that is, if herpes did not bother you before pregnancy). Secondary rashes often do not have a serious impact on pregnancy and the intrauterine development of the baby. But the mother’s infection (by the way, in these cases, a cold on the labia is the most dangerous) is easily transmitted to the child during conception, as well as during childbirth. Viral infections in pregnant women are very difficult to cure. Therefore, herpes encephalitis, today, is one of the most common causes of death in infants.

Young mothers especially need to be careful with this disease. You should not touch your baby’s skin with your lips, and it is better to use a gauze bandage (mask) while feeding and caring for the baby. And, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and constantly!

Complications of herpes

If for some reason the cold on your lips does not go away quickly, and the sores have not disappeared for more than a week, it’s time to see a doctor. After all, herpes on the face can only be a manifestation of another, more serious disease.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor if the following symptoms occur along with a cold on the lips: chills, fever, fainting, loss of smell, joint pain, etc.

It is mandatory to visit a doctor if a cold on the lips affects a pregnant woman, a child under three years of age, a person with AIDS or cancer, a person with diabetes (that is, the category of people who have a weakened immune system). After all, ordinary but painful rashes on the lips can lead to very dangerous complications.

The herpes virus can affect the eyes if not handled carefully. Especially, pay more attention to ulcers near the lips of a small child. After all, if he touches a painful place near the mouth with his hand, and then touches the eyes, then the baby’s eye disease is guaranteed. It is very difficult. And without proper treatment it can lead to blindness. In addition, the virus can also infect the skin of the fingers. The result of this exposure is herpetic eczema. Stomatitis is also one of the consequences of herpes activity. In this case, the oral mucosa is affected. To prevent the spread of the virus, start treatment for colds in the area of ​​the lips or nose in your baby in a timely manner.

In people with weakened immune systems, such as HIV-infected people or cancer patients, the herpes virus can infect internal organs. Even doctors can find it quite difficult to detect herpes. Its treatment is just as difficult. By the way, the mortality rate from the herpes virus among the world's population now ranks third (after influenza and AIDS). Let us remind you that there is currently no medicine that completely destroys this virus. There are only drugs that can quickly cure a cold on the lip, or rather, quickly stop the replication of the virus.

How to get rid of an unpleasant cold on the lip in a short time?

After all, the first question we ask ourselves when we suspect herpes is “What to anoint these purulent sores that have come from out of nowhere?”

Firstly, of course, this is a special cream that contains antiviral agents. This cream should be used to lubricate the lips and the area around the lips about 5 times a day.

In general, if “outbreaks” of colds on your face occur quite often (several times a year), then you should always keep this cream with you. As soon as you feel tingling or itching in the area of ​​your lips or nose, immediately begin to lubricate the sore areas.

The most common mistake women make is when they try to disguise this notorious cold on the lips with various creams and powders that come to hand. This, of course, should not be done, since cosmetics and the components they contain can lead to an even greater proliferation of viral particles and the disease will drag on for a long time.

Remember! When treating a cold on the lips, never squeeze out the bubbles or break off the crusts that have formed. Otherwise, you create favorable conditions for the spread of the virus to the eyes or other parts of the face. Wait until the crusts fall off on their own.

One of the medications that works well for colds on the lips is Acyclovir, as well as ointments based on it. 5% acyclovir ointment is much cheaper than various imported products. Its effective action appears precisely at the first signs of herpes rashes on the face. Of course, it can be used at later stages. Apply the ointment about 4 times a day, carefully but thoroughly lubricating painful areas of the skin. This drug, however, has its drawbacks. With frequent use, the skin of the lips dries out and cracks. And, again, frequent use of this remedy causes the body to become accustomed to it. Therefore, the effect of the ointment on the virus becomes less and less effective.

“Acyclovir”, as well as “Zovirax”, can be successfully used by both pregnant women and mothers while breastfeeding, since the components of the ointment are not absorbed into the blood at all. And they will not bring any harm to the baby.

To treat severe colds on the lips, stronger medications are used: Zovirax tablets or valacyclovir. But these drugs can only be purchased with a prescription.

Or maybe you will use folk remedies for treating colds on the lips? After all, in our country this is a fairly common method of treatment...

Probably one of the simplest remedies that you can use if you have a cold on your lip is to lubricate it with the juice of garlic, onions or the juice of such a well-known medicinal plant as aloe. By the way, aloe juice can be consumed orally at the same time (one teaspoon of juice before meals). But it is possible that other methods will help you to quickly treat a cold on your lips. Try to choose the most effective remedy for you.

  • "Chamomile": An infusion of medicinal chamomile always helps with inflammatory processes in our body. It is prepared as follows: Take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and pour a glass of boiling water over them. You need to wait half an hour for the solution to infuse. Then we definitely filter it. To treat your lips, it is good to add a tablespoon of 10% alcohol propolis to the chamomile infusion. The finished infusion should be applied to painful areas of the skin at least five times a day. It is useful to drink chamomile infusion (one tablespoon three times a day).
  • "Ice": Herpes blisters are “afraid” of ice. Wrap the ice in a napkin and hold it against your lips for as long as possible.
  • "Zinc solution": A solution of a salt such as zinc sulfate may help you. 4 gr. This salt must be dissolved in cool boiled water. You need to keep this solution on your lips for about 30 minutes.
  • "Melissa": Melissa requires an alcohol solution. 10 gr. pour lemon balm leaves with a small amount of alcohol. The infusion must be kept for several days. Apply the infusion to your lips as often as possible throughout the day.
  • "Freshly brewed tea". A teaspoon must be heated in hot black freshly brewed tea. A well-heated spoon should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a day. Carry out treatment carefully to avoid burns.
  • "Baking soda" Add one tablespoon of baking soda to ½ cup of boiling water. The solution must be mixed thoroughly. Heat a spoon or a regular piece of cotton wool in this water and also apply it to your lips several times a day. Do not remove the resulting soda crust from your lips.
  • "Fir oil" It is good to lubricate the areas that are favored by herpes with fir oil. We especially recommend doing this procedure at night.
  • "Propolis" People often use propolis tincture against colds on the lips. It seems to cauterize the resulting ulcers. After cauterization, do not forget to lubricate the skin with an emollient cream.
  • "Toothpaste" for colds on the lips. As you know, toothpastes have a drying effect. It is advisable to lubricate the areas of skin where you feel itching. You can lubricate the already formed bubbles with toothpaste. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. But, if during this treatment you experience redness of the skin or severe burning, then stop treatment immediately.
  • "Raspberries" Raspberry berries and leaves are an excellent remedy for colds. But when treating colds on the lips, we will use freshly cut raspberry branches. They need to be washed, doused with boiling water and crushed to a paste. Then apply it to your lips for about half an hour several times a day.
  • "Eggshell" Separate a thin film from the inside of the eggshell and apply to your lips. As the film dries, it will have a healing effect on colds.
  • "Valocordin" Valocordin (as well as Corvalol) dries out rashes around the lips very well. Simply moisten a cotton pad with it and apply it to the area affected by herpes for a few minutes. Very often there is a burning sensation, but it goes away quickly.
  • "Ointment with Ash" Perhaps the following recipe will help you: take 3 cloves of garlic and one teaspoon of honey. Mix finely grated garlic with honey. Place a piece of paper in a glass container and set it on fire. Add the resulting ash to the mixture of honey and garlic and mix thoroughly. Apply the prepared ointment to painful areas of the skin every 4 hours. Keep it on for 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with cool water.

Almost all methods of treating herpes rashes require a duration of use of at least 5 days. Even if the external symptoms of a cold have disappeared, continue treatment. Otherwise, the virus may become active again.

During illness, pay attention to your diet. It turns out that the amino acid lysine “inhibits” the spread of the virus. It is found in large quantities in potatoes, eggs, yogurt, milk, and fish. Conversely, the amino acid “arginine” contributes to the development of the disease. It is found in nuts, seeds, and chocolate. Accordingly, you will have to reduce your consumption of these foods during treatment.

To avoid having to treat herpes again, take preventive measures

If your lips are affected by herpes quite often and unpleasant sores appear again and again, and you are tired of fighting it, take preventive measures.

Protect your lips from wind, sun and frost. For this you can use special creams and lip balms. Try not to get too cold or overheat.

Boost your immunity. How? Try to maintain a daily routine and exercise. Try to start hardening. Among herbal remedies for strengthening immunity, Echinacea root will help your body well. This remedy can be used in the form of an infusion and in the form of tablets. Ordinary garlic or ginseng will help strengthen the immune system.

During flu and ARVI epidemics, avoid contact with sick people. Avoid visiting crowded places.

Be wary of prescribing treatment yourself, especially with regard to antibiotics, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. In all cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary!

Pay attention to your diet. It is better if your diet includes more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those containing vitamin C. Avoid fatty foods. Eat less sugar and chocolate. Drink more liquid, especially if it is a decoction or tea based on herbs such as sage, wormwood, sweet clover, lemon balm, etc.

As soon as you feel itching and burning around your lips, immediately start using medicinal products. But what? These can be medications, or you can use the advice of traditional medicine... Your body will tell you what to choose. Learn to “listen” to your inner self, to your body, and then you will be able to maintain your health and beauty for a long time!

How unpleasant it is to wake up in the morning and find that a cold is about to appear on your lips. And it’s okay if you don’t need to go anywhere for the next few days. But if there is an important meeting ahead, a date with the man or girl of your dreams, then the situation becomes catastrophic. As a rule, we mentally begin to scroll through all our knowledge on the topic of how to treat a cold on the lips, what remedies are at hand and options for the development of events. Do you remember anything? No. Then our article is just for you.

The first symptoms of herpes, popularly called a cold on the lips, are expressed in the appearance of small, painful, itchy spots on the surface of the lips or other areas of skin on the face. After a couple of hours, the itching and pain intensify, and the spots bulge and take on the appearance of bubbles filled with clear liquid. In the following days, the blisters burst and form shallow, but very painful ulcers. The question of how to treat herpes on the lip or face and what medications are needed for this arises for everyone who has at least once encountered this unpleasant illness.

Let us note right away that herpes itself does not completely disappear, even with effective treatment. You can only reduce the frequency of its appearance and minimize the duration of its stay on the lip. It is not difficult to understand that trouble is brewing, although in this case it does not manifest itself: you will simply find a slight swelling or redness on the lip, which hurts when pressed. So, what to do when a cold on the lips appears, how to treat it, and which treatment option is most effective?

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes mention that fir oil is often used to treat colds on the lips. They lubricate the bubbles on the lips every 2 hours, and always before bedtime. Applying the oil increases the burning sensation of the affected area, which does not last long and soon goes away. In order to cauterize the blisters, use propolis tincture, and then apply calendula ointment or emollient chamomile cream to the ulcer.

The category of folk remedies also includes treatment with earwax or Kalanchoe juice. The wax is removed from the ears with a cotton swab and applied to the bubbles several times a day. The juice is squeezed out of Kalanchoe and smeared on the herpes-infected surface of the lips. By the way, sometimes it is much more effective than medical means.

The next treatment method is somewhat painful, but as eyewitnesses say, it is quite effective. An ordinary teaspoon is dipped into freshly brewed tea, heated and applied to the cold on the lips. An ointment for colds on the lips made from natural ingredients – ash, honey and garlic – also helps. To prepare it you will need 0.5 tbsp. honey, 3 cloves of garlic and 1 tbsp. ash. Mix everything, the ointment is ready.

Colds on the lips - quick treatment with medications

The optimal treatment option for colds on the lips in adults and children involves the use of ointments based on antiviral drugs. To purchase these products you do not need a doctor's prescription, they are available for use and allow you to get rid of the disease in a very short period of time, preventing its development at the initial stage. Today in pharmacies you can find drugs such as penciclovir, acyclovir, herpevir, famciclovir. There are many more ointments, but, as a rule, they have the same active ingredient. The only difference is in the name, price and various fragrances and auxiliary components. Treatment with antiviral drugs should be started immediately at the slightest suspicion of herpes, and then the cold will disappear within a couple of days.

With a balanced diet and the body receiving all the necessary vitamins, the immune system is able to produce antibodies, the action of which is aimed at preventing the development of herpes. Therefore, it is especially important to support immunity with the help of immunomodulatory drugs, for example, Immunal or Echinacea tincture. Vitamin complexes can prevent the development of herpes: Supradin, Geri-max and Neuromultivit. If you do not have any of the listed drugs on hand, for the purpose of quick disinfection, you can lubricate the inflamed area with aspirin or paracetamol softened in water.

Video “How to avoid colds on the lips”

If you are tired of frequent colds, itching, unpleasant blisters and burning sensations on your lips, it’s time to figure out how to quickly cure herpes on your lips. Familiarize yourself with the main antiviral drugs used, as well as home remedies that can help treat the disease.

How to quickly get rid of cold lips

Once a person has become infected with herpes, it can no longer be removed from the body by any means. You can only fight the manifestations of the virus effectively or not. Treatment with various means is aimed at:

  • suppression of herpes;
  • preventing its spread;
  • increasing immunity;
  • elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • restoration of damaged skin areas.

If a person has a weakened immune system, the “sore” may reappear. At the same time, the patient is contagious to other people and can spread the disease throughout the body. A particularly favorable moment for the spread of the virus is when the bubbles burst and wounds begin to form. In addition to treatment with antiviral drugs, it is important to follow several recommendations:

  • avoid close tactile contacts, kisses;
  • do not touch the rash with your hands;
  • do not rub your eyes;
  • do not pick off the crusts that form at the end of the disease.

Antiviral drugs for herpes

Symptoms of the disease are painful and unpleasant. How to quickly get rid of herpes on the lips? Pharmacies sell hundreds of special products designed to help people. Treatment of herpes on the lips in one day is possible if you start taking pills when there is a tingling sensation, redness, but itchy rashes have not yet appeared. Doctors often prescribe medications with the active ingredient acyclovir (Acyclovir, Zovirax) or combination drugs, for example, Isoprinosine.

The following medications are suitable for treating herpes on the lips in one day:

  1. Acyclovir. The active substance is absorbed into the blood, then enters the cells that contain the virus, blocks their activity, and they are gradually destroyed by the body. You should start taking it when you feel a tingling sensation on your lips. It is recommended to take 5 tablets per day. Duration – 5 days.
  2. Valtrex. The drug works on a principle similar to Acyclovir. The advantage of Valtrex is that it is absorbed better and faster. To treat herpes, take the drug one tablet twice a day for 10 days. A possible option is to take 2 tablets in one day with a 12-hour break.

Ointment for colds on the lip

It is difficult to imagine treating herpes on the lips in one day without ointments. They are more convenient than tablets and are no less effective. Many patients choose ointments because they are applied only to the affected areas and do not affect the entire body. The following methods are popular:

  1. Zovirax. The drug is produced by a British company that guarantees symptom relief after 3-4 applications. Apply it to the damaged area about 4-5 times a day. No more allowed. Duration – 5 days. If there is no improvement on the second day, stop using it - not all types of herpes are sensitive to Zovirax.
  2. Fenistil Pentsivir. After application, this ointment for a cold on the lip immediately affects infected cells without affecting healthy ones. The effect lasts up to 12 hours. Healing of the affected areas occurs within 4 days of use. Apply every 2 hours. Treat for 4-5 days.
  3. Panavir is a gel that has antiviral and immunity-improving properties. The product effectively destroys herpes DNA and increases immunity in the area of ​​inflammation. Then the disease goes into remission. Apply the gel in a thin layer. Course of use – 4-5 days. About 5 applications to the skin are recommended per day.

Antiherpetic patch

A modern remedy for colds on the lips is Compeed patches. Sold in packs of 15 plates, complete with a small mirror and instructions. They can be used at any stage of the disease. If you start early, using one patch will be enough - it will prevent the formation of bubbles and will immediately relieve symptoms. When used at the stage of bubble formation, the product will draw out all the pus, prevent them from bursting, and moisturize the skin. If wounds have already formed, the patch should be used to prevent the spread of infection.

Instructions for Compeed patches:

  1. To use the patch, the skin affected by rashes must be clean and dry. If ointments or cosmetics were previously applied, they must be removed.
  2. With a clean hand, take one applicator and open the sticky side without touching it.
  3. Apply the product to the skin with the sticky side, fix one side, then the other. Press with your finger. Have time to do this within one minute.
  4. Remove the applicator. Keep the antiherpetic patch on for 8-10 hours, then apply another one. Improvement occurs in two or even one day.

How to treat herpes on the lips at home

There are many remedies that help cure “colds” in folk medicine. You can use one method or experiment with several simultaneously throughout the day. They are especially effective if used before the first signs of illness appear. If there is at least one bubble, the remedies will not be able to help in the short term. For treatment you can use essential oils, ointments from various products, toothpaste, plant juices, alcohol, table salt, garlic.

Folk remedies

Are you wondering how to quickly get rid of a cold on your lip using the means at your disposal? Here are some effective recipes:

  1. Take a little Valocordin or alcohol, soak a cotton swab (cotton swab) in the liquid, and apply it to the itchy area. The method will help remove redness, rashes, and reduce inflammation.
  2. Use a teaspoon. Keep it in hot tea for a few seconds, then apply it to the burning area. There may be some pain at first, but it goes away.
  3. An unusual way to improve a patient's condition in one day is to use earwax. First remove it with a cotton swab and lubricate the painful areas three times a day.
  4. Take garlic, squeeze the juice out of it and apply it on your cold. If it is more convenient, you can cut the onion and rub it before going to bed.

And is this even possible?

Often, when we wake up in the morning, we find an unpleasant formation on the lip - herpes. This disease is popularly called the common cold.

In addition to physical inconvenience, the sore also causes psychological discomfort, so everyone wants to get rid of an unpleasant defect in the shortest possible time.

Although some patients do not pay attention to the disease, ignoring the sore and not taking any therapeutic measures. This is a completely wrong attitude, because herpes is a serious viral disease. You can catch it not only through a kiss, but also through dishes, dirty hands, and some forms even by airborne droplets.

Moxibustion treatment

Many people, when an unfortunate sore appears, try to cauterize it immediately. There is a lot of controversy today regarding such treatment tactics.

In most cases, cauterization stops the further spread of herpes and prevents the formation of blisters on the surface. But in the cauterization process, drugs and agents that do not have an antiviral effect are used, so cauterization eliminates the symptom, but does not cure the disease itself.

In any case, at the very beginning, when you feel a characteristic itching on your lips, where the first bubbles will soon appear, this method can help. If the first bubble appears, you can also try.

It is important to understand that regular treatment must be carried out along with cauterization, otherwise the effect will be very short-lived.

Everyone decides for themselves whether to cauterize or not. Most often used:

  • Propolis tincture alcohol;
  • Solutions like Valoserdin or Valocordin;
  • Alcoholic calendula tincture;
  • Natural essential oils such as lavender, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, fir or tea tree;
  • Aloe, Kalanchoe, lemon juice;
  • Corvalol provides an effect after 3 days of regular cauterization.

Products such as brilliant green or iodine are often used, but experts it is not recommended to use them, because there is a high risk of burning the affected skin.

Opponents of cauterization argue that such a procedure can damage the skin layers and help the herpes virus penetrate even deeper into the tissue, then the therapeutic processes will be more difficult and take longer.

To avoid such incidents, it is recommended to apply the cauterizing agent used directly to the affected area. For this, a cotton swab is best suited, which is moistened with a medicinal solution and pressed to the site of the herpes lesion for a few seconds.

Half an hour after cauterization, you can use an antiviral cream to lubricate the herpetic sore. There is no need to cover it with a band-aid. If necessary, you can cauterize the herpes on your lip every hour. You won’t have to wait long for the results, because the improvement is noticeable after just a few procedures.

Folk remedies to strengthen the immune system

As you know, herpes manifests itself when immune barriers are reduced, so strengthening the immune system is an important direction in the therapeutic process. There are a lot of natural remedies that help in this matter. The most popular:

  1. Rose hip;
  2. Ginseng;
  3. Garlic;

Decoctions or infusions are prepared from these herbs and drunk like tea; you can add natural bee honey, then the immune-strengthening effect will be much higher.

Drug strengthening of the immune system

An excellent addition to the main treatment would be the use of immunostimulating drugs, whose action is aimed at strengthening the immune defense. Immunostimulants prescribed for the development of herpes cannot cure the disease, but they increase the activity of the immune system against the virus.

Among natural herbal preparations, experts recommend taking eleutherococcus extract for herpes, which effectively copes with the viral origin of the disease and provides an additional effect in the form of prevention of colds and flu.

Among synthetic drugs, the following drugs are especially popular:

  • Herpes simplex-nosode-inject;
  • Glotuxim, etc.

At times, Isoprinosine is prescribed for herpes - this is a powerful immunostimulant, endowed with an additional anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamin preparations such as Ascorbic acid, Centrum, Aevit, Multi-Tabsa, Undevit, Gerimax, etc. perfectly increase immune strength.

Traditional treatment

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure the herpes virus, but you can get rid of its symptomatic manifestations such as burning and itching sensations. Traditional treatment for herpes on the lips is symptomatic and involves the use of pharmaceutical preparations such as gels, ointments, creams or tablets:

  • Acyclovir or Zovirax;
  • Valtrex or Valacyclovir;
  • Docosanol;
  • Minaker;
  • Remantadine.

If treatment with the above remedies is started before the characteristic bubbles form, then the likelihood of their occurrence is minimized. If rashes and blisters have already formed, then using these drugs will take much less time for healing.

The affected area must be lubricated at least 4-5 times throughout the day, and sometimes more often. Antiviral ointments can be used without medical prescription; they will relieve unpleasant itching and significantly speed up the healing process.

If the infection has spread to large areas, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs in tablet form.

During the treatment period, patients should not tear off dried crusts from the resulting sore, since such actions contribute to the spread of the infectious process over a larger area and significantly prolong the healing time.

It is advisable not to touch the affected areas, but apply cream, ointment or alcohol composition to the sore using a cotton swab. Any kissing or genital-oral contact should be avoided during treatment.


As you know, herpes is present in the body of almost every person, only it is in a dormant state, which is interrupted when immunity decreases. Therefore, to prevent herpes, it is necessary to ensure strong immune protection of the body through hardening and other methods such as:

  • Taking vitamins;
  • A balanced diet enriched with fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Healthy lifestyle without alcohol and cigarettes.

In addition, to prevent herpes it is recommended:

  1. Avoid physical contact with people who have characteristic herpetic lesions on the lips;
  2. You cannot share hygiene items such as towels, razors, bed linen, or share utensils with a sick person. Ideally, people with herpes are advised to thoroughly boil their razor, towel, spoon or glass after each use.

Regular adherence to such preventive measures will help avoid activation of the herpes virus and eliminate the need for its treatment.


    Hello! I have a herpes virus in my eyes, or rather on a thin strip of eyelid closure. Sometimes bubbles pop out. They make themselves known only by preventing them from blinking. I usually run my fingernail over them to remove them. It burns for 5 minutes and that’s it. Tell me what drug can be used.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Not everyone knows how to quickly treat it. Almost no one is immune from herpes. This cold can occur in both children and adults. As a rule, treatment takes place at home and complications are extremely rare.

When you wake up in the morning, it is extremely unpleasant to feel burning and itching on your lips. This is how a cold makes itself known. At the primary stage, herpes practically does not cause concern. Minor “ringing” in the corners of the lips does not cause much discomfort. However, then the disease begins to progress and new symptoms appear.

After some time, the itching becomes noticeable, the first bubbles appear, which after 3-4 hours turn into ugly pimples. The site of herpes formation noticeably swells, causing increasing discomfort. A day after the onset of the disease, the bubbles begin to burst. In their place, dry crusts appear, which completely spoil the appearance. By following simple advice from experts, it is quite possible to quickly get rid of a cold on your lip.

Causes of herpes on the lips

Contrary to popular belief, a rash on the lips can be caused by more than just a cold. The herpes virus can appear in the following cases:

  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • viral or infectious diseases;
  • overwork, which can cause a weakened immune system, which leads to the formation of herpes;
  • stress, nervous shock or breakdown often cause metabolic disorders;
  • critical women's days;
  • a sharp change in diet, transition to a strict diet, exhaustion.

A cold rash can appear not only on the lips, but also on the nasal mucosa and other areas of the skin. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, so it is easy to catch it on public transport, through tactile contact with a patient. According to statistics, more than 90% of people are infected with the herpes virus. Some of them may not even be aware of its existence. Only when a cold breaks out do they begin to wonder how to treat a cold on the lips.

Methods for treating a cold on the lip

Despite the emergence of numerous advanced technologies, a medicine that helps to forget about the virus forever has not yet been invented. But there is a special set of drugs that help quickly get rid of colds on the lips. On pharmacy shelves you can find all kinds of ointments and creams that help get rid of an unpleasant disease. It is important to remember: the sooner you start treatment, the faster the cold will leave the body.

An alternative to pharmaceutical products are homemade medications. Treatment with folk remedies seems to many to be more effective and safe, because in medicinal mixtures prepared with your own hands, all components, as a rule, are of natural origin.

How to deal with a cold on the lip at home

If you have a cold on your lips, quick treatment is possible even at home. Simple folk recipes, made from ingredients found in every home, will have a quick therapeutic effect. Experts will help you find out how to soothe the itching and relieve the burning sensation.

Toothpaste, having an antiseptic effect, prevents the growth of bacteria, and thereby speeds up treatment.

In some cases, regular deodorant may help. It is enough to lightly spray the product on the edge of a napkin and apply it to the itchy area for 5-7 minutes.
Several times a day, you can apply table salt to the inflamed area. It is enough to pour a small pinch onto a scarf and apply it to the area of ​​the rash.
Regular earwax can help treat cold sores. Use a cotton swab to carefully remove wax from the ear and apply it to the inflamed area.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of colds on the lip

In the old days, people did without artificial medications to cure cold sores. Recipes made from improvised materials are passed down from generation to generation and help out in difficult times.

To prepare an ointment for herpes, take 1 small apple, two cloves of garlic and a few drops of vegetable oil. Grate the apple on the finest grater, pass the garlic through a press, add butter and applesauce. Mix the ointment thoroughly, put a small part in a piece of gauze. Apply the resulting tampon to the herpes for 3-5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times during the day.

To combat a cold on the lip, tea leaves are often used. The used tea bag is applied to the sore spot for 5-10 minutes, repeating the lotion several times throughout the day. You can use wet brewed tea after wrapping it in a piece of gauze or bandage.

An excellent healing agent that helps quickly cure a cold on the lip is an ointment based on aloe and calendula. To prepare the ointment, the aloe leaf should be peeled and squeezed out 1 tsp. juice You also need to squeeze out a few drops of liquid from the calendula petals. Mix aloe and calendula juice with the same amount of Vaseline or fat cream, add potato starch and stir until smooth. Leave the ointment on the inflamed area until completely dry, then apply a new portion.

It is recommended to prepare a sage infusion as an antiseptic. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry sage leaves 200 ml boiling water. Let the broth brew for 30-40 minutes. The prepared cooled liquid can be used to rinse your mouth and wipe areas of the skin infected with herpes.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely defeat the herpes virus; it is much easier to become infected with it. As the disease develops, the virus is implanted into the gene system and remains in the body forever. But there are drugs that can block the spread of the virus and increase the body’s overall immunity. You can have it on your lip, but still remain a carrier of the virus, which at the slightest weakening of the immune system will certainly make itself felt.

Preventative measures to prevent colds on the lip

There is no better protection against the disease than regular prevention. Of course, you can fight herpes, but it is better to prevent inflammation by following simple rules.
Strengthening the immune system includes a whole range of procedures aimed at improving the health of the body. First of all, they imply proper rest after physical activity, proper nutrition, and adherence to a sleep schedule. During an acute epidemic of viral diseases, it is recommended to protect yourself from possible infection, avoid crowded places, and wear a gauze bandage.

It is useful to undergo examination by a specialist, which will help to detect hidden infections that provoke the awakening of herpes.
It is necessary to follow general hygiene rules, do not use dirty dishes, other people's clothes and bedding.

Some tips for a cold on the lip

If it was not possible to avoid herpes, many begin to treat colds on the lips with all available means. However, we should not forget that during inflammation, you should not touch the affected areas of the skin with your fingers. If you do happen to touch them, you should wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of infection.

It is best to use separate utensils and personal hygiene products. The blisters formed during inflammation cannot be torn off or squeezed out, this will cause additional infection and the herpes will grow. You should also refrain from kissing so as not to infect loved ones. When applying medicinal products to infected areas of the skin, you should use cotton swabs or gauze swabs.

Girls, when a cold rash appears, try to disguise it with cosmetics. It is not right. Any decorative cosmetics clogs the top layer of the epidermis and creates a film. This approach accelerates the growth of bacteria, thereby making treatment more difficult. Therefore, experts recommend not to mask the inflamed area with cosmetics.