Personal gua number and eight house formula. How to calculate Gua number and find favorable directions for your home

In this article we will look at the scheme for calculating the personal gua number and the formula for the eight houses.
The diagrams presented below are truly indispensable when using Feng Shui. They are associated with the scientific concepts of Feng Shui. These schemes are quite simple to understand, but require careful use. When you learn to put the eight house formula into practice, you will see how powerful it is.

Gua formula is one of the fastest-acting and simplest feng shui formulas. This formula should be taken into account when arranging furniture and choosing interior items for your home. Based on this formula, each person has his own personal gua number, calculated according to his year of birth. This number denotes your belonging to the eastern or western group of people, and also determines your favorable and unfavorable directions.

Automatic calculation Gua numbers

Please indicate your date of birth and your gender.
1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 194 8 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197 3 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199 8 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 January February March April May June July August September October November December 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Man Woman

Self-calculation of Gua number

Follow these steps:

1. Take the year you were born. If you were born in January or early February, then check your date of birth with the lunar calendar. If your number falls on the previous lunar year, then to calculate the gua number you should take the previous year. For example, you were born on January 20, 1982. According to the lunar calendar, the year 1982 begins only on January 25, and therefore for calculation gua numbers in this case, we must take 1981.

2. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add the digits of the resulting number again. For example, you were born in 1975: 7 + 5 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3.

3. Now it all depends on your gender. For men, the resulting number should be subtracted from 10. In the example with 1975, this is 10 - 3 = 7. The resulting gua number 7.
If the calculation is carried out for boys born after 2000, then you should subtract not from 10, but from 9.

4. For women, 5 should be added to the resulting number. In the example of 1975, this is 5 + 3 = 8. The resulting gua number is 8.
If the calculation is carried out for girls born after 2000, then you should add not by 5, but by 6.

5. If in the last step you get a two-digit number, add the digits of this number. This will be your gua number.

Now that you know your personal gua number, you can determine which group you belong to. Those whose gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9 belong to the eastern group.
If your gua number equals 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8, then you belong to the Western group. According to Feng Shui, people belonging to one group of directions are in conflict with another group. That is, they are contraindicated to sleep with their head in this direction, eat, sit, work at the computer with their face in this direction, and so on.
For people of the eastern group, favorable directions are East, Southeast, South and North. For people of the Western group, the favorable directions are West, North-West, North-East and South-West.
In order to understand what each direction gives you, find a diagram in the picture, the number in the center of which is equal to yours Gua number.

Favorable directions

This sector of the house is responsible for wealth, material well-being and prosperity of the entire house and its inhabitants. Always maintain order here and place means to maintain good energy. This is the strongest of the favorable directions. Always try to look in this direction, no matter what you do, from eating to signing an important contract.
This place is conducive to marriage, successful romantic relationships and undying love.
This sector of the house is responsible for the good health of its inhabitants. It is best to allocate rooms in this direction to the weakest family members from a physical point of view.
Personal development
This sector denotes the area of ​​personal luck. This sector sharpens your perception of the world and promotes effective mental activity. This area is especially suitable for school-aged children.

Unfavorable directions

This place is the weakest of all unfavorable ones. If you are often in this room, you will experience irritation, you will be haunted by minor failures, frustrations and disappointments, and it will be more difficult to bring your plans to life.
Five Spirits
This space is associated with relationship problems: anxieties, gossip and failures. You should not have a living room in this place. Six murders
This sector is considered the sector of six types of failures that come at once. These include illness, loss of reputation, trouble with the law, separation from children, financial collapse, death of loved ones and other misfortunes.
This sector of the house usually corresponds to general hardship and denotes complete collapse, death or bankruptcy. This is the most unfavorable direction that exists. It should be avoided if possible. It is optimal for there to be rooms that do not have windows: a storage room, a bathroom, a toilet.

I would like to immediately answer a question that torments many people who have just started practicing Feng Shui: what to do if, suppose, in your apartment the love sector coincides with some unfavorable direction, for example, the direction of misfortune? Don't activate it? Nothing like this! Unfavorable directions are calculated only to determine which direction is best to face when you sleep, eat, work and do other things. Try to always stick to your best direction or, if this is not always possible, then any other direction that is favorable for your gua number. You should also take these directions into account when orienting the front door and arranging furniture. However, all this should not prevent you from activating this sector in order to achieve better results in your goal.

Lesson 20. Feng Shui for luck: how to calculate the GUA number

The art of Feng Shui dates back more than three thousand years, and those who follow the advice of ancient sages have amazingly transformed their lives. If you have already made changes to your home according to the Bagua grid, then you probably feel how easily and unhindered the positive energy of Qi flows through your rooms, attracting many joyful events into the lives of your household.

Do you want to influence your reality? And achieve your cherished goals without any problems?

Then you just need to use the unique Feng Shui recommendations for good luck and calculate your GUA number.

GUA is the personal number of each person, with the help of which you can determine your favorable direction. Once you get to know him, you will discover great opportunities for effective career growth, improving your health, and even attracting a soul mate.

How to calculate the number of GUA?

Use simple mathematical calculations: add the last two digits of your year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add it again.

For men: subtract the resulting number from 10. For example: year of birth 1982. 8+2=10, 1+0=1, 10-1=9. GUA number = 9
For women: add 5 to the resulting number. For example: year of birth 1983. 8+3=11, 1+1=2, 2+5=7. Gua number = 7

Attention! If you celebrate your birthday between January 20th and February 20th, these calculations may be incorrect. Use the table below.

After you have calculated the number of GUA, determine which group you belong to.

GUA = 1,3,4, 9 – people of the eastern group
GUA=5,2,6,7,8 – people of the Western group


Gua Numbers






Healing direction


Romantic direction



Unlucky direction




Direction of the Five Ghosts




Direction of six killers




Direction of total collapse





Gua Numbers







Better direction (wealth)






Healing direction





Romantic direction





Direction of personal development






Unlucky direction


Direction of the Five Ghosts



Direction of six killers


Direction of total collapse



Feng Shui for good luck is based precisely on the correct orientation of your favorable side of the world.

For example, if your GUA number= 9 , you belong to the eastern group:

East– your best direction, responsible for wealth and material well-being. Feng Shui masters advise always sitting facing east, even while eating. Arrange your desk according to the direction and you will noticeably improve your financial inflows.

Southeast- responsible for health. If you get sick often, position your bed so that you sleep with your head in that direction.

North– will help you get rid of loneliness and attract love into your life.

South– will develop your mental abilities. The best direction for learning.

As you have already noticed, each GUA number also has unfavorable directions. In our example,
Northeast– is considered the unluckiest place in the house. Be in it less often, and sit with your back to it.

West, southwest and northwest - can attract a lot of troubles to you at once: collapse, ruin, disease, etc. The titles “five ghosts” and “six murderers” are small collections of troubles such as breakups, quarrels, etc. We will not list them.

It should be noted that GUA works specifically with directions, that is, you can activate any sectors according to the Bagua grid and not be afraid of the consequences (of course, if there are no unlucky flying stars there).

You just need to look in your direction of the world when you think about desires, or do something important. Study, eat, sign important papers, sleep facing the best direction, and you will attract great luck into your life!

Table for determining the number of GUA


Element of the year

Gua for men

Gua for women

Feb 18,1912-Feb 5,1913
Feb 6, 1913-Jan 25, 1914
Jan 26, 1914-Feb 13, 1915
Feb 14, 1915-Feb 2, 1916
Feb 3, 1916-Jan 22, 1917
Jan 23, 1917- Feb 10, 1918
Feb 11, 1918-Jan 31, 1919
Feb 1, 1919-Feb 19, 1920
Feb 20, 1920-Feb 7, 1921
Feb 8, 1921 - Jan 27, 1922
Feb 28. 1922-Feb 15. 1923
Feb 16, 1923-Feb 4, 1924
Feb 5, 1924 - Jan 23, 1925
Jan 24, 1925 - Feb 12, 1926
Feb 13,1926 - Feb 1,1927
Feb 2,1927-Nov 22,1928
Jan 23, 1928- Feb 9, 1929
Feb 10, 1929 - Jan 29, 1930
Jan 30, 1930-Feb 16, 1931
Feb 17, 1931- Feb 5, 1932
Feb 6, 1932 - Jan 25, 1933
Jan 26, 1933-Feb 13, 1934
Feb 14, 1934-Feb 3, 1935
Feb 4, 1935-Jan 23, 1936
Jan 24, 1936- Feb 10, 1937
Feb 11,1937- Jan 30,1938
Jan 31, 1938-Feb 18, 1939
Feb 19, 1939-Feb 7, 1940
Fvv 8, 1940-Jan 26, 1941
Jan 27, 1941 - Feb 14, 1942
Feb 15,1942-Feb 4,1943
Feb 5, 1943-Jan 24, 1944
Jan 25, 1944-Feb 12, 1945
Feb 13, 1945-Feb 1, 1946
Feb 2, 1946-Jan 21, 1947
Jan 22, 1947- Feb 9, 1948
FVV 10, 1948-Jan 28, 1949
Jan 29, 1949-Jan 16, 1950
Feb 17, 1950-Feb 5, 1951
Fairy 6.1951 - Jan 26, 1952
Jan 27, 1952- Feb 13, 1953
Feb 14, 1953-Feb 2, 1954
Feb 3, 1954-Jan 23, 1955
Jan 24, 1955 - Feb 11, 1956
Feb 12, 1956-Jan 30, 1957
Jan 31, 1957-Feb 17, 1958
Feb 18, 1958 - Feb 7, 1959
Feb 8, 1959-Jan 27, 1960
Jan 28, 1960-Feb 14, 1961
Feb 15, 1961 - Feb 4, 1962
Feb 5, 1962-Jan 24, 1963
Jan 25, 1963-Feb 12, 1964
Feb 13, 1964 - Feb 1, 1965
Feb 2, 1965-Jan 20, 1966
Jan 21,1966-Feb 8,1967
Feb 9. 1967 - Jan 29. 1968
Jan 30, 1968-Feb 16, 1969
Feb 17, 1969-Feb 5, 1970
Feb 6, 1970-Jan 26, 1971
Jan 27, 1971 - Feb 14, 1972
Feb 15, 1972 - Feb 2, 1973
Feb 3, 1973 - Jan 22, 1974
Jan 23, 1974-Feb 10, 1975
Feb 11, 1975-Jan 30, 1976
Jan 31,1976 - Feb 17, 1977
Fairy 18, 1977-Feb 6, 1978
Feb 7, 1978 - Jan 27, 1979
Jan 28, 1979 - Feb 15, 1980
Feb 16. 1980-Feb 4. 1981
Feb 5, 1981-Jan 24, 1982
Jan 25, 1982 - Feb 12, 1983
Fvv1E, 1983-Feb 1, 1984
Feb 2, 1984-Feb 19, 1985
Feb 20, 1985-Feb 8, 1986
Feb 9, 1986 - Jan 28, 1987
Jan 29, 1987-Feb 16, 1988
Feb 17, 1988 - Feb 5, 1989
Feb 6, 1989-Jan 26, 1990
Jan 27, 1990-Feb 14, 1991
Feb 15, 1991-Feb 3, 1992
Feb 4, 1992-Jan 22, 1993
Jan 23, 1993-Feb 9, 1994
Feb 10, 1994-Jan 30, 1995
Jan 31, 1995 – Feb 18, 1996
Feb 19, 1996-Feb 6, 1997
Feb 7, 1997 - Jan 27, 1998
Jan2v, 1998- Feb 15, 1999
Feb16. 1999-Feb 4, 2000
Feb 5, 2000 - Jan 21, 2001
Jan 24, 2001 - Feb 11, 2002
Feb 12, 2002 - Jan 31, 2003
Feb 1,2003 - Jan 21,2004
Jan 22, 2004 - Feb 8, 2005
Feb 9, 2005 - Jan 28, 2006
Jan 29. 2006 - Feb 17.2007
Feb 16, 2007 - Feb 6, 2008

Anastasia Volkova, for the section

Many people have probably heard about such a concept as the Gua number, but not everyone can correctly answer the question: “What is it?” However, we all want to have good health and good luck in all areas of life, but often we don’t know how to achieve what we want. If you also suffer from this ignorance, we suggest you turn your attention to the ancient art of Feng Shui, which is closely intertwined with the Gua number.

Why do we sometimes make truly titanic efforts, but still fail to achieve what we want? What stands in the way of achieving our dreams? What if no one actually puts obstacles in our way, and we are just using our energy incorrectly?

If we consider the Chinese one, then the Gua number helps to establish the positive and negative sides of the world in the Bagua grid - a magical hemisphere that personifies our World and divides our space into certain areas. If you live and work in favorable areas, your life will become more successful, you will be able to easily get everything you want.

How to Calculate Your Gua Number

To calculate the Gua number, you should use only your date of birth. And if your birth month is January, then the past year is taken into account.

  1. First, the last two numbers of the year of your birth are added, and then you need to get their sum. The sample year is 1994: 9+4=13; 1+3=4.
  2. For representatives of the stronger sex, the final number should be subtracted from ten. Using our example, we get: 10-4 = 6. But if a man or guy was born in the twenty-first century, then replace the ten with a nine.
  3. For the fair half of humanity, five must be added to the number. We get: 4+5=9. And if the girl was born in the 21st century, we replace the five with a six.
  4. If in the final calculation you received a two-digit figure, then you will need to add it again, and what you get as a result will become your personal Gua number.

As a sample for a girl born in 1990 = 9+0=9, 9+5=14, 1+4=5.

And for a guy of the same year = 9+0=9, 10-9=2.

Eastern and western subspecies

According to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, all people according to the Gua number can be divided into Eastern or Western categories.

  • Eastern– consists of people whose Gua number is equal to one, three and four or nine
  • Western– those whose Gua number is two, five, six, seven and eight.

Feng Shui teaches that the West and the East are constantly at war. Therefore, it is quite difficult for people belonging to different categories to find a common language with each other. The opposite side of the world also has a negative impact.

For example, if you are a representative of the Western group, then you should not place the head of the bed on the east side, and should not work, eat or perform other activities with your face facing the east side. The same rule applies in exactly the opposite way for the second category.

You can also highlight positive or negative directions in the Bagua grid for each group.

So, for “eastern” people (1,3, 4, 9) the positive directions are:

  • Eastern;
  • Southeast;
  • South;
  • Northern.

And for the “Western” (2, 5, 6, 7, 8) representatives the following have positive energy:

  • Western direction;
  • Northwestern;
  • Northeast;
  • Southwestern.

This video will tell you more interesting information about the Gua number.

Positive and negative directions according to Gua number

They, along with the directions of light, are located in the Bagua grid. But they, based on a specific Gua number, correspond to different regions of the world and for this reason are there in a different order.

Any Gua number has 4 main positive and negative areas:

  • Area of ​​Wealth (money);
  • Area of ​​Love (sphere of love relationships, family zone);
  • Health Area (provides a high level of health);
  • Area Personal (self-realization, career growth).

And the following are the unfavorable zones:

  • The Area of ​​Misfortune is the most negative sector in your home. Staying in it for a long time, a person becomes irritable, and various troubles and disappointments begin to happen to him.
  • Area of ​​the Five Spirits – it provides troubles in the personal sphere.
  • The area of ​​the Six Murders is a sector of 6 failures that together fall on a person. Represented by monetary losses, pathologies, loss of reputation, death of relatives, separation from children, problems with the law.
  • The Area of ​​Loss is the place of the most serious misfortunes, which include death, complete bankruptcy, and fatal pathologies.

You probably already got scared, but, fortunately, the situation can be improved. If the positive zones coincide with the zones of influence in the Bagua grid, then these are the areas that have the main influence on your life, and in them you will be successful.

If the same thing happens with negative zones, it is worth making significant efforts if you want to improve their condition. They drag you down.

The main task for you is to determine in what places in your home these hidden enemies are hidden, and what areas of your life they control.

How does the Gua number work?

To determine the location of these places using the Gua number, you should draw a beautiful octagon and put it on top of the plan of your home.

At the same time, combine the directions of light in this order with their analogues in the home:

  • The highest edge is answered by the South side;
  • Nizhny – Northern;
  • To the right - Western;
  • To the left - Eastern.

And in the middle of them there will be North-East and North-West, as well as South-East and South-West directions.

Each personal Gua number has its own typical positive and negative areas, which are located in different sectors of the geometric figure. In addition, directions in the Bagua grid are also located in good or bad sectors for a given number.

By comparing the dominant areas in the art of Feng Shui with favorable and unfavorable ones - according to the Gua number, you will be able to activate or neutralize the influence of these zones. Special talismans help to do this.

Calculation of negative directions is necessary in order to competently navigate in space in everyday life, performing certain actions.

Features of the personal Gua number

The final aspect that you need to understand for yourself in order for your personal Gua number to take effect is how the areas of influence are located based on the directions of the light.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the general characteristics of all 9 numbers:

  • Hidden place. Influences career, study, material success.
  • Longevity. It is a more favorable zone, which is responsible for money and harmonious relationships.
  • Heavenly healer. It acts as a very powerful zone that controls the sphere of health and material wealth.
  • Origin of Qi. The most powerful of all positive zones. It promotes success in material affairs and increases a person’s authority.
  • Misfortune. Not too pronounced, it attracts failures and unfortunate incidents into a person’s life.
  • Six Sha. Has a negative impact on family and work.
  • Five Spirits. Provokes quarrels with thefts and fires.
  • Losses. Causes pathology and death.

And this is how the described sectors are distributed for specific Gua numbers in ascending order (from the least pronounced to the most powerful).

Gua number unit

  • Northern – is the Hidden Sector (represents the Work Zone);
  • Southern - acts as a zone of Longevity (this is also the Glory sector);
  • Eastern – Supreme healer (family sector);
  • Southeast – Origin of Qi (sector of material success);
  • Western – Misfortunes (creative sector);
  • Northwestern - Six kills (sector of those who help you);
  • Northeast – Five Spirits (area of ​​knowledge);
  • Southwestern – Loss (Love sector).

Gua number two

  • Southwestern - is the Hidden Sector (relationship zone);
  • Northwestern – Longevity (aid sector);
  • Western - Heavenly healer (creative abode);
  • Northeast – Origin of Qi (field of knowledge);
  • Eastern - Misfortune (family sector);
  • South – Six kills (Glory sector);
  • Southeast - Five Spirits (material well-being);
  • Northern – Losses (career sector).

Gua number three

  • Eastern - acts as the Hidden Sector (family zone);
  • Southeast - Longevity (material wealth);
  • Northern – Supreme healer (realization in career);
  • Southern – Origin of Qi (Glory);
  • Southwestern - Unhappiness (area of ​​happy relationships);
  • North-Eastern - Sixes of Sha (your Helpers operate here);
  • Western – Loss (creative area).

Gua number four

  • Southeast – acts as the Secret Sector (Material Region);
  • Eastern – Longevity (family);
  • Southern – Healer of Heaven (equivalent to the area of ​​Glory);
  • Northern – Origin of Qi (career sector);
  • Northwestern - Misfortunes (your Helpers reside here);
  • Western – Six Sha (creative zone);
  • Southwestern - Five of Spirits (love area);
  • Northeast - Lost (similar to the Poznanie region).

Calculate Gua number for women five

  • Southwestern - Sector of Riddles (Love);
  • Northwestern – Longevity (Help);
  • Western – Supreme Healer (Creative Energy);
  • Northeast - Revival of Qi (Knowledge);
  • Eastern - Misfortune (Family);
  • Southern – Shestm Sha (Glory);
  • Southeast - Five Spirits (Money Sector);
  • Northern – Loss (Career).

Gua number 5 for the stronger sex

  • Northeast - is the Mystical sector (Knowledge);
  • Western - Longevity;
  • Northwestern - Supreme Healer (Help);
  • Southwestern – Revival of Qi (Love);
  • Southern - Misfortune (Glory);
  • Eastern – Six Sha (Family);
  • Northern – Five Spirits (Career);
  • Southeast – Losses (Money area).

Gua number six

  • Northwestern – Hidden place (Help);
  • Southwestern - Longevity (Love Sector);
  • Northeast - Supreme Healer (Knowledge);
  • Western - Revival of Qi (Creative Energy);
  • Southeast – Misfortune (Monetary sector);
  • Northern – Six Sha (Career);
  • Eastern – Five Spirits (Family);
  • Southern – Loss (Glory).

Gua number seven

  • Western – Hidden sector (Creative);
  • Northeast – Longevity (Area of ​​Knowledge);
  • Southwestern – Heavenly healing (Love);
  • Northwestern - Revival of Qi (Help);
  • Southern - Misfortune (Glory);
  • Southeast – Six Sha (Financial);
  • Northern – Five of Spirits (Career);
  • Eastern – Loss (Family).

Gua number eight

  • Northeast – Mystical sector (Knowledge);
  • Western – Longevity (Energy of Creativity);
  • Northwestern – Heavenly healers (Help from above);
  • Southwestern - Origin of Qi (Love);
  • Southern - Misfortune (Glory);
  • Eastern – Six Sha (Family);
  • Northern – Five of Spirits (Career area);
  • Southeast – Loss (Wealth).

Gua number nine

  • Southern – Hidden place (Glory sector)
  • Northern – Longevity (Career area);
  • Southeast – Heavenly Healers (Wealth);
  • Eastern – Origin of Qi (Family);
  • Northeast – Harm (Cognition);
  • Southwestern – Six Sha (Love);
  • Western – Five of Spirits (Creativity);
  • Northwestern – Losses (Helpers).

By learning the correct location of good and bad zones in your home, you can protect yourself from various troubles. It also becomes possible to improve life by activating those areas that are not working well enough, as well as neutralizing the negative ones.

Gua Number

The easiest way to attract good luck into your life according to Feng Shui is to determine your favorable directions by gua number. Arrange them correctly in your home. And also avoid unfavorable directions.

The Gua number according to Feng Shui is a personal magic number that every person has. You can simply find your best direction in an apartment or house, decorate it according to the rules of Feng Shui, and luck will definitely “smile” on you.

If you have already, it’s time to choose your favorable direction.

Favorable directions according to Gua Number

favorable directions

Gua Number: Best Direction– this is exactly the direction that is associated with the energy of luck in all matters. It is enough just to sit facing in this direction at work in office, during negotiations, while eating, or simply sleeping in this direction, this way you will attract all possible benefits into your life.

Gua number: direction health or also called the “heavenly doctor”, you need to activate it, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, if you have health problems. Then it is better to sleep with your head in a favorable direction and take medications while sitting facing it. It is also believed that to attract the energy of prosperity, you can strengthen your health direction. This is more suitable for non-vain people who only need an average stable income.

Gua Number: Direction of Harmony in Marriage– this direction is responsible for relationships between spouses and relationships with children. If you want to improve this area of ​​your life, then sleep with your head in this direction or place your bed in this corner of the room.

Gua number: direction personal development– activation of this direction is needed primarily for people of intellectual work and those who are still studying. This will help them achieve success in their professional activities accordingly.

Unfavorable directions according to Gua Number

unfavorable directions

Gua Number: Direction of Total Collapse– as you already understand, this is the worst direction of all. Do not sit either at work or at home in this destructive direction, and, of course, do not sleep with your head in this direction.

Gua number: direction"six murderers"- a very unfavorable direction. If you sit or sleep in this direction, then legal difficulties in business, as well as health problems, are possible. Therefore, doing this is not recommended in Feng Shui. It is also extremely unfavorable if the door of your house is located in this direction.

Gua Number: Direction of the “Five Spirits”- also a bad direction that can “attract” quarrels, scandals, betrayal, fires or robberies into your life.

Gua number: direction failures– in comparison with other unfavorable directions, this direction is considered the weakest in terms of the degree of harm caused. As a rule, it threatens only minor troubles, minor ailments or minor losses. Still avoid it.

As you have already understood from all of the above, in order for your life to be filled with harmony and joyful events, you need to energize your favorable direction and follow the basic rules of Feng Shui. You need to sit facing the “right” direction during work, important meetings or meals, as well as sleep with your head and, if possible, try to avoid the “wrong” direction, which will neutralize your luck.

According to Feng Shui, the Gua number reflects a person's personal energy. It allows you to calculate the most favorable zones in the house and the directions where a person may experience failure. Each of us has our own number. And if one direction can bring good luck for you, then, on the contrary, it may not have the best effect on your friend.

How to calculate Gua number

First let's look at how find out it for men. To do this, you just need to add the last two digits of the year of birth, bring the result to a single digit by adding its components and subtract the resulting number from 10. Example: 1983 = 8+3 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. Subtract two from 10 and get Gua number is 8.

Gua number for women is calculated as follows: the last two digits of the year of birth are added and 5 is added to the resulting number. Next, the result is brought up by adding its composite digits to a single digit. Example: 1974 = 7+4 = 11; 11 + 5 = 16 = 1+6 = 7.

It should be noted that in Feng Shui the Gua number 5 does not exist. If the result is 5 for women, then in this case the Gua number will be 8, and for men - 2.

Finding your direction of success

All Gua numbers are divided into eastern and western energy. The eastern numbers include: 1, 3, 4 and 9. The western ones include 2, 6, 7 and 8. Let's consider the directions of success in an apartment according to feng shui, according to your number.

Eastern group of Gua numbers:

  • Gua Number 1. The zone of success, money and career growth is in the southeast. The health zone is in the east. The zone of love and family is in the south. The zone of calm and stability is in the north.
  • 3. Zone of success and financial growth - south. Health zone - north. Love zone - southeast. Stability zone - east.
  • 4. Zone of success, money and career - north. Health zone - south. The love zone is east. Stability zone - southeast.
  • 9. The zone of success, money and career is in the east. The health zone is in the southeast. The love zone is in the north. The stability zone is in the south.

Western group:

  • Gua Number 2. The zone of success, career and money development is located in the northeast. The health zone is in the west. The love zone is in the northwest. The zone of stability and harmony is in the southwest.
  • 6. The zone of success and career is the west. The health zone is the northeast. Love zone - southwest. Stability zone - northwest.
  • 7. According to Feng Shui, the success zone in an apartment is in the northwest. The health zone is in the southwest. The love zone is in the northeast. The stability zone is in the west.
  • 8. Zone of money and success - southwest. Health zone - northwest. The love zone is west. Stability zone - northeast.

How to use Gua number in an apartment

By calculating your Gua number, you can attract money, career growth, love, prosperity and good health. To do this, you just need to take into account the favorable directions of the Gua number in everyday life. There are several basic practical recommendations.

Always sleep with your head in a favorable direction according to your Feng Shui number. When eating or working at the table, make sure to always look in the direction of the favorable side of the Gua number. Try to spend more time in favorable feng shui zones.

In order for the favorable directions of the Gua number to help you achieve wealth, love, career growth and health, you can place Feng Shui talismans in each of these zones. They will enhance the energy in a favorable place. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.02.2014 16:56

All things in the house carry energy, which can be both positive and negative. Specialists...