When is the lunar eclipse in a year? The most important thing: several of the most effective rituals for lunar and solar eclipses, including: A ritual for radical changes in fate on the day of the eclipse. 05 – Full Moon moment

Solar and lunar eclipses in astrology are considered points of concentration of energy, a kind of portals that open transformations. Astrologers of the Middle Ages viewed them as ominous omens leading to disasters: wars, famine, destruction and others.

Modern astrology has moved away from such an interpretation. It is now believed that eclipses offer the potential for development and transformation, both in personal life and on a societal level. There are four eclipses in 2016, of which two are solar and two are lunar. Each of them has powerful energy, especially the second pair in September. The influence of these celestial phenomena will bring important changes, affecting how our lives will unfold in the coming periods. Read this article about when the next eclipse will occur and what impact it will have.

Solar eclipses 2016

Solar eclipse September 1, 2016

An annular solar eclipse will take place on September 1, 2016 at 09:01 UTC or 12:01 Moscow time at 9°19’ of the sign Virgo. This celestial phenomenon is visible across much of Africa and Madagascar. In Russia, the eclipse is not available for observation. Unlike the March total solar eclipse, the September one is annular. In this case, the Moon does not completely cover (eclipse) the Sun, leaving visible the bright ring of the uncovered part of the solar disk.

Like the previous one, the annular solar eclipse on September 1 activates the negative aspects of the planets in the mutable signs of the Zodiac: the point of conjunction of the Sun and Moon forms an opposition with Neptune in Pisces and at the same time makes a square with Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius. The presence of Mars in the planetary configuration warns against erroneous actions that can lead to losses, as well as overexertion of forces. It is advisable to be careful not to awaken dormant problems, otherwise they will worsen. Avoid escalating tensions because... the resulting conflict may drag on for a long time.

Lunar eclipses 2016

Lunar Eclipse September 16/17, 2016

The second lunar eclipse of 2016 occurs on September 16, 2016 at 18:54 UTC or 21:54 Moscow time, it is also penumbral. The Moon is located at 24°20' Pisces and the Sun is at 24°20' Virgo. The lunar eclipse can be observed throughout Russia, including Moscow, as well as in Europe, Asia, Australia and East Africa.

The opposition of heavenly bodies on the zodiac axis Pisces - Virgo draws our attention to how the spiritual and material are interconnected in our lives. The qualities of the two signs are opposite - the dreaminess of Pisces and the practicality of Virgo, so the task here is to combine fantasy with reality. The intense aspect of the lunar eclipse axis with Mars in Sagittarius warns that rash actions can have unpleasant consequences.

The lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 occurs at 24 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces. This celestial phenomenon will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and western South America. Throughout Russia (including Moscow), the lunar eclipse is available for observation, weather permitting.

Maximum phase at 18:54 UTC or 21:54 Moscow time

Ends at 20:54 UTC or 23:54 Moscow time.

Lunar eclipses always occur during a full moon, when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other, and the Earth, passing between them, casts a shadow on the Moon. As a rule, at this time our night star turns orange, red or brown. But the eclipse of September 16, 2016 is penumbral, i.e. The moon will change its brightness only slightly, so it is not easy to see.

Impact of a lunar eclipse in Pisces

During the eclipse on September 16, 2016, the full Moon is in Pisces, a sensitive and emotional sign of the water element. In astrology, this sign is associated with compassion and spirituality, creativity and intuition. Its energies can blur the boundaries between people, creating the feeling that we are connected to others through invisible spiritual forces.

The impact of an eclipse is most noticeable three days before and three days after its exact date. As a rule, these days are marked by emotional instability and anxiety is possible. Lunar eclipses deal with completion, change, transformation. If there is something that it is time to part with, for example, a bad habit or an outdated relationship, the stars turn on the green light for you.

The influence of the lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 will affect all signs of the Zodiac, but most of all on representatives of mutable signs: Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius. If your date of birth falls on the periods: March 9 - 19 (Pisces), September 11 - 22 (Virgo), June 10 - 20 (Gemini), December 10 - 21 (Sagittarius), the following months may bring important events.

The meaning of a lunar eclipse from an astrological point of view

The lunar eclipse on September 16 occurs on the Pisces-Virgo zodiac axis, when the Moon at 24 degrees Pisces opposes the Sun at 24 degrees Virgo. Pisces are dreamy and creative, while Virgo is precise and attentive to detail. The Sun and Moon opposition pits compassion against criticism, creative expression against practicality.

At the same time, Virgo and Pisces are mutable zodiac signs that have many common features. They are flexible and adaptable, have an altruistic nature, and love to help people. Both signs are associated with service and healing. Virgo is about physical health and service through practical work for the benefit of others. Pisces is about spiritual health and serving people on a spiritual level. Like all opposite signs, they represent complementary energies, calling us to develop our potential using the creativity of Pisces and the realism of Virgo.

The sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune, and the sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury. A special feature of the lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 is that both planets are in the signs of their abode - Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Virgo. Neptune is strong, but so is Mercury, although it is retrograde. This position of the planets indicates the inevitability of misunderstandings and misunderstandings. Moreover, the disharmony is emphasized by the square of the Sun and Moon with Mars in Sagittarius. Most likely, not all hopes will be met, and not all expectations will come true. On the other hand, there is a hint here that not every question has an absolutely precise answer.

The Moon eclipse in Pisces provides an opportunity to look into the depths of your soul and discover what Carl Jung called “the shadow.” We all want to think of ourselves as good, kind people, but human nature is multifaceted. What we learn about ourselves and others can be harsh and even shocking. And yet, this makes it possible to accept reality with all its advantages and disadvantages, to see where we are and in what new direction to grow. Considering that Pisces is an emotional water sign, you may find suppressed emotions inside yourself, including negative ones: fear, anger, jealousy, rage. Discovering them in yourself is the first step towards healing. If you are willing to take the good with the bad, you can handle it.

The day when the lunar eclipse occurs, as well as the week before and after this date, can bring emotional events. Sensitivity and irritability grow, so it is undesirable to make fateful decisions on such days. Leave them for another time. It is better not to plan anything important for this period, to continue doing your usual things. But this is a good time for spiritual practices, meditation and reflection.

Intuition and imagination are sharpened; you can use these abilities for creativity, or, if you wish, for magic. A lunar eclipse is a particularly powerful full moon; all magical actions are greatly enhanced by the energy of the full moon. This is a really good time for magic, you can perform rituals to attract love, money or to fulfill a wish. For more information about the rituals that can be performed on September 16, 2016, see the article:

In September 2016, earthlings will pass through a corridor of eclipses, which will open on solar, September 1, and end on lunar, September 16.

The solar eclipse in September will occur at 12:07 Kyiv time. Refers to the 39th eclipse of the 135th cycle
Soros. The eclipse will be projected at 10 degrees Virgo. The phenomenon can be observed in the Atlantic, Central Africa and Madagascar. Its duration is 3 minutes 6 seconds. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon (Eclipse point) opposes Neptune in Pisces on the zodiac axis.

What can be marked by the period during and for three months after the eclipse? First of all, it is worth noting the opposition of the Moon and the Sun with Neptune, which gives us the opportunity to illuminate some important current situations in our lives without illusions, to look at them more rationally and soberly. Virgo is the sign of pragmatists. Its influence enhances our practicality and concentration on everyday, important matters, makes it possible to discard laziness and previous unfulfilled dreams, everything unreal and ephemeral, and further move towards our goal. This is a period of conflict between the rational and emotional principles in a person.
Many people during this period will be skeptical about their emotions and feelings; a crisis in personal relationships can be caused precisely by the influence of this eclipse, when we clearly see whether our relationships are viable, distinguish between their prospects and goals. The influence of the eclipse makes it possible to reevaluate and discard unnecessary relationships, get rid of boring and useless connections (both personal and business).

Perhaps the best advice of this period is to rethink your life strategy and draw up a plan of practical actions (be it work or something else). Also, the Eclipse in the sign of Virgo raises the topic of health and is favorable for choosing a strategy for further recovery.

The eclipse will have the strongest impact on people born under the Sun in the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini or who have key planets and points in these signs. And especially for people born between September 1-3, December 1-3, February 27 - March 1, May 30 - June 2 of any year. Serious changes may occur in the lives of these people within six months after the eclipse. In which specific areas - the person’s personal horoscope will show.

This lunar eclipse will occur at 21:54 Kyiv time. Duration - 1 hour 55 minutes. Refers to the 9th Eclipse of 147 Saros. It will be clearly visible on the European continent, Russia, Africa, Asia and Australia. The lunar eclipse will be projected at 24 degrees Pisces.

The confrontation between the Moon and the Sun on the Pisces-Virgo axis is, as mentioned above, a conflict between the emotional and rational principles in a person. Under the influence of an eclipse in Pisces, many unexperienced emotions and unclear feelings “pop up”; vivid memories of past relationships are possible with some return to those emotions when “life, tears, and love” are resurrected. Therefore, one of the tasks of the current eclipse may be to bring to the surface the “under-experienced” and reassess its importance for us.

However, under the influence of Pisces, we can literally flounder in our feelings and not find the shores. It's difficult to rationalize and organize our thoughts during this time. Therefore, this period is highly not recommended for making important decisions. With a high degree of probability, all this may later turn out to be ill-conceived and premature. Particular caution should be exercised by people who have any kind of addiction - the period of the eclipse brings the temptation of a new immersion in their old patterns. You should be very careful when choosing food during this period - there is a risk of poisoning and overeating.

The lunar eclipse on September 16 will have the strongest impact on people born between September 16-18, December 15-17, March 14-16, June 14-16 of any year. Also, this eclipse may be significant for people who have important planets and points in the sign of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini.

Solar eclipse

The day of a solar eclipse is a favorable time for practicing spiritual practices that will allow you to achieve complete harmony with yourself and the world. During this period it is favorable to launch your long-term goals, because... from an astrological point of view, solar eclipses set the program for a new cycle of social and personal development. During an eclipse, a huge amount of energy is released, but how it is used depends on the individual and his personal efforts. Therefore, the results can be both positive and negative.

Before the eclipse, take stock, track what you are afraid of, what you are worried about. Thoughts are material, and like attracts like. Fears can attract unfavorable situations into your life. Fear of loneliness leads to loneliness, doubts and uncertainty lead to despondency and depression... You can gratefully transform these experiences and fears into positive thought forms, realizing their lessons. Write down your feelings on paper and think about why they were given to you, what they teach, thank you for the lesson and accept them. Imagine letting go of everything you wrote down on paper, then tearing up the paper with notes and flushing it down the toilet. If you are sincere in your feelings, your problems will be resolved. Take a shower and cleanse yourself with incense or aromatic oils. Wear everything clean. 10 minutes before the peak of the eclipse, light a candle. Meditate on the fire, imagine that as you exhale, all impurities come out of you and are burned in the fire, and as you inhale, you let in pure light.

As I already wrote, at the peak of the eclipse you can read out your goals. Read how to launch goals correctly.

Specific, realistically achievable within the specified time frame;

Limited in time (indicate the deadline);

Flexible (taking into account unforeseen factors, force majeure);

Eco-friendly (taking into account the interests of society and Nature);

Positive (the task is formulated without the prefix not).

If you write a lot of wishes, you will have to work harder. Therefore, be responsible not only to the world, but also to yourself when making plans.

Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse is a time to cleanse yourself and let go of everything old, unnecessary and outdated. It is advisable to observe strict fasting on this day and the day before. An hour before the eclipse, it is good to take a bath with salt or a contrast shower. Wear everything clean. Sit in a quiet place, light a candle or candles. It is very good to burn some cleansing incense.

To harmonize the energies of the Moon, repeat the Moon mantra 108 times - Om Chandraya Namah. It’s also good to repeat after this at least 10 times: “I wish everyone love and peace!”

After that, think about the person you want to break up with. Close your eyes and see at what level you still have a connection with him or her. Perhaps this will be in the area of ​​the heart, stomach or throat. You can call on your guardian angel for help and imagine how he cuts this connection with a sword blazing with a blue flame, and then applies a healing balm to the place where this connection was.

Now it's time to say prayers of forgiveness:

“I grant (insert the person’s name here) complete forgiveness. My mind and my soul are completely free from bitterness. I forgive him (her), without any restrictions, for everything that happened to me in connection with this. I am free, and he (or she) is free. This is a great feeling! Today is amnesty day. I wish them and all their neighbors health, happiness, peace and all the blessings of life. I do this of my own free will, with joy and love, and now, as soon as I remember the name of the person who harmed me, I will say: “Not guilty of anything and may all the blessings of life be with you!” I'm free and you're free. May we live in happiness and joy!”


“I completely and voluntarily forgive myself for giving refuge to bad and destructive thoughts, and decide to clear them from my mind from now on. I yield and release ... (name) for God, and wherever he (she) is, I sincerely wish him health, happiness and all the blessings of God. I now work in unison with the Infinite Healing Power and feel Divine Love flowing through every atom of my being. I know that Divine Love now penetrates and fills my entire body, making it healthy and perfect. I feel the peace that this understanding brings me. My body is the temple of the Living God and God is in His holy temple: now I am free.”

And forgiveness is common

I forgive with all my heart everyone I have ever held a grudge against, and I become absolutely free. And so be it! (speak sincerely and with confidence).

At the end of the process, we call and ask him to send a stream of cleansing violet flame to us. We imagine how the violet flame penetrates every cell of our body, cleansing it of all old karmic connections and traces.

During a lunar eclipse you can also cleanse yourself of:


Fears and phobias;

Accumulated emotions;


Templates and programs of the psyche.

Ritual of cleansing

Make a list of what you want to let go of in your life. Write each item on a separate strip of paper.

15-20 minutes before the peak of the eclipse, light a candle and place some metal container nearby.

Take each strip of paper and say:

“I let go or I clear from. . . (and read what is written on paper).”

After this, set fire to the leaf on the candle and throw it into a metal container so that it burns completely. And in this way you burn all the prepared leaves.

After this, call on Archangel Zadkiel again and ask him to send a stream of cleansing violet flame to you. We imagine how the violet flame penetrates every cell of our body, cleansing it.

If there is such an opportunity, do not extinguish the candle - let it burn out to the end.

Dear friends, we are waiting for a penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 22:04:50 (Moscow time) in the sign of Pisces

This eclipse belongs to 147 Saros and is number 9 out of 71 eclipses in the series.

Moreover, we are in 9th month of the year and completing the 9th year universal cycle.

Therefore, the processes of completion, destruction of illusions, discovery of deceptions and secrets are now actively underway. This is the time when justice must prevail

During this eclipse, we are reaping what we have sown - it is time to pay the bills, and if you are playing foul, then you still have time to do everything right and make things right.

The lunar eclipse on September 16 informs us about the importance of the topic of relationships and all situations that are associated with it, and will lead to the understanding that in any relationship we need to take into account not only our desires, but also the interests of the people around us.

Luck will accompany only those who are able to find a balance between spiritual and material values, combine their own interest with collective public interest, etc. that is, to be in balance.

At a time close to the lunar eclipse, both before and after it, opportunities will open up to finish things started earlier. Also, an eclipse in Pisces will reveal secrets that you would like to hide from prying eyes and ears. All sorts of small misunderstandings can lead to big conflicts in love relationships. Relationships on the verge of collapse or outdated ones will come to their logical conclusion. Based on the situations of this period, it will be possible to understand what is the limiting factor in achieving the chosen goal, and immediately get rid of it.

An eclipse of the Moon in Pisces provides an opportunity to look into the depths of your soul and discover a “shadow” there. And what we learn about ourselves and others can be harsh and even shocking. You may find suppressed emotions inside yourself, including negative ones: fear, anger, jealousy, rage. Discovering them within yourself is the first step towards healing. If you are willing to take the good with the bad, you will be able to handle them successfully. This makes it possible to accept reality with all its advantages and disadvantages, to see where we are and in what new direction to grow.

The day when the lunar eclipse occurs, as well as the week before and after this date, can bring emotional reactions. Sensitivity and irritability grow, so it is undesirable to make fateful decisions on such days. It is better not to plan anything important for this period, to continue doing your usual things.

But this is a good time for spiritual practices, meditation and reflection, inner work, and creativity.

The period of influence of this Lunar Eclipse is the best time to develop your creative potential, your best qualities and abilities, as well as personal growth. Do not ignore such desires, because they are what will lead you to success.

For people of creative professions, this is the most fertile period, since it is during this eclipse that inspiration will descend on you every now and then, you will have new interesting ideas and the desire to implement them. Don't miss this chance, because you can create one of your best works.

During the eclipse on September 16, 2016, the full Moon is in Pisces. This sign is associated with compassion and spirituality, creativity and intuition. His energies are capable of blurring the boundaries between people, showing that we are all connected through invisible spiritual forces, that we are all parts of the One...

To harmonize the possible negative consequences of the eclipse, I give you the Merger with the Source activation.

Recently, users of the forum KHOCHU.ua have been actively interested in space phenomena. Therefore, we published material about that, and today’s article will be devoted to the second and last penumbral lunar eclipse, which will take place today, in. Read further about what astrologers say about this.

When: the lunar eclipse in September 2016, according to all forecasts, should surpass in scale. Ukraine will see the Lunar Eclipse 2016 on September 16, Friday, at 21:55 Kyiv time. The duration of the penumbral eclipse of the Moon is 1 hour 55 minutes, notes.

Lunar eclipse September 16: effects on the body

The last penumbral lunar eclipse today, September 16, 2016, will have a special impact on the human body and its behavior in general. Usually, a lunar eclipse disrupts peace of mind, makes it impossible to have a harmonious sense of self, and changes emotions. They say that the “shadow” side of a personality can come to the fore, which is why many people commit actions that they would not dare to do on ordinary days. Therefore, experts recommend being extremely careful in your statements and actions when there is a lunar eclipse on September 16, since the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

Astrologers say that the lunar eclipse of September 16, 2016, in addition to being a beautiful cosmic spectacle, will be remembered by people for increased irritability, dissatisfaction, and overall emotional instability. On this day, you should not start a showdown, since selfishness and defending a position that is not always correct can result in a break in the relationship and even physical injury. Scientists report that during the period of a lunar eclipse, the number of road accidents and other accidents also increases, so be extremely careful and attentive. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, during the lunar eclipse on September 16, do not plan any extreme events, but go about your usual activities.

Experts recommend trying to meditate under the moonlight on a full moon: you will be charged with special energy. By the way, if you dream of giving up bad habits, this is the most opportune moment. The moon will contribute to your plan. The penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 during the full moon, according to astrologers, will further polarize humanity, clearly demonstrating negative trends. On this day you will be able to see who is who in your surroundings.

Spend the lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 in good company, so that these memories of this beautiful phenomenon will warm your soul for a long time.