Glucose subcutaneously for dogs dosage for low sugar. How to give a dog an injection correctly

Intramuscular injection dog

Can you give your dog an injection yourself? This is usually what the doctor asks before making a prescription. No! “This is not for me, I’m afraid,” the owner of the animal answers with fear in his eyes, while others, on the contrary, can install an IV on their own.

Let's, together with those who don't know how, learn how to properly give an injection to a dog, this skill will help you cure your pet faster and you will also save money on calling a veterinarian.

What are we going to inject with?

Today at any pharmacy you can buy disposable syringes of different sizes, which will make it easy to give an injection. Take required syringe depending on the size of the animal and the dose of the drug.

In this photo you see an ordinary plastic two-room apartment. In blue, I marked the volume as 1 ml or 1 cube (cm 3), and in red as 0.4 ml.

Disposable syringe “kopeck piece”

But on this five, the volume is also marked in blue as 1 ml, and in red as 0.4 ml.

Disposable syringe “five”

Be careful, people often get confused between syringes. In the first case, in order to inject 0.4 ml, we mark 4 divisions, and in the second, for the same volume, we need to mark 2 divisions. I don't want to be boring, but this is important. Nothing bad will happen if you make a mistake when injecting saline or vitamins, but you can’t make a mistake with antibiotics or hormones.

Perhaps the most popular types of syringes are: kopeck and five, but they also use huge ones - the Janet syringe (150 ml, this was how Morgunov was vaccinated against foot and mouth disease in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus") and very small ones - insulin. The size depends on the dose and properties of the drug, I do not recommend injecting oily and viscous solutions with insulin or kopeck piece, of course you can, but you yourself will suffer and torture the animal.

Even small breeds You can use a regular two-cc syringe, but you feel sorry for the dog, so they inject it with a thin insulin needle. But it’s better to endure one injection from a thick needle than to inject a viscous substance through insulin for a long time. Yes, it can be used for non-concentrated solutions, but not for viscous ones.

How will we inject

Before properly injecting your dog, you need to prepare the injected solution and needles. It is important that you bring the medications to the animal’s body temperature.

well in as a last resort warm them up in your hand, or better yet, dip them in warm water, but there is no need to overheat, 37-39 0 C is enough. Then the dog will not be in pain and will tolerate the injection more easily, especially this rule, must be observed when you administer a large volume of liquid.

More important point, pay attention to this photo.

Antibiotic bottle

It shows a regular bottle of antibiotics, sealed with a rubber stopper. When you use these bottles, after puncture, replace the needle with a new one. Of course, this is not necessary, but it is advisable, because the needle becomes very dull from the cork and can become clogged with a piece of rubber. And when you poke an animal with a blunt needle, it will naturally hurt, the dog will whine, and you will panic.

You will not have a question about how to properly inject a dog if you think through everything and prepare in advance; it is also important to have peace of mind and behave confidently. Your pet senses when the owner is nervous and the fear will transfer to him.

A few words about ampoules

There are several types of ampoules, most of them open without filing, such ampoules are marked with a white belt or a colored dot, marked with a red arrow in the photo.

Sometimes such marks seem to be placed for beauty and the glass still needs to be filed down. The undercut can be made using a special disk, which is placed in the package with the drug, or a file, needle file, nail file, on the corner of a sharpening stone, and then you can figure it out yourself.

When breaking off glass, protect your fingers with a piece of cotton wool or syringe packaging, I usually use packaging. Be sure to do this so as not to injure your hands; sometimes the ampoule may burst in your hands, especially when you are in a hurry, which often happens when emergency situations, For example .

It happens that there is more drug in an ampoule than you need for one injection, so in order to save money, you can put all the substance into a syringe and use it within 3-4 days. Remove air from the syringe and store in a cool, dark place, preferably a refrigerator. When you give the injection, change the needle and inject the right dose. But when you are inexperienced, the dog may twitch, squeak and frighten you - there is a danger of introducing more than necessary. In such cases, draw the desired dose into a smaller syringe, as I showed in this photo.

We draw the required dose from a larger syringe into a smaller one

Now, after a long time, but necessary preparation, let's move on to the main thing - how to properly inject a dog.

We give an injection intramuscularly or, as they say, in the thigh

The main thing is to take your time, lay the dog on its side so that it relaxes its muscles, feel back hips, find where the bone is located - there is no need to prick there. And you need to insert the needle approximately into the middle of the thigh, where you will find the most muscles. This photo shows the injection site, click on the photo to enlarge.

Intramuscular injection site

There are many tricks and techniques regarding how to hold a syringe; you can use different ones, but the main thing is that after inserting the needle you feel comfortable pressing the plunger. When the needle is sticking out in the butt, there is no need to turn the syringe around to better see the scale or turn it from side to side.

Take the syringe at the base of the needle and firmly insert the needle, then grab and press the plunger. The depth to which you need to inject depends on the size of the dog, for small ones (up to 10 kg) by 0.5-1.5 cm, and for large ones you can inject up to 3 cm.

The rate of introduction of solutions depends on its quantity and density, on average it is 1 ml in 2 seconds. After the injection is made, remove the syringe at the same angle as you injected, also confidently and cheerfully. Hold the skin with your free hand, and then massage the injection site, it will not hurt so much and, by massaging, you will shift the layers of tissue so that the drug does not flow out through the puncture.

Subcutaneously or at the withers

Now let’s figure out how to properly inject a dog subcutaneously or in the withers area. This is the most easy way administration of fluids, but it has some limitations. It is not advisable to administer concentrated drugs - it will hurt, and then swelling and other complications will appear. For example, it would seem harmless glucose, which many people like to inject so that the dog does not die of hunger, they release it into different forms. Or rather, different concentrations: 40% and 5%, so a 5% solution can be administered subcutaneously, but a 40% solution can only be administered intravenously.

Recently, an acquaintance unknowingly injected his dog into the withers area with 10 ml of 40% glucose, the poor dog literally peed itself. I don’t want to scare you, but I want you to be careful and know how to properly inject your dog.

So, let's get down to the procedure itself, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades take skin fold, as shown in this photo, that is, make a “house”

We take a skin fold in the area of ​​the shoulder blades

insert the needle into the depression that has formed under your finger.

Inject the solution subcutaneously

After insertion, if you did everything correctly, you can feel a lump or greater lump under the skin. Sufficiently large volumes can be injected subcutaneously; this helps when it fails.

General rules

It is advisable to inject with clean hands and a sterile needle. But there is no need to rub your skin with alcohol or peroxide. All the same, you will not kill all the microbes, but you will dry out the skin. It is us hairless monkeys who need to wipe the injection site before the injection.

Sometimes you can get it wrong, for example, you administered the wrong drug in the wrong place. As I said above, they took and injected 40% glucose into large quantities subcutaneously, or even worse, calcium chloride, this also happens to experienced nurses in the hospital. In this case, take water for injection, Ringer's solution, novocaine 0.5% or 0.25%, whatever is on hand and inject the injection site. The idea is that you “dilute” the drug that was administered incorrectly, then the consequences will be less.

And yet, injections are painful, so after an unpleasant procedure, praise your dog and give her something tasty, reinforce the positive reflex.

It’s time to wrap up, otherwise I’ve already tired you with my thoughts and examples. As always, I will be glad to receive comments. If you have any questions on the topic of how to properly give an injection to a dog, write, I will definitely answer.

For those who prefer to watch rather than read, here is the video.


on the use of Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% solution for injection

for dehydration and intoxication of animals

(Developer organization: BioChemPharm LLC, Raduzhny, Vladimir region)

I. General information

1. Trade name medicinal product: Glucose 5%, 10%, 25% and 40% solution for injection (Glucosi 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% solutio pro injectionibus).

International generic name: glucose, dextrose.

2. Dosage form: injection.

Glucose 5%, 10%, 25% and 40% solution for injection as active substance 1 ml contains, respectively, 50, 100, 250 or 400 mg of crystalline medicinal glucose or crystalline hydrated glucose, as well as auxiliary components: sodium chloride - 0.26 mg, hydrochloric acid (for pH correction) and water for injection - up to 1 ml.

3. Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% solution for injection is produced in glass vials and bottles of appropriate capacity, sealed with rubber stoppers, reinforced with aluminum caps..

4. Store the medicinal product in the manufacturer’s sealed packaging in a dry place, protected from direct sun rays place, separately from food and feed, at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C.

The shelf life of the medicinal product, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production.

It is prohibited to use the drug after its expiration date.

5. Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% injection solution should be kept out of the reach of children.

6. Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

II. Pharmacological properties

7. Glucose 5%, 10%, 25% and 40% injection solution refers to drugs that affect carbohydrate metabolism.

An isotonic 5% glucose solution is used to replenish the body with fluid and easily digestible carbohydrate. In tissues, glucose breaks down and releases energy.

Hypertonic 10%, 25%, 40% glucose solutions increase the osmotic pressure of the blood, improve metabolic processes, antitoxic liver function and heart function, expand blood vessels, increase diuresis. Glucose stimulates the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, increases protective forces animal body.

After administration, the drug is quickly distributed in the organs and tissues of the animal.

Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% injection solution in terms of the degree of impact on the body is classified as low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76).

III. Application procedure

8. Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% injection solution is prescribed to animals when big losses body fluids (bleeding, toxic dyspepsia), shock, intoxication, as well as for dissolving medications.

9. Contraindications to the use of Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% solution for injection are hyperglycemia, overhydration, hyperosmolar coma, diabetes mellitus.

10. Glucose 5% solution for injection is prescribed subcutaneously or intravenously; Glucose 10%, 25%, 40% solution for injection - only intravenously.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the drug is administered to animals 1-2 times a day. following doses:


Dose per animal, ml

Glucose 5% solution


600 – 3000




200 – 600





Glucose 10% solution


300 – 1500




100 – 300





Glucose 25% solution


100 – 600




50 – 120





Glucose 40% solution


75 – 370




20 – 75





Doses and timing of use depend on the weight of the animal and the course of the disease.

When administered subcutaneously, the dose of the drug is administered in fractions different places.

11. No overdose symptoms have been identified in animals.

12. The specific effects of the drug upon its first use and upon its withdrawal have not been established.

13. If one or more doses of the drug are missed, the course of use must be resumed in the prescribed dosages and regimen.

14. When using Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% solution for injection in accordance with these instructions, no side effects or complications were identified.

15. The use of Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% solution for injection does not exclude the use of other medications.

16. Livestock products during and after the use of Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% injection solution are used without restrictions.

IV. Personal prevention measures

17. When working with Glucose 5%, 10%, 25%, 40% injection solution should be observed general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions required when working with medications. Hands should be washed after finishing work warm water with soap.

18. In case of accidental contact of the medicinal product with the skin or mucous membranes of the eye, they must be rinsed big amount water.

19. Empty drug bottles must not be used for household purposes; they

> Glucose solution

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: Glucose is an energy and nutritional material for the organs and tissues of animals; it stimulates the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, strengthens the body's defenses. IN veterinary practice use isotonic (5%) and hypertonic (10%, 25%, 40%) glucose solution for injection. Isotonic solution is used to replenish the body nutrients and liquid. Hypertonic solutions improve metabolic processes and heart function, have a vasodilator, antitoxic and diuretic effect.

The drug is prescribed to animals when the body loses fluid (with toxic dyspepsia, bleeding), symptoms of shock, intoxication, poisoning, liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis), gastrointestinal diseases, hypotension, acetonemia, atony of the forestomach in ruminants, metritis and vaginitis, gangrene and pulmonary edema, decompensation cardiac activity, ketonuria in sheep, postpartum hemoglobinuria, toxemia and ketonuria in cows. For weak and exhausted animals, the solution is used as an energy booster.

For whom: Designed for dogs, cats, goats, horses, sheep, pigs, cattle.

Leave form: 100 ml of solution contains 5, 10, 25 or 40 g of crystalline glucose dissolved in water for injection. Externally, the drug looks like a transparent, colorless or yellowish liquid. It is packaged in glass bottles or bottles of 200 and 400 ml.

Dosage: A 5% glucose solution is administered subcutaneously or intravenously in the dose: horses - 0.6-2.4 l, small cattle- 0.1-0.6 l, cattle - 0.6-3 l, pigs - 0.2-0.6 l, dogs - 0.05-0.5 l, cats - 5-50 ml. When administered subcutaneously, the dose is divided and several injections are made in different places.

Solutions of 10, 25 and 40% concentrations are administered only intravenously. The dosage of the drug, depending on the type and weight of the animal, as well as the timing of use, are indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Restrictions: The drug can be stored in an opened bottle for no more than 6 hours. In case of an overdose of Glucose Solution, there may be an increase in sugar in the blood and urine, a violation electrolyte balance, accumulation of excess water in the body. In this case, the drug is discontinued, insulin is prescribed, and saline solutions are infused.

Glucose 5% solution. The dose for cats depends on the condition of the animal.

Dosage for dogs

Glucose 5% solution. The dosage for dogs depends on the condition of the animal.

When to use Glucose solution 5%

Glucose solution 5% is used:

Toxic infections, infectious diseases, various intoxications (poisoning with hydrocyanic acid and its salts, carbon monoxide, aniline, arsenous hydrogen and other substances), liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver dystrophy and atrophy), cardiac decompensation, pulmonary edema, hemorrhagic diathesis and many other pathological conditions. In ruminants it is prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases with symptoms of intoxication, hypotension, atony of the proventriculus, as well as for acetonemia, postpartum hemoglobinuria, ketonuria and toxemia. Glucose solutions are prescribed to weak and emaciated animals as an energy and dietary supplement.

Analogs Glucose 5% solution

Analogues: .

Glucose 5% solution instructions for use

GLUCOSE SOLUTION 5% (Solutio Glucosi 5%)

Glucose solution 5% is isotonic. Solutions of 10%, 25% and 40% are hypertonic. They are a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid with a sweet taste, pH 3.0-4.0. Packaged in glass bottles of 100 ml, 200 ml, 400 ml and 500 ml.

Glucose is one of the most easily digestible sugars. It is well absorbed into the blood, and its excess goes to the liver and muscles, where it is converted into glycogen. In the body, it breaks down to form energy, which provides heat and the work of muscles and other tissues. Glucose also stimulates the synthesis of hormones and enzymes in the body of animals and increases the body's defenses. When administered intravenously hypertonic solution glucose, the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes increase, the detoxification function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, and diuresis increases.

Toxic infections, infectious diseases, various intoxications (poisoning with drugs, hydrocyanic acid and its salts, carbon monoxide, aniline, arsenous hydrogen and other substances), liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver dystrophy and atrophy), cardiac decompensation, pulmonary edema, hemorrhagic diathesis and many others pathological conditions. In ruminants it is prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases with symptoms of intoxication, hypotension, atony of the proventriculus, as well as for acetonemia, postpartum hemoglobinuria, ketonuria and toxemia. Glucose solutions are prescribed to weak and emaciated animals as an energy and dietary supplement.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the drug is administered to animals orally or intravenously 1-2 times a day in the following doses (in ml per animal):
Kind of animal
5% glucose solution
10% glucose solution
25% glucose solution
40% glucose solution
600 - 3000
300 - 1500
100 - 600
75 - 370
600 - 2400
300 - 1200
100 - 500
75 - 300
Sheep, goats
100 - 600
60 - 300
25 - 120
10 - 75
200 - 600
100 - 300
50 - 120
20 - 75
50 - 500
20 - 250
10 - 100
5 - 50
Isotonic (5%) glucose solution is administered subcutaneously and intravenously. The dose volume and timing of application depend on the weight of the animal and the course of the disease.

At correct use and dosage side effects, as a rule, are not observed.


Animal products can be used without any restrictions after applying glucose solution.

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 0 to 25 ° C. Shelf life - 2 years.

Often, as a treatment, the veterinarian prescribes various injections, including injections of glucose solution. In this case, the animal owner must decide how he will organize these procedures. Our article will tell you how to properly give a glucose injection to a cat.

There are several options: you can take the cat to the clinic (however, sometimes you have to do this several times a day), you can leave it in the hospital at the hospital for the entire course of treatment, or you can give injections yourself at home. Without a doubt, the last method is the best for a cat; besides, anyone can learn how to administer a glucose solution, even those without special education. The main thing is to know the general rules and follow them.

Where to give a glucose injection to a cat

Any injections, including injections of glucose solution, can only be done as prescribed by a doctor!

Every owner should know that only a 5% glucose solution can be injected subcutaneously into cats. High concentrations can cause enormous harm to the health of the animal, including tissue necrosis.

Glucose is injected subcutaneously into the cat's withers, where the animal feels almost no pain.

What is needed for injections

Five percent glucose solution. Sold most often in 400 ml containers. There is no need to open the bottle, just pierce the rubber stopper with a needle and you can draw it into the syringe required amount liquids. The shelf life of such a punctured bottle is 7 days (in the refrigerator).

Syringes. It's up to you: if you don't want to waste time boiling a glass syringe, it's better to buy disposable ones. Based on practice, imported disposable syringes have sharper needles, so they are preferable. Can be used for small cats insulin syringes with a fine needle. It is not necessary to disinfect the puncture site, because... cat skin has bactericidal properties.

If you do not have sufficient experience in this issue, have someone help you hold your cat during the injection. In the future, an assistant may not be needed. Calm cat It is enough to distract with treats and affectionate conversation.

Decide for yourself where it will be more convenient for you to carry out the procedure. There are several options: some prefer to give injections to the cat on the floor, many lift the animal onto the table. You can hold the cat on your lap, just lay down a thick blanket.

Doing the injection correctly

Draw up the glucose solution into the syringe. Release all the air from the syringe by squeezing a few drops of liquid out of the needle.

Ask an assistant to restrain (hold) the animal or distract it with food. While talking affectionately to the cat, pull the skin at the withers with two fingers of your free hand so that a fold is formed. Confidently insert the needle of the prepared syringe into this skin fold parallel to the spine. Make sure that the needle does not pierce the skin twice - this will cause the medicine to leak out.

Introduce the medicine calmly and not very quickly. Most often at this stage the cat develops a slight subcutaneous hematoma. There is no need to be alarmed, the medicine will dissolve after some time.

Quickly but carefully remove the syringe.

Now you can praise the cat and yourself for your courage. Treat your pet to some treat, she deserves it. Wishing her a speedy recovery!