How to remember the past. How to distinguish the work of imagination from the real memory of episodes of your past life. Connections with loved ones. Repeating scenarios from past lives

- Methods of remembering your past lives.

— How to distinguish the work of imagination from the real memory of episodes of your past life.

— Is it possible to remember your past lives on your own, at home? How to do it.

- What exactly does it give you to remember episodes of your past lives? Examples.

— The difficulty is how to remember your past life.

- Why don’t we remember our past lives?


Methods for remembering your past lives.

On the Internet you will find quite a lot of articles about how to remember your past lives yourself. Described up to 10 in various ways attempts to remember past life. Of these, such as - analysis of your hobbies in childhood. They suggest sitting down and thinking in silence about whatever comes to mind. One way to remember your past lives is to remember recurring dreams. Methods using a mirror and candles are also described.

All this is of course very interesting (probably). If not one “BUT!”

How to distinguish the work of imagination from the real memory of episodes of your past life.

All methods of remembering past lives described and offered on the Internet are carried out in the “on” consciousness of a person. That is, our consciousness WORKS! This means that it (our consciousness) offers us a variety of imaginary images and objects. And how can we understand from these images we imagine that exactly what we “imagined” is precisely a memory from our past life?

In the case when a professional hypnologist introduces his patient into a regression session, our consciousness turns off. Thus, any of our imagination is excluded (imagination is a product of our consciousness). But sessions with a hypnologist, firstly, are not available to everyone. Secondly: when the consciousness of a person (under hypnosis) turns off, then all the information (sounds that a person hears during hypnosis) will be recorded in his SUBCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUSNESS. And how, and how then this information clearly recorded during hypnosis will influence our daily life - only our further daily life will show. The fact of professionalism and integrity of the hypnologist himself should also be considered first.

How can you remember your past lives on your own, at home. How to do it.

As I mentioned above, there should be - certain criterion the fact that the memory that appeared in our consciousness should be unambiguously perceived as an episode of our past life. And not the result of our rich (or sick) imagination. And who now has a healthy (imagination)?

The criterion for the fact that you remembered an episode of your past life is simple. You DEFINITELY understand 100% that this is a memory of a fact that happened to you in one of your past lives. When, special method If a connection is established with an episode from the past, then in this episode our consciousness immediately “grabs” many objects (objects), each of which gives a direct memory of this object (object) and what is connected with it. Thus, many connections are immediately formed in our consciousness with this episode from our past life. As a result, the understanding of the fact that we remembered a certain episode of a past life does not cause us any doubt. Confidence in this is 100%.

If, using any of the memory methods, you see a picture in your mind, but cannot be 100% sure that this is exactly a memory of a past life, then you can be sure that it is just - the fruit (result) of the work of your consciousness.

Remembering your past lives is associated with the fact - what result can we get from such a memory?

What exactly does the memory of episodes from our past lives give us? Examples.

The information from our past lives is very voluminous. And in order for us to “penetrate” a specific episode, we need to have a certain “anchor” from our present life that clearly appeared from one of our past lives. This "anchor" can have either - psychological the nature of occurrence, and - physical the nature of emergence from a past life.

There are many diseases for which scientists cannot determine the cause. For example, migraine. These are periodic pains, usually in one specific place in the head. If you use this “anchor” correctly, then the memory of one of the episodes of your past life will show that at one moment, you (in a past life) were dealt a strong blow to the head by something. Possibly fatal. It is precisely in that place of the head, which periodically makes itself felt in this life. An intermediate cause is a disruption of normal blood circulation in this place of the brain (not explained by medicine).

This cause-and-effect relationship, which originates from one of a person’s past lives, is visible in most diseases, the cause of which can be identified by a common medical examination- fails.

If a person, using this “anchor” (in the form of pain or illness), successfully recalls this traumatic episode from one of his past lives, then information about this traumatic episode becomes accessible to his conscious memory. And this cause-and-effect relationship between the occurrence of his pain (or illness) ceases to operate!

"Anchor" can have - psychological reason occurrence.

The “anchor”, which has a psychological origin, can be considered in specific example(quite common).

One woman suffered from a constant obsessive desire to eat something. This desire did not depend on how full she was in this moment. This desire “lived” on its own. Physiological examinations of the woman did not give the result of such a pathologically obsessive desire constant use food. It is clear that the obsessive desire not only interferes with living, concentrating on doing everyday work, but also led to - large set woman's weight.

After the woman successfully recalled her past (this time, previous) life, it turned out that in her past life she (like probably most of us) had to survive the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In a past life, during the war, she was a young woman with a child. She lived in Nazi-occupied territory, in one of the villages. Long periods, she needed basic food. She tried her best to feed her child (a four-year-old girl). But because of this, she often refused to eat. Many times, she fell asleep with one single thought: “I’m really hungry!” And it was scary! Because if she dies, it means that most likely her daughter will die too. These memories were not easy for the woman. But she remembered these episodes of her past life in detail. And what happened is what should happen in this case. After the memory, the woman lost her pathological desire for food! The reason for the emergence of this psychological “anchor” was - accessible to her consciousness , as a result of the fact that she remembered her past life. Now she could easily control what and when she needed to eat. Obsessive desire to get enough - disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed. This is how a psychological “anchor” from a person’s past life works. As soon as this cause becomes accessible to our consciousness (resulting in a memory), this cause of the traumatic factor from the past - IT STOPS HAVING ITS INFLUENCE ON THE BODY!

The same thing happens if in one of your past lives, if you received a physical injury in a certain part of the body.

There are such mental illness, which are inexplicable from the point of knowledge modern medicine.

Hydrophobia. Man is pathologically afraid of water. There are reasons for this: a person has experienced a traumatic event in his life when he drowned. But also, a person who has not experienced a traumatic factor in this life can have hydrophobia. In medicine, in such cases, the cause of hydrophobia is called “unfounded.” But there is a justification. The reason is that in a past life a person experienced a traumatic factor associated with water. Which possibly led to his death. For example, drowning. A man, in one of his past lives, drowned. He has a fear of death associated with water. Until he remembers this difficult episode - one of his past lives, he will not get rid of the problem of hydrophobia.

Epilepsy. Modern medicine has not discovered the causes of this disease.

An epileptic attack often occurs from rapid flashing light. For example, while driving in transport, when the sun shines (flickers) through the branches of roadside trees. This can serve as a kind of “anchor” for a person who, in one of his past lives, died in a fire. Moreover, he died precisely in a fire, and not as a result of poisoning from smoke products. At the moment of his death, he saw flickering flames. In this life, for such a person, an attack of epilepsy can also be caused by any sharp “flickering” of light on the TV, or in the work of color music (for example, on the dance floor). The memory of a past life returns to him the memory of the moment of his painful death. It is this memory that represents an attack of epilepsy. Anyone who has ever seen this will understand.

There are quite a lot of such diseases that have unexplained causes from the point of view of modern medicine. And the psychological complexes and “clamps” that create big problems in our real life - even more. I'll tell you my own example.

In one of my memories, I remembered myself as a small child, a year and a half, no more. I saw all the adults - very large. Twice as tall as myself. And here I am sitting and drinking coffee after breakfast. The coffee was disgusting, there was a lot of foam, which I couldn’t stand. But the woman (it was not my mother) who raised me, or nursed me, insisted that I drink coffee. “Everyone has already had breakfast, and you are always the last one!!”

Nasty foams climbed into my mouth and made me feel vomiting reflex! I couldn’t explain to this woman what a “gag reflex” is. I just didn’t have enough for this lexicon at 1.5 years old! I could only tell her that: “I don’t want it anymore.” But she insisted that I drink coffee. For me it was torture: trying to drink, feeling the vomiting impulses, which I tried my best to suppress. I didn't cry. I was simply depressed - a hopeless situation for me. I had to listen to this woman. She told me that I would be weak if I didn’t drink coffee. I will be sick. and I believed! All this greatly suppressed my already crushed will. I couldn't finish a glass of coffee with nasty foam. As a result, the woman said to me, already very depressed: “Go! So you will always be the very last!!!”

As soon as I remembered these words of hers, it was as if there was a shot in my head! It flew in front of me - all mine real life(I was 35 years old at that time). In ALL the photographs that I had since childhood, I always stood - the very LAST one, that is, from the very edge. When I entered public transport, no matter how close I stood to the door, I had to let everyone through first and be the LAST one to enter! And if it turned out that I was NOT the last to enter, I had to make some strange effort on myself! This psychological “anchor” from my past life was not accessible to my consciousness. He simply ordered me: “Always be the last!” This is the problem with all traumatic moments of past lives, moments of psychological or physical trauma. This psychological complex“THE VERY LAST” (“So you will always be the very last!”) did not allow me to live normally! Just live! You can’t even imagine what a man who has the command written in his subconscious experiences in life: “So you will always be the very last!!!” I literally had to break myself in order to change something in my life. And if this was possible, it was with great effort, and then not for long.

After the moment I remembered this episode, I literally “flyed”! What was the difference in my condition from the moment this command from the subconscious: “So you will always be the very last!” — no longer influences me! It is impossible to describe this difference in sensations in words! The energy literally permeated me throughout. I was literally burning with happiness! To be honest, I thought that now it would always be like this. But after two weeks, the state of euphoria began to gradually decrease. In two weeks, I lost six kilograms of weight. This despite the fact that excess weight I had practically none.

After this memory, and the “discharge” of the psychological anchor, I began to live life - normal person. I would never have made this (and other) site, which is intended for a person’s spiritual self-knowledge. There are a lot of things I would NOT do that are necessary and necessary in my life. Perhaps I would simply not live anymore. Because with such a command from the subconscious: “So you will always be the very last!” - You won’t live long at all. Especially if you were born a man.

Now to the main thing. How to really remember your past lives. And most importantly, remember those episodes that are traumatic (physiological or psychological) factors in your real life.

People who are on own experience learned the importance of such memories, naturally ready to help other people - to remember past lives on their own. And if anyone wants, they can teach and help their friends and relatives remember past lives. No hints knowledgeable people, who - THEMSELVES IN PRACTICE have understood the technique of remembering past lives, it is almost impossible to do this. And these people are ready for free provide such assistance to any person striving for self-knowledge. This can be done at home, on your own. For a fee, only those courses are provided that will already correspond to high qualifications in the practice of reincarnation.

Why don't we remember our past lives? (Torsunov O. G.)

Torsunov O. G.

- My dears, understand that I am now answering all these questions at the same time. Why don't we see God? Because they are unworthy. See God - great luck. And great knowledge. A person who has seen God receives everything in his life that he needs to receive. Receives achievement of all his goals. Therefore, he is simply unworthy of this. Why don't we see angels? For the same reason. Why don’t we remember our past lives, and why are we responsible for this? For the same reason. Well, imagine what if you remembered - what are you responsible for? Well, would you really suffer? Now, if only you remember what you are responsible for. Suffering means a feeling of injustice. For this reason, we don’t remember. And that’s why we suffer because we are not developed. And that’s why we don’t see God, we don’t see angels. And we don’t even see purity in a person. You know that all the people who are sitting in this hall, and all the other people, they are inside - shining like the Sun. Each person has so much purity inside us that a person from the inside shines like the sun. But we don't see this. Because we are undeveloped. And the goal human life- develop. When a person becomes a saint, he sees this human purity, this radiance of the soul. He won't say anything bad to anyone. He will never curse a person. He will never punish him for nothing. And if he punishes, then five will be a blessing. The punishment of a saint is also a blessing. Always only blessings. Because he sees the soul. When a person sees the soul, he becomes - the kindest person. Because kindness is seeing the good in another person. It is seeing the good that makes it possible to be kind. Therefore, a person must simply develop. This is the purpose of our life: to understand that the world is not just a combination of atoms. This is very - deep world. There's a lot of stuff in there that's very deep. And the country is protected not by missiles, but by faith in elders, faith in the Motherland. If people believe their rulers, if people believe in their Motherland, if they pray for peace, no one can destroy this country. Even if this is an atheistic country, and people believe in their elders, people believe in their Motherland, this is divine faith, even among atheists. No one can ever defeat such people. And the missiles are just for intimidation. All this is also necessary, but it is not the basis of the life and strength of the country. Even such things need to be known, my dears. The ruler is given by God. Faith in a husband, faith in a wife, faith in one’s homeland, a person must develop all this in his heart. And when even at least one person has such power, everyone else also has it. It's like a huge energy that spreads around. And peace in the country depends primarily on this. And if there is revolution after revolution, revolution after revolution, we don’t recognize these, we don’t recognize those. Let's spit in the face... Then there will be constant devastation, poverty and madness, do you understand? Unbelief never leads to progress. You need to respect at least someone to start with. God gave you this one, well, respect him. He gave him this, well, respect him. At least start respecting somewhere, otherwise there will never be peace in your country. And there will never be peace in your family either.


The difficulty is how to remember your past life.

The main point that can prevent you from remembering past lives is a poor emotional (mental) state at a given moment in time. A low emotional mood (happens to each of us from time to time) is accompanied by the fact that it is difficult for us to focus our attention on anything. It is difficult to perceive a different range of sensations. But this is necessary for the process itself, in which a person remembers an episode from a past life.

If something didn’t work out for you, then most likely your emotional mood is not too high at the moment (which happens to everyone from time to time). Therefore, it is better to start exercises (or take a test) on remembering episodes from a past life again at a time when you feel an emotional uplift, have - good mood, you feel - healthy enthusiasm! In such an upbeat psychological state, our brain is ready to carry out our commands and focus attention on the right moments.

In order to begin performing exercises to remember your past lives, you need to follow the link to a specialized website. There you will be helped by those people who have the experience of their own memories of past life episodes. They can tell you what you should pay attention to and answer questions that usually arise during the process of reincarnation. I wish you success!


Peace to everyone! Sergey. Amalanov.

A long time ago, about 7-8 years ago, I came across one most interesting book, which was called “how to remember your past lives.” To my surprise, the book contained not only theoretical, but also purely practical information on this topic.

Having started practicing according to the method described in the book, at first I did not feel any visible changes: my memory did not awaken, but I liked the feeling of peace and relaxation that I received by applying the exercises and techniques described in the book.

After some time, during the exercises, I began to see some sketches. At first they were very vague and indistinct. It felt like watching a movie through stained glass and distorting glass. But over time they became clearer. And moreover, in my visions I could not only observe everything from the side, but also turn my head in order to examine the space around me.

After some time, I began to hear speech and how the heroes of my visions spoke to each other. There was even a case when I was in my own previous incarnation said something to English language to my wife, the meaning of which I did not understand in this incarnation. To my surprise, this phrase was found in English-Russian dictionary and then the meaning of our dialogue with her made sense to me. That was great.

After some time, memories of past lives began to find me in Everyday life. For example, one day while working, I suddenly remembered my own signature from a past life.

Of the methods proposed in the book, one was the most effective for me. It was called "rainbow". I’ll tell you about him.

1. Accept horizontal position body, or sitting position. Depending on which position you feel more comfortable in.
2. Close your eyes and relax.

3. It is necessary to achieve complete relaxation. To do this, close your eyes and free your mind from all thoughts. I warn you right away: this will not be so easy to do, so this exercise may not be easy for you the first time. The “broom” method helps well, when you imagine yourself as a giant broom that sweeps all thoughts out of your head as soon as they appear.

4. In general, in any meditative techniques, the most difficult task is stopping internal dialogue, i.e. turning off the thought process. And achieving such a state leads to bliss.

5. Even out your breathing.

6. Mentally count to yourself: count 1-2-3-4 - do deep breath, 1-2-3-4 – breath holding, 1-2-3-4 – exhalation. And so on.

7. By the way, even breathing also helps get rid of internal dialogue.

8. Enjoy the feeling of peace and continue to breathe.

9. Feel your body very heavy, like a ten-ton block. Record this feeling. After this, imagine that you are soaring high in the clouds and your body is so light that even the air that is below you is heavier.

10. The state you are in now is called the alpha state. It received this name because of the special wavelength that your brain emits at the moment, different from the wavelength emitted in the normal state.

11. It is quite a difficult task not to fall asleep in the alpha state, but if you want to know your past lives, then you will have to fight with yourself.

12. Look inside yourself. Imagine yourself inside your body. Concentrate on your goal - to find out your past life.

13. What emotions does this evoke in you? Joy, gratitude, anger, fear, peace? The answer to this question will be the key to unlocking past life memories.

14. Imagine the color red, record your feelings.

15. At this moment, your body should still be relaxed and your mind clear. Don't forget to breathe evenly. Try to breathe not only from your stomach or chest, but to fill the full volume of your lungs with oxygen.

16. Do the same with orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

17. Stop. Try to see something. At this moment you may see something from your past life.

18. It is absolutely not necessary that you will succeed the first or tenth time. This happens differently for each person. The main thing is not to give up trying. It is possible that for the first time you will not see anything, but will feel or hear - this can also happen. The main thing is don’t give up trying.

19. Do the previous exercise in reverse side: purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red.

20. Still lie with your eyes closed. Don't even think about opening them yet!

21. Even out your breathing. Make it normal.

22. Take a deep breath and stretch.

23. Rub your palms together and place the hot side against your closed eyes. Imagine how the warmth passes from your hands into your eyes.

24. Open your eyes.

25. Remove your palms from your eyes.

26. You can slowly rise.

Just don't do it sudden movements. Now the state of your brain is like after sleep - you should not give it and your body strong stress. Rest for a minute
20, you can read a book or listen to music.

Happy practice!


You can resurrect the past on your own if the psyche has not put up a barrier. They usually protect too difficult memories, events that caused severe stress. Only a professional psychologist can break through this barrier. But most events can be remembered on your own, the main thing is the right attitude.

You will need to conduct a psychoanalysis session yourself. To do this, decide what period of life you want to remember. Try to find the objects that surrounded you then. Put them together. Prepare a notebook and pen - you will write down all the memories and sensations that will appear during the session.

You need to conduct a memory session alone. Close doors and windows tightly to prevent noise from distracting you. Close the curtains. Sit comfortably - on a chair or sofa. Place a small table or chair nearby - there you will place things from the past, a notebook, a pen.

Close your eyes, relax. Feel the heaviness and warmth in your limbs. Turn off your senses - you don’t see, you don’t hear, only consciousness works. Start moving into the past from today. You sit in a chair, get up, prepare everything for the session, wake up, then night, you sleep... Then speed up your memories, think about the significant events that happened to you over a certain period. Approaching the desired date, try to remember the details. The more details, the better. From time to time, look at the things in front of you. Write down all your feelings and memories in your notebook. When you realize that you can’t remember anything else, stop the session.

For the next session, work with your notebook, purposefully tuning into the events that happened. Relax, close your eyes and think about each sentence you write down. In the process, more and more detailed memories will come to you. Mark everything down in your notebook. In this way, it is possible to almost completely restore an event that would seem to have been erased from memory forever.

Remembering past lives - this very idea seems incredible, but people who understand esotericism and ancient Eastern teachings claim that, having reached a certain level of knowledge and development, everyone can remember their lives.
There are a number of techniques based on long-term meditation and work with consciousness. For example, a method called “Rainbow”, the effectiveness of which manifests itself with regular practice.


Choose a body position in which you feel most comfortable (sitting or lying down). Close your eyes and try to relax.

The basis of meditation is to clear the mind of any thoughts; imagine a broom that sweeps them away the first time they appear. Achieving a lucid state will not be easy at first, but the resulting feeling of bliss will be worth it.

Work with your breathing, align it, this will also help you in the process of meditation. On the count of four, take a deep breath, then hold your breath for the same amount and exhale on the same count of four.

Continue breathing in this manner and enjoy the state achieved. Soon you will feel how heavy your body is, like a huge glacier. Remember this state. Then imagine your body incredibly light, lighter than a cloud floating in the sky.

the main objective at this stage - do not fall asleep. As soon as you feel the possibility of this, continue working with. Look within yourself. Remember and concentrate on your main task - remembering your past life. The emotions and emotions that arise in you at this moment are key in unraveling the mystery of your past.

Now imagine in turn: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Record the sensations that arise.

Then stop, at this moment you can see pictures from your past. Of course, visions will not come to you right away, but the main thing is not to stop and continue the practice.

Repeat the previous exercise, presenting the colors in reverse order.

Now bring your breathing back to its normal state. Inhale as deeply as possible and stretch your body.

Rub your palms together until they are warm and apply them to eyes closed. Imagine and feel how the warmth from your hands moves to your eyes and face.

Now open your eyes and remove your palms from them. Get up slowly, without making sudden movements. Your state is similar to that in which you come out of sleep, so do not burden yourself, rest for a while and do something light.

By practicing a similar method long time, you will begin to notice new pictures that are not related to your current one, but are clearly related to you. Hear voices, including your own and your past surroundings. The main thing is, don’t stop there, and the memories of your past will visit you this time.

Video on the topic


Helpful advice

How to remember past lives. Again I ask myself the question. It sounds extremely simple - “Why am I doing this work?” This is the influence of the emotional factor on the memory mechanism, read - astral influences. The same thing apparently happens with the mechanism for reproducing memories of past lives, if it is put into action. Such experiments are known and common in the form regressive hypnosis, meditations with going into the “past” and other techniques for working with the subconscious.


  • Project dedicated to comprehensive personal development
  • remember past lives

Memory is one of the most mysterious properties human brain. Numerous studies conducted throughout the world have shed little light on the functioning and laws of memory. However, there are many memory management technologies, for example, the ability to remember certain events.

You will need

  • - help from a psychotherapist.


Regardless of when the event occurred, associations and all sorts of details of the situation will help you remember all its details. Perfect option- return to the place where the event took place. When you see objects, houses that surrounded you at that moment, memory resources will be activated and you will remember some details. However, associations can be obtained without moving in space. Music, smells, voices, photographs - all this will help revive memories. Moreover, the picture can emerge quite clearly if some association turns out to be very clear. For example, you will hear the music that played during your slow dance, and instantly remember all the forgotten details.

If an event happened very recently, and you no longer remember it, use the so-called “ball method”. It is especially effective if you have lost something or missed details of a recent conversation. Sit in a calm, quiet environment, eliminating all potential stimuli. Relax and think back to the last time you saw the item. “Unwinding the ball”, play the entire chain sequentially further developments. This way you can understand at what point you missed the most important thing. This method You can also use it in reverse order, moving from the present to the past.

Events from the long past that are important to you can be recalled using hypnosis. Ours has amazing property blocking negative memories. This is especially true for events in early childhood. However, they can be extremely important. For example, in early age you could have suffered some kind of trauma that influenced the adulthood and the formation of a number of complexes. An experienced psychotherapist will help you return to those times and “relive” the past again. So you will definitely get everything.


Keep in mind that your current emotions, fantasies, and experiences are added to your memories. That is why you can remember past events in a distorted form.

Helpful advice

Try to constantly train your memory so that the need to remember something gradually decreases. Remember numbers, names, poems, study foreign languages.

Early childhood forgotten very quickly. As you grow up, you don’t pay attention to it. But then I really want to remember the time when I was a child! In addition, these memories can shed light on phobias and fears that prevent you from living in peace and enjoying what is happening.


Memories of childhood sit deep inside the subconscious. They will help them pull out objects that once surrounded you. You may forget the name of the teacher in kindergarten. But at the same time, be sure to remember the bear you slept with until school. Try to find as many things as possible - toys, clothes that you had as a child.

When you have collected a sufficient collection of children's things, work with the subconscious. You need complete peace of mind. Close yourself in the room, close the curtains, dim the lights. No sounds should distract you from the process. Therefore, turn off the TV, telephone, intercom, and ask your family to be quiet. It’s better to conduct the session when no one is at home. Then you can be completely immersed in your own memories.

Sit on the sofa or chair, put a bag of things and toys on the table next to you. Place a pen and notebook there - you will need them to write down your feelings.

Relax and close your eyes. Feel that your arms and legs are heavy and warm. Direct your gaze inward. Rewind your life. Here you are getting a job, graduating from college, school, here is the first of September, your first day in the adult world. From now on, write down all your sensations. What do you remember? How did a high school student carry you on your shoulder? How did you meet your first teacher? How did you get your first rating? Write everything down in a notebook, even the smallest details.

Almost all the pain of the past is connected with people. Sometimes a person hurt you directly, sometimes indirectly. If you forgive all participants in the events, if you change your attitude towards them, then the memories will become different. This method requires extreme honesty with yourself. It will be necessary to write letters to all participants in the incident. The first letter is to the one who caused the most suffering.

Free up space and time when you won't be disturbed. Have paper and pen ready. And write the first appeal: “You are to blame.” And then list all the negative things the person has done to you. Blame him, talk about the pain he caused, detail every moment, remember all the details. It’s unpleasant to write this, there are usually tears, but what comes out is the pain that was not released. This process will lead to further relief.

You can write the second letter not immediately, but when you are ready. It is dedicated to the same person, but you need to write in it that you yourself ask for forgiveness. Usually, all situations occur with the participation of several people, and the blame falls on everyone. In the process of creating your first letter, you will see that there is incorrect behavior on your part. Write about him, apologize. After this you will feel much better. It is worth doing this for each participant in the event. If you are honest and tell everything, the situation itself will no longer seem acute, and suddenly it will begin to be forgotten.

Changes in the situation

The transformation of the situation can be done in the imagination. You need to relax; meditation or just calm music is suitable for this. Imagine before your eyes a moment from the past that causes pain. And replay it, figure out how everything went according to a different scenario, how everything became different. Pay attention to words, actions, look at the details, remember it all. This revision helps because in the future you will remember the script you came up with. If you don’t succeed right away, do the exercise several times until you believe in the fictional scenario.

Small situations can be changed with humor. Imagine the past, how everything happened. And then “turn on” cheerful music in the background. You can come up with a melody in advance, it should only evoke positivity. Remember the picture and create a composition. And immediately the past will no longer be so scary, and sometimes even funny.

You can also treat the participants in the event with humor. Imagine that everyone who was present suddenly began to dress differently. Dress them up in clown costumes and have them do the same thing, but in this guise. You can imagine tutus, family panties or nudes, then rely on your imagination.

Video on the topic

The question of how to remember a past life interests people who are passionate about mysticism. You can find out who a person was in a past life. Let's look at the methods varying degrees difficulties.

In the article:

Remember your past life through meditation

If you are interested in how to remember a past life, a special one will help meditation. The experience of meditation is useful. The temperature in the room should be comfortable; cold and stuffiness will be distracting. Turn off the TV, radio, mobile and home phones, and doorbell so that there are no distractions. It is even advisable to choose the time so that as little noise as possible comes from the street.

Care must be taken that the person is not distracted by hunger, thirst or a feeling of a full stomach. It is also advisable to keep room illumination to a minimum. After preparation, you can make yourself as comfortable as possible so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you. You can lie down or sit in any position you like.

Close your eyes and imagine White light, which envelops your entire body. It is impenetrable to any energetic dirt, ill-wishers and entities living in subtle world. The white shining cocoon is needed for protection - you have a difficult journey ahead, and during it it is better to keep the cocoon in front of your mind's eye. By the way, it doesn’t have to be white, you can represent any other color.

Now imagine that you are standing in a large hall. At the end of it you should see a door. Don't rush to open it. Try to imagine the room in as much detail as possible. Evaluate the interior, lighting, ceiling height and other external components. Remember this room, you will continue to imagine it when working with past lives.

Have you looked at the hall? Now slowly approach the door. Every step must be taken with an awareness of its purpose. Listen, and you may be able to hear the sound of your steps. Pay attention to the floor - what is it?

As you already understand, behind this door is information about your past life. But don't rush to open it. First, feel the texture of the handle, feel how it turns in the door, what sounds the parts of the lock make. The door itself also needs to be considered. Realize that behind this door you will find the answer to your question - how to remember your past life on your own.

You should unconditionally believe that what you see behind the door is related to your past life. It is possible that over time it will turn out that some of the information will turn out to be false - you will be able to find out when you gain more experience in such meditations. There is no need to doubt, doubts will nullify all efforts.

Open the door and accept information about your past incarnation. Few people here manage to get a lot of information the first time. For example, it could be a completely unfamiliar face that is preserved in the memory of your past incarnation. Or maybe you will only see color. By repeating this meditation, you will learn that this color was on your favorite carpet or dress, and a certain wall was the wall of your home or place of work.

If images stop appearing or do not appear at all, this indicates a lack of strength. In order to return to the present, return to the hall, close the door to your past life and go to the place from where you came to it. Give yourself the mindset that once you reach it, you can return to the present, open your eyes and remember everything you saw.

Remember your life with one-time experience meditation is impossible. But you can start working on this by meditating regularly and conjuring up a hall with a door in your imagination. Over time, you will learn everything about your past incarnation if you are persistent enough. By the way, a person has not only one past incarnation, and information from different lives may get mixed up. Over time, you will learn to distinguish between them and find out how many lives you have actually lived.

How to remember past lives yourself at home - the magic of dreams

Is it possible to remember your past life in a dream? It is believed that dreams- these are a kind of doors to other worlds. Do you often dream about things you have never seen before? real life? Most likely, these are references to your past incarnations. In order to remember your past life through dream analysis, you first need to learn how to remember them.

Keep a dream journal. There, every morning you are supposed to write down everything that you can see during your night's rest. By the way, having such a diary is also important for those who want to learn.

Have you learned to remember dreams? Now before going to bed you need to give yourself a clear instruction to see your past life in a dream. Perhaps you won’t succeed the first time, and with experience, sometimes instead of past lives you will contemplate certain events from everyday everyday life. Every person dreams of such things from time to time, and if you remember all your dreams and analyze them, sooner or later you will discover information about your past incarnation.

It will be much easier to remember past incarnations for people who have already mastered lucid dreams, or other variants of the state, which some authors of books call a phase. When you find yourself in this state, imagine a door behind which is something connected with your past incarnation. Open it and remember everything you see. As with the meditation above, the images may not be clear. Eg, brown spot upon further examination it will turn into a cow or horse.

Find out who you were in a previous life - fortune telling using mirrors, water and a magic ball

Fortune telling magic ball It is a complex one, and besides, not every person has such a magical attribute. It can be replaced with a mirror or even a regular container with water. Let's start with the last one.

The container can be any size, but not smaller than a glass. There should not be any patterns or protrusions on it. Fill the container clean water of absolutely any origin, and observe its surface. Don't be distracted by anything; it's better if the phone and doorbell are turned off. Just think that you want to see your past incarnation. Don't allow any other thoughts. After some time, you will see images in the water that will be related to your past incarnation.

Fortune telling on mirrors is known to almost everyone. You can see anything in the reflection of a mysterious magical object, if you have experience in such activities. Learning to see the past and future in the mirror is a whole science.

So, darken the room. Complete darkness no need, a night light or candles will do just fine. Place the mirror so that it reflects a plain wall or Blank sheet paper. You should not see your reflection. It refers to the current incarnation; there is no need to overload the reflection with unnecessary information. Keep in mind that in the past you looked different, perhaps even belonged to the opposite sex.

Relax and contemplate what is reflected in the mirror. Think only about what you want to see, what happened in a past life. After a while, a foggy area will appear in the center of the mirror, and after the fog clears, you will be able to see images that will answer your questions about past lives and reincarnation.

Past lives - how to remember by date of birth

Numerology calculations can help you find out who you were in a past life. Numerology- a fairly accurate section of esotericism. With its help, you can calculate various numbers that are related to a person. Numerologists are sure that the date of birth hides valuable information about talents and inclinations, quantity vital energy, character and even the fate of a person.

So, how to remember past lives by date of birth? Your date of birth contains information about your past incarnation. Each person is born at a time strictly determined by the universe.

In order to pass, you need to know the date, month and year of birth. More precise information, such as hours and minutes, is taken into account professional astrologers. Such calculations provide more accurate information, but few know their secrets.

How to remember past lives - methods of coinciding events

If you want to remember past lives, methods that do not require any skills, such as the ability to meditate or be aware of yourself in a dream, tell fortunes in mirrors, or see images in water, will help you. They are simple and accessible to every person, however, these exercises do not always work the first time.

The clock method was used in the recent past during hypnosis. You will need a clock that ticks, that is, a mechanical one. Relax and listen to the ticking, keep your eyes closed. Remember any episode from your life that was associated with a ticking clock. Maybe you listen to it every time before going to bed? Or maybe the clock is ticking loudly in your boss’s office?

Watch the selected event for some time, scroll through it in your memory. Move on to the next ticking clock memory. And then try to remember an episode from a past incarnation in which you also heard ticking. Observe all the images and sensations that appear before your mind's eye. The essence of this method is that every person heard the ticking of a clock; this everyday sound can be the start for restoring the memory of a past incarnation.

Finally, if none of the above methods work for you, try thinking logically. You have some talents, inclinations, favorite things, preferences. It is highly likely that they are somehow connected with what happened in a past life. Why do you like your favorite scent? What is it connected with, what associations does it evoke? When did you first feel it? Such questions may lead you to obtain information about a past life from your own memory.

It is also worth thinking about talents. If you sing, think - when did you start singing? What emotions does your favorite activity evoke? Why did you suddenly decide to sing? How did you understand that you would succeed? It is believed that past lives have strong influence to the present. Often people who had talents in a past incarnation also have them in their current incarnation.

Is it possible to remember a previous life under hypnosis?

If attempts to find the answer to the question of how to remember your life yourself at home have not been successful, you can try hypnotherapist. Self-hypnosis is often too much challenging task For modern man, so you can try to rely on a professional in the field of the human subconscious.

The life we ​​are now living in our bodies is far from the only one in the series of our incarnations, and there is a large trail of previous incarnations behind it. And many people, convinced that reincarnation exists, would like to remember who they were in their past life.

Some out of idle curiosity, and others understanding the depth and importance of receiving this experience. So how do you remember past lives?
Method 1. SLEEP
In order to remember your past life in a dream, some preliminary preparation is necessary. Namely, you need to learn to remember your dreams well. Otherwise, you may see your past life in a dream, but what is the use of this if in the morning you cannot remember anything? Each of us sees dreams, several times a night, but usually all the information about our dreams quickly disappears, and by lunchtime there is no trace left of them. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep a Dream Diary.
Before you go to bed, you need to give yourself a clear instruction that when you wake up, you will remember your dream. You can repeat this phrase several times, or to be sure, you can also write it on paper several times so that it is firmly embedded in your memory. And when you wake up in the morning, lie in bed for some time without moving, trying to scroll through your memory everything that you just dreamed about and immediately write down the dream in your Dream Diary.
You will need two weeks of such training and then you can try to dream about your past incarnations. In the same way, before going to bed, set yourself the mindset that today you will see a dream about your past life and go to bed. The next morning, do not try to analyze it, it is important to simply write down the message of your dream down to the smallest detail. You may even need a few nights to regain the overall picture of who you were in your past life.
This method is suitable for those who practice out-of-body experiences or lucid dreaming(you can call them general term- Phase). There are many ways to enter the Phase state. You can use the method that is most familiar and easy for you. Once you are in the Phase, you can imagine a door in front of you (like the usual way moving yourself in space), behind which is your past life. And then just go into it. The main thing is to simply accept that what you see behind this door will be an episode of your life. It can be anything. Some obvious things (for example, a sword fight at a knight's tournament), and something incomprehensible, abstract (for example, a white spot).
However, if you look closely you can see what it is White spot has some outline. As you delve deeper into this memory, you will realize that this white spot, for example, is a horse. And suddenly you remember that this is your favorite horse, and at the same time you yourself are an English nobleman of the late 19th century. There is no need to try to analyze and doubt. Just look at the images that come to you. When you have examined this episode enough, you can move to another and explore this life further.
However, if you don’t have a crystal ball lying around, an ordinary glass of water will do just fine for your purposes. The only difference here is that there will not be that aura of mystery and mysticism that when working with a ball. So, take a glass (it should be a simple round one, without a pattern) and fill it with water.
Then place it somewhere 70 cm from you, sit comfortably and start looking at the glass. The task here is to relax your body, if possible, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the desire to see your past life. After a few minutes, you will notice that the water in the glass will become cloudy, and a little later it will acquire a pale blue color. Continue to fix your attention on the glass and your desire. The main thing is that your mind remains calm and relaxed. After some time, pictures of the past will begin to appear before your inner gaze and some realizations will come. Method 4. MIRROR
This method is very similar to the previous one, where a glass of water was used. Here you need to take a mirror and position it relative to yourself so that you cannot see your reflection, but only the reflection of the wall. It is advisable to darken the room a little.
Sit comfortably, take a few breaths, relax your body and mind, and begin to peer at the mirror surface. Very soon you will see a light cloud of fog in the central part. Keep watching him and soon the memories will begin to come. You can see your past life directly in the mirror, or in front of your inner screen, just be aware of it. We are all different and memories come to us in different ways.
Method 5. CLOCK
You need to lie down and relax to the sound of a clock ticking next to you. For this purpose, you can simply watch your breathing a little. When you have relaxed your body enough, direct your attention to the events of your past, where you also heard the ticking of a clock. After observing this episode for a while, then move your attention to another event where the clock was also present and consider it. After looking through several episodes of your life, wish to see your past life, where you heard the ticking of a clock. And just watch the sensations and images that come to you.
Remember all the abilities and talents that you possess. And choose one among them that you will now look for in your past life. Once you have decided, sit back, close your eyes and begin to remember.
Remember what this ability is, how exactly it manifests itself in you, remember all the times when you were praised for this talent and you felt proud. Observe the episodes that pop up in your memory. And when you carefully examine one of them, you can try to remember an even earlier episode associated with your talent, and an even earlier one...
You will be surprised what different and perhaps even forgotten memories will come to you, and upon careful examination they will acquire more and more details. And when you look at the earliest events, try to remember how this talent of yours manifested itself in your past life.
+Take your time, just while in meditation let these memories come. You may not succeed the first time, but remember that having seen your past life once, you can easily remember your other past incarnations! I hope that the methods presented here will help you remember your past lives and find a new you. Good luck to you on your Path!
© Elena Shuranova