Can a person remember his past life? How to remember past lives using regression hypnosis, meditation or in a dream. Past lives - how to remember by date of birth

At a certain stage in life, people begin to think about such important issues as: “Where did man come from?”, “Do each of us really have a soul?”, “Did our life exist before this?” and many others.

Quite a long time ago, scientists hypothesized that a person lives many lives, only in different bodies. Unfortunately, only a few remember what happened before the last rebirth. Therefore, it is quite obvious that many are interested in how to remember past life. Some do not even believe that they existed long before their appearance in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Journey into the past

It is believed that from previous life The smallest details of the events that took place during a certain period remain in a person’s subconscious. Today, few people study their soul, but every day there are more and more people who want to know themselves. It is quite obvious that a person is interested in how to remember a past life, and somewhere in the depths of his subconscious he believes that he existed before. Of course, there are people who refuse to believe in mysticism, personal development and esotericism, but this does not rid them of the past. It is believed that truly internal developed person can know his past, is able, so to speak, to travel in time. Anyone can obtain the necessary level of knowledge. You don’t have to be born unique to do this; absolutely everyone can do it. The only remark and advice: constantly train, take care of yourself, improve - and then everything will work out.

Past life, what is it like?

Today it is difficult to believe that the past is part of the person himself, and it has a place to be. It needs to be understood and unraveled. How to remember your past life? People created and developed various techniques, helping to achieve the desired result. Among the methods of “awakening memories,” hypnosis is very popular, but it does not always work one hundred percent. To learn how to travel through time yourself, you need to practice. This can be done either alone or with the help of friends or relatives. Nowadays, there is a lot of literature containing theory and practice that could help awaken past life memories. Studies show that many people quit classes halfway because they do not see any changes (results). This is completely in vain, since nothing will happen just by desire. Having chosen a certain technique, a person must stick to it and practice daily, and the result will not be long in coming. And it is very important to believe in what you are doing, otherwise it will just be a waste of time.

Human experience

Past life of a person - greatest secret, which is solved individually. Only an individual person is able to understand his essence and visit any time, feel emotions and experience the events of those times. While studying, a person perceives what is happening differently. Some see sketches, like sketches of the past. Others manage to go there in a dream and experience everything for themselves, as if it happened yesterday. Still others suddenly receive information that fits into a puzzle and becomes obvious.

One way or another, the memory of a past life returns, gradually or suddenly, catching a person by surprise. Sometimes people can experience events that happened a long time ago. For example, to observe the communication of characters as if from the outside and gradually realize that one of them is I. After a certain time, people heard incomprehensible, foreign speech, which, however, was previously their native language. Some of them understood this language, although they had never encountered its speakers before in their (real, momentary) lives. Each person's experience is individual, and the subconscious can react completely differently to what is happening.

Method called "Rainbow"

Not everyone believes in reincarnation, but many are interested in whether there is a past life. Agree, who wouldn’t want to know the most striking events that happened many years ago, and with whom? With myself! That is why methods and techniques have been developed to help lift the mysterious veil. How to remember your past life? Try a method called "Rainbow".

The essence of the method is as follows: a person should lie down comfortably and relax as much as possible. If it is more comfortable to be in a sitting position, please do so. Next, you need to close your eyes, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts, your body from tension, and your soul from emotions. Our goal is to achieve relaxation. It's okay if you don't succeed the first time, this is a truly difficult procedure. Agree, who can instantly stop thinking? A variety of thoughts pop into your head: “What should I cook for dinner?”, “When do I pay the bills?”, “I forgot to drink.” necessary medications" and so on. But with time desired condition comes. Your breathing should be even, your mood should be uplifted, but overall you should be in absolute calm. A person should feel the pleasure of peace, not forgetting to breathe. When you have reached this state, you need to begin soul analysis. Look inside, tell yourself: “I remember a past life.” Play with colors. First imagine red, stop, notice the sensations, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. What do you see? Perhaps, at these moments, some memories will come up for a person or emotions will come up, for example, joy, excitement, sadness, and so on.

Essence of techniques

If a person has decided by all means to find out about his past life, then he needs to remember the following. Before you begin to analyze your perception of the soul, you need to achieve complete relaxation, while not forgetting to breathe. Optimal rhythm: deep breath, hold for a few seconds and exhale. In general, this procedure should take at least 10 seconds. You should also always practice in silence and comfort. Nothing should distract or irritate a person. Past life regression is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process, but you shouldn’t stop halfway. You should pay attention to sensations - they are the key to understanding your past life.


The rainbow effect is based on sensations that intersect with the most common colors. The soul must react to one of them, the memory will awaken, and drawings, sketches, pictures may appear in the head. The main thing is to concentrate, not to rush, everything will come gradually. The Rainbow effect involves analyzing colors in a specific sequence. At the end of the exercise, everything must be done in reverse. That is, start with purple and finish in red. At the end of the process, stretch, straighten up, restore your breathing and place your palms against your eyes. If you rub your hands against each other, they will become hot. By placing your palms to your eyes, a person will feel a flow of energy and warmth. After this, they can be opened - the procedure is considered completed.

Application of techniques

You can search for memories from the past as much as you like, even every day. The main thing is to do it correctly. You can't just sit down and torture your mind trying to remember everything. In fact, this is unrealistic, because you don’t even know what to remember... First, you need to relax, feel peace, and then set a goal for yourself. In the same way, you cannot suddenly get up and go about your business. You need to rest, slowly open your eyes and slowly get up. The whole process should be calm, relaxed, and then the result will be. As stated, there are a lot of techniques, but they all require concentration. Therefore, no matter what method of self-knowledge a person chooses, he must learn to enter and leave a state of relaxation. Getting to your subconscious takes work, but it's worth it.

Independent work

Note that to the question: “How to find out your past life?” There are three answers: on your own, with the help of hypnosis and research. Let's consider the first case, which is available to absolutely everyone. First you need to prepare the room (room). To do this, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions: turn off the phone, muffle the noise, turn off the lights, and so on. If a person relaxes better to the sounds of waves hitting the shore or birds singing, then appropriate music should be played. Second phase - complete relaxation(how to achieve it is described above). Having concentrated, you need to mentally prepare for a trip to the past. At this moment, you can imagine anything, for example, a road, railroad tracks, a train, an airplane, a car, and so on. Then begin your journey. Imagine that you see a door, and behind it is your past life. When you're ready, open it. Everything that a person sees at such moments is not accidental, so after waking up you need to analyze every detail. Perhaps after several trips the answer will come by itself. It is important to be patient; if you cannot see anything or, conversely, there is too much of everything and you begin to get confused, do not get upset. Practice pays off. Remember to return to the present (calmly, relaxed).


If past life regression fails, you can always contact a hypnotherapist, who will be happy to help you remember everything. During the session, you may be able to find out Interesting Facts and details.

Study of Metaphysical Issues

Tips for beginners

It is worth noting that a person’s past life does not always consist of fabulous events and is like paradise. Sometimes people learn about terrible events that happened to them before. But don’t be afraid of them - this is a bitter experience that we had to go through, which, fortunately, is left behind.

It is recommended to write down all memories after waking up. Let something seem trivial, but perhaps this will be the key to the solution. A person must also understand that memories are part of his soul, so one should not be very critical of them. In addition, it is not recommended to be too zealous; this will not help you get to know yourself faster. It is worth noting that if the technique does not work, you can consider and study other techniques, maybe this is the case will go faster. If it doesn't work, try again and again until you find out everything that interests you. One way or another, past lives, future lives - they all do not matter as much as the present, so there is no need to focus too much on them. Live for today, but keep in mind that deep down you may be a brilliant poet or a stunning actress. Memories hidden in the depths of your subconscious can dramatically change your life. And they can also explain a lot. For example, fear of heights, darkness, closed spaces, and so on - most likely, not very pleasant events from a previous life are associated with them. After all, as the proverb says, whoever does not know his past has no future. But with the help of this knowledge you can get rid of phobias and even cure many diseases.

Research by many scientists has long proven that the life we ​​now live in our bodies is far from the only one in the series of our incarnations, and there is a large trail of previous incarnations behind it. And many people, convinced that reincarnation exists, would like to remember who they were in their past life. Some out of idle curiosity, and others understanding the depth and importance of receiving this experience. So how do you remember past lives?

Method 1. SLEEP

In order to remember your past life in a dream, some preliminary preparation is necessary. Namely, you need to learn to remember your dreams well. Otherwise, you may see your past life in a dream, but what is the use of this if in the morning you cannot remember anything? Each of us sees dreams, several times a night, but usually all the information about our dreams quickly disappears, and by lunchtime there is no trace left of them. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep a Dream Diary.

Before you go to bed, you need to give yourself a clear instruction that when you wake up, you will remember your dream. You can repeat this phrase several times, or to be sure, you can also write it on paper several times so that it is firmly embedded in your memory. And when you wake up in the morning, lie in bed for some time without moving, trying to scroll through your memory everything that you just dreamed about and immediately write down the dream in your Dream Diary.

You will need two weeks of such training and then you can try to dream about your past incarnations. In the same way, before going to bed, set yourself the mindset that today you will see a dream about your past life and go to bed. The next morning, do not try to analyze it, it is important to simply write down the message of your dream down to the smallest detail. You may even need a few nights to regain the overall picture of who you were in your past life.


This method is suitable for those who practice out-of-body experiences or lucid dreaming(you can call them general term- Phase). There are many ways to enter the Phase state. You can use the method that is most familiar and easy for you. Once you are in the Phase, you can imagine a door in front of you (like the usual way moving yourself in space), behind which is your past life. And then just go into it. The main thing is to simply accept that what you see behind this door will be an episode of your life. It can be anything. Some obvious things (for example, a sword fight at a knight's tournament), and something incomprehensible, abstract (for example, a white spot).

However, if you look closely you can see what it is White spot has some outline. As you delve deeper into this memory, you will realize that this white spot, for example, is a horse. And suddenly you remember that this is your favorite horse, and at the same time you yourself are an English nobleman of the late 19th century. There is no need to try to analyze and doubt. Just look at the images that come to you. When you have examined this episode enough, you can move to another and explore this life further.


However, if you don’t have a crystal ball lying around, an ordinary glass of water will do just fine for your purposes. The only difference here is that there will not be that aura of mystery and mysticism that when working with a ball. So, take a glass (it should be a simple round one, without a pattern) and fill it with water.

Then place it somewhere 70 cm from you, sit comfortably and start looking at the glass. The task here is to relax your body, if possible, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the desire to see your past life. After a few minutes, you will notice that the water in the glass will become cloudy, and a little later it will acquire a pale blue color. Continue to fix your attention on the glass and your desire. The main thing is that your mind remains calm and relaxed. After some time, pictures of the past will begin to appear before your inner gaze and some realizations will come.

Method 4. MIRROR

This method is very similar to the previous one, where a glass of water was used. Here you need to take a mirror and position it relative to yourself so that you cannot see your reflection, but only the reflection of the wall. It is advisable to darken the room a little.

Sit comfortably, take a few breaths, relax your body and mind, and begin to peer at the mirror surface. Very soon you will see a light cloud of fog in the central part. Keep watching him and soon the memories will begin to come. You can see your past life directly in the mirror, or in front of your inner screen, just be aware of it. We are all different and memories come to us in different ways.

Method 5. CLOCK

You need to lie down and relax to the sound of a clock ticking next to you. For this purpose, you can simply watch your breathing a little. When you have relaxed your body enough, direct your attention to the events of your past, where you also heard the ticking of a clock. After observing this episode for a while, then move your attention to another event where the clock was also present and consider it. After looking through several episodes of your life, wish to see your past life, where you heard the ticking of a clock. And just watch the sensations and images that come to you.


Remember all the abilities and talents that you possess. And choose one among them that you will now look for in your past life. Once you have decided, sit back, close your eyes and begin to remember.

Remember what this ability is, how exactly it manifests itself in you, remember all the times when you were praised for this talent and you felt proud. Observe the episodes that pop up in your memory. And when you carefully examine one of them, you can try to remember an even earlier episode associated with your talent, and an even earlier one...

You will be surprised what different and perhaps even forgotten memories will come to you, and upon careful examination they will acquire more and more details. And when you look at the earliest events, try to remember how this talent of yours manifested itself in your past life.

Take your time, just while in meditation let these memories come. You may not succeed the first time, but remember that having seen your past life once, you can easily remember your other past incarnations! I hope that the methods presented here will help you remember your past lives and find a new you. Good luck to you on your Path!

Have you ever thought: “Where did I come from and what will happen when I die? Have I had other lives before this one? You will find answers to all these questions with the help of memories of your past incarnations, the memory of which is stored by our eternal soul.

In reality, a past life is no longer a secret behind seven locks. This article will help you understand how to remember your past life on your own.

Today there are different ways allowing you to remember your past life. We invite you to further familiarize yourself with the most popular of them.

Method 1. Excursion into past incarnations

The keys to past reincarnations are hidden in the present. This is an excellent method for which there is no need to enter altered states of consciousness. Plus it helps activate the flow of chaotic memories.

The technique itself is that you need to look for “evidence” in your current life, thanks to which you will restore the picture of your past.

To do this, you should take a piece of paper and write down the following points on it:

  • What games did you like to play as a child?
  • What are you doing now?
  • What style of clothing do you prefer?
  • What talents and abilities do you have?
  • What race and ancestry are you?
  • Indicate your favorite book?
  • What films do you watch most often?
  • Where would you like to visit?
  • What animals do you like?
  • Which climatic conditions do you like most?
  • Features of your character and behavior?
  • Culture
  • What are you afraid of?
  • What historical era would you like to be in?
  • What injuries did you receive, what diseases did you suffer from, were there any scars?
  • The "déjà vu" effect

Then you need to analyze all these points and understand which of them you feel a response to within yourself. All of them will become your clues, which will form the overall picture.

You will need to use your intuition to the maximum, even if at first the picture is not very expressive, the unconscious will sooner or later show you the right path.

Story. Since childhood, the woman was fond of war films, could watch them for hours and felt a powerful emotional response from them. Plus I saw dreams about the war. Then she discovered that in her previous incarnation she was a military man.

Method 2. Feelings

In this technique, first you should choose an area of ​​your life that you want to improve, in which there are some problems.

You should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of relationships are you in with others?
  • How is your health?
  • Are you experiencing financial difficulties?
  • What talents and opportunities do you dream of activating?

Say your biggest challenge in life out loud. Feel those feelings with emotional experiences that have a connection with this area. You also need to establish what types of sensations they provoke in the body. For example, this could be a feeling of squeezing in the sternum or difficulty breathing.

After this, you will need to “walk” throughout the body and highlight the feelings related to the problem situation.

For example, you were treated poorly when you were a baby in the family and you would like to forgive your parents for this. Start thinking about them and about the treatment that caused you suffering.

At the same time, begin to travel through the depths of your body in search of the source in which negative emotions accumulate. Try to imagine them in physical form - their color characteristics, size, shape and the like.

By giving an answer to all these questions, you will draw out the memories accumulated in your body, placing the emphasis of your consciousness on them.

This technique is very effective, because memories of incarnations are stored not only by your brain, but also by your physical shell. Using the body to discover past incarnations is a unique and effective technique!

Method 3. Mirror.

Here you will need to stock up on a mirror. Sit in comfortable position and relax. The light in the room should be dim. Peer at your reflection in the mirror. It will probably change over time and you will be able to see your appearance in one of your past incarnations.

At the same time, from time to time you need to close your eyes and peer into the sharply appearing images on the mirror surface.

Method 4. Dreams

In dreams, a person receives information related to both the present and the past. These are mysterious messages from the mind, often hiding warnings about danger or a source of creative inspiration.

Also, dreams are often gateways to various mystical realms, allowing you to travel through parallel worlds. Through them you can also find out the features of your past incarnation.

Alternatively, in a dream you can observe a death scene from your past life, because it leaves a very strong imprint on the memory of the soul and body. Other associations and images associated with your past life may also arise.

Not everyone, when they are born, forgets about their past reincarnations. Children remember them best, since quite recently they were “on the other side of life.” They will be able to tell you about who they were before, what connection you have with them and why you decided to choose them as your parents.

Story. A little boy V three years of age began to tell his parents that he was building walls, but then soldiers appeared from somewhere and began to destroy everything. He shot the soldiers, and they killed him. Then he saw a picture of Napoleon and began to assure his parents that he was there. Napoleon became for him obsession, he watched many films and TV series dedicated to the famous commander, and also studied his clothing style and tried to find out everything possible about this man. It is likely that he used to be a soldier in his army.

Method 6. Fabulous

Try to recall what fairy tales and cartoons you liked as a child. Which of fairy-tale heroes did you want to be? What attracted you most to these images? Using the plot of a fairy tale, you can reach the scenario of one of your past incarnations.

Method 7. Date of birth

Researchers from Tibet have established a connection between the date of birth of a person and his incarnations. From this connection they developed the astrology of karma.

At one of the international conferences of karmic astrologers, a specialist from Vladivostok named Rempel presented his report, which describes how date of birth, personal totem and human purpose.

Not everyone knows, but your date of birth can tell you about who you were in your past life, where you lived, as well as other valuable and interesting information.

At the same time, there are some differences in the interpretation of the Tibetan approach, the Slavic theory of reincarnation, as well as classical astrology, but all these methods provide information about your past incarnations.

Method 8. Fortune telling

You can find out the features of your past life using fortune telling in different ways: using Tarot cards, stones, various horoscopes, and so on. Let your intuition tell you the method that best suits you personally.

Method 9. Hellinger arrangement

The same principle is followed here as in traditional Hellinger arrangements. On initial stage individual generic constellations are found, which subsequently reach past incarnations.

To use this method, you need to have an unbending intention and strictly follow all the specialist’s instructions.

Method 10. Reincarnation

Reincarnation is an excursion through an individual's past incarnations. It is suitable for everyone, absolutely anyone who dreams of knowing themselves better. If you are interested in finding out why you were born in this particular time period, in this particular state, in this particular family, and for what reasons your life as a whole turned out the way it did.

Explaining more accessible language– Reincarnation is a way to connect to the World Wide Web. When you connect to it, ask questions and get answers.

Why this method Is finding out your past lives considered special?

Because Reincarnationism has its own certain advantages, namely:

  • the ease of the technique, thanks to which you get rid of fears and prejudices regarding past lives and thereby discover life, death and evolution in a completely new light;
  • the ability to perceive information independently during a session, which significantly increases a person’s confidence in this information;
  • access to the space between lives, in which you can receive tips from your Spiritual Guides on how to go through your life tasks in the easiest and most harmonious way;
  • the environmental friendliness of the method - the opportunity to follow your Spiritual Teachers without adding anything extra from yourself;
  • searching for resource states and the ability to use this positive energy in the present moment;
  • the opportunity to begin to use the capabilities, abilities and talents that you have developed in past reincarnations with their immediate implementation in this life;
  • entering a new evolutionary stage of development of the Soul and expanding one’s consciousness.

This is why knowledge about past incarnations has become so popular today. People strive to open the veil of their past in order to learn to adequately perceive the present, as well as improve their future.

A long time ago, about 7-8 years ago, I came across one most interesting book, which was called “how to remember your past lives.” To my surprise, the book contained not only theoretical, but also purely practical information on this topic.

Having started practicing according to the method described in the book, at first I did not feel any visible changes: my memory did not awaken, but I liked the feeling of peace and relaxation that I received by applying the exercises and techniques described in the book.

After some time, during the exercises, I began to see some sketches. At first they were very vague and indistinct. It felt like watching a movie through stained glass and distorting glass. But over time they became clearer. And moreover, in my visions I could not only observe everything from the side, but also turn my head in order to examine the space around me.

After some time, I began to hear speech and how the heroes of my visions spoke to each other. There was even a case when I was in my own previous incarnation said something to English language to my wife, the meaning of which I did not understand in this incarnation. To my surprise, this phrase was found in English-Russian dictionary and then the meaning of our dialogue with her made sense to me. That was great.

After some time, memories of past lives began to find me in Everyday life. For example, one day while working, I suddenly remembered my own signature from a past life.

Of the methods proposed in the book, one was the most effective for me. It was called "rainbow". I’ll tell you about him.

1. Accept horizontal position body, or sitting position. Depending on which position you feel more comfortable in.
2. Close your eyes and relax.

3. It is necessary to achieve complete relaxation. To do this, close your eyes and free your mind from all thoughts. I warn you right away: this will not be so easy to do, so this exercise may not be easy for you the first time. The “broom” method helps well, when you imagine yourself as a giant broom that sweeps all thoughts out of your head as soon as they appear.

4. In general, in any meditative techniques, the most difficult task– stopping the internal dialogue, i.e. turning off the thought process. And achieving such a state leads to bliss.

5. Even out your breathing.

6. Mentally count to yourself: count 1-2-3-4 - take a deep breath, 1-2-3-4 - hold your breath, 1-2-3-4 - exhale. And so on.

7. By the way, even breathing also helps get rid of internal dialogue.

8. Enjoy the feeling of peace and continue to breathe.

9. Feel your body very heavy, like a ten-ton block. Record this feeling. After this, imagine that you are soaring high in the clouds and your body is so light that even the air that is below you is heavier.

10. The state you are in now is called the alpha state. It received this name because of the special wavelength emitted in this moment your brain, different from the wavelengths emitted in the normal state.

11. It is quite a difficult task not to fall asleep in the alpha state, but if you want to know your past lives, then you will have to fight with yourself.

12. Look inside yourself. Imagine yourself inside your body. Concentrate on your goal - to find out your past life.

13. What emotions does this evoke in you? Joy, gratitude, anger, fear, peace? The answer to this question will be the key to unlocking past life memories.

14. Imagine the color red, record your feelings.

15. At this moment, your body should still be relaxed and your mind clear. Don't forget to breathe evenly. Try to breathe not only from your stomach or chest, but to fill the full volume of your lungs with oxygen.

16. Do the same with orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

17. Stop. Try to see something. At this moment you may see something from your past life.

18. It is absolutely not necessary that you will succeed the first or tenth time. This happens differently for each person. The main thing is not to give up trying. It is possible that for the first time you will not see anything, but will feel or hear - this can also happen. The main thing is don’t give up trying.

19. Do the previous exercise in reverse side: purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red.

20. Still lie with eyes closed And. Don't even think about opening them yet!

21. Even out your breathing. Make it normal.

22. Take a deep breath and stretch.

23. Rub your palms together and place the hot side against your closed eyes. Imagine how the warmth passes from your hands into your eyes.

24. Open your eyes.

25. Remove your palms from your eyes.

26. You can slowly rise.

Just don't do it sudden movements. Now the state of your brain is like after sleep - you should not give it and your body strong stress. Rest for a minute
20, you can read a book or listen to music.

Happy practice!

Someone comes to understand the many incarnations in different bodies after realizing themselves as an eternal Soul. Someone comes to understand themselves as a Soul after remembering themselves in past lives. You can unexpectedly remember some episodes from past lives by playing role-playing games or watching the life of another civilization in a movie. Or you can purposefully engage in such memory. But what if in a past life you did not live on Earth? How to remember your past life and why is it necessary?

Why do you need to remember the past?

Many people have inexplicable and overwhelming fears. Most people are afraid of snakes. Maybe this is connected with the Naga civilization, whose inhabitants are described in the Vedas, the oldest source of wisdom? Many people run away from little mice and rats in fear. Perhaps their past incarnations occurred during the time of the plague in Europe? Be that as it may, by remembering past lives, we can lift the curtain of secrets from our subconscious. And knowledge will give us the opportunity to get rid of most blocks and fears.

Moreover, incarnating in Once again, The soul sets itself the task of working out all the lessons not learned in that life. Or wrong actions and thoughts. If in that life the Soul incarnated into the body of a person who became a murderer, then it now needs to go through the experience of being a victim. Or fate will decree that you will have to work with murderers all your life. For example, in a prison as a guard or psychologist. This is a difficult mental test.

If in your previous incarnation you respected your parents, were a good spouse, but did not have children, then in this incarnation fate will give you a completely happy life.

A lifetime of bad luck with money can be traced to a single act of greed, where your greed caused someone to starve to death.

If you can remember your past life, you will understand real reasons your successes and failures. Accepting them with humility is the right way to pass the lesson, but the lesson can be learned much faster if you correct it: serve others, show respect, be kind and attentive to everyone, regardless of their status and position. In this case, you will earn positive karma for yourself in this life. Fate is fair, and by correcting the mistake, you will open the door to a happy future.

By the way, karma is not a punishment or problems in life, as many ordinary people interpret it. Karma translated from Sanskrit means “impact”. This means that every action has a corresponding consequence. And if your past life was exemplary in all areas, then you will receive complete happiness in your current one. And negativity in life follows only negative actions.

At the time of death, the Soul consciously loses all memories of events from past lives. But you can always remember them.

Existing methods

Richard Webster, in his book Past Life Recollections, outlines many ways to do this:

  • memories in a dream. There is plenty of evidence that 60% of dreams are memories of our past lives. Only we don’t remember all our dreams;
  • distant memories, when a person gradually unwinds time from today back to youth, childhood, infancy, the prenatal period, to past lives;
  • regression into past incarnations under the influence of hypnosis. Regression is a method of going back along a chronological line. This method answers the question of how to remember a past life with the help of an experienced hypnotist, preferably with experience in working with reincarnation;
  • seeing lives on water, glass, crystal ball, smooth stones or mirror. This method was known in many civilizations - Tibetan monks and Nostradamus, in India and at the court of Elizabeth I;
  • regression to the ticking clock. The very understanding that the clock measures time helps to engage in self-hypnosis and return to past lives;
  • meditation on talent. Isn’t it wonderful that Mozart was already playing the piano at the age of 4? He carried over this undoubted talent from his previous incarnation;
  • probing past lives using a pendulum and frames. If you skillfully use these tools, then you should try to find out information about your past incarnations with their help;
  • meditation with rainbow and numbers. These practices are about how to remember your past life on your own or with a partner who will be your guide;
  • meditation using imagination on any historical era that attracts you. This meditation is used in the most difficult cases when the practitioner is immune to other methods;
  • meditation on the Akashic Chronicles. The Akashic Chronicles is an archive where all the events that have happened, are happening and will happen in the Universe are recorded;
  • technique for working with emotions. Preferred in cases where there is obsessive phobias, inexplicable fears;
  • remembering techniques accompanied by spirit guides or guardian angels. Spiritual guides are deceased people whose Souls take care of us. These techniques include automatic writing techniques and regression under the guidance of guardian angels.

Preparing for the session

Such an abundance of techniques for remembering past lives also implies the presence of many nuances in the preparatory period. But the main and general requirement to anyone is relaxation.

You need to sit comfortably in a chair, sitting, reclining or lying on a comfortable trestle bed and completely relax your body. Special attention You need to pay attention to relaxing your face and head muscles. The eyes should be closed, with the gaze under closed eyelids directed slightly upward. Calm your breathing by first carefully observing it, the movement chest and belly. Calm your mind, any thoughts that may come now should be directed towards your intention to remember past lives. Be calm and confident that you will achieve success.

Take your time and don’t stress for fear of not achieving your goal the first time.

Only training will become your faithful assistant in such an important and the right thing, as improving your current life with the help of remembering past incarnations.