Is it possible to sleep in lenses? Is it possible to sleep in colored lenses? Why you shouldn't sleep with disposable, daily contact lenses: Lian Kao's experience

Contact lenses - how, why and why? Answers to popular “women’s” questions

In this article we tried to collect answers to the most popular questions about contact lenses, which are of interest exclusively to women. What cosmetics can I use, are they necessary? Sunglasses Should I take off my contact lenses in a solarium or not? What are cosmetic lenses, what types do they come in and can everyone wear them? Let's start with the main thing - we'll do a short review of contact lenses and tell you what they are like.

What types of contact lenses are there?

There are several types of contact lenses - therapeutic, cosmetic, and power-correcting. Exist daily lenses, lenses for two weeks, for a month and more long term use when replacement is required every three months or even every six months. Therapeutic and corrective lenses are prescribed by a doctor; cosmetic lenses have no therapeutic effect, so they can be worn by everyone. The purpose of cosmetic lenses is purely decorative - they visually change the color of the iris, which makes them very popular among young people. There are colored lenses, when the eye color changes, even if the iris is dark, and tint lenses, which simply make the color of your eyes brighter.

Sunglasses – necessary or not?

There are contact lenses that protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation, and there are regular ones that do not prevent UV rays from reaching the surface of the eye. But, even if you wear lenses with protection, you need to understand that the lens cannot protect the entire surface of the eye, it only covers the cornea and the part located nearby. The rest of the surface remains unprotected. Therefore, sunglasses are needed in any case.

Can you wear makeup if you wear contact lenses?

You can use decorative cosmetics, but the procedure for applying makeup is slightly different. First you put on your contact lenses, then apply your makeup. And not the other way around! When you need to wash off your makeup, first remove the contact lenses, then you can remove the makeup. Eyeliner on inner eyelid excluded, eyeliner can only be applied over the eyelashes upper eyelid, on the bottom one, apply eyeliner under the eyelashes. You should not use loose shadows; it is also better to avoid loose powder in the forehead area or apply it very carefully.

Do I need to remove lenses in a solarium?

No no need. On the contrary, if the lenses have a degree of ultraviolet protection, then using them in a solarium is even desirable. However, do not forget that the presence of lenses does not relieve you of the need to use special ones in the solarium. safety glasses.

If it's very cold outside, can I wear lenses?

Frosty weather is not a contraindication for wearing lenses. The eye is partially protected by eyelashes and covered by eyelids, has a constant temperature of about +35 degrees, so even in severe frost, contact lenses do not deform.

Can you drive a car wearing contact lenses?

Contact lenses do not distort the image, peripheral view does not narrow, so they are much more comfortable than glasses. You can freely look at the control panel, side mirrors and rearview mirrors. It is recommended to use contact lenses when driving a car, and leave glasses for home.

Fitness and swimming pool – is it possible to exercise while wearing lenses?

The lenses can be worn for any type of overland training. For training in the pool, it is better to use daily lenses, so that immediately after finishing the training you can replace them with new pair. In addition, it is recommended to use safety goggles when swimming in the pool.

Why can't you sleep in lenses?

If the lenses are made of silicone hydrogel material that allows oxygen to pass through, then these lenses are approved for sleep. But in any case, sleeping in lenses or not removing them for a whole week is possible only after consultation with an ophthalmologist - there are a number of serious contraindications for this use of contact lenses. If possible, lenses should be removed even if there are no contraindications - no one is 100% immune from adverse reactions.

Do I need to alternate between glasses and contact lenses?

Yes, and you decide what and when to wear yourself, based on your daily routine. It may be more convenient for you to wear contacts all day and use glasses at home. But in some cases the use of lenses is undesirable, for example, if this moment you have a cold. Therefore, in addition to lenses, you must have glasses.

And some more information. There is a widespread opinion, especially among young girls, that if there is a slight deterioration in vision, there is no need to wear glasses or contact lenses - then the eyes will “work” and the vision will recover on its own. No, vision correction is necessary. When your vision is impaired, you will have to constantly squint your eyes, strain your brain, and your vision will continue to deteriorate. The sooner you see an ophthalmologist, the greater the chances of full recovery vision.

For visiting a solarium, as for any cosmetic procedure, there are contraindications and rules of conduct. Does the presence of contact eye lenses in any way affect the ability to visit a solarium, and are there any special rules in in this case?

Is it possible to go to the solarium wearing lenses?

There is only one special rule, and it consists in the mandatory use of special glasses for solariums in order to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. In practice, many beauties neglect them, fearing the appearance of white circles where glasses should be. I would like to note that it is easier to cover up these circles, for example, using tanning wipes, but not to restore vision. According to value and importance for full life the two categories are not comparable.

When using glasses in a solarium, a girl wearing contact lenses does not have to worry about her health and sunbathes calmly. By analogy, hundreds of lens wearers wear sunglasses on the street. For those who decide to take a risk, I can give some advice.

Rules for tanning in a solarium with lenses

  1. When purchasing contact lenses, be sure to inquire about the level of UV protection. If the manufacturer has not taken care of its availability, such lenses must be removed before the procedure. We must not forget that the lenses cover a small part eyes and do not protect it entirely. It is still recommended to remove cheap lenses from little-known companies, since it is unknown how they will behave when heated, it is better not to take risks.
  2. Do not open your eyes during the procedure, you won’t see anything new, but you can cause harm to your eyes, since the lenses themselves are small magnifying glasses that focus ultra-violet rays on the eye pupil. Maybe not immediately, but after several procedures in the solarium with with open eyes, discomfort, soreness and dry eyes will still appear.
  3. The delicate and thin skin of the eyelids will not protect the tear film from drying out. Every time before and after tanning in a solarium, use moisturizing drops to prevent the tear film from drying out and causing dry eye syndrome. In addition, the skin under the eyes ages faster due to intense ultraviolet radiation and becomes covered with expression wrinkles, pores become clogged, and the area around the eyes looks several years older than its actual age. There is no need to speed up the process of skin aging.

In the presence of eye diseases You cannot sunbathe in a solarium without glasses. And this is non-negotiable if vision is expensive. If tanning glasses are left aside, then the duration of the procedure should be within seven minutes. Anything greater than the specified range greatly increases the risk of complications.

Based on all of the above, everyone decides for themselves whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium wearing lenses or not.

When the decision is negative, do not forget about hygiene, since in the solarium itself there may be no place to wash your hands and put your lenses. Therefore, take everything you need with you if you cannot reach the place without lenses. beauty salon, and there are no regular glasses.

If, after the first visit to the solarium, a burning sensation, discomfort, redness, or itching appears in the lenses, then you should stop the procedures until the eyes are restored, and continue to use solarium glasses. This reaction of the eyes means that a girl cannot sunbathe in a solarium with or without lenses without special eye protection.

Remember that your decision about whether you can wear lenses to a tanning salon should be balanced and thoughtful, and, in addition, tanning glasses are a necessity, not a whim of salon workers.

In this article we will look at how to properly wear daily and disposable lenses.

Lenses have become very popular among people with poor vision (by the way, not only, because colored lenses are no less in demand). And this is not surprising - they are much more convenient than glasses (although the latter add some zest to the image).

But the procedure for putting on and removing lenses requires some skills and a certain amount of time. And sometimes small difficulties arise with the last factor when you come in the evening exhausted after work. Therefore, let's delve into the topic in more detail - is it possible to sleep in lenses, and what the consequences may be.

Is it possible to sleep in disposable, daily contact lenses day and night, just one night, what will happen?

It's no secret that sleeping in lenses is very harmful. This cannot be called their disadvantage, but sometimes it becomes very problematic. No matter how comfortable they are, but before going to bed in mandatory they need to be removed. But what about nap or in a situation where you decide to stay overnight as a guest. You can find many examples where there was no opportunity or desire to remove lenses.

IMPORTANT: Lenses come in two types - hard (the main component is polymethyl methacrylate) and soft material. It is forbidden to sleep in hard lenses even for 1-2 hours during the day. Soft lenses are made of helium or silicone, so they allow not only long-term wearing, but also sleeping in them.

But what about daily lenses? First, let's look at them advantages:

  • Yes, they also belong to soft lenses, which means they allow air to pass through better (compared to hard counterparts).
  • Moreover, they are much thinner than other options. This means they are not so noticeable to others (especially those who are a little embarrassed about their poor eyesight) and are less felt in the eye. Yes, some representatives are completely uncomfortable wearing lenses, because this foreign object in the eye, which causes discomfort.
    • Keep in mind! If you experience constant feeling something extra, a burning sensation or even friction, then immediately remove the lenses and inform your ophthalmologist.
  • They are considered the most hygienic. Everyone is familiar with the situation with solutions and containers for lenses that you have to constantly carry with you. I put on daily lenses, took them off in the evening and threw them away.
    • You are freed from the need for solutions and containers. And you don’t bother your head, and you free your bag.
    • No matter how thoroughly you wash your hands and monitor the hygiene of all items, disposable lenses still win in comparison. You put on sterile lenses, whether today or tomorrow (since you open a new pair every time).
  • Disposable lenses are relatively affordable. By at least, V Lately(and yes, we are talking more about big cities). By the way, now there are even vending machines with such lenses as for candy bars or drinks. It’s very convenient because you don’t need to go to a special store. True, you need to know exactly what value “+” or “-” the lenses should have.
  • Regarding variety or savings, there is no big benefit here. More precisely, it is generally equivalent and regular lenses. True, if you also take into account solutions, containers or replacement in case of damage or loss, then disposable lenses win.
  • These are ideal for beginners. Not only do you feel them differently, but at first you need to get the hang of putting them on or taking them off. And in case of damage, you just need to take a new pair.

Is it possible to sleep in them? It seems that all lenses are made from the same material (in this case, the similarity is specifically with soft lenses). But there is still a difference, mainly in density and oxygen permeability.

IMPORTANT: Daily lenses are very thin and are not suitable for overnight storage in a container. They will simply deteriorate or lose their optical power.

  • Under no circumstances should you sleep in lenses at night. Disposable lenses can cause swelling of the eye and cornea. Moreover, if you sleep in them long time, then the lens itself may even stick to the cornea.
    • Yes, there are lens companies that allow you to sleep and wear lenses for several days (the maximum period is a month). But! All ophthalmologists will shout with one voice (in the literal sense of the word) that this is simply unacceptable and incredibly harmful to the eyes. It doesn't matter what lenses you have, Your eyes should rest at night!
  • Moreover, during sleep, the eyes (and with them the lenses) do not receive the necessary hydration. After all, it occurs only in the process of blinking. That's why, long sleep even during the day can cause harm to your eyes.
  • But if you want sleep 2-3 hours and not every day, then daily lenses will easily tolerate it. Opinions differ on this issue, to be honest.
    • Some claim that they could even sleep the whole night and did not experience any negative consequences. But you shouldn’t count on your friend’s advice; in this matter, only one thing can be said – the lottery principle applies.
    • And there are also representatives who even a little sleep lasting 15 minutes, caused a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, do not take unnecessary risks and always pay attention to your well-being.

And what could be the consequences:

  • We've already touched on the first one a little. negative impact Sleeping in lenses means corneal dryness. Yes, at night the eyes do not receive the moisture that occurs during blinking. Moreover, a one-day lens (and, in principle, any other) further aggravates this situation.
    • Those who sleep in lenses or wear them for longer than expected are familiar with the feeling of “sand in the eyes.” This is a sign of drying out of the cornea.
  • In addition, oxygen metabolism also deteriorates. And our eyes need it just like other organs. The lens protrudes like a film. And over a long period of time, the ability to transmit oxygen deteriorates. Moreover, this will serve as a catalyst for the emergence of infectious diseases.

IMPORTANT: Wear lenses (any) no more than 12 hours. This is the time when the duration of sleep is included. By the way, ideally, limit the time to 10 hours.

  • The next reason to avoid sleeping in lenses is the accumulation of protein deposits and other contaminants in the eye. It's no secret that dust and other deposits accumulate during the day. By the way, blinking helps in such a situation. But the film in the form of a lens contributes to their stagnation. That is, they remain in the eyes and on the lens itself. And this will negatively affect both eye health and the suitability of the lens (that is, it will lose its properties faster).
  • Not many people know about corneal keratitis (especially ulcerative), but sleeping in lenses increases the chances of contracting such a disease by almost 10 times. And if this disease is also neglected, then vision deterioration and fear of light may appear. In principle, decreased vision and inflammatory processes serve as a signal of the disease.
  • Lack of oxygen has a negative impact on the condition of the cornea, but carbon dioxide(which accumulates) also contributes to the formation favorable environment for microbes.

Why you shouldn't sleep with disposable, daily contact lenses: Lian Kao's experience

The story that happened to the Taiwanese girl spread all over the Internet and horrified the whole world. In the literal and figurative sense of the word! On the one hand, I feel very sorry for the girl, but on the other hand, you understand that the blame lies entirely with her. Yes, we are all not without sin. And everyone who wears lenses has at least once made the mistake of going to bed wearing them (let's just be honest).

  • It was the result of such laziness that led the girl to blindness. No, if you sleep once or twice at night wearing lenses (even disposable ones), then nothing bad will happen. But Lian Kao did not remove her lenses for 6 months.
    • To be honest, after sleep the burning sensation and unpleasant sensations begin so much that you want to get rid of it quickly. foreign object in the eye. Perhaps the girl simply did not attach importance to her body’s signals. Yes, every body reacts differently. Some, for example, note that after sleep they did not notice any discomfort.
  • But common sense always takes over. After all, we all know (even those who do not have vision problems) that eyes should rest! A question arises to which there is no answer - the girl did not understand the seriousness of such consequences or was so lazy to remove them.
  • The girl was diagnosed Acanthamoeba karatitis. Its causative agent is considered to be single-celled bacteria - Acanthamoeba. And over the course of six months, a lot of them accumulated both on the cornea and on the lenses themselves. And, in general, it’s hard to even imagine how much crap (including dust and protein deposits) has accumulated over such a period of time. After all, lenses also need to be looked after for this reason, in order to clean and disinfect them. And one-day ones should be thrown away altogether.
    • By the way, favorable conditions For such bacteria, water serves. The girl not only swam constantly in the lenses, but also visited the pool. Now imagine the picture of how “clean” the water is there. And it’s no secret that public bathing areas are also treated with various chemicals.
    • And I would also like to highlight that after applying makeup, it needs to be washed off. We doubt that the young girl did not resort to cosmetics. Even if she washed off her makeup on time, its particles again fell on the lenses. How carefully do not wash your eyes and do not wipe them by special means, particles of “garbage” (let’s call it that) fall into our eye. After naturally would come out, but the lenses prevented this, clogging both themselves and the eye.
  • Also, one fact is a little confusing - time and symptoms. Look, Acanthamoeba cartitis is last stage. There are four stages of the disease in total:
    • superficial epithelial karatitis
    • then follows the point stage
    • after it comes stromal ring karatitis
    • ulcerative karatitis as the final stage

  • Moreover, all stages of the disease are characterized by associated symptoms, which are constantly growing. It all starts with a banal redness, but develops into severe pain the eyeball itself. There is also a decrease or total loss vision. In addition, photophobia and a sensation of a foreign body develop, which prevents even blinking.
  • Therefore, it becomes unclear how it was possible not to notice the onset of the disease in time. But there are also some pitfalls - these are the disease is very insidious. Not everyone experiences symptoms early or on time. The girl, unfortunately, belonged to that group of people when medicine became helpless. Yes, The disease can develop for several years and not manifest itself in any way.

IMPORTANT: Therefore, do not wait for any signals. Make it a strict rule for yourself to give your eyes a break from lenses. And this needs to be done more than once every six months. Ideally, this should be done every night. Although there are lenses (we will return to them below) where you can wear them even for several days or a whole month without removing them.

  • What else I would like to add is that the girl is very young. She's only 23 years old, but the bacteria are just " ate her eyeballs. This is not an exaggeration! By the way, this disease is relatively rare.
  • And now another note of drama - the girl wore disposable lenses! We have already said that they are very thin and long-term wearing they simply begin to collapse, creating all the conditions for the development of microorganisms and bacteria.
  • And the most deplorable thing in such a story is this is irrevocability. This disease There is no cure at all. Its only treatment is to constantly moisturize the eyeball with drops. And in this severe case only need to be applied surgical intervention. That is, a donor cornea transplant.

Let such a bitter experience be the first and last in history. All we have to do is do correct conclusion– Always remove lenses at night. Don't wear lenses to public pools! And always clean them. There is nothing to say about disposable lenses at all - they need to be thrown away after one day of use!

I forgot to take off my contact lenses at night, my eyes are red, there is a veil in my vision: what should I do?

Anything can happen in life - I forgot, I spontaneously stayed at a party, but there was no container and solution at hand. By the way, regarding such emergency situations– make it a rule to have the necessary equipment at hand. Today there are even compact miniature powder compacts (they just look a lot like them), which contain the container itself and a small bottle of solution. This is true, take note.

What to do if you accidentally fall asleep in your lenses:

  • The first and most important rule is not to panic. Nothing fatal happened and you will not lose your sight. Naturally, we're talking about overnight, rather than six months as in the previous example. After all, fear and negative thoughts They often create fictitious symptoms in their heads.
    • No, we are not saying that there will be no consequences. It’s just that sometimes, drawing scary pictures in our heads, we begin to look for frightening signs in ourselves.
  • Be sure to remove your lenses immediately after sleep. Let's go wash up, wash your hands thoroughly and take off your little helpers. By the way, everyone knows one thing important ruleclean hands. But we will still remind you (remember the bitter experience of the Taiwanese girl) dirty hands Even during the process of removing lenses, they can become infected and cause, for example, conjunctivitis.
    • On a note! If you have a situation where there is no place to wash your hands, and you need to remove your lenses, then use at least wet wipes. But this is only in extreme cases.
  • Often the consequences are that the eyes (or one eye) become red, there is a burning sensation and even itching. Also, a veil may appear before the eyes or a decrease in visual acuity occurs (even with lenses or glasses). Moisturizing drops will come to the rescue.
  • If you are worried about your vision deteriorating, then, as a rule, after one night it will recover after a while. But it won’t hurt to see an ophthalmologist (especially if your eye is swollen or conjunctivitis appears, for example). He will not only diagnose the eye, but also prescribe the correct treatment.
  • Give your eyes a break from lenses at least a day (or better yet, a few). Yes, don't wear them at all. If you can't live without them, then switch to glasses.
  • It often happens that the lenses are stuck to the cornea itself. In such a situation, do not try to remove them by force. This way you can damage your cornea. Apply drops to your eyes and try the procedure again.

Of course, everyone may have an individual reaction. After all, everything depends on the sensitivity and receptivity of our eyes. But you shouldn’t rely on random luck, and try to avoid such situations.

Some tips in extreme cases:

  • For example, you stayed overnight outside the house. If you can do without lenses the next day, then take them off without hesitation. Place the lenses in cups of water. Just don't think about putting them on in the morning. After such an overnight stay, the lenses need to be “marinated” in the solution for several hours so that they are thoroughly cleaned.
  • If you can’t even get home without lenses, then take them off as soon as possible, be sure to moisturize your eyes and give them a day to rest.

What contact lenses can you sleep in? There is an opinion that there are lenses in which you can even sleep. Let us immediately remind you that daily lenses do not touch this aspect in any way. And it’s true - not so long ago (relatively) lenses appeared in which you can sleep.

  • Silicone – hydrogel lenses can be worn from 6 days to 30(that is, a whole month).
  • And all thanks to the fact that silicone allows the cornea to receive the necessary oxygen as much as possible. While the hydrogel promotes excellent hydration of the eye.
  • By the way, for comparison, ordinary soft hydrogel lenses have a throughput of up to 80 Dk/t units, but silicone hydrogel lenses have almost doubled this value - 100-160 units.
  • Of course, the manufacturing company plays a big role. And in this matter, price is directly related to quality. Therefore, do not skimp on your vision and eye health. By the way, the interval for wearing lenses also depends on the price.
  • But! Doctors do not recommend overusing even this product. We repeat again, at night your eyes should rest. But if you plan to spend the night in your lenses, then at least remove them and rinse them with a solution. After which you can wear it at night.
  • By the way, even after such wonderful lenses, you need to moisturize your eyes in the morning by dropping drops or the same solution for lenses. AND eyeball moisten, and clean the lenses a little from keratinized accumulations.
  • At the first opportunity, remove even such lenses and let your eyes rest! If it is not possible to go without them for a long time, then at least abstain for 1 hour.

If we talk about companies, the leading positions are occupied by:

  • “Pure Vision” and “Pure Vision2” from Bauch&Lomb (by the way, the second version is even more improved)
  • "Air Optix Night&Day" by Alcon Ciba Vision
  • and from Cooper Vision “Biofinity” lenses

And I would also like to add a few words about colored lenses:

  • It is strictly forbidden to sleep in them! They are more dense and allow oxygen to pass through much worse. Let us remind you once again that oxygen starvation is a direct path to the development of various eye infections.
  • And colored lenses even during the day, without sleep can be worn for no more than 8 hours. Some manufacturers allow the number 10. But this is the maximum value.

Video: How to use daily contact lenses?

Once you get used to the initially scary prospect of having a piece of plastic inserted into your eye, you will begin to feel invulnerable - you can now see without glasses! Contact lenses are much more comfortable and you feel wings growing behind your back. But if you don't handle your lenses correctly, your health is at risk. Small containers for storing them can become a source of various problems - from irritation to loss of vision. To keep your eyes safe, avoid these few things eye doctors warn about.

Do not handle contact lenses with unwashed hands

If you touch the lens without washing your hands first, you transfer bacteria to its surface. Bacteria get everywhere and are difficult to get rid of, so don't add to your existing risk - always wash your hands before putting contact lenses in or removing them.

Do not reuse the solution or leave it in the container.

Contact lens solution is quite effective disinfectant, but only if you don't leave it in the container all day. In this case, bacteria may be stronger than the disinfectant effect. The same thing happens when the solution is reused - it ceases to be sterile. If bacteria from the container gets onto your lenses, or from the lenses into your eyes, you may experience an infection that will lead to severe inflammation.

Dry the container thoroughly

Bacteria like moisture. This is why it is important to dry the container - just because it remains damp, many people face ophthalmological problems. To avoid ending up in the hospital, wipe the container dry every day.

Clean your contact lenses thoroughly every day

Bacteria and contaminants accumulate on contact lenses every day. They can cause immune reactions, such as conjunctivitis, where the eyelids become swollen and red. After such an illness, you may become intolerant to contact lenses! Don't let it come to this! Clean your lenses daily with the solution, gently rubbing them with your fingertip to remove dirt.

Clean the lens container

Even if you dry it carefully, cleaning is also necessary. Once a week, wash the container with mild soap, rinsing thoroughly detergent and allowing the container to dry naturally.

Do not put lenses in your mouth

There are a lot of bacteria in the mouth, so if you put a lens in your mouth and then in your eye, you can get a serious eye infection.

Remove your lenses regularly

You should have a consistent schedule where you remove your lenses and allow your eyes to rest. If your eyeball does not receive enough oxygen, swelling and eventually infection of the cornea can occur. Your eyes need rest and rest, so don't forget to take regular breaks from wearing contact lenses.

Don't sleep with lenses on your eyes

The principle here is the same as in the previous advice - the danger is that you wear lenses for too long. If you've ever fallen asleep with lenses on your eyes, you've probably noticed that your eyes were irritated and swollen afterward. Try to avoid such situations. Otherwise, your eye may become infected with bacteria, causing you to go blind.

Don't stain your lenses with makeup

This happens quite often - you apply eyeliner and some of the pencil ends up on your contact lens. If this happens, do not leave makeup on the lens! Remove the lens, clean it and disinfect it.

Don't wear contacts when your eyes are irritated

If your eyes are red or uncomfortable, you should never wear contacts. Irritation doesn't just happen, you may have some kind of infection, or something is wrong with the lens. One way or another, your body rejects them, so take them off quickly. If you don't have a container on hand, remove your lenses and place them in a glass of water. Do not wear them again without disinfecting them first.

Do not swim or wash with lenses

Shower, hot bath, swimming pool or any body of water are sources of bacteria and amoebas that will destroy your eyes if you do not disinfect your lenses properly. Some of the diseases resulting from wearing them while swimming lead to blindness. If you have to shower with your lenses on, try to keep your eyes closed. If water does get into your eye, clean your lenses before putting them back on.

Don't rub your eyes

If you constantly rub your eyes, even without contact lenses you may develop serious illness, damaging the cornea. As a result of the disease, vision deteriorates, in some cases even requiring a cornea transplant. If you feel like scratching because constant dryness in the eyes, use drops for irritation. The itching will go away and you will no longer have to risk your health to rub your eye.

Contact lens wearers should pay attention Special attention infectious and inflammatory diseases eyes, since for this category of people the possibility of their occurrence is much higher than for others. There is often a temptation to continue wearing “contacts” even after the scheduled replacement period has expired - many regularly sleep in lenses and violate the service life specified by the manufacturer, but this should in no case be allowed, because such negligence is fraught with the most dangerous consequences. negative consequences! Each model has its own service life, compliance with which ensures maximum safety for eye health. So today I'll tell you, How long can you wear lenses?.

Lenses have a service life that should not be violated.

If you do not replace lenses in a timely manner, the consequences can be the most unexpected.

  1. When used on products various deposits appear, including proteins. Simply put, the lenses become dirty and if you use them longer due date, then the risk of infection will increase. Of course, daily cleaning with a multi-purpose solution eliminates contaminants, but at some point they reach a level where they can cause problems. inflammatory processes(keratitis or conjunctivitis).
  2. In addition, the surface, infested with sediments and microorganisms, becomes foreign to the eyes, as a result of which antibodies appear and allergic reactions occur.
  3. Over time, the material used in the manufacture of contacts suffers irreversible changes. This means that if, for example, monthly models were worn only a few times, they will still have to be replaced, since the material is no longer suitable for use.
  4. Also, prolonged wear can lead to oxygen starvation of the cornea(this is called hypoxia). This process is dangerous because it leads not only to serious violations, but also to loss of vision. Each material used in the manufacture of contact lenses allows oxygen to pass through differently, which is why the expiration dates for all models are different.
  5. If you overextend the “contacts,” then so-called non-wetted areas, which causes a feeling of dryness and sand in the eyes.
  6. When wearing contact lenses, the cornea experiences daily stress; microtraumas may appear on its surface, accompanied by pain symptoms, sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation and redness of the conjunctiva. For the restoration of tissues of the ocular surface after injuries (with prolonged wearing of contact lenses and in situations of accidental trauma to the cornea of ​​the eye when using lenses), as adjuvant therapy, products containing dexpanthenol can be used, a substance characterized by a regenerative effect on tissue, in particular, eye gel Korneregel. It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface. Korneregel remains on the eye for a long time due to its gel-like form, is easy to apply, penetrates into the deep layers of the cornea and stimulates the regeneration process of the epithelium of the superficial tissues of the eye, promotes the healing of microtraumas and eliminates the sensation of pain. The drug is applied in the evening, when the lenses are already removed.
  7. Finally, wearing causes discomfort, which often leads to decreased visual acuity.

The consequences of post-term pregnancy can be the most negative, and discomfort is not the worst of them.

Conclusion: if you are interested in how long you can wear contact lenses, then the answer is - certainly not longer than the prescribed period. And we'll talk about this a little later.

On a note! According to ophthalmologists, the most favorable option is daytime wear, during which the devices are removed. But there are situations when wearing it at night is simply necessary.

Such situations include night shifts or, for example, visiting nightclubs. And during a hike, there are not always conditions for properly removing/putting on lenses. Therefore, you need to consult with good specialist, which will help you choose the most suitable model for you.

How many hours can you wear contact lenses?

First, let’s figure out how long you can wear “contacts” without taking them off. To do this, let's go back to the very beginning, i.e. to the first days of wearing.

During the preliminary examination, the ophthalmologist will definitely inform you that the lenses require gradual adaptation. After all, despite all their advantages, they are foreign bodies, which will cause discomfort at first. Therefore, the first week of wearing should last only a few hours: on the first day - 3-4 hours, in each subsequent period it should increase by about 1 hour. And in a week you will be able to wear “contacts” for 11-12 hours and still feel great!

Continuing the topic of how long a day you can wear lenses, I note: you need to focus first of all on which model you wear.

  1. One-day models, of course, will last only one day - about 9-12 hours. After this they need to be thrown away.
  2. U two weeks, one month, three months and so on. this period is the same (as for all hydrogel devices).
  3. U devices(I will talk about them in more detail a little later) this is no more than 8 hours.
  4. But the modern ones silicone hydrogel models You can wear them for 15 hours without taking them off, and sometimes even sleep in them. There are even those that you can wear continuously for 7 or even 30 days (such as Acuvue Oasys, Air Optix Night & Day, etc.).

Wearing time depends primarily on what kind of lenses are used

What else affects the service life?

There are a number of factors that influence this parameter:

  • thickness;
  • individual tolerance;
  • environmental pollution;
  • chemical structure of the material;
  • hydrophilicity (percentage of moisture content);
  • manufacturing technology.

For example, thin models in which the moisture concentration reaches 50% (and these are mainly one-day and two-week products) have a short service life. But it is extremely important individual characteristics the user - how he handles the products, what the composition of his tears is, whether he smokes, whether he follows the operating instructions.

The wearing period depends on a number of factors, including compliance with operating rules

Classification of “contacts” by duration of wear

  1. Traditional models can be worn for 6-9 months. If we take into account the cost, then this, at first glance, is the most cheap option, but if you add here the purchase of care products, multi-purpose solution and enzyme tablets, then these lenses no longer seem budget-friendly. Moreover, over time, the hydrogel material from which they are made ages, hard-to-remove deposits form on it and, as a result, various infections. All this worsens visual acuity and you have to stop wearing it. ahead of schedule. Often you have to buy only one contact - right or left, which complicates operation and causes overuse.
  2. Quarterly replacement models wear for 3 months. This is a kind of intermediate link between traditional and plan lenses, which is practically not in demand.
  3. Planned replacement models They are worn for 1 month, they can be either hydrogel or silicone hydrogel. They are convenient because, due to the short wearing period, there is no need for enzymatic cleaning (a regular multi-purpose solution is enough), and this allows you to save a little.
  4. Frequently scheduled replacement models designed for one or two weeks. They are made from moisture-containing materials, making them absolutely safe for eye health even without thorough cleaning.
  5. Daily lenses. How long can you wear them? That's right, just one day: put it on in the morning, and take it off in the evening and throw it away. The safest models, because they are not treated with any solutions and are put on absolutely sterile. Maximum comfort, excellent quality of vision. The only negative is the high cost.

How long can you wear colored contact lenses?

Colored models differ from corrective ones in that, due to their softness, interfere with the normal flow of oxygen to the cornea. As a result - painful sensations, redness of the eyes. In addition, there are opaque models - the so-called disco ones (for example), - which complicate color perception, and if worn incorrectly, can lead to deterioration of vision.

Opaque (or disco) “contacts” interfere with color perception and can lead to vision impairment

On a note! Optimal time wearing colored “contacts” – no more than 4-5 hours a day. But if you notice tingling or blurred vision, then they need to be removed immediately. Although the specific timing, as I already noted, is individual and depends on the sensitivity of the eyes. And if 15 minutes after removal the “fog” has not passed, it means that your specific time has been exceeded.

Table. Wearing times for popular color models

Model Wearing period (in months)
Omniflex Soft TintSix to nine
Concor ColorSix to nine
UltraflexSix to nine
Soflens ColorsThree
Fresh LookOne
Focus Soft ColorsOne
Color TonesOne
Acuvue 2 ColorsTwo weeks
Acuvue 1 Day ColorsOne day

Otherwise, wearing colored lenses is practically no different from wearing regular ones - you can’t overwear them, you can’t sleep in them, you need to get used to them gradually, and clean them regularly.

Video - Advantages and disadvantages of colored lenses

As a conclusion

I hope you understand how long you can use contact lenses of a particular model - just enough so as not to exceed the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions. And this should be taken responsibly, because post-maturity, as we have already found out, fraught with the most unexpected consequences. And the last question that also interests many is how many years can a person wear contact lenses? I don’t want to repeat myself, but here again everything depends on personal tolerance, and, alas, there are no specific deadlines. Some are forced to stop wearing them after five years, while others do not feel any discomfort even after ten years of use. You will learn more about this in the video below.

Video - Instructions for using contact lenses

*5% is the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among eye shapes in the Russian Federation. According to State Register medicines, State medical products and organizations ( individual entrepreneurs), engaged in the production and manufacture of medical devices, as well as according to data from open sources of manufacturers (official websites, publications), April 2017

There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.