The healer stops the internal dialogue. Stopping internal dialogue. Techniques. A serious mistake in working with thoughts

Let's talk a little about internal dialogue (ID). I think everyone knows what it is. This is just our everyday mental activity, the chatter of our ego :-) Uncontrollable and sometimes annoying multifaceted noise of thoughts in our heads, preventing us from concentrating on one thing. By the way, fears are often a consequence of internal dialogue, which intensifies all our experiences. VD is often the cause of loss of concentration on the outside world and lack of inner peace and harmony in a person. VD is not our own “I”, it is just a product of the external environment. The only thing that VD does is take us away from “reality”, creating self-doubt (most often).

By the way, a little about the thoughts themselves. We need to realize that we have two types of thoughts: active and passive. We ourselves generate active ones every day, and passive thoughts are brought into us from the outside (the influence of the System or entities). Passive thoughts can pose a threat to us because we are not able to control them, because we did not create them, but someone put them in us.

Why is it important to be able to stop internal dialogue? This is necessary in order to enter a state of silence and peace, which makes it possible to reveal your potential and know yourself. This qualitatively changes your attitude towards life! In this state, you can effectively work with many of your aspects:

Monitor passive mental images;
- remove your fears, patterns, stereotypes;
- work with your past/present/future;
- go beyond the physical world... etc.

It is quite difficult to quickly stop the HP (but it is possible!). Many monks have been working on themselves for decades, achieving complete silence of the mind through meditation and daily repetition of mantras. But this does not mean at all that it is unattainable and “why is this necessary.” I was able to do this, which means you can too, if you make some efforts for self-development. ;-)

There are a lot of different ways to stop VD on the Internet, but I will tell you about the three most effective methods that I use myself.

So, let's move on to practical exercises. They are not complicated at all. :-)

Technique 1. “External observer” position.

The most effective way to stop the mental stirrer is to move to the position of an “external observer” (EO). What kind of position is this and how to get into it? ;-) Everything is simple here - this is the position of consciousness when we simply observe everything around us, without evaluating anything (I’m talking about judgments), even just a little. You can even do this with your eyes closed. To move into PVN, you need to concentrate all your attention on the outside world (completely deconcentrate), learn to be at the “here and now” point.

Technique 2. Watch your breathing.

Another way to stop VD is to concentrate on your breathing. Our breathing cycle is a rhythmic alternation of inhalation and exhalation. Between them there is a pause for a fraction of a second (cycle stop). You need to concentrate on this natural pause between inhalation and exhalation. Try not to say anything to yourself during this/these moments. Gradually you need to increase this pause, concentrating on which you completely free yourself from mental chaos. However, it is important to breathe as normally as you normally would.

Pause in the breathing cycle

You can train anywhere: when you walk down the street, sit on the train, or wash the dishes. Just be sure to keep an eye on the depth of your breathing, otherwise almost all beginning practitioners have a tendency to unwittingly switch to deeper breathing.

At first you will increase the pause between inhalation and exhalation, concentrating on the pause, and after some time you will catch yourself thinking that you are also silent within yourself during inhalation and exhalation. :-)

Technique 3. Valkyrie method (from the book Valkyries by Paulo Coelho).

This last technique is interesting because we don't have to make any effort to try to stop our thoughts. We simply give them complete freedom of action, let their thoughts flow freely. Suddenly? ;-) Relax and pay attention to those mental images that are constantly spinning in your head. Just sit/lie down and notice the flow of these uncontrollable thoughts. If you focus your attention on an active thought and give it free rein, it will first spin up, then stop, freeze, and then completely disintegrate. But there is a risk that you will simply fall asleep... here you need to be able to hold on...

That's all. As I said above - nothing complicated. ;-)

Important note. All of the above techniques (as well as all the others that I publish) work great only if they are used regularly. Otherwise, it simply doesn’t make sense to do it once, for example once a month.

Self-development methods: initial stage

Let me start with the fact that, while mastering new methods of self-development, I tried to adhere to the following principles:

1. There is no need to fight with anything or anyone. And even more so, you shouldn’t fight with yourself. It’s better to follow the path of least resistance: step away, temporarily switch to another task, make a request, accept, let go, etc.
If you still feel like fighting with someone, and life without a fight seems boring, ask what is the reason for your addiction to such an overactive and also costly way of life and thoughts. For three quarters of my life I firmly believed in the “necessity of tension” until I proved the opposite to myself by working with the reasons for this harmful overlay (I’ll post material about the types of overlays later, it’s almost ready).

2. If possible, mastering any developmental method/method/practice should take place either in a playful way (like exercise 4 of Fragment 3.3.), or give at least some pleasure (like exercises 1 and 6 of Fragment 3.3). You should not beat yourself up with or without reason, thereby causing resistance from your own nature. This is especially important in the initial stages. And only then, when purposeful and conscious self-development becomes an integral part of your life, you definitely can’t do without self-discipline;).

3. Be patient, don’t demand quick results from yourself, don’t compare yourself to anyone. On the path of self-development, you should only compete with yourself. Expecting it in any way takes a lot of energy from us, so never expect anything - just go forward, giving the results to the Divine. When I started practicing integral yoga a couple of decades ago, I didn’t particularly count on any serious results from progress along the path of the Evolution of Consciousness in this life, or at best in the next. The reality of my life (its intangible part) turned out to be much more fantastic than I could have imagined then.

4. Be creative - create and try! I will only note that some problems should be solved not directly head-on (again, sometimes resistance may arise), but in roundabout ways, even if this takes more time.

5. Don’t wait for another Monday to take care of yourself and your development. For example, you can listen to the Universe and reflect on a koan at any time. The rest is excuses and self-deception. If you are looking for excuses for slowing down, then targeted self-development is not relevant for you now. At least just enjoy your current life :)

Fragment 3.3 Methods of self-development: stopping internal dialogue

Often during my practice I was asked the question “how to stop the internal dialogue?” And although there are a great many methods described in the literature, sometimes for some reason the seeker still finds it difficult. Once I already posted material on this topic here (look at the tag “zero point”). However, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.
So here is a new version of the generalization of my practice of establishing mental silence / entering the zero point / stopping the internal dialogue :) I will only note that all the exercises described below are largely the result of my experiments twenty years ago, and not ready-made recipes from books.

1. When I started practicing my first meditations in 1992, I didn’t try to stop my internal dialogue. Instead, during meditation I simply focused on relaxing visualizations. Most often I swam like a dolphin in the ocean, getting great pleasure from it.
I did visualization every day before going to bed, lying on my side, and then again in the morning - before getting out of bed. What I mean is that to master meditation (stop the internal dialogue) you don’t need special conditions: lotus position, straight spine and other useless surroundings. All you need is desire, systematic training and time :)
2. In addition, I started meditating by reading the book “Sri Aurobindo, or The Journey of Consciousness,” which in itself is capable of immersing you in a meditative state.
3. For some time I meditated on the koans of Zen Buddhism according to the book “Flesh and Bone of Zen”.
4. Below I will give several useful, in my opinion, exercises that I found, rather intuitively and aimed at learning to track the evaluative activity of the mind.

One week I spent a week discarding all thoughts with a negative emotional connotation. After a week, thinking becomes much more transparent, more structured.

Then for some time I was busy discarding my assessment of the people I met along the way (on the way to college, in transport, etc.) - how they looked.

Usually a person does not notice how he evaluates everything around him - this also takes a lot of energy. Learn to “look” not at an object/object/person, but through it and beyond it. If you practice hard enough, then gradually your perception, as well as your vision, will change. Thanks to such a transformation, it is possible, for example, to talk with a person about everyday life, and at the same time, if necessary, come into contact with his being to exchange information.

Another way: look at yourself, your mind from the outside. At the same time, I seemed to “stand up” behind myself, thus developing an internal observer. Having a developed internal observer later helped me a lot in achieving other, much more difficult to achieve goals of self-development.

You can try to look from different parts of yourself. For some time I practiced “looking” from my stomach or heart, as if there were eyes there. The effects were very interesting :)

To calm a stormy thought process, we should learn to quickly “forget” the unpleasant moments of our daily life, which our undisciplined mind loves to chew on, sometimes for years and decades. For probably a month (maybe more), I got up every morning and imagined that I had just appeared on Earth. And to consolidate the effect, she imagined a white brick wall behind her. I took a (mentally) step away from it every morning, leaving all the memories of the previous day behind this very wall, not allowing myself to return to them unless absolutely necessary. Many people are afraid to do this practice, believing that it will weaken their ability to remember. However, it is not. I draw the most necessary things, including memories, from what is called thin air - I read them from the information field. This has already become a habit, it has become part of my nature, so the usual methods of memorizing are no longer relevant for me.

5. Another good exercise is to listen to the Universe, as if listening to its quiet voice. In this case, it is even better if at the time of meditation there is a load in the form of an everyday background sound.

6. You can also meditate on the ancient Chinese principle “Have no place to dwell in yourself” - one of my favorite exercises. Now, to restore strength, it is enough for me to mentally “move” my center of attention (consciousness) outside the body for 20-30 minutes in a supine position, not allowing it to return.
I can't resist continuing to quote

In this short essay I would like to discuss some, in my opinion, important questions regarding what true enlightenment is. Also, I would like to offer a simple, universal and natural way by which you can quickly come to an understanding of your nature, because the consciousness of modern man is already ripe for this. Everything that I will say is based on my own experience and has been experienced by me as a direct fact.

I understand very well what it means to beat around the bush and not see things that are obvious, as it later becomes clear. But what can you do, this is part of the journey. The only thing I can do is try to shorten this path for you as much as I can. So, let's begin.

There are two levels on which we can exist:

First- this is the level of a continuous flow of thoughts, which can also be called the level of mediated perception of the reality around us, the world of thinking;

Second- this is the level of direct perception and direct expression of what is happening in the reality around us.

These are two completely different planes of perception of reality and they never intersect. Yes, sometimes you can, through an effort of will and concentration, penetrate to a level that is closer to direct vision (where supernatural abilities live), but this vision in any case will be very blurred and limited, and in general, it will still be far from immediate perception. But there is a bridge, the Great Bridge, along which we can walk from one plane to another and back. Previously, it was called the “Dark Night of the Soul”, “Great Death”, emptiness or abyss. It sounds scary, but there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just that after enlightenment, usually few people bother themselves with logical thinking. In fact, this is simply a refocusing of our consciousness. And from this bridge we are separated by a wall in the form of a continuous stream of thoughts.

All information that we receive from the outside world is processed in our head center, the brain. But in some strange way, this most important part of our body has become shrouded in a web of thoughts that do not allow us to directly read the information coming to us from all sides.

Thus, water is wet, but thoughts do not know true wetness, for they never get wet. A stone is hard, but in thoughts it is never really hard. The flower is red, but thoughts do not know what red light is. You will go crazy trying to define the color red, or you will achieve enlightenment.

People live in a preserved state, surrounding themselves with the idea of ​​security, believing that in this way they will insure themselves against the accidents of life. But the paradox is precisely that only after the final awakening can you feel safe. Because only then do all accidents cease to be such, because if you are not ready for anything, then you are ready for everything.

What is this secret technique, “Wall Contemplation,” that Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen, passed on to his followers? Right in front of you is a Wall consisting of constant noise in your head. This is a continuous internal dialogue. Look at the cup, is this how you saw it as a child? In such fog?

Osho, the Great Master, constantly insisted on observing, witnessing the mind, but no one heard him. People just didn't get it. They sat and watched, but all in vain. We observed... I also tried it once, and it all ended in an absolute emptiness of the mind, but it was a mind, albeit an empty one. But in fact it is not empty, it just seems so. This is an unconscious state. Almost death. And it's a pipe! On the path one also encounters a state of supreme mastery, calm, alert, conscious. This is the level where you become the master of your thoughts and actions. This is where many are stuck. But in any case, this is not true transformation.

So what to do, you ask? The answer is a decisive, targeted and direct impact on the only thing that is a barrier to reality. On the wall, the wall of thoughts. We need to smash it to pieces.

And believe me, nothing is simpler! This only needs to be done once. When I did this, I did not laugh like many buddhas, but simply wondered: “So simple! And it's all!"

My journey began 7 years ago. For some time I was fascinated by the theory of Shaolin kung fu, but I immediately realized that behind all this there was some amazing Zen teaching. And then, as I remember now, I bought A. A. Maslov’s book “Writings on the Water. The First Chan Masters in China." After reading it in a couple of days, I realized that the whole problem is in thinking itself. And then for the first time I sat down and began to look directly at thoughts in order to understand what this phenomenon was. After twenty minutes they began to melt, becoming thinner and thinner! And I stopped! Honestly, I was afraid of the unknown and decided to give up everything and understand what Enlightenment is.

What a search it was! I experienced a lot of negative and positive states and constantly, every time, I was thrown back to the state of “I am, or the soul. “Is this really all?” I thought. But this is very primitive. There is inner strength, some inner mastery, but there is no buzz from the Universe. There is a certain harmony with it, but it’s all just boring. And again I threw myself into all the troubles. I never had a master, or rather, my masters were all those books that I read with rapture.

Thinking, plus experimenting, became my whole life. Incredible things happened from time to time, which I could not call anything other than magic. But this is all part of the journey and we had to move on. I internally felt that there was something much better and some unknown force was pulling me there.

The first thing I realized is that this time I have much more garbage in my head than then, and this garbage is stronger. But this is only the first thirty minutes. And then everything goes like clockwork.
What should be done? Look directly into the face of the enemy, at the wall of thoughts. This is, for now, an enemy, because a magical world opens behind him.

We have a continuous stream of thoughts in our brains and we constantly grab something and start mulling over it and thinking about it. Then we throw this one away and grab the next one. And so on endlessly.
Now, we will see thoughts come and go, but we will not grab one of them and think it. After ten minutes they become thinner and thinner, and after an hour and a half they generally look like streams of electricity on the surface of the cerebral cortex with intervals of slight noise in the head.

Any pose doesn't matter. We act directly on the obstacle. Important: for the first hour, the eyes must be completely open, this is how attention works. And then, as it turns out. All your other knowledge here will be an unbearable excess.

I said goodbye to everything I knew, and sat in the kitchen, with the light on, on a chair, leaning my elbows on my knees, and looking forward at the floor with my eyes completely open. But don't get me wrong, the focus was on the thoughts, not the floor. My wife and daughter were watching TV in the room. Several times thoughts managed to capture my attention, but I realized it in time and let them float on. First my wife, then my daughter came up to me, said something, I answered in short phrases, sometimes walked around the kitchen, went out onto the balcony with my wife to smoke, but the process of separation from thoughts was not interrupted. And my family had no idea what was going on inside me. I did not go into hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smelling for these two hours, because thoughts themselves are involved in this. And this is exactly how our sense organs are cleansed, their internal hygiene occurs.

Then we went to bed. The process continued while lying down, with eyes closed - electricity was still running across the surface of the brain. Suddenly, about an hour later, with the disappearance of the last electrical discharge on the surface of the cerebral cortex, the situation changed dramatically. There was a sudden breakthrough. The last brick of the wall has fallen and it feels as if you are falling into the abyss! It's like a roller coaster - and it's cool! This is real extreme! And this is where the dog is buried.

The process of falling into the abyss lasts only about thirty seconds, for some it may be faster, for others it may be a little longer. Do not be afraid. It's just the law of inertia. The energy of consciousness presses on the wall (in this case, consisting of thoughts), and when the wall is destroyed, by inertia consciousness continues to move forward and then abruptly returns to itself. It... begins to realize itself, its source. And then you first discover the secret seed from which action or non-action arises.

And the whole joke is that everything is within yourself from the very beginning. There was no need to look for anything. This condition only occurs in early childhood.

I lay there and realized that I was pure consciousness, separate from the body, from the brain and from anything else in general. It becomes absolutely clear that this state of wakefulness can always continue unless you mentally command yourself to sleep. I continued to remain like this with my eyes closed at the very source of life for about an hour. Suddenly, the awareness of the source switched to the outside world and in this solemn silence all the sounds of the night entered me, erasing from the face of the earth the last desire to be myself or someone else. I don’t know why, I didn’t want to open my eyes and just listened and listened to the sounds of the night. Finally, I asked myself: “What will happen if I just fall asleep?” And I began to fall into a soft sleep.

In the morning when I got up, the world was no longer what it was before. I suddenly immediately understood what the Zen master meant when he said: “There is nothing in the world that one could not like.” Then I realized that in this state it is impossible to think abstractly, in isolation from things and events. It is only possible to express through words, and not explain, one’s experience of living life and relationships with things. And the desire to explain something disappears, because what appears before you is like being transported back to childhood, into a fairy tale, into a magical world. And, at the same time, the truth is revealed to you as the absolute simplicity and naturalness of life.

This is a sincere world, the very truth of life. Everything suddenly becomes clear and ridiculously simple! And in this world, enlightenment itself does not exist. It's already up to the light bulb. And this strange lightness, as if a mountain had fallen from my shoulders. And you know, the word "enlightenment" very accurately describes what is happening. It was as if a thick layer of dust had been wiped off from the whole world at once! And the world became very rich in colors and somehow very intense in its interaction. It's the feeling of becoming everything you look at. Everything you see... You simply become the very essence of everything that is reflected in you. It is reflected, because you no longer make any effort to do so. Yes, mystics gave a good definition of this state, comparing it to a clean mirror.

I'm sure most people can do this right away, and within three hours, they will be free forever! And if you don’t succeed right away, then you need to spend a few days acquiring this simple skill of looking carefully at thoughts. I repeat. Only on thoughts and nothing else. All other delusions come from the head center, the brain. And if you really need to learn something, then only this! This is a very simple skill, it is built into you, and you already know it very well, only you have never really used it. In fact, it's not even a skill, it's you yourself.

Here it is important not to think about looking, but to look. This is just attention, and not some kind of super-concentration. But it's still attention. It is very important! You don’t just languidly wait for all the thoughts to go away. They will never pass. It will only seem to you that they have passed. The result will be either an unconscious state similar to death, or a completely awake state when there is only a blank screen in front of you. This means that you are at peace for a while. No, that won't help. Thoughts need to be guarded, just as a vigilant watchman protects his territory from thieves. And this is precisely what, in my opinion, is the ancient secret technique of “Wall Contemplation”. It is paying close attention to the wall of thoughts. But without any tension in the body and everything else. Just attention. It's so simple! Be honest with yourself. You just never did it for real... In all seriousness.

And this is where the fun begins. The real temptation and seduction begins. Brilliant ideas may come to mind (and they are truly brilliant, this is probably how the greatest discoveries in the world were made), thoughts may come that you have already understood everything in enlightenment and you just need to sit down and think about everything. If that doesn't work, then it's time for magical ideas. And, finally, everyday and sexual. But, of course, it’s different for everyone. Various fears may often appear, such as: “What are you doing, stop!” and so on. Don't be afraid and don't pay any attention to them. Carry on with your work calmly. And then the whole process takes no more than three hours. But it’s only difficult for the first thirty minutes, then you just stupidly wait for it to end.

Experience has shown that drilling the wall of thoughts once and for all solves the most important problem for seekers of the “dark night of the soul.” After all, its duration depends entirely on whether you wait for the wall to fall on its own, or whether you break it with some subtle effort, which, as you will later understand, is your original nature. Naturally, when everything is over, no effort will be needed. You will feel that this is your very nature, yearning for freedom. With such pressure, when the wall falls, an almost instantaneous moment of inertia is created and consciousness flies back to itself. It shines like the Sun, which illuminates everything around, but also itself.

As for the feeling of falling into an abyss, there really is no abyss. This is simply a refocusing of consciousness from a state of concentration on constant internal dialogue, we switch to seeing the real world.

It is also very important that now you know exactly how to walk between these two planes, thinking and direct perception, through this abyss. And now you will be able to do it quite quickly.

Walking through the abyss completely clears your brain. It is the brain, not the memory. You still have all the memory, you can use it perfectly. It’s just that the network of electrical discharges that we recognize as thoughts, and which constantly attracted our attention to itself, thereby distracting us from reality, disappears. We eliminate only this network, which can rather be called an information infection, which covers our brain like a bag. And this is an infection, it’s just that few people realize about it. So, your brain is, in its own way, sick. He is constantly attacked by thoughts in the form of electrical discharges. After cleaning, the brain stops thinking on its own, regardless of your desire. He is now waiting for your instructions.

This is simply separating oneself, as pure consciousness, from the material world, the body and, accordingly, the brain, and then entering into the same world, into the same body and into the same brain at different levels, both thinking and direct perception. Of course, during all this disidentification, you are still in the body all the time. Where else could you be? “Why is a department needed?” you ask. But this is the same hygiene, but on a deeper level. When consciousness is separated from everything, you are still in the body, although you hardly feel it. At the same time, the consciousness, the brain, the body and, for you, the whole world are cleansed. And this purification occurs through the abyss, or better said through a refocusing of consciousness. Now you are back and everything is clean. Use a pure brain, a pure body, a pure world, while being a pure consciousness. Not only that, now you can use your brain not just fifteen percent (or whatever it is), but one hundred percent! You, as pure consciousness, are now the master of it all.

But calling it “consciousness” is now very primitive. “Energy” is also not suitable. This is a much bigger phenomenon. There are no words to describe it. It is simply, as they say in Zen, It.

After the complete cleansing process, everything begins to work just perfectly, the body, the brain and the owner of it all, you, or rather, your enormous potential, which was previously hidden from you. And this It is individual, and yet beyond the limits of both personality and soul. Paradox! But it doesn't matter then. This is a very pleasant paradox. It’s just the feeling that you are playing with all the things around you, and things are playing with you (I haven’t reached the Universe yet, I haven’t had the time, and I don’t want to yet, and so good). This is Knowledge in its purest form, this is the Supreme Knowledge. And its possibilities seem to be endless.

If someone says that he suddenly understood everything and became enlightened, do not believe him. Final Enlightenment occurs only after passing through the abyss. This is a completely different level of perception of our world. This is silent knowledge. You cannot be enlightened in this world of thinking because it is immediately lost. I am now writing from my mind, in abstract, logical concepts, and therefore I am not enlightened now. If I want to enter the world of enlightened vision, I will have to go through the Abyss. Always like this! But now it's as simple as going to wash your face. And the very word “enlightenment” loses all meaning.

Where did this concept of “Emptiness” come from? When people experience the level of Death, it’s like the whole world was suddenly turned off, and then, after some time, also suddenly turned on. In ancient times, the enlightened, apparently, did not bother themselves with abstract, logical thinking and expressed concrete experience. Yes, after returning from the level of Death, the first thing that comes to mind when expressing the experience is the word “Great Emptiness”. Although this definition is absolutely not adequate. Rather, it is Something. But if people who found the truth in the past could more accurately describe their condition, then such confusion would not arise from which so many people have suffered throughout the history of the search for Truth. So, if we think about our lived experience of the so-called Death, abstractly and logically, having examined it, so to speak, from all sides, then all that we see there is all of Existence taken together, and in balance when everything negative and positive in the entire universe adds up to zero. But it is a pure experience, and it comes as a gift, completely unexpected.

Yes, and one more sad fact. After realizing the Truth, it becomes clear that many individuals, both modern and from the distant past, clearly overestimated the state of their consciousness. So be very careful, and this is very difficult, not to get bogged down in some spiritual quagmire. Where there is spirituality, there is no enlightenment.

Yes, and a few more words. In the near future, a person will not have the right to call himself a scientist unless he is able to work on two levels - thinking and direct perception, because his understanding will be very limited. And in general, the future belongs to the all-encompassing person. Sex and silence, relationships and loneliness. This is a wonderful world, our home, and we must try to understand all its shades, all sides.

So, let's summarize. When you decide that your time has come, and with all your being you want to break free, remember the main thing: not a single thought of yours is correct! All your thoughts are absolutely wrong! Work quietly and carefully, with pinpoint precision, like a skilled burglar, picking the secret locks of existence.

In general, if you think that you still need some techniques, or somehow need to prepare yourself, gather strength, then remember that you are fooling yourself. More precisely, your mind began to lead you by the nose again. Or you just don't want it. So be honest with yourself and don’t torture yourself or others. And I repeat once again: breaking through the wall of thoughts, through attention, which will burn them, is not an artificial technique, because attention is your being, striving for freedom. But you will understand this only when you are free.

And remember, life is simple, it cannot tolerate complications. But listen to my advice to you: don’t look for anything inside, you won’t find anything there, and it will be very difficult to get out of there later. Break through the wall of thoughts to the outside, because, in reality, you have never been there before.

And many people are unlikely to want to return from the newly acquired world. And there are few people as crazy as me. To many it will seem idiocy to return back to this world of what many for some reason believe is illusions. And they will, in their own way, be right. But I prefer to have everything. And after enlightenment, thinking ceases to be an illusion, it already has a completely different power, it is directly connected with your being, and in fact, for the first time it becomes truly yours. The ability to follow circumstances alone is not enough, sometimes you need to sit down and think, maybe discover something new in science that will benefit the whole world. And in general, if a person is stuck in enlightenment, then he is in some way underdeveloped, since this is the other extreme. He won’t even be able to watch TV normally with his family, since he has gone beyond all this and it is simply not interesting or understandable to him. Not to mention the fact that turning on memory becomes a serious problem for him. Yeah…

Here, listen very carefully: forget about God, forget about Tao, there is no non-existence at all, there is only eternal Existence, remaining in eternal balance. The natural is the supernatural.

Internal dialogue- this is a conversation with yourself, a conversation with your inner voice, saying something to yourself, meaningless chatter. In the east, this phenomenon is also called “monkey mind.”

Try not to think about anything now, throw all thoughts out of your head and click on the square below. As soon as at least one thought appears in your head, you need to click on the square again and you will find out how long you lasted. To have fewer thoughts and last longer, look at the center of the square or some other part of it, study it, but do not voice your thoughts!

Stopping internal dialogue

Or speaking thoughts, text, visible actions and objects to oneself expands the boundaries of thinking. Disabling internal dialogue, a person stops spending his brain resources on converting thoughts into verbal form, manipulating it at the speed of voicing words and converting it back into a form understandable to a person. Stopping your internal dialogue, You free your brain from unnecessary stress, which will allow you to think at incredible speed.

Thinking occurs predominantly visually, in the form of images, which allows you to scroll through entire pictures, diagrams, maps, and so on at tremendous speed. using your second attention.

Stopping internal dialogue also practiced in other areas such as speed reading, lucid dreaming, memory development and so on. For example, in speed reading, this approach allows you to read tens of times faster than the speaking speed.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

How to stop the dialogue?

If you have already wondered how to stop internal dialogue, then in this article you will find it. disable And drown out.

On the one hand, it seems that everything is very simple. But first, try not to think about anything at all for a minute, throw all thoughts out of your head and don’t let them in there anymore, leave only emptiness in your head and nothing but it.

If you manage to do this, you will most likely be surprised at how quiet, and maybe even empty, your mind becomes.

This is extremely difficult for an inexperienced person, usually only for a few seconds, and then he doesn’t even have time to notice how thoughts are again flowing like a river inside his head.

Stopping internal dialogue- a very important point in self-development. All his life a person says everything possible to himself, but by turning off your inner voice, you can noticeably speed up your thoughts. A person's thoughts can be like the speed of light. By saying all sorts of nonsense to themselves, people greatly limit themselves and continue to think at the speed of their inner voice.

By removing this limitation, a person can significantly improve his thinking abilities. He will be able to read at the speed of seeing the text, which will increasingly appear in bright colorful images and visions. And in order to come up with some kind of plan, you don’t have to turn your thoughts into words, or more precisely, you don’t have to think discretely, that is. words and their categories.

Words are just a way of speaking, said Don Juan in Carlos Castaneda's book Tales of Power, in one of the dialogues with the main character with a hint of his inner speech and constant indulgence due to various questions that arise in him.

So why limit yourself to words and their categories, why do you need this discreteness? After all, the human brain captures images best and works best with them. Visualize how you go to work, where you go along the way and what you do. Think of it as a movie being shown to you in fast motion. Now describe all this in words and compare which took less time and where the completeness of the description is deeper. With developed visualization, you can always see anything in front of you, from a simple map to some working mechanism.

Consequences of stopping internal dialogue:

  • Possible spontaneous manifestations of vision or clairvoyance

Practice stopping internal dialogue

Below are 3 ways to how to turn off internal dialogue and the exercises are given:


For a simpler and more effective workout, a black square is shown below. Look at it and don't think about anything until the message appears. First try stop mine internal dialogue for 10 seconds, then 15, then 20, 30 and so on, each time achieving better and better results until you can turn it off completely.

Abstraction exercise also helps develop concentration and is inherently more suitable for developing concentration, and developing concentration, in turn, helps turn off internal dialogue.

How to use Black Square to stop dialogue?

In front of you is a simple black square on a white background, look at its center and try not to think about anything, just look at the square, study it, block any thoughts, especially your inner voice, stop your internal dialogue by force of will.

Before you begin this exercise, click on the square with your mouse cursor or your finger if you have a touch screen. After this, the timer will start, and now your goal is to stop your inner voice at all costs.

When you catch yourself hearing your inner voice again, press the square a second time to stop the timer. In order to start a new exercise, just like the first time, click on the square.

You can try to experience some kind of trance with the animation below:

Some people are able to abstract themselves better with the help of this thing. Over time you will be able stop mine internal dialogue, simply drowning it out with your willful effort.

Use peripheral vision

Using peripheral vision- this is one of the most powerful ways stop internal dialogue. But this method may seem a little more complicated than looking at a black square, because for this you need to look at the center in front of you, it is advisable to use some object for this, and in the meantime, with your peripheral vision, without looking away from the center, examine objects on the sides . This way stopping internal dialogue recommended by Don Juan in the books of Carlos Castaneda to stop the dialogues of the characters' inner speech.

At first, to make this easier, you can try to shift the focus of your vision closer to yourself so that the picture in front of your eyes is blurred, because this makes it easier to peer with peripheral vision.

Peripheral vision Best used when in an open space, such as walking through a city. In this case, you can look somewhere at the end of the street and try to look at objects on both sides, such as houses, windows, passing cars, people, and so on.

Listening to audiobooks- a great effective way to silence your inner voice, however, you will also have to practice here, because your inner voice will want to repeat all the words after the speaker voicing the book, but using the technique described above, together with the technique of listening to audiobooks, you can achieve good results from the first attempts.

I like the last option the most due to its effectiveness, lightness and ease of use.

Watching the clock hand

Silently and concentratedly watch the hand of a wristwatch or some loading bar. There are many round timers that work great for this.

Bottom line

In this article I talked about how to stop constant internal dialogue and gave to develop this skill.

Psychology of internal dialogue very simple - it is a habit that often limits us in using the different capabilities of our human brain.

It is worth noting that internal dialogue - This is fine! And if there is no need or desire to turn it off, then there is no need to suffer, because this is one of the normal mechanisms of the human psyche. If you have something interesting to tell, it will be very cool to see it in the comments :)

How I achieved "stopping the internal dialogue"

I began my path of spiritual development several years ago. The first step was the book by Vadim Zeland - Reality Transurfing. Then fate sent me to Dmitry Lapshinov and I changed my diet, did energy practices and improved my body.

Afterwards, I met a “shaman” who became my main teacher for the next three years. I learned to manage my attention, see and feel the “subtle world,” and cleared my consciousness. I studied the human structure - spirit, soul, body, mainly from books and videos by Alexander Shevtsov. I understood thinking, worldview, perception, psychology, NLP, non-verbal communication and so on. I learned to see life and myself in life. I wrote out my weaknesses and imperfections, which was enough to write a book and blog.

In between, I attended various seminars, pumped the chakras, breathed, meditated, read Castaneda, Sri Aurobindo, Vasitsha and other guys on esoteric topics who had something to say. I also watched a lot of videos.

In general, it dripped and dripped, but I still couldn’t dig out what I was so thirsty for. I wanted “enlightenment”, and the assessment that I achieved it for me was stopping the internal dialogue for a long period of time and systematically increasing the time spent in silence.

I wrote all this so that you understand that a lot of literature has been processed and applied in real life. Because I was always taught - Why do you need spiritual development if you can apply it in a comfortable room and on the island of Bali, but in Siberia or in a stressful situation you cannot. Therefore, there has always been a search for how to be “enlightened” in the ordinary life of the 21st century, in our living conditions, nutrition, communications, progress, and so on.

And the answer was found. I managed to stop the dialogue for a day, two, three, and so on as it grew.

How to do it? I won't tell you because I don't have an answer. I can only say that my desire to follow the spiritual path and learn to stop the internal dialogue was initially incorrect and in order to understand this, I had to go through this path.

Answering the question: How to do this? - I can only tell you what it looks like. It’s like when you searched every corner of the room, every drawer, lifted every baseboard, examined every millimeter, but it turned out that you just had to leave the room and go into another.

It’s like when you’ve been digging through a bunch of information for several years, and you just need to put down the shovel. And now it seems so natural and simple to me that I am shocked at how difficult and incomprehensible it was “yesterday”.

The most curious thing about “enlightenment” or stopping the internal dialogue is that it cannot be taught. I’ll tell you don’t think - you will try not to think, I’ll tell you stop looking and you will try to stop looking. Any word will be a prerequisite for action for you, which means you remain at the mercy of the “mind”, you don’t stop dripping or you don’t want to leave the room.

We can talk a lot, discuss, argue, prove something and so on, or we can just.......

Karmic Knight