Eye gymnastics exercises when working at the computer. Eye exercises for children when working on a computer

IN Lately people began to realize the importance of eye exercises after working in front of a monitor. All sorts of manuals on the topic of vision preservation have appeared on sale, which discuss various techniques such gymnastics. However, in order to restore health to your eyes, it is not at all necessary to purchase specialized literature. It is enough to do the simplest exercises regularly, several times a day, without weekends and holidays.

The importance of resting your eyes

Charging for vision when working with a computer helps to avoid diseases such as myopia and farsightedness, and it is also an excellent prevention of age-related cataracts. For those who already suffer from any eye diseases, before performing gymnastics, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The same applies to those who have undergone eye surgery or laser correction vision. However, the simplest exercises have no contraindications (except, of course, complete blindness) and also do not provide side effect. You can perform them several times a day. The bigger, the better.

Nowadays, almost every person who works in an office or at home has a computer at their workplace. It can also be a laptop or its more compact version - a netbook. However, the operating principle of these devices is approximately the same. Any actions that a person performs by pressing certain keys are displayed on the monitor. Therefore, working on a computer involves heavy load on vision.

When a person stares at the monitor , he blinks less often, so your eyes dry out. To cope with this problem, there are special drops called “artificial tears”, but they eliminate discomfort only for a while. While working at the computer eye muscles They are constantly in the same position, so they are very tense. Naturally, such stress negatively affects a person’s performance and can subsequently lead to serious visual impairment.

Therefore, timely relaxation is very important. In some offices in Japan, workers who spend all their time at the computer even do collective eye exercises during lunch break under the leadership of the chief. The boss himself is interested in this, because that labor productivity directly depends on the state of vision of employees.

It’s definitely worth doing relaxing exercises for your eyesight because:

Younger children school age you also need to learn how to properly relax your eyes after computer games and educational work. Parents need to watch so that the child’s continuous work time at the monitor is no more than ten to fifteen minutes. The total duration of “communication” with a computer during the day for a student aged 8-10 years should be no more than 45 minutes. You can play, do homework or surf the Internet only in good lighting and at a comfortable desk.

Simple and useful exercises

The main advantage of the simplest and effective exercises for the eyes is that you don’t even have to tear yourself away from your chair to perform them. All exercises can be done while sitting still: in the office, at home, and even in public transport. At the same time, no one will even notice that the person is busy with exercises. Here are some simple relaxation options:

Various movements performed by the eyes have beneficial influence on the condition of the retina and optic nerve, and also lower eye pressure if it is elevated. Therefore, such gymnastics is especially recommended for those who suffer from glaucoma. But during the period of exacerbation of the disease any exercises can be done only with the permission of the attending physician.

Safe work at the monitor

Adults need to do an eye warm-up after using the computer every half hour. Every hour it is recommended to do a “physical exercise”: get up and stretch a little, or even just walk around the room. Physical activity also has a beneficial effect on vision and has a general relaxing effect. Here are a few more rules for safe work at the monitor:

You can perform eye exercises after using the computer wearing perforated glasses. This is the name given to dark glasses whose lenses are covered with small holes. It is recommended to purchase them only in specialized stores. The main advantage of this optical device is that such glasses have a relaxing effect on the eye muscles, as they scatter light. According to experts, such an optical device has an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes because:

In addition, many ophthalmologists recommend wearing so-called pirate glasses from time to time to relieve eye strain - in which one glass is regular and the other is completely black. Or you can simply cover one eye with a blindfold, like the pirates in the pictures in children's books. Periodically, you need to cover one or the other eye with a bandage, alternating them. This simple device works in much the same way as perforated glasses.

How to maintain good vision for a long time

Performing eye exercises after working at the computer is very important. However, we should not forget about other methods of maintaining good vision.

In order to see perfectly into old age, you need to regularly include daily diet carrots and dishes made from them. This vegetable contains vitamin A, a substance that affects the quality of vision and eye health. But it should be borne in mind that vitamin A is absorbed only in combination with fats, so it is best to do carrot salad and refuel it vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Reading, working on a computer or watching TV should only be done in good lighting. It is not recommended to work at a computer or read while lying down; it is best to do this at a specially equipped desk. For right-handers, the light should fall from the left, for left-handers - from the right.

It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist regularly so as not to miss the onset of vision deterioration. Buy any glasses and contact lenses Needed only with a prescription from your attending physician and in specialized optical salons. Under no circumstances should you use someone else's glasses and lenses, as they may different people Having the same number of diopters in glasses, other vision parameters may differ. In this regard, wearing someone else's glasses or glasses purchased without a prescription has an extremely bad influence on general state eye.

Maintaining eye health into old age by regularly using a computer is quite difficult. However, it is possible. To do this you need to do special gymnastics and observe safety precautions when working at the monitor.

Attention, TODAY only!

All exercises should be repeated at least 6 times.

The term “syndrome” has already been established among ophthalmologists. computer vision", which affects up to 70% of computer users.

Vision will inevitably deteriorate if you do not help your eyes fight fatigue.

There are many sets of compensatory exercises, all of which are beneficial.

We collected 13 best exercises for the eyes, which can be performed in the office right at the workplace, at home or on the street.

AiF infographics

1. To warm up: close your eyes tightly and squeeze them tightly for a few seconds. Open your eyes and don't blink for 5-10 seconds.

2. Horizontal eye movements from left to right and vice versa.

3. Vertical movements of the eyes up and down.

4. Circular eye movements: clockwise and in the opposite direction.

5. Diagonal eye movement. First you need to squint your eyes to the lower left corner, then move your gaze straight up to the right corner. Likewise in the opposite direction.

6. Bringing the eyes to the nose. To do this, slowly bring your finger to the bridge of your nose, following its tip. The eyes will “connect” easily.

Option: Take a pencil, extend your hand in front of you, and then slowly move it towards the tip of your nose, watching the movement of the pencil.

7. Look straight ahead for 2-3 seconds. Then place your finger (pencil) at a distance of 25-30 cm from your eyes, look at it for 3-5 seconds. Lower your hand and look into the distance again. Repeat 10-12 times.

8. Attach a round mark with a diameter of 3-5 mm to the window glass at eye level. Shift your gaze from distant objects outside the window to the mark and back. Repeat 10-12 times.

Option: Go to the window, look closely at the one close to you, okay visible detail, then look into the distance, trying to see the most distant objects.

9. With your eyes open, slowly, in time with your breathing, smoothly draw a figure eight. Repeat 5-7 times.

10. Watch 5-6 seconds at thumb right hand extended at eye level. Slowly move your hand to the right, while watching your finger without turning your head. Do the same with your left hand. Repeat 5-7 times in each direction.

11. Blink your eyes frequently.

12. Close your eyes, massage the brow ridges and the lower parts of the eye sockets in a circular motion - from the nose to the temples.

13. Close your eyes, relax your eyebrows. Slowly rotate your eyeballs from left to right and right to left. Repeat 10 times.

All eye exercises can be performed in the order presented or combined.

But when combining exercises, it is important to adhere to the standard order of performing any gymnastics - warm-up, main exercises, rest.

It is advisable to do gymnastics every day, and also use one or more exercises for regular breaks while working.

In particular, every 1-2 hours you can switch from work to looking at objects distant from you, simply close your eyes for a few minutes, or do a few exercises for the muscles of your neck and back.

Date: 04/21/2016

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When working with a computer, it is an excellent way out of a situation where the eyes become very tired, turn red, and vision becomes worse if for a long time look at the monitor.

Safe computer work

Many people have very tired eyes after a busy day at the office. And this is not surprising, since when a person sits at a computer, he is very tense, rarely blinks, and because of this the mucous membrane of the eye dries out. The fact that the eyes are constantly focused on the monitor, that is, a close object, also has an unfavorable effect. Not last place microradiation that comes from the screen also occupies here. Because of it, the microclimate in the office becomes unfavorable, that is, dry. In addition, it is filled with dust particles attracted by the electrostatic field of the monitor.

Of course they are unfavorable factors have a bad effect on the eyes, which become dry and tired. Here and unpleasant pain cannot be avoided, and in some cases an allergy even develops. To prevent this from happening, help special exercises for eyes. They will provide effective care, will prevent conjunctivitis, burning, lacrimation, and deterioration of visual acuity.

But first you need to accept preparatory measures. So, the monitor should be installed so that it is not in the window area. This needs to be done because lighting plays an important role. It should be diffused, then it will not be reflected from the monitor and will not dazzle. One more prerequisite is that the screen from the face should be at least 60 cm away. In addition, pay attention that the top edge of the monitor is located below the eyes.

It is important that the air in the room where you are constantly is not dry. Here you can install a special humidifier or place a container filled with water. Don't forget to ventilate your office often.

It is necessary to place in the room as many plants as possible that can neutralize harmful radiation. Green color will help you relax and calm down.

You cannot smoke where you work. The mucous membrane of the eyes is very depressed cigarette smoke, mixed with dry air.

If you have glasses and wear them all the time, then pay attention to the monitor, it should have anti-reflective coating. This will make your eyes more comfortable.

Also, give your eyes a rest. Every hour of intense work requires at least 5 minutes of rest. Eat effective method, which will help determine how tired your eyes are. To do this, you need to put your elbows on the table and close your eyes with your hands (it is important that the light does not get through your fingers). The fingers themselves should be on the forehead, and the wrists should be on the lower part of the cheekbones. You cannot press on the eyeballs. Try to relax your neck and shoulders while doing this. Do not press your hands to your eyes; the eyelids should move up and down easily.

Then open your eyes (you don’t need to remove your palms) and take 10 breaths. If a black background appears before your eyes, it means you are not tired yet. And if different glowing figures appear before your eyes, then you need to take a break.

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Simple and complex exercises for the eyes

If you find that your eye waters when working at the computer, that is, you are tired, then a small and fairly simple workout will do. So, first you need to extend your hand, while your thumb should be raised. Try to focus on it (this should happen for a few seconds). Then look at what's behind your finger. The further you look, the better. But don't turn your head or eyes, stay in the same position. Pay attention that your gaze slides parallel to your finger (this is easy to check; if you do everything correctly, then when you focus on a distant object, your thumb will bifurcate).

For 30 seconds, move your gaze either to your finger or to an object that is far away.

This exercise is very effective. It can have a tonic effect on the eye muscles.

For the next eye exercise, you just need to outline with your gaze the contours of the objects that surround you. It could be a closet or flowers. Afterwards, extend your arms to a distance of about 60 cm from your eyes and raise index fingers(the distance between the fingers should be at least 40 cm). Shift your gaze from finger to right hand on the left finger. After this, you need to slowly bring your fingers together. Don't take your eyes off them until they touch. This exercise must be repeated 10 times.

To help you remember to do this simple exercise every day, put a reminder sticker on your computer. Remember that while working you should try to blink frequently, as these movements can clear dust from your eyelids. By the way, people with impaired vision blink very rarely. If you are one of them, then you should not forget to blink 6 to 10 times once every hour, and you need to do this quickly. Then you need to lower your half-closed eyes for a few seconds. Do this exercise several times.

The computer has become such a part of our lives that we forget how we ever managed without it. We suggest you figure out how to properly arrange workplace to reduce the risk of various diseases caused by prolonged sitting in front of a monitor, and how to do exercises for eyes that get so tired when working with a computer.

General rules for working with a computer

To reduce the load on our body, there are specially developed rules for working at the computer. They provide a set of recommendations for choosing a workplace, furniture (table and chair), computer equipment (monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.), as well as a set of standards that determine the position of the body during work.

Key points for arranging your workspace:

  1. The room should be well ventilated and sufficiently lit.
  2. The depth of the working surface of the table must be at least 50 cm.
  3. The chair should have a back, comfortable and comfortable.
  4. Choose a modern, good monitor and video card.
  5. The keyboard should be ergonomic, just like a computer mouse.
  1. You cannot sit in one position for a long time; you should change your position from time to time (for example, lean back in a chair).
  2. It is necessary to warm up from time to time, that is, make movements with your arms and legs, as well as your torso.
  3. Legs should be in a level position.
  4. The back is straight.
  5. should be proportional to the size of the second: the larger the screen, the greater the distance (for example, if the display is 14-15 inches, then it should be removed from it by 50 cm, if it is 17 inches - from 80 cm, and so on).

By the way, warm-ups should be carried out not only for the body, but also for the eyesight. Let's look at examples of how to do eye exercises.

Computer and eye strain

Carpal sprain (a pinched nerve in the wrist) is probably the most widely known repetitive injury for people who spend a lot of time at the computer. But eye strain is an even more common cause feeling unwell. If no preventive measures are taken, such fatigue can lead to general fatigue, increased myopia and decreased overall efficiency.

Everyone is at risk for eye strain, especially those who spend more than three hours at a time at the computer.

Symptoms of eye fatigue

Eye strain is usually accompanied by a combination of any of the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dry eyes, feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • blurred vision;
  • eye fatigue;
  • changes in color perception.

Additionally, when trying to see screen images more clearly, users tend to hold their heads in unnatural positions, which puts strain on the neck and shoulders. If any of these symptoms appear, they will inevitably be followed by a decrease in the effectiveness of visual perception.

What causes eye fatigue?

Eye strain is primarily the result of overworked eye muscles. This can happen in four directions.

The first is simply a result of human evolution: our eyes have evolved to see at a distance in a three-dimensional world, but a monitor provides the user with a close-up view of a two-dimensional environment. As a result, after several hours of working at the computer, the eye's focal point moves beyond the screen. As a result, the user has to put in extra effort to keep his eyes focused on the screen.

Glare is another common factor in eye muscle fatigue. If there is glare on the monitor, then the eyes must work even harder to distinguish the images on the screen.

Finally, the position of the monitor. The natural position of the eyes is straight forward and slightly downward. If the monitor does not fall within the specified range, the muscles must constantly work to ensure that the eyes find the field of view.

A final cause of eye muscle strain is the use of fast, repetitive movements, such as glancing between the original paper document and the screen.

In addition to muscle fatigue of the eyes, irritation may appear in the eye itself. eyeball. This also contributes to eye strain. Studies have shown that while users are looking at a monitor, they stop blinking frequently, which deprives their eyes of essential moisture. This is made worse by the dry, hot air that comes from many monitors and computer processors. Also, drying of the cornea can be caused by dust resulting from the electrostatic field of the monitor.

All of these things create a hostile environment for the eyes.

How can you protect your eyes?

There are several things you can do to create a more eye-friendly environment around your computer. The simplest thing you can do is replace the monitor with a more modern and safe one. The new screen should not flicker, distort the image or have incorrect brightness, contrast and color settings.

But no matter what type of environment you work in, there are some steps you can take to help reduce eye fatigue. First, blink more. It sounds simple, but most users do not pay attention to this involuntary action. Another one useful idea is to give the eyes rest, at least, every two hours. This could be a break, simple exercise, or tasks not related to computer work.

By the way, it's worth noting that even your diet can help reduce excessive eye strain! Natural oils, found in certain types of fish (such as bananas and potatoes), will help keep your eyes moist.

If your work is directly related to spending time in front of the monitor or you are unable to adhere to the regime proper nutrition, then you are in mandatory you should do such a thing as eye exercises. The exercises are developed by specialists and are designed to reduce visual and muscle strain caused by long work at computer.

Charging your eyes when working with a computer

There are many sets of exercises to reduce fatigue and eye strain, developed by specialists all over the world.

A general program for recharging the eyes, which improves blood circulation, strengthens the eye muscles and reduces stress, involves the following actions:

  • blink quickly for two minutes;
  • squint and open your eyes, each movement for three to five seconds;
  • do an eye exercise called “Exercise Bike” to strengthen your muscles (this eye exercise scheme will be discussed below);
  • lightly press your eyelids with your fingers for a couple of seconds;
  • change the object of focus ten times - from close to far, while holding your vision at one point for five seconds.

Effective exercise for the eyes when working with a computer is to perform exercises at least once every two hours, and after each action it is best to close and relax your eyes for one minute.

Set of exercises “Exercise bike”

This eye exercise when working with a computer does not require much time, but has a beneficial effect on vision.

Order of exercises:

  • Blink your eyes quickly several times to get the blood flowing;
  • raise your eyes up a couple of times, then lower them down, without moving your head;
  • blink;
  • move your eyes only to the left, then to the right;
  • blink;
  • now raise your eyes to the upper right corner, then lower them to the lower left, repeat several times;
  • blink;
  • raise your eyes to the upper left corner and lower them to the lower right;
  • blink;
  • draw your eyes across the square, moving in the following direction: up - right - down - left;
  • blink;
  • make another square with your eyes, only now move in reverse side: up - left - down - right;
  • blink;
  • describe a circle with your eyes from left to right;
  • blink;
  • describe a circle with your eyes in the other direction - from right to left;
  • blink one last time.

Don't forget that you make all movements with your eyes, not your head.


This eye exercise for working with a computer was developed by scientist William Bates. It involves the following manipulations:

  • warm up your palms;
  • cover your eyes with your palms, crossing your fingers on your forehead;
  • plunge into darkness;
  • remove your palms and feel the temperature difference, without opening your eyes;
  • close your eyes tightly and open your eyes.

Classes help restore the brightness and clarity of images.

A set of exercises for tired eyes

Our vision needs rest not only while working at the monitor, but also after. At the end of the working day, the following eye exercises after the computer will be relevant:

  1. Repeat these steps 5 times: deep breath, close your eyes tightly, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, quickly exhale and at the same time open your eyes wide.
  2. Do light massage brow ridges from the nose to the temples, while the eyes should be closed.
  3. Do it 10 times eyes closed V different sides- from left to right and from right to left.
  4. Move your thumb to a distance of 25 cm from your eyes, then look at it for three seconds with one eye, then the other, then both at the same time.
  5. Press down on your eyelids with your fingertips. After this, blink 10 times. Inhale and you can rest for a couple of seconds. Then repeat everything again 2 more times.

Electronic charging for the eyes

Electronic gymnastics provides relaxation for the eyes using digital dynamic pictures. The images for it are specially selected and allow you to perform exercises such as:

  • focusing;
  • eye movement in different directions.

Do not forget that performing such simple manipulations will not only help you preserve your vision, but will also protect you from possible expensive procedures in the future.

Exercise 1 with visual cues

In the computer room, bright visual marks are pre-hung high on the walls, corners, and in the center of the wall. They can be toys or colorful pictures (4-6 tags). It is advisable to select toys (pictures) so that they form a single visual and playful plot, for example, from famous fairy tales. The teacher can come up with stories himself and change them from time to time. Examples of game plots could be the following. A car (or a dove, or an airplane, or a butterfly) is placed in the center of the wall. In the corners of the ceiling walls there are colored garages. Children are invited to follow with their eyes the car's passage to the garage or repair site. A dove can fly to a branch or to a house.

Exercise technique

Get children out of their workplaces: the exercise is carried out at the workplace.

Explain to the children what they must do: at the teacher’s command, without turning their heads, with one glance of the eyes, follow the movement of the car into the blue garage, then into the green one, etc.

The teacher suggests moving your gaze from one mark to another at a count of 1-4.

It is advisable to show children what object they need to focus on each time. You can direct the child’s gaze sequentially to each mark, or in random order.

The speed of gaze shifting should not be very fast. You need to move your gaze so slowly that during the entire exercise there are no more than 12 eye fixations.

The teacher must ensure that children do not turn their heads during the exercise.

Exercise 2 with visual cues and head turns

It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, but children must perform it with head turns.

The game object can be a Christmas tree that needs to be decorated. Children should look for the toys and animals needed for this purpose throughout the computer room.

Method of performing the exercise

1. The teacher asks the children to rise from their seats and stand near the chair, facing the teacher.

2. The task is explained: here is a Christmas tree (on the table, or a large image of a Christmas tree in the picture in the center of the wall or just below), it needs to be decorated.

3. The teacher asks you to comply following conditions: “Standing straight, without moving your legs, turning only your head, find toys in the computer room that could be used to decorate the Christmas tree, and name them.”

4. The pace of execution is arbitrary.

5. Duration - 1 minute.

Visual gymnastics after working on the computer

It is performed sitting or standing, with rhythmic breathing, with maximum amplitude of eye movement. The following exercise options are recommended.

Exercise 1

Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, then open your eyes, relaxing your eye muscles, look into the distance through the window on a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

Exercise 2

Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count 1-4, then look straight into the distance at the count 1-6. The exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with the gaze fixed to the left, up and down. Repeat 2 times.

Exercise 3

Keep your head straight. Blink without straining your eye muscles for a count of 10-15.

Exercise 4

Shift your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1-6; then left up - right down and look into the distance at the score 1-6.

Exercise 5

Close your eyes, without straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, open your eyes wide and look into the distance on a count of 1-6. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 6

Without turning your head (head straight), make slow circular movements with your eyes up-right-down-left and in the opposite direction: up-left-down-right. Then look into the distance at the score 1-6.

Exercise 7

With your head motionless, move your gaze and fixate it on the count of 1-4 upwards, on the count of 1-6 directly; after which, in the same way, down-straight, right-straight, left-straight. Make a diagonal movement in one direction and the other with your eyes moving directly to the count of 1-6.

Exercise 8

IN game room Red round marks with a diameter of 3-5 mm are attached to the window glass at the child’s eye level. Some distant object is outlined outside the window to fix the gaze in the distance. The child is placed near the mark on the glass at a distance of 30-35 cm and asked to look at the red mark for 10 s, then turn his gaze to a distant object outside the window and fix his gaze on it for 10 s. After this, alternately look at the mark and then at the selected object.

The duration of the gymnastics is 1-1.5 minutes.