Close the portal of the dead in the house. Closing the portal using mirrors. Scientists about the other world

You've probably heard about this children's game, and maybe you've played it yourself. You need to go into the bathroom, close the door, turn off the light and, spinning in place, say three times: “Bloody Mary.” When you look in the mirror afterwards, there will be Bloody Mary covered in blood dripping from her knife. Isn't it a great way to scare a child half to death? Mirrors have always been considered a mysterious object associated with the world of spirits. They are said to ward off ghosts, act as a portal, and have many other unusual properties.

I know for sure that perfume can appear in mirrors, because I saw it myself. One day I was blow-drying my hair (I had very long hair at the time) and tilted my head back to make it more comfortable. When I straightened up, I saw the reflection of a blonde girl of about ten standing in the doorway and heard the words: “Everything will be fine, but you need to prepare for changes.” I immediately looked at the door, but there was no one there. I went into the rooms to see what my children were doing, and there was no one visiting them. That girl simply disappeared. However, what she said turned out to be true: over the next few weeks, everything turned upside down and our lives changed. Those events ended well, as promised.

Connect with your spiritual nature through the mirror

I suggest using the mirror as a portal to enter into intuitive contact with your soul. By doing this exercise, you will tune into your true self and be able to determine what your abilities are and how best to use them. A mirror without a washbasin in front of it is suitable for this - you need to be able to stand close to the mirror and not bend over. Choose a place, protect yourself with a White Light visualization, stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes. Clear your mind, find your center and ground yourself. Then spread the fingers of your right hand. Take turns pressing your fingertips against the mirror. With each touch, imagine that your finger is opening a portal that connects you to the other world, to your true spiritual essence, and communicate one intention to each finger.

Intentions can be formulated something like this: “Show me the best way to reveal my psychic abilities,” “I want to see the path destined for me,” “I am afraid of my abilities; show me how to get rid of this fear.” If you want to work on one topic, repeat the same intention every time you touch the mirror with your finger. Now intuitively look into your spiritual essence.

It may take a few minutes to make the connection, but once it does, you will be within yourself at the purest and most basic level. Listen carefully to the messages from your higher self and all spiritual beings who come to help you. Mentally close the portal in the mirror.

Mirror- one of the most ancient and magical inventions.

According to the legends of the Slavic peoples, the mirror became a gift from dark spirits to man, which provides relief from loneliness.

In ancient times, mirrors were considered an invention that brought only darkness and evil. Mirrors were practically not used; they were mainly used for fortune-telling.

In ancient times and in our time, a mirror is considered by magicians and witches to be an object that opens the gates between two worlds.

In many cultures around the world, a mirror has the meaning of a gate or door, which is why it is believed that it should be handled quite carefully, since through improper handling of this object you can summon a being or spirit that usually does not come with good intentions.

When handling mirrors, you should be very prudent and take care of safety, taking into account all the possibilities and rules for using an old item.

The mirror has dual magic; it exists simultaneously in two worlds: physical and spiritual.

It is because of this that the ancient object has the power to guide spirits or otherworldly beings through its reflection into the physical world.

However, without a certain ritual, it is not easy for the spirit to get into the physical world, but it can be carried away using the mirror as an instrument of its goal;

The mirror has its own memory. The mirror image leaves in memory every action, of a certain psychological nature, done before it.

In most cases, these are acts of a violent nature, murders, all events that highlight a certain psychological timbre, this emotional, psychological wave is recorded by the mirror.

If the mirror uses evil spirit or otherworldly creature, it can take advantage of these “memories”;

The mirror has the ability to let the deceased in. There are certain rules when using mirrors.

One of them is to hang a mirror after the death of a person. For what? The answer is that a mirror is like astral gate, the deceased can use it to move into the physical world and remain restless, or there is the possibility of imprisoning the spirit in a mirror, as in a trap.

Imprisonment carries with it great danger, from madness to the curse of the entire family.

Such mirrors can be recognized: they are cold to the touch and church candles go out in front of them.

To free the soul imprisoned in the mirror, the mirror must be broken;

A mirror can also age or rejuvenate a person. There is a possibility of aging thanks to a mirror; it is believed that a mirror can act as an energy vampire; when looking at oneself for a long time, especially looking into one’s eyes, the mirror clogs up part of a person’s energy, thereby weakening him and causing the aging process.

However, it can also create a rejuvenating effect. To obtain such opportunities, the mirror must be carefully assembled in a certain way, for this you should contact a specialist.

Mirrors are an ordinary and obligatory attribute when conducting fortune telling. With the help of mirrors they tell fortunes about the future, the betrothed, love, etc.

Also divination of a more serious level, such as summoning creatures that can cause harm. Mirrors reflect the essence of a person, his soul; there are often cases when what is reflected in the mirror is not what is in front of him.

The same person could turn away, but in the reflection he stands and looks at himself. In this case, this mirror is cursed or lives in it unclean essence, who wants to get out of there by pursuing the owner.

In ancient times, people were afraid of mirrors and used them as carefully as possible. When turning mirrors to magic, you should do this with an experienced magician, adhering to all safety rules.

You should not joke or show disrespect and anger during fortune telling, thereby you can lead to the physical world unclean spirit or a creature from another world, which is very difficult to take back, and sometimes no one can do it.

It has long been believed that the mirror contains magical powers. This piece of furniture, necessary for everyone, can have both beneficial and negative effects on a person, influencing the health and fate of those reflected in it.

Since ancient times, people have used mirrors in various rites and rituals. People turned to it to influence the present or find out the future; the mirror surface helped get rid of the evil eye and damage. However, people have always remembered the danger this item poses.

Dark magic of the mirror

The ancient Slavs perceived the mirror as the border between the real and the other world. At certain moments in life, especially when a person’s energy protection fails, the boundary weakens, and otherworldly forces begin to influence everyone reflected in the mirror. That is why the tradition of covering mirrors has been preserved to this day if someone in the household dies: at the moment of grief, a person is most susceptible to negative influences. In addition, the mirror could become a trap for the soul of the deceased. People believed that a soul that finds itself through the looking glass will no longer be able to get out of there and will live forever in mirror labyrinths, attracting illness and adversity into the house. There was even a belief that the first person to look in the mirror, where the soul of the deceased is trapped, would soon leave the world of the living.

The danger lies in the ability of any mirror to remember information. The mirror surface absorbs the energy of all the events that it reflects. Therefore, you should not hang a mirror in your apartment that was in another, unfamiliar house, because it could absorb the energy of illness and family discord. Such a mirror will “bestow” evil energy on everyone who looks into it and take away the spiritual strength of the new owners. It is very easy to detect the negative impact of a mirror: just hold a church candle to it. If the candle goes out, it is better to get rid of the mirror.

In order not to charge the mirror with a negative yourself, . The mirror surface will remember tears, sorrow, anger, will be filled with negativity and will return these emotions to you even in moments that are favorable for you. To maintain a healthy atmosphere at home and not attract unnecessary adversity, in front of the mirror you need to concentrate exclusively on positive emotions. If you smile and wish yourself success, the mirror will attract good luck to you.

You should not accept a mirror as a gift, especially from people with whom you are not on close terms. Depending on the emotions that these people experience when looking in the mirror intended for you, the gift will have a beneficial or detrimental effect. If a person had bad intentions, the mirror will saturate you with negativity and attract failures and illnesses to you.

Broken mirrors are especially dangerous. Many signs and superstitions have long been associated with them: in ancient times they believed that you could see the devil in the fragments, so you should never look into a broken mirror. They believed that looking at one’s destroyed reflection would provoke the destruction of one’s health and destiny. The mirror absorbs the human energy field; therefore, if the mirror is damaged, its owner will also be negatively affected.

How to protect yourself

In order to prevent negative influence from the mirror, you need to follow a few simple rules.

First, to keep the mirror from attracting trouble, you need to keep it clean. Wipe it often, thinking only about good things and being positive. If misfortune has visited your home, then after prosperity has been restored, sprinkle the mirror with holy water. Do not cross him under any circumstances: remember that the mirror surface reflects everything the other way around, and the sign of the cross can turn into an act of blasphemy.

Approximately once every six months it is useful to expose mirrors to bright sunlight. The surface will absorb beneficial solar energy and give it to all household members. The light reflected in the mirror “burns out” all the negativity that it has managed to absorb.

Broken mirrors must be disposed of as soon as possible. When collecting the fragments, repeat the words three times: “The mirror is broken, but life is intact.” Take them away from home so you don't encounter them again.

Try not to hang mirrors opposite the bed or at the head of the bed. In your sleep, you are most vulnerable, and the mirror can take away your energy. The result of such a decision in the interior will be lethargy, lack of vitality, drowsiness, and poor health. Discord may begin between spouses who appear to be sleeping. Hang a mirror where you spend the least time, such as in the hallway.

If handled properly, the mirror will receive only positive emotions from you and will attract prosperity into your home. Think about good things, smile at your reflection more often, give joy to your loved ones and don’t forget to press the buttons and

No one modern house cannot do without such an interior element as a mirror. And our distant ancestors used this household item. The first mirrors appeared in India and Sumer, but they were not quite what we are used to. Their reflective surface was made of bronze and silver. The first glass mirrors appeared in the 12th century on the island of Murano.

A mirror is not just a useful thing in the house, but it is also one of the most mystical and mysterious objects in the human world. A huge number of superstitions, traditions, beliefs and fortune telling are associated with it. People all over the world notice and treat them with caution. Since ancient times, it was believed that this object contained the phantoms of everyone who had ever looked at it.

For many centuries, magicians and sorcerers have never ceased to claim that they are able to discern in glass what is inaccessible to an ordinary person. It is believed that this household item, like a mute witness, stores information about all the events that happened before it, so if it was a misfortune or misfortune, then such a mirror becomes a carrier negative energy and can bring trouble to the owner.

Mystics claim that a “bad” mirror is easy to recognize - church candles go out in front of it and it is cold to the touch.

Portal to the other world

The famous alchemist Paracelsus put forward the hypothesis of the dual nature of mirrors. He believed that reflective surfaces could serve as a tunnel between the material and. Through a mirror, subtle energies can enter our reality and cause hallucinations in people. Ancient doctors even used mirrors for suggestion and hypnosis, based on Paracelsus's suggestion.

The belief that a mirror is a kind of door between our world and the other world has become widespread in many countries. That is why in a house where a person has died, it is customary to turn away or cover the mirrors. There is a legend that through this household item the deceased can take someone from the living with him, or people will come to the house from “the other side.”

It is believed that the deceased may want to return to the world of the living through the mirror, but will get stuck in it, as if in a trap. His soul will forever languish in the looking glass. Therefore, if you have the necessary skills, you can communicate with dead people through a mirror. There is a belief that purchasing and hanging an antique mirror with a rich history at home is very dangerous. After all, it can store within itself the soul of a long-dead owner, who will begin to plot various intrigues for the new owner of the antique item.

How to handle a mirror

A mirror has always been a must-have attribute for many. For example, to see your betrothed or betrothed, you need to point two mirrors at each other at midnight. You should place burning candles and turn off the electricity in advance. Then in the resulting mirror corridor you can see your destiny.

There are many rules for handling mirrors. If the mirror is cracked or broken, it must be disposed of immediately. If a person returns home halfway, then he definitely needs to look at his reflection. It is believed that you cannot hang a mirror in the house in front of the bed, opposite the door, window, or so that the person’s head in the reflection is “cut off.” There is a belief that you should not scold yourself and your loved ones when standing in front of a reflective surface; you should not look at your reflection if you are sick, in a bad mood, or wishing harm to someone.

And most importantly, a mirror can bring happiness and good luck to its owner. To do this, you just need to look in the mirror more often when you are in a good mood. Let your “double” be charged with positive energy and optimism!


Monday, February 06, 2012 23:08 + to quote book

To close the portal you must use a mirror corridor. The ritual is performed at night, preferably from 12 to 3 o’clock, but if this is not possible, then at any dark time of the day after sunset.
But first we need to determine the location of the portal. Most often it is located in one of the mirrors or in a mirrored corridor that already exists in the room due to mirrors placed opposite each other...
If this is not the case, and the portal is diagnosed in only one mirror, another one is purchased for the ritual.

In rare cases, the portal is outside the coverage area of ​​the existing mirrors in the room, then a “trap” is created from two new mirrors.
Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to create a mirrored corridor with a black cloth thrown over the mirrors.

Remember your protection, which you always use when working with entities of the Subtle World.

The ritual is carried out in a circle drawn on the floor with chalk and located between the mirrors, but not in the corridor itself, but outside it. Those. You must not, under any circumstances, enter the corridor's coverage area. The circle should also be positioned in such a way that you can freely work with candles and mirrors, i.e. remove and throw cloth over them, light and extinguish candles.

When the circle is drawn and you are in the circle, place a black candle outside the circle near each mirror and light them.
After this, the lights are turned off and the fabric is removed from the mirrors. A corridor opens. Make sure you are not in it.
Cast the spell (from memory), looking straight into the mirror corridor, and with your peripheral vision you should see both mirrors:

“The Forces of Darkness (if you work with specific Princes or demons, you can call on them for help) and the other world, I call on you! Take your servants out of this house and close this door! The sacrifices have been made, the tribute has been paid, their work is completed! In the name of Lucifer I conjure the spirits, I drive them into the portal, I close the portal, I post guards on the other side! Let it be so! Amen!!!"

If everything went right, then you should see a light fog in the middle of the corridor, like a haze, or feel a breeze, coolness, air movement, turbulence near the mirrors. Candles will help determine this; you will see fluctuations in the flame. If after you cast the spell the movement does not stop, read the spell until everything calms down. After this, combine both mirrors with the mirror side facing inward (do not touch them with your bare hands! Take them through the fabric!), draw a cross on the back side with chalk and wrap them in this form tightly with black fabric. Put out the candles and turn on the lights. After this, you can leave the circle... Mirrors must be taken out of the house and either buried away from the house, some are buried in the cemetery, but this is not necessary, or thrown into the river. Here you need to have running water... Return as always, without turning around.

If you don’t work with the Dark Ones all the time, you can throw a few coins into the water or along with the mirrors into the ground with the words: “Paid!” If you work regularly, thank you as always.)

The sacrifices and tributes that are mentioned in this conspiracy are those deaths that occurred in this apartment.
In this apartment, never hang or place any more mirrors in the places where the mirrors used in the ritual hung.


Mirrors caused superstitious fear among our ancestors. This was due to the uneven surface of the first products. It is clear that the image was distorted. Over time, people have learned to make perfectly smooth surfaces that reflect objects as realistically as possible.

But deep down, fear remained, giving rise to more and more new traditions and superstitions. Why can't you look in the mirror at night? Why can't you eat in front of a mirror? We will answer these questions in the article.

Nighttime admiration will not lead to good

Let us immediately make a reservation that all the superstitions discussed below have not been confirmed by science. However, from the point of view of esotericism, mysticism and magic, warnings regarding mirrors are considered truthful and real.

This is a portal to the other world. A dark world where the souls of the dead are found. Sometimes a malfunction occurs, a gap is formed in the “light” - a portal opens in the other world. In the mirror. And even during the day, dark energy can ooze from it.

When it gets dark outside, souls from “that” world often visit the living. This is their time. The easiest way to break through from the “darkness” to the “light” is through a mirror surface. If you look into it at night, you can see an evil spirit. And he will definitely borrow energy from you.

Then pure mysticism begins. The inhabitants of the other world need energy to get out of there. The more often people admire themselves, the more energy the spirits receive. And the loss of energy is dangerous for a person: he begins to get sick often, quickly loses his strength, becomes susceptible to troubles and misfortunes, to bad words and thoughts.

The most dangerous time is from midnight to three o'clock in the morning. During this period, you can see the most evil spirit, the devil, in the mirror. He has more strength, and therefore he can take more energy. It may even take your soul with it.

To believe in all this or not to believe, everyone decides for himself. Of course, if you feel afraid of the night mirror, then you don’t need to look into it. When you know for sure, it will definitely happen. Deep faith helps even the most mystical things come true.

Nevertheless, the ban on nighttime admiration is not without logic. In the dark, our imagination may misinterpret dancing shadows. And strange images drawn by the consciousness can drive you crazy or deprive you of sleep. So look during the day. Why risk your mental health and peace of mind?!

Dinner with your reflection is prohibited

Yes Yes. It turns out that you can’t even eat in front of your reflection. And there are several reasons for this:

Eat less. Reflection “doubles” the portion. Therefore, you end up eating less. Accordingly, the person loses weight (which for some would be good). This fact was proven as a result of research by British scientists.

True, it is contradicted by the assumption that eating in front of a mirror is equivalent to eating in front of a TV or computer. A person stares and cannot control the process of saturation. As a result, he eats more than his norm.

Looking in the mirror, a person can eat away his memory or happiness

. Different peoples have their own variations of this sign. But the meaning of the loss of something very significant remains everywhere.

When a person eats in front of his reflection, beauty leaves him. Superstitious people say that beauty goes to the other world.

Today it is not possible to explain signs and superstitions. What is the connection between happiness and beauty and food? Memory loss can be more or less explained: it is impossible to learn anything while eating. There is such an expression as “you jam your memory.” But what does this have to do with the mirror?

These prejudices did not appear in our time, but came from our ancestors. That is why it is difficult to understand their reasons. But common sense dictates that there is no need to eat in front of your reflection. Where do people usually place mirrors? IN living rooms(bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms), in corridors, in bathrooms. There is no need for this item in the kitchen. That's why they don't hang him in this room.

If the family eats in the dining room, there may be a mirror accessory. But they try to place it so that the table is not reflected. The reason is simple: do not distract those sitting at lunch or dinner from eating and communicating. Therefore, hardly anyone will take their plate and go to the mirror to eat. Unless only those brave souls who decide to check the veracity of the warnings.

The other world is also called the afterlife and is described as a spiritual state into which the souls of dead people fall. Since no one has ever returned from the other world, there are no facts about what it looks like and what happens there; there are still many different versions.

What does the other world mean?

Two main concepts are used regarding the nature of the other world. In the first case, it is perceived as a kind of spiritual phenomenon that has nothing to do with earthly life. What is important is the moral and ethical transformation of the soul, which gets rid of earthly passions and temptations. The other world in the first case is perceived as a degree of closeness to God, Nirvana, and so on.

When solving the mysteries of the other world, it is worth considering the second concept, according to which it has certain material characteristics. It is believed that there really is an ideal place where the soul ends up after the death of the body. This option is associated with religions that involve the bodily resurrection of people. In addition, direct messages can be found in many scriptures.

Does the other world exist?

Over the years of history, each world culture has formed its own traditions and beliefs. You can find a huge number of reports that the other world exists, and many people have contacted it, for example, in a dream, during clinical death and in other ways. Magicians and psychics speak about it with absolute confidence. This topic could not help but interest scientists, and they regularly conduct research to determine whether there is an other world.

Scientists about the other world

To understand whether there is a path after death, people who experienced and remember what they saw while their heart stopped were chosen as test subjects.

  1. To prove whether belief in the other world has a right to exist, in 2000 two famous European doctors conducted a large-scale study that made it possible to establish that many people saw gates to either Heaven or Hell.
  2. Another study was conducted in 2008, and a third of the people studied said that they could look at themselves from the outside.
  3. Experiments were carried out with placing sheets with drawn symbols near people who had experienced clinical death, and none of the people who claimed to have left their bodies saw them.

The Other World - Evidence

There are stories about connections between people and the souls of dead people. To prove the existence of the other world, it is worth talking about a seance that was held at the National Laboratory for Psychical Research in Great Britain in 1930. Scientists wanted to get in touch with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. To confirm everything, a reporter was present at the session. When the ritual began, air captain Carmichael Irwin, who died in the same year, got in touch and told his story using various technical terms. This became evidence of a possible connection with the other world.

Facts about the other world

Scientists are tirelessly conducting research to prove or disprove the existence of other worlds. At the moment, it has not been possible to determine the exact facts, but the connection with the other world is proven by numerous messages from people from different parts of the world, a large number of photographs, the authenticity of which has been proven, and experiments with hypnosis and other techniques.

How does the other world work?

Since no person has ever been reborn after death, there is no accurate information to describe the place where souls live after death. Many people, when talking about the afterlife, mean, but different nations have their own unique idea:

  1. Egyptian Hell. This place is ruled by Osiris, who weighs the good and bad deeds of souls. The hall where the trial takes place is the entire vault of heaven.
  2. Greek Hell. The entrance to the other world is closed by the black waters of the Styx, which encircle it nine times. You can cross all the streams on Charon's spoon, who takes one coin for his services. Near the entrance to the abode of the dead there is Cerberus.
  3. Christian Hell. It is located in the center of the Earth. Sinners are tormented in a cloud of fire, red-hot benches, a river of fire, and other torments. There are creatures of the other world living around.
  4. Muslim Hell. It has similar features to the previous version. One of the stories in One Thousand and One Nights tells about the seven circles of hell. Sinners here are forever tormented by fire, and they are fed with devil fruits from the tree of Zakkum.

How to contact the other world?

Psychics and parapsychologists assure that it is possible to contact the souls of dead people. There are many options to communicate with the other world, including the use of high technology.

  1. "Electric Voices". For the first time, documentary filmmaker Friedrich Jurgenson heard the voices of his deceased relatives on tape, and he decided to explore this topic. As a result, it was possible to establish that voices are clearer when there is background noise, and the researchers concluded that the souls of deceased people can synthesize vibrations into the sounds of their own voices.
  2. Appearance on TV. There is a lot of evidence in the world that people saw images of their deceased relatives while watching various programs. An American electronics engineer went the furthest, who developed a special antenna that allows not only to see his deceased daughter and wife, but also to hear their voices. Many such contacts with the other world were photographed, and the authenticity of some of the photographs was proven.
  3. SMS. Many people, after the death of their relatives, received messages from them, but in most cases they were either empty or contained strange signs. Recently, programmers came up with the “Ghost Stories Box” application, which scans the parameters of the surrounding space and detects interference. For now, it cannot yet claim to be able to obtain 100% information.

How to get to the other world?

There is a simple way to travel to another world. In order for everything to succeed and the portal to the other world to open, it is necessary to use consciousness in an unusual way. As preparation, it is recommended to study your thoughts clearly. It is important to present images as believably as possible. The fact that contact with the other world has been established will be indicated by the animal’s fear and feeling of discomfort. This is quite normal and there is nothing to be afraid of. There are some instructions on how to see the other world:

  1. Before going to bed, while lying in bed, you need to give your subconscious a clear task to hear a well-known musical composition, which will allow you to see images in colorful colors. Relax as much as possible.
  2. Imagine how the soul leaves through the body, through the chest and arms. At the same time, your breath should freeze and at the same time you should feel a surge of strength. Another important signal that everything is working out is the feeling that the body is burning with heat.
  3. There is only one moment to penetrate into the other world - the period when a person has almost fallen asleep, but at the same time is still aware of himself in reality. It is important to give the order to the subconscious mind to remember all the information and reproduce it during the waking period.

Do children see the other world?

It is believed that children from birth to 40 days can easily communicate with the other world, seeing, feeling and hearing dead people and various entities. This is due to the fact that the child has around his physical body, an etheric shell that is protection and also gives a special fluid. In the future, children see the other world not so well, but contacts are permissible, since the consciousness is still pure and the aura is light. If the child is baptized, then there is no need to be afraid of negative influences, since the guardian angel will protect him.

Do cats see the other world?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the cat is a magical animal. Such an animal has a huge aura that can react to both positive and negative energy. Cats see the other world, so they should be used to protect the house from evil spirits. If the owner sees that the animal is looking at one place in the house and at the same time its posture is tense, then he sees spirits. Cats and the other world also interact through the brownie, so a person can use animals to establish contact with him.

Runic becoming "Close portal" was created to address the relevant situation as a matter of urgency.

I once had a lot of fun with my colleagues before the portal opened. There was little romantic drive, and not at all as interesting as they show in pretty horror films. The rituals stopped working, and the strength began to fade. I’ll skip the rest of the details - because... not the point, in other cases there may be other manifestations.

In my conditions, it was not possible to close the portal as expected, in the cemetery, because... The cemetery is an emergency with a bunch of workers constantly scurrying around. After talking with her Patrons, I decided to close the portal of the house.

I did a ritual with conversion, then in my own words I said what I had done and that I asked the Gods to close the portal. Stav drew on paper, and on standing – a candle in a transparent candlestick. When the candle was almost burnt out, I burned it on it.

Runic becoming "Close portal" in runic form:

  • Evaz is the personification of entities from other levels of existence, astral forces that have gotten out of control. At the same time, Evaz is the rune of changing events, and quickly and in a positive direction.
  • Eyvaz is the connection between the worlds, ours and the other world. Transformation. The linked rune, consisting of Evaz and Eyvaz, is used for “hunting for souls,” so the combination of these runes helps us call on Odin in his incarnation as the leader of the Wild Hunt and helps expel the chthonic forces that have escaped from our world to their usual habitat.
  • Turs - symbolizes the God Thor - the ability to curb chthonic forces and keep them under control. Thurisaz denotes active energy aimed at curbing entities that are out of control, and passive energy that directs forces inward and restrains them there.
  • Dagaz v.p. - serves to designate the space “between worlds”, symbolizes the closing of the portal (the end of the last cycle) and the beginning of a new cycle. This rune is also a catalyst that brings about change. Dagaz is associated with the lemniscate, which is used to seal something from unnecessary visits (in this case, we close the transition between worlds).