Why do you dream of killing a scorpion? What does Scorpio mean in a dream? Your personal dream book Scorpio

Scorpio's very appearance makes the blood in your veins run cold. Such a dream will certainly cause horror. But are such dreams really dangerous? The dream book can tell you why Scorpio dreams.

Scorpio's very appearance makes the blood in your veins run cold

In order to interpret a dream in which there was a Scorpio, you must first of all remember all the details and personal feelings:

  • in the desert - despite the fact that the management noticed the merits at work, they did not appreciate them;
  • on the stone - an increase in wages is expected soon;
  • an insect stings - a conflict at work that will not affect the dreamer;
  • he was caught by a mongoose - his ill-wishers were forced to abandon their sinister plans;
  • a lot of arthropods - a party at work is expected;
  • watching him on TV - the life of the ex-partner does not give the sleeping person peace, he constantly watches her;
  • stung himself - there is a clear desire to be alone;
  • Scorpio fight - a verbal skirmish is expected in which you will have to defend your position in life;
  • in water - the dreamer’s jealousy is unfounded;
  • on a banknote - wealth, stable position in society;
  • near coins - financial well-being will be achieved a little later, for this you need to make every effort;
  • on a tree - a change of residence is expected soon;
  • in the grass - harmony in family relationships and work.

Why do you dream about Scorpio (video)

Seeing a red or black scorpion in a dream

It is worth noting that vivid dreams in which a black scorpion appeared cannot be ignored. One good thing is that such visions appear extremely rarely. Often they foreshadow a meeting with an unusual person. But it is worth realizing, no matter how attractive he may seem, that he is a cruel person capable of committing cold-blooded acts. His actions are selfish, there is a risk of becoming a victim of his tyranny.

The red scorpion also portends danger

There is a slightly different interpretation of such a dream. It is possible that an event will occur in the life of the sleeping person that will literally shock with its cruelty. If an insect stings in a dream, then the dreamer himself will become the victim of these events.

The red scorpion also portends danger. It is recommended to disappear from the sight of your opponents for a while. Right now they are developing a selfish and sinister plan.

Seeing a scorpion in the house in a dream

Seeing a scorpion sneaking into your house in a dream is a bad sign. Such visions foreshadow many troubles and problems, poverty and misfortune, even an illness that can affect the sleeping person’s family. Such a dream not only warns of fateful changes in life, but also indicates that loved ones may become seriously ill.

Seeing a scorpion sneaking into a house in a dream is a bad sign

If the scenario develops in such a way that the object of the scorpion’s hunt is precisely known, then it is this that will need to be protected the most in the future. Trouble can await not only the inhabitants of the house, but the house itself cannot be ruled out by sudden fire or destruction.

If he runs away, or the sleeping person has to kick him out himself, then in real life troubles can be prevented if you choose the right solution.

Kill a scorpion in a dream

Sometimes I have dreams in which I have to kill a scorpion. Such actions indicate that the owner of this vision is a strong, courageous person who is able to change the course of events in the direction he wants.

Among the main values ​​are the following:

  • a long life in which there will be no problems;
  • good luck in the business you have started;
  • the insidious plans of the enemies will be destroyed;
  • change a situation that seems doomed.

Sometimes I have dreams in which I have to kill a scorpion

In most cases, the appearance of a scorpio in a dream means that in real life there is a person who is hostile to the sleeping person. Killing him in a dream means that you will be able to resist this evil person in reality and his plans will be destroyed without being realized.

It is quite possible that this dream warns against bankruptcy or death. By killing a scorpion in a dream, a person has the opportunity to avoid this.

If you still managed to kill the insect, but before that it had already stung the dreamer, then it will still not be possible to understand the current situation, no matter what efforts are made. They are destined to lose something very important; they cannot do anything about it.

If in a dream a scorpion bites or stings

Dreams in which the sleeper has to feel the sting of a scorpion deserve special attention. Such visions foreshadow that a strong blow is coming from fate. At the same time, it is not even easy to predict what will be harder, the blow itself, or the consequences after it.

Dreams in which the sleeper has to feel the sting of a scorpion deserve special attention.

It is difficult to predict just from the fact of the bite how events will develop in the future. The dream must be remembered in all details:

  • bitten on the hand - a blow should be expected from those closest to you;
  • by the foot - serious losses in the financial sector are expected. It is possible that the dreamer will be completely bankrupt;
  • for the face - there is a risk of suffering a serious illness.

The dreams in which Scorpios appear are almost impossible to change in reality. The dream in this case is a preparation for inevitable changes that are already predetermined by fate. All that remains is to do everything possible to withstand this blow with minimal losses.

Seeing a white scorpion in a dream

Not always light colors, and especially white color is a harbinger of bright and good changes. It happens that the appearance of this color in visions is interpreted as something very mysterious, complex and elusive. The appearance of a white scorpion in a dream can be perceived as a warning; the dreamer may be in serious danger, even stronger than that signified by its black counterpart. Under no circumstances should you perceive him as a friend and assistant in business.

It is possible that soon in the dreamer’s immediate circle there will be a person who supports his thoughts, is distinguished by a strong-willed and strong character, and is capable of fighting to the bitter end. But you should immediately understand that he is nearby solely to satisfy his own goals, and in no way to provide selfless help. As soon as he no longer needs the dreamer, he will get rid of him.

Scorpio in the dream book (video)

Among many dreams, those in which scorpions are present deserve special attention. The meaning of dreams in this case is quite bad. You can expect any positive changes only if you managed to get rid of the insect and at the same time remain untouched. In all other cases, dreams do not bode well. You should be as careful and prudent as possible so that negative changes in life are as minimal as possible. And there will be no opportunity to avoid them as such, no matter how much you would like to, no matter how much effort is put in.

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according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a scorpio, it means that your false friends will take the opportunity to discredit you. If you fail to stop them, then you will suffer from their attacks.

Scorpio in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Scorpio means vindictiveness, power, deceit. If you were bitten by a scorpion in a dream, then in reality you will become a victim of slander and false rumors. Seeing a giant black scorpion in a dream means great changes. A dream in which you kill a scorpion indicates that you will be able to thwart the insidious plans of your enemy. To see yourself as a Scorpio in a dream according to your horoscope means an unexpected turn of events, and in your favor. If in a dream you eat an exotic Chinese dish made from scorpions, in reality it means that you will connect with a person who will make your life richer and bring a lot of impressions into it.

Expert answers


I had a similar dream several times. There are a lot of scorpions crawling around me (no matter indoors or outdoors). I understand that they pose a danger to me, but I don’t kill them (the main reason is that my horoscope is Scorpio), but they don’t sting me either. I don't perceive these dreams as bad. Once I saw my opponent being stung. Give some interpretation to these events, please. (Pronin, Yuri Vinidiktovich)

Recurring dreams indicate an unresolved or unconscious problem in reality. Scorpios in a dream mean deceitful friends in reality or symbolize your negative feelings towards yourself (guilt, fear, shame, etc.). According to the description of the dream, it seems that for now you are at a point of balance, but at any moment the situation risks getting out of control.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a Scorpio woman dream?

Why do you dream about Scorpio - Scorpio is a sign of false friends who will not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity to compromise you. If you fail to stop them, you will suffer from their actions.

The meaning of a dream about an Arthropod (Russian folk dream book)

Scorpio is the personification of cruelty, malice, meanness and deceit, as it attacks and kills its victims with a poisonous sting. And sometimes, in a fit of rage, he can kill himself. In a dream, it clearly does not bode well.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Scorpios

Scorpio - Scorpio is the personification of cruelty, anger, meanness, vindictiveness, irritability, deceit and composure, since he has a poisonous sting, attacks and kills his victims with it, and sometimes, in a fit of rage, can direct a deadly weapon against himself. If in a dream you dreamed of a scorpion killing its victim, it means that you will soon witness an unpleasant event; you will attend a funeral. Seeing a scorpion in a collection of insects means you will be able to defeat your opponent despite his dishonest play. You crushed a scorpion with your foot, which means that in reality you will be forced to fight your opponent with his own dishonest methods, which will not give you moral satisfaction, but will bring you victory, which in this situation will be much more important than peace of mind, this is what your dream means. .

Seeing Scorpios, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Scorpio - Scorpio stinging itself with its tail - the machinations of your competitors will turn against them. But if you have entered into a fight with them, refrain from taking decisive action in the next month - you can harm yourself. A Scorpio stinging you or killing you is a favorable sign. You will safely avoid illness or accident. But still, be careful.

The meaning of the dream about Scorpios (from the Kopalinsky encyclopedia)

Scorpio – Serious loss, great damage.

Esoteric dream book

Scorpio in night dreams

Scorpio - Seeing in a dream there is a possibility of getting into a deadly situation on the road while traveling. If you feel sorry for yourself, do not engage in self-criticism - this can lead to suicide. If you or someone has been bitten is evidence that fate, negative karma is weighing on you, and the time has come for its fulfillment. Think about the soul.

Ancient French dream book

Scorpio - interpretation of a dream

Scorpio - If you dreamed of a scorpion, beware of the traps set by your secret enemies.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Scorpio in a dream?

Scorpio – If you dream of a Scorpio, it means. Your false friends will take the opportunity to discredit you. If you fail to stop them, that’s it. You will suffer from their attacks.

The meaning of a dream about a Scorpio bite (Muslim dream book)

Scorpio - Scorpio - to the appearance of a weak enemy: the intention of this enemy is no more than to cause damage to the property of the one who saw the dream. A scorpion sting means slander from the enemy.

Why did you dream about Scorpio according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Why do you dream about Scorpio - Litigation, investigation.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Scorpio

Scorpio - Dreaming of a scorpion means that in your environment there is a person who pretends to be kind to you, but from time to time he tends to release his sting and sting you more painfully. To be afraid of a scorpion in a dream means you should be wary of a trick on the part of your neighbor, whom you have trusted all along and confided all your secrets to. Seeing a Scorpio stinging itself means that in your circle there is a person who tends to engage in self-torture, and he does it not just anywhere, but in your presence, hoping for compassion, supported by something else besides comforting words. You should not trust him recklessly - he is not at all as weak and helpless as he pretends to be, and is quite capable of opposing you at the first opportunity.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Scorpio as an image in a dream

Scorpio - You will be punished.

The meaning of the dream about the Sting (according to Nostradamus)

Scorpio – Means vindictiveness, power, deceit. If you were bitten by a scorpion in a dream, then in reality you will become a victim of slander and false rumors. Seeing a giant black scorpion means great changes. You kill a scorpion, indicates that you will be able to thwart the insidious plans of your enemy. To see yourself as a Scorpio in a dream according to your horoscope means an unexpected turn of events, and in your favor. You are eating an exotic Chinese dish made from scorpions - in reality it means that you will connect with a person who will make your life richer and bring a lot of impressions into it, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Seeing a Scorpio - Dreaming of a scorpion indicates that you have an enemy or adversary, however, not too formidable; his intention is to damage your property. He doesn’t even think about making an attempt on your life. A scorpion sting means slander from your ill-wishers.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Scorpio according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

Scorpio - You will be punished

Esoteric dream book

Scorpio in night dreams

Scorpio (zodiac sign) – Seeing in a dream, drawing to dangerous, fatal love.

Slavic dream book

What does Scorpio mean in a dream?

Scorpio - to a vile event. Trouble with neighbors. Revenge.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see Scorpio, what is it for?

Scorpio – excessive sensitivity and irritability. Seeing a Scorpio caught means increased demands on your partner.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Scorpio

Scorpio - You saw a scorpion in a dream - the dream warns that in reality you will be the one to sting; loved ones will suffer from you. Scorpio seems to have attacked you - to a person who calls himself your friend, that taking an oath and spitting are the same thing; he manages to hide a lot under his smile.

Seeing Scorpio in a dream (according to the Housewife's dream book)

Scorpio – big troubles (theft, betrayal, etc.). Biting your tail or burning on fire - internal contradictions; you are unable to overcome your own passions.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Scorpio in a dream

I dreamed about Scorpio - An unexpected incident will ruin your plans. Imagine that the scorpio disappears (burns, runs away). A frog takes his place.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Scorpio

Scorpio – Scorpio is famous for the sting at the tip of its tail, and the zodiac sign of the same name is believed to reflect the dark side of a person (see Shadow,). Who do you really think of as a Scorpio? If it is you yourself, then are you your own worst enemy, pushing others away with envy or harshness? Or does the dream advise you to come to terms with your inner darkness, unpleasant traits that you don’t like about yourself?

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with Scorpio based on your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of a scorpion in a dream - a sudden trouble awaits you.

In the summer, what did Scorpio dream about - There is no need to blame yourself for someone else’s fault, you cannot treat yourself so badly, everything goes on as usual - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream about a scorpio? You will engage in self-criticism, you will worry, in the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is happening.

In winter, what does a scorpio dream about - investigation and trial.

Dream Interpretation Scorpio

You need to be very careful about dreams that contain images of animals and insects.

Residents of the post-Soviet space rarely dream of exotic living beings, however, an interpretation of what a scorpion is dreaming of has recently been required more and more often.

Such a dangerous insect as a scorpion is a symbol of deceit and ruthlessness. This is a warning that not all people from your inner circle are friendly towards you. As soon as your position becomes precarious, imaginary friends will immediately take active action.

A slightly different interpretation is offered by the esoteric dream book, in which Scorpio can symbolize the negative feelings of the sleeper.

I dreamed of a poisonous insect

In this case, the insect is dreamed of before a difficult test, during which the sleeper learns the dark recesses of his own soul. He himself will be afraid of such strong and harsh negative qualities. However, only by accepting himself as he really is, the dreamer will be able to find peace and control his own temper.

What does the image that appears in a dream say?

Mindless aggression, deceit and malice are the main interpretations of the image of a dangerous insect. But in order to get a deeper explanation of what you saw in a dream, it is necessary to take into account all the details of the night's dream.

It is very important to remember whether the dreamer came into any contact with Scorpio, or had the opportunity to contemplate the image from afar. It is also worth assessing the size and color of the insect - such characteristics will help determine in which areas changes are coming.

Contemplative dream

Seeing a dangerous insect in a dream, but not making any contact with it, means witnessing a dangerous competitive struggle between colleagues. If one animal killed another, perhaps one of the friends will leave his place of work.

Seeing insects as pets in a dream

A night dream in which another animal (for example, a mongoose) caught a scorpion means that the desired changes in the work atmosphere will not come. However, a salary increase or a sudden bonus is quite possible.

Dreaming of scorpions in a jar or in a terrarium means hidden possibilities. But they can only appear when you have negative emotions. If you get really angry, you will have time to complete a obviously losing task.

If you dreamed of a horoscope and you noticed a beautiful image of a dangerous poisonous insect, then luck will smile on you. It is quite possible that a bright and extraordinary personality will play a significant role in the dreamer’s career advancement.

Actions with insects

Entering into any contact with an animal in a dream is a warning about strong emotional experiences. They can be both positive and negative.

Dreaming of a dangerous insect in the palm of your hand

But only sincere experience of such emotions will help further self-realization.

Friendly communication

I dream of Scorpions in a home terrarium before a change of work team. At the same time, the dreamer will feel that they are treating him warily, despite the truly real attitude of his new colleagues towards him.

If in reality a person sympathizes with such insects, then this dream advises paying attention first of all to the advantages of strangers, and not looking for shortcomings in them.

Insect control

Understanding in a dream that a scorpion is very dangerous and entering into a fight with it means serious rivalry. At the same time, the enemy can afford very dishonest methods, while hiding behind good intentions.

  • Running away from a huge insect means fear will come face to face with personal fears.
  • Seeing a large number of them jumping and stinging you one after another means trouble, financial difficulties.
  • Killing means victory, achieving what you want.
  • Crush with your foot - getting a position.
  • Finding it on a plate of food is a betrayal.
  • Crawl out from under the blanket - treason.

Horoscope and zodiac signs

I dreamed about a horoscope or constellation

If the dream was about the zodiac sign of the same name, it means the dreamer will be lucky enough to get what he wants thanks to natural charisma. Reading an online horoscope for Scorpio in a dream, and at the same time refers to another zodiac sign - a fateful acquaintance. It can play a role both in your personal life and in your professional life.

Making a horoscope yourself in a dream is a hidden mental ability. If you have had some scientific developments before this time, now is the ideal circumstance to release them to the public. If you see that the horoscope will turn out to be extremely negative, you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve success.

Seeing the constellation Scorpio through a telescope is a success of a business in which a lot of work has been invested.

Own sensations and feelings

Personal emotional experiences of night dreams influence their decoding no less than the main symbolic meaning. But here it is also important to take into account the dreamer’s attitude towards such animals in reality.

If a person experiences an unimaginable fear of dangerous insects in reality, then the dream may be a personal nightmare. Perhaps in this way the subconscious is trying to get rid of the negativity accumulated over a certain time.

Severe pain from stinging scorpions means betrayal of loved ones. Seeing bite marks on your body, but not experiencing any discomfort, means your work will be appropriated by another person. You can't prove anything.

A neutral attitude towards insects in reality calls for a symbol-by-symbol interpretation of the dream. However, if the night dream was filled with positive feelings from communicating with scorpions, then the sleeper will be able to overcome all difficulties, using little tricks.

Your mark:

If you dream of a scorpio, it means... Your false friends will take the opportunity to discredit you. If you fail to stop them, then... You will suffer from their attacks.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Scorpio

Scorpio means vindictiveness, power, deceit. If you were bitten by a scorpion in a dream, then in reality you will become a victim of slander and false rumors. Seeing a giant black scorpion in a dream means great changes. A dream in which you kill a scorpion indicates that you will be able to thwart the insidious plans of your enemy. To see yourself as a Scorpio in a dream according to your horoscope means an unexpected turn of events, and in your favor. If in a dream you eat an exotic Chinese dish made from scorpions, in reality it means that you will connect with a person who will make your life richer and bring a lot of impressions into it.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse Scorpio

You will be punished

Modern dream book Scorpio

Seeing a scorpion in a dream is a harbinger of secret enmity. If you are bitten by a scorpion, in reality someone’s secret enmity will greatly harm you.

Esoteric dream book Scorpio

To see - there is a possibility of getting into a deadly situation on the road while traveling. Self-pitying - do not engage in self-criticism, this can lead to suicide. Bitten you or someone - evidence that fate, negative karma is weighing on you, and the time has come for its fulfillment. Think about the soul.

Dream Interpretation Longo Scorpio

To dream of a scorpion means that in your environment there is a person who pretends to be kind to you, but from time to time he tends to release his sting and sting you more painfully. To be afraid of a scorpion in a dream means you should be wary of a trick on the part of your neighbor, whom you have trusted all along and confided all your secrets to. Seeing in a dream how a scorpion stings itself means that in your circle there is a person who tends to engage in self-torture, and he does this not just anywhere, but precisely in your presence, hoping for compassion, supported by something else besides comforting words You should not trust him recklessly - he is not at all as weak and helpless as he pretends to be, and is quite capable of opposing you at the first opportunity.

Esoteric dream book Scorpio

Seeing, drawing - to dangerous, fatal love.

Your personal dream book Scorpio

If you dream of a Scorpio, then in reality it is important to be wary of the insidiousness of your enemies, who pretend to be friends, making every effort to ruin you. If you fail to kill a scorpion in a dream, then in life the machinations of your enemies will bring tangible losses