Dreaming about the funeral of a deceased person: positive and negative interpretations of the dream. The meaning of the degree of relationship in a dream. Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dream is favorable. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate.

For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding.

If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her.

If he is young, he will find someone his own age.

The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich.

If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy.

If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreams of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision.

Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person, decorated with flowers, and a mournful crowd around - means having fun in the company of friends.

If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends.

If you see yourself sitting over a deceased person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands.

Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure.

Dressing a deceased person for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend.

If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures.

If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance.

Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of a deceased person.

The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Deceased fathers

Towards death, conversations, failure, changes in weather, they must be remembered;

Deceased mother - severe illness, grief;

Dead person - you will be sick, the duck will overcome, bad weather (rain, snow), quarrel, change of home, bad news, death (sick);

To meet a dead person is good, good luck // illness, death;

Man - success; woman - obstacles

The dead come to life - obstacles in business, loss;

To be with the dead means to have enemies;

Seeing the dead alive means long years // a big nuisance, illness;

Seeing a sick person dead means he will recover;

Hugging a dead person is a disease;

Kissing – longevity;

Giving him something is a loss, a loss;

Moving or carrying a deceased person is bad, sadness;

Congratulations are good;

Talking - interesting news // illness;

Calls with him - death.

Interpretation of dreams from

Relatives are significant figures both in real life and in dreams. For this reason, interpreting dreams with relatives present is not an easy task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations, which may be based on the dream script or the laws of classical psychology.

The reason for the predominance of dreams about FAMILY is the desire of each person to answer the question of what state of affairs in the family is “normal”, and then apply the acquired knowledge in practice. A huge number of clients undergo psychological treatment courses, basing their complaints on the desire to “have a normal family” or “a normal marriage.” This idea comes from our relatives and how well they do or do not fit our definition of normal.

Dreams about family can strengthen or undermine our “normal” perception of family. Relationships within the extended family are important for the development of family concepts and traditions. As you mature and challenge the concept of "normal" to fit your own views on life, these traditions either become more deeply ingrained in your consciousness or conflict with your own ideas. The responsibilities of family members, as well as the order and schedule for carrying out certain tasks, depend on the leverage that exists in the “extended family”. As a result, we create our own family history, which determines our true position within this unit of society and outlines its position in our worldview.

At the archetype level, dreams involving relatives can be interpreted as the desire of the dreamer to see how he interacts with a large human community consisting of relatives. To interpret dreams of this kind, it is necessary to determine which of the relatives took part in the dream, and also to establish whether they are actually alive: often deceased relatives continue to live in our dreams. Usually there are the following reasons for this: either the action taking place in the dream reminds you of the ritual aspects of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with him remains unclear.

As a rule, dreams about relatives REPEAT from time to time. Such a repetition may have PROPHETIC or historical significance, especially if the central figures in the dream are relatives with whom you have friction on an emotional level, or there are concerns about their health. In the case of friction on the emotional level, the dream can indicate the cause of this friction and indicate the possibility of eliminating it. In the case of some relatives with precarious health, a dream can warn of the impending DEATH of a family member.

The place and reason for the appearance of relatives in a dream are important for their interpretation. For example, if in your dream there are only women doing things that they traditionally did together, this may mean that you are reuniting with your family in some new capacity. Here are some interpretations of this dream:

1. Reluctance to join women in their work is a hint of a contradictory attitude towards family traditions.

2. Joining a group consisting exclusively of people of the opposite sex - confusion with determining one's place in the family.

3. Joining a group of family members who have a common unique characteristic, for example: all are bald, all have cancer, all are widowers, all are single, etc. - indicates identification with such a group or fear of sharing fate with those for whom you feel pity or sadness.

Despite the fact that family members are significant figures, in a dream they can carry different meanings. The free associations you often have in this regard are the key to unraveling their influence on your sleep and the meaning of this influence.

Typical figures of family members, such as FATHERS and MOTHERS (or their images), are iconic in dreams. Regardless of the attitude towards them, they were the first people who influenced the formation of our personality, which includes our reaction to the world around us, as well as self-esteem and internal value system.

Thus, another significant aspect of dreams involving relatives is the reflection of the positive or negative influence of individual relatives on the formation of your EGO and PERSONAL strengths. Your strengths and weaknesses often manifest themselves alternately across generations. For example, in one generation the father expresses his ANGER quite violently. In the next generation, anger falls into the TABOO category and is not expressed at all. In this regard, dreams about one parent have a compensatory effect. Sometimes in a dream you can see a family member close to you in an unusual environment (for example, scuba diving in the company of your grandmother). As a rule, dreams of this kind are replete with many other symbols and images that indicate its true meaning.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Relatives

If you dream of all your relatives gathered together at one table, then in reality you will receive good news from one of your distant relatives. Perhaps one of your relatives will have a child or you will find a new relative. If someone in your family was sick, such a dream promises him a speedy recovery.

If in a dream you witnessed a quarrel between relatives, this means that you were once guilty of something in front of your relatives and now you are tormented by remorse. The dream also promises you a meeting that will become a turning point in your destiny. Perhaps you will have a good and profitable acquaintance.

A dream in which relatives gathered together are seated at the table according to age means that you should be more attentive to your own children or your nephews. Perhaps a pleasant surprise awaits you.

A dream in which one of your relatives gave you a large sum of money is evidence of frivolity and inattention to your family and dissatisfaction with what you have. The dream warns against excessive excitement and seeking adventures that can harm not only you, but also those around you.

A dream in which you witnessed a fight between younger relatives means that you will not have to wait for a quiet life, but excitement and anger are unlikely to help. You have to work a lot and hard on your character.

By the way, when Dante died, his relatives and friends discovered that the full text of the famous “Divine Comedy” was missing: Canto XIII was missing. Months of searching led nowhere. Perhaps readers would have had to see an incomplete text of the great comedy if one of Dante’s sons had not seen his deceased father in a dream, who, with the words “what you were looking for is here,” pointed to a niche in the wall. Immediately awakening, the son and his father's friend went into the house and in the indicated place (in the niche of the window) found a stack of scribbled sheets of paper, the lines of which had already begun to blur with age. This was the missing chapter.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why does the Dead Man dream:

Deceased person - If you dreamed of a dead person, then health and longevity await you if the person in your dream is alive. If the deceased person in a dream is actually dead, this means a change in the weather.

Kissing a dead person means a long life awaits you. Dead man in a coffin - To see someone who has died a long time ago in a coffin - the loss of a relative or friend awaits you.

Talking in a dream with a deceased person who was a relative or friend in life means you will arrange your affairs well.

If a dead person is outside the coffin in a dream, or a living dead person, then a guest will come to you. If a deceased person is in a coffin in a dream and he is a famous loved one, then a messenger of fate will appear to you or there will be news about this person’s wedding or good fortune. If the deceased in the coffin is a stranger, then this is to your advantage.

See also: why do you dream of a funeral, why do you dream of a coffin, why do you dream of a dead person.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why does the Dead Man dream, how to understand the dream:

Dreaming of a dead man is a warning. Late father - If you talk to your late father in a dream, then be careful in your affairs and contacts, your reputation is at risk.

If you dreamed about your deceased mother, this is a warning about illness, be kinder to people.

Seeing a deceased relative or friend means you will soon have the opportunity to help someone.

Why do you dream of a dead man alive, a revived dead man - To see deceased people alive and in a good mood in a dream - you must immediately get out of the influence of an unworthy person, otherwise you cannot avoid adversity and loss. A dead man who died - Dreaming of a dead man - this is for the better in your affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why does the Dead Man dream, how to interpret the dream:

Dead man - I dreamed of a dead man who does not ask for anything and does not show dissatisfaction, does not make any complaints - this means a change in the weather.

To dream that people are condemning someone who is lying in a coffin is a sign of trouble; get ready for a conflict with loved ones.

Why do you dream of a dead person alive - A deceased acquaintance - You dreamed of a person who died a long time ago, as if he were still alive - this means a change in the weather.

Seeing a person who, with his pale appearance, very much resembles a dead person, is a sign of illness.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why does the Dead Man dream according to the dream book:

Deceased, deceased - To see that the deceased are your relatives - this portends for them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive.

If they are already dead, then this foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on what foot you got up from.

Deceased loved one - Seeing your beloved as a dead person foreshadows a sad parting with him.

Seeing yourself dead is a sign of anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, and if solemnly and with a lot of people, then this indicates that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely famous.

Big dream book

Why do you dream of a Dead Man - dream analysis:

Seeing a Dead Man in a dream:

Dead man - Dreamed of a dead man - this means a change in the weather.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream of a dead man according to the dream book?

Deceased, deceased - Seeing a dead person is a warning dream, which indicates that significant changes are coming in your life, for which you should prepare in advance.

Deceased relatives - To see that you saw one of your relatives or people you know who have already died in real life, then try to remember what exactly these people told you in a dream and adhere to the advice given to you in a dream. But at the same time, you should not make any promises to the deceased in a dream - this is a very bad sign, warning that a streak of failures is coming in your life.

If you dreamed of dead people surrounding you, then in reality you will find yourself in a situation where you need help, but you will not receive this help - disappointment and irritation will overwhelm you.

Deceased relatives - If you dreamed of one of your deceased relatives - mother or father, then such a dream should be perceived as the direction of your future life. Those who are currently in a difficult situation can dream of a mother - she will advise and protect against wrong decisions.

The father can also give practical advice in a dream, but at the same time he can also warn in advance against getting into an unpleasant situation.

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream of a Dead Man? This means:

Deceased, deceased - to improvement in business. A dead person can symbolize your old habits, negative feelings that you have already forgotten about, but they have come to life again.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dream of a Dead Man, why is it:

Seeing yourself dead means happiness awaits you. Seeing this means someone will help you.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a person who has already died?

If you experience a zombie attack in a dream, you will have to return to the list of your old to-dos. Talking to a dead person means arguing with a friend. Seeing a dead zombie means you will be in big trouble. Seeing a lot of zombies means illness.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does the Dead Man mean:

Seeing that you have done this means that your affairs are so bad that you do not want to live and you have completely given up.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why does the Dead Man dream:

If you see what you have done, then you will have a misfortune through your own fault.

Another interpretation of this dream: suicide in a dream foreshadows pregnancy, the birth of a child, as well as a dubious victory in the love field.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a dead person?

To see that a dead person means you will find yourself in a hopeless or difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why does the Dead Man dream, what does it mean:

A dream in which you are preparing to commit suicide portends you great troubles and disappointments, as a result of which you will lose interest in life.

Seeing someone's suicide or hearing about it through hearsay is a bad sign. It is quite possible that the reason for your failures will be your natural gullibility and carelessness.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why does the Dead Man dream, for what reason:

Dreaming of a dead person may mean that the dreamer's life situation is so unsatisfactory that he is no longer willing or able to handle personal or business relationships in the same ways.

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If you dream about Exhumation and you want to know why you dream about Exhumation, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Exhumation:

Removal of a corpse from a burial site for forensic or forensic examination

EXHUMATION - removal of a buried corpse from the ground for forensic medical, forensic examination or pathological examination.

Exhumation - interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of Exhumation means changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Exhumation means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Exhumation is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people present in the dream about the Exhumation, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party.

Dream Interpretation - why do you dream about the funeral of an already deceased person? What does the dream portend?

If you dream of Exhumation together with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

On an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what the Exhumation is dreamed of depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and email address to which we will send the interpretation (your email is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

If you dream about Exhauster and you want to know why Exhauster is dreamed of, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Exhauster:

EXHAUSTER is a suction fan used in mines and factory premises to remove spoiled air and harmful gases, to create draft in furnaces, to move lightweight materials (hair, wool, etc.).

Exhauster - interpretation of sleep

If you dream about Exhauster, you will experience changes in your personal life. In a dream, Exhauster means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Exgauster is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people present in the dream where Exgauster is seen, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Exhauster with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online dream interpretation on an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what Exgauster dreams about depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and email address to which we will send the interpretation (your email is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

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InformationThe meaning of a dream about ExhausterThe meaning of a dream about ExhumationWhy do you dream about ExhausterWhy do you dream about ExhumationDreamed about ExgausterDreamed about ExhumationDreamed about ExhausterDreamed about ExhumationDreamed about ExgausterExhumation meaning of the wordDreamed about ExhausterDream Interpretation ExhumationSee Exhauster in a dreamSee Exhumation in a dreamWhat Ex means gauster in a dream What does exhumation mean in a dreamExgausterExhauster meaning of the wordExgauster dictionaryExgauster dreamExgauster dream interpretationExgauster what does it meanExgauster what is itExhumationExhumation dictionary ExgausterExhumation dreamExhumation interpretation sleepExhumation what does it meanExhumation what is it

Why do you dream about burial?

Why do you dream about burial?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing yourself buried alive in a dream means that you are about to make a huge mistake, which your enemies will quickly use to insult and harm you.

If you were saved by crawling out of the grave, then at the cost of great efforts you will be able to safely

Why do you dream about burial?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Burial alive in a dream means that you can make a fatal mistake, which your enemies will immediately take advantage of.

If you managed to get out of the grave, at the cost of great efforts you will be able to correct this mistake.

Why do you dream about exhumation?

Why do you dream about burial?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Seeing yourself buried alive in a dream is a sign that in reality you are ready to make a huge and irreparable mistake that you will not be able to correct; your enemies will instantly take advantage of this oversight to irreversibly ruin your reputation. Why do you dream of being buried alive - If in a dream you managed to escape and crawl out of the grave, then at the cost of great effort you will be able to safely bypass a catastrophic situation and get on the right path.

Why do you dream about burial?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of a Burial, what is this for? You dream of an old burial place - perhaps a rickety monument, fallen ground - you trusted someone with your secret and now you are tormented by doubts - will it be preserved?.., you don’t have to worry: the person who is yours knows a secret, knows how to keep his word; your secret, as they say, is the grave. If you dream that you were buried alive - you are now taking a lot of risks - it’s as if you are walking on a tightrope; you can make a mistake that your enemies will immediately notice and use; in an effort to harm you, they will be merciless. You - buried alive - managed to escape - from an almost hopeless situation you will be able to find the only true way out; To achieve your plans, you will have to use all your strength.

Why do you dream about burial?

Women's dream book

Buried alive - Buried alive in a dream means that you may make a fatal mistake, which your enemies will immediately take advantage of. Why do you dream about burial - If you managed to get out of the grave, at the cost of great efforts you will be able to correct this mistake.

Why do you dream about burial?

French dream book

To dream of a burial promises you someone’s forgiveness and deep fidelity.

Why do you dream about burial?

Dream Interpretation 2012

Burial alive is a reflection of the beginning of unnecessary changes.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

7th lunar day

Dreams are considered reliable. They are easy to decipher and make it possible to quickly apply the tips received from the Universe in practice.

Waxing Crescent

The dream speaks of new turns of events that will soon occur. It indicates areas of life and issues that need to be addressed in the near future. Dreams on the waxing Moon are prophetic.

A dream usually takes the sleeper into the world of his fantasies and unrealized hopes. This is an empty dream that means nothing.

Deceased relatives or close people can often visit in a dream those who had close contacts with them. What do dead people come to in dreams? Why do you dream about the dead person’s belongings? There is no definite answer to the question, since one fact of seeing a dead person can be interpreted with different interpretations. You need to try to remember all the smallest details of the dream, since its correct interpretation depends on them.

The first thing you need to focus your attention on is the personality of the deceased person. What was it like during the life of the person who had the dream? Father, brother, husband, friend or just an acquaintance - everything matters in the correct interpretation of the dream. Even when seeing a stranger dead, the dream has its purpose. The second detail that needs to be remembered is the things of the deceased, which carry a significant meaning for the future life of the person who saw the dream.

Interpretation by dream books of dreams with apparitions of the dead

Miller's dream book interprets the vision of a dead man as a sign of upcoming changes. The nature of events in life depends on which relative the dreamer saw. If a deceased mother appears in a dream, the illness of close relatives is inevitable. in a dream means major failures in business without hope of recovery.

Seeing a deceased friend in a dream is a good sign, promising changes in the dreamer’s life with a positive result. On the contrary, seeing a large number of corpses in a dream is considered a bad sign; most likely, one should expect a natural disaster in the area where the dreamer lives. This interpretation of dreams is given by Vanga’s dream book.

In Muslim dream books, seeing a dead person in a dream is also not considered a good sign; one has to fight enemies who are everywhere pursuing the dreamer and trying to harm him in any field of activity. You can avoid the negative consequences of falling into the enemy’s net if you exercise extreme caution in all your actions. Prepare carefully for all upcoming events and remember that the enemy does not sleep.

Zhou-Go's dream book explains the appearance of dead people in a dream as positive changes in the dreamer's life. With respectful reverence for deceased relatives, happiness addressed to the dreamer by the souls of loved ones will not be long in coming.

It is not a very good sign to see a cemetery and dead people in a dream, which means too much negative energy that the dreamer directs towards other people. Interpretation of such a vision by dream books means a warning that sins will sooner or later have to be atoned for. It is better to stop in time before bad deeds go too far.

What does it mean for close deceased relatives to come in a dream?

The interpretation of the dream “a widow dreams of a deceased husband” is rooted in psychoanalysis. In most cases, a woman reproaches herself for the death of her husband, never ceasing to blame herself for it. Reality shows that a woman has nothing to do with the reasons for her husband’s death. By rethinking reality, the widow will be able to acquire inner peace.

The arrival is not always considered a bad dream. We need to more accurately remember her facial expression and emotional state. If the mother is joyful, smiles and hugs the dreamer, then we should expect good events in the life of the dreamer to replace unpleasant ones. Another thing is the arrival of a sad and grieving mother; most dream books interpret this phenomenon in a dream as a series of troubles and misfortunes in the near future.

The death of close relatives is not expected, but events in life cannot be called pleasant. There will always be failure in business for some time. Such interpretations are given by a dream in which a sleeping person sees his deceased father. Events can be averted if you consult experienced and knowledgeable people about upcoming undertakings and the competent continuation of long-term projects.

When you do, the interpretation of the dream falls into the category of warnings. There is no need to be wasteful with your purchases, as you may run out of money, creating a large series of unpleasant consequences. If you manage to avoid waste associated with surprises and expensive little things, the troubles associated with an acute lack of money may pass by.

The deceased are distant relatives

Deceased distant relatives appearing in a dream symbolize events that change something in the dreamer’s life. What is certain is that events cannot happen without the help of other people, sometimes already deceased.

If you dream of a deceased grandmother, then family life will be reconsidered regarding its way of life. You need to remember the recommendations given by your grandmother; they will save you from troubles and if you follow them, you can hope for a successful outcome of family events.

A long-awaited and joyful sign of a dream, in which you can recognize the imminent marriage of a young lady - to see your late grandfather. Of course, there won’t be enough trouble, fatigue will cripple the dreamer, but the anticipating solemn event will give vigor and strength to carry it out.

Why do you dream about your late uncle? A close connection with an uncle during his lifetime, guardianship and instructions are not in vain; in a dream, the late uncle appeared to protect the dreamer from wrong steps that could result in trouble. You shouldn’t neglect sleep; it’s better to try to remember what he said and follow his instructions exactly.

If the deceased mother-in-law appears to her daughter-in-law in a dream, it is necessary to reconsider the relationship with her husband in family life. Protracted scandals happen due to the fault of the wife; you should not perceive all events acutely and emotionally, but try to bring gentleness and wisdom into the family experience of the relationship between the spouses.

How familiar is the deceased to you?

The dead who visit us in dreams may be familiar to us or we are seeing them for the first time. To interpret such a dream, you need to take the trouble to take a good look at the deceased or remember him. The course of events in real future life depends on how familiar the dead person is to us. The gender of the dead person is of considerable importance in the interpretation of a dream.

What does an unfamiliar dead woman come to in a dream? A dead woman symbolizes a dangerous rival for a future relationship with her beloved man. The dream can be interpreted as a quarrel with a good friend. For a man to see an unfamiliar dead woman in a dream means the appearance of a dangerous competitor in business.

If a dead man appears to the dreamer, then he will have troubles at work. The employees and administration of the institution will form an opposition, and the dreamer himself will be immersed in conflicts and other kinds of troubles for some time.

The dream book interprets the face of a dead person, hidden by a veil or mask, as a nuisance masquerading as good intentions from two-faced people. You should carefully reconsider all your connections; it is possible that your friends seem more trustworthy to you than they actually are. If you don't pay any attention to your sleep, you can get a lot of problems in your relationships with people.

A positive interpretation of a dream exists if your friend appeared dead in a dream. Living friends who dreamed of being dead promise good changes in life. For the dreamer, this means a white streak in life, so you can safely go towards realizing your dream.

If in a dream the deceased turns out to be a friend, then the dreamer’s joint projects with friends will be crowned with success. Joint financial projects will be successful for everyone if the profits are shared. In the case of the dreamer’s scams for the purpose of making more profit, things will not be so successful.

Alien Dead

Seeing the dead and not recognizing them or never having met them in life is interpreted by dream books as a connection with worlds unknown to mankind or something sacred. Seeing the dead with a body without a fetid odor, but already beginning to decompose, is a great success. Major financial assistance is soon expected in life, which the dreamer did not expect.

And I dreamed about it in a dream, then this happens no earlier than the moment when the soul finally finds peace (forty days after death). A person makes himself known by a sign in a dream that he will no longer disturb the dreamer, settling forever in another world. You should let go of the situation and stop worrying about eternal separation.

When in a dream the dreamer sees a morgue with corpses and a fetid odor, the dream book interprets such a dream as an unfortunate sign of the dreamer’s long stay without financial wealth. The times when things were going well will only have to be remembered for a long time. The black streak of losses and almost poverty will end, but not soon.

If a good friend, now deceased, often comes in a dream, you need to pray for the repose of his soul, visit his grave, remember the best moments of communication, remember him by distributing food or money, then let go of the situation forever and stop grieving about the past.

Frequent guests from the other world

Dead people are connected by incomprehensible contacts with the living. This is especially often found in people who almost died or were in a state of clinical death for some time. Through them, warnings, advice, commands are transmitted to the earthly world, which no one has ever thought of not fulfilling. Often these “greetings” are addressed to other people (acquaintances and strangers), whom after recovery you have to look for and tell them about what you were told to convey. It’s good if the symbols, gestures, and words of the deceased were correctly understood. If you are not confident in the correct decoding of their signals, you do not need to add anything on your own.

If you often dream about different dead people at night, the soul of a living person is too sensitive to what is happening. In order not to bother your soul with memories of a dream, you need to try to perceive surrounding phenomena more calmly, stop watching horror films, and try to sleep in silence.

The dead man is unhappy in his sleep

Why did the evil dead man dream? Probably, in life the dreamer does such things that even from the Kingdom of Eternity they send him signs. Terrible grief awaits the dreamer if he continues to commit wicked deeds. The evil dead man warns to stop, otherwise an irreparable event will happen.

If a deceased person cried in a dream, then one should look for a reflection of the dreamer’s attitude towards him in his actions. Lack of humility and severe sorrow are noticed from heaven, which is why the dead person is saddened.

Seeing a drunken dead person in a dream is interpreted differently by dream books. Some dream books interpret this event as a mystery that will soon be solved for the dreamer. If you believe other dream books, then the interpretation of the dream “a drunken dead man hit you” is very successful for the eyewitness of the dream: he is carrying a sudden large sum of money.

A deceased person shaking in his sleep from the cold or complaining about it bears a sign to living people about the poor condition of his grave. She may be mutilated or too naked. We urgently need to visit the cemetery. If the grave is in good condition, plant flowers on the ground that will brighten up the existence of the deceased person in another world.

The dream book’s interpretation of the dream “hungry dead man” is aimed at hinting to a living person to visit the grave of the deceased and put at least some candy on it. If a person has not been remembered for a long time, in addition to visiting the grave, it is advisable to order a service for his repose and distribute the memorial.

Gifts from the Kingdom of Peace

A good omen is to receive a gift from the hands of a deceased person. It is important to prevent deception on the part of the deceased and follow the dead in the hope of receiving this gift. A good gift can only be in your hands. The luck promised by dream books in the event of receiving a gift from the hands of a dead person should not be missed by you in real life.

Why dream about the deceased handing bread to a man - he can hope that very soon he will be able to raise him to a higher level financially without much effort. A girl accepting bread from the hands of a dead man means hoping for a quick acquaintance that will develop into strong love and a happy marriage.

If a dead person asks a living person in a dream for a gift that represents the dreamer’s thing, you should not make such a sacrifice. In this case, the deceased beckons the dreamer to follow him. Taking your belongings to visit him means getting into big trouble in reality. Things belonging to the deceased may be taken by him. If this happened in a dream, a living person should no longer use this thing.

Great luck is expected, according to the interpretation of dream books, if a dead person feeds the dreamer. When the meal was a success, but you still want to eat, ahead, after sleep, the financial prosperity that the dreamer deserves is expected.

It happens that in a dream a dead person brings a thing as a gift. This thing needs to be found, after which the key to solving the dream will be found. Either the secrets that the dead person took with him to another world will be unraveled, or the thing will prompt the dreamer’s further actions.

Another world: news

If in a dream you saw an exhumation followed by the reburial of a deceased person, then dream books explain the phenomenon as how the dreamer does not move forward along the intended goal. On the contrary, he moves further back from the intended goal. The process has become cyclical; an analysis is needed of what means are preventing the dreamer from moving towards the result.

Why do you dream about the smell of a decaying corpse, but the dead man himself is not visible? In this case, dream books predict unforeseen difficult situations, the roots of which will be difficult to find.

The dream book's interpretation of a deceased person's warning about something in a dream of a close relative with whom there was a close relationship must be followed. Such warnings can come in a dream from good friends who have passed on to another world.

There is no need to pay attention to a dream in which a dead stranger is holding a child in his arms. This has nothing to do with the dreamer or his immediate environment. It’s another matter if the deceased was a close relative of the woman who had the dream. This is a good sign, meaning the fulfillment in the near future of a long-conceived dream - conceiving a child.

To see a letter sent by a dead person in a dream means returning to real affairs that were once started but shelved. The dreamer must try to read the lines of the letter: this is exactly what the deceased asks or warns him about. Not completing things means incurring troubles that will be difficult to get rid of.

Photograph with the dead

If in a dream you dreamed that a person was taking a photo with a dead person, do not be afraid - the dreamer will receive good news from afar that can change his life for the better.

Seeing a photo of the deceased himself in a dream is interpreted ambiguously by dream books. In this case, you need to take a good look at the face of the dead man. Sadness and grief on the face of a photo of a deceased person is a bad sign, foreshadowing an imminent illness of the dreamer himself or his loved ones (relatives).

If the face of the deceased in the photograph looks joyful, then the path along which the dreamer trods the path of life has been chosen correctly and promises satisfaction in the search for truth.

The dead man came into the house

If in a dream you see the house of a deceased person, this sign marks good events in the future. The good deeds that the dreamer does for the deceased during his lifetime will result in a reward for the virtue.

Other interpretations of dreams in which you see a dead person’s apartment include unraveling the secrets of the dreamer’s inner circle. Having received the keys to the secret, do not give them to other people, keep the secret to yourself.

Why do you dream of a dead person in your house? Dream books interpret dreams in different ways. When the deceased is in the house in the role of a dead person, things are bad for the dreamer, and great troubles lie ahead due to his own imprudence. In the case of a dream in which a dead person came to visit the dreamer alive, there is nothing to be afraid of. Such a dream brings good news to the dreamer’s home.

If in a dream you see a dead person lying on a bed, the meaning of the dream is interpreted as a hint of a reconsideration of positions related to the work that has begun. One day, an abandoned business should be restored, since the dreamer’s doubts about the prospects of the project turn out to be groundless.

The dream of the deceased himself is also ambiguously interpreted by dream books. If the dead man is sleeping peacefully and his face is peaceful, he has finally entered the Kingdom of Peace, and you are not threatened with warnings from him. The dreamer's life is flowing in the right direction. On the contrary, the dead man constantly tossing and turning in his dream, restlessly throwing his arms and legs, is dissatisfied with the way the dreamer arranges his life and treats the people around him.

How many dead people do you dream about and how?

To see a naked deceased person in a dream walking through strange gardens is interpreted by dream books as the carefree existence of a loved one in his afterlife. There is no longer any need to worry about his peace; in another world a person feels comfortable.

A bad omen is the dream of “being sandwiched between two dead people.” All dream books predict an imminent serious illness associated with a gross violation of a healthy lifestyle.

Why do you dream of many dead people at once? The sign is not very good, but does not pose a danger to life and health. For lovers, the dream is interpreted as betrayal of a loved one. Some dream books explain the dream in terms of the loss of a loved one’s former hot passion.

A lucky pregnant woman sees in her dream a deceased woman expecting a child. Pregnancy and childbirth will not cause big problems, since it is impossible to imagine stronger protection for the fetus from guardian angels.

If the deceased sits motionless with a stony face in your dream, then there is danger from strangers. Do not allow people who distrust you to approach you.

Explanation of the behavior of the deceased from the Orthodox point of view

Why do you dream of a recently deceased person in a temple? Of all the obligatory funeral rites, some were performed in violation. The dream book’s interpretation of such a vision is aimed at completing all the burial rituals.

If a deceased person is seen 9 days after death, he is really closely watching the dreamer. Positive emotions on his face indicate the right actions taken by the dreamer. If the deceased frowns, mistakes must be corrected.

Until a person is 40 days after death, he helps you survive grief and carry out your earthly affairs. You just need to ask him about it if he appears in a dream before the specified time.

Belongings and body parts of the deceased

The dream book’s interpretation of the dream “things of the deceased on oneself” is the need for the dreamer to take care of the burial place. We urgently need to start improving the grave. Wearing the clothes of a deceased person in a dream is a good sign, bringing news of impending wealth and other profitable achievements. Do not forget to thank the deceased person with the appropriate ritual.

Giving things to a dead person in a dream is a bad vision, meaning a stop in your business due to the transfer of energy to a treacherous person or a disease that causes discomfort.

If you dreamed about a dead man's head, you can congratulate the dreamer on his insight and the beginning of a creative period, which should bring harmony and a series of new insights.

The frozen face of a dead person signals to the dreamer that he disregards the opinions of others and sometimes acts contrary to all logical conclusions.

The deceased is sick or dies

If you see a dead person sick in a dream, then the dreamer or one of his relatives is now deprived of health. But there is no need to worry after sleep; recovery is already beginning.

Bad events are coming in the life of the dreamer’s loved ones if a person sees a dead person covered in blood. But events can only be corrected by the dreamer, so you need to give importance to the dream so that trouble does not happen.

Seeing a hanging corpse in a dream means future troubles that must be endured. If a deceased person is drowned in clean water, the dreamer will have the opportunity to be cleansed of sins and gain lightness in his soul.

Dream Interpretations about obviously bad signs

To dream of a dead man in a mirror means that a person is in disharmony with himself. You need to take care of yourself first with a psychologist, if not a psychiatrist.

The worst dream, according to the interpretation of dream books, is to see a dead person in a black robe and with a mournful face. The death of the dreamer (close friends) or a serious illness cannot be ruled out.

The dead man has risen

None of the dreams concerning the resurrection of a dead man promises pleasant events for the dreamer. Any dream may not come true if your efforts are wise and judicious.

Despite the fact that a funeral is a sad and tragic event, such a dream can portend joyful events. Why do you dream about the funeral of a person who has already died?

Let's try to figure it out Why do you dream about the funeral of a dead person? and what is the omen of such a dream.

The funeral of an already deceased person foreshadows a quick wedding for the dreamer or dreamer if he or she is not yet married.

If during sleep the dreamer does not experience bad emotions or experiences, in the near future he will not face any troubles or problems.

The funeral of a stranger in a dream is a harbinger of elation, a surge of strength, and the discovery of a “second wind.”

Poor funeral for a man who actually died a long time ago, are a harbinger of good luck and quick enrichment.

If the funeral takes place in good, sunny weather, and the sky above is clear and blue, such a dream foreshadows good health and well-being of the dreamer’s family and friends.

If a rich, famous person is buried in a dream, the dreamer will soon have great luck.

Such a dream can also portend unexpected enrichment, for example, receiving money as an inheritance. For office workers, such a dream foreshadows a salary increase.

If the dreamer accepts condolences on the death of a long-dead person, such a dream foreshadows a holiday or other joyful event.

Being part of a funeral procession is a harbinger of an imminent wedding.

Funerals are often a harbinger of short-lived, fleeting happiness. It could be a passionate but short-lived romance, a vacation, or a series of joyful events.

The funeral of someone close to you who died long ago is a good sign. Such a dream is a harbinger of great luck, happiness, the emergence of new hope and serious changes for the better in the dreamer’s life.

The funeral of a recently deceased person promises the dreamer and his family prosperity and well-being. Such a dream, oddly enough, speaks of the dreamer’s good health and financial independence.

Negative interpretations

However, it is not surprising that such a dream has much more unpleasant, and in many ways even tragic, meanings.

Attending a funeral is a harbinger of trouble, illness or even death of a loved one or acquaintance.

If it rains during a funeral, such a dream is a harbinger of illness or whiteness for the dreamer himself. He should beware of bad habits.

The funeral of a long-dead person foreshadows career failures. For business people, such a dream predicts a streak of failure.

If the dreamer plans to open his own business or implement a project, the dream warns that it will be a failure.

If in a dream the dreamer is not only part of a funeral procession, but also carries a coffin, he should be wary of quarrels with family and friends.

Soon he may not of his own free will do something vile, offend or cruelly insult people dear to him.

Whether he will do this intentionally or not - the dream is silent about this, but in any case, the dreamer should be more careful with words and actions.

Seeing a funeral procession from the side is a bad sign. Such a dream is a harbinger of a streak of failure. The longer the procession, the longer the black streak in the dreamer’s life.

A funeral in a dream is a harbinger of bad news. Such a dream foreshadows a decline in your career.