How to order your sleep. Conspiracy for a prophetic dream: rules, consequences, types. Dream for healing

There are many methods by which you can see prophetic dreams. These methods were formed by world folklore and even very ancient legends, based on the picture of the world of an ancient and uneducated person. However Do not think that such methods are worthless and useless. It so happened that even despite the obvious external stupidity of some of them, and there are a lot of them, they can still act.

It all comes down to the ability of the human mind to program itself for a variety of elements of behavior. In other words, the effect of indirect self-suggestion operates. If you believe in folk or religious wisdom, then your subconscious will try to live up to what is expected. This will be expressed in the fact that a person will be able to see a truly prophetic dream, and in some cases on a very specific and predetermined topic. This law of human nature allows folk methods to gain real power that can be applied in reality.

I’ll be honest: when I collected all the days, cases and methods through which folk wisdom suggests seeing the future through dreams, I was literally stunned by them. There were literally almost a hundred of them and I wrote down only the most interesting ones. How did people manage to come up with so many things? Where did so much come from? In addition, the process does not stand still and some methods show that they appeared quite recently, and how many of them will there be in a hundred years? Moreover, if you believe everything at once, then, in fact, you can have a prophetic dream almost every day. In principle, this is how it really is.

Before proceeding to the methods themselves, it should be noted that it is not entirely clear what in most cases is meant by specific things in a dream. After all, on any night you can dream of a great many of them, and how can you determine which of them is prophetic? It probably all comes down to the fact that you yourself will have to intuitively understand where it is, especially if it concerns some real life events.

10 folk methods to see a prophetic dream

1. So, popular wisdom says: on the night from Thursday to Friday, from Saturday to Sunday, people often dream of the future. That is, if you remember dreams during these periods of time, then you need to analyze them and, perhaps, among them there will be those that will tell you about real things from your life that are happening, have happened or are coming in the future, but about which you knew nothing and could not know. Honestly, it’s a little strange to understand why these nights are considered so magical. Perhaps this is connected with the sacred scriptures, where these days could appear in various kinds of similar visions. Whatever it is, if you believe in it, it will definitely help you.

2. If you have just moved into a new apartment and you have to spend the first night in it, then you also have a rare opportunity to have a prophetic dream at exactly such a moment. It is also difficult to say where this belief came from. Perhaps the very fact of a complete change of scenery, it seems, even a whole life, which will now take place in a different scenery, was influenced.

3. If you can’t wait to see something from your future or unknown present at the turn of your years, then folk wisdom suggests that instead of celebrating, you should go to bed immediately after midnight. It is believed that under the tramp of idle and cheerful neighbors you will see the desired prophetic dream, if you fall asleep of course. Since ancient times, people have called the change of years to have special mystical properties, and therefore there is nothing surprising in the emergence of such a method of obtaining a fairy-tale dream.

4. Since it is often difficult to simply fall asleep on New Year’s Eve, which makes it difficult to see prophetic dreams on this night, I would advise you to use a trick: celebrate the New Year according to other calendars. For example, on Chinese New Year. This situation is beneficial to us because while in our country their New Year is not widely celebrated and there is an opportunity to get a good night’s sleep and at the same time see that same dream. However, unlike European civilization, the Chinese celebrate the New Year according to completely different rules and you will need to follow their calendar so as not to miss the New Year. It usually occurs in February. Particularly sophisticated people who want to observe prophetic dreams can collect data on all existing world time systems and see prophetic dreams on New Year's Eve dozens of times a year.

5. Get an ammonite stone and you will become the owner of a tool that will allow you to see your future any night. In any case, there is such an old folk belief. It is not surprising that it developed specifically in relation to this stone, because it has always been given many amazing properties. For example, it is believed that it can cure various diseases. “If he can heal, then why shouldn’t he also cause prophetic dreams?” - the ancient healers probably thought. The method itself is as follows: you just need to put the ammonite before going to bed under the pillow you are going to sleep on. By the way, if you do not have permission to carry a weapon, then the stone will pass as a good defensive weapon, which you will have at hand even at night.

6. All girls know how to have a prophetic dream about their future groom. Even the red-cheeked girls in the villages in the old days did this in the following way: they combed their hair with a clean comb, saying “the betrothed one, come to me dressed up,” after which they placed the comb under the pillow and fell asleep on it, presenting the most figurative portrait of that same betrothed and for some reason, a mummer. It is difficult to say why it is a comb under the pillow, and not felt boots, for example, that should cause a prophetic dream about the groom, but centuries ago this method was tested and is still tenacious, although there is not much clear evidence of its work.

7. Girls are also fortune-tellers, so in order not to strain with the comb, after saying the spell “betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up,” you can put kings from a deck of cards (except for the one of spades) under the pillow instead of a comb. And in the morning, if you didn’t have a prophetic dream, you need to pull out one card at random to understand what kind of husband will be like. If he is red, he will love and respect him, and if he is black, then almost the opposite. It is not clear where such a mystical belief came from in a Christian village, but it is not only used today, but also has a huge number of varieties, the description of which makes no sense.

8. The magic of numbers has always attracted people. Some even believe that a certain set of numbers can serve as a spell or a code for some kind of truth or energy. Apparently these people forget that the numbers we use in life are just one calculation option, of which there can be an infinite number. Our version is decimal, but it could even be binary (and then there would only be 0 and 1) or any other. In general terms, how can a version of calculus invented by some person, based only on the number of fingers on a hand, have magical power? In general, no matter how it is, people still believe in the mysticism of numbers and every time they react furiously to their unusual combinations. For example, a prophetic dream can be seen on beautiful dates: 02/01/03, 06/06/06, 09/09/09, 12/12/12, etc. and so on.

9. If it is proposed to place the ammonite under the pillow for prophetic sleep, then the silver ring should be put on the middle finger at night. Just like with a stone, a silver ring, like metal in general, has always been given increased importance in folk beliefs and signs, so there is nothing unusual in the appearance of such a paradoxical idea.

10. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the practice of “incubation” was widespread to obtain prophetic dreams. That was the name in those days for the method that allowed one to see a prophetic dream if one stayed overnight in the temple. Various diseases were also healed using this method. It must be said that under the guise of an unusual temple premises, a person can dream of anything, and the power of faith can really force the subconscious to lay something out in front of you in the form of a prophetic dream. In many religious movements this idea is still widespread.

Often in the life of every person there are situations when you do not know what to do or cannot even imagine what this or that action will lead to.

Few agree to tempt fate through predictions, but no one will refuse to watch a prophetic dream. A prophetic dream spell will help to summon him, then all that remains is to spend time deciphering what you saw. Before you begin the ritual, you need to properly prepare your bedroom and also prepare yourself to watch a prophetic dream.

Preparing a person to receive a dream begins with a quiet evening, being in a peaceful state. This day is completely unacceptable for overload, nerves or overstrain. Folk legends say that such a day is best spent alone, and you need to go to bed alone. Shortly before your night's rest, it is recommended to take a warm bath with essential oils. Oils of fir, lavender, rosemary or mint will have a beneficial effect. Then the person should take a glass of warm milk.

Ordering prophetic dreams from the subconscious is available only on certain days - the last ones during the waxing Moon.

Preparing the room begins with preparing the bed. To do this, you will need to change the old bedding for new ones and carefully make the bed with them. Shortly before bedtime, it is recommended to fumigate the room with the smoke of sleep herbs or aloe, and these herbs must be dried in advance. You should go to bed long before midnight. At this moment you need to pray, only then is it permissible to start reading the text of the conspiracy. It is important that the rest is continuous, lasting about 8-9 hours, as it should be for healthy sleep.

What will the mirror tell you?

The most popular today is a strong prophetic dream spell. It is carried out using a small mirror. This effective plot is recommended to be read exclusively on Saturdays during the waxing Moon. When going to bed, a person will need to take a mirror with him, and before going to bed, read the text of the plot. It should be read three times, after which the mirror should be hidden under the pillow.

Spell “For a prophetic dream” on a mirror

“Monday pairs Sunday, Tuesday pairs Wednesday, Thursday pairs Friday! And only Saturday was left without a couple! May I have a prophetic dream on Saturday, for which the night will be a match! Amen!"

After the ceremony, a person should try to immediately fall asleep soundly. Analysis of what is seen is carried out in the morning, as soon as the person wakes up.

It is recommended to write down all the memorable moments from the dream on paper so as not to miss the slightest detail. It is very important that the ritual be performed in one’s own home, since all its things are saturated with the energy of a given person.

To avoid a possible unplanned awakening, it is recommended to turn off all possible irritants - alarm clock, radio, mobile and landline phones, as well as other equipment. The most truthful dreams come to a person around midnight, and they are remembered better than others. Prophetic sleep - early, not deep.

Bread and water will predict the future

On Friday night, it is recommended to read the spell for bread and water - with their help you can also order predictive dreams. To perform a magical ritual, you will need very little - a crust of bread with a glass of holy water. These items must be placed under the bed at night, then the words of prayer must be said. The text is repeated 7 times, after which the gratitude is read once.

Spell “For a prophetic dream” for bread and water

“Monday and Thursday nights, Tuesday and Sunday day, Saturday and Wednesday moon, Unite on Friday. Help me see dreams-harbingers, Give strength to Friday night! What I see will come true, what I hear will come true, what I learn will come true! Amen!"

Spell “For a prophetic dream” for bread and water (gratitude)

“Thank you to the forces of Monday and Thursday, Tuesday and Sunday for your participation, thank you Saturday and Wednesday for your support! Friday dreams are my real ones, thank you!”

To evoke a dream showing the near future, you just need to read a special bedtime prayer and then fall asleep. No other actions are required. However, it is important to remember the preparatory phase, which includes preparing the room and yourself.

Conspiracy “For the near future”

“I go to bed on the Siena mountains, three angels stand at my head, one sees, the other hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth - what I buy, and what I find, maybe I’ll accept a gift, let it come true, and if I lose it in a dream , I sell or give away, then let such a dream dissolve.”

There are conspiracies against insomnia, with the help of which you can easily calm your nerves and fall into a sound sleep.

To fight against insomnia, just read a prayer before going to bed. Immediately before going to bed, a special conspiracy is read against his absence. If all requirements are met, the person falls asleep for some time.

Extrasensory perception and parapsychology, in the astral plane - the world of eons, all information about past events accumulates, and there is also a parallel reality with several options for the development of the situation in the future. Therefore, if a conspiracy for a prophetic dream is read before bedtime, prayer can work as a powerful weapon against unfavorable development events, and a spiritual amulet that prevents the manifestation of negative consequences of the situation. In Eastern religions, in order to enter into astral contact, years of spiritual perfection and days of tedious meditation are required, which is not always acceptable in the modern dynamically developing world. At the same time some Christian denominations allow the presence of prophetic dreams, which are a kind of guide to the astral world and are capable of showing options for the development of the future, which free will allows a person to shape in the right direction.

Unfortunately, not everyone who wakes up can correctly navigate signs of fate received during sleep. To interpret prophetic dreams, there have long been guides to the astral world - dream interpreters and psychics, and today much of this age-old wisdom and exoteric experience is presented in dream books.

How to induce a prophetic dream

There are several fairly effective ways to correctly induce a prophetic dream, distinguish it from ordinary dreams, and correctly interpret the received spiritual signs and guidelines. The most common of them is a request to otherworldly forces (eons) to induce dreams, predicting the future. In order for the prophetic dream plot to be effective, and for the events predicted during a night’s rest to occur, it is advisable to perform some preparatory steps:

  • before going to bed, preferably sleeping fumigate the room with incense;
  • if a person has a specific wish regarding the theme of the dream, You can put a small mirror under the pillow, after looking into it and making a wish;
  • if a desire is planned in relation to a specific person (loved one, friend, relative, or vice versa - enemy and foe), it is necessary that in this he looked in the mirror shortly before bedtime;
  • The mirror must be placed with the reflective side up.

After this you should read spell (spell for a prophetic dream), the text of which can be obtained from sorcerers, dream interpreters or in a dream book. The simplest text for programming consciousness is as follows: “ Let me dream what should come true. Amen».

A prayer is also read on the mirror:

“Darkness is reflected in this mirror, light is reflected in it, let my future be reflected in the mirror and in my dreams.”

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

Some people who want to test the power and effectiveness of the evoking spell seek to find out on what days prophetic dreams occur. Some believe that they appear on certain days of the solar or lunar calendar. However, a more widespread belief is about the magical power of images dreamed on certain days of the week:

  • dreams at night from Monday to Tuesday can come true only after a certain time - several months or years;
  • night from Tuesday to Wednesday empty in relation to dreams-predictions, the same can be said about dreams from Friday to Saturday And from Saturday to Sunday;
  • Wednesday Thursday– the time of dreams, which are most easily interpreted;
  • dreams from Thursday to Friday almost always prophetic and with their help it is possible to predict the future with fairly high reliability;
  • at night from Sunday to Monday You may have dreams that will come true by Monday afternoon.

In this article:

A conspiracy or ritual for a prophetic dream is a great opportunity to find out your future. A prophetic dream can give a person the information he simply needs to make the right decision.

But just wanting to see him is not enough. There are many magical practices that allow a person to learn to see prophetic dreams, some of them include training for the body and spirit, while others require the use of magical rituals to induce a single dream.

Rituals to induce a prophetic dream can only be performed in the last few days of the waxing moon period.

Ritual for a prophetic dream

In order to see your future or discover any hidden events, you need to perform a special magical ritual. Before performing the ritual, take a relaxing bath, add a few drops of peppermint, rosemary and lavender oils to the water. While you are basking in warm water, the room in which you will sleep should be fumigated with dry sleep herb or a dried aloe stem.

The most important element of the ritual is that in order to induce a prophetic dream, you must be completely alone all evening and all night while you sleep.

When you go to bed, try to relax as much as possible, clear your thoughts of everything extraneous and think only about what you want to know. Take a break from all the guesswork; you don’t need to try to guess the answer to the right question, otherwise you may not get a prophetic dream, but a projection of your own conjectures.

When you feel yourself starting to fall asleep, whisper the words of the spell five times:

“Let me dream about what will come true. I want it so much!”

A simple ritual with a mirror

Just before you go to bed, place a small mirror under your pillow and say the words:

“Just as everything is reflected in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of God’s servant (name) her future will be reflected. Let it be so. Amen".

One condition: you must not wake up in the morning by an alarm clock

That same night you should dream of a mirror in which your future will be reflected, or the answer to a question that interests you. If you receive the answer, then when you wake up in the morning, hide the used mirror in a secluded place and store it there. Do not tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise the future may change.

Plot before bed

This powerful and effective spell should be read shortly before bed. Conspiracy words:

“I, the servant of God (name), hurried into the light as best I could, when I heard the ringing of heavenly bells for mass. The Lord God himself served that mass, with his angels and archangels.

In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven. So let the gates of heaven open, and let the door of hell be closed forever, let the door of hell be closed forever.

The sacred child goes to his mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. The child asks from whom the bright light comes, the Divine light.

Mother Theotokos answers him that from her son, that he was crucified on a tree, that he was nailed with an iron nail, that he was stabbed directly into a merciful heart.

May I, servant of God (name), see through a dream a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen".

To enhance the effect of the spell, you can light incense before going to bed, for example, sandalwood or patchouli.

Conspiracy of the 77 Druids

This is an effective ritual that must be performed right before bed. Sit on the edge of the bed and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I, servant of God (name), conjure you, Venus, with the names of the angels of sleep, with the names of the third legion. I conjure you, Great Angel Anael, who represents the sixth day of the creation of the world. I conjure with the sacred seal of King Solomon and King David. I conjure the holy, powerful, Divine angels with the names: Adonai, im, Ey, Asim, Hey and Sadai. I conjure with the star of Saturn, with the names of all the stars of heaven, with all their powers and light, with all their mighty power.

By all the names of the angels of the second legion, by the name of the Creator, by the names of all who are in the mercy of our Savior. I conjure the earth, on which all the trees and herbs grow. I conjure the earth, in which lies the ashes of the ancestors of all people, Adam and Eve. I conjure in the names of everyone who was and who will be. I conjure all mothers with the milk of the Mother, all the torments of hell and the most terrible torments of women in labor. By the power of the keys of Solomon, by the name of the throne of six-winged creatures.

May my dream this night be true and completely accurate, just as all the words in the holy book of the Bible that Father God gave us are true. May my future and my destiny be reflected in a dream, may Archpriest Morpheus himself send me a dream. In the mirror of your consciousness. I am God's creation, slave (name). God of Israel, God of Moses, Eternal God, bless my words, bless the dream of your servant (name). Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the words of the spell, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning, and you must not get out of bed, eat, drink, or read. After the conspiracy, you must immediately go to bed and sleep, otherwise the ritual will lose its power.

Also, don't tell anyone what you see this night for the next three years.

Is it possible to order a sleep? In the east there is still a belief that real life happens in a dream, and our life is a dream. Who knows? The mysteries of dreams have not yet been solved.

Dreams are our subconscious, which knows everything about our past, present and future and can become a good advisor. Anyone can learn to use dreams to solve problems, situations, and clues. The secret is that the subconscious always hears us, regardless of our desire. If you address it consciously, the desired answer will not keep you waiting.

Probably everyone has had a situation when, thinking about a problem all day, we see it in a dream. This subconscious is trying to solve your problem. Let him help you - order the dream you need, or ask a question that interests you. You can order a dream about a person you are interested in, or a place where you would like to visit.

Dream ordering technology

  • Before going to bed, you need to clearly formulate your request: decide what exactly you want to see, solve or understand. The more precise the formulation, the easier it is for the subconscious to show us the corresponding dream. Sometimes what you want doesn’t happen right away. Especially if you have never addressed your subconscious directly before. Give him time.
  • Think about your request while falling asleep (in the borderline state between sleep and reality). For example, you want to have . Imagine him and the time spent with him in as much detail as possible.
  • Often (if your request was some kind of solution), the answer comes not in a dream, but in the morning. For example, if you order to remember something, then the necessary memories will most likely come in the morning soon after waking up.

Don't get hung up on the process. Let it happen at the rhythm it needs, and sooner or later you will be able to order sleep.

Our dreams give us limitless possibilities (remember how some people had prophetic dreams). Of course, it takes time to learn to listen to their tips, and you will receive a unique assistant in solving life situations.