Category: Rituals. Ways to make a magical ritual. What are rituals and how do they work?

You need to know what magic really is. not such an omnipotent thing, but just one aspect of the passage of energy. This does not mean that the impact will be one hundred percent. It's like a puddle: you can step in it and get dirty, or you can just see that it's there. For this, we are given intuition: in this case, it is the ability to see a puddle and not step into it.

A person has the right to be what he wants to be: he can also do magic. You must clearly understand that you have the right to simply not react to this.

They hook you through basic human emotions and show you your weak points. As soon as you open up, get scared, experience stress, get angry, the entire energy structure that stands behind you - be it magical or some other - it immediately connects and you feel bad. A person feels bad not because of magic, but because he opened himself up to magic.

In order not to open up, you need to understand, analyze - why does this bother you? If you yourself have ever told fortunes, performed any magical ritual, even just read a conspiracy in the newspaper, you need to ask for forgiveness for this, because this is a certain lever that you can always press. Like attracts like.

If you have worked through everything related to magic in yourself - realized, analyzed, realized that it was wrong, asked for forgiveness from everyone who suffered from your magical actions - you thereby disconnect from yourself the very possibility of connecting magic to you, because that this no longer exists in you and that it does not exist for you.

For you, the magical ritual will take place like a normal effect: you can feel it slightly, but it will not be fatal. For example, you have a headache or feel that in the presence of a magician or a person performing rituals, you are experiencing slight discomfort.

There is no need to be angry with this person specifically and personalize the situation. This person is just looking for a recharge point: he provoked one, another... And when he felt a resonance with someone, he became more hooked. Therefore, no resonance can be given. It’s simple to perceive: a person is a shell with some of his own abilities and needs. We must remember: in the end, a person will punish himself for everything.

“Professional” sorcerers protect themselves by leaving in the Information Fields, instead of their address, the address of the person who asks to perform a magical ritual. They, as a rule, manage to live this life, shifting their problems onto others. And their children are already paying for them: the problems are affecting their future descendants.

You should not participate in punishing such people. Without meeting them we would not have grown and become wiser. When you learn to react correctly to what is happening to you, life will become much easier.
This mechanism can be applied to any aspects: both magical and psychological.

Why are we offended by a person who casts a spell?

This is our reaction to the energy of this person. Magic has a hard, sticky energy, like a leech. A person who casts spells has a completely different energy spectrum than an ordinary person. But every person has the right to be what he wants to be. What do we care? If you don't like looking at him, don't look at him.

Real magical rituals that work thoroughly are quite rare. In this case, you need to thoroughly analyze the Field of Events of the person himself: it means that somewhere in his life there is the possibility of connecting this ritual. And yet, despite the difficulties, such rituals can be easily removed if a person realized that he did not need it and forgave the one who did it.

Again, if the ritual was done on Easter, seriously done through the church, it is much more difficult to turn it off - but that’s what we work for! Such things can come out through vomiting, exacerbation of a person’s physical and emotional states, especially if the body is already accustomed to the spectrum of bad energy. It must be removed very carefully so that the body does not experience stress. A successful result largely depends on a person’s consciousness.

We work with the whole world, and everywhere there is the same trouble, the same mistakes and problems. If we compare the regions of Russia, Siberian magic is considered strong. But according to the experience of our work, the Rostov region and the Krasnodar region are in the lead: we have not seen cooler magic anywhere. There are such rituals here! It makes my hair stand on end!

For example: collect nails from coffins in a cemetery and hammer them into the threshold so that bad people don’t enter. And then the whole family dies from illness and trouble.

The plot from a dead man is a classic of the genre. Many grannies advise that you need to take the ties from the legs and arms of the deceased person and apply them to the sore spots. The lumps and tumors supposedly go away.

Why do they pass? It's like dead water: it simply kills information about the disease. But the connection with a dead person kills information not only about the disease, but gradually about the person as well. Why, for example, does a lump disappear? Because the string carries information about death. The deceased person is read, and the ties removed from him carry information about this person. During the year, whatever you attach the string to will be read along with the soul of the deceased person. And later, the energy of a living person who was treated in this way begins to die, because this living person tied himself to the deceased.

Under no circumstances should you take handkerchiefs home from the cemetery - the principle is the same.

There is a ritual for removing damage: any object must be buried on the grave of a person with the same name as the person from whom the damage is being removed. As if from oneself, using the same information address, to give damage to a deceased person - he died and he, it seems, doesn’t care. But the fact is that a person lives more than one life, but everything that lies in the grave or on the grave is read with this person. As a result, a child is born who already has this damage caused by an outsider.

In this case, in any case, the person who brought damage to the grave will suffer. Any rituals associated with the cemetery are simply unacceptable.

But not participating in traditions is often difficult: it is easy to face misunderstanding and even resentment from others.

How to maintain neutrality?

If you cannot avoid the ritual, participate in it, but consciously: you understand how this ritual works, and you understand that you do not want to participate in this ritual.
When a person participates and does not understand the ritual, he connects to the critical mass, i.e. to the egregor. For example, why does a love spell work? Because, if not everyone, then the majority, know and believe that a love spell works.

Let's say I create a quatrain and give it to a hundred people, saying that this quatrain is charged, for example, with good luck in a money matter. One hundred people will read this poem with the thought form that I gave them, and thus this quatrain will have a critical mass of 100 people.

This is the principle of egregor - a fundamental concept in esotericism.

What is an egregor and how does it work?

A community of people who think alike creates an information egregor. The egregor supports them, and they feed the egregor with their faith, their energy. That's the whole point. There is no single common intelligence, there is the concept of critical mass. Even if you don’t believe that the ritual works, but 100 people, in contrast to you, believe in it: you need to have remarkable abilities - intellectual, moral, energetic - to resist this mass.

In order for the ritual not to affect you, there must be specific knowledge and understanding of the ritual process.

For example, I know how it works, and I can calmly come to a cemetery or church during any magical rite. Yes, he will hook me, but it will be minimal, like the body’s usual reaction to the fact that I have been somewhere.

Understanding what is happening is like immunity to the flu: someone will get sick, and someone will sneeze once. In order for the harm from the ritual to be minimal for you, you need to know what kind of ritual it is and what it means. Forewarned means saved. You know the information, you can already develop a certain system of how to behave, how to perceive the situation.

Your defense is your mind, awareness of the process.

You can exist in any system, but still remain human.

Anastasia Natalich. Research Center "ENIO"

Based on materials from the newspaper of the Research Center "ENIO" "Centaur's Crossroads" (subscription index in the Rospechat catalog 53745)

In this article:

Just a few years ago, magical rituals were a closed area for the uninitiated, since the rules and conditions for their implementation were kept secret and passed down either by inheritance or from teacher to student. Today the situation has changed radically, largely thanks to the development of the Internet.

Currently, anyone can gain access to previously closed information; anyone can learn the basics of magic and, with the help of special rituals, influence their own lives and the entire world around them.

Magic rituals with candles

Candle magic is largely based on the magical properties of the candles themselves. These attributes are used in almost all magical actions, however, there are many rituals in which candles play a leading role.
In such magic, the candles themselves play a huge role, therefore the outcome of each individual ritual largely depends on the performer’s ability to choose candles wisely.

Some rituals are based on Christian energy, so to carry them out you need to use blessed church candles. Other rituals are based on the forces of nature, therefore you need to use only natural wax candles; there should be no paraffin in such rituals under any circumstances. In addition, such features of candles as color, size, shape, etc. can be of great importance.

It is important to remember that candles are used in rituals of white and black magic, but they are always symbols of the element of Fire.

The fire element has been used in magic since ancient times, when candles had not yet been invented by man. In those ancient rituals, ordinary fires were used, with the help of which magicians performed purification rituals, removed negative energy from people, and healed them from many diseases and ailments.

Today, candle magic rituals are most often aimed at attracting financial well-being, good luck, love and good work. The candles used also depend on the direction of the ritual; for example, in love magic, red, pink, white and church candles are most often used, and they must be made of natural wax.


Ritual ladder of wealth

To perform this magical ritual you will need:

  • natural wax candle;
  • long green wool thread;
  • 9 clove buds;
  • copper or silver candlestick;
  • matches that light a candle.

Take a thread in your hands and tie all nine prepared clove buds (seasoning) to it. The nodes with buds should be located at approximately equal distances from each other. Then firmly grasp the thread with both hands and say the words of the spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), created with my own hands a ladder of nine knots. I created it so that I could use it to get to great wealth, to family well-being. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a lot of money. This is my will. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to wrap a thread around the candle along its entire length. Now you must light this candle for nine evenings so that each time it burns out by 1/9.

This ritual is performed during the waxing moon. To increase the effectiveness of magic, before performing the ritual, take a cleansing bath with herbs, thoroughly wash your face and wash your hands. You need to carry out the ritual with your hair down, taking off all your jewelry.

Ritual with candles for love

This ritual is performed on the waxing moon. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • pink new tablecloth;
  • a piece of food foil;
  • a piece of red chalk;
  • white candle;
  • candle of your favorite color;
  • two candlesticks;
  • pin;
  • matches.

All attraction rituals bring positive results

Cover the table with a pink tablecloth and draw a heart in the center with red chalk. Place the candles in the candlesticks in the center of the drawn heart, light them with matches and say the words:

“Great Goddess of Love, I am a slave (name), I need your help. I call on your endless power. I ask you, Goddess, light the fire of love in two hearts, keep this fire, do not let it go out and flicker. May my love (name) with a man (name) only grow stronger from year to year and bring us happiness. Let it be so".

The ceremony is carried out after sunset and so that the candles burn out completely before midnight. At 12 o'clock, only melted wax should remain from the candles. Place the wax on the foil and write your name and the name of your lover on it with a pin. After this, draw a heart on the wax so that both names are enclosed in it.

Wrap the wax in foil and put it in a secluded place.

Magic rituals on Christmas Eve

Christmas among all Christian peoples is considered a sacred holiday, during which angels fly over the entire earth, and people’s most cherished dreams come true. It is believed that if you make a wish on Christmas night, it will definitely come true, the main thing is to make it correctly and sincerely.

Ritual before Christmas

This magical ritual is held on January 6th and is aimed at healing from illnesses. On Christmas Eve, buy a towel made of natural linen and pray for healing from all ailments. Later. If someone in your family gets sick, you will need to wrap him in this towel and read prayers over him.
Towel spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), speak in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, from seventy-seven ailments, from seventy-seven diseases, from the pain of love, from the torment of the night, from feigned dryness. From traveling cancer, from epilepsy, from damage and writhing. As the Most Holy Mother of God washed her Son and dried her with a linen towel, so You, God, bless my servant (name) flax. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whomever I, the servant of God (name), wipe with a linen towel, I will erase seventy-seven ailments and illnesses from him. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Prayer for strength

This prayer allows the performer to gain not only physical, but also spiritual strength. Early in the morning of January 7th, you need to wash your face and say the prayer three times:

“The Savior was born on this day, and light appeared all over the world. I, the servant of God (name), will also be saved with that light. I will have mental strength and physical strength. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The consequences of rituals and magic

There are many opinions about whether magic is safe, and what consequences an inexperienced performer who decides to try his own powers in magic may face.

The first opinion, popular among church representatives and believers, is that any magic is a terrible sin, and therefore the performer will face a terrible punishment in the future, which will affect his life on earth and life after death. Oddly enough, this opinion is very widespread in our country, although such a point of view is not based on anything other than fear of the unknown.

The only strange thing is that the main ideologists of this view of magic are the clergy. In fact, there is no evidence from the Bible that says that all magic is evil and sin. Even if you think logically, what sin could it be to use magic to help your neighbor and save him from illness and some troubles in life? If this is a sin, then medicine is also a sin, since it interferes with God’s plan, and indeed any attempts to change one’s life for the better.

Take the choice of a specialist seriously; the successful course of your situation depends on his actions

The next point of view is the opinion of professional magicians who provide paid services to the public. Such sorcerers say that magic can indeed have serious consequences, but they threaten only those who wish to independently perform magical rituals without proper training and the necessary experience. This point of view can be explained quite simply - financial intent.

Of course, professional magicians earn their living by practicing witchcraft and taking money from people for it. They do not want to lose their bread, and therefore they do not need an ordinary person to be able to independently influence his life, help himself and his loved ones.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that there is some truth in this point of view, but only if this very opinion is changed a little.

Magic can indeed be dangerous and can lead to serious negative consequences, however, this applies exclusively to magic, which is initially aimed at harm.

Black rituals carry a serious danger, both for the performer and for his loved ones. But even such witchcraft can be used and not be afraid of the consequences, the main thing is to follow the main rules, correctly conduct rituals, set up protection, make a ransom, etc.

Every person should remember that our ancestors from the most ancient times used light magic, were not afraid of the Lord’s Punishment, did not turn to professional sorcerers for help, and were quite happy. Ancient rituals are practically no different from those rituals that can be found on the Internet. Our ancestors, just like us, wanted to protect themselves and their loved ones from illness and adversity, wanted to enlist the support of luck, wanted to attract happiness and wealth. Despite the change of generations, despite the fact that life itself has changed a lot, people have remained the same.

We, like ancient people, want to live and be happy, we believe in the power of magic and use the available witchcraft means.

If this witchcraft is aimed for good, if you experience only positive emotions when performing magical rituals, if there is no desire in your thoughts to harm someone, then your magic will be light and safe, without cruel consequences.

Who really should be wary of the consequences of magic are people who decide to turn to witchcraft for help in order to do harm, in order to cast a black love spell that deprives the target of their will, taking a man away from a strong family.
Remember that whatever the actions and magic you perform, so will be their consequences. For love you will receive love, for hate you will receive hatred, for harm you will receive harm. This is the main principle of magic, and if you remember it, then you don’t have to be afraid of witchcraft.

In this article:

Magic rituals are an effective means for solving any life problems. Witchcraft, in the hands of an experienced sorcerer, is a great power that can very seriously influence the lives of individual people and the entire world surrounding the spellcaster.

At the same time, in no description of a witchcraft ritual you will not find one hundred percent guarantees of the effectiveness of this particular witchcraft remedy, because the final result depends on a large number of factors, from the literacy of the ritual to the performer’s faith in his own abilities.

Witchcraft has attracted human attention for many centuries. Until recently, magic was the domain of initiates; it could only be practiced by hereditary sorcerers, to whom their ancestors passed on all the necessary knowledge to carry out effective magical rituals. Today, thanks to the availability of information, absolutely anyone can practice witchcraft, and no one has the right to condemn him for this.

Black and cemetery magic

You can talk for a long time about the complexity and unsafety of black magic, but no amount of arguments can force a person to forgive his offender and give up revenge if he has decided to repay for all his insults and humiliations. Human resentment can be so strong that because of it we stop living life to the fullest, this feeling depresses our thoughts and feelings, and we understand that we can only get rid of it by taking full revenge on the offender, so that he experiences our pain in his own skin .

We can talk about forgiveness and that forgiveness is the surest way to cleanse the soul from all the pain, resentment and filth that has accumulated in it.

However, we should not forget that injustice and evil that remain unpunished are often repeated and acquire even greater scope and destructive power.

Evil has existed since the appearance of man himself; there have always been those who oppressed the weaker, profited from kindness, and spat on all foundations and commandments.

It is because of impunity that humanity cannot get rid of crimes and eradicate evil. After all, criminals always hope that they can get away with everything they do. If they were absolutely sure of the inevitability of punishment, which in its cruelty will not be inferior to the perfect evil and pain inflicted on other people, then crimes would be committed much less often.

In terms of a means of retribution, black magic is an ideal weapon in the hands of an insulted and humiliated person. With the help of such witchcraft you can repay all the hurt and pain caused. But you will have to remember that the punishment should always be commensurate with the crime.

Any action you take must be carefully thought out

If your wallet with a small amount of money is stolen, there is no need to try to perform a ritual for serious illness or death. In addition, black magic cannot be used for the first strike; if your attempt to harm another person through magic is not justified, then you risk incurring not the most pleasant consequences in the form of a rebound of negative energy. The worst thing about the return of negativity is that this energy is completely uncontrollable and unpredictable, it can affect not only you and your destiny, but also your loved ones.

Rituals for the New Year

The New Year holiday period is rightfully considered the best time to conduct various positive witchcraft rituals. This is the time when all over the world people make wishes, tell fortunes for the next year and sincerely believe in the possibility of positive changes in their own lives, and therefore perform a variety of magical rituals.

Ritual to get out of a difficult situation

This magical ritual is suitable for solving any life troubles, from problems in love to financial difficulties. Those who have already tried this technique claim that it really works, helps solve problems and even makes wishes come true.

This ritual must be performed on the last day of the year. Concentrate on all life circumstances that interfere with you, cause inconvenience, and prevent you from developing and realizing your own dreams. Then take a large sheet of paper and a very simple pen (it will be better if it is your pen, which no one uses except you).

Divide a sheet of paper in half. On the first half, write down everything you want to get rid of next year, and on the second half, write all your dreams and expectations, down to what purchases you want to make, what kind of man you want to meet, etc. Now tear off half the sheet with your problems and tear it into small pieces. At this moment, you need to imagine that you are tearing up not just a piece of paper, but your own problems and troubles. Then place all the pieces of the torn leaf on a plate and set it on fire. Make sure all the pieces burn and then throw the ashes out the window.

By burning you activate your intention

Carefully roll up the second half of the sheet of paper on which your dreams are listed and hide it in a book that no one but you will take or open. Put the book in a safe place and try to celebrate the New Year as joyfully and cheerfully as possible. During the first weeks of the new year, you will notice how all the problems listed on a piece of paper begin to fade into the background, and simply disappear on their own.

Rituals for Christmas

The Christmas holidays are imbued with an incredible mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. They are literally imbued with magical energy, which can be used to attract good luck and fulfill desires in the coming year.

Money amulet

This talisman will allow you to forget about all money problems in the new year. Buy a new clay pot on January 6th, pour some damp earth into it, stick three church candles into it and light them. Now move your finger along the neck of the pot (clockwise) and first read the “Our Father” prayer, and then the words of the magic spell:

“As all twelve months ring, so my, servants of God (name), wallets will ring and rattle. Just as roosters crow twelve times in the morning, so for twelve dawns they will keep my money, and twelve times they will say: money to money, wallets to wallets, everything that is due to me, the servant of God (name), will come to me in the new year. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Perform a ritual for the waxing moon

After pronouncing the magic words, leave the candles to burn out, and then move the pot to a prominent place in the house. Leave the pot in this place for twelve days, and then put it away where no one will see it except you.

White magic rituals

White magic rituals are ancient rituals that work exclusively in a positive direction. With the help of such conspiracies and spells, it is impossible to harm someone or harm anyone in any way. There are many different white rituals, some of them are aimed at realizing desires, others at attracting love, others will help with money and good luck. But the largest group of white conspiracies are special rituals to eliminate the influence of negative energy - rituals against damage and the evil eye.

A simple spell against the evil eye

To quickly and independently remove the negative effects of the evil eye, light three church candles, look at their flames, concentrate on your desire to get rid of all filth and all negativity, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“On the blue sea, on the distant ocean, the Most Holy Theotokos rinsed her diapers, Mary prayed to God, started her work, consoled all human sorrows, all touches and ghosts. All the tracts, all the cleaning, all the pinches, aches and evil eyes, all the cheers, oohs, aahs, commotions and turning points, she drove away. She removed all the evil eyes from the heretic man, from the simple-haired woman, from the long-haired girl, from blacks, from redheads, and from the church. All the trees sleep, all the roots sleep, all the people sleep, all the flying birds, all the wandering animals. Don’t know, evil eye, servant of God (name), don’t know and don’t come. Follow my instructions, lock yourself so that no one can break into you. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The main topic of this material is how to attract wealth into your life with magic, an everyday and exclusively substantive question. The issue of money is perhaps one of the most difficult, and from the point of view of magic, also the most subtle, requiring a careful approach and very precise, jewelry actions. With the help of magical rituals to attract money at home, you can change the course of your life. And this can be done not necessarily through money damage, magical luck stealers, wealth love spells, not only as a way to take something away from someone and take it for yourself. There are working rituals of practical magic to attract wealth and good luck without causing harm to others. By using them, people who truly live by witchcraft achieve success.

How to attract wealth and good luck at home

So, question number one: how to attract wealth and good luck to your home, how to change your destiny, and how, having taken on such a task, bring it to the end? An example in this material will be an independent conspiracy to raise money at home for blood from the birth of kittens.

The magical ritual gives, according to the reviews of people who performed it themselves, very good results.

In addition, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will present to you another home spell for money through a silver coin and a mirror. From experience, a money plot is worthy of attention. And now, I am magician Sergei Artgrom, I want to draw your attention to the cemetery ritual of black magic - to attract money on an unmarked grave. Let me make a reservation right away: it is not for beginners to do magic on their own. To carry it out, you need to know at least the basics of money magic, have clear motivation and, of course, strength. Let's take a little break from money rituals for prosperity in life. If you are hoping to skyrocket by performing a couple of magical rituals at home to increase your income, I will say right away that you will be disappointed.

If you are not internally ready to work, gain knowledge and improve it every hour, there will hardly be any sense. Why, despite the fact that there is so much material on witchcraft rituals for good luck in business is now freely available, are there still not many true magicians? Yes, all because real magic is a calling, it is a way of life and a lifestyle. If a person has the gift of being a magician, he will faithfully follow this path. If you did not start practicing magic in order to quickly get good luck and luck and forget about everything, you will not be stopped by difficulties, and you will not be scared by the lack of experience in strong witchcraft for big money at home.

Experience comes with the practice of performing magical rituals to attract money at home. And difficulties do not frighten the magician; he is calm because he knows: all difficulties can be overcome. It is a lie that every cook is capable of ruling the state, just as it is a lie that anyone can become a real magician. If a person is not serious or simply has not realized what he will have to deal with, what he will ultimately face, he will be disappointed. If not something worse. However, this does not mean that you need to give up everything and never return to rituals to attract money at home. This speaks only of one thing, about diligence and dedication on the path that you have chosen for yourself.

How to do witchcraft rituals for money

As for money magic and rituals for increasing income, I will say this: real witchcraft can change life and destiny practically, regardless of whether he has his own business or is a simple teacher. If you practice rituals of independent witchcraft for money, you have done everything correctly, and the Forces have heard you, changes will come in due time.

Summarizing what has been said, and relying on practical experience, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, can only say one thing: the strongest rituals for attracting money done at home have the goal of making the magician successful in everyday worldly life. But for them to work, a number of conditions must be met.

  • The first and main condition is the absence of damage to a person. This is not just about severe damage to money. For the Higher Powers, whatever their nature, the root problem is the physical and spiritual health and interpersonal relationships of people. Therefore, if a person lives with corruption, money will not come to him. Strong, effective rituals to attract money and luck into life begins with diagnosis and removal of damage. First, the induced negativity is removed, and only then can rituals be performed to fill the money channel.
  • The second condition for the success of witchcraft for money is the absence of encumbrances. What does this mean? Negative attitudes, imposed by someone, or inherited, which are stuck in your head and do not allow you to get rich, i.e. change yourself so as to accept big money into your life. Self-damage, fear of receiving money, feelings of guilt and other destructive programs aimed at poverty and bad luck - all this is a burden. In addition, vices are a serious burden. If a person is going to spend money on something that will harm him, he will not receive much money.
  • And another real, very common problem that becomes the cause of poverty and failure is money damage or a strong evil eye on income. In this case, it is necessary to remove the curses, and then perform rituals to attract money at home yourself, or by seeking magical help from a real magician.

So, now, after a theoretical digression, let’s turn directly to the home ritual to attract money. And here is the same cemetery ritual for money through an unmarked grave, which I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already mentioned.

Strong cemetery witchcraft for money through an unmarked grave

For the ceremony you will need:

  • 3 dimes
  • wallet
  • a pinch of dead soil from the grave
  • grave grass
  • a piece of pure natural fabric

Do it on the waxing moon. Go to the unmarked grave, put 3 dimes on it, and put your wallet on top of the coins. Stomp your left foot on the ground three times and read a conspiracy to attract wealth using black magic into your life:

“What is closed by death is opened by me. If it is not named, then I conjure it to work. Now I knock three times on the grave with lightning, now I call the dead man to action, not with the prayer of Christ, but, not with a hymnal, but with a blasphemer. So here I rise above the grave, and I conjure this nameless one: there are royal mansions, there are merchants’, there are corpses, and in those corpses’ mansions the dead sit, mumble, and talk among themselves in corpses. Yes, among them is this nameless one, slain by me, and crushed by black talk. So I select him from among all the dead, his steward, and the dead resting place, who during his life was in charge of money, and not just one, but the whole race washed by death, all the dead people who kept track of money during their lifetime. So you counted everything, and filled your wallets with money, there were copper coins, there were gold coins, there were sleek, trimmed, rocked by the king, and coined among the kundas and nobles. So, you, the dead, were in charge of all the money, you negotiated and traded money, measured it with one measure, gave it with another, and took everything with you to the grave kingdom as bedchambers and attendants. Let it all come together in this way, and merge into one, with golden haste, and rain of coins, and a dead path, and from the dead people’s purses, and into one purse, on the patch that we stand, and with my luggage. That the dead were settling accounts during their lifetime, they washed my wallet, so the money will roll there from the graves and straight away, move, and with the cry of a crow, and with a black wing. I do everything through a nameless person, and through him I take money. It’s like you can’t count those left behind without a name, like you can’t bring down dead souls, but you can’t count them by straight count, but you can’t count them crookedly, so you can’t count my money. As the graveyard is filled with the dead, so through the nameless one my purse will be sanctified with money. This commandment is kept. Amen".

Then pick just a little grass and put it in your wallet. After this, take a pinch of dead earth and also put it in your wallet. After this, they continue to read a strong conspiracy of black witchcraft for big money:

“So it bore fruit, gave birth, but everything went to the burial ground, so it was commanded by the nameless man, and for me it was for wealth, for great money, then with some land, and for the nameless man to create crap, and for me with money, and with a wallet full. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Close your wallet and immediately put it in your pocket. Then pick up 2 dimes from the grave and put them in the same pocket as the wallet. In this case, the words need to be said:

“Two for me, and one for the nameless one. Amen".

And leave the cemetery land without looking back. Returning home, carefully select the grave grass and a pinch of earth from the cemetery from your wallet and wrap it together with 1 nickel in a piece of cloth. The package can be safely tidied up in the house, or wherever you trade. The second coin must be carried in your wallet.

Home ritual to attract blood money from the birth of kittens

The blood that a cat loses during childbirth is endowed with magical powers. Through this blood you can destroy an enemy, you can deprive a person of his health. But you can do good, attract money to yourself.

A magical ritual for money at home using cat’s blood is done like this. After the cat lambs, you need to take the rag on which she was lying, put any money on it - a bill or a coin, tie it in a knot and bury it under the roots of an oak tree.

When tying a knot, you need to read a witchcraft spell for money at home:

“The blood of a cat is secret, but it is marked with power, since the cat is marked with fertility, so my money is fertile, and since cats are born from the womb, so my money grows by counting, the cat shelves are uncounted, so the darkness is dark, since they are collected, so my money is folded, and so immeasurable multiplied, since everything is accumulated, then my life is marked with gold, but everything is immortalized with money, so if I profit from a whim, then the master will help me. If everything works out, and the cat’s command comes true, it’s knitted in a knot, and then secured with oak. Amen".

This magic spell for the money of the ritual, which is done at home, should be read as many times as kittens are born. The oak tree under whose roots you bury the bundle must be strong. This ritual is old, has long been known and is used in effective rituals of money magic.

An effective ritual for money through the blood of a cat is strong, done at home, and technically simple. Such rituals for money luck are done on the waxing moon, and it is better if the rag is fresh. But a cat can give birth on any moon. So, it’s up to you to decide what to do, do it right away if the birth falls on the waning moon, or store the rag while waiting for the lunar waxing. If there is no internal contradiction, but you are sure that you are right, do a ritual to attract money at home, on the waning moon. If the cat's offspring came on the waxing moon, it couldn't be better. Do it right away.

Strong home spell for money through a coin and a mirror

This midnight money spell is done on an odd numbered day of the month. Some practicing magicians perform a witchcraft ritual on the waxing moon. Others do it strictly according to the conditions of a magical ritual to attract money at home, and the condition does not clearly indicate the moon, unlike the number, which should be odd. In general, many money rituals at home done exclusively on a certain day of the year, which can fall not only on the waning moon, but also on Saturday, and even on the 29th lunar day, which is completely unsuitable for rituals of attracting monetary luck in business. And, characteristically, everything works out. So, a lot depends on the energy of the one performing the ceremony.

The conditions for an effective ritual require that you first endure a bloodless fast for 3 days.

To make a money plot yourself at home, prepare the following ingredients:

  • any silver coin (must be silver)
  • black ritual cloth
  • 2 black wax candles
  • small mirror
  • ritual knife

When midnight comes, cover the table with black cloth and light the candles. Place a mirror on the table between the candles with the reflective surface facing up. Place a coin on the mirror surface and, looking at it, read the text of a strong conspiracy for money at home 3 times:

“Even though I have retained the faith in my spirit, as those fathers who ascended the all-flaming world were faithful, so am I faithful, to whose power I call out from afar, with a call like a crow’s cry, with an animal’s instinct, with a cold wind, creating a crimson sunset. With a cry known from ancient times, I cry, make a move here, O sleeper, make a move here with gold, silver, command, create a firm step, like a door opened, make a step, like lightning with force, you, who bestow a master’s fate for free, as if crowned who called your name. Thus, I call you to my destiny, so that you may be crowned with a comfortable burden, and protect me from the unknown, and let me rest in the mansions, in gold, my faithful. As if the mirror surface repairs everything in two, so multiply, confirm the money that should crown my destiny today, with a firm step, prepare for me to rest in peace on the road. My kingdom is now omnipotent, whatever comes to me through silver will come with me forever, so silver money is forever and ever, so is gold money forever and ever, everything in my purse is blasphemous, so I can create my life in a lordly destiny. These words are strong, indestructible, this commandment was written by the fathers in a black book. There my name is fixed in the charter. It’s like a lordly fate for me today. Amen".

After saying the spell three times, you need to cut your left hand or finger so that the blood flows. You need to drip your blood onto a coin, and at the same time read the words of the conspiracy to attract money at home:

“Like the blood of the silen in the body is bestowed, so is the blood of my strength immeasurable to the words that are spoken. This is my will, my will. I close everything with blood, I confirm everything with blood. Master's destiny for me. This is the bloodshed that has taken on all the power now and forever. Amen".

Almost every spell or other influence requires certain items that enhance the effect:

· Herbs and dry plants;

· Amulets;

· Artifacts;

· Standard magical paraphernalia (pictures, salt, candles, threads, crystals).

For those people who are encountering magic for the first time, the use of such items is a prerequisite, since at the beginning of the journey, the magician’s energy is weak and auxiliary things strengthen it, allowing you to obtain the desired effect from the ritual performed.

During the first steps on the thorny path of magic, you should be supervised by an experienced teacher, however, if this is not possible, you will have to use more strength, attention and achieve everything on your own. To do this, you will need to be patient, perseverant and exercise maximum caution. Do not perform complex rituals when starting out, but give preference to easier magical effects, and gradually raise your bar. You may also find a grimoire and other literature useful.

In the initial stages, you need to use only the simplest spells, love spells and incantations so that the beginner can understand what magic is and how to cope with it correctly. The main goals of such influences are to make profit, love or good luck. In some cases, the practice may be aimed at removing a love spell or damage. In this article we will talk about magic and its spells, rituals and conspiracies, as well as their use using magic words.

Spell to attract money

Let me give you an example of a spell that will be one of the simplest influences on your financial channel. In order to receive money and start living a prosperous life, you will need salt and a glass of clean water. In addition, prepare coins and a green candle. The time at which it is said does not matter.

Light a candle, place a glass of water and take the previously prepared salt in your right hand (3-4 pinches are enough for the ritual). When adding salt to a glass, say the words:

« Mother, the water is fast, bring me money and enrich me. Draw me into the whirlpool of money, put golden collars on me, so that I never know poverty and forget about it forever!».

Pour all the salt into the glass and start reading the spell again, only now throw coins into the water. For the ritual, 3-4 coins will be enough. The final touch is to add wax from a burning candle to the water and extinguish it. Place the glass in any place so that it can be exposed to moonlight and sunlight for several days. Then, pour the contents near your threshold and wait for the magic, with the help of a spell, to manifest its effect.

Most often this is no more than 3 months, but depending on how strong the performer’s energy is, the period may increase or, conversely, decrease. has always attracted interest, because who doesn’t want to live in abundance or simply doesn’t want to increase their income.

Magic rituals

Magic and its rituals can be used for any purpose, no matter what your intentions are. Such a magical effect may relate to different segments of the Black and. I will give you an example of a ritual that is aimed at obtaining good luck in any business or endeavor. But first, you'll need to familiarize yourself with some rules that will help you avoid classic runtime errors.

Rules and nuances, the observance of which will help you not only get the maximum effect from what you have done, but also avoid severe consequences. During execution, pay attention to the following:

· Analyze your actions. Consider whether you need what you want. If your life is already filled with prosperity and good luck, do not perform the ritual, as it can harm you for your edification;

· Do not change the ritual process. Some people change the words of the spell during execution or prepare the wrong attributes, replacing them with analogues. Doing this is strictly prohibited, otherwise the ritual will be ineffective;

· Don't stop halfway. If you have started performing it and for some reason want to complete the ritual without finishing it, remember that you cannot do this. Thus, you will not be able to find out more, since she will close herself off from you once and for all.

How to attract good luck into your life with the help of a magic ritual

Naturally, the ritual will require paraphernalia, which the performer needs to prepare. Remember the rules that I described above - replacing items is prohibited. Use the following at runtime:

· Green, red and white candle;

· Cup;

· Pure water;

· Dry sage;

· Decoration that has material value for you;

· Wooden branch.

Light the candles and place them in the shape of a triangle. Pour water into a glass, put on jewelry and read the words of the conspiracy:

« Luck will come to me and will always be attached to me. I will be happy day by day, because I will always be the first. Gold will bring me money, magic will help me!».

Light the sage from a candle flame and dump its ashes into a glass of water. After this, add wax to the water and move everything with a wooden branch. Remove the decoration and pour the resulting “potion” over it. Thus, it will be saturated with the necessary energy and begin to bring good luck. The main thing is not to part with it for a long time, but rather carry it on you constantly. As you can see, magic and rituals are available to every person and it is not difficult to fulfill them, the main thing is to believe and strive for your goal. You can also do it, it is no less effective.

Magical influence

Many novice sorcerers wonder what and where they can read about magic. There is a sufficient amount of literature that will help a person learn. Some books contain exclusively black spells that are aimed at harming other people, the rest belong to the white segment and allow a person to improve his own life or help other people. The best works are considered:

"is a collection that contains rituals related to both White and. Having studied each page of the work, a person will understand what magic is, how to handle it correctly and how to achieve what he wants with its help. In the work you can find rituals for receiving love, luck, and money. In addition, the book contains magical effects that can take revenge on your offender, cause damage or even death.

"- the book will tell you about the light side and white magical influences. Once you become familiar with it, you will be able to perform rituals that are aimed at good. That is, to heal a sick person, to give happiness to your loved ones. In addition, you will have the opportunity to use magic for your own good, namely, to make your significant other fall in love with you, who for one reason or another does not pay attention to you at all, as well as to obtain happiness or to solve pressing problems.

“The Ocean at the End of the Road” - this work has ancient roots. According to information from reliable sources, the book was written about a thousand years ago. Not long ago, it was translated into modern language and released to the masses. Basically, it contains love spells, rituals that are used to take revenge on enemies. After studying this literature, you will be able to identify your offenders or even carry out death conspiracies.

Remember, the power you receive must be used wisely and only after you have analyzed your actions. A careless attitude towards magical rituals will not only prevent you from getting what you wanted, but will also take away what you had. Magic should fill your life with passion and become a part of you.

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