DPT vaccination for children: facts and myths, timing and risks. Third DTP

Vaccinations have existed since the time of Catherine. Thanks to them, thousands of victims were avoided. Undoubtedly, there is always a risk of side effects after vaccination, but the task of every parent is to protect their child from serious illnesses. Only a competent approach to vaccinations and awareness will help avoid dire consequences. Next, let's look at what DPT vaccination is. Komarovsky - famous children's doctor, will help with her advice to prepare the child for vaccination and possible side effects.

Let's decipher DTP

What do these letters mean?

A - adsorbed vaccine.

K - whooping cough.

D - diphtheria.

C - tetanus.

The vaccine consists of weakened bacteria - the causative agents of the above diseases, sorbed on the basis of aluminum hydroxide and merthiolate. There are also acellular vaccines that are more purified. They contain particles of microorganisms that stimulate the body to produce the necessary antibodies.

Let us note what Dr. Komarovsky says: “DTP vaccination is the most complex and can be difficult for a child to tolerate. The pertussis element it contains makes it difficult to tolerate.”

One vaccine will protect against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. These diseases can lead to a sad outcome, and how dangerous they are, we will consider further.

Dangerous diseases

The DTP vaccine will protect against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. How dangerous are these diseases?

Whooping cough is a disease caused by acute infection. It is observed very coughing, which can cause respiratory arrest and convulsions. A complication is the development of pneumonia. The disease is very contagious and dangerous, especially for children under 2 years of age.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease. Easily spreads by airborne droplets. Severe intoxication occurs, and a dense coating forms on the tonsils. Swelling of the larynx may occur, there is a high risk of disruption of the heart, kidneys and nervous system.

Tetanus is an acute and infectious disease. Damage to the nervous system occurs. Contracts muscles on the face, limbs, back. There are difficulties when swallowing, it is difficult to open the jaws. Respiratory problems are dangerous. In most cases death. The infection is transmitted through lesions on the skin and mucous membranes.

When and to whom is DPT administered?

From the very birth of the child, a vaccination schedule is established. If you follow all the timing of vaccinations, the effectiveness will be high, the child in this case is reliably protected. DPT vaccination, Komarovsky draws attention to this, should also be done in a timely manner. Since the baby is protected by the mother's antibodies only in the first 6 weeks from birth.

The vaccine can be domestic or imported.

However, all DPT vaccines, regardless of the manufacturer, are administered in three stages. Since immunity weakens after the first vaccination, repeated vaccination is necessary. There is a rule when DPT vaccinations:

  1. The vaccine should be administered in three stages.
  2. In this case, the interval between vaccinations should be at least 30-45 days.

If missing, the graph looks like this:

  • 1 vaccination - at 3 months.
  • 2nd vaccination - at 4-5 months.
  • 3rd vaccination - at 6 months.

In the future, the interval should be at least 30 days. According to the plan, DTP vaccination is carried out in:

  • 18 months.
  • 6-7 years.
  • 14 years old.

Adults can be vaccinated once every 10 years. In this case, it must be observed that it should not be less than one and a half months.

Very often, one vaccine contains antibodies against several diseases. This does not burden the child’s body at all, as they are easily tolerated. So, for example, if DTP and polio vaccinations are carried out, Komarovsky notes that they can be done simultaneously, since the latter has practically no side effects.

The polio vaccine is oral, “live”. After it, it is recommended not to have contact with unvaccinated children for two weeks.

How long does the protection last?

After the DTP vaccination is given (Komarovsky explains it this way), the immune system begins to produce antibodies to measles, diphtheria and tetanus. Thus, it was found that after vaccination a month later, the level of antibodies in the body will be 0.1 IU/ml. How long the protection lasts depends largely on the characteristics of the vaccine. Usually, immune defense designed for 5 years. Therefore, the interval of scheduled vaccinations is 5-6 years. In older age, it is enough to do DTP once every 10 years.

If you are vaccinated with DTP, then the likelihood of getting diphtheria, tetanus or measles is very low. It is believed that a person in this case is protected from these viruses.

In order not to harm the body, it is necessary to remember that there are a number of contraindications.

Who should not do DPT?

DTP is one of the vaccines that is difficult to tolerate in childhood. And if there were no reactions to vaccinations before, then it can cause side effects. To prevent unwanted vaccinations DPT consequences, Komarovsky advises paying attention to the reasons why vaccination should be canceled.

The reasons may be temporary, such as:

  • Colds.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In such cases, it is necessary to cure the child, and only two weeks after full recovery you can do DTP.

DTP vaccination cannot be done if you have the following diseases:

  • Deviations in the functioning of the nervous system that progress.
  • Previous vaccinations were very difficult to tolerate.
  • The child had a history of seizures.
  • Previously given vaccinations caused
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Particular sensitivity to the components of the vaccine or intolerance to them.

If your child has any disease, or you are afraid that the DTP vaccine will cause unwanted consequences, you should consult a doctor. You may be prescribed a vaccine that does not contain pertussis toxoids, since these are the ones that can cause adverse reactions.

Vaccination may also be delayed if the child has:

  • Diathesis.
  • Little weight.
  • Encephalopathy.

In these conditions, vaccination is possible, but preparation for DTP vaccination, Komarovsky especially notes, should consist of stabilizing the health status. It is best to use an acellular vaccine with a high degree of purification for such children.

Possible conditions after vaccination

What are the possible consequences after receiving the DTP vaccine? Komarovsky gives various reviews. And all side effects can be divided into mild, moderate severity and heavy.

As a rule, a reaction to the vaccine appears after the 3rd dose. Perhaps because it is from this moment that immune defense begins to form. The child should be monitored, especially in the first hours after vaccination and over the next three days. If the baby gets sick on the fourth day after vaccination, then it cannot be the cause of the disease.

The occurrence of adverse reactions after vaccination is a very common occurrence. Every third person may have them. Mild reactions that disappear within 2-3 days:

Moderate and severe side effects

More serious side effects cannot be ruled out. They are much less common:

  • Body temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees.
  • Febrile seizures may occur.
  • The injection site will become significantly red, exceeding 8 centimeters, and swelling of more than 5 centimeters will appear.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting will occur.

If such reactions to the vaccine occur, the child must be shown to a doctor immediately.

Very in rare cases More severe adverse reactions are possible:

DTP is a vaccination (Komarovsky especially notes this), which causes such side effects in one case in a million.

This reaction may appear in the first 30 minutes after the injection. Therefore, the doctor recommends not leaving immediately after vaccination, but staying near the medical facility during this time. Then you should show the child to the doctor again. All this is done in order to be able to provide necessary help baby.

What to do after vaccination

In order for a child to tolerate the vaccine more easily, it is necessary not only to prepare for it, but also to behave correctly after it. Namely, follow some rules:

  • The child should not be given a bath or the injection site should be wet.
  • Dr. Komarovsky recommends walking, but you should not walk in public places.
  • Spend these 3 days at home without visitors, especially if the baby has a fever or is naughty.
  • The air in the room should be humid and fresh.
  • You should not introduce a new product into your diet a week before or after vaccination. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should not try new products.
  • Parents of children with allergies should be especially careful. Consult your doctor about which antihistamines to give before and after vaccination.

How to behave if adverse reactions occur

Mild adverse reactions are still possible. Since the DTP vaccine is considered the most difficult for the body, especially if the child has previously had vaccinations negative reactions. What to do if this occurs side effects after receiving the DPT vaccination:

  • Temperature. Komarovsky recommends constantly monitoring it. You shouldn’t wait until 38, you should give an antipyretic as soon as it starts to rise.
  • If swelling or redness appears at the injection site, the child must be shown to a doctor. It is possible that the drug did not enter the muscle, but the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which may cause swelling and hardening. In any case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary to alleviate the child’s condition and exclude possible complications. If it's just minor redness, it will go away within 7 days and you don't need to do anything.

In order to avoid side effects, you should take seriously the preparation of your child for vaccination. More on this later.

How to prepare a child for DTP vaccination

Komarovsky gives some simple and necessary advice:

Is it worth doing DTP?

Currently, you can observe Remember: the disease threatens much greater problems than the consequences that arise after the DPT vaccination. Komarovsky, according to him, has heard different reviews about vaccination, but there are always more pros than against. After all, having had diphtheria or tetanus, immunity to these diseases does not appear. Medicine does not stand still, and vaccines are becoming more purified and safe. It's worth thinking about this. There is no need to risk the health and life of the child. A high-quality vaccine and an attentive doctor can reduce the risks of developing side effects. Health to you and your children.

According to the national vaccination calendar, the third DTP is given to the child at 6 months.

Examination in a children's clinic at 6 months

At 6 months, the child must be examined by a neurologist and pediatrician.

Examination by a neurologist

The neurologist evaluates muscle tone and reflexes; if the child was previously prescribed treatment, he adjusts or cancels it.

Pediatrician examination

At the pediatrician's appointment, the child is weighed - average weight at this age 8 kg, gain per month 800 g. Body length is measured - average height 67 cm, gain per month 2.5 cm. Measured

At 6 months, the chest circumference should be 1-2 cm greater than the head circumference. A child’s head grows by 8-9 cm in 6 months, the approximate head circumference at this age is 41-45 cm.

The BCG scar is assessed. By 6 months, a scar measuring 3-9 mm should form on the left shoulder, at the site of BCG vaccination. If there is a scar, it can be assumed that BCG vaccination The procedure was successful and the child developed immunity against tuberculosis. If there is no scar, then the child does not have immunity to tuberculosis. At 1 year this can be checked using the Mantoux reaction.

The presence of teeth is assessed. Most often, a child at 6 months has 2 lower incisors. If your child doesn’t have teeth yet, it’s okay; the timing of teething varies from person to person.

Are being assessed. Too much big sizes fontanel may indicate an increase intracranial pressure or rickets, but nowadays children often have early closure of the large fontanelle, up to 6 months. Most often to no bad consequences it doesn't lead.

The child is examined. What a child at this age should be able to do can be read here. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that at 6 months a child is not yet required to be able to sit and crawl independently, although some children already know how to do this. Typically most babies learn this by 7 months.

Daily routine and nutrition

Recommendations on daily routine and nutrition are given. The daily routine remains the same as at 5 months (wakes 9-10 hours a day, sleeps 15-16 hours), sleeps 2 times during the day for about 2 hours. It is strongly recommended to introduce complementary foods into a child’s diet from the age of 6 months, i.e. lunch will most likely appear on the child’s menu: + breast milk(formula), if complementary foods were introduced earlier, another breakfast: + breast milk (formula). Daily walks of at least 2 hours and swimming are recommended.

Further, if everything is fine with the child and he is vaccinated according to the calendar, you will be sent for a third vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (third DPT), polio and hepatitis B virus; for the third vaccination it is possible to use the same vaccines as for the first two .

For the third vaccination of DTP + hepatitis B, the Bubo-Kok vaccine is often used, which allows the child to receive 1 injection instead of 2. In terms of reactogenicity, the Bubo-Kok vaccine is no different from. And today, in state children's clinics in Russia, live (oral) polio vaccine is given (drops in the mouth). On the third DPT vaccination, an increase in temperature and local reactions at the injection site are more frequent and more pronounced than on the first 2 vaccinations, because with each new vaccination, antibodies to the components of the vaccine are formed and accumulate in the child’s blood, so the reaction to the vaccine also intensifies .

Therefore, if the child has already had some kind of reaction to the previous vaccination, you should prepare for the third vaccination in advance (it is recommended to take Zyrtec or Tavegil 3 days before the vaccination, on the day of vaccination and 3 days after) - this issue should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Third DTP Acellular vaccines

To acellular vaccines: Pentaxim, Infanrix, reactions are less common and less pronounced, but still possible. Therefore, if the child had a pronounced reaction to the previous DTP and you decide to vaccinate with another vaccine, preparation is still recommended. The polio vaccine is different from the previous ones; the vaccine is given to the child by mouth, after which he cannot be given water or food for 1 hour.

Further, all the recommendations are the same: spend the first 30 minutes after vaccination in a clinic, have an antipyretic at home in case of fever (paracetamol in a dose of 0.1 or analgin 0.1), after vaccination do not bathe the child or walk with him for 2 days.

In case of redness and thickening at the site of DTP vaccination, it is recommended to apply the iodine mesh once a day for 2-3 days, but do not cover it with clothes or diapers for the first 10-15 minutes after application. You can also attach cabbage leaf. In case of large areas of redness, the doctor will prescribe UHF for 2-3 days.

This is where vaccinations for a child under 1 year of age end. He expects his next vaccination at 1 year of age.

Children and adults need vaccinations, how in effective means combating dangerous infectious diseases. One of the very first vaccinations that a child is given is DPT, which represents vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. All three infectious diseases are serious and potentially dangerous to humans, since, even with the use of the most modern and highly effective antibacterial drugs, the percentage of deaths is very high. Besides, severe forms infections can lead to developmental disorders and disability of a person from childhood.

Explanation of DTP vaccination and types of vaccines used

The DTP vaccine is classified internationally as DTP. The abbreviation simply stands for adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. This drug is combined and is used to combat, respectively, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. Today there is a choice of these vaccines - domestic drug DPT or Infanrix. There are also combination vaccines, which contain not only DPT, for example:
  • Pentaxim – DPT + against polio + hemophilus influenzae infection;
  • Bubo – M – diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B;
  • Tetrakok – DTP + against polio;
  • Tritanrix-HB – DTP + against hepatitis B.
The DPT vaccine is the basis for the immunoprophylaxis of tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, the pertussis component can cause strong reactions, or revaccination only against diphtheria and tetanus is required - then the appropriate vaccines are used, which in Russia include the following:
  • ADS (according to the international nomenclature DT) is a vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria. Today, our country uses domestic ADS and imported D.T.Vax;
  • ADS-m (dT) is a vaccine intended against tetanus and diphtheria, which is administered to children after 6 years of age and to adults. In Russia, domestic ADS-m and imported Imovax D.T.Adult are used;
  • AC (international nomenclature T) – tetanus vaccine;
  • AD-m (d) – vaccine against diphtheria.
These types of vaccines are used to vaccinate children and adults against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

Should I get the DPT vaccine?

Today, DTP vaccination is given to children in all developed countries, thanks to which many thousands of children's lives have been saved. In the last five years, some developing countries have abandoned the pertussis component, as a result, the incidence of infection and mortality from it have increased significantly. As a result of this experiment, governments decided to return to vaccination against whooping cough.

Of course, the question is “should I get the DPT vaccine?” can be set in different ways. Some people believe that vaccinations are not necessary in principle, others believe that this particular vaccine is very dangerous and causes severe consequences in the form of neurological pathologies in a child, and someone wants to know whether it is possible to vaccinate the baby at this particular point in time.

If a person decides not to get vaccinated at all, then naturally he does not need DPT. If you think that the DTP vaccine is harmful and contains a lot of components that put too much stress on the child’s body, then this is not so. The human body is able to easily tolerate several components of the vaccine aimed against various infections. What is important here is not their quantity, but compatibility. Therefore, the DPT vaccine, developed in the 40s of the 20th century, became a kind of revolutionary achievement when it was possible to place a vaccine against three infections in one bottle. And from this point of view such combination drug– this means a reduction in the number of trips to the clinic, and only one injection instead of three.

It is certainly necessary to get the DPT vaccine, but you need to carefully examine the child and get permission for vaccination - then the risk of complications is minimal. According to a report by the World Health Organization, the most common reasons the development of complications due to DTP vaccination is ignored medical contraindications, incorrect introduction and spoiled drug. All these reasons can be eliminated, and you can safely get an important vaccination.

Parents who doubt the advisability of immunization can be reminded of the statistics from Russia before the start of vaccination (before the 1950s). Approximately 20% of children suffered from diphtheria, half of them died. Tetanus is an even more dangerous infection, with childhood mortality accounting for almost 85% of cases. In the world today, approximately 250,000 people die from tetanus every year in countries where they do not vaccinate. And absolutely all children suffered from whooping cough before the start of mass immunization. However, you should know that the DTP vaccine is the most difficult to tolerate of all those included in the national calendar. Therefore, vaccination, of course, is not a gift from God, but it is necessary.

DTP vaccination - preparation, procedure, side effects, complications - Video

DPT vaccination for adults

The last immunization of children with the DTP vaccine is done at the age of 14 years, then adults must be revaccinated every 10 years, that is, the next vaccination must be done at 24 years. Adults are given the diphtheria-tetanus (DT) vaccine because whooping cough is no longer a danger to them. Revaccination is necessary in order to maintain a level of antibodies in the human body that is sufficient to ensure immunity to infections. If an adult does not undergo revaccination, they will still have antibodies in their body, but their quantity is not sufficient to provide immunity, so there is a risk of getting sick. If a vaccinated person who has not undergone revaccination after 10 years gets sick, the infection will progress over a longer period of time. mild form, compared to those who were not vaccinated at all.

How many DPT vaccinations are there and when are they given?

To form a sufficient number of antibodies that provide immunity to whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria, the child is given 4 doses of DPT vaccine - the first at the age of 3 months, the second after 30-45 days (that is, at 4-5 months), the third at six months ( at 6 months). The fourth dose of DTP vaccine is given at 1.5 years of age. These four doses are necessary for the formation of immunity, and all subsequent DPT vaccinations will be carried out only to maintain the required concentration of antibodies, and they are called revaccinations.

Then children are revaccinated at 6 - 7 years old, and at 14. Thus, each child receives 6 DTP vaccinations. After the last immunization at 14 years of age, revaccination must be carried out every 10 years, that is, at 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, etc.

Vaccination schedule

In the absence of contraindications and approval for vaccinations, the administration of the DTP vaccine to children and adults is carried out according to the following schedule:
1. 3 months.
2. 4 – 5 months.
3. 6 months.
4. 1.5 years (18 months).
5. 6 – 7 years old.
6. 14 years old.
7. 24 years.
8. 34 years.
9. 44 years old.
10. 54 years old.
11. 64 years old.
12. 74 years old.

Interval between vaccinations

The first three doses of DTP vaccine (at 3, 4.5 and 6 months) should be administered with an interval of 30 to 45 days between them. Administration of subsequent doses is not allowed earlier than after an interval of 4 weeks. That is, at least 4 weeks must pass between the previous and next DTP vaccinations.

If the time has come for the next DTP vaccination, and the child gets sick, or there are some other reasons why vaccination cannot be carried out, then it is postponed. You can postpone vaccination for a fairly long period of time, if necessary. But the vaccination should be given as soon as it can be done (for example, the child will recover, etc.).

If one or two doses of DTP were given, and the next vaccination had to be postponed, then when returning to vaccination there is no need to start it again - you should simply continue the interrupted chain. In other words, if there is one DPT vaccine, then two more doses must be delivered at intervals of 30–45 days, and one a year after the last one. If there are two DTP vaccinations, then simply give the last one, the third one, and a year later, the fourth one. Then vaccinations are given according to schedule, that is, at 6–7 years old, and at 14.

First DTP at 3 months

According to the vaccination calendar, the first DTP is given to a child at the age of 3 months. This is due to the fact that maternal antibodies received from her by the child through the umbilical cord persist only 60 days after birth. That is why it was decided to start immunization from 3 months, and some countries do this from 2 months. If for some reason DTP was not given at 3 months, then the first vaccination can be done at any age up to 4 years. Children over 4 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated with DPT are vaccinated only against tetanus and diphtheria - that is, with DPT preparations.

To minimize the risk of reactions, it is important that the child is healthy when the vaccine is administered. A great danger is the presence of thymomegaly (enlargement of the thymus gland), in which DPT can cause severe reactions and complications.

The first DTP vaccination can be done with any vaccine. You can use domestic or imported ones - Tetrakok and Infanrix. DTP and Tetrakok cause post-vaccination reactions (not complications!) in approximately 1/3 of children, while Infanrix, on the contrary, is very easily tolerated. Therefore, if possible, it is better to install Infanrix.

Second DTP

The second DTP vaccination is done 30 - 45 days after the first, that is, at 4.5 months. It is best to vaccinate your child with the same drug as the first time. However, if for some reason it is impossible to deliver the same vaccine as the first time, then you can replace it with any other one. Remember that according to the requirements of the World Health Organization, all types of DTP are interchangeable.

The reaction to the second DPT can be much stronger than to the first. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, but be mentally prepared. This reaction of the child’s body is not a sign of pathology. The fact is that, as a result of the first vaccination, the body has already encountered the components of microbes, to which it has produced a certain amount of antibodies, and the second “date” with the same microorganisms causes a stronger response. In most children, the strongest reaction is observed precisely to the second DTP.

If the child missed the second DPT for any reason, then it should be given as soon as possible, as soon as possible. In this case, it will be considered the second, and not the first, since, even if the vaccination schedule is delayed and violated, there is no need to cross out everything done and start over.

If the child had a strong reaction to the first DPT vaccination, then it is better to give the second one with another vaccine with less reactogenicity - Infanrix, or administer only DPT. The main component of the DTP vaccine that causes reactions is the cells of the pertussis microbe, and diphtheria and tetanus toxins are easily tolerated. That is why, if there is a strong reaction to DPT, it is recommended to administer only DPT containing antitetanus and antidiphtheria components.

Third DTP

The third DTP vaccine is administered 30 to 45 days after the second. If the vaccine is not given at this time, then vaccination is carried out as soon as possible. In this case, the vaccination is considered to be the third one.

Some children react most strongly to the third rather than the second DPT vaccine. Strong reaction is not a pathology, as is the case with the second vaccination. If the previous two DTP injections were delivered with one vaccine, and for some reason it is impossible to obtain it for the third, but another drug is available, then it is better to get vaccinated rather than postpone it.

Where is the vaccination given?

The DTP vaccine preparation must be administered intramuscularly, since this is the method that ensures the release of the drug components at the required speed, which allows the formation of immunity. Injection under the skin can lead to a very long release of the drug, which will make the injection simply useless. That is why it is recommended to inject DTP into the child’s thigh, since the muscles on the leg are well developed even in the smallest. For older children or adults, DPT can be injected into the shoulder if the muscle layer there is well developed.

DTP vaccine should not be injected into the buttock, as there is a high risk of entering a blood vessel or sciatic nerve. In addition, there is a fairly large layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue on the buttocks, and the needle may not reach the muscles, then the drug will be administered incorrectly, and the drug will not have any effect. required action. In other words, DPT vaccination should not be done in the buttock. In addition, international studies have shown that the best production of antibodies by the body occurs when the vaccine is injected into the thigh. Based on all specified data World organization Healthcare recommends administering the DTP vaccine specifically to the thigh.


Today they stand out general contraindications to DTP, such as:
1. Any pathology in the acute period.
2. Allergic reaction to vaccine components.
3. Immunodeficiency.

In this case, the child cannot be vaccinated in principle.

If there are neurological symptoms or seizures due to fever, children can be vaccinated with a vaccine that does not contain a pertussis component, that is, ADS. Children with leukemia, as well as pregnant and lactating women, are not vaccinated until recovery. Children receive a temporary medical exemption from vaccination due to an exacerbation of diathesis, for whom vaccination is carried out after achieving remission of the disease and normalization of the condition.

False contraindications for DPT vaccination are as follows:

  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • prematurity;
  • allergies in relatives;
  • convulsions in relatives;
  • severe reactions to the administration of DTP in relatives.
This means that if these factors are present, vaccinations can be carried out, but it is necessary to examine the child, obtain permission from a neurologist and use purified vaccines with minimal reactogenicity (for example, Infanrix).

Administration of the ADS vaccine is contraindicated only in people who have had an allergic or neurological reaction to this drug in the past.

Before DTP vaccination - preparation methods

The DPT vaccine has the highest reactogenicity among all vaccines included in the national calendar. That is why, in addition to following the general rules, it is necessary to carry out drug preparation and support for DTP vaccination. TO general rules include:
  • the child must be completely healthy at the time of vaccination;
  • the child must be hungry;
  • the baby has to poop;
  • The child should not be dressed too hot.
The DTP vaccine must be administered against the background of the use of antipyretic, analgesic and antiallergic drugs. Children's antipyretics based on paracetamol and ibuprofen also have a moderate analgesic effect, which eliminates discomfort in the injection area. Keep analgin on hand, which you can give to your child if there is severe pain.

A bump after DPT can form when the vaccine gets into the subcutaneous fatty tissue rather than into the muscle. There are much fewer vessels in the fatty layer, the rate of absorption of the vaccine is also sharply reduced, and as a result, a lump that does not go away for a long time is formed. You can try Troxevasin or Aescusan ointments to increase blood circulation and speed up the absorption of the drug, which will lead to the resorption of the lump. A lump can also form if the vaccine was administered without aseptic technique? and dirt got into the injection site. In this case, the lump is inflammatory process, pus forms inside it, which must be released and the wound treated.

Redness after DPT. it's the same normal phenomenon, since a weak inflammatory reaction develops at the injection site, which is always characterized by the formation of redness. If the child is no longer bothered, do not take any action. As the drug dissolves, the inflammation will go away on its own, and the redness will also go away.
It hurts after DTP. Pain at the injection site is also due to an inflammatory reaction, which can be more or less pronounced, depending on the individual characteristics child. You should not force your baby to endure pain, give him analgin, apply ice to the injection site. If the pain does not go away for a long time, consult a doctor.

Cough after DPT. Some children may develop a cough within 24 hours in response to the DPT vaccine if they have chronic diseases respiratory tract. This is due to the body’s reaction to the pertussis component. However, this condition does not require special treatment, and goes away on its own within a few days. If a cough develops a day or several days after vaccination, then a typical situation occurs when healthy child"caught" some infection at the clinic.


Complications of vaccinations include severe violations health conditions that require treatment and may have adverse consequences. So, DTP vaccination can cause the following complications:
  • severe allergies (anaphylactic shock, urticaria, Quincke's edema, etc.);
  • background seizures normal temperature;
  • encephalopathy (neurological symptoms);
To date, the incidence of these complications is extremely low - from 1 to 3 cases per 100,000 vaccinated children.

Currently, the connection between the development of encephalopathies and DTP vaccination is not considered scientifically proven, since it was not possible to identify any specific properties of vaccines that can cause such phenomena. Experiments on animals also did not reveal a connection between DPT vaccination and the formation of neurological disorders. Scientists and vaccinologists believe that DPT is a kind of provocation, during which an increase in temperature simply leads to the obvious manifestation of hitherto hidden disorders.

The development of short-term encephalopathy in children after DPT vaccination is caused by the pertussis component, which has a strong irritating effect on the membranes of the brain. However, the presence of convulsions against a background of normal temperature, twitching, nodding or disturbances of consciousness is a contraindication to further administration of the DTP vaccine.

The introduction of any vaccine to a baby is, first of all, a parent’s concern for the condition of their child. No one can predict a newborn's reaction to an unknown drug. It is also difficult to predict the possible consequences of such assistance to an unprotected body.

Vaccination is one of the most allergenic and difficult to tolerate. It is a rare mother who will not complain to the doctor about a change in the child’s mood or well-being after the administration of this substance. What complications can be expected after DTP vaccination? How can I help my child cope with adverse reactions?

Why do children react hard to DPT?

This vaccine contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, protecting the body from these infections. But in most cases the reaction is caused by another component - killed pertussis germs.

The first DPT vaccine is given to a child at three months - this is the time when the natural protection that the baby receives from mother's milk begins to weaken. Therefore, vaccination in most cases coincides with a decrease in the child’s body’s own protective capabilities. In conjunction with this important event is the introduction of foreign cells, even non-living ones, which is why vaccination leads to undesirable consequences in children from DTP vaccination. Their body often responds various reactions to the introduction of such foreign cells.

Who is eligible for medical treatment?

In what cases is DTP vaccination not given? Exist absolute contraindications when immunization is not carried out due to developing diseases or severe reactions to the components of the drug. There are temporary contraindications when doctors recommend delaying vaccination for several days.

Why is DPT vaccination dangerous? - it temporarily reduces immunity. This is normal and is tolerated relatively well when the child is completely healthy. But if the day before the vaccination the child’s temperature even slightly rises (above 37 ºC), inform the doctor about this, because such a symptom may indicate the onset of an infection. Ask for a referral for a complete blood test to determine whether the drug can be administered to your baby. This is one of effective ways avoid unwanted complications from the DTP vaccine.

What are the complications of DTP vaccination?

Reactions and complications to the administration of DTP are divided into two main groups:

  • local or local, which are observed at the site of drug administration;
  • general, when the whole body reacts with malaise, fever and other changes in well-being.

How long the reaction to the DTP vaccine lasts depends on the body’s immune capabilities, as well as on compliance with the regimen and rules for administering the drug. For example, body temperature rises in different ways, as a result of which they distinguish:

  • weak vaccine reaction when the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ºC;
  • average reaction with an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ºC;
  • severe if the temperature goes beyond 38.5 ºC.

How long does the temperature last after DTP vaccination? Normally, this reaction of the body quickly passes within one or two days, but there are protracted reactions. They may depend on many concomitant factors - the addition of an acute viral or bacterial infection, development of an allergic reaction.

What complications does the DTP vaccine cause? Each child reacts differently. The main rule that parents should follow is not to listen to other families about previous complications and reactions to the drug.

Local body reactions

What are the local complications associated with DTP administration?

General reactions of the child’s body to DTP

They are varied in nature. The body's reactions are divided into four large groups:

  • toxic reactions;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • complications due to incorrect administration technique;
  • severe allergic manifestations.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

One more group of complications can be identified - this is the addition of a concomitant infection after administration of the drug. A cough after DPT vaccination, sore throat, weakness and redness of the tonsils develop for several days if the child had contact with an infected person before or after vaccination.

Diarrhea after DTP vaccination, nausea, vomiting and weakness occur when an intestinal infection is added. The reason for this is the consumption of poor quality food.

Treatment of adverse reactions

To cope with complications of DPT administration, you need to consult your doctor in advance about possible consequences vaccinations and first aid for the child if they occur. In most cases, treatment is symptomatic and consists of prescribing familiar medications.

How to avoid adverse reactions to DTP administration

The introduction of DTP is a burden not only on children's body, but also on loved ones. Nerves, fuss, running for medications - not the most pleasant pastime for parents. To avoid this, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming vaccination.

What analogues of DPT are there?

As mentioned above, the most reactogenic component of DPT is pertussis. Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood of complications from vaccination, you can use imported similar vaccines made using an acellular pertussis component:

  • "Infanrix";
  • "Infanrix IPV" with additional protection against polio;
  • "Pentaxim" is a five-component drug that, in addition to the above-mentioned components, includes protection against Haemophilus influenzae.

Multicomponent vaccines can be purchased for a fee at the local clinic at the request of the parents.

DTP vaccination protects a child from three dangerous diseases, which before the start of active fight against them led to the development of severe conditions. Many complications of such protection can be avoided if you take care of their prevention in advance and be more attentive to your baby.

Currently, all parents in the world are divided into two camps. The reason for this is one important question: should your child be vaccinated? There is a huge gap of misunderstanding between these two groups of people. Those who are opposed to vaccinations, contrary to common sense, are afraid negative consequences vaccines. After reading the horror reviews of some parents, moms and dads become ardent opponents of vaccinations as such.

Do not forget that the worst reaction to a vaccine can occur once in several million cases.

That's great rarity. However, if unvaccinated child or an adult who has not been vaccinated on time has dangerous contact with the causative agent of a dangerous disease, then infection will occur instantly. The consequences of the disease can be very serious, sometimes even fatal.

What is DPT?

One of the most common vaccines in the world is DPT. How does this abbreviation stand for? This combination of symbols is nothing more than the first letters of the name of the vaccine: adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus. This vaccination protects the human body from the three most dangerous infections. For young children, whose bodies have not yet learned to fully protect themselves from serious diseases, these illnesses can be fatal. That is why the DTP vaccine is prescribed to a child at 2-3 months.

Despite the obvious need to vaccinate children against dangerous diseases, some parents do not want to do it, motivating their refusal by their concern for the health and life of their child. The thing is that the reaction to DPT in children is quite noticeable. As for the vaccine itself, it is quite difficult to tolerate. Among other vaccinations that are given to a child according to the calendar, DPT is certainly the most difficult. This is due to the anti-pertussis component, which is most difficult for the body to perceive. And many parents are afraid that as a result of a post-vaccination complication, the child will become disabled or not survive at all. But it is worth reassuring caring mothers and fathers that the likelihood of such cases is negligible. To convey to parents information about the importance of this vaccine, it is worth telling what consequences their unfounded fears can lead to.

Why is it necessary to get vaccinated?

Whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria are very dangerous diseases for young children. Whooping cough is terrible for its complications, including pneumonia and encephalopathy. With convulsive cough, characteristic of of this disease, respiratory arrest may occur. After the vaccination has been given, the body begins to produce antibodies and immune memory is formed. Later, if a child encounters the causative agent of whooping cough, diphtheria or tetanus, his defenses will be able to give a worthy rebuff to these infections. The immune system of a vaccinated child will work like clockwork.

Tetanus and diphtheria are dangerous because their complications are associated not with microorganisms, but with their toxins. They pose a great danger. The DTP vaccine is designed to develop antitoxic immunity in the growing body.

Such terrible complications With high probability develop in children who have suffered these diseases. Therefore, the reaction to DTP cannot be compared in any way with what an unvaccinated child can endure when exposed to three terrible infections.

Vaccination schedule

This drug is administered by intramuscular injection. This method prevents the vaccine from being instantly absorbed into the blood and ensures long-term production of antibodies in childhood and adulthood.

The peculiarity of DTP is that it is done according to a certain scheme, observing intervals.

Vaccinations must be repeated at certain intervals throughout your life. The vaccination schedule is as follows:

  • for the first time - at 2-3 months;
  • again - at 4-5 months;
  • the third time - at 6 months.

These three vaccinations should be given with a mandatory interval of 30 days between each of them. Since the immunization schedules for this drug coincide with the polio vaccine, they are usually given together. There is even a special drug that combines all four components. But most often the polio vaccine looks like drops. They are dripped into the baby's mouth. To be fair, it is worth noting that the reaction to DTP and polio differ from each other. The latest vaccine is easily tolerated and usually does not cause any side effects.

The next time, when the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, the DTP vaccination is repeated. This four-step vaccination gives your child complete immunity to tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Further vaccinations are made with the acellular or acellular form of the pertussis component. This vaccine is called ADS and is much easier to tolerate. Vaccination is carried out:

  • at 6-7 years old;
  • at 14 years old and then every 10 years of life: at 24, 34, 44, etc.

According to statistics, 75% of the adult population Russian Federation do not receive booster vaccination with ADS and do not even suspect that this is necessary. However, this is very important. Tetanus is still a serious disease today. This is especially true for lovers of long journeys.

But what to do if the revaccination schedule has gone wrong? The World Health Organization claims that starting the entire cycle in this case does not make sense. The main thing is to restore the lost stage and no longer fall behind schedule.

Types of DTP vaccine

Today there are several certified DTP vaccines. All of them are approved by WHO. Quite often it happens that the first vaccination is made from a drug from one manufacturer, and repeated ones from another. According to WHO, there is nothing to worry about, since all these vaccines successfully replace each other.

There are two types of DPT vaccine based on quality:

  • The most common and cheapest. It is called classical and is most popular in underdeveloped countries with low level life. This vaccine contains an unresolved and unrefined pertussis component. It is because of this that children experience a reaction to DTP.
  • Another variety is called AADS. It is the most modern and, of course, expensive analogue of the DTP vaccine in classic version. In it, the pertussis component is purified and split into its component parts. The big advantage of such a vaccine is that it is much easier to tolerate and practically does not cause unwanted reactions.

It should be clearly understood that the reaction to DPT is temporary and goes away without harmful consequences for the body. The disease suffered can threaten with terrifying complications of the child’s health, which can bother him for the rest of his life.

How is vaccination done correctly?

This vaccine is administered intramuscularly. But not every part of the body is suitable for vaccination. WHO recommends that young children receive the DTP vaccine only in the thigh. This is justified by the fact that a baby at the age of two months has the best developed muscles in this part of the body. There's less here blood vessels and subcutaneous fat, which cannot be said about the buttocks. This rule has a legislative basis and was introduced in 2008 in official document entitled “Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules. Ensuring the safety of immunization." It clearly states: “ Intramuscular injections for children of the first years of life they are carried out only in the upper outer part of the thigh.” Starting from the age of 6, children can be vaccinated in the shoulder area.

What does the reaction to the DPT vaccine look like?

The reaction to DTP in children may look different. In the best case scenario, your baby will not develop any alarming symptoms. This means that after the injection, nothing has changed in the child’s behavior or condition.

But things are not always so rosy, and children often experience the following symptoms after vaccination:

Famous children's pediatrician Komarovsky E. O. to the question: “How long does it take for a child’s reaction to DPT to appear?” answers the following: “All negative post-vaccination phenomena in a baby appear on the first day after the injection. If your baby then developed a fever, a runny nose, diarrhea or drowsiness, and all this happened 2-4 days after the injection, then DTP cannot be blamed. All of this is most likely the consequences of an acute respiratory infection or rotavirus caught in the clinic.”

Many doctors agree with this statement. Regarding how long the reaction to DPT lasts, doctors say: all side effects manifest themselves on the first day after vaccination. Improvement is observed over the next 2-3 days. This does not require serious medical intervention.

However, if the child’s reaction to DPT becomes warning signs, you should immediately apply for medical care. Be concerned if:

  • the child’s body temperature crosses the line of 39˚C;
  • the injection site is significantly swollen (more than 8-10 cm in circumference);
  • the child experiences strong and continuous crying that lasts more than 3 hours.

In this situation, there is a risk of dehydration of the baby's body.

What to do if you have a reaction to DTP?

Often, the reaction to DPT at 3 months manifests itself in an increase in temperature. Typically, pediatricians do not recommend giving antipyretic drugs when the reading is below 38.5 °C. However, this rule does not apply to the post-vaccination period. If you notice a slight increase in your baby's temperature, immediately give him an antipyretic. You cannot delay and wait for the critical point. The above-mentioned Dr. Komarovsky says that the best medicines for a child at elevated temperature are Paracetamol and Ibufen in the form of syrup and suppositories. If these drugs are ineffective, you should consult a doctor.

Induration of the injection site, its swelling and swelling is also a very common reaction to DPT. Photos of such consequences frighten parents most of all.

If the nurse administered the injection correctly, there should be no visual manifestations in the form of a lump or swelling. However, there are situations when the drug does not enter the muscle, but the subcutaneous fat layer. It is in this case that edema, compaction and swelling most often form. If you observe such an effect in your baby after vaccination, you should show him to the doctor. He prescribes special ones that are safe for the child. medications, increasing blood circulation and relieving swelling.

Do not panic if there is slight swelling in the injection area. When vaccinated, weakened cells of the infectious agent are introduced, and a natural physiological process of local inflammation occurs. This is a local reaction to DPT. Usually it goes away without a trace without drug intervention after 1-2 weeks.

Often after the injection, redness of the skin and itching at the injection site are observed. If the radius of the skin area with discoloration does not exceed 2-4 cm, then this is normal. It is explainable slight inflammation as a result of the body's immune response. If other aspects are normal, then there is no need to worry. The redness will disappear without a trace in 8-10 days.

It is worth noting that usually the reaction to DPT at 1.5 years is weaker than after the first vaccinations. The child is already stronger and his immune system can easily cope with the vaccine. However, do not lose your vigilance and carefully monitor the child’s condition during the critical period.

Dangerous reactions of the body to the DTP vaccine

Medical statistics have data that per 100,000 vaccinated with DTP injection from serious consequences, which can cause deterioration in health, affects one or two babies. This probability is extremely low, but it is still worth pointing out such complications. These include:

  • Severe allergy to one of the components of the vaccine or to all three of its components. Extreme degrees of manifestation - anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.
  • The temperature does not rise, but the child has seizures.
  • The temperature has increased and the child is experiencing neurological disorders. This is due to the effect of the pertussis component on the membranes of the brain.

It is worth mentioning again that this is very rare reaction on DTP.

What should you do if you suspect your child has one of these symptoms after vaccination? Without hesitation or delay, contact emergency medical services.

However, it is worth reassuring parents with numbers. There are statistics on the occurrence of reactions to DTP in children of varying degrees of severity:

Mild reactions:

  • increased body temperature, redness and swelling of the injection site - in 25% of children;
  • loss of appetite, drowsiness and lethargy, stomach and intestinal disorders - in 10% of children.

Moderate reactions:

  • seizures - 1 child out of 14,500;
  • severe crying for 3 or more hours - 1 baby out of 1000;
  • body temperature more than 39.5 °C - 1 child out of 15,000.

Severe reactions:

The most serious reaction to DPT occurs within the first 20 minutes after vaccination. That is why the doctor recommends that you wait this period of time and show the injection site for examination and assessment of the reaction.

The incidence of serious complications in children increases 3,000 times if you completely refuse the vaccine and develop one of three serious diseases.

As mentioned above, often, along with the DTP vaccine, the child simultaneously receives the polio vaccine. The schedules for these two immunizations coincide, and doctors are used to combining them. Confused parents sometimes do not know how the reaction to DTP and polio differs if they are carried out at the same time. Usually latest vaccine It is very well tolerated and, in extreme cases, may cause minor digestive upset. It is also worth noting that the substances contained in the preparation for immunization against polio also help to increase the body's resistance intestinal infections. If a child develops symptoms during co-vaccination minor disorders digestion, then after the time after which the reaction to DPT subsides, that is, after a few days, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be restored.

Contraindications for DTP

There are certain circumstances that make vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus impossible. In these cases, vaccination is either not carried out at all or is postponed for a certain time.

Such circumstances include:

  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • presence of an allergy to at least one of the components of the vaccine;
  • immunological reactivity or immunodeficiency.

How to reduce the likelihood negative reaction on DTP?

Despite the fact that the DTP vaccine is one of the most difficult for a child’s body to accept, it cannot be refused. This threatens the child dangerous infections and their consequences. Parents can prepare their child’s body so that it can handle the vaccination as painlessly as possible. To do this you need to do the following:

  • 2 days before the upcoming vaccination, if a child develops diathesis or allergies, it is necessary to give him an antihistamine in the usual dosage. In this case, the reaction to DPT at 3 months and at any other age will be minimal.
  • Directly on the day of vaccination, the most important activity is to prevent hyperemia. To do this, the baby will need to be given a suppository with an antipyretic immediately after vaccination, even if his temperature has not risen. A child older than six months can be given the drug in syrup form. You should carefully monitor your temperature throughout the day and be sure to give an antipyretic at night. Discuss the dosage of medications with your pediatrician before vaccination.
  • The next day after vaccination, you must continue to monitor your temperature. If it tends to increase, an antipyretic should be given. It is necessary to provide the baby light food and plentiful warm drink. In the children's room you need to maintain an optimal temperature of 21˚C and humidity of 60-75%.

Get vaccinated or get sick? What is better for immunity?

Some adults are of the opinion that immunity acquired as a result of past illness, more effective than a vaccine. This opinion is incorrect. It is absolutely not applicable to infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. The last two diseases do not provide immunization to the body. Having whooping cough provides natural protection to the body for 6-10 years. However, at what cost will this cost? bad experience! DTP vaccination provides comprehensive immunity against all three infections for a period of 6 to 10 years without any dangerous consequences for good health. So vaccination is the only sure way to protect the body from dangerous diseases.