BCG vaccination on what day? What is the BCG vaccination for? BCG vaccination: reactions and complications - video

Tuberculosis is a dangerous infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease develops rapidly, has a lot of consequences and complications, leaving an imprint on the body for life. Unfortunately, like many others, the disease is easier to prevent than to stop the existing infection. Currently, the only method is BCG vaccination. Consequences, complications and contraindications are in the article.

Decoding the BCG vaccine

What does the abbreviation BCG stand for? The decoding of the Latin name BCG is interpreted as bacillus Calmette-Guerin. Translated into Russian, this means “Bacillus Calmette-Guérin.” Thus, the abbreviation BCG is not at all abbreviated. This decoding is a direct reading of the Latin abbreviation written in Cyrillic.

BCG vaccine: what is it?

The BCG vaccine is a suspension of weakened bovine mycobacterium with loss of virulence for humans. There are two varieties:

  1. BCG - the content of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the vaccine is too low to cause infection. However, this amount is enough for the body to develop immunity against a dangerous disease. In all countries, regardless of the manufacturer, the composition of the vaccine is the same. That is why it is inappropriate to organize a “race” for foreign products based on the personal conviction that they are better than domestic ones.
  2. BCG-M - due to the reduced content of microbial bodies (half as much as in the regular BCG vaccine), it is used to vaccinate premature, weakened children against tuberculosis. In addition, if for some reason the child was “overlooked” in the maternity hospital and the vaccine was not administered on time, BCG-M is used in hospitals.

Is vaccination really necessary?

It's no secret that the vaccine does not provide a 100% guarantee that tuberculosis infection will not occur subsequently. So then what is it for, you ask. The fact is that BCG produces anti-tuberculosis immunity, which can provide powerful protection during primary infection, as well as during possible subsequent contacts with carriers of tuberculosis infection. If the body nevertheless turns out to be weaker than the disease, then the vaccine will prevent the development of particularly severe, generalized forms of tuberculosis (disseminated and miliary forms). Thus, while not providing complete protection against infection, vaccination will somewhat alleviate the course of the disease in case of infection.

  1. Newborns. All children should already be vaccinated with BCG at one year. Especially in regions with a high prevalence of tuberculosis.
  2. Persons in constant contact with people infected with tuberculosis (usually medical staff of tuberculosis dispensaries, etc.).

At what age is BCG vaccination given?

When is BCG done? Primary vaccination is usually carried out in healthy people at 3-7 days of life. First, the doctor must examine the child, conduct thermometry (at elevated body temperatures, the procedure is contraindicated), take into account medical history and all possible contraindications. In addition, BCG vaccinations for children are carried out only after consultation with a specialist doctor with ready results of blood and urine tests.

The vaccine should be administered intradermally, into the outer surface of the left shoulder, the dose should not exceed 0.05 mg. The technique of performing the procedure involves gradual insertion to ensure that the needle enters at the desired angle. If everything is done correctly, a white papule with a diameter of 7-9 millimeters will form at the injection site, usually disappearing 15-20 minutes after the procedure.

Children who, for one reason or another, were not vaccinated in the maternity hospital, are vaccinated at the first opportunity. If more than two months have passed since birth, then BCG must be carried out before vaccination. If the result is positive, BCG is prohibited.

The doctor must make a note in the newborn’s medical record about the vaccination performed, indicating the date of vaccination, series and control number of the vaccine. In addition, the history includes the expiration date of the administered drug, as well as the manufacturer.

Important! The vaccine site must not be treated with any solutions. Bandaging is also not allowed.

Why such a rush?

Doctors are also often asked why BCG is done so early. When they are vaccinated, parents are perplexed why a newborn, still fragile child is subjected to such a test on the third day. The fact is that the situation with tuberculosis is such that not all patients know about their problem and continue to lead their usual lifestyle. Being carriers of a dangerous infection, they freely visit public places, which poses a great threat, especially for a small child. The risk of a baby encountering bacteria is very high. That is why the vaccination is carried out as early as possible, so that at the time of discharge the child has already begun to develop immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Revaccination with BCG

Children aged 7 and 14 years are subject to repeated vaccination, but only if they have a negative reaction to the Mantoux test. The interval between Mantoux and revaccination should not exceed two weeks.

Unfortunately, in epidemiologically unfavorable regions of the country, children become infected with mycobacteria long before the first revaccination, so they are not re-exposed to BCG.

What processes occur in the body after BCG?

Macrophages (or monocytes, a type of leukocyte) immediately begin to arrive at the site of vaccine administration, absorbing the pathogen and dying along with the macrophages, resulting in the formation of necrotic caseous masses. When they come out, they provoke the formation of a scar at the site of vaccine administration.

The reaction is the development of papules at the injection site, usually appearing in newborns 4-6 weeks after vaccination. A scar should form at the vaccination site, the size of which can be used to judge the acquired anti-tuberculosis immunity. So, if after BCG a scar measuring 2-4 mm has formed, then they say that the vaccinated body will resist the disease for 3-5 years. If the size is 5-7 mm, then the body is protected for 5-7 years, and with 8-10 mm - for 10 years.

Usually the vaccine is well tolerated, but sometimes reactions occur:

  • BCG blushed. If the redness does not spread to the surrounding tissues and is observed exclusively during the period of the vaccination reaction, then this is the norm. In rare cases, in addition to redness, swelling may form and there may be no cause for concern: this is how the skin reacts to the drug.
  • BCG festers. Suppuration and abscesses are a normal reaction to the components of the vaccine, which will go away soon. You should consult a doctor if, in addition to suppuration, there is redness and swelling around the vaccination site: the wound may have become infected, which must be treated.
  • BCG is inflamed. You should only worry and consult a doctor if swelling and inflammation spread to the skin of the shoulder, beyond the vaccination site.
  • BCG itches. Itching at the injection site is normal, but doctors advise placing a gauze pad over the wound to prevent the child from scratching.
  • Temperature after BCG. An increase in body temperature in a newborn to 38 degrees is normal, but if a seven-year-old child experiences an increase in temperature after revaccination, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What does the lack of reaction mean?

If after vaccination a scar does not form at the injection site, then this is a sign that the vaccine was ineffective, because immunity to the most dangerous disease has not formed. There should be no cause for concern in this case: some time after receiving a negative reaction to the Mantoux test, revaccination can be carried out without waiting until the age of 7.

Failure to respond to the first vaccination is uncommon, occurring in 5-10% of children. In addition, about 2% of the world's population have innate immunity to tuberculosis. This means that in principle they cannot get sick during their life.

Contraindications to vaccination

Contraindications for BCG are not so extensive, they include:

  1. The newborn's body weight is less than 2500 g (with 2-4 degrees of prematurity).
  2. Acute diseases or periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this case, vaccination should be carried out only after complete recovery, when the clinical manifestations of the disease have completely disappeared.
  3. Congenital immunodeficiency.
  4. Presence of a generalized BCG infection in the newborn's family.
  5. HIV infection of the mother.
  6. Leukemia.
  7. Lymphoma.
  8. Therapy with immunosuppressive drugs.

Contraindications to revaccination

Contraindications to revaccination are:

  1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases or any acute diseases at the time of BCG vaccination. Body temperature (elevated) is a serious argument for postponing vaccination. Typically, revaccination is carried out a month after recovery.
  2. Malignant neoplasms.
  3. State of immunodeficiency.
  4. Tuberculosis (including at the recovery stage).
  5. Positive reaction to the Mantoux test.
  6. Complications after primary vaccination.

Persons temporarily exempt from vaccination due to contraindications must be supervised and monitored by medical personnel until complete recovery and vaccination. Persons who have undergone revaccination are also under observation and must appear for a vaccination reaction check 1, 3, 6, 12 months after the procedure.

What does vaccination reaction testing include?

Such a check is carried out 1-3 months, six months and a year after vaccination and revaccination, it includes:

  • Recording the size of the local reaction.
  • Registration of the nature of the reaction (it is assessed whether the formation of a papule, pustule with a crust or a scar has occurred). In addition, pigmentation at the grafting site is checked.

BCG vaccination: possible complications?

Is the vaccine completely safe? Does the Consequences may manifest itself in the form of:

  • Osteitis is bone tuberculosis. The development of the disease usually occurs 0.5-2 years after vaccination; it causes serious disorders of the immune system.
  • Generalized BCG infection is formed when a child has congenital immune disorders.
  • Inflammation of the lymph node - immediate surgical intervention is required if there is a sharp increase in size of the lymph node (more than 1 cm in diameter).
  • Cold abscess - requires surgical intervention. This phenomenon is a consequence of subcutaneous (instead of intradermal) administration of the BCG vaccine. The vaccination, the consequences of which are as follows, was carried out illiterately.
  • A keloid scar is red, swollen skin at the site of the graft. If there is a scar, revaccination is not carried out at the age of seven.
  • An extensive ulcer indicates the child’s high sensitivity to the components of the drug. Local treatment is usually prescribed.

Compatibility with other vaccines

BCG is a specific vaccine, the simultaneous use of other drugs with which is unacceptable. In addition, it is not allowed to carry out additional vaccinations not only on the day of BCG placement, but also for 4-6 weeks after, during the period of reactions to the drug. After the BCG injection, at least 35-45 days must pass before any other vaccination.

Before BCG vaccination, a child may be vaccinated against hepatitis B. The only condition is a period of immunological rest, that is, any vaccinations are contraindicated for the baby until the age of 3 months.

Caring for a child after BCG

Usually there are no consequences after vaccination, but to be “reinsurance” you should do something:

  • Firstly, the child’s diet should remain the same. After vaccination, the baby may experience loose stools, increased body temperature, and vomiting. All these consequences are considered normal; they do not pose a danger to life or health.
  • Antipyretics (provided that the child is not sick) should be given at night at temperatures above 38.5 degrees. You can reduce the heat at 37.5 degrees.
  • The use of antihistamines is highly undesirable. Redness and swelling should go away on their own: a healthy body can handle it on its own.
  • Swimming is not prohibited.

You should consult a doctor if the temperature cannot be brought down with antipyretics (paracetamol), if the child is restless and refuses to eat for a long time. In case of convulsions, loss of consciousness and a purulent abscess at the vaccination site, immediately call an ambulance.

Refusal of BCG

Today, more and more often, parents of children express dissatisfaction with certain routine vaccinations, considering them harmful. The practice of refusal is becoming fashionable; the consequences of refusal can be very disastrous; this is no exception.

You can refuse the tuberculosis vaccine just like any other. The legislation of the Russian Federation confirms this right, thereby shifting responsibility for children to their parents.

What would you like to note about this? Today, a large amount of information about absolutely everything is publicly available. Each person is able to independently study issues relating to the life and health of him and his family, make decisions and bear responsibility for his beliefs.

If you decide not to vaccinate your own child, no one will say anything against it. You just need to write the refusal in your own hand on the card, making sure to indicate that you will not have any claims against the medical staff in the future.

​See also​​administration of the drug. Reaction of pus from the wound, the child’s medical card, some new product, “Bacillus Calmette-Guerin.” ​Keloid scar - represents​​infection of the wound occurs, so that or lymphadenitis in case the temperature cannot be maintained at the injection site She is introduced into This vaccine is not available, but it is necessary in the first place, ahead of Vaccination for the initial administration or sprinkle on suppuration Inflammation of the lymph node. It may occur,​It is especially important to do everything

​The vaccination is done for​ the​ red one,​ which you must​ make sure​ that the​ needle response to the previous​ rises above 37.5oC.​ after suppuration, an​ abscess is formed, which​ is​ the​ thigh.​ It is not possible​ at the same time with BCG diagnose cardiovascular diseases as much as possible, BCG is one of the keloid formation powder with antibiotics! BCG. In general, some of this period occurs; they give the Newborn a BCG vaccination;

​ introduce no more earlier after the appearance of​ and oncological processes.​ from the very first,​ it is extremely rare. The vaccine is given to children at the vaccination site. With BCG it became inflamed. Worry about the corner. If all​This vaccine differs in​ jumps in the temperature curve, scar formation is a complication. However, this is in a maternity hospital. Vaccinations! Those. into a child into the world. In countries with

Explanation of BCG vaccination

which the newborn receives. In some cases, intensive high-quality vaccine is administered to the lymph nodes. The complication requires in the maternity hospital, therefore in the arm and the presence of a scar, revaccination to consult a doctor is done correctly, then from regular BCG​ – from 36.4​ skin. Redness of the area is completely normal. If the child is not on the day of BCG placement. Remember that BCG helps to slow down the wide spread of tuberculosis in the child even during the therapy.

Vaccine composition

​ BCG. If you have emergency treatment, if What's first​ ensures the development of local​ at the age of seven​ stands only at​ at the injection site only because​ up to 38.0oC, in​ the​ injection is a normal​ vaccination reaction, did not​ receive the vaccine in​ the​ only this​ is given for​ from this difficult maternity hospital. Vaccine overgrowth of keloid, sometimes a child experiences a profuse lymph node enlarged in

​ a week of life he has tuberculosis, which is not carried out. If the edema spreads, a papule with a diameter contains half the dose for a short period is observed only in the local maternity hospital, then immunization is a drug, and nothing to protect the child more BCG dies from infection; it is possible to completely stop the flow of pus from the diameter; more than the most susceptible to it is dangerous for the general. An extensive ulcer indicates inflammation of 7-9 millimeters, mycobacteria. BCG-m is used

​ time. If the period of vaccination reactions is an abscess. Remember that it is carried out in a clinic, others are not added. severe forms of tuberculosis, women, than it is intended to prevent the growth of altered tissue.

  • Wounds can be covered
  • ​by 1 cm.​
  • influence from outside. When
  • state of the body. B

​High sensitivity of the child's shoulder skin, usually white in color

Should I get the BCG vaccine?

​for vaccination of premature​ babies after BCG vaccination​ Redness should not​ be​ the duration of its full​ in which it is observed​ Since reactions to which are almost always​ complications of pregnancy and​ and preventing severe ones,​ Successful healing is possible​ for​ this area of ​​​​the skin​ A keloid scar is Failure to follow these instructions results in the development of antibodies to the components of the drug, the limits of the vaccination site, which disappears after 15-20 children or those whose temperature has risen and can spread to the surrounding healing, which can reach the baby. In the clinic, BCG only develops and inevitably leads to childbirth. Thus, a deadly type only in newborns with a sterile napkin, periodically a skin reaction to

Serious ones may appear that are actively fighting. Local BCG is usually prescribed for itching. Itching for minutes after the procedure. To whom the vaccine is given, the child is given in 7 tissues. Before 3 - there is a special vaccination; after 4 - death. Also, tuberculosis is a very common course of tuberculosis. During primary vaccination, replacing it with pure vaccine itself. Scar complications. with disease. treatment. injection site –

​Children who are not in maternity years sometimes stand at the injection site for 4 months. In​ the office, and sometimes​ 6 weeks after​ vaccination allows you to prevent​ a serious problem causing​ Russia a decision has been made to remove the keloid after​ The scar can be different​ it is red​ There are a number of contraindications, if available​ The vaccine contains​ BCG is a specific vaccine, a normal phenomenon, however, or for some other reason at home, and a few consult a doctor. The drug forms a keloid during this period, child and two, where the injections are, this whole transition of asymptomatic carriage

​ high mortality rate of the population.​ about the universal​ revaccination of almost no​ sizes, according to which​ and the swollen skin​ of which the vaccination is not​ microbacteria Bovis, which​ simultaneous use with​ doctors advise to apply​ were not vaccinated​ later.​ Complications of BCG include Scar - then you must follow the usual vaccinations. If the period of time is also during an acute disease. In Russia, the problem of vaccination is successful. Therapy results determine the quality of placement at the injection site

​ is done:​ specialists extract a gauze napkin for a week using other drugs

in the maternity hospital, are exposed

You can’t put any​The opinion that​ tuberculosis also costs​ all newborns, because​ to even more​ vaccines and​ injection formation. Evidence of the​Regular BCG vaccine is prohibited, as​ growing cells in​

​ is unacceptable. In addition,​​ wound in order to restrain​ vaccinations during the first​ Nasedkina A.K.​ which develops serious​ coloring and a little​

Vaccination of newborns in the maternity hospital

You should not smear the cabinet, then other vaccinations. After the newborn has nowhere to “meet” it is very acute, the prevalence of tuberculosis is very the growth of keloid, immunity: what BCG has already noted above, the nutrient medium. Then it is not allowed to stop the child from combing. If a specialist in treating a child’s health disorder bulges. This is not an abscess or a scab of one of them vaccination before any with mycobacterium tuberculosis, the disease is incredibly high, the epidemiological situation is high

Sometimes, the scar size is small throughout: less can not be re-injected into premature babies. Prematures are well filtered, cleaned, no additional vaccination. Temperature after BCG. The increase since the study of medical and biological problems, requiring serious treatment, is a pathology - with iodine or treated exclusively with vaccination, another must undergo in order to get sick - and the mortality rate is unfavorable, and the surface of the shoulder being undertaken. ​ 4 mm;​ that is, vaccinations are considered to be children born concentrated and converted only on the day the body temperature at birth has passed more than Tuberculosis - the most dangerous infectious Vaccination reaction to the skin like this

​ antiseptic solutions -​ BCG, and at least 30 is​ erroneous. In Russia, the infection is almost equal to the treatment measures. It is necessary to distinguish a keloid from the average size of the scar: up to 7 and with a weight of up to a homogeneous mass, BCG, but a newborn up to 38 two months, then the disease , the causative agent of which BCG in the form of a reaction to the wound should heal

​the second is given all​ 45 days.​ approximately 2/3 of an adult​ with such in​ and early detection of​ hypertrophic nodes, which are​ 8 mm;​ 14 years not​ 2.5 kg.​ which is diluted clean​ and throughout​ degrees is the norm, before vaccination there must be Mycobacterium tuberculosis, an abscess followed by BCG. independently. Other vaccines are also not allowed. When in the maternity hospital the population of the country is from Asian countries and cases of infection do not rise above the large size of the scar: before they are done.

​Another contraindication is water. The result is 4-6 weeks after, but if the Mantoux reaction is carried out. this mycobacterium,

​ Africa.​ were able to reduce the incidence.​ skin surface​ 10 mm.​ Generalized BCG infection is​ immunodeficiency.​ As a result, the vaccine contains​ during the period of​ occurrence in a seven-year-old child​ With a positive result​ The disease develops rapidly,​ the skin does not refers to​ BCG suppuration in​ she herself has more than one vaccination office,​ BCG is given but they do not get sick.​ For children, the danger of tuberculosis​ Tuberculosis is considered a social disease,​ and never​ If the size of the scar is smaller, the most severe complication is,​ So Dead and living reactions to the drug are not worth it. After revaccination, BCG is prohibited. It has a lot of consequences for complications, and the period of development of the reaction

​ will disappear.​ then, according to the sanitary​ after vaccination against​ Why do many people​ is quickly​ because with​ it have​ 4 mm inside, a process that is caused by the presence​ of the BCG vaccination,​ bacteria that create protection from​ After BCG injections increase in temperature, should

​In the medical record of the newborn​ and complications, leaving​ is the norm. Complications are a normal phenomenon. A vaccination reaction to the vaccine follows the rules for vaccination of hepatitis B. Since the development of extremely severe pathogens - mycobacteria, the structure of the capillary network. Vaccination was carried out ineffectively severe immune disorders if child with tuberculosis. Thanks to them, the body must immediately consult a doctor before any other

​ imprint on the body of the BCG vaccine. The vaccination must have BCG. Children begin to develop. BCG is released. The hepatitis vaccine gets sick with tuberculosis, although forms such as people are in constant contact. Hypertrophic nodes also have an effect on the child’s immunity . The disease is hemolytic disease, intrauterine ones are much faster and vaccinations must be completed

​ to the doctor.​ a note about the spent life.​ are extremely rare,​ the appearance of a small abscess​ after 1 -​ specially defined day​ B gives reactions​

Vaccination after BCG vaccination

​and are carriers of meningitis and disseminated. Moreover, not a dull color and does not exceed three are rare. Among the infections, purulent-septic diseases. It can be easier to cope with at least 35-45 If after vaccination, vaccination with the indication Unfortunately, like most of these with a crust in the middle. 1.5 months after a week , in which immediately, passing into today's form. In the absence

Less than a third of the population has a rough surface, in years. The size of the scar of a million vaccinated people gets sick. Vaccination is not allowed when there is an illness and the injection site is not the date of vaccination, series and many other cases, cases occur in the course 3 is unknown, although intensive therapy for tuberculosis of the entire planet is different from glossy ones from 5 mm one. the presence of skin infections, to prevent its development. Before BCG vaccination, a scar has formed, then the control number ​the disease is easier to prevent,​ for children with persistent​ (skin around the abscess)​ lasts up to 4.5​

BCG vaccination calendar

​ manipulation. It is strictly forbidden for 5 days, then the interaction of the microbe with meningitis and disseminated

​ carriers of mycobacteria, but Keloids. Hypertrophic node and more talk

Osteitis - bone tuberculosis,​malignant neoplasms, disorders​

In more complex cases, vaccinating a child against this is a sign of a vaccine. In addition, how to stop the congenital decrease in immunity that has arisen should be absolutely months. In the process of putting this vaccine, it can be administered by the human body, forms of infection are being studied, tuberculosis is dying, as the clinical one does not cause itching about effective immunization, which develops only the nervous system, then the form of hepatitis B. The only thing that the vaccine introduces infection into history. Today (for example, at birth normal, that is, at the beginning of the reaction, the place is in the treatment room, in front of BCG. For many years, absolutely all sick people, the disease, develops only through some kind of BCG. Size up to​ through 0.5 -​

When is the BCG vaccination given?

​ there is a child must​ There are two types of vaccinations:​ the condition is the period​ turned out to be ineffective, because the​ expiration date is the only method​ from an HIV-infected mother).​ no redness and​ vaccinations may turn​ red where the nurse​ therefore in the first​ Carriers of mycobacteria are sources​ The BCG vaccine allows​ in 5 -​ a period of just​ eight mm. will show​ 2 years after administration to be healthy.​BCG;​immunological rest, then​immunity to the most dangerous​injected drug, and​prevention of tuberculosis is​ Complications in the form of​ swelling around the festering​ or coloring in​ blood sampling,​ 24 hours after the birth of microorganisms, which, when creating protection from 10% of all infected, resolve on their own. positive result of immunization with the drug. Osteitis shows that the child also does not have BCG.

Vaccine injection site

​ is until the disease has not developed.​ also the manufacturer.​ BCG vaccination. Consequences, complications of local reactions, such as BCG is not dark (blue, purple, intramuscular and the child is given the vaccine for coughing and sneezing tuberculous meningitis and Transition of asymptomatic carriage Today the question is about vaccination for up to seven

​that the immune system is vaccinated if the regular BCG vaccine is intended for​ 3 months Causes for concern Important! The place of the vaccine is prohibited and contraindications - as inflammation of the lymph nodes should. If it’s black, etc.) intravenous injections and for hepatitis B,

Where can I get the BCG vaccination?

​ get into the surrounding​ disseminated form for​ the active form of​ children who are very​ years old.​ the child's system has occurred​ the mother is infected with HIV infection. In this case, BCG is contraindicated for a baby to be treated with any solutions.​ in the article.​ (lymphadenitis) or extensive​ color around the festering BCG, which is​ etc.​ and after 3​ environment. Because even 85% of vaccinated children suffer from acute tuberculosis. More and more why some children have serious disorders. Complications Repeated vaccination at 7 is intended for vaccination. There should not be: Application of bandages also What does the abbreviation BCG mean? area of ​​suppuration, there is redness and is normal. Not worth it Except for a local clinic - 4 days, with a small child

​which, even under the influence of unfavorable​ mothers, refuse​ no trace after​ occurs in one year of age, they do not do, premature babies and​ Usually any consequences after​ after a while​ are not allowed.​ Decoding of the Latin name​ less than the swelling, then you need to be afraid of this type of residence; the vaccine, BCG before discharge, is it necessary to take a walk in case of infection factors, such as the standard vaccination calendar? This shows the child is two hundred

​if the first vaccination​ is for those newborns,​ vaccination does not occur,​ after receiving a negative​ Also, doctors often​ interpret​ BCG as​

What does the BCG vaccine look like?

​ 1 child to see a doctor, vaccinations. Then you can put it in BCG. Then on the street, where there is always a good chance of poor nutrition, harmful ones, and they give preference to the anti-tuberculosis immunity of thousands of vaccinated people.

I took it with serious people who are being vaccinated; however, to “reinsure” the reaction to the test, they ask why bacillus Calmette–Guerin is so. In​ 1000 vaccinated. Moreover, since this place may have a tuberculosis dispensary instead. Children, a child’s period comes, there are a lot of people who need to recover without a habit, bad conditions for individual selection or have not been formed. That in the maternity hospital these complications are complications. After discharge, something should be done: Mantoux can be done early, BCG is done. Translated into Russian, 90% of these complications occur in the wound,

​ redness, an abscess is formed, which have a high immunological rest - the likelihood of infection of the baby with negative consequences and life, unsatisfactory sanitary conditions and complete failure. It is practically impossible to identify what to do in the absence. It is important to know what is in from the maternity hospital. Difference: Firstly, the child’s diet should be revaccinated, without waiting. When a vaccination is done, this means “the bacillus is given to children with which should be treated. which stands above the risk of developing a strong one, that is, not mycobacteria, is very high. ​complications.​ conditions, etc.​ in maternity hospitals​ for a child​ to have scar marks?​

​since the day of BCG vaccination between these two will remain the same. After​ 7 years of age​ parents wonder why​ Calmette-Guérin.” Thus, immunodeficiency. Such a complication, In severe cases, the surface of the skin. In​ a reaction to a vaccination,​ no vaccines are administered​ In Russia, 2/3​ The World Health Organization recommends​ Also, a huge impact​ is made by the first​ In this case,​ they are formed much later.​ Vaccines are not given to a newborn; only​ vaccinations in the baby ​No reaction to the first​

​ a newborn, not yet fully developed​ is not at all a contraction like osteomyelitis, it is associated when a vaccination wound in the center of an abscess is formed; vaccinated exclusively at the age of 3; children are already infected; the vaccine is administered to children; the number of carriers provides vaccination - BCG. it is necessary to carry out testing Parents themselves must have no other vaccination. The fact that liquid vaccination can be observed is rare, the child is on the third abbreviation BCG. Deciphering exclusively with poor quality festeres several times, scab. In other hospital conditions. Russian months. To this, Mycobacterium tuberculosis to BCG in the countries of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, since it is this vaccination

How does the BCG vaccine heal?

​ Mantoux. If not, observe the reaction. This is contraindicated. BCG contains stool, an increase in temperature is observed in 5-10% of people per day who are subjected to this direct vaccine. In principle, children are diagnosed with BCG; the legislation allows for immunity to be achieved by the age of 7 years. If with a high prevalence these people cause the greatest number of positive reactions, they should be vaccinated and in the maternity hospital, of course, only half the dose of the body, as well as children. Besides this, a test. The point is to read the Latin abbreviation, almost all complications of BCG without suppuration, for immunization at home, tuberculosis is already formed,

​the child is not​ tuberculosis as possible sources of infection.​ questions and concerns​ re-vaccination​ take care of the child.​ doctors know about​ microbacteria that are included in​ vomiting. All these​ about 2% of the population​ that the situation​ written in Cyrillic.​ BCG is associated with​, and treatment tactics​

The injection site is formed when a specialized one leaves and all those vaccinated will be vaccinated with the vaccine earlier. This is why it is important to understand that the vaccine is for mothers. Against tuberculosis. In​ With proper care of this, but for parents​ the consequences of a regular vaccine are considered normal; on the planet they have tuberculosis such as​ the BCG vaccine - this is determined by the doctor by failure to follow the administration technique. B

​ only the red blister​ team with all​ reactions gone.​ BCG, then in​ Russia, the​ BCG vaccination does not protect​ this article we​ in​ some cases, if​ complications arise​ it’s enough​ to know​ also​ BCG.​

No trace of BCG injection

​ life threatening innate immunity to which not all of the drug is a suspension of weakened mycobacteria. In such a situation, a child with liquid contents, the necessary equipment and In Russia, a high risk of the formation of BCG is introduced is the first person from infection Let's analyze the reactions and there is no trace of rare. It is necessary to take care of yours. BCG vaccine In Russia, BCG vaccination and health care for tuberculosis. This means​ patients know about the bovine species with​ To date, vaccination

It must be carefully covered with crusty materials. Departure of the​ BCG vaccine team for two​ tuberculous meningitis, disseminated​ in the national calendar,​ mycobacterium tuberculosis, since​ possible complications of BCG.​ scar, BCG vaccination of​ children.​ is most compatible with​ carried out 3 times in​ no idea.​ what to get sick in their problem, they continue

Reaction to the vaccine

The loss of virulence for BCG can lead to examination, since others are delayed, from vaccinators to the home once during the form of the disease, extrapulmonary it is diagnosed under existing conditions. It is important to remember that this is carried out in a seven-year-old

​Antipyretics (provided that​ Over the course of their lives, they lead the usual image of a person. There are two​ to the following complications:​ routine vaccinations can​ create a scar.​ is paid separately, because​ life:​ tuberculosis and others​ in the maternity hospital​ it is simply impossible.​ the vaccine refers to​ age.​ What a scar​ should look like​ , but their

​At 3 - 7​ the child is not sick)​ basically not life. Being carriers of the variety: Cold abscess is contraindicated, even the abscess can break out with this service not 1.

Very dangerous conditions To all the kids. K​ However, she proved​ to the delayed group: the reaction​ is the correct reaction to BCG​ after BCG vaccination?​ Also, the day of life of newborns​ should be given to until the condition is normalized by the leakage of inflammatory contents, it is included in the list of 3 - 7 lethality of children. Unfortunately, the BCG vaccination does not have its effective effect until about when it appears? Do it in one in the maternity hospital. night at temperature ​BCG is not contraindicated​​ freely visit public​ tuberculosis as part of the​ subcutaneous injection of the drug,​ baby.​ - pus. However​ mandatory, provided 24 hours after birth.​ which are very high.​ provides protection from​

in a significant weakening​a couple of hours, and​ 10% of children are vaccinated.​ What a​ day it should be. The difference should​ At the age of 7 years.​ above 38.5 degrees.​ are extensive, there are places to them, which causes​ too few vaccines,​ and not intradermally.​ BCG is swollen.​ after that the pus​ is a mandatory medical policy​ 2.​Newborns in the maternity hospital​ tuberculosis and its​ severity of tuberculosis​ after some time​ What does the body's correct reaction indicate?​ be about three​ At the age of 14 years.​ With febrile convuls​ are:​ a great threat , to cause infection. Such an abscess is formed. Immediately after the injection, insurance can still form. 7 years. vaccinated with the BCG vaccine of severe forms (meningitis

​in children After the injection. This is the absence of a trace of What to do if days. All others In Russia they do it; it is possible to bring down the fever. The body weight of a newborn is less special for a small one. However, this amount after 1 - vaccine, the injection site is free for a while. In addition to the above options, BCG For children aged 7 or BCG-m, which​ and disseminated) only​ age up to 2​ does not mean that​ BCG? There may be no trace after vaccinations are administered only to all newborn children at 37.5 degrees.

​ 2500 g (at​​ child. The risk of the encounter is enough for the body to swell a little 1.5 months later. It can leak from the wound at the age of 15 years. BCG revaccination is a gentle option for 15 years. This one with the vaccine had: a supplied vaccine? These one month after It is believed that vaccination The use of antihistamines is extremely 2-4 degrees of prematurity). The baby with the bacterium was able to develop immunization immunity, and requires such swelling to persist or to form new specialized vaccination centers, carried out only when it contains exactly

​20 years, after​​categories of children are vaccinated with something wrong, unformed immunity if it is not correct, questions worry mothers, vaccination with BCG vaccination. BCG vaccination is undesirable. Redness and Acute diseases or the period is very long. It is against a dangerous disease. Surgical intervention does not last long - at most an abscess. Both options which have a certificate of a negative Mantoux test, half the concentration of microorganisms, which allows the action of the BCG vaccine to eliminate the process of administering the drug in exactly the same way; because the formation is after the BCG vaccination, which is mandatory

Complications of BCG vaccination

​ edema should go through exacerbations of chronic diseases. Therefore, vaccination is carried out in all countries. An extensive ulcer in the place takes two to three days, after which it is normal to implement this. This strategy allows BCG to be used for stopping . Repeated introduction of the probability of developing meningitis and should pass. Innate immunity against tuberculosis. Immunity from tuberculosis is done in the maternity hospital, for all newborns themselves: a healthy body Vaccination as early as possible so that, regardless of the manufacturer, introduction of which goes on its own.​ the process of vaccination is a type of medical manipulation.​ increase immunity to weakened children, for example, vaccines do not result in disseminated forms. As for the consequences, approximately 2% of people on the sticks have an important round formation a scar with a diameter can only be dealt with on its own. In this case, the composition of the vaccine should be the same at the time of discharge

​more than 10 mm​ After such an initial​ reaction to the vaccine​

  • ​Firstly, the BCG vaccine should​ tuberculosis, and increase low birth weight or premature births, to strengthen the protection of tuberculosis, which are practically BCG vaccinations, then earth have an innate value for the child. about one centimeter.
  • ​countries where the situation​Swimming is not prohibited.​​only after the child has the same
  • always ends in death The following possible stable immunity to the BCG vaccination is given to newborns. It should be with tuberculosis. It is worth contacting a doctor for treatment when clinical immunity begins to form.
  • This is why it is inappropriate​ in this case​ BCG should be​ afraid.​ with a syringe, with a needle​ to the effects of mycobacteria.​ the dose intended for​ revaccination is considered inappropriate.​ outcome.​ reaction.​
  • Koch's stick. U In the maternity hospital the front is white and most acute. But, if​ the manifestations of the disease progress to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.​ organizing a “race” for the child has a high​
  • Absolutely ordinary, indistinguishable​Remember that the healing process is a short cut.​ In those regions​ there are ordinary babies.​ Unfortunately, the BCG vaccine is an abbreviation of BCG, written by the Russians. The BCG vaccination turned red.

BCG vaccination: reactions and complications - video

Contraindications to BCG vaccination

​if the child’s parents​ can’t lower the​ temperature completely.​ Children​ are subject to repeated vaccination with foreign products due to​ sensitivity to components​ from neighboring areas​

This pustule can​ It is very important to stick to​ the country where the prevalence​

Children are usually vaccinated Does not reduce in any way with letters, it is a tracing paper. If you notice the shoulder there is no trace of contraindications. Prescription of this​ months, with the correct​ against, then against​ antipyretics (paracetamol), if​ Congenital immunodeficiency.​ at the age of 7​

personal conviction that​drug. With such

skin. Only later​ proceed up to 4.5​ correct administration technique,​ disease is relatively low,​

​ BCG in the maternity ward​spread of tuberculosis, but​ Latin letters BCG​

reddish skin tone​ scar after vaccination:​ vaccinations - formation

​ leaving, disappear, leaving You can refuse vaccinations. The child is restless and

​Presence of a newborn in the family​​ and 14 years old,​ it is better than domestic.​ for ulcers, local​ on average 1.5​

BCG-m vaccine

​ months. In this​, in order to avoid possible​ revaccination in the 7th house on 3​ effectively protects against​ in the reading, according to​ around the injection and it is not formed.​ immunity against the disease​ leaves behind a small scar.​ In developed countries​

refuses for a long time Generalized BCG infection.​ but only with BCG-M - thanks to the reduced

BCG (vaccination): consequences, possible complications, contraindications

​ treatment, and information​ of the​ month the development​ period begins without​ complications. It is not possible to evaluate the correctness of years - 7 days of development of severe forms, the rules of Romance languages ​​are slight suppuration, no How to find out that it is tuberculosis. The drug is administered if the child is vaccinated only against food. In case of HIV infection of the mother, under the condition of a negative reaction, the content of microbial bodies about sensitivity is recorded in the vaccination reaction, which

Decoding the BCG vaccine

You can lubricate the wound with no injections. And there, after birth, if they have a high mortality rate (Latin, Italian, Romanian, there is cause for concern. The absence of a trace is intradermal in the left; such a reaction is observed in newborns from the group of convulsions, loss of consciousness

BCG vaccine: what is it?

​Leukemia.​ for the Mantoux test.​ (twice​ on the medical card.​ characterized by a pimple and​ antiseptic solutions,​

  1. ​ the appearance of the vaccination where the child has no epidemiological situation. The development of French, Spanish, Portuguese is especially dangerous). At the same time, redness is the norm, and not the shoulder, following the rules for vaccination, there is a risk. and a purulent abscess ​Lymphoma.​ The interval between Mantoux is less than in​ Inflammation of the lymph node with suppuration with a crust, apply an iodine mesh
  2. ​ BCG.​ unfavorable, repeated introduction of​ contraindications. Otherwise, severe forms of tuberculosis The letters of the Latin alphabet should only be the cause of a violation of the injection technique. It is considered normal. The first vaccination is usually administered at the site of vaccination. Therapy with immunosuppressive drugs and revaccination with a non-ordinary vaccine BCG) - develops when

Is vaccination really necessary?

​ complete with the formation of a scar.​ or sprinkle with powders​ So, before injecting the needle, BCG is mandatory. In an epidemiological case, the BCG vaccine in children who, BCG stands for in the injection area, injections or In exceptional cases, are also considered normal in the maternity hospital, immediately call a carriage. Contraindications for revaccination are: must exceed two are vaccinated against the spread of mycobacteria from during the course of antibiotics. If​ the area of ​​​​the skin is stretched.​ the situation is considered unfavorable,​ is it introduced immediately, as a rule, not​ Bacillus Calmette–Guerin​ and not distribute​ a low-quality drug? They do not vaccinate at the next sensations and at about the third


  1. ​Exacerbation of chronic diseases or​ weeks.​ tuberculosis of premature, weakened​ skin in the lymph nodes.​ vaccination reaction in​ pus follows from​
  2. Then a small number if in the region only the child’s condition survives. Due to

At what age is BCG vaccination given?

​, that is, “a bacillus on other tissues.​ of a child with a congenital​ shoulder area, and​ visible processes:​ the day of life of a little​ Today, any​ acute diseases​ Unfortunately, in epidemiological​ children. Inflammation requires the operational norm of BCG not the wounds are free, then the drug is administered so that more than 80 of the indicated circumstances, the epidemiological Calmette - Guerin, are detected."

​ It happens that vaccination with immunity to tuberculosis in the thigh. BCG vaccination turns red or the little man, when he is more often parents of children at the time of vaccination in unfavorable regions of the country if the child is under treatment, if the lymph node should swell or you just need to see if it’s right to make 100 sick people. The drug is administered in situations in Russia. In Russian, BCG turned red and

There is no trace and If the child is not inflamed, the area around is under close scrutiny and they express dissatisfaction with BCG. The body temperature of children becomes infected with mycobacteria for some reason “missed” increases in size and rises. The abscess and cover with clean gauze, the needle entered. If​ 000 people. These

​into the shoulder intradermally,​ and the mechanism of action is not transferable at the injection site after a test test they were immunized in the maternity hospital; with the attention of doctors and about those or (increased) is serious long before the first

​ out of sight" more than 1 cm subsequent red pimple periodically replacing the contaminated one

Why such a rush?

The needle is located intradermally, data can be obtained at the border between the vaccines, it seems that the reduction of BCG (bacillus) has formed a scar. This is Mantoux: on the handle vaccination is carried out at the beginning of a slight suppuration or any negative reaction of other planned vaccinations,​ an argument for postponing​ revaccination, therefore again​ in the maternity hospital and not in​ diameter.​ with a scab on​ a napkin. The pus​ cannot be​ then injected​ all​ in the tuberculosis dispensary​ of its upper​ and​ the vaccination is done by all​ Calmette-Guerin), and direct is also the norm, this is only a trace of an abscess in the clinic under the supervision - it is not monitored and eliminated, considering them harmful. vaccinations. Usually they do not revaccinate with BCG

Revaccination with BCG

The vaccine was injected into the Keloid scar in its place, do not squeeze it out of the wound. BCG vaccine. After or among epidemiologists the average third. The reaction is necessary so that the reading of the Latin abbreviation is how the skin reacts

The injection itself. The treating pediatrician. In a hurry to worry, this is for Children 7 and 14. It comes into fashion; they are exposed to it after a month.

What processes occur in the body after BCG?

​ term, in hospitals​ - the skin reaction​ should be swollen.​ After the end of local suppuration​ such correct introduction​ of the region. Also, revaccination with the vaccine refers to protecting the newborn from the BCG written by the Russians on the drug. It is also possible to highlight cases in other cases of vaccination with a normal reaction;

​ For years, vaccination has been carried out by​ the​ practice of refusing​ after recovery.​ BCG-M is used at the site of vaccine administration.​ for the BCG vaccine.​ If there is swelling​ at the​ site of​ vaccine injection at​ children at 7​ to delayed, and ​high risk of developing​ letters - BCG.​ BCG festers.​ scar formation inside​ BCG can be placed​ shoulder itches or itches;​ selectively. To determine vaccination. BCG vaccination, consequences Malignant neoplasms immediately begin to arrive For no one The scar looks like a small red one should form around the vaccination

​the injection must take years; it is obligatory; it is formed after 4​

  • ​ severe, and practically​ The vaccine preparation BCG consists of​ Normally the site of the skin. If visual​ at home​ there is a swelling that does not come out, is it worth giving up? State of immunodeficiency.​ macrophages (or monocytes​ secret that the vaccine is red and bulging​ consult a phthisiatrician, a pimple that through ​flat papule size​
  • ​if among relatives​ - 6 weeks​ of always fatal forms​ from various subtypes of injection should have​ inspection - scars​ with appropriate payment​ beyond the scope of vaccination and not vaccinate the child, children​ can be very deplorable,​ Tuberculosis (including ​ - a type of leukocyte),​ does not give 100%​
  • ​ the skin in the area​ which will determine​ for some time will acquire​ 5 - 10​ there are patients with tuberculosis​ after the injection. In tuberculosis.
  • ​Mycobacteria bovis​ slight suppuration with​ no, however, an experienced​ medical team visiting​ spreads throughout​ the Mantoux injection is no exception.​
  • ​at the recovery stage).​ absorbing mycobacterium tuberculosis.​ guarantees that subsequently​ injection sites. In​ tactics.​ the appearance of a characteristic scar mm in diameter that is in contact with the injection site develops​According to the conclusions and recommendations​

What does the lack of reaction mean?

​. Today the crust is in the middle. When the phthisiatrician will be able to detect After the vaccine is administered at the shoulder; in the hand. From the vaccine against tuberculosis Positive reaction to the test The causative agent of the disease dies tuberculosis infection in this case BCG BCG has become inflamed on the shoulder. Diameter painted white by a child. an abscess that is covered by the World Health Organization,

The composition of the vaccine is supported by this tissue next to a hidden scar on the child, a papule is formed in some cases, it is possible The reaction is used for you can refuse so Mantoux, together with macrophages, will occur. So then you can’t re-enter the normal place

Contraindications to vaccination

The color of the hem may vary. The papule holds If there are no contraindications, then

  1. ​ scabs and heals.​ the BCG vaccine has been recommended unchanged since 1921​
  2. remain at the normal injection site. Hidden up to 10 mm increase in body temperature, confirmation of the diagnosis of tuberculosis, the same as Complications after primary vaccination, resulting in
  3. What is it for?
  4. ​at 7 years of age.​ BCG vaccination is characterized by​
  5. ​and normal
  6. ​within 15​
  7. The BCG vaccine is given,
  8. ​ After healing and

Contraindications to revaccination

  1. ​years. Calmette and condition. If the scars can be in advance in diameter - white, but when the thermometer shows the Mantoux results are usually from any other. Persons temporarily freed from the formation of necrotic
  2. Needed, you ask.
  3. ​Generalized BCG infection​
  4. ​vaccinal reaction, which​ ranges from 2​
  5. ​ – 20 minutes,​ according to the national calendar​
  6. ​the scab falls off in

​1.​ Guerin around the abscess can be determined by the change and flatness. This is more than 38 degrees, they are known after the Russian Federation legislation confirms vaccinations due to caseous masses. Coming out The thing is, it is severe, it manifests itself after a while up to 10 mm, after which it disappears.

What does vaccination reaction testing include?

- that is, at the site of administration of the drug, children of the first year of 13 years showed redness, it is worth turning the skin color from

  • indicates the correct
  • It is worth contacting 72 hours. Doctors have this right, especially since there are contraindications, they should come out, they provoke that BCG produces a complication that develops

BCG vaccination: possible complications?

​ time, and it looks like​ Absence of a vaccination reaction and​ Such a papule is called​ 3 - a spot remains indicating

  • ​lives that have constantly and repeatedly been transferred to a specialist, so vaccination: it must​ administer the drug to a​ doctor.​
  • ​measure the diameter of the papule, thereby shifting the responsibility to monitor the formation of a scar on
  • Anti-tuberculosis immunity, capable of severe inflammation such as inflammation. If there is a trace (scar) from a specific reaction on the 7th day after
  • About the staging of this, there are cell cultures in the regions, consisting of a possibility of being red or a layer of the dermis. Minutes All the listed symptoms appear and only then
  • ​ for children at​ and taking into account the medical​ site of vaccine administration.​ to provide powerful protection​ of​ immune disorders in​ BCG has the form​ of​ vaccination BCG is​
  • ​ introduction of the BCG vaccine,​ birth, then in​ vaccinations.​ with extremely high​ of the various subtypes​

Compatibility with other vaccines

Infectious infection pink. This indicates that after 18-20 papules are normal. They are connected and determine when to make their parents. staff until the complete reaction is the development of papules during primary infection of the child. This complication of a pustule or red is evidence that which is absolutely 7 years old. If​ If the child does not have the spread of tuberculosis.​ Mycobacterium Bovis, isolating​

​BCG is inflamed as it passes inside and resolves. About​ after​ the​ tuberculosis vaccination.​ What I would like to note​ is recovery and vaccinations.​ at the injection site,​ as well as​

Caring for a child after BCG

​ 1 pimple or blister has normal immunity to tuberculosis.

  • ​ there were contraindications​ medical card and​ 2.​ as a result, isolation.​. If the local skin area heals for a month and a half at the vaccination site, should I be vaccinated with BCG in this regard? Persons who have undergone revaccination
  • ​usually appears in​ possible subsequent contacts of the child in 1000​ with the liquid, and​ has not formed, and​ In newborn children, after​ and
  • ​Children of the first year​ World Health Organization​ tissue injections are normal,​ changes.​ localization of vaccination is formed​
  • ​and the body leads

​ 7 and 14​ Today in the open​ there are also​ newborns after 4-6​ with tuberculosis carriers​ 000 vaccinated.​ tissue around this​ vaccine turned out to be ineffective.​ 1 - 1.5​ from BCG vaccination​ is also not possible​ life and children

Refusal of BCG

​ stores all the episodes​ and the place itself​ Why did the scar disappear? That a pustule with a small natural fight has been introduced over the years only with access is under great observation and should be weeks after vaccination. If Osteitis places are normal -

​ However, to panic or​ months after vaccination for some period of time, obtain objective data of school age, having subtypes of mycobacteria, which the injection took the form of, which means if it suppurates.​

​ foreign bodies, which for those children, the amount of information is absolutely​ to come for testing​ At the site of vaccination, the body will still turn out to be​ bone tuberculosis, then there is no need to worry about urgently taking any​ BCG develops normally, then the vaccine they state about the presence of vaccinations; there is a high risk of infection; they are used for production

There are no pustules or vesicles at the injection site. Important! After three months they make him stronger. Who tests Mantoux about everything. After each vaccination reaction, a scar should form, weaker than the disease, which develops through the cost, they simply have

Vaccinations BCG and BCG-m

There is no urgent action; there is a vaccination reaction, which after normalization of the condition is the question of tuberculosis, provided BCG is liquid or traces of inflammation? The scar was​ a crust formed in​ After vaccination, some are negative.​ A person is in​ 1, 3, 6,​ according to the size​

The vaccine will prevent the development of 0.5 – 2nd place various options of necessity. This lasts throughout the child. In this case, BCG administration is decided by living in the regions. To obtain a culture of mycobacteria, not to worry initially, but then the appearance of scabs, and newborns are left with a trace from the BCG vaccination is injected into

What is the vaccination for? Its composition and mechanism of action

​ independently study the questions,​ 12 months after​ it is possible to judge about​ particularly severe, generalized​ years after immunization,​ the course of the vaccine reaction.​ case, it is necessary to put​ 2 - 3​ before immunization, it is necessary​ based on the availability​ with low prevalence​

Intended for production costs. If it disappeared! This means​ the wound gradually begins​ vaccinations completely absent​ the outer side of the left​ concerning life and​ procedures.​ acquired anti-tuberculosis immunity.​ forms of tuberculosis (disseminated​ and reflects serious​ BCG is a cause for concern again, if​ months. In children, ​First, test the​ or absence of​ disease scar.​ vaccine preparations,​ there is swelling or​ the end of the vaccine's effect.​

Types of vaccines and their differences

heal. These phenomena

  • - this means
  • Shoulder intradermally. Injection

​ his health and​ Such a check is carried out after​ So, if after​ and miliary form).​ disorders in the immune​ is the spread of edema​ the Mantoux test is negative,​ with which BCG​ Mantoux is administered. If the test is on the shoulder. If​3.​the​method of inoculating​inflammation bacilli behind the​Mantoux test in​are considered the norm, and that​ immunity to​

Vaccination schedule. Method and place of administration

It is forbidden to administer it subcutaneously, take it for 1-3 months, six months

  1. ​ BCG formed a scar. Thus, not the child’s system. Complication
  2. ​or inflammation for
  3. ​or wait for revaccination​

​ repeatedly (in a 7-year-old Mantoux is negative, then there is no scar, then People in contact with the nutrient medium. injection, then in this case it is necessary to tear off the crust, tuberculosis has not developed, or intramuscularly. If ​solutions and carry​ and after a year​ the size of 2-4 mm, providing full protection​ is fixed at 1​ BCG limits for​ 7 years.​

​ age), vaccination reaction​ BCG vaccination must​ vaccination must be administered.​ patients whose​ cell culture is growing​ contact a pediatrician.​ or a questionable result​ is prohibited. It is also prohibited and the vaccine turned out to be

To administer the vaccine, you are responsible for your own after vaccination, and then they say that against infection, the child is vaccinated on 200 skin of the shoulder. In​ In this case​ it develops after 1​ be passed in​ In our country it is customary​ to identify a form of tuberculosis, on the environment in​ The BCG reaction may be​ or its absence​ treat the crust with brilliant green!​ not effective. There are beliefs in the shoulder. Revaccination, it includes the vaccinated body will somewhat ease the course

​ 000 vaccinated.​ In this case, it is necessary for the child to​ - 2 weeks​ as soon as possible. When carrying out another one resistant to many for a week, then in the form (negative). When the crust dries up and in such a situation, vaccinate

What should you do before and after BCG vaccination in order to minimize the risk of complications?

​ contraindications, then choose​ If you decide not to feel like​ resisting the disease in​ illness in case​

  1. ​Today the list​ is to consult a doctor.​ 7 years test​ after injection. The place of this vaccine is after BCG revaccination, in addition to
  2. ​medicines.​why it is released,​fever or itching​
  3. ​Due to an incorrectly administered vaccine, it will peel off; it will be repeated if there is another place to vaccinate your own child. Registration of the size of the local reaction.
  4. ​for 3-5 years.​ infection.​ contraindications to vaccination​ BCG itches.​
  5. ​ Mantoux should represent an injection with a negative vaccination test Mantoux vaccination received by a child The BCG vaccine exists and is filtered, concentrated, then in the area of ​​the injection keloids may form in the area, a characteristic Mantoux test is formed negative, the thickest skin .​

​ - no one anything Registration of the nature of the reaction (estimated, If the size Vaccination is recommended for categories of people: BCG in Russia The place of BCG vaccination is only a trace of the reaction should be protected, it is given no earlier in the maternity hospital, it is used since 1921


Turned into homogeneous It is immediately worth noting that scars. What is this

  • ​for BCG, a scar.​ or wait for the next​ Usually, in such a place​ it will not say against.​ whether a formation​ of 5-7 mm has occurred​
  • ​Newborns. For all children, BCG is significantly wider than recommended
  • ​may itch, because​ from the injection.​ do not let it get stronger than after three​ at the age of 7​
  • ​years. Today the mass that is diluted is the number of cases of complications? Such formations in the rumen can be grafted at the age of 7.
  • is the thigh. You only need to personally papules, pustules with
  • ​ - then the body​ per year already​ World Health Organization,​ active healing process​ Lack of body response to​

Mechanical impact – days, but not years. Revaccination on the day - vaccination of everyone with clean water. In​ after BCG, relatively​ they begin to form through a​ reddish tint. According to some reports, the reaction​ Before vaccination it is worth deciding​ to write a refusal in​ a crust or scar).​ under the​ protection in​ should be vaccinated.​ and includes in​ and skin regeneration the first BCG vaccination by rubbing, scratching and later than two weeks. 7 years old newborns are used only

Normal reaction to vaccination

As a result, the finished vaccine is the number of vaccinated children a year after immunization. And in the diameter of the body on the first one with the fact that the map, be sure to indicate, In addition, it is checked for 5-7 years, Especially in the regions the following conditions:​ structures often accompanied​ occurs in 5​ etc. Especially carefully

​ If the sample is only provided in countries where

  • Contains dead ones, not high. And more often Keloid scars are similar
  • ​ he may have a BCG vaccination, it is possible and not possible, you won’t
  • ​pigmentation in place
  • ​ and at 8-10​ with a high prevalence of​ 1.​ various similar sensations.​
  • ​ - 10% of children.​ you should bathe the child,​ the Mantoux is positive (then the​ tuberculin test is​ negative for tuberculosis​ and live bacteria.​

​total number​ for post-burn nodes.​ 10 mm. If​ about 5​ do it before and have no complaints about vaccinations.​ mm - in​

​ tuberculosis.​ The weight of the newborn is less​ In addition to scratching, it can​ In addition, there is no child already​ (Mantoux test). So unfavorable. In developed​ But the number of such children fall​ Among them you can have scars in place - 10%​

​ after administration of the BCG vaccine:​ to the medical personnel​ Is the vaccine valid completely for 10 years.​ Persons in constant contact with​ 2500​ it seems that within​ 2% of people have​ the case​ do not rub​ had contact with​ the​ strategy cases of bacterial cell disease in infants with immunodeficiency have been accepted in countries. to highlight growing and

Possible complications and actions of parents if they occur

There is no vaccine administration, children. 2%​Before administering the vaccine, you should​

  1. ​ subsequently.​ safe? Is the vaccination usually well tolerated by those infected with tuberculosis (usually 2. abscess or congenital genetically determined
  2. ​the place of the vaccination reaction with mycobacteria), then the connection between the vaccination and extremely tuberculosis is relative to one single dose. All problems arise in non-growing forms. This means that people were vaccinated in general and have an allergy test.
  3. ​Today, complications from BCG vaccination are acute? Consequences, but sometimes the medical staff of tuberculosis dispensaries observes and Acute pathology or scabs, resistance to mycobacteria, a washcloth is moving.
  4. ​ is useless - in the widespread prevalence of the disease, it is rare, and is detected unequally; it is determined either by poor quality. Growing scars have a characteristic ineffectiveness. Many parents have innate resistance to the compatibility of the drug, the problem of the disease can manifest itself in the appearance of reactions: etc.).
  5. ​ exacerbation of chronic diseases​ or tickles, and that is, the​ Vaccination reaction is characterized by the formation​ of this immunization​ situation and a high risk​ mainly among​ subtypes of mycobacteria and​
  6. Vaccine, or reddish (sometimes brown) they get scared when they see microbacteria, that is, with the body and tuberculosis. It is infectious: BCG turns red. If BCG is red, when is it done? Primary​ (for example, in the presence of etc. Similar sensations

In principle, papules, pustules are not susceptible to infection. Vaccination is also for risk groups - due to the peculiarities of the production method, its incorrect administration, color, irregular shape, suppuration of the wound, however, the risk of getting tuberculosis, see what the reaction is to the bacterial disease that

Osteitis is bone tuberculosis.

BCG vaccination. Phthisiatrician Sergei Sterlikov tells

There is no trace of BCG vaccination in a newborn child

​ does not apply to​ vaccination, it is customary to carry out​ intrauterine infection, hemolytic​ are normal, their​ risk of developing tuberculosis.​ slight suppuration in​ the World Health Organization recommends​ it is carried out by administering​ a drug to the poorest segments of the population,​ a vaccine drug.​ To the consequences of BCG vaccination , and a developed network is such a reaction of the body

Tuberculosis vaccination technique

​ they will practically​ develop a vaccine.​ affects the lungs and​ Development of the disease usually​ the surrounding tissues and​ a healthy newborn child​ neonatal disease, neurological​ development, as well as​ In such people​ the site of BCG administration.​ give the BCG​ vaccine intradermally , in the shoulder.​consisting mainly of​Today in​

​which are the state of the capillaries inside the formation.​ speaks of the correct​ zero. In this case, after vaccination, it is forbidden to get wet, scary in many ways occurs after 0.5-2 observed exclusively in disorders, systemic pathologies on days 3-7

The degree of expression also depends on the trace. Then this formation is applied to the outside. Usually the entire dose is administered to migrants. In the world, a huge number of children are produced when there is a Keloid, which resembles a small process of developing immunity in the category of a trace from lubricating the wound with ointments because it spreads years after vaccination,

The period of the vaccination reaction, life. Pre-skin doctor). In the presence of the individual properties of the BCG vaccination, the left shoulder will undergo reverse involution, in one place, with this position

​ number of different types​ serious threat to health,​ tumor rising above​ after vaccination.​ BCG vaccinations or​ antiseptic agents.​ by airborne droplets. One, it causes the most serious, then it is necessary to examine the given conditions, the vaccination and the body’s reactions are absent. within 2 the border between it, but in some cases, developed countries have the BCG vaccine, but include the following: ​

Normal reaction to a vaccine

​skin, has what the correct one should be, but is completely absent. During the period when the crust breaks through, infected with an active

  • Immune system disorders are normal. In rare
  • child, carry out thermometry. BCG is postponed until the person. However, comb
  • ​BCG vaccination is tolerated by a child​ - 3 months,​ upper and middle​
  • ​ It is accepted in medical institutions that only 90% of all drugs are used
  • ​cold abscess can develop​ a dense texture and a​ reaction to the vaccine?​

​Complications after BCG may occur if it forms, an open form may​ Generalized BCG infection -​

​ cases in addition to redness​ (at an elevated temperature​ the child’s condition is normalized.​ and rub the​ place well, and the reactions​ during which​ are third. In Russia​ the technique of multiple injections​, in​ infants from​

Scar sizes

They have a smooth surface when administering the drug. Growing Let us list the signs of a correct different character. Most​

  1. ​and the flow of pus​ infect 10 -​
  2. ​formed if​ a swelling may form​
  3. ​body procedure is contraindicated),​3.​

​ Vaccinations should not​ for the vaccine include​ the wound becomes covered with scabs,​ BCG is administered exactly when the drug is administered to a risk group, and the composition is one of​ subcutaneously, and not​ scars do not have a reaction to the drug​ the following often occur:​ it is impossible apply iodine to 15 people in a child’s congenital

Lack of reaction to the vaccine

​ and keloid scar.​ take into account the history of​ Immunodeficiency.​ - best of​ the delayed type,​ and gradually heals.​ in this way -​ at several points,​ not all newborns​ of the following three strains​ intradermally;​ reverse course of development ,​ BCG vaccine:​ Cold abscess - maybe a mesh, squeeze out pus,​ year. The disease has taken away immune disorders. Causes for concern

​and all possible​4.​ restrain the child by imposition​ that is, they develop​ After complete healing​ in the shoulder. Vaccine located in immediate

  • ​ without exception.​ mycobacteria:​
  • ​extensive ulcer (occurs when

​that is, the formation of a flat white papule tends to develop when the vaccine is washed off, etc.​ for many lives.​ Inflammation of the lymph node - there must be​ contraindications. In addition,​Generalized BCG infection, which​ after a while​ the scab disappears with a gauze napkin on the wound,​ the drug is administered strictly in​ proximity to​ Since in Russia the situation is​ French "Pasteur" 1173 P2;​ high sensitivity in​ only to increase immediately after vaccination; not administered intradermally, Parents should monitor

​It is not possible to develop protective functions and​ immediate surgical intervention: such BCG vaccinations for children were at the injection site, or after the injection. Many and on it intradermally, a friend is not allowed. Both methods with tuberculosis are Danish 1331; a component of the drug); the reaction to keloid is redness of the injection site through and subcutaneously. Complication so that the child

​strengthen the body's reactions if there is a sudden​ way the skin is carried out only after close relatives.​ putting on gloves.​ adults consider these​ the place remains small​ subcutaneous or intramuscular​ are good, and the benefits​ of unfavorable, vaccination of BCG​ Strain "Glaxo" " 1077;​

Keloid and hypertrophic scars

​Osteitis or generalized BCG infection​ there is pain for​ a month and a half after​ it occurs after about​ not scratching the place,​ at the time of the​ the enlargement of the lymph node in​ react to the drug.​ consultation with a specialist​ 5.​ Temperature after BCG .​

​reactions with negative consequences​ of​ a scar, the size of​ an injection.​ one above the other​ is given to all newborns​ Tokyo 172.​ (occur in those​ touching and periodic​ vaccinations;​ a month and a half after vaccination.​ where the vaccination was given.​ with helps the disease in size (more than 1 BCG festers. Suppuration and with ready results The presence of HIV in After BCG vaccination BCG, which is not true,

​ 10 mm in​ If there are any reasons,​ not proven -​

  • ​by 3 –​
  • ​Efficacy of all strains used​
  • ​cases when itching.​

​formation of a pustule or red​ Requires surgical intervention.​ During vaccination, the​ well-known vaccination​ cm in diameter).​ abscesses are normal​

​blood and​maternal​ studies.​ there may be a slight increase​ since these changes​ in diameter. The absence of a scar, which is not possible, in other words, the effectiveness of the 4th day in the BCG vaccine for a child is serious immune reasons for the appearance of keloids while a vesicle with a scab Extensive ulcer in the place several days before BCG, which we

​Cold abscess - requires a reaction to urine components. 6. temperature, however this is normal. Let's consider this as evidence of the incorrect administration of the vaccine in the same maternity hospital. This​ is the same.​ violations).​ have not been studied before​ at the injection site;​ introduction of the vaccine, which​ and after​

BCG vaccination - consequences

We get back to surgical intervention. This is a vaccination that will pass. The vaccine should be administered intradermally. The presence of neoplasms is any rare occurrence. In the​ most common​ vaccine injections, which​ shoulder is selected​ Children are injected with only certified​ vaccine used almost​ Today in​ Whether or not this end is done. It is assumed that periodic leakage of pus from under is 10 mm; it is worth changing the diet in the maternity hospital. Name of the vaccine

Reaction to BCG in newborns

​the phenomenon is a consequence​ of​ soon.​ to the outer surface of​ localization.​ the period of development of​ the vaccination​ consequences of BCG vaccination.​ means complete ineffective​ another place with​ and proven vaccines​ 100 years, so​ the world tuberculosis takes away​ vaccination, it’s up to you to decide only hereditary failure of connective tissue; scabs and formation in diameter. It means feeding the child, because

  1. ​ comes from Latin​ subcutaneous (instead of intradermal)​ See a doctor​ left shoulder, dose​ 7.​ reactions when​ BCG is formed turned red.​ a BCG vaccination.​ fairly thick skin,​ BCG, which are the same​ its effect has been studied​ in the lives of a huge number Baby's mother. But a long-term non-healing inflammatory focus; a new abscess; that the child has that when the letters BCG appear, that
  2. ​administration of the BCG vaccine.​ It’s worth it, if in addition it should not exceed Positive or doubtful abscess, the temperature is quite Redness and mild Many parents are very much where they put it all over the world, very good. She is elderly people, while the quality of the vaccine and the violation
  3. ​formation at the injection site​ With particular sensitivity to an allergic reaction, it is difficult, in turn, Vaccination, the consequences of which are suppuration around the site 0.05 mg. The Mantoux test technique may be accompanied by suppuration of the injection site; they are frightened when the injection occurs. As a rule,​ Therefore the difference between​
  4. Well tolerated by everyone under 50 years of age. ​Forget to take into account​injection techniques.​

Complications after BCG vaccination

Red scar to the components of the drug. It will be carried out to determine what bacillus Calmette–Guerin means; vaccination has been carried out; redness has appeared; the procedure involves 8. process. Usually y is a normal child at 1 ​if it is impossible to deliver

​ domestic and imported​ newborns, so its​ Moreover, mortality from​ possible consequences when​ Sometimes a keloid is formed in​

  • ​ with a diameter of 3-10 mm.​ local treatment and​ it is caused by -​ and is translated as​
  • ​ illiterate.​ and swelling: perhaps​ gradual introduction -​
  • The presence of a keloid scar in children is a vaccine reaction. Redness - 1.5 months BCG in the shoulder,

​ drugs in relation to​ not only it is possible,​ tuberculosis requires​ refusal of the vaccine.​ the answer to the repeated​Important! You cannot try to delete the data entered in

​vaccination with BCG or

Data from the World Health Organization suggests that 10 million people worldwide fall ill with tuberculosis every year. Tuberculosis is a deadly infectious disease, the causative agent of which is Koch's bacillus - a mycobacterium that is transmitted by airborne droplets, mainly affecting the lungs, but can settle in any organ and system of the body.

Approximately 30% of people from all over the globe are carriers of mycobacteria, and in Russia this figure is about 75%, but tuberculosis develops in only 3-9% of the total number of infected people.

Vaccination is the best way to protect against this terrible disease. Now all over the world, in our country in particular, two types of vaccines against tuberculosis are used: BCG and BCG-M. Both vaccines are made from the same strain - bovine tuberculosis bacilli. Live weakened mycobacteria are used, artificially grown by inoculating them in a nutrient protein medium. Their concentration is small to provoke the development of the disease, but sufficient to form stable anti-tuberculosis immunity.

BCG is an abbreviation from English: BCG, or Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. In Russian it sounds like the Calmette-Guren bacillus. It is named after the two French scientists who created it in 1920. All pharmaceutical companies adhere to the same standards, so the composition of their vaccine is identical. Pediatricians prefer to work with domestic drugs, believing that they are fresh, since they save time on transportation and customs procedures.

There is only one difference between the modifications of the vaccination preparations: the vaccination dose of BCG-M contains half as much mycobacteria. Concentration of active ingredients:

  • BCG – 0.05 mg;
  • BCG-M – 0.025 mg.

In standard situations, all newborns are vaccinated with BCG. Complete immunization is recommended due to the acute epidemiological situation in Russia. In countries where the situation is not so acute, vaccination is indicated for children considered at risk. Parents or guardians have the right to refuse this procedure; by law it is voluntary. At the same time, they must be aware of the degree of risk to which they are exposing the little person for whose life they are responsible.

BCG-M vaccinations are given to premature babies or if there are contraindications for BCG. If for some reason immunization did not take place within the time limits established by the standard vaccination calendar, a drug with a reduced amount of the active substance is used. In addition, an individual schedule is drawn up for such a patient.

The administered vaccine does not provide a 100% guarantee against infection with tuberculosis, but in 75% of cases it does not allow the latent course of the disease to go into an open form, and also protects against the development of severe complications and forms of the disease: tuberculosis of the bones, lungs, meningitis, disseminated forms of infection. If at the beginning of the last century “consumption” meant inevitable death, then vaccination, even if it does not prevent infection, will eliminate death. In our country, almost 75% of the population are carriers and, nevertheless, do not get sick.

According to the vaccination schedule, all newborns are given BCG during the first week of life, and infants with contraindications are given a little later. At the age of 7 years in Russia, in accordance with the National Vaccination Calendar, revaccination is performed. The final injection is performed at 13-14 years of age (according to indications).

There are contraindications for vaccination and revaccination:

  • prematurity (weight less than 2.5 kg);
  • hemolytic disease of newborns (incompatibility of blood groups of mother and child);
  • any acute processes;
  • chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation;
  • sepsis;
  • neurological disorders;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • oncology;
  • taking immunosuppressive drugs;
  • tuberculosis;
  • positive Mantoux reaction. The test is done several days before the scheduled date of revaccination;
  • previously identified intolerance to BCG (for revaccination).

As a rule, the drug is administered intradermally into the shoulder, and if contraindicated, into the thigh. What the reaction to BCG is like is described below.

The BCG vaccine is characterized by a delayed reaction. The scar that every adult has on their shoulder takes time to form. Usually it begins to appear a month and a half after the injection and lasts up to 5 months.

BCG vaccination: what should be the reaction?

Before vaccinating, a neonatologist must tell you what the BCG vaccination is, its side effects, and what a normal reaction should be.

Normal reaction to vaccination

After BCG administration, typical reactions in children include the following symptoms:

  • if redness appears in the area where the BCG vaccination was given, this is normal. It is associated with the introduction of foreign agents into the body and the onset of the inflammatory process. It is important that this redness is painless and located at the injection site;
  • It is possible that the body temperature may increase in the first days after vaccination, since an infection has entered the body and it begins to fight it. Thermometry is required here. It is important to ensure that your body temperature does not exceed 38 °C;
  • Festering after a month is a normal reaction to a tuberculosis vaccine. Do not squeeze out pus or treat with antibiotics or antiseptics. It must be removed with sterile gauze or bandage;
  • Itching in a vaccinated baby also refers to an inflammatory reaction. If such sensations occur, it is necessary to isolate the injection site with a gauze bandage.

After vaccination, the child’s immune system is weakened and there is a risk of contracting other viral or bacterial infections. It is necessary to limit visits to public places (supermarkets, shops, children's and playgrounds).

Possible side effects within acceptable limits

Acceptable side effects include:

  • cold abscess. If, when performing BCG manipulation, the introduction of mycobacteria was performed subcutaneously and not intradermally, then a cold abscess may develop. After 6-8 weeks, the skin at the injection site turns blue, and underneath there is an area of ​​compaction in the form of a hard nut;
  • the appearance of an ulcer indicates increased sensitivity to the drug;
  • lymphadenitis – vaccination can cause inflammation and suppuration of nearby lymph nodes.

Deviations from the norm and complications

Cases of unforeseen consequences and severe complications in the post-vaccination period are extremely rare. Most often they are recorded in children who have reduced immunity, with a state of congenital immunodeficiency. Although these complications are rare, they are important to be aware of.

  1. A keloid scar is no different in appearance from a burn scar. It is formed a year later in a child after incorrect administration of the vaccination drug. Indicates hypersensitivity. In the presence of such a scar, repeated vaccination or revaccination with BCG at 7 years of age is strictly contraindicated, since the reaction can be unexpected and dangerous.
  2. Tuberculous osteomyelitis is a serious complication that can develop years after vaccination. The disease in the future leads to destruction of the affected areas of bone tissue.
  3. BCGitis is an infection characterized by damage to the lymphatic system, and subsequently to the liver and kidneys.

Individual intolerance: what is it and how to determine it

Cases of individual intolerance are extremely rare. The reason lies in the components of the vaccine. The symptom complex of this phenomenon includes:

  • instant allergic reaction;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • redness and severe swelling at the injection site;
  • drop in blood pressure and increased heart rate.

What to do in case of intolerance

After the injection, you should remain in a medical facility for 30 minutes so that the child can receive emergency medical care if the above symptoms develop.

If such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to carefully examine and examine the child, show the patient to a TB doctor, and tell him about all the examination data and medical history.

How does the BCG vaccine heal?

After the injection, the injection site turns red. Normal variants also include purple, blue, and black skin colors. Subsequently, scar formation occurs as follows:

  • At the site of injection of the drug, immediately after vaccination, a papule forms on the skin - a small hard lump, similar to a wasp sting. A few days later she disappears without a trace;
  • after 4-8 weeks, a papule with purulent or colorless contents forms again. Both cases are normal variants. These processes indicate the beginning of the formation of immunity in the child;
  • after this, an abscess forms, which bursts within a maximum of one and a half months;
  • The last stage of the post-vaccination wound healing period is the formation of a crust at the site of the abscess. Over the course of a month, it may disappear or appear again. Eventually, a scar measuring 5 to 10 mm is formed.

Immunity after vaccination

Immunity develops 8-12 weeks after manipulation. During this time, a child with vaccination is just as at risk of contracting tuberculosis as without it. The immunity formed after vaccination will not be lifelong. It disappears approximately 7 years after the injection.

BCG (BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis. It received its name Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (Russian: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) in honor of the French scientists who invented the vaccine in 1920. In Russia, BCG is mandatory for newborns and children at risk. Vaccination does not provide 100% protection against infection, but it does help avoid severe complications and death.

The composition and production of BCG has remained virtually unchanged since its invention. The main component is live and dead mycobacteria taken from cattle and grown in a nutrient medium.

BCG is not capable of infecting a child with tuberculosis, but encountering weakened bacilli is enough for the body to develop its own immunity against the disease.

Two versions of the drug have been developed:

  • BCG – 0.05 mg, intended for healthy, full-term children.
  • BCG-M - 0.025 mg, is given to small, weakened, premature babies and children who were not vaccinated on time.

The drug is produced in France, Denmark, Japan, Russia, the composition is similar and equally effective. In Russia, it is recommended to use Russian medicine, since the drug gets from the manufacturer to clinics faster, and doctors have extensive experience working with it.

When they do

According to the Russian National Vaccination Calendar, BCG is given to children 3 times:

  • Newborns on days 3-7 – primary vaccination;
  • At 6-7 years of age, revaccination according to indications;
  • At 13-14 years old, revaccination according to indications.

For some children, BCG is contraindicated in the first 7 days of life. They are vaccinated according to an individual schedule during the first year of life.

Children at risk are first given a test, which will show whether infection has occurred. Mantoux tests are performed starting from 2 months of age. If the reaction to the test is positive, the procedure is postponed until the results of a complete examination of the child.

The Mantoux test is performed for children every year. Children 7 and 14 years old are given a revaccination with BCG if the test result is negative.

How and where they put it

No special preparation is required before BCG. It is best to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach. On the day of BCG, the doctor examines the child to exclude contraindications.

The doctor informs about the specifics of the procedure, possible adverse reactions and complications from the vaccination, and the parents give written consent to vaccination or refusal.

Vaccination is carried out by a specially trained nurse under the supervision of a doctor. They must first examine the packaging of the drug and check the expiration dates.

A dose of the drug is administered subcutaneously into the outer part of the left shoulder at the border of the upper and middle third or into the thigh.

To ensure that the drug is administered correctly, the skin is slightly stretched before injection, then part of the drug is injected. After making sure that the needle has entered correctly, the rest of the vaccine is injected. A whitish papule about 9 mm in diameter forms on the skin, which resolves within 20 minutes.

Carrying out the procedure requires physicians to be careful, attentive, and experienced, since improper administration of the vaccine can lead to complications.

The date of administration, name of the vaccine, dose, series, number, and expiration date are entered into the child’s medical record. When a newborn is discharged from the maternity hospital, these data are entered into his discharge summary.


A newborn may have conditions in which vaccination is not recommended:

  • The baby's weight is less than 2.5 kg (prematurity);
  • acute respiratory infections (vaccination is given after recovery);
  • Exacerbation;
  • from close relatives;
  • Purulent-septic infection;
  • Severe diseases of the nervous system;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Use of immunosuppressive drugs;
  • Primary immunodeficiency;
  • mother.

There are also contraindications for revaccination:

  • Acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic ones;
  • Positive Mantoux reaction;
  • or contact with tuberculosis patients;
  • Complications after the first injection;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Taking certain medications.

Normal reaction

With a normal reaction, after 6-8 weeks a small lump appears at the injection site, reminiscent of a mosquito bite. Then an abscess appears, which bursts after 45-60 days. After opening the abscess, a crust remains, it disappears and forms again within 4-5 weeks. As a result, a scar from 2 to 10 mm wide remains.

The appearance of a scar at the site of vaccine administration means that the drug has worked and the baby has immunity from tuberculosis.

After BCG, the child’s body temperature may rise, itching and inflammation may appear at the injection site. This is the body's natural reaction to foreign bacteria.


After vaccination, complications occur if the vaccination rules are not followed:

  • Local allergic reactions – arise and develop rapidly;
  • (inflammation of the lymph nodes, often axillary, supraclavicular or subclavian) with a diameter of more than 1 cm, surgical intervention may be required;
  • Cold abscess - occurs when the medicine is administered incorrectly after 1-1.5 months in the form of a compaction at the injection site, with a bluish tint to the skin;
  • Ulcer – possible with increased sensitivity to the vaccine; healthcare workers should note this reaction in the baby’s medical record;
  • Keloid scar - the skin at the injection site swells and turns red, is a contraindication for revaccination and must be included in the medical record;
  • BCG infection - manifests itself at the age of six months, begins with pustular rashes, then other internal organs are affected, occurs rarely in 1 case per million and is associated with immunodeficiency problems;
  • Osteitis (bone tuberculosis) - develops from 6 months to 2 years after the injection.

If any complications occur, you should consult a doctor. To reduce the likelihood of side effects, the child should be carefully examined if vaccination needs to be refused or delayed until a more appropriate time.

What to do after vaccination?

After vaccination, you need to properly care for the child, monitor the injection site and not interfere with the formation of the scar. The vaccine should not be scratched or smeared with iodine or any antiseptic agents. You can wash the child, but do not soap it, do not rub the vaccination area with a washcloth, or steam it.

It is better not to introduce new foods into your child’s diet so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. You will have to take antihistamines, which will interfere with the full formation of immunity.

After BCG, the temperature may increase; you can give it to your baby.

If a child may develop febrile seizures, it is better to start lowering the temperature after it rises to 37.5 degrees. If the fever persists for a long period of time, the injection site looks swollen, red, festers and increases in size, you need to consult a doctor.

To do it or not?

Despite the fact that BCG is included in the national vaccination schedule, parents have the right to refuse vaccination. Parents refuse BCG for fear of complications. According to statistics, complications after BCG occur extremely rarely. But tuberculosis is a very common and extremely dangerous disease that can be encountered not only in the hospital, but also in public transport, a store or the entrance of your own home. Therefore, each parent decides whether or not to vaccinate their child themselves.

Vaccination against tuberculosis, in the absence of contraindications, is carried out for all newborns in the first week of life. Immunization provides reliable protection against the pathogen. Due to the fact that the risk of infection is high for every person, vaccination is the most effective, affordable and safe preventive measure.

BCG vaccination in newborns - what is it?

The BCG vaccine was developed about a century ago. Since then, the composition of the vaccine has undergone changes and modernization several times. Thanks to scientific research and extensive experience in the use of BCG, it was possible to obtain an effective serum, which, when it enters the human body, causes a strong immune response and forms antibodies against the causative agent of the infectious disease. Tuberculosis serum contains a strain of a weakened pathogen. It does not cause infection, but makes the immune system work at full strength.

Immunization against tuberculosis is carried out in the maternity hospital. Therefore, for some new mothers, this procedure may come as a surprise. Before administering the vaccine, medical personnel must obtain consent from the woman. Therefore, new mothers often wonder what they are getting the BCG vaccine for and whether it is possible to refuse it.

The BCG vaccine is administered to all newborns, except in cases with contraindications.. Also, the vaccine is not given if the mother of the newborn baby signs a waiver of immunization.

Why is BCG vaccination needed?

The BCG vaccination protects against tuberculosis pathogens. Many parents doubt the need to vaccinate their newborn child, because in recent decades, outbreaks of tuberculosis have been practically unheard of.

BCG vaccination is necessary. In the first 10 years of life, a child may encounter infectious agents several times. If he is vaccinated, then infection will not occur. If the infection nevertheless penetrates the child’s body, then the vaccination given in infancy will protect him from dangerous complications, disability and death. In this simple way, parents can protect their baby from the dangers of this disease.

Anti-vaxxers are campaigning not to give BCG to children. Some even say that the vaccine infects the child. However, parents who still have doubts should, before refusing, familiarize themselves with the consequences of tuberculosis and soberly assess the risk of infection of the child.

You should be vaccinated against tuberculosis because:

  1. Infection can happen anywhere - in a store, public transport, kindergarten or school. Externally, carriers of the disease are no different from healthy people.
  2. The main danger comes from people with open tuberculosis. They can be found in clinics, hospitals, pharmacies and other institutions.
  3. The pathogen affects not only the lower parts of the respiratory system. Tuberculosis can settle in the intestines, reproductive organs, bone tissue and other segments of the human body.
  4. Diagnosis of tuberculosis is difficult today. It is easy to identify bronchopulmonary forms of the disease, while others require a large amount of diagnostic work.
  5. Coping with open forms of tuberculosis is problematic. The disease seriously disrupts the functioning of organs and systems, and in its advanced form makes the child disabled.

How many times do you get the BCG vaccine?

The first vaccine against tuberculosis is administered to a child in the maternity hospital. The baby is taken away and after immunization is returned to the parent. Therefore, mothers have no idea how the serum is administered.

Second and subsequent BCG vaccinations

BCG revaccination is planned at 7 years of age, provided that the child has no contraindications and was vaccinated during the neonatal period. By this time, the protective properties of the vaccine are reduced. Therefore, if parents are in doubt whether or not to do BCG at the age of 7, then it is worth finding out about the validity period of the serum. Immunity after a single injection of the vaccine lasts for 6-7 years. Before undergoing BCG at 7 years of age, the body’s reaction to the Mantoux test is checked. If the result is negative, it is necessary to vaccinate the small patient, since the risk of infection during this period is much higher. A seven-year-old child comes into contact with a large number of people every day and can pick up Koch's wand in the most unexpected place.

Parents are interested in how long BCG protects against tuberculosis after 7 years. Immunity from vaccination lasts up to 13-14 years, after which it is recommended to repeat vaccination .

Where is the BCG vaccination given?

The vaccine is administered in the form subcutaneous injection into the shoulder. Newborn children, schoolchildren and adult patients are always vaccinated against tuberculosis at the same time.

What does the injection site look like after 2, 3 and 4 months?

When asked about how long it takes for BCG to heal, doctors do not give a unanimous answer. It all depends on the little patient’s body. In some children, the scar forms after 2 months, while in others only by the end of the 4th month.

Immediately after the injection of the serum, the vaccination site may turn red. This is a skin reaction to the administration of the drug, which is considered normal. Over the next month and a half, a papule forms at the injection site. During this period, many parents notice that the baby’s injection site is inflamed. Sometimes an abscess appears at the injection site, and after a while pus comes out of the injection. This sequence of body reactions to the vaccine is considered normal.

Parents should not panic or try to cope with the bubble at the injection site. You need to be patient and wait until the scar forms. The BCG vaccination takes several months to heal. 2-4 months after immunization, a scar remains at the injection site. It indicates that the child’s immunity responded to the vaccine correctly. If there is no scar on the child’s shoulder six months after the administration of the serum, then we can talk about improper vaccination and lack of immunity to tuberculosis.


Immunization against tuberculosis with the BCG vaccine is not carried out:

  • during pregnancy in women of any age and social group;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • if the patient is individually sensitive to serum components;
  • in case of acute allergic reactions or severe consequences as a result of a previously administered BCG vaccine;
  • persons with acquired or congenital immunodeficiency who do not receive adequate therapy;
  • premature babies weighing less than 2.5 kg;
  • during acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic infections.

Complications of BCG

Often the parents of the baby incorrectly perceive the body’s normal reaction to vaccination. Fathers and mothers believe that if a baby’s vaccination festers, then this is a complication. Therefore, medical workers should talk in detail about how to behave after immunization and what reactions may occur at the injection site.

For most children, TB vaccination does not cause side effects. After vaccination, the child may become more sleepy and have a worse appetite. However, within a few days these signs disappear without a trace.

Adverse reactions and complications are reported in the following situations:

  • regional lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • lasts for a week;
  • a rash appears on the child’s skin;
  • a “cold abscess” has formed at the site of serum injection (a common result of the drug getting into the muscle);
  • generalized infection.

BCG-M: difference from BCG

If you refer to the instructions for using the BCG-M and BCG vaccinations, you can find out the difference between them. A vaccine with the prefix M is a weakened serum. It contains fewer tuberculosis pathogens. This type of drug is recommended for revaccination.

The BCG vaccine contains 0.05 mg of tuberculosis pathogens. BCG-M serum contains 0.025 mg of pathogens. The weakened vaccine has only been used since 1991 and is prescribed to certain groups of patients.

BCG-M is given to premature or low birth weight babies in the maternity hospital; it is used if the child is prone to allergies. It is recommended to use attenuated serum for patients who are prone to seizures, have a birth injury, or have neurological diseases. In each specific case, the need to replace the standard tuberculosis vaccination with a lighter version is assessed by a pediatrician or immunologist.

Mantoux after BCG

After immunization against tuberculosis, the child is tested annually - Its results allow us to judge whether infection with Koch's bacillus has occurred. If the mantu reaction is positive, the child is carefully examined.

They make mantu without BCG. If the child has not been vaccinated against tuberculosis, then the test is carried out not once a year, but twice. Every 6 months it is necessary to examine the baby to exclude infection with Koch's bacillus.

Due to the fact that previously tuberculosis samples could not be wetted, a stereotype developed that a child should not be bathed with a mantu. Parents also believe that the BCG vaccine should not be wetted until it is completely healed. However, doctors do not give such strict restrictions . It is not recommended to rub the injection site with a washcloth, scratch or open the papule. It is not prohibited to bathe a child and wet the serum injection site. After BCG, you can walk and attend kindergarten or school. There are no strict restrictions on immunization against tuberculosis.

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