How to make a veterinary passport for a dog. How to get a veterinary passport for a dog

One of the most beloved pets is undoubtedly the cat. But few owners know what documents the animal must have. This article will discuss the main list of documentation that it is advisable to do for your pet.

Perhaps the most important document for any pet, not just cats, is veterinary passport. Its registration is carried out at the time of the pet’s first vaccination.

This document contains information about following procedures spent with the animal:

  • vaccinations given (name of the vaccine, its serial number, date, name of the doctor who performed the vaccination);
  • chipping (date of chip introduction, place where it was inserted and number);
  • prevention helminthic infestation(name of the drug, date, dose);
  • treatment against ticks and fleas (name of drug, date, dose);
  • surgical interventions performed;
  • diagnostic studies performed.

The passport also contains the following information:

  1. Date of Birth;
  2. information about reproduction (date of mating, estrus, birth, number of newborn kittens);
  3. photo of the animal;
  4. nickname;
  5. breed and color;
  6. coat color and type;
  7. address and name of the breeder.

All marks in the veterinary passport are entered only veterinarian. A veterinary passport for any animal is an analogue of a human outpatient card.

In addition to information about the pet, the veterinary passport also contains information about its owner.

You need to know that the pages of the veterinary passport in the right places must contain the seal of the veterinary clinic, as well as the personal seal of the doctor. Each stamp affixed must be certified by the doctor’s personal signature. IN otherwise the document will be declared invalid.

This document is necessary so that you can make accompanying documentation for your pet for exporting it abroad. Remember, they will only be valid for the five days preceding departure.

You can also apply for an international veterinary passport. Its only difference from a regular passport is that all information is duplicated in German or English. Today, many clinics immediately issue the international version, which saves the owner time and money.


The second, but no less important document for a cat, especially a purebred one, is the pedigree. It provides detailed information about the origin and breed of the pet.

A pedigree is needed if it is assumed that a purebred kitten will participate in exhibitions in the future.

When purchasing a kitten from a cattery, the type of documentation that precedes the pedigree is a metric. It contains information about the breed and parents. In addition, the kitten's date of birth is indicated here. Only with the metric in hand can you make a pedigree.

To obtain it you must go through the following procedures:

  • after the kitten is six months old, you should contact the club that the mother cat belongs to;
  • the club conducts kitten registration;
  • with her positive result(compliance with all breed standards) pedigree certification is carried out.

This document contains the following information:

  1. name and emblem of the club;
  2. club address and contact numbers;
  3. number;
  4. cat's name;
  5. color and breed;
  6. gender of the animal;
  7. information about the mother, ancestors up to the third generation;
  8. mother's achievements, including titles received;
  9. information about the father;
  10. date of issue.

Sometimes, to issue this type of documentation, it is necessary to present a valid veterinary passport. Having a pedigree, the animal can participate in various exhibitions and breeding.

If the owner wants to draw up a pedigree for an already adult cat, but does not have information about his origin, then he needs to take the pet for examination. When the expert establishes all the conformities to the breed, the desired document is issued. At the same time, in the columns in which information about the parents should be given there will be a dash, since their origin is unknown.

In such a situation, the pet will be listed as the ancestor. Such a cat may be allowed for experimental breeding.

Experts recommend, if desired, to register a pedigree when the animal reaches one year. Otherwise, the registration procedure will be much more difficult and lengthy.


An important type of documentation for a cat is a veterinary certificate or certificate. To do this, the animal must meet certain requirements:

  • the pet is healthy;
  • completed a special vaccination course;
  • underwent veterinary and sanitary treatment;
  • he underwent the necessary laboratory diagnostic tests.
  • According to current legislation All cats and dogs whose age is more than three months must undergo:
  • vaccination against rabies;
  • tests for the presence of helminths;
  • for cats – carrying out fluorescent diagnostics for the presence ringworm.

Such a certificate is necessary to export a pet abroad. Vaccinations must be done during the current year, but no later than 30 days before issuing the certificate. When revaccination is carried out, a certificate can be made only after two weeks.

Laboratory tests must be carried out throughout the month. However, they should not be older than two months. But diagnostics using fluorescent lamps The presence of ringworm is checked immediately before issuing the certificate.

To get a veterinary certificate for a cat, the owner must contact the veterinary clinic at his place of residence. To do this, you must bring your pet for a detailed examination by a doctor.

As you can see, for cats, especially purebred ones, the presence of certain documentation, such as a pedigree, veterinary passport and certificate, is a necessity. With them, the animal can participate in exhibitions, and the owner will be able to travel abroad with the pet.

Video “What documents need to be prepared for a cat”

Video about how to transport animals abroad: Required documents and preparing the cat before transportation.

At the time of buying pedigree cat or a dog in a kennel, the breeder provides the new pet owner with a veterinary passport. This document is often asked to be completed at the first visit to the veterinary clinic. A passport is required for traveling on trains and planes, and is also required when visiting a veterinarian. This important document not only contains information about appearance the animal and the details of its owner, but also information about the state of its health.

What is a veterinary passport?

A veterinary passport for cats and dogs is an international document that contains detailed information O pet and contact details of its owner. The following data is also included:

You can get a passport at veterinary clinic or from previous pet owners.

If the document is executed incorrectly, it will be declared invalid. It must contain all of the above items and attach special stickers. A properly executed veterinary passport is an official document.

Package of documents required for transporting an animal

Many owners wonder why a veterinary passport is needed. First of all, it is necessary when traveling abroad and in Russia. In addition to it, a special certificate (form No. 1) is required, allowing you to move around the country. This certificate is issued upon presentation of a passport to the State Veterinary Service. Only after obtaining a passport and certificate can you purchase a ticket for your pet and take it on a trip.

A lost passport can be restored, but only if there is information about the place and date of the last vaccination. In veterinary clinics, this data is recorded in control and accounting logs. This information is stored by the State Veterinary Supervision authorities for 10 years.

Correct filling of the document

The veterinarian must fill out the veterinary passport. The owner of a dog or cat can independently indicate his data and information about his pet, but only a specialist has the right to indicate information about vaccinations and deworming.

An incorrectly completed cat or dog passport can result in the animal being returned home or even euthanized during travel. That is why it is strongly recommended to entrust its filling to a specialist.

The example provides information on filling out the main pages in a cat or dog passport. In addition to them, there may be information about the breeder, veterinary treatments against ticks and fleas, tests performed, and pages for special notes.

To fill out, use from our website. Do not use old, shortened or altered forms; the data may be incomplete and erroneous.
- The form must be filled out on a computer, or neatly and legibly in printed characters by hand. (The application form in MS Word format is made in the form of a template with the required font sizes, length of fields, date format, etc., for more convenient and correct filling out the card and its further printing.)
- The form must be filled out in two languages ​​(Russian, English); for this purpose, two fields are provided for each detail. Please fill out all fields legibly, completely and correctly in Russian and English.
- It is best to send a photo of the animal by E-mail, but you can also send it along with the application, the main thing is not to forget to indicate the chip number of the animal to which it belongs.
- On back side forms, you can add information that does not fit in the “ additional information", as well as your wishes, comments, tips, etc.
- The form must be signed in the clinic that microchipped the animal or in any other where there is a device for reading chips and can check its presence and compliance with the declared number.
- Send the completed form by regular, not registered mail (from our experience, registered mail takes longer) to the address: Ukraine 04114, Kyiv-114, PO Box No. 73, Ilyich R.

Microchip code:
- 15-digit unique number. There are only 15 numbers, without any letters in front or after. (This is the most main element application, double check that it is filled out correctly.)

Chipping date:
- The date when chipping was performed, in the format “03/22/2011” (date, month, year), or in the format “2011-03-22” (year-month-date), but not “2011-22- 03” (year-day-month), as is sometimes filled in, we do not live in America and if you enter the date in this format into computers in our region, the result will be unpredictable and will lead to an error. Please fill out this field carefully. This field is required. Even exact date unknown, the most accurate approximate value is indicated. (The computer does not have the ability to enter the date as: “00.00.2015” or “2015”. In this case, we enter the date as: “01.01.2015”.)

Kind of animal:
- Type of animal (dog, cat, horse, bird, fish, rodent, etc.). Filled out in two languages, each in its own field.

- The breed of the animal in the correct spelling, as in dictionaries and catalogues, as well as the name of the breed on English language. Very often the name of the breed is twisted beyond recognition, please clarify the breed of your pet and try to indicate it correctly and completely.

- Gender of the animal (female/male).

- Veterinary passport of the animal, if available. There are “unnumbered” passports - let’s indicate “numberless”. (If there are pedigrees, puppy or other documents, they can be indicated in the “Additional information” field.)

Date of Birth:
- Date of birth of the animal, in the format “03/22/2011” (Same rules as “Date of chipping”). Even if the exact date of birth is unknown, the most accurate approximate value is indicated.

- The color color of the animal, preferably in the form (brown, black and white, speckled red, etc.), and not (b14, m16 - such a notation is incomprehensible to many, this can be added in parentheses as a clarification), as well as its analogue in English. ).

- The full name of the animal, and also, if there is an abbreviated one, add next to it in brackets, and accordingly the full name, according to the passport, in English. (It is not necessary to fill in the fields in English; if they are left empty, the system will automatically insert “transliteration” there)).

Additional information:
- This is the field with the most voluminous information. Here you can enter: special features of the animal, tattoo, pedigree number, information about the owner, address, contact information, etc. And don’t forget to correctly translate and describe all this in English. (It is not necessary to fill in the fields in English; if they are left empty, the system will automatically insert “transliteration” there)).

The department that carried out the chipping:
- Clinic (organization) where microchipping was performed. Indicate the name, address, contact details, full name. the person who performed the chipping. If the animal was imported from abroad and there is no data on the place of microchipping, the clinic (organization) that checked the chip and certified the data is indicated. (It is not necessary to fill in the fields in English; if they are left empty, the system will automatically insert “transliteration” there)).

I confirm the correctness of the data:
- Signature and stamp of the doctor who performed the chipping or checked the presence of the installed chip for its compliance.

(space for sticking a label with a barcode)
- Here we glue one of the stickers with a barcode that comes with the chip.

Every adult person has a document that proves his identity and allows him to legally exist in a certain society. The main document of a four-legged friend is a veterinary passport. Today we'll talk about how to make a passport for a dog.

Whether your dog is purebred or not, it still needs a veterinary passport in order to:

  • travel abroad with the owner;
  • travel freely in public and private transport;
  • participate in exhibition events and public celebrations;
  • participate in “dog competitions”;
  • take part in the breeding of purebred animals;
  • be a participant in the hunt;
  • prove ownership of the pet;
  • to track health status (indicate vaccinations, anthelmintic treatment).

If you are traveling to the country with a dog, it is unlikely that traffic police will ask you to show documents, but boarding a plane or boarding a train without a veterinary passport four-legged friend It's unlikely he can.

Video “Veterinary passport for a dog”

In this video, an expert will tell you what a dog’s veterinary passport looks like and why it is needed.

What do you need to receive

You can ask your veterinarian at the clinic all questions about where and how to obtain the document. To obtain a passport, you will need a photograph with a clear image of a pet that is 1 year old at the time of the photo. Information on vaccinations by age and surgical interventions will also be required.

The form is purchased at a veterinary clinic for a nominal cost. It looks like an ordinary small book with a neutral cover. If you want your pet to have a beautiful, colorfully designed document, then the form can be purchased at exhibitions and the registration stamp can be placed at the clinic. If your pet does not have a brand or chip, then the microchipping procedure is carried out (at the veterinary clinic).

In the document, the owner must correctly fill in information about himself and the pet. As for the latter, the nickname, gender, birth information, breed and coat color are indicated. In other words, everything you put in your passport is as if you made a verbal portrait pet. In addition to data about the animal, the chip number and the time of its installation are entered in the booklet.

The main information is the timing of vaccination, anthelmintic treatment (as well as fleas and ticks). Rabies vaccination, as well as other antiviral procedures, is performed by a veterinarian, so the document must have his signature and seal.

International passport

When needed

Nowadays, not a single one long trip a four-legged animal cannot do without proper documents. To cross the border, a person must have a foreign passport, and the pet must have a veterinary passport for dogs of international importance. This is a simple procedure, and if you know how to do it, you can get the document quickly. Note that regular passport is not an international passport.

How to receive and fill

An international passport is a booklet containing certain information. Each page has its own number. The information is filled out in two languages ​​– Russian and English. The form must be filled out in block letters and in legible handwriting.

The first pages are completed by the breeder, owner or doctor of the veterinary clinic. Just like in a regular dog passport, information about the owner and the animal is entered. The gender of the pet is indicated by a tick (f – female, m – male), there is no need to write in letters. There is a box nearby where you need to enter information if the dog is spayed or sterilized. Next comes a sticker with identification data (when the chip was implanted and where it is located).

Related article: How to choose and use toothpaste for sanitation of the oral cavity in dogs

On the first page of the double-page spread of a sample international passport for dogs, place a photo of the pet in full height, side view (after reaching one year). The photo is confirmed with the seal of a veterinarian. The international document has specially designated pages in which information about the breeder is filled out and a special page for veterinary clinic stamps.

“Paws, ears and tail, that’s all my documents”! - said Sharik from Prostokvashino. But in these bureaucratic times, our pets cannot make such statements when they are going somewhere to the village to visit their grandmother in another region, or on vacation with their owners abroad.

I try to write about different aspects traveling with animals, but still missed one big point - about documents for the dog, without which not a single long trip would take place. And today there will be such an extensive article about certificates for animals for transportation to various types transport, identifiers and analyzes so that your trip with your dog abroad goes without any difficulties.

A dog passport is a very important document. And it is needed not only by those who are going abroad with their dog. Essentially, this document reflects the health status of your dog and is both a veterinary passport for dogs and an identity card. Therefore, it is important for owners to obtain a veterinary passport for their dog as soon as they go to get the first vaccination, and it doesn’t matter whether you bought a puppy or got an adult dog.

How and where to apply for a passport for a dog

from previous owners

In general, if you buy purebred puppy in the club, from breeders, or from conscientious previous owners, then you should be given a dog passport along with the dog. Since the first vaccinations for puppies are given at 2 months, and the puppies are taken away just after. The passport contains notes about all vaccinations and other planned medical interventions, which means that if the dog is more than two months old, it must have vaccinations.

But what to do if you don't have pedigree dog which you bought from an old lady next to the metro station or just picked up or found on the street?

register at a veterinary clinic

You can obtain a veterinary passport at any veterinary clinic. It can be a public clinic or a private one, it doesn’t matter. You can buy a dog passport form at the time of your visit and they will enter information that the dog has been treated, vaccinated or sterile.

What does a veterinary passport for a dog look like?

The passport either looks like the one in the picture below, or has a completely ordinary neutral cover with the inscription “Dog Veterinary Passport”.

How to fill out a dog's veterinary passport

In the veterinary passport of the dog, the owner himself fills in only information about the animal and the owner. Such as the dog's name, breed, gender, date of birth, coat type and color. You can paste a photo of the dog into your passport, but this is not necessary. In general, the data on the dog should be the same as if you were making a verbal portrait of your pet.

In addition to external data, the chip number, if any, the date of its installation, the tattoo number, if any, and the date of application are indicated.

The most important thing in the passport is information about the vaccinations performed and their expiration date. As well as data on helminthization, treatment against fleas and ticks and vaccination against rabies.

How to correctly fill out a dog’s veterinary passport yourself

All antiviral vaccinations, as well as the rabies vaccine, must be done in the clinic. Indicating the name of the vaccine (usually a sticker on the bottle) and the signature and seal of the clinic doctor.

And treating a dog for fleas and ticks, as well as treating it for worms, is quite possible at home. It is only important to enter this data into the veterinary passport. You need to indicate the date you took the drug and the name of the drug (or stick a sticker if you have one).

International veterinary passport

In fact, the dog’s veterinary passport that is issued in our country is not a real international passport. The only international thing it has is the duplication of names into English. A true international passport is a broad concept. For example, there is an international veterinary passport for the Schengen zone, according to which dogs can cross the borders of the eurozone without additional certificates. But we don’t give them out yet, and if someone buys them, then according to the rules the dog must spend most of the time in the eurozone.

Chip or tattoo

  • For different types animals use different identifiers:
    For birds, use a foot ring.
    On the ears cattle Surely everyone saw the tags.
    Chips, unlike other identifiers, mark all animals. The tattoo is applied to puppies, kittens and foals later, in adulthood, adding a chip.

For transporting animals both within the country and for export abroad A mandatory document is a certificate in Form No. 1, the basis for which is the presence of identifiers on the animals’ bodies.

Whether your dog (cat) should be microchipped or one tattoo will be enough to receive this certificate is decided based on where you plan to go. Each country has its own requirements.
There is a common expression on the Internet that a microchip is the size of a grain of rice. Which sounds like it's so small. Now look at this syringe that is used to insert a microchip into the withers of your dog or cat. Or pick up a grain of rice and imagine how thick the needle will be. Well, to understand.
We received a microchip at the age of 3 months along with a vaccination against rabies and a second one against distemper. The dog survived the installation of the chip well, only the veterinarian was unable to pierce him the first time and then he was very afraid, so we had to wait and calm him down.

Veterinary certificate

To transport a pet within the Russian Federation and the CIS, you must issue a Veterinary Certificate No. 1. Without it, you will not be allowed on a plane or a train, and according to the rules, without it you cannot even travel by car from one region to another.

Such a certificate can only be issued in state regional veterinary clinics, however, not at the place of residence of the owner and the dog will also not be entirely correct, although it is acceptable. That is, choose any location that is convenient for you.

How to obtain veterinary certificate No. 1

You need to come with the following list:

  • Veterinary passport
  • Russian passport of the owner
  • Dog
  • Chip (or tattoo) or other animal identifier.

The certificate is valid for only 5 days. Previously there were even fewer - only 3! Therefore, calculate the date of receipt of the document so that you have time to leave while the certificate is valid. If any veterinary clinic is not open (for example, on the New Year or May holidays), look for one that will work! We arrive at the clinic with all the documents. We had to sit in line because before the May holidays many dogs left for exhibitions.

Based on the vaccination data recorded in your international veterinary passport, you are issued veterinary certificate No. 1, which is essentially just a duplicate of the passport data. Well, that's how it should be. The dog’s chip data, number and installation date are also copied, and who the owner is is recorded. This is a strict reporting form and looks like a real document on a stamp with watermarks.

A Russian passport is needed to record the owner’s (and therefore the animal’s) residence data and, on the basis of this, to issue a statement that there are no rabies outbreaks in the given region and there have not been any for a long time. This disease is the biggest and the main problem, and therefore the requirement is high. Animals cannot be imported from regions where there is such an infection. Therefore, for example, it is impossible to officially bring a dog to Bali and then officially remove it.
The certificate stub remains in the veterinary clinic that issued the certificate, but the Certificate itself, Form 1, is given to you.

Veterinary Certificate for the export of animals No. 5

International Veterinary Certificate No. 5 is required if you are going to transport your dog across the borders of other countries. In general, to be honest, it is necessary for those animals that do not have a real international veterinary passport. Therefore, if you have a valid international passport, then you do not need such a veterinary certificate, but you can only obtain it if you are a resident of the EU, again, officially.
A sample veterinary certificate can be viewed on the Rosselkhoznadzor website for any country. Select the country, then the “export” tab and read everything that we find useful for ourselves. For example here veterinary certificate form for EU countries.

How to obtain an international veterinary certificate

To obtain a veterinary certificate to export an animal abroad, you will need:

  • Veterinary Certificate Form 1
  • Owner's foreign passport
  • Airplane/train tickets
  • Chip or other animal identifier

We receive an international veterinary certificate in exchange for Veterinary Certificate No. 1. It is an exchange, since the certificate is then collected at the veterinary control point! They check the data in the certificates, scan the chip and issue a certificate based on all the data. Also, at the veterinary control point at the airport, for example, they issue a boarding pass for the animal.

Each country has its own import and export requirements. All information about import and export (import and export) is published on the Rosselzoznadzor website and on this page there is information on requirements for the export and import of animals to different countries. In particular, it is important to look at information about vaccinations that are required to cross the border of a particular country, as well as quarantine requirements.
For example, almost all countries require a rabies vaccination, which must be given no earlier than 30 days before travel and must be no more than a year old. Therefore, keep this 30-day quarantine in mind when planning a trip and getting vaccinated. To enter some countries, you must not only have a rabies vaccination, but also a blood test of the animal indicating that it does not contain the virus.
Also, many countries require that the animal undergo deworming (worming), as well as treatment against fleas and ticks.

I would like to note that despite the fact that these requirements are mandatory, many veterinarians and owners understand that often deworming a dog is harmful and makes no sense. And the fact that some countries require this to be done 5 days before the trip, to be honest, this is not entirely true (and if you travel every month, for example!). Therefore, if you are carrying out prevention against worms in your dog, you can simply paste a label into the vet passport. Veterinarians understand this and agree to the meeting.
Registration of a Veterinary Certificate Form 1 costs from 300 to 900 rubles.

Where to get an international veterinary certificate

It all depends on where you are going and what type of transport you use. I will tell you about St. Petersburg, since this is where we live and have experience in design.

It is not necessary to receive a certificate at the airport if another point of registration is closer to you. Yes, on the spot everyone usually refuses and at the railway station or seaport they send you to the airport if you are flying by plane, but in fact they can formalize it. They just don't want to.

The addresses and telephone numbers of border crossing points, air, land and sea, can be found in the photo below.

You can obtain an international certificate directly at border crossing points if there is veterinary control there. International automobile points where there is veterinary control, addresses and telephone numbers are indicated in the picture below. You can call and check the opening hours and everything you need.

Obtaining a veterinary certificate at Pulkovo Airport

My advice is to call the veterinary control service at the airport in advance and, if you have time and opportunity, issue a certificate in advance. I try to do this 2 days before departure, as I try to buy tickets for early morning flights (so that the dog sleeps during the flight while inspecting night sleep). But also, by filling out a certificate directly before the plane, you will never guess whether there is a queue at the veterinary service, and according to the employees and our personal experience, certificates are issued for someone all the time. If you don’t want to wait and be nervous before departure, then just arrive early.
In St. Petersburg, we receive an international certificate in the new terminal of Pulkovo Airport. The airport website has very good card, where everything is clear where to go, but nevertheless, at the entrance you can ask the employees. It's hard to get lost.
The Pulkovo Veterinary Service is located in the arrivals building on the first floor!!!(Why the arrival? It’s just that they still check bags with lard and sausage more often than they check out the animals, though). After inspection at the entrance, turn right and then straight all the way to the waste sorting boxes and large letters Departure and then to the left and follow the arrows printed on A4 pieces of paper to get where you need to go))

The veterinary control telephone number at Pulkovo Airport is 8-923-418-56-29. Veterinary certificates are issued around the clock, but it’s still worth calling and checking. Lunch from 13-30 to 14-00. One day we arrived to pick up a certificate at 4 am and simply called the phone number on the door and woke up the employee.

Vet control at Finland Station

Despite the fact that veterinary control is supposedly located at the Finlyandsky Station, the territory of this very station is huge and the address Botkinskaya Street does not mean anything. If you are facing the entrance to the station, then go around it to the left until you run into a bunch of police beans.

You reach this building and go right through the iron black door.

In winter we had to wait a very long time. But winter period The New Year holidays are generally the hottest time to issue certificates for those who cross the border by car. But in the summer there were no people.

Antibody test

Currently, almost all countries require that animals imported into their territory be vaccinated against rabies. However, some countries, in addition to the rabies vaccination itself, also require a rabies test, or rather a test for the presence of antibodies to this virus. And everything would be fine, but if you go to such a country spontaneously and without preparation by buying a cheap discount ticket, you risk either ending up with money or leaving the animal at home.
So, already before purchasing a cheap package tour to Israel, it turned out that the country was on the list of those countries where an antibody test is required.

So, which countries need an antibody test?

To England, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Malta, Taiwan, Japan, UAE and Israel. I would also like to note that these countries, unlike others, require not just a label about deworming being affixed to the veterinary passport, but also a certificate issued in English.
These rules apply if you are bringing a dog from Russia and directly to the specified country. When transporting a dog from the territory of Ukraine and some other countries, an antibody test is also required. It all depends on whether your country is in a rabies-free zone or not.

Where to get tested for rabies antibodies

In a laboratory, but not just any one. In Russia, this can be done either directly in Center for Molecular Diagnostics in Moscow. To do this, you need to bring your dog there and donate blood from which serum is made for analysis.
In other cities of the Russian Federation there are no such laboratories and we have to look for options.
In St. Petersburg, for example, you can go and take an antibody test in Finland, Helsinki, Lappeenranta and other cities that can be viewed on the website Finnish food safety agency Evira.
Option number two, found on the Internet, says that you can contact intermediaries in St. Petersburg, donate blood to them and they will send it for analysis to Finland or send it to Moscow, if necessary urgent analysis need to clarify the possibility. In St. Petersburg they were named such an intermediary. But I decided to clarify this point and wrote them a letter. I received an answer: