Breaks? No problem! The main thing is to properly care for sutures after childbirth. How long do internal sutures dissolve and how do they heal after childbirth? Can internal stitches come apart after childbirth? How do stitches on the perineum heal?

Stitches after childbirth are a common and very unpleasant occurrence. Every third woman is faced with this problem and, having heard from experienced friends about the danger of seams coming apart, in a panic she searches for information on how to protect herself from such a situation.

There are several mandatory rules for caring for postpartum scars, but first you need to understand what stitches are and in what cases they are applied to a woman in labor.

  • Stitches after caesarean section. Everything here is self-explanatory. Stitches are required. The size of the surgical incision is about 12 cm, and it is made in the area of ​​the lower segment of the uterus.
  • Sutures on the cervix. They are applied when the uterine tissue ruptures during natural childbirth of the cervix and premature expulsion of the fetus, in which the head puts pressure on the cervix, causing it to rupture.
  • Stitches in the vagina. The walls of the vagina are torn in the same cases as the cervix.
  • Stitches on the crotch. Perineal ruptures are the most common, there are several types and occur in different situations: rapid childbirth, etc. The posterior commissure of the vagina (grade 1 rupture), the skin and muscles of the pelvic floor (grade 2) and the skin, muscles and walls of the rectum (grade 3) can rupture. Perineal ruptures can also be artificial: the perineum is cut with a special instrument along the midline from the posterior commissure of the vagina to the anus.

There are several suture techniques. Recently, sutures borrowed from cosmetology have been increasingly used. After healing they are completely invisible. However, regardless of the application technique, sutures require the same quality care. The only difference between seams is the material with which they are made. If sutures are applied with non-absorbable threads, they should be removed after 2-5 days. But self-absorbable material does not require such a procedure. The most commonly used are cadgut, vicryl and maxon. These threads completely dissolve without repeated medical intervention, that is, such sutures are not removed.

How to treat stitches after childbirth?

Stitches in the vagina and cervix, as a rule, practically do not bother a woman and do not require special care. You just need to follow the rules of personal hygiene and not lift heavy objects. Such sutures are applied with threads, which dissolve on their own within a few weeks. Scars heal painlessly and quite quickly.

Sutures after cesarean section require special attention. In the first days after surgery, they are cared for by a nurse. The postoperative suture is treated daily with antiseptic solutions and a sterile bandage is applied. After a week, the non-absorbable threads are removed, but the treatment procedures continue.

Women often complain that the pain from stitches in the perineum does not go away for a long time, and the stitches heal poorly. This requires some patience, but processing is extremely important. Different drugs are suitable for different women. Obstetricians in maternity hospitals treat stitches on the perineum, usually with brilliant green. At home, it is recommended to try Levomekol ointment, Bepanten, Malavit gel, Solcoseryl, Chlorhexidine, sea buckthorn oil, Chlorophyllipt. It should be taken into account that not all remedies are equally good: many women, for example, note increased pain when using Levomekol, and therefore you need to try, select and endure - time also heals in this case. Meanwhile, don’t forget about hygiene.

The first shower with a postoperative scar can be taken no earlier than a week after the operation, and the seam itself is washed with special care (it should not be rubbed with a washcloth).

How long does it take for stitches to heal after childbirth?

In the area of ​​surgical intervention, the woman in labor will be tormented by pain for a long time, which painkillers will help to cope with first, and then special medications will help reduce the pain; the stomach can also be tied up with a diaper. For 2 months, the woman should not lift weights to avoid possible suture rupture.

Careful care is necessary, as we have already said, for the external seams of the perineum. Plus, these wounds are the most difficult to care for. Artificial incisions heal faster and easier, because such an incision has smooth edges, which promotes rapid healing and the formation of an aesthetic scar.

The main condition for the rapid healing of any wound is maximum protection from all kinds of bacteria and rest. It is most difficult to ensure aseptic conditions in the perineal area. There is no way to put a bandage here, or to get rid of postpartum discharge. It remains to observe personal hygiene with special care:

  • change pads every 2 hours;
  • wear loose cotton underwear;
  • refuse shapewear;
  • after each visit to the toilet, wash with clean water;
  • wash the seams with soap every morning and evening;
  • after washing, dry the perineum with a towel;
  • treat seams with antiseptic agents daily.

Perineal sutures bother a woman for at least several weeks after childbirth, and sometimes for months. Sometimes they are accompanied by pain and particular discomfort. The main difficulty of a “tailored” woman is the prohibition on sitting. The woman in labor will have to do everything half-sitting for at least a week due to the risk of tearing the stitches. After a few days, you can sit on a hard chair with only one buttock, and then the whole one. Constipation should be avoided so as not to put unnecessary pressure on the perineum.

Scars on the perineum cause pain and discomfort during sex for several months after they have completely healed, because the resulting scar narrows the entrance to the vagina. In this case, a comfortable position and special ointments for scars can help.


The most unpleasant and dangerous complication is the dehiscence of postpartum sutures. The reasons may be the following: suppuration of the sutures, sudden movements, early sitting down.

Symptoms of possible complications:

  • bleeding of sutures;
  • incessant pain in the area of ​​the sutures;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the perineum (most often indicating the accumulation of blood in the area of ​​injury);
  • painful swelling of wounds;
  • high body temperature.

In all these cases, you need to see a doctor who will examine your stitches and prescribe appropriate treatment. For purulent-inflammatory complications, Vishnevsky ointment or Syntomycin emulsion are usually prescribed, which are used for several days.

You can speed up the healing process of sutures with the help of simple special exercises. To increase blood flow, you should tense and relax your pelvic floor muscles. The most effective exercise is “hold the stream of urine,” during which the vaginal muscles contract. The tension should be held for 6 seconds, then relax. You can repeat the exercises several times a day, alternating tension and relaxation 5-8 times

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Self-absorbing threads are often used during surgical interventions, including after childbirth. To apply such sutures, various materials are used that dissolve on their own over a certain period of time (catgut, lavsan, vicryl).

When to apply self-absorbable sutures

information Self-absorbing sutures after childbirth are in most cases used for ruptures of the internal genital organs (vagina, cervix), because access to these organs is difficult and will be easier if there is no need to subsequently remove sutures there.

For ruptures and cuts in the perineum, various sutures can be applied: both self-absorbing ones and those requiring the removal of threads.

Suture dissolution time

The resorption time of sutures depends on the threads with which it was made:

  1. Catgut. The resorption time depends on the diameter of the thread and the place of its application and ranges from 30 to 120 days;
  2. Lavsan. There are threads with different resorption periods (from 10-12 days to 40-50 days);
  3. Vicryl(60-90 days).

Complications of postpartum wounds

The main complications of sutures in the postpartum period are failure (divergence) of the sutures and their suppuration (infection).

Seam divergence

Failure of internal sutures (on the cervix and in the vagina) is extremely rare. Basically, the divergence of the external sutures applied to the perineum occurs.

The main reasons for the divergence of the wound on the perineum:

  • Early sitting down;
  • Sudden movements;
  • Sex life;
  • Suture infection.

Signs of seam dehiscence:

  • Pain in the wound area;
  • The appearance of wound bleeding;
  • Painful swelling;
  • Temperature rise(if infected);
  • Feeling of heaviness and fullness in the area of ​​the postoperative wound(indicates an accumulation of blood - a hematoma).

Wound infection

In most cases, wound infection occurs when personal hygiene rules are not followed and sutures are not properly cared for.

The main signs of purulent-inflammatory complications of sutures in the perineum are:

  1. Heat;
  2. Hyperemia(redness) of the wound area;
  3. Soreness;
  4. The appearance of purulent discharge from the sutures.

At the first sign of complications, you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist for help. The doctor will carry out the necessary procedures and prescribe treatment.

Caring for stitches after childbirth

remember Sutures placed on the vagina and cervix do not require additional treatment: the woman just has to follow the rules of personal hygiene to prevent the development of purulent-inflammatory complications. Sutures in the perineum, on the contrary, require increased attention and careful adherence by the mother to all recommendations.

Precautionary measures:

  • You should not sit for a week after giving birth(a longer time limit is possible). A woman is only allowed to lie down and stand. Then you can gradually sit down on a soft surface (pillow) with one buttock, and then with the whole one. Avoid sitting on hard surfaces for 3 weeks;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use shapewear, pressing on the perineum;
  • On the first day after childbirth, you should try to delay the act of defecation.: a woman should not eat a lot; be sure to avoid products that have a strengthening effect;
  • No early start. You should start having sex no earlier than 2 months after giving birth.

Seam processing technique:

  1. Treatment with antiseptic solution(in most cases brilliant green). In the maternity hospital, the sutures are processed by a midwife 1-2 times a day on a gynecological chair. At home, a woman should deal with the wound area independently with the help of relatives or go to see an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic every day for a week;
  2. Physiotherapy(ultraviolet irradiation of the wound). Continuation of the procedures is possible at home with the help of special lamps.

Maintaining personal hygiene:

  • Change sanitary pads at least every 2 hours;
  • Wear only loose underwear made from natural fabrics or special disposable panties;
  • Carry out genital hygiene with baby soap 2 times a day, after which thoroughly wipe the perineum with a clean towel and treat with an antiseptic solution;
  • Wash with warm water every 2 hours(it is possible to use medicinal herbs - calendula);
  • Wash your genitals after every visit to the toilet.

During childbirth, women often experience tearing of the uterus or vagina.

This requires stitches.

In order to avoid problems with these scars, you need to know how long it takes for sutures to dissolve after childbirth and how they need to be removed.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

How long does it take for different types of sutures to heal after childbirth?

According to localization (place of application), the sutures are:

1. On the cervix. They are installed when the cervix is ​​damaged by a fetus that is too large.

2. Stitches in the vagina. They are applied in case of birth trauma or vaginal rupture of varying depths. Novocaine or lidocaine is used as anesthesia.

3. Sutures can be placed on the perineum if it is damaged during childbirth, as well as during a special incision by a doctor. There are three types of perineal injuries:

Type 1 (damage to the skin only);

type 2 (skin and muscle damage);

Type 3 (severe muscle damage, their rupture, which reaches the walls of the rectum).

Depending on the degree and type of damage to the perineum, doctors can use different types of threads (nylon, silk or absorbable).

There are the following types of main threads for suturing:

1. Catgut is a completely absorbable material, the threads of which are separated on the seventh day. This seam disappears within the first month.

2. Vicryl. It is usually used for caesarean sections. It resolves in 60-70 days.

3. Maxon. It completely dissolves approximately 190 days after application.

How long does it take for external sutures to heal after childbirth?

Depending on the place of application, they are distinguished:

External seams;

Internal seams.

External sutures are usually placed on the perineum. They are quite problematic because they can provoke various kinds of complications in the form of suppuration, inflammation, infection, etc. To prevent this, a young mother should know how to properly care for stitches. Doctors should inform her about this upon discharge from the hospital.

The healing period of sutures on the perineum takes longer than internal sutures on the uterus and vagina. In order for them to heal faster, it is recommended to observe bed rest, sexual rest (at least in the first two weeks), and also treat wounds with special antiseptics.

The healing process of this type of sutures is complicated by postpartum discharge from the uterus, which is a hotbed for the development of infection. To eliminate the possibility of harmful bacteria entering the wound, you should adhere to the following rules:

1. Change your sanitary pad every two hours.

2. Treat the sutures in the first days after application with antiseptics (it is advisable that a gynecologist do this in the first days).

3. Using blotting movements, wipe the perineum with a sterile napkin. You cannot use cloth towels for this purpose, otherwise germs may get into the wound.

4. Do not sit down after childbirth for ten days, so as not to provoke suture divergence.

5. For ten days after giving birth, you should refrain from eating flour products and cereals in order to simplify the onset of stool as much as possible and not cause constipation.

If the sutures in the perineum were made of non-absorbable material, they are usually removed on the tenth day after birth.

If the patient has absorbable materials applied, they do not require removal and will dissolve on their own after some time, but sometimes they also have to be removed mechanically (if complications arise).

How long does it take for sutures to heal after childbirth by caesarean section?

A caesarean section is a rather complex abdominal operation in which several layers of soft tissue are dissected. For their subsequent connection, strong threads are used (vicryl, dexon, monocryl, etc.).

Today, cesarean section is very common through a transverse incision of the uterus, the length of which is from 11 to 13 cm. This cavity provides every opportunity to minimize blood loss and rapid wound healing.

When using self-absorbable threads, the healing time of the suture will be from three weeks to one month, although sometimes this process takes longer.

Sutures using synthetic materials are somewhat more problematic to heal: they are removed on the seventh day after application, but complete healing of the wound takes three to four weeks.

In addition, the healing period will largely depend on the care of the suture, lifestyle and the woman’s compliance with all medical recommendations.

How to care for seams

How long it takes for the sutures to dissolve after childbirth largely depends on how well you care for your sutures. There are the following rules that doctors advise their patients to follow after suturing:

1. Wear loose underwear so that it does not squeeze the crotch anywhere. It is also desirable that it be made from natural materials (cotton).

Wearing shapewear is strictly prohibited, as it interferes with blood circulation in the pelvis. This in turn can cause swelling.

2. Lubricate external scars with antibacterial ointments and solutions.

3. It is advisable to sit down gradually and not make sudden movements.

4. Until the sutures are removed, you should completely avoid any physical activity (lifting weights, playing sports, etc.).

5. You should defecate regularly, otherwise, when defecation is delayed, additional stress will be created in the abdominal muscles, which will only increase pain. To soften the process of defecation, it is allowed to use rectal suppositories (it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them).

6. Every day you need to drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. This will normalize stool and prevent constipation.

7. In the first week after suturing, you should not bend over.

8. In order not to provoke inflammation of the scars, you should not take a hot bath before removing the stitches. It is best to wash in the shower.

9. Do not apply hot or cold compresses to scars, as this can cause inflammation. It is also not recommended to self-medicate. All your actions must be coordinated with your doctor.

How long does it take for stitches to dissolve after childbirth: possible complications

Quite often after discharge (1-2 weeks), a woman begins to feel pain and discomfort in the suture area. It is very important to respond to such a symptom in a timely manner, otherwise the condition may worsen even further.

Postpartum wounds can cause the following complications:

1. Pain. This symptom appears after every operation, and childbirth is no exception. As a medicinal treatment to relieve pain, you can use special ointments (Contractubex) and dry heating. Stronger medications can only be taken when the woman is not breastfeeding. Otherwise, she should not be prescribed most analgesics, as they may have a negative impact on the baby’s condition.

2. Seam divergence can occur during sudden movement or sports activities. In this case, it is recommended to urgently call a doctor, as blood will ooze from the wound. In addition, this condition is dangerous because infection can get into open muscle tissue, which can lead to inflammation, fever and increased body temperature.

3. Itching. Typically, this symptom does not indicate the presence of pathologies or infection in the wound. Quite the opposite - it signals a favorable healing process, so it should not cause concern in women.

To slightly reduce the severity of the itching, you should wash with warm water. It is not recommended to use any medications for itching.

4. Wound suppuration is one of the most dangerous complications. Its symptoms are:

Increased body temperature;



The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the seam;

The appearance of purulent discharge from the wound from dull yellow to dark brown;


Pain throughout the suture area.

If the wound becomes suppurated, the woman is advised to consult a doctor as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary ointments and antibiotics. The most effective drugs for eliminating inflammation are the following ointments: Malavit, Levomekol, Vishnevsky.

It is important to know that severe suppuration of the wound is dangerous not only for the health of the mother, but also for the child, especially if the woman is breastfeeding the baby.

5. Opening of internal bleeding can occur if the rules of wearing loose underwear and sitting are violated during the first weeks after surgery. This condition is extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

Immediately before discharge, the attending doctor should tell you the approximate date for suture removal. If a woman stays in the hospital long enough, her stitches can be removed right there. If she is discharged home, she will need to come to the doctor again after some time.

When removing the stitches, the patient does not have to go back to the hospital, since this procedure takes no longer than forty minutes and if the scarring is good, the doctor will let the patient go home the same day.

It is important to know that even if the condition of the wound is satisfactory after the stitches are removed, the woman is advised to be careful and avoid lifting heavy objects. She can return to her usual way of life no earlier than six months after the initial suturing.

The birth of a new life is always accompanied by pain. Knowing this, expectant mothers await childbirth with bated breath - who knows how everything will go? Fortunately, the great joy of meeting a long-awaited baby immediately displaces all negative moments from memory. The young mother will be reminded of the birth by internal stitches for some time. Read the article about where they come from and what to do with them.

When the period of intrauterine life expires and the baby is ready to leave its warm shelter, the so-called labor begins, in which the uterus, its cervix, vagina and perineum take a direct part. As the baby's head moves forward, all these organs experience strong pressure. This is the main reason (and there are many more indirect ones) of the probable rupture of the tissues of the internal genital organs. Depending on the location, internal injuries can vary in severity.

Uterine rupture is a dangerous complication that threatens the life of a woman in labor. If the labor progresses satisfactorily, the uterus remains intact, because its muscles are strong enough to withstand the load that the baby’s head imparts to them. In modern medical practice, such cases are extremely rare, since doctors anticipate the danger and perform a planned or emergency caesarean section.

When the perineum is damaged during childbirth, it is called an external rupture. The treatment tactics in this case are slightly different from the treatment of internal sutures: the perineum is sutured with a material that does not dissolve (silk, polypropylene). After tissue fusion, the suture material is removed.

And today we will pay attention to ruptures of the cervix and vagina - it is these injuries that are sutured with internal sutures during childbirth. In this case, special materials are used - after some time after use, they dissolve on their own.

Cervical rupture is most often the result of premature pushing during natural childbirth. The cervix cannot relax and open very quickly, and if a woman rushes out, pushing out the baby, tissue damage occurs. Full dilatation requires an average of 10–12 hours (this may happen faster in multiparous women). Not a single woman in labor has managed to avoid premature labor, but they must be restrained with all our might until the doctor gives the go-ahead. You can push only after the cervix is ​​fully dilated. For the same reason, due to the strong pressure of the baby’s head, the vaginal walls also tear.

Reasons for the formation of internal tears during childbirth

During the process of childbirth, there are always factors that in one way or another affect the condition of the muscles of the internal organs, which are affected by labor, to the point that they may rupture. Most often, internal damage of this nature occurs for several reasons:

  • large fetal size;
  • insufficient elasticity of tissues;
  • sudden onset of labor (rapid labor);
  • too narrow vagina (anatomical feature);
  • development of an inflammatory reaction in the vaginal area during pregnancy;
  • childbirth after intentional termination of pregnancy in the past.

Diagnosis and treatment of internal ruptures after childbirth

Immediately after the baby is born, it is difficult to determine whether a woman has internal tears. To check this, the doctor uses speculum to examine the cervix and vaginal walls as soon as the placenta is released. Please note that everything is sutured, even the most minor cracks and wounds. Areas damaged during childbirth may become inflamed after some time. Thus, they will become a source of suppuration and infection, and this is the last thing a new mother needs with a baby in her arms.

The procedure for suturing tears in the cervix is ​​unpleasant, but generally does not cause pain, since this area is devoid of receptors that react to mechanical intervention with negative sensations. Anesthesia is of no use in this case.

Stitching the vaginal walls, on the contrary, is a rather painful procedure, since the tissues in this place have a large number of nerve endings. To help a woman undergo such a surgical procedure, anesthesia is given using painkillers Lidocaine or Novocaine.

Are internal stitches removed after childbirth?

To suturing internal injuries, doctors use a special suture material, which dissolves without a trace after some time after suturing, without causing the slightest harm to the woman’s body.

In most cases, this is catgut - strong natural threads obtained by processing sheep intestines. The structure of the material is as close as possible to the tissues of the human body, therefore it is easily absorbed 7 – 10 days after suturing. The process is initiated by the woman's enzymatic system.

Also, seams can be made with half synthetic threads: vicryl, PHA, caproag. They take longer to dissolve - complete dissolution can take from 30 to 60 days.

How to care for internal stitches after childbirth

Postoperative sutures of this kind are “good” in that they do not require any action from the woman herself. The body itself, without the participation of the young mother, will decide how long the internal sutures will dissolve after childbirth. No symptomatic treatment in the form of ointments or tablets is needed. But it is still important to know some medical recommendations on this matter.

In the first weeks after the birth of the baby, lochia is released from the uterus - dense bloody clots, due to which sterility in the area of ​​the internal sutures is excluded. There is also no opportunity to apply a sterile bandage to the stitched area, so the woman must carefully monitor the slightest changes in her well-being during this period.

Previously, the attitude towards a postpartum woman with internal ruptures was special. The presence of internal stitches required the woman to lie down for several days after giving birth, and the baby was brought to her for feeding only on the third day. Today the situation has changed radically: it is believed that the recovery period, when the internal sutures heal after childbirth, will go faster if the mother returns to an active lifestyle as early as possible. That is why postpartum management of patients who have internal sutures is no different from the management of absolutely healthy women.

In order for the young mother to focus less on the symptoms of postpartum illness, the newborn baby is given to her immediately - they lie together in the ward. However, the help of medical workers or the patient’s relatives will be needed in any case, because because of the internal stitches you need to lie down for about 2 – 3 days. Concerned mothers always ask the doctor whether internal stitches can come apart after childbirth. This risk exists, so at first you need to take care not only of the baby, but also take care of yourself. Practice shows that the recovery period is successful if the postpartum woman listens to the advice of doctors, gets plenty of rest and eats well.

To prevent the internal suture from splitting and festering after childbirth, you need to remember some precautions:

  1. If there are many breaks and they are very deep, the woman is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy to eliminate the risk of suppuration. It is impossible to refuse treatment, despite the fact that the issue of breastfeeding will have to be postponed for some time.
  2. It is not recommended to sit upright in the first month after childbirth; it is better to try to sit down carefully in a reclining position or to transfer the entire body weight not on two buttocks, but on one of them. All body movements must be measured and smooth. The possibility of resuming sports training can be discussed with your doctor no earlier than 1 to 2 months after suturing.
  3. You can give your baby breastfeeding only in a lying position; it is recommended to eat by yourself either standing or also lying down.
  4. You will have to forget about such a burning topic as sex after childbirth if you have internal stitches for a while. You need to wait 1.5 - 2 months so that the torn walls of the cervix and vagina have the opportunity to reliably heal and restore natural elasticity. Only after this can you resume intimate relationships with your loved one. Otherwise, sexual contact becomes an excellent reason for infection of fresh sutures and provokes their suppuration, which, in principle, is very dangerous.
  5. For the first time after suturing, you should not lift heavy objects. “Heaviness” also means the baby, especially if he is big.
  6. One of the most important conditions for the successful healing of injured tissue is personal hygiene. And, despite the fact that this is obvious to a woman, the doctor always draws her attention to the need for strict sanitation of the external genitalia and the entire body. While the recovery process lasts, you will have to forget about the bath and limit yourself to showering 1-2 times a day. It is better not to wear panties immediately after water procedures. An excellent option is special disposable underwear, which can replace regular underwear for a while.
  7. A young mother should first have postpartum pads in her arsenal of skin care products, and then regular panty liners. If possible, they need to be replaced very often - this is the only way to ensure dry conditions for the stitched areas.
  8. It is not advisable to wear shapewear underwear for 1.5 - 2 months after suturing. The hard, dense tissue puts strong pressure on the perineum and vagina, which prevents the natural regeneration of internal tears.

Lifestyle with internal stitches after childbirth

All processes of the female body after the birth of the baby are aimed at the formation, maintenance and preservation of lactation. Due to such dramatic metamorphoses, a woman may suffer from constipation. The diet prescribed to all postpartum women without exception is especially relevant for mothers whose childbirth ended with internal sutures. The reason is clear - with constipation, the overcrowded intestines put pressure on the fresh sutures, and this is dangerous due to their divergence. If there has been no stool for 1-2 days, you need to take a laxative or dare to have an enema, even if, at first glance, nothing bothers you. After emptying, be sure to wash yourself with running warm water to eliminate the possibility of infection. The mother's diet should be focused on the consumption of broths and various liquids.

Complications with internal sutures after childbirth

If a woman notices the appearance of certain alarming symptoms, there is a reason to seek help from an antenatal clinic. Symptoms may include:

  • Internal seams hurt and itch after childbirth. The discomfort is constant, even when the woman is lying down;
  • there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • body temperature suddenly rises;
  • pus comes out of the genital tract.

The listed symptoms are eloquent signs of inflammation or divergence of internal seams.

However, even in the absence of painful sensations, you need to find time to see a gynecologist in any case. Immediately after childbirth and suturing, the doctor cannot fully evaluate the results of his work due to extensive internal tissue swelling. The specialist will do this a little later, during the patient’s recovery process.

Particular attention is paid to the condition of the cervix, which, as the wounds heal, should take on a look close to pre-pregnancy. In case of rough scarring or incorrect fusion of the sutures, the woman will face problems in the future. They may be as follows:

  • miscarriage;
  • incomplete dilation of the cervix during the next birth.

The situation can be corrected by resorting to a second operation: the old scar will be incised and new stitches will be placed. In order to timely assess the condition of the internal genital organs after ruptures, you should consult a doctor no later than 1 - 1.5 months after the birth of the child.

The area between the vagina and anus is quite flexible, but your baby may need more room to be born. If the baby's head is large enough, there may be tears or cuts (for assistance), resulting in the need for stitches. The maternity hospital should definitely explain to you how to treat sutures after childbirth, but if you were not provided with such information, then you should carefully read this article.

Some statistics

Your obstetrician should examine you very carefully after delivery to determine the severity of the problem. In the maternity hospital, a medical professional should look after you and tell you in the future how to treat the sutures after childbirth if they fester. This problem is extremely rare if you properly monitor your health.

There is no need to panic, nine out of ten mothers “tear” during natural childbirth, but these tears are minor and practically do not require attention. Sixty to seventy percent of tears require stitches.

There are four types (degrees) of ruptures:

  • 1st degree - a small superficial tear that does not affect the muscles. It is usually left to heal without stitches.
  • 2nd degree - a deeper tear affecting the muscles requires sutures. If you decide to let it heal naturally, it will be more convenient for you, but recovery will take a little longer than you expected.
  • 3rd degree - these tears are sutured without discussion, because they affect the anal sphincter (the area around the anus). If this damage is not taken seriously, health problems will arise in the future.
  • 4th degree is the most serious damage that can occur as a result of natural childbirth: the rupture can go to the intestine.

Now let’s move directly to the question of how to treat seams after childbirth. Proper and careful care of the intimate area will help to heal all damage faster. Remember, if you have serious injuries, you cannot sit! If you cannot do without it, then buy a special circle for sitting (it is used during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids). You are advised to rest for the next twenty-four hours, try to rest as much as possible and gain strength.

Personal hygiene

Keep your stitches clean to reduce the risk of infection. Before cleaning stitches after childbirth, be sure to wash your hands. Shower at least once a day. Change your underwear, perform special exercises, and do not wear tight-fitting clothes. Drink more water, eat foods rich in vitamins. If the rupture was serious, check with your obstetrician about a course of antibiotics; you need it.

Before proceeding directly to the treatment of sutures, it is worth determining what kind of injuries you have and where the sutures were placed. If the tears are internal, then they do not require special attention, the main thing is to maintain personal hygiene. Self-absorbable threads are used here, which can be natural or synthetic. If the threads are natural, then you will get rid of them in about a month. Another thing is if the seams are synthetic, then you will have to wait about three months.

If you have an external rupture, then you should carefully monitor the healing process, otherwise there may be suppuration. You should not lift weights or sit for two weeks, then slowly begin to sit on hard surfaces.

How to treat stitches after childbirth? Processing agents

External sutures are removed after about a week; if this was not done in the maternity hospital, be sure to contact the antenatal clinic. If you maintain personal hygiene, the stitches will not fester and will go away on their own, but you can help them. Remember how to treat stitches after childbirth for quick healing:

  • antiseptics;
  • antibacterial ointments;
  • brilliant green;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • left-handed.

You must determine for yourself how best to treat sutures after childbirth, based on the individual characteristics of your body.

How to treat the seams after we figured it out, but how to do it? You should not resort to these procedures while sitting. Provide air circulation to your body: use breathable pads, wear loose underwear. Night ventilation will have a very beneficial effect, so you will have to sleep on a special disposable diaper without pads and underwear.


Treating stitches after a caesarean section is much more difficult than treating them after a natural birth. These procedures should be carried out by a specialist while you are in the maternity hospital; the obstetricians there will do everything for you. The stitches are removed after a week, only then can you take a shower for the first time, carefully washing the wound.

So, how to treat sutures after childbirth by cesarean section? The methods are simple:

  • antiseptic;
  • sterile bandage.

In addition to the fact that this method leaves a noticeable mark on the girl’s body, it reminds of itself for a long time with painful sensations.

How to relieve pain

If we are talking about a caesarean section, then the pain can be dulled with painkillers, and in the future it will go away completely, since you will be allowed to wear a bandage. With sutures in the perineum, the pain goes away a few days after birth. How to deal with them? Apply cold to the perineum and take a painkiller. As a rule, injections are given in the maternity hospital, but at home you can get by with Nurofen, which is allowed during breastfeeding.

If you are worried about itching and quite tolerable pain, then you should not panic, everything will go away soon, but if you notice purulent discharge, consult a doctor immediately, perhaps this is suppuration of the sutures.

Seam divergence

Seam dehiscence is very rare. The reasons why this happens are as follows:

  • early sexual intercourse after childbirth;
  • lifting weights;
  • constipation;
  • sudden squats, etc.

In general, anything that can bring pressure to the genitals. How can you tell if a seam has come apart? You will experience pain and bleeding. Don't panic, all you need is to get an appointment with a gynecologist, where he will determine the severity of the problem. If 1-2 seams have come apart, then re-suturing may not be necessary - such minor damage will heal on its own. But if the damage is large, then you will have to resort to surgical tightening of the wound.

Potassium permangantsovka

Now we will examine in more detail the question of how to treat sutures after childbirth, namely, we will consider each proven remedy separately.

The first of them, very effective and time-tested, is potassium permanganate. Powder or a ready-made solution can be found in any home, especially if the family is expecting a new addition. The solution can be used for douching and suture treatment. Please note that a pale pink solution is used for douching, and a dark and rich one for treating seams. Although potassium permanganate will not help your wounds heal quickly, it will protect you from inflammation and infection. You should not douche frequently, as the manganese solution kills not only germs, but also beneficial microorganisms.

To prepare at home, use warm boiled water, carefully ensuring that all the grains are well dissolved and no crystals remain. Undissolved elements of potassium permanganate can cause burns, especially when it comes to the delicate skin of the genitals. To make the solution, use a clear glass so you can be sure there are no granules left. In addition, be sure to strain it through several layers of gauze. Sutures should be treated with antiseptic preparations twice a day.


Zelenka promotes healing, prevents suppuration and infection in the wound. Unlike potassium permanganate, a solution of brilliant green is sold in pharmacies in ready-to-use form. To treat the seam, use cotton swabs or a piece of sterile cotton wool. All you have to do is soak a cotton wool in the solution and treat the seam. A solution of brilliant green, as well as potassium permanganate, promotes faster healing, as it dries the wound.

Hydrogen peroxide

Cuts and abrasions happen in every home, so your home first aid kit should contain hydrogen peroxide. If you have this remedy at hand, then consider that the problem is half solved. To process, take a small piece and moisten it with hydrogen peroxide. Apply to the seam, a slight hissing and tingling sensation is a normal reaction. Do not hold the lotion for a long time, otherwise you will get burned.

Medical alcohol

It is worth using medical 40% alcohol only in extreme cases, if the seam begins to fester in places, only the seam should be treated; this product will dry out the healthy skin around the injury, which leads to poor healing. However, if the sutures fester, you should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a specialist.

Before treating wounds, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, preferably up to the elbows. If you find white growths on the wound, you should not clean them off - this indicates that a new layer of epithelium is forming. If they are removed, then scars will form in these places in the future.

Take care of your personal hygiene, take care of your stitches, be in a positive mood, the support of your loved ones is now more useful than ever. Your mood is passed on to your child, give him a happy childhood! Good luck to you and a speedy recovery!