See what “qualification” is in other dictionaries. Abstract The concept of profession, specialty, qualification, qualification category. Professional training requirements


(from the Latin qualis - which in quality and facio - I do), the level of development of the employee’s abilities, allowing him to perform labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a specific type of activity. K. is determined by the theoretical volume. knowledge and practical skills that a worker possesses are his most important socio-economic. characteristic.

K. reflects the degree of development of an individual in the most important sphere of life - in work and determines his social status. Econ. the significance of K. is manifested in the fact that complex work is more skilled. worker creates a product of greater value per unit of time.

Theoretical , corresponding to a certain level of training, include both general education (they are the basis for post-school training in any type of activity) and special ones, the volume of which depends on the form and duration of the relevant classes. Training of workers is carried out in the school. institutions of the vocational-technical system. education and directly in production; certified specialists - in higher education. and Wed specialist. uch. establishments; scientific personnel - in graduate and doctoral studies.

Practical skills are mastered in the course of performing relevant work by repeating them many times, as a result of which a strong dynamic is developed. stereotype. Initial skills are formed during training, development of stable professional skills. skills depends on work experience in one form or another prof. activity and is usually characterized by length of service in the profession.

The nature of knowledge is determined by the relationship between its elements (knowledge and skills) and depends on the level of development of equipment, technology, organization of labor and production, i.e. on the dept. stages of development of society and production is filled with specific content.

The speed of mastering K. depends on the correspondence of the nature and content of the work performed to the inclinations, abilities and psychophysical skills. characteristics of a person, therefore, to achieve a high level of K. great importance has a reasonable choice of profession, which is facilitated by the organization of vocational guidance.

A worker's qualification indicator is qualification. rank (category), which is assigned to him for a specific profession in accordance with the requirements of tariff qualifications. characteristics of this profession.

As a rule, after completing a course according to an approved program in prof. uch. institutions or directly in production, persons studying a profession perform qualifications. trial work, then pass the qualification. according to theoretical course. Those who have passed their final qualifications. exams by decision of qualifications. The commission is assigned the corresponding K. (rank, class, category) by profession.

The qualifications of employees are determined primarily by the level of specialization received. education (certified by a diploma of completion of the relevant educational institution), as well as work experience in a specific type of activity. These indicators are used to establish qualifications. requirements for an employee performing certain job responsibilities. In qualifying In the characteristics of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, the level of qualification requirements is determined by the complexity of the work included in the job responsibilities. Individual differences in the qualifications of specialists are taken into account through intra-job qualifications. categorization based on certification, etc. procedures. Qualification requirements need to be regularly updated to reflect the dynamics of specialties and stimulate the quality and flexibility of the profession. preparation.

Growth of qualifications. level characterizes the productive forces of the country and is a prerequisite for further socio-economic. and scientific and technical development, therefore used various measures by stimulating it, conditions are created for employees to master higher quality.

Material incentives include higher pay for work that requires more labor, which is the basis of the tariff system, bonuses to tariff rates and salaries for prof. mastery, bonuses for production achievements. indicators, which depend on K.

Moral incentives include the opportunity to perform more interesting, meaningful work, a higher degree of independence and creativity in work, more complete self-realization of the individual in the profession. activities, various official forms recognition of the high authority of an employee in a certain field.

In order to create conditions for prof. improvement, growth of prof. mastery, a system of advanced training is being developed. Professional development of personnel is an element that is organically included in the system of lifelong education along with training and retraining while ensuring the necessary continuity and relationship between these stages of professional education. education. N. P. Sorokina.

Problem K. acquires special meaning in modern conditions stage of scientific and technical revolution, which is characterized by innovative economic development, a knowledge-intensive type of production, rapid structural changes and the priority of qualities, labor and product indicators over quantitative ones. Innovative development puts creative with her talent and prof. competence to the center of modern production The high level of K. frames turns into the most important condition successful development of new technologies and gaining worthy positions in the global market of goods and services.

Increasing the role of medicine in economics. development is reflected in the “human capital theory” developed by Amer. economists back in the 60s. 20th century As capital, it considers a stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, acquiring economic meaning and stimulating growth, producing human strength. This is capital insofar as mastering it requires So. costs of labor and material resources, but these costs bring the owner higher income.

As the role of qualifications in the economy increases, the importance of qualifications in the development of society increases. structures, i.e. distribution of amateurs. population by level K. Qualification. structure largely determines the possibilities of adaptation. social strata to those innovative processes that occur in the economy. This is associated with significant difficulties for those employed with low level K. in connection with a change in the structure of demand in the labor market: an increase in vacancies for highly qualified people. personnel and a reduction in demand for low-K workers. This phenomenon is associated with the development of the theory of two labor markets in America. sociology (authors P. Döringer and M. Piore). According to this concept, in the conditions of scientific and technical. revolution, the previously unified labor market broke up into markets isolated from each other: qualified. personnel receptive to new technologies, and unskilled labor, the use of which is narrowing.

The US Labor Institute has developed a 6-point system for assessing the level of labor based on theoretical volume. knowledge and practical skills required to occupy certain jobs. According to this system, K. is auxiliary. workers are assessed on average at 1.3 points, transport drivers - 2.2, qualified. workers - 2.5, technicians - 4.1, managers - 4.4, engineers - 5.1, natural scientists -5.7 points. Level of requirements for qualifications. labor force structure is growing rapidly. This can be seen from the comparison of qualifications. requirements that existed in the United States in the middle. 80s jobs and newly created ones:

Along with creatures, shifts in qualifications. structure important changes occur in the very content of K. These changes are ambiguous, because in a production a lot depends not only on its technology. level, but also on the forms of labor organization. In conditions of routine production, microprocessor technology makes it possible to limit human functions to template operations and turn him into an appendage of information. systems. There is a well-known statement by Nobel laureate V. Leontiev (USA) that a person ceases to be the most important factor in production if his tasks are limited to simply following instructions.

In conditions of innovation process characteristic of the modern economy. industrialized countries, computer technology has become powerful tool analytical extensions human abilities and enriching the creative content of his work. The intensive process of development, mastering the production of new types of goods and services, new technologies based on the close connection between science and production, is impossible without the development of such personality qualities as the ability to think logically and make decisions, find and use information, the ability to training. In industrial developed countries under directly influence of scientific and technical revolution, a new concept of capital has emerged. Its basis. features: polyvalence (versatility), high level general and technical culture, dynamism. The concept of polyvalent K. was adopted by the Commission on Prof. formation of the Common Market in 1970.

Modern technologies, primarily flexible automation systems, require the integration of labor functions related to automatic maintenance. systems Under these conditions, the principle of “one person - one”, characteristic of a system of mechanized and conveyor production, turns out to be ineffective. Polyvalent K., based on expanding the profile and combining specialties, makes it possible to increase labor productivity by reducing personnel and at the same time increase the creative interest of workers and their commitment to product quality. Modern ones are based on this. concepts of “labor enrichment” and “labor humanization”.

An important feature of modern K. is also the fact that app. experts call it intellectualization. Modern technologies cannot be implemented without a high level of general and technical. culture of personnel ensuring the accuracy of technical execution. rules, total technical requirements. process and your place in it, speed of reaction and correctness of decision-making. An important element of technology. culture becomes socially responsible, including for the prevention of accidents that could lead to human casualties and environmental damage. disasters.

A characteristic feature of modern K. is its dynamism. Acquired K. can no longer be considered as a certain stable set of profs. knowledge and skills, they must be dynamically updated as new technologies develop. According to research by Zap. experts, volume prof. The engineer's knowledge must be updated every 5 years by 50%. This implies the relevance of the problem of training throughout the entire prof. careers.

In industrialized countries, there is an intensive search for ways to solve this problem, which have found implementation in the concept of lifelong education. It has been officially adopted by a number of regional international organizations. organizations as the basis for modern solutions. problems of personnel training and the model of the education system in the future. Laws on continuing education were adopted in 1971 in France, in 1975 in Sweden, and in 1976 in the USA.

Modern K.'s concept brings changes to the field of training and retraining of personnel. These areas are characterized by: a creative approach to the learning process, which is based not simply on providing students with certain information, but on developing creativity, the ability to learn new things and apply them in practice; interdisciplinary principle of educational development. programs and their periodic updating; close connection uch. process involving practical work on mastering and developing new technologies.

Implementation these changes demanded the closest cooperation between academicians. establishments with industrial enterprises and N.-i. in-tami, role enhancement feedback between production and teaching institutions, strengthening production control over the quality of personnel training and the importance of diplomas and certificates of education.

The processes of internationalization of the world market and integration of the economies of industrialized countries actualize the problem of international. standardization of K. levels, including identification of diplomas and certificates. Such identification is necessary to prevent discrimination against foreigners. labor force and creates conditions for a free labor market. In countries that are members of the European Community, in 1991 identification of higher diplomas was provided. schools in connection with the economic plan planned for 1992. unification of these countries.

K's problem is especially acute for Russia. Federation. Despite the high level of K. workers and specialists in individual avant-garde technologies. in relation to areas, for the economy as a whole it is required. increase in professional level employee competencies. Low quality of workers is a serious obstacle on the way of scientific and technical. and socio-economic. development of the country. Under the dominance of the administrative-command system, which is little receptive to scientific and technological progress, a person’s prestige was determined not so much by his profession. competence, as well as position in the hierarchy. system. Hence the general underestimation of qualified people. labor in society - disproportionately low wages for specialists compared to the average. level of wages in the country, exaggeration of the formal element in personnel training (the main thing is a diploma).

The transition to a market economy with competition as ch. the driving force of production gives enterprises and industries a real incentive for scientific and technical. development, will increase the social prestige of Kazakhstan and liberate the creative potential of workers.

Lit.: Ivanov N.P., Scientific and Technical. revolution and issues of personnel training in developed capitalist countries, M., 1971; his, Scientific and technical. revolution and problems of labor force structure. (According to materials from developed capitalist countries), M., 1978; Bush-marin I.V., Developed capitalist. countries. Use of labor resources, M., 1975; Kapelyushnikov R.I., Sovr. bourgeois concepts of workforce formation. (Critical), M. 1981; Guryeva L. S., Zargarov V. A., S to o-6 s e in K. M., Professional and specialist: leader in modern times. organizational conditions, ed. L. S. Guryeva, Tomsk, 1989; Trends and development prospects social infrastructure, ed. S. S. Shatalina, M., 1989; Levin G. M., P a m b s r-ger R. U., Education, labor and employment in developed countries, “Perspectives”, 1990, No. 2; V s s k s r G. S., Human capital. A theo-retical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education, N. Y.

H. P. Ivanov.

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: “Great Russian Encyclopedia”. Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .


See what “QUALIFICATION” is in other dictionaries:

    QUALIFICATION- (new lat., see previous word). Designation of the qualities of any objects. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. QUALIFICATION [cf. lat. qualificatio Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    qualification- QUALIFICATION, QUALIFICATION and, g. qualification f., German Qualification lat. 1. Definition of an object, thing, attributing it to what type. group. While the Academy does not understand what is proven by comparing the skulls of migratory birds and others...,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    QUALIFICATION- V labor law distinguish between the QUALIFICATIONS of work and the QUALIFICATIONS of individual workers. QUALIFICATION of work is a characteristic of this type of work, established by the degree of its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. Usually determined by the category, to... ... Financial Dictionary

    qualification- rank, experience, skill, ability, proficiency, skill, art, technique, dexterity; mastery, skill, high qualification, profession, specialty Dictionary of Russian synonyms. qualification 1. see skill 2. 2. see ... Synonym dictionary

    Qualification- (English quality quality, in the sense of the degree of manifestation of merits) in some areas this term refers to either the process of assessing the quality level, or the provided levels themselves. Qualification (education) level of training... ... Wikipedia

    QUALIFICATION- QUALIFICATIONS, qualifications, women. (specialist.). 1. units only Action under Ch. qualify. Deal with labor qualifications. 2. Evaluation and designation of varieties and qualities of goods (trading). 3. The degree of suitability for any craft, type of work,... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    QUALIFICATION- (from the Latin qualis, which in quality and...fication), 1) characteristic of an object, phenomenon, assigning it to any category, group. 2) Level of preparedness, degree of suitability for any type of work. 3) Profession, specialty... ... Modern encyclopedia

    QUALIFICATION- (from the Latin qualis, which is in quality and...fication) 1) determination of the quality of something, assessment of something. 2) Level of preparedness, degree of suitability for some type of work. 3) Profession, specialty (for example, qualification of a turner ) ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Penza State Technological University (PenzGTU)

Department of Pedagogical and Pedagogical Studies


in the discipline "Methodology of Vocational Training"

On the topic

“The concept of profession, specialty, qualification, qualification category. Professional training requirements"

Penza, 2016


1.1. The essence of the concept of profession and specialty……………………………...3
1.2. Receiving professional training, retraining, and advanced training for an employee…………………………………………………………..6
1.3. Institutions providing vocational training…………….9
2.1 Concept all-Russian classifier specialties of the Russian Federation
2.2 Qualification characteristics of workers. …………………….14
2.3.Professiogram. Analysis and methods of compilation..……….………………..19


The relevance of this topic is determined by the need to reform and transform modern professional education in accordance with the main trends in the development of society and its needs. In conditions of increasing acceleration of the pace of scientific and technological progress, systemic restructuring of economic sectors, large-scale redistribution of labor resources and changes in the employment structure of the population, the need arises constant increase educational and qualification level workers, updating their knowledge and skills, mastering new professions, improving the skills and structure of professional knowledge, and the skills of working specialists.
The modernization of the Russian economy and its transition to an innovative path of development are inextricably linked with the renewal of production and its material and technical base. However, no less important is the solution to personnel problems, since without training specialists of a new generation, it is impossible to effectively and quickly master new technologies, or radically increase labor productivity, or create products that are competitive on the world market.
The purpose of the work is to define the concept of profession, specialty, qualification, qualification category.
Objectives: to characterize professional training, retraining, advanced training, analyze the professional program and methods of its preparation, study the requirements for a modern specialist.


1.1. The essence of the concept of profession and specialty
Man is the main element of the productive forces. He performs productive work to create material goods or products of intellectual activity. On life support modern society professionals play an important role different levels- workers and specialists.
A worker is a person hired for production (state, private) who carries out production work and lives off the payment of his labor.
Worker - worker physical labor, requiring primary or secondary education.
An employee is a worker in service work based on intellectual activity.
A worker, a worker, an employee are subjects of labor and represent productive forces. Their preparation is entrusted to vocational education institutions. Vocational education, an integral part of the lifelong education system, performs a special function: preparing a person for a specific professional activity. There students receive a profession.
Profession - stable gender labor activity, formed as a result of the division of labor, requiring special training and serving as a means of human existence. In real practice, we can encounter classes that are based only on a person’s experience, and not on special training. The concepts of “trade” or “craft” are more applicable to such types of work; they are usually associated with manual labor.
The concept of a specialty in the field of education can be considered as a category that characterizes the focus and content of education during training in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; in the sphere of labor - as a category that characterizes the special focus and specificity of the content of work within the profession, which can apply to both blue-collar professions and specialist professions. Based on the specialty, we determine what types of activities a person is ready to engage in and in what industry he can work. Thus, a specialty is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of education and ensuring the formulation and solution of certain classes of professional tasks.
In practice, the term “specialist” is sometimes used generalist", assuming that such a specialist can find wide application their knowledge and skills in the world of work. A generalist is mobile, which is important both in the context of accelerating scientific and technological progress and in conditions of uncertainty in the demand for specialists. The concept of “general specialist” means a variety of possibilities for using the work of a specialist...


The success of an enterprise largely depends on how competent and professionally trained personnel it employs. Therefore, one of the priority areas of work is continuous professional education frames.
From Russian companies Not everyone can afford their own training centers. In Russia, currently only large factories, railways and oil companies. If for the latter, their own training centers are a tool for enterprise development, created at the expense of special non-production funds, then factories and railways belong to those enterprises where their The educational center- This is a production necessity. In high-tech production, where specific production skills and knowledge are required, without special education not enough.
The training of workers at the enterprise is different in that workers acquire practical knowledge and skills to a greater extent than students of vocational schools. This form of training is also distinguished by its practical orientation, direct connection with production functions worker, provides, as a rule, significant opportunities for repetition and consolidation of what has been newly learned. In this sense this type training is optimal for developing the skills required to perform current production tasks. At the same time, such training is often too special for development.

1. Bauman, Z./ The Rise and Decline of Labor // Sociological research. – 2014 – P. 77-86.
2.Belgorodsky, B.C. The role of innovative education in the development of Russian society // Philosophy of Education. – 2013 – pp. 22-26
3.Bodrov, V.A. Psychology of professional suitability. / V.A. Bodrov. – Moscow: PER SE, 2015. – P.511.
4.Gorbunova, O. Transformation qualification characteristics labor resource in the modern economy. 2012 – P. 28.
5. Zeer E.F. Psychology of professional development. - M.: Academy, 2015. – P.240
6.Ivanova E.M. Psychology of professional activity: Proc. allowance. - M.: PER SE, 2015. – P.382.
7.Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M.: Knowledge, 2012. – P.308.
8.Karpov, A.V. Psychology of work. / Moscow: Vlados-Press, 2015. – P.352.
9.Kezin, A.S. Model of professional education of a specialist in the information society // News of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen. – 2015, pp. 105-118.
10. Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination. - M.: Academy, 2012. – P.302.
11.Savelyev, A.Ya. Model of specialist formation with higher education on modern stage/ AND I. Savelyev, L.G. Semushina,. –– M.: Ekmos, 2015. – P.72.
12. Samoukina, N.V. Psychology and pedagogy of professional activity. / N.V. Samoukina. – M.: Ekmos, 2012. – P.352
13. Mikhneva, S.G. /Scientific and technical changes and patterns of economic development// 2015 pp. 89-94.
14.. Schneider L. B. Professional identity: theory, experiment, training: Textbook. allowance. - M.: MPSI, 2014. – P.600.
15. Florida, R. Creative class: people who change the future. Per. from English – M.: Publishing house “Classics - XXI”, 2014. – P.421.
Voronikhin. P.A. 11/10/2016

Professional field – the sphere of labor activity of workers or specialists.

Vocational training is the basis of students' professional training. It should produce in them solid knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure high-quality and quantitative performance of work, as well as the ability to use new equipment, modern technology and advanced labor methods.

A profession is a relatively permanent type of work activity that requires certain training.

Specialty – specification of the type of work activity within

this profession.

The division into labor processes reflects the qualitative diversity of specific labor processes and the depth of the division of labor, taking into account the methods used and the characteristics of equipment, objects, tools, final products, etc. Thus, the basic profession of “fitter” is divided into the following types: toolmaker, fitter-patterner, fitter for control and measurement. instruments and automation, etc.; the basic profession “doctor” includes such S. as general practitioner, dentist, surgeon, etc. The dynamics of S. more quickly than profession reflects trends associated with scientific and technical. progress. S. is the most mobile element in the system of prof. division of labor. At the same time, the expansion of prof. employee profile often goes through the integration of two or more. interconnected S.

Qualification is the level of development of an employee’s abilities that allows him to perform labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a specific type of activity. This is the individual's preparedness for professional activities.

Theoretical knowledge corresponding to a certain level of education includes both general education and special knowledge, the volume of which depends on the form and duration of the relevant classes. Training of workers is carried out in the school. institutions of the vocational-technical system. education and directly in production; certified specialists - in higher education. and Wed specialist. uch. establishments; scientific personnel - in graduate and doctoral studies.

Practical skills are mastered in the course of performing relevant work through their repeated repetition, as a result of which a strong dynamic is developed. stereotype. Initial skills are formed during training, development of stable professional skills. skills depends on work experience in one form or another prof. activity and is usually characterized by length of service in the profession.

Qualification structure – hierarchy of qualification levels.

In the State Standard of Professional Education, qualifications are characterized by five levels:

1st degree - involves basic general education in combination with accelerated professional training in various forms;

2st. - basic general education and vocational education received in institutions of primary vocational education in one- and two-year departments; 3st. – characterized by a combination of medium (full) general education and professional education received at two- and three-year courses educational institutions primary vocational education;

4st. – involves secondary (complete) general education and vocational education, received mainly in “advanced” educational institutions: vocational lyceums, institutions of secondary vocational education (basic and increased level), colleges;

5st. – corresponds to various levels of higher and postgraduate professional education.

A worker's qualification indicator is qualification. rank (class, category), which is assigned to him for a specific profession in accordance with the requirements of tariff qualifications. characteristics of this profession. A qualification category is assigned to employees based on the results of a qualification exam or certification, which indicate the compliance of the level of professional training of employees with the qualification requirements for positions.

The qualification category is of no small importance. Payment to employees at an enterprise or organization is made taking into account the qualification category, i.e. taking into account the level of professional training and the effort expended. Thus, if the level of professional training of any employee increases, his/her wage, and vice versa. When selecting and placing personnel in production, the qualification category is also taken into account.

The profession assigned upon completion of training is indicated in the education document, which, in accordance with the Employment Law, gives the right to work according to the profile and level of education received. Official The name of the employee or the position of the employee is indicated in the work book.

A key component of the professional education standard is qualification, which is characterized by stage and level.

Qualification level – the degree of professional skill within a specific qualification level. The essential characteristics of the qualification level are:

– volume and range of knowledge and skills;

– quality of knowledge and skills;

– ability to rationally organize and plan work;

– the ability to quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions.

Requirements for various skill levels in relation to specific professions and specialties are regulated by the relevant documents of the tariff and certification system.

Professions of workers for whom tariff categories were previously established are charged in accordance with the releases of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, taking into account the additions and changes made to them

In Russia and other CIS countries, the composition of officially recognized labor force workers is fixed in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Code. directory of works and professions of workers, which includes short description works and knowledge required for each P.

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS) is normative document, intended for tariffication of work, assignment of qualification categories to workers, as well as for drawing up programs for training and advanced training of workers in the vocational education system and directly in production.

Tariffing of work should be carried out in accordance with its complexity without taking into account working conditions. IN necessary cases HS (severity, harmfulness, etc.) are subject to accounting by establishing additional payments to tariff rates (salaries) based on their assessment at workplaces in accordance with lists of work according to the degree of severity and harmfulness of HS, approved by the relevant authorities.

The list of professions includes a nomenclature of professions and specialties, training for which is regulated at the state level in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and determines the most Common parameters training.

List of professions and specialties of primary vocational education. OST 9 to 01.04-94

The list of professions and specialties of NGOs is integral part state standard primary vocational education, it includes professions for which training is determined by the requirements established at the federal level.

In this document, professions are ranked by qualification level, which regulates the volume and ratio of general and vocational education required for their mastery.

Qualification level is the stage of training professional personnel in the system of continuous education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and vocational education.

Professional characteristics, being a descriptive model of the profession, determine ultimate goals professional training, determining its place in national economy, content of work activity, requirements for general and vocational training, student population.

Professional characteristics are developed for professions and specialties on the Federal List and reflect:

– name of profession;

– integrated specialties;

– profession number according to the List;

– purpose and scope of the profession;

– main types of activities within professions and groupings


theoretical basis professional activity (requirements for


– requirements for the personality of the worker (employee), the level of his general education;

– specific requirements.

Professionogram – description, characteristics of the profession, main source (along with practical acquaintance) obtain information about different aspects professional activity.

For example: Designer

Must know: sculpture, drawing, painting, basics of composition, production technology, basics of sociology, psychology.

Professionally important qualities:

· artistic imagination;

· spatial-imaginative thinking;

· communication skills;

· eye gauge.

Qualification requirements: art and industrial schools, architectural institutes and art institutes.

Educational institutions: Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Medical contraindications:

· impaired coordination of hand movements;

· color blindness;

· visual defects.

More on the topic The concept of profession, specialty, qualification, qualification category. Professional qualification requirements for the training of qualified workers:

  1. Signs of a social order for the training of skilled workers with primary vocational education based on ETKS (profession, level of qualification of the profession, qualification category).
  2. Professional qualification characteristics and professiogram as the basis for developing the content of training of qualified workers with primary vocational education.