Federal state educational standard. Decoding FGOS - federal state educational standards. Federal State Standards requirements

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, educational standards (or educational standards) have been introduced in our country.

The concept of “standard” comes from the Latin word “standard”, meaning “sample”, “norm”, “measure”. Under education standard is understood a system of basic parameters accepted as the state standard of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the capabilities of the real individual and the education system to achieve this ideal.

Main objects of standardization in education are: its structure, content, volume of teaching load and level of students’ preparation. The norms and requirements established by the standard are accepted as a standard when assessing the quality of the main aspects of education.

What caused the standardization of education?

The need to standardize education is caused by fundamental changes in the field of education as a social phenomenon. Russia's turn to democracy, to market relations, and to individual rights and freedoms required a rethinking of education policy. The sphere of education is now focused primarily on satisfying the spiritual needs of the individual, and not on the interests of the state. This in turn led to significant changes in the organization of education. Educational institutions have acquired greater independence in choosing the content, forms and methods of teaching.

The standardization of education is also associated with the fact that the transition of schools to new, freer forms of organizing the educational process, a change in the status of many schools, the introduction of new curricula, a freer choice of academic subjects and volumes of study by schools, the introduction of alternative textbooks, the creation of new teaching technologies, multi-level and differentiated education - all this required concern for maintaining the basic unity of the educational space, allowing for a uniform level of education received by students in different types of educational institutions (lyceums, colleges, secondary schools, both state, municipal and non-state, private). The state educational standard is the mechanism that ensures the existence of a unified educational space in the country.

The standardization of education is also caused by Russia's desire to enter the system of world culture, which requires taking into account achievements in this area of ​​international educational practice when forming general education. This provides Russian citizens with recognition of their educational documents abroad.

The idea of ​​standardizing education is not new for Russia. It existed back in Soviet times. Although in the USSR, as a rule, the concept of a state educational standard was not used, its role was actually fulfilled by unified curricula. They went down to the republics and were the basis of the actual curriculum of schools. The curricula and plans of those years were characterized by excessive ideologization, limiting teachers’ initiative and students’ ability to choose the content of education in accordance with their interests and abilities. But nevertheless, unified curricula seemed to level out education throughout the entire territory of the Soviet Union. In fact, the idea of ​​​​introducing educational standards was tested in practice.

The currently existing state educational standards do not subject the educational process to a rigid template, but, on the contrary, open up wide opportunities for pedagogical creativity, for creating variable programs and various teaching technologies around the mandatory core of content (which is the standard).

State educational standards are developed on a competitive basis, updated at least once every 10 years, established by federal law, and are mandatory for implementation by all educational institutions in the country, regardless of subordination, types and forms of ownership.

The educational standard has three components: federal, national-regional and school.

Federal component The standard defines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture. The federal component provides a basic standard of education in various subjects throughout the country.

National-regional component The standard defines those standards that fall within the competence of the regions (for example, in the field of native language and literature, geography, art, labor training, etc.). Due to the national-regional component, the needs and interests in the field of education of all peoples of the countries and the national uniqueness of culture are taken into account.

School component the content of education reflects the specifics and focus of an individual educational institution. Due to the school component, taking into account the federal and national-regional components, each school itself determines the amount of educational time allocated to the study of certain academic subjects, the depth and nature of their study, depending on the type of educational institution.

The federal component of the standard is its unchanging part, which is revised extremely rarely; national-regional and school components are variable parts that are systematically updated and revised.

In 2001, an experiment began on the transition to a twelve-year school. Introduced into the experimental basic curricula of general education institutions from the first to the twelfth grades student component. Due to the hours of the student component, new forms and methods of organizing the educational process are implemented, providing personal orientation, including the organization of individual and group search and research work, project and active-motor activities of students.

1. Complete the sentences (choose 1 necessary word):

“Federal state educational standards must ensure:
a) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation”;
b) continuity basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education.”
Words for reference: a) unity, b) continuity, c) succession, c) accessibility.

2. List the distinctive features of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards from the 2004 standards

1. does not regulate the content of education in its pure form
2. includes requirements for the structure, conditions and results of the implementation of basic educational programs
3. important attention is paid to education
4. the results are not only subject, but also meta-subject, personal
5. new methodological basis
6. new document format
7. new structure
8. Wider range of user functions

3. Select the basic principles on which the Federal State Educational Standard is based?

a) continuity;
b) development;
c) scientific nature;
d) variability

4. Which basic document of the Federal State Educational Standard defines a system of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities that are adequate to the requirements of the standard for educational outcomes?

a) The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the citizen’s personality
b) The fundamental core of the content of general education;
c) The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;
d) Address of the President to the Federal Assembly.

5. Complete the sentence: “The standard establishes requirements for the structure, conditions,….

a) goals;
b) teachers;
c) results;
d) content.

6. What approach allows us to highlight the main results of training and education in the context of key tasks and universal educational actions that students must master:

a) informational;
b) system-activity;
c) integrative;
d) traditional.

7. The system-activity approach as the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard establishes the priority of developmental education. Select signs of developmental learning:

a) is based on the principle of accessibility;
b) relies on a combination of individual, group and frontal forms of training;
c) focused on mastering a certain amount of knowledge;
d) relies on the zone of proximal development;
e) educational tasks come to the fore; by solving them, students learn general methods of mental activity.

8. Development of the main educational program of LLC falls within the competence of:

a) Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
b) Department of Education of the Vologda Region;
c) The founder of the educational institution;
d) educational institution.

9. Which document specifies the requirements for the main educational program of LLC?

a) Charter of the educational institution;
b) Federal State Educational Standard LLC;
c) Sample educational program of LLC;
d) The fundamental core of the content of education.

10. The main educational program of LLC contains the following sections (choose the correct ones):

1. Regulatory
2. Target
3. Meaningful
4. Organizational

11. The requirements for the structure of the main educational program of LLC state the presence of a mandatory part and a part formed by participants in the educational process. What is their ratio?

a) 80% and 20%;
b) 60% and 40%;
c) 50% and 50%;
d) 70% and 30%.

  1. Correlate the goals of implementing the main educational program of LLC with the sections and subprograms aimed at their implementation:

Goals of implementation of OOP LLC Sections and subroutines
1). Ensuring the planned results of OOP LLC a) Education and socialization program
2). Formation of targets, knowledge, abilities, skills, competencies and competencies b) Curriculum
3). Taking into account the personal, family, social, government needs and capabilities of students c) Program of individual academic subjects, courses
4). Formation and development of personality in its individuality, originality, uniqueness, originality d) Target section of OOP

(“Planned results of students mastering OOP”)

5). Taking into account the individual characteristics of the student’s development and health status e) UUD development program

13. What is not included in universal educational activities:

a) personal block
b) regulatory block
c) cognitive block
d) health-saving block
e) communication block

14. Complete the sentence:

If meta-subject results in primary school mean mastered universal learning activities, key competencies and interdisciplinary concepts, then at the secondary level the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independently plan, carry out educational activities, build...
a) development program;
b) individual educational trajectory;
c) life plans;
d) relationships.

15. Personal universal actions are...(exclude unnecessary ones):

a) the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles;
b) knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior;
c) orientation in social roles;
d) orientation in interpersonal relationships;
d) knowledge of the basics of religion.

16. Regulatory actions are... (delete the unnecessary):

a) goal setting;
b) planning;
c) forecasting;
d) attention;
e) control;
f) correction;
g) assessment;
h) self-regulation.

17. What is not included in the block of cognitive universal educational actions:

a) logical actions;
b) general educational activities;
c) assessment actions;
d) actions of posing and solving problems.

18. The educational and socialization program for students at the LLC level should be built on the basis of the basic national values ​​of Russian society such as patriotism, social solidarity, citizenship, family, work and creativity, science, traditional religions of Russia, art and literature, nature, humanity. Which value is missing?

and love
b) health
c) happiness
d) communication

19. The system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of development of the OOO LLC should (select the odd one out):

a) provide an integrated approach to assessing the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, allowing for the assessment of subject, meta-subject and personal results of basic general education;
b) orient the educational process towards assessing subject knowledge;
c) provide an assessment of the dynamics of individual achievements of students in the process of mastering the basic general education program of basic general education;
d) provide for the use of a variety of methods and forms that complement each other (standardized written and oral work, projects, practical work, creative work, self-analysis and self-assessment, observations);

20. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, a component of the final grade of a secondary school graduate is the grade for the implementation and defense of the project. Determine the type(s) of this project:

a) individual;
b) social;
c) group;
d) gaming.

21. Select aspects of communicative UUD:

a) planning educational cooperation;
b) mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech;
c) managing the partner’s behavior;
d) establishing cause-and-effect relationships;
e) forecasting.

22.Indicate the correct definition of the work program:

a) The work program makes it possible to fully take into account and reflect the national-regional component (taking into account the specifics of the taught educational course, subject, discipline (module)), the author’s intention of the teacher, the possibilities of methodological, information, technical support of the educational process, the level of training of students, the specifics studying at a specific educational institution.
b) A work program is a curriculum developed by the authors of the educational curriculum on the basis of an Model program for a specific educational institution and a specific class (group), which has changes and additions in content, sequence of study of topics, number of hours, use of organizational forms of training, etc.
c) the work program is compiled on the basis of the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education and the Requirements for the Results of General Education presented in the Federal State Standard of General Education. It also takes into account the main ideas and provisions of the Program for the development and formation of universal educational activities, and provides general recommendations of a methodological nature.

23. The personnel conditions for the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC do not include:

a) advanced training of teaching staff and heads of educational institutions;
b) development of recommendations for teaching staff on the organization of extracurricular activities;
c) creation of a teacher self-development program;
d) ensuring continuity in relation to the initial stage of general education;
e) providing constant scientific, methodological and information support to teachers.

1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2) continuity of basic educational programs;

3) variability in the content of educational programs at the appropriate level of education, the possibility of creating educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students;

4) state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs and the results of their development.

2. Federal state educational standards, with the exception of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, educational standards are the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and appropriate focus, regardless of the form of education and form of training.

3. Federal state educational standards include requirements for:

1) the structure of the main educational programs (including the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in educational relations) and their volume;

2) conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions;

3) the results of mastering basic educational programs.

4. Federal state educational standards establish the time frame for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account various forms of education, educational technologies and the characteristics of individual categories of students.

5. Federal state educational standards for general education are developed by level of education; federal state educational standards of vocational education can also be developed by profession, specialty and area of ​​training at the corresponding levels of vocational education.

5.1. Federal state educational standards for preschool, primary general and basic general education provide the opportunity to receive education in native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, study the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including Russian as a native language .

6. In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, federal state educational standards for the education of these persons are established or special requirements are included in the federal state educational standards.

7. The formation of the requirements of federal state educational standards of vocational education for the results of mastering the main educational programs of vocational education in terms of professional competence is carried out on the basis of relevant professional standards (if any).

8. Lists of professions, specialties and areas of training indicating the qualifications assigned to the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training, the procedure for the formation of these lists are approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. When approving new lists of professions, specialties and areas of training by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, the correspondence of the individual professions, specialties and areas of training indicated in these lists with the professions, specialties and areas of training may be established. specified in the previous lists of professions, specialties and areas of training.

9. The procedure for developing, approving federal state educational standards and introducing amendments to them is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, educational organizations of higher education in respect of which the category “federal university” or “national research university” has been established, as well as federal state educational organizations of higher education, the list of which is approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, have the right to develop and approve independent educational standards at all levels of higher education. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation and results of mastering educational programs of higher education, included in such educational standards, cannot be lower than the corresponding requirements of federal state educational standards.

It is increasingly mentioned in the education of the Federal State Educational Standard. What are the new educational standards and how have they changed the domestic education system? Let's try to find answers to these important and pressing questions.

What are the new educational standards?

This abbreviation stands for Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). Programs and requirements depend not only on the specifics of the academic discipline, but also on the level of training.

Purpose of second generation standards

For what purpose are the Federal State Educational Standards being implemented? What is UUD? To begin with, we note that not all developed countries have uniform educational standards. In the Russian Federation, they are intended to ensure continuity between individual levels of education. After completing one stage, the student must have a certain level of preparation in order to move on to the next educational stage.

The Federal State Educational Standards of general education, intended for students with health limitations, are characterized as a system of requirements that are mandatory when implementing an adapted program for children with disabilities.

Requirements of 2nd generation standards

Each class contains certain requirements for the level of training and education according to the standards. The Federal State Educational Standard presupposes certain requirements for the structure of programs and the volume of material. They also take into account the conditions for the implementation of educational basic programs, including logistics, financial, and personnel support for the process. If the 1st generation Federal State Educational Standards were aimed at students mastering theoretical material, then the new standards are intended for the harmonious development of the younger generation.

Components of the new standards

Federal State Educational Standards of the 2nd generation appeared in 2009. They include three main parts.

The first part contains requirements for the results of schoolchildren mastering the educational program. The emphasis is not on a set of skills and knowledge, but on universal learning activities that involve independent acquisition of the necessary information through the use of modern technologies, as well as on communication skills.

In addition, the standard specifies the expected learning outcomes for each academic area and describes the qualities that will be developed in schoolchildren: a healthy lifestyle, tolerance, respect for nature, respect for their native land.

A lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard involves elements of project and research activities. The new standards pay special attention to extracurricular activities in the form of creative studios, circles, and clubs. The requirements for the competence and professionalism of the teaching staff of educational institutions are indicated.

The country's development strategy, developed for 2020, is aimed at creating a competent citizen who knows how to be responsible for his actions and is ready for self-development and self-improvement.

Specific features of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO

Let's continue our consideration of the Federal State Educational Standard. You have found out what the new standards for school are. Now let’s identify their differences from the traditional educational program. The content of the program is not aimed at gaining knowledge, but at the formation of spirituality, morality, general culture, social and personal development.

Particular attention is paid to the physical development of the younger generation. Requirements for learning outcomes are specified in the form of subject and personal results; this distinguishes the new standards from the first generation of Federal State Educational Standards. What is UUD?

The updated standards require increased attention to extracurricular activities. Its organization is carried out in the following areas: social, sports, moral, spiritual, general cultural development.

How is an additional group formed? The Federal State Educational Standard involves holding debates, conferences, organizing scientific school societies, competitions, and olympiads. The time that, according to the new standards, is allocated for extracurricular activities is not included in the main workload of schoolchildren. The alternation of extracurricular and academic activities is determined by the educational institution, taking into account the wishes of the students’ parents.

Distinctive characteristics of the new standard

What are the distinctive features of the Federal State Educational Standard? Grade 5 is considered the beginning of the second stage of education, where the main emphasis is on the formation of meta-subject and personal results.

The main goal of the new standard is an activity-based approach, which is aimed at developing the student’s personality. General educational skills are considered the core of the Federal State Educational Standard, therefore specific educational activities have been developed for each subject.

An important stage in the formation of UUD at the initial stage of education is the orientation of junior schoolchildren towards mastering communication and information technologies, as well as the competent use of modern ICT tools.

Modern digital tools and communication environments are indicated in the second generation standards as the optimal option for forming a UUD. There is a special subprogram aimed at developing information competencies in the younger generation.

Primary education in new realities

The standard presupposes certain requirements for the results of schoolchildren who have completed the primary education program. Personal learning achievements presuppose the desire and ability of schoolchildren for self-development, the formation of positive motivation for knowledge and learning, the semantic and value attitudes of students, which reflect their individual positions and social competencies.

Primary school graduates must have civic identity and personal qualities.

Meta-subject competencies imply children's complete mastery of educational activities: communicative, regulatory, cognitive, thanks to which they master basic competencies.

Subject-based UUDs involve obtaining information in certain disciplines, transforming, using information, and forming a full-fledged scientific picture of the world based on the acquired knowledge.

For example, a child learns to independently select a title for a text and write down the abstract of the text. A primary school graduate is required to draw up a thesis plan using a ready-made title and think through a retelling of the material.

The importance of ICT in educational institutions

The realities of our time are such that, in addition to classical writing, a child almost simultaneously masters the computer keyboard. Many parents who use computers in their professional activities understand the importance of ICT in a modern school. Getting to know the world around us, conducting experiments and research these days involves the use of digital cameras and microscopes. To summarize the results obtained during practical activities, schoolchildren use digital resources.

Project methodology

The project method, which according to second-generation standards is a mandatory element of a modern school, also requires information technology.

The integrated approach to learning used in the second generation standards is associated with the active application of knowledge that is acquired in another lesson. For example, work with texts and descriptions, carried out during the Russian language, continues when getting acquainted with natural phenomena in the lesson of the surrounding world. The result of such activity will be a video report that describes natural phenomena and pictures of the environment.

Information and educational environment

It should be optimal for informatization of the student and teacher. It is through the information environment that, in accordance with the new federal standards, remote interaction of participants in the educational process is ensured, including during extracurricular periods. What is included in the IP? Multimedia devices, computers, access to the World Wide Web, access to electronic resources.

It is through the information environment that the teacher interacts with children who, for health reasons, cannot attend regular lessons and extracurricular activities.

The standard applies not only to lessons, but also to extracurricular activities. It includes individual lessons, homework, and group consultations.

The content of such activities is reflected in the educational main program of the educational institution. Federal State Educational Standards allow extracurricular work for junior schoolchildren in the amount of ten hours per week. At the first stage of education, it helps to ensure equal opportunities in obtaining high-quality general primary education, upbringing, moral development of schoolchildren, and the formation of their citizenship.


In connection with changes in the social order in Russian education, there is a need for significant transformations. Instead of the classical system, in which the main focus was on obtaining the maximum amount of theoretical knowledge, programs aimed at self-development of the younger generation are being introduced into Russian schools. Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation provide the opportunity to receive primary education in their native language, master the cultural and spiritual values ​​of their people.

Thanks to the use of innovative teaching methods by teachers, each child has the opportunity to build their own educational and educational trajectory, gradually move along it, and improve their skills. The standards of the second generation are aimed at satisfying the social order - raising a citizen and patriot who loves his country and is proud of it.

Probably every person wants to give their child a quality education. But how can you determine the level of training if you have nothing to do with pedagogy? Of course, with the help of the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is Federal State Educational Standard

For each education system and educational institution, a list of mandatory requirements has been approved aimed at determining each level of training in a profession or specialty. These requirements are combined within a framework that is approved by authorities authorized to regulate educational policy.

The implementation and results of mastering programs in state educational institutions cannot be lower than those specified in the Federal State Educational Standard.

In addition, Russian education assumes that without mastering the standards it will be impossible to obtain a state document. The Federal State Educational Standard is a certain basis thanks to which a student has the opportunity to move from one level of education to another, as if on a ladder.


Federal state educational standards are designed to ensure the integrity of the educational space of Russia; continuity of the main programs of preschool, primary, secondary, vocational and higher education.

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard is responsible for aspects of spiritual and moral development and education.

The requirements of the educational standard include strict deadlines for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account all possible forms of training and educational technologies.

The basis for the development of indicative educational programs; programs of academic subjects, courses, literature, test materials; The standards for the financial supply of educational activities of specialized institutions implementing the educational program are the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is the standard for public education? First of all, these are the principles of organizing the educational process in institutions (kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, etc.). Without the Federal State Educational Standard it is impossible to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the educational field, as well as to conduct final and intermediate certification of students.

It is worth noting that one of the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard is internal monitoring. With the help of standards, the activities of teaching specialists are organized, as well as the certification of teaching staff and other personnel of educational institutions.

Training, retraining and advanced training of education workers are also within the sphere of influence of state standards.

Structure and implementation

Federal law stipulates that each standard must include three types of requirements.

Firstly, the requirements for (the ratio of parts of the main program and their volume, the ratio of the mandatory part and the share that is formed by the participants in the educational process).

Secondly, the implementation conditions are also subject to stringent requirements (including personnel, financial, technical).

Thirdly, the result. The entire educational program should develop certain (including professional) competencies in students. The GEF lesson is designed to teach you how to apply all acquired skills and knowledge and act successfully on their basis.

Of course, this is not the constitution of all educational institutions. This is just the beginning of the vertical, with the main recommendation positions. At the federal level, on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, an approximate educational program is being developed, focusing on local specifics. And then educational institutions bring this program to perfection (even interested parents can participate in the last process, which is regulated by law). Thus, Russian education from a methodological point of view can be represented in the form of a diagram:

Standard - an exemplary program at the federal level - a program of an educational institution.

The last point includes aspects such as:

  • syllabus;
  • calendar schedule;
  • work programs;
  • assessment materials;
  • methodological recommendations for subjects.

Generations and differences in Federal State Educational Standards

They knew what a state standard was back in Soviet times, since strict regulations existed even then. But this particular document appeared and came into force only in the 2000s.

The Federal State Educational Standard was previously called simply the educational standard. The so-called first generation came into force in 2004. The second generation was developed in 2009 (for primary education), in 2010 (for basic general education), in 2012 (for secondary education).

GOST standards for higher education were developed in 2000. The second generation, which came into force in 2005, was aimed at students receiving ZUMs. Since 2009, new standards have been developed aimed at developing general cultural and professional competencies.

Until 2000, for each specialty, a minimum of knowledge and skills that a person graduating from a university should have was determined. Later these requirements became more stringent.

Modernization continues to this day. In 2013, the Law “On Education” was issued, according to which new programs for higher vocational and preschool education are being developed. Among other things, the clause on the preparation of scientific and teaching staff was firmly included there.

How do the old standards differ from the Federal State Educational Standard? What are next generation standards?

The main distinguishing feature is that in modern education the development of the personality of pupils (students) is put at the forefront. Generalizing concepts (Abilities, skills, knowledge) disappeared from the text of the document and were replaced by more clear requirements, for example, real types of activities that every student must master were formulated. Great attention is paid to subject, interdisciplinary and personal results.

To achieve these goals, previously existing forms and types of training were revised, and an innovative educational space for classes (lessons, courses) was put into operation.

Thanks to the changes introduced, the student of the new generation is a free-thinking person, capable of setting goals for himself, solving important problems, creatively developed and able to adequately relate to reality.

Who develops standards?

Standards are replaced with new ones at least once every ten years.

The Federal State Educational Standards of general education are developed according to levels of education; the Federal State Educational Standards of vocational education can also be developed according to specialties, professions and areas of training.

The development of the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out taking into account:

  • acute and long-term needs of the individual;
  • development of the state and society;
  • education;
  • culture;
  • Sciences;
  • technology;
  • economics and social sphere.

The educational and methodological association of universities is developing the Federal State Educational Standard for higher education. Their project is sent to the Ministry of Education, where discussion takes place, edits and adjustments are made, and then submitted for independent examination for a period of no more than two weeks.

The expert opinion is returned to the Ministry. And again a wave of discussions is launched by the council on the Federal State Educational Standard, which decides whether to approve the project, send it for revision or reject it.

If changes need to be made to the document, it goes through the same path from the very beginning.

Elementary education

The Federal State Educational Standard is a set of requirements necessary for the implementation of primary education. The three main ones are results, structure and conditions of implementation. All of them are determined by age and individual characteristics, and are considered from the point of view of laying the foundation for all education.

The first part of the standard indicates the period for mastering the basic elementary program. It is four years.

It provides:

  • equal educational opportunities for all;
  • spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren;
  • continuity of all preschool and school education programs;
  • preservation, development and mastery of the culture of a multinational country;
  • democratization of education;
  • formation of criteria for assessing the activities of students and teachers4
  • conditions for the development of individual personality and the creation of special learning conditions (for gifted children, children with disabilities).

It is based on a systems-activity approach. But the primary education program itself is developed by the methodological council of the educational institution.

The second part of the Federal State Educational Standard outlines clear requirements for the outcome of the educational process. Including personal, meta-subject and subject learning outcomes.

  1. Formation of ideas about the diversity of the country's linguistic space.
  2. Understanding that language is an integral part of national culture.
  3. Formation of a positive attitude towards correct speech (and writing) as part of the general culture.
  4. Mastery of the primary norms of the language.

The third part determines the structure of primary education (extracurricular activities, programs of individual subjects, which includes thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard).

The fourth part contains requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational process (personnel, finance, logistics).

Secondary (complete) education

The first part of the standard on requirements is partially repeated and echoes the Federal State Educational Standard on primary education. Significant differences appear in the second section, which deals with learning outcomes. The necessary standards for mastering certain subjects are also indicated, including the Russian language, literature, foreign language, history, social studies, geography and others.

The emphasis is on students, highlighting such main points as:

  • education of patriotism, assimilation of the values ​​of a multinational country;
  • formation of a worldview that corresponds to the level of reality;
  • mastering the norms of social life;
  • development of an aesthetic understanding of the world, etc.

The requirements for the structure of educational activities have also been modified. But the sections remained the same: target, content and organizational.

Higher levels

The Federal State Educational Standard for higher education is built on the same principles. Their differences are obvious; the requirements for the structure, result and conditions of implementation cannot be the same for different educational levels.

Secondary vocational education is based on a competency-based approach, i.e. people are given not just knowledge, but the ability to manage this knowledge. When leaving an educational institution, a graduate should say not “I know what,” but “I know how.”

Based on the generally accepted Federal State Educational Standard, each educational institution develops its own program, focusing on the profile focus of the college or university, the availability of certain material and technical capabilities, etc.

The Methodological Council takes into account all recommendations of the Ministry of Education and acts strictly under its guidance. However, the adoption of programs for specific educational institutions is the responsibility of local authorities and the education department of the region (republic, territory).

Educational institutions must take into account and implement recommendations regarding teaching materials (for example, Federal State Educational Standards textbooks have taken their rightful place in libraries), thematic planning, etc.


On the way to approval, the Federal State Educational Standard went through many amendments, but even in its current form, the education reform receives a huge amount of criticism, and received even more.

In fact, in the minds of the developers of the standard, it was supposed to lead to the unification of all Russian education. But everything turned out the other way around. Some found advantages in this document, others found disadvantages. Many teachers, accustomed to traditional teaching, found it difficult to switch to new standards. The Federal State Educational Standards textbooks raised questions. However, you can find positive aspects in everything. Modern society does not stand still; education must change and changes depending on its needs.

One of the main complaints against the Federal State Educational Standard was its lengthy formulations, the lack of clear tasks and real requirements that would be presented to students. Entire opposing groups emerged. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, everyone was required to study, but no one gave explanations on how to do this. And teachers and teaching specialists had to cope with this locally, including everything necessary in the program of their educational institution.

Topics on the Federal State Educational Standard have been raised and will continue to be raised, since the old principles, in which knowledge was the main thing in education, have become very firmly entrenched in everyone’s life. New standards, in which professional and social competencies predominate, will find their opponents for a long time.

Bottom line

The development of the Federal State Educational Standard turned out to be inevitable. Like everything new, this standard has caused a lot of controversy. However, the reform took place. To understand whether it is successful or not, at a minimum, you need to wait until the first graduation of students. Interim results are uninformative in this regard.

At the moment, only one thing is certain - more work for teachers.