How to give progesterone injections correctly. Progesterone injections: in what cases are they necessary?

The problem of delaying menstrual periods can affect any woman. Stressful situations, a change of city, gynecological pathologies or changes in diet can cause this condition. In such cases, doctors often prescribe Progesterone injections to induce menstruation.

This hormone has a direct effect on the duration of the menstrual period; it is able to regulate the process. How does this happen? After the introduction of synthetic Progesterone during a delay, the injections sharply increase the level of the hormone in the body, which after some time drops sharply, and as a result, critical days begin.

Many women decide to start self-treatment if they have not had their periods for a long time. They use folk remedies and buy medications without consulting their doctor. This cannot be done; any treatment should begin after examination and testing. Self-therapy with Progesterone during delay or other means further aggravates the imbalance of female hormones.

A delay usually indicates pregnancy. A woman buys a test, but it shows 1 line. Of course, the question immediately arises: “Why are there no periods?”

The main reasons for the absence of critical days (CD):

  • MC without ovulation and development of the corpus luteum;
  • absence of ovulation with the presence of a dominant follicle in the epididymis;
  • the presence of a cyst on the appendage or in the corpus luteum;
  • hypofunction of the corpus luteum.

Such conditions are formed due to an excess of estrogen, which leads to a lack of progesterone. The result is pathological changes in the inner mucous layer of the uterus; it does not go through all stages of development in order for full monthly uterine bleeding to begin. For CD to occur, it is necessary to increase the concentration of progesterone. Therefore, Progesterone injections or pills are prescribed for delay.


To induce menstruation with Progesterone, you will first need to undergo an examination and donate blood. The doctor must find out the amount of the hormone and determine the MC phase. Such information is necessary for the doctor to calculate the exact dosage of the medication.

Indications for injections:

  • For anemia during gestation, the course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Pain syndrome during CD. The duration of treatment does not exceed 7 days.
  • Progesterone injections are also prescribed to induce menstruation.
  • The medication in any form is prescribed to pregnant women to prevent miscarriage, and when the level of the hormone in the bloodstream is low during pregnancy.


Menstruation and progesterone are interconnected. Without a sufficient amount of the hormone, KD will not occur. To prevent side effects, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor. After measuring the concentration of the hormone, the attending doctor chooses in what concentration the medicine should be prescribed to the patient: 1%, 2%, 2.5%.

The injection solution is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Before use, the ampoule is slightly warmed in your hands or in a water bath to 40°C. If crystals are visible, then the medicine is kept in a water bath until they are completely dissolved.

Since critical days may be absent for various reasons, treatment regimens differ. Before inducing menstruation, progesterone for amenorrhea begins treatment with medications containing the hormone estrogen. It should provoke proliferation of the inner uterine lining.

Only then is Progesterone administered to induce menstruation. The medication is used according to a specific scheme. How to induce menstruation with progesterone during amenorrhea? The medicine is started to be administered immediately after a course of estrogen. Inject 5 mg daily or 10 ml every other day. The duration of therapy is 6–8 days.

If the MC is disturbed, and the woman notices severe pain in the lower abdomen, injections of this drug are also prescribed. Injections of Progesterone 2.5% to induce menstruation help get rid of pain; the drug not only reduces the severity, but completely eliminates pain.

Progesterone in ampoules to induce menstruation in anemia is prescribed after completing the appropriate course of treatment. The duration of therapy is no more than 10 days, injections of the drug should be given for at least 6 days, and the dose of a 1% solution is about 1 ml.

Progesterone injections are used to induce menstruation if CD does not occur within 40 days and the test shows a negative result. If the delay is less than 5 days, treatment with medications is not carried out. Hormonal therapy in the absence of CD lasts from 1 to 2 weeks, injections or tablets may be prescribed.

Progesterone 2.5% to induce menstruation instructions:

  • injections are given in phase 2 of the MC;
  • The injection is given daily, you need to choose one time so as not to disturb the order;
  • the injection should be carried out in a dose of 1 ml of 1% or 0.5 ml of 2.5%.

An important condition is that only a medical professional knows how to inject Progesterone when menstruation is late; it is recommended to either find out how to do it yourself or come to the manipulation room every day to carry out the procedure. It is better if the injection is given by a nurse, since complications may occur if the solution is administered incorrectly.


Some women have to travel too long to get to the hospital, are unable to undergo inpatient treatment, or have other valid reasons that require Progesterone injections to be given at home. To avoid the development of complications, the injection is given according to a certain scheme.

Progesterone injections to induce menstruation - instructions for use at home:

  • the ampoule of solutions is heated in the hands;
  • then they wash their hands and put on medical gloves, you can use ordinary ones - not sterile ones;
  • Before opening, the base of the ampoule and the injection site of the solution are wiped with alcohol (use different swabs);
  • Now you can fill the syringe with medicine and release the air;
  • the medication Progesterone is injected into the upper part of the buttock, holding the needle at a right angle.

After the procedure, cotton wool soaked in alcohol is applied to the injection site to prevent infection and stop the bleeding.


Women are interested in: “On what day do menstruation begin after Progesterone injections?” The duration of therapy with a drug based on a synthetic analogue of the hormone depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. Therefore, there is no need to use the medicine recklessly without medical advice.

Your period should start within 3 days after Progesterone injections. Some people have to take a full course of 2 weeks to induce KD.

What if there is no CD after the injection?
It happens that menstruation does not come after Progesterone. In any case, you should adhere to the regimen and duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor. After its completion, if there are no periods and progesterone is low, an additional examination of the woman is carried out.

In the absence of pathological conditions, a repeat course of treatment is prescribed. If the doctor has identified the disease, they first carry out complex therapy for the problem, then prescribe hormonal drugs if the critical days have not arrived and the concentration of progesterone in the blood is reduced.


The drug has good effectiveness. The high demand for the medicine confirms this. However, not all women can use Progesterone injections to induce menstruation, reviews of which are almost all positive.

Contraindications to the use of the medicine:

  • bleeding;
  • impaired liver function;
  • benign or malignant tumors in the breast;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • history of epilepsy;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Injections of medications should also not be performed for diabetes and depression. If spouses are planning to conceive, the use of Progesterone should be limited.

Side effects

Progesterone injections in the absence of CD can provoke the occurrence of a post-injection abscess. It is characterized by purulent inflammation deep in the muscle tissue. Treatment of the disease is carried out only by surgery.

The formation of oleoma, pressure surges, rapid pulse, headaches and migraines, decreased libido, weight gain, and dizziness are also possible. In case of an overdose of the drug, swelling, shortness of breath occur in the body, and an allergic reaction may occur.

Women who use Progesterone for delayed periods (injections) leave mostly positive reviews. They note that already on the 5th–6th day of use, the long-awaited menstruation occurs.

According to reviews of Progesterone to induce menstruation, we can conclude that it is better to administer the medicine intramuscularly rather than subcutaneously. This is due to the fact that the pain syndrome is less pronounced with intramuscular injection of the injection solution.


A synthetic analogue of the hormone is also produced by other pharmaceutical factories under a different name. Before using the following medications, you should consult your doctor. Their use is possible when menstruation is delayed, they are prescribed instead of the drug Progesterone, or, if necessary, a second course of treatment is carried out.

Instead of the medication Progesterone, in the absence of critical days for a long time, patients are prescribed the following medications containing a synthetic analogue of progesterone:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Norkolut et al.

The cause of the delay can be either a deficiency or an excess of hormones. In any case, you will need to donate blood and undergo an ultrasound examination.

Table. The use of analogues of the drug Progesterone.

Correctly selected treatment with the correct dose of medication allows you to gradually launch all the mechanisms of MC and provoke the appearance of critical days, but this can only be done by the attending doctor, knowing the characteristics of the woman’s body.

Progesterone injections are prescribed to those patients in whom, based on the results of laboratory testing of biological material, an insufficient concentration of the hormone was revealed. This hormone, which is introduced into the body of patients through injections, is of synthetic origin. Thanks to such injections, specialists are able to quickly eliminate various disorders of the reproductive system in patients.

Many patients who have been given a terrible diagnosis - undergo complex drug treatment, which includes progesterone injections. A synthetic hormone is often prescribed to patients who have. An individual treatment regimen is developed for them, which allows them to normalize the functions of the reproductive system.

Progesterone injections to induce menstruation

For many patients who experience a delay in menstruation, specialists prescribe progesterone injections. Before drug therapy, the patient must undergo a laboratory examination, which will help the doctor determine the concentration of the hormone in her blood.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, the dosage of the drug should be determined only by a doctor. In order to induce menstruation, patients are prescribed progesterone injections at a certain concentration: 1.0%, 2.0%, 2.5%. The administered drug is a solution of oil (olive or almond) that contains a synthetic hormone.

After how many progesterone injections do menstruation begin?

Many patients believe that it is enough to take several injections of progesterone to normalize the cycle (menstrual). They are deeply mistaken, since the dosage and duration of drug therapy directly depends on the characteristics of the female body and the general condition of the patient. That is why you should not take medications independently and recklessly without consulting a highly specialized specialist.

If patients do not have any serious pathologies or diseases of the genitourinary system, then in most cases the gynecologist will prescribe traditional regimen of progesterone injections. Every day the patient will need to receive injections, introducing a certain dose of a synthetic hormone into her body. The course of such therapy lasts 7 days. During this period of time, the female body is able to fully recover.

After a progesterone injection, how long does it take for menstruation to start? Usually, after stopping taking the drug, patients, as a rule, begin to have not too heavy menstrual flow.

Another regimen for taking progesterone involves appropriate injections, which are administered intramuscularly every other day. In this case, the female body is given the opportunity to independently determine what dose of the hormone will be sufficient to start menstruation. During progesterone injections, some patients may experience nausea, weakness, lethargy, etc. Their blood pressure may rapidly increase or decrease.

If such side effects are detected after the first injection, you should urgently consult your doctor. The specialist will determine the cause and possibly adjust the treatment regimen or prescribe another drug containing synthetic progesterone.

What to do if there is no period after progesterone injections?

If after a certain number of injections of synthetic progesterone the patient does not start menstruation, then she should contact her doctor. The specialist will examine the patient and if he does not detect any pathologies, he will prescribe an additional course of injections, after which the long-awaited discharge will begin.

Progesterone injections to induce menstruation: reviews

Many patients, after a series of progesterone injections to induce menstruation, leave their reviews on specialized Internet resources. You can also leave your review on our portal, through the special form at the end of the article.

In most cases, patients are completely satisfied with this drug therapy. They note that already on the 5-6th day after the first progesterone injection, their periods began. But there are also those patients who have completed a course of progesterone injections and in whom no changes have occurred in the body.

Most patients who induced menstruation with progesterone injections note that, despite the fact that this drug can be administered subcutaneously, they decided on intramuscular injections. This is due to the fact that injections into muscle tissue are not accompanied by too much pain.

It is also worth noting that progesterone exists not only in injections, but also in tablets. But to achieve a good result, experts recommend abandoning oral medications in favor of injections.

A delay in the onset of menstrual periods is a situation that females of reproductive age are at risk of encountering. This problem is associated with stress, changes in climatic conditions, daily routine or diet. But the terrible reason for the delay is gynecological pathologies. Therefore, in the case of women, they immediately go to the hospital and quite often encounter the problem that they are prescribed injections of the female hormone in order to induce menstruation.

The hormones contained in the drug have a direct effect on the normalization of the menstrual cycle and its subsequent regulation. Progesterone is administered intramuscularly when menstruation is delayed and the amount of the hormone progesterone is sharply increased, but only for a short time, after which it again drops to a critically low state, thereby normalizing the menstrual cycle.

The weaker sex often decides that in case of prolonged delay of menstruation, independent treatment is the way to go. Girls use traditional medicine and take medications chosen without consulting a specialist, without thinking that this can seriously harm their health. Any treatment, especially related to women’s health, should begin with an examination by a doctor and various tests, after which a specialist can prescribe Progesterone and related medications that will help not to aggravate the imbalance, but to even out the amount of hormones.

For what pathologies is progesterone prescribed?

It is logical that when a woman’s period is late, the first thing she thinks is that the cause is pregnancy. However, when the test shows a negative result, a reasonable question arises: why are there no menstruation?

First, you need to think about whether the delay was caused by severe stress or a change of place of residence. If the month was not full of changes, then the reason is most likely in disorders of the reproductive system. The main violations that cause the delay are:

  1. The menstrual cycle proceeds without the development of follicles;
  2. Decreased activity of the corpus luteum;
  3. Impaired growth and maturation of the follicle in the epididymis;
  4. A benign tumor on the corpus luteum or on the appendage.

All these disorders are associated, first of all, with an excess of the female hormone estrogen and, as a consequence, a lack of progesterone. Pathological changes in the internal mucous membrane of the uterus must be treated immediately after detection, before they lead to the formation of tumors or infertility. It is in order to avoid the consequences and aggravation of imbalance in the body that doctors prescribe progesterone.

Indications for taking Progesterone

Calling on critical days with the help of Progesterone can be done only after undergoing a full examination and donating blood. The specialist determines the content of hormones in the blood and determines the current phase of the menstrual cycle. These tests are necessary to accurately calculate the dosage of the drug and not worsen the imbalance.

What do the instructions accompanying it say about the indications for taking the drug progesterone injections to induce menstruation? It is worth noting that progesterone is prescribed not only to induce menstruation, but also to reduce pain during menstruation, for anemia during pregnancy, or to prevent miscarriages.

How to use progesterone correctly?

The menstrual cycle and the hormone progesterone are closely related, because without sufficient levels of the hormone, critical days cannot begin. A properly calculated dosage of the medicine by the doctor will help avoid side effects and quickly return the menstrual cycle to a normal rhythm. The doctor chooses the duration of taking the drug and the concentration (from 1% to 2.5%).

The injection solution can be administered in two ways: intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Before administering the drug, you must first slightly warm the ampoule in the palm of your hand or slightly warm it in a water bath to 30-40 degrees. If crystals are visible in the ampoule, the medication must be heated until they are completely dissolved.

Since periods can be missed for a variety of reasons, treatment with progesterone may vary.

Before you start inducing menstruation with Progesterone injections, you need to be treated with special drugs containing estrogen. For what? In order to provoke the proliferation of tissues of the uterine lining through cell division. Only after this can Progesterone be administered.

There is a special regimen for taking the medication. As mentioned above, the medicine is administered after a course of estrogen treatment. Progesterone therapy lasts 7-10 days, depending on the diagnosis. You should inject the drug 5 ml per day or 10 ml every other day.

The question also arises, what concentration of the drug should be used? To quickly induce menstruation and reduce pain during menstruation, the highest concentration is suitable - 2.5%.

How to administer Progesterone correctly?

Progesterone injections are given in the final phase of MC. Injections with the medication must be given daily, at a clearly designated time, so that the body develops a system for taking the drug. It is better if the injections are performed by a nurse in the manipulation room or at home, since side effects may occur if the drug is administered incorrectly.

But if you still decide to administer the drug yourself, strictly follow the following algorithm:

  1. Warm up the ampoule with the drug as described above;
  2. Wash your hands and put on sterile gloves;
  3. Wipe the top of the ampoule with an alcohol solution before opening it, and the part of the buttock where the needle will be inserted;
  4. Fill the syringe with the drug and release any air bubbles;
  5. Inject Progesterone into the upper half of the gluteal muscle. While doing this, keep the needle at a right angle to the injection site.
  6. Apply cotton wool soaked in an alcohol solution to the injection site after the procedure. This is done to stop the bleeding and to disinfect the injection site.

Of course, women are concerned about how quickly their periods will start. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But, of course, well-organized treatment with the correct dose of medication will return the menstrual cycle to normal, but only a specialist can organize it.

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Synthetic progesterone is a drug that is used to eliminate all kinds of functional disorders of the reproductive system. Progesterone injections are also prescribed to treat certain forms of female infertility and restore a normal menstrual cycle.

As a rule, it must be produced by the body independently, and especially during pregnancy. If there is a shortage of it, then the woman experiences difficulties with fertilization and bearing a child.

When are progesterone injections prescribed?
  • with a natural hormone deficiency in the female body;
  • if there are ;
  • Sometimes progesterone injections are prescribed for menstruation, the task of which is to adjust their duration and the entire cycle. It is imperative to make sure that there is no pregnancy;
  • heavy periods;
  • Progesterone injections are especially relevant for IVF. They help the fertilized egg take root in the uterus, reduce the activity of its muscles, and take part in the growth and development of tissues.

Progesterone injections during pregnancy are necessary in the following cases:

  • if exists ;
  • low level of progesterone in the mother’s body;
  • lack of corpus luteum;
  • if a woman has already experienced several miscarriages.

The need for such injections is determined by taking a blood test.

How to give progesterone injections?

Typically, the procedure is done subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The last option is the most painless. Very often bumps appear from progesterone injections that were given subcutaneously. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the procedure, namely: the ampoule must be heated to body temperature and not contain crystals. This will promote better absorption of the drug into the blood. Make sure that the nurse knows exactly how to give a progesterone injection, which will reduce the degree of pain and manifestations of improper administration.


The instructions for progesterone injections contain the following contraindications for its use:

  • lactation;
  • last month of gestation;
  • planning pregnancy in the near future;
  • work related to attention and concentration;
  • presence of breast cancer;
  • epilepsy.

The drug is used very carefully by people who suffer from bronchial asthma, diabetes, renal failure, tubal pregnancy, and so on. It is not recommended to take progesterone injections and alcohol at the same time. This may significantly increase the risk and severity of side effects.

Side effects of progesterone injections

A long course of treatment can lead to such pathological conditions of the body as:

It is also quite common that after progesterone injections there is no period. It can be explained by many reasons, which are best determined by performing an ultrasound, additional tests and consultation with your doctor. It is very important to comply with the required dosage. Injections of progesterone 2.5% can be given no more than 1 ml at a time. They can be taken in combination with vitamin or mineral supplements or dietary supplements.

Progesterone, as you know, is an analogue of the female hormone that is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries and the adrenal cortex. This hormone is present in both women and men in the body. It is often called the pregnancy hormone. And for the female body it is most important.

Due to the complexity of many mechanisms in the internal activity of organs, the activity of these organs is often disrupted under the influence of various pathological factors. If appropriate treatment is not applied, diseases associated with the genital area may occur.

Hormonal imbalances are a common problem for women. And they are usually associated with progesterone deficiency. Its deficiency leads to infertility, early pregnancy, and miscarriage. To prevent hormonal imbalances in women's bodies, the drug Progesterone was created.

Effect of Progesterone

  • Allows the embryo to take root
  • Increases the size of the uterus during pregnancy
  • Stops menstruation during pregnancy
  • Inhibits contractions of the uterine muscles
  • Develops tissue growth
  • Increases
  • Increases the amount of subcutaneous fat and sebum

All this must be taken into account when prescribing the drug in case of its deficiency in the body. Hormone deficiency is determined through tests, but there are symptoms indicating a deficiency or excess of the hormone.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

  • Chest pain
  • Unstable
  • Bloating
  • Vaginal and uterine bleeding
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle

If you have such symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist. The doctor will tell you how and when to take a progesterone test. It is usually done on an empty stomach in the morning on the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle.

This hormonal drug allows the uterine mucosa to move from the stage of enlargement (proliferation) to the stage of secretion (the possibility of penetration into the wall of the embryo). All this prevents bleeding from developing.

Synthesized injections of Progesterone are available in the form of solutions of 1% and 2.5% for injection, which are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Many pharmaceutical companies produce the medicine. It has a low price value.

After administration by any route, Progesterone is easily absorbed. After entering the blood, a sufficient concentration of the drug occurs within an hour, and the highest is achieved after 6 hours. It is broken down in the liver and excreted from the body in the urine.