How to remove daily lenses. Removing a contact lens. What to do if you cannot remove your contact lens? How to put on contact lenses correctly

Every person who uses these contact optical devices should know how to remove lenses.
Since some lens owners have difficulty removing and putting them on.

But proper use and storage will help avoid many mistakes in using these vision correction products.

How to easily remove a lens

For those who have recently started wearing contacts, the removal process can be a bit daunting. You may not succeed the first time, but over time you will be able to remove the lenses easily, quickly and without worry.

The lens removal procedure must be carried out with clean and dry hands. You need to start removing with the same lens you started putting on.

Here are a few necessary rules, if followed, removal will be quick and painless:

  • you need to sit down and place your elbows on the surface;
  • put a mirror in front of you;
  • make sure there is good lighting;
  • Prepare a container with a special liquid.
  • Remove lenses using clean, disinfected fingers;
  • Hands should be washed under running water and wiped without using a terry towel, otherwise lint may get into the eye and cause pain.

Rules for removing the lens:

  1. Using the middle finger of one hand, gently pull the lower eyelid down.
  2. Slowly touch the index finger of your other hand to the bottom edge of the lens. You should feel the edge of the lens.
  3. Next, fix your finger on the lower edge of the lens and carefully, slowly move it towards the eyelid. Once the edge of the lens moves away from the pupil, grasp it with your thumb and index finger and remove it.
  4. Place the lens in the middle of your palm and treat it with the solution. Place in a container.

Learn how to put on lenses step by step

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that your hands are clean. They need to be washed well and blotted with a paper towel. It is better to use antibacterial soap to wash your hands. Lenses cannot be mixed up; if you put the right one on the right eye, the left one should be put on the left one. Thus, they will not lose their corrective properties.
  2. To find out how not to make a mistake and put on the corrective means correctly, you need to look to see if they are on the wrong side. To find out, you need to place the lens on the edge of your fingertip and look through it at the light bulb. If the edges of the vision correction product are curved, it means that the lens is currently in the wrong position. The edges must be smooth, then the lens can be safely put on. Some companies make lenses with indicators, for example, letters in the order ABC. If you hold them up to the light and look, they should be in the correct order.
  3. If you are right-handed, then with your left hand you need to barely lift and fix the upper eyelid. You can't blink yet.
  4. With the other hand, the right one, on which the vision corrector is located, gently pull the lower eyelid down, using the finger that does not have the lens on it.
  5. Calmly, without moving your eye, bring the lens to your eye. Carefully insert it into the eye. Some owners raise their heads slightly up and look at the ceiling, this makes it easier to put on the lens.
  6. Next, after placing the lens on the eye, slowly, without jerking, lower your eyelids and do not blink. Thus, the vision correction product will fall into place.

Practicing for the first time

To remove your lenses without any problems for the first time, you need to perform a number of steps.

  1. First you need to calm down, there is no need for excitement, you will be able to remove the lenses in any case.
  2. Makeup should be washed off after removing lenses.
  3. Wash the surface of your hands under running warm water with soap with an antibacterial composition, blot them with a dry, lint-free towel, a paper towel will do.
  4. Prepare a container with liquid for storing contact lenses.
  5. Sit at the table, lean on it so that your elbows are confidently on the table, and not on its edge.
  6. Place a mirror in front of you. There should be enough light in the room.
  7. Place your middle finger under the lower eyelid and slightly pull it down.
  8. With your index finger, aim at the bottom edge of the lens, slowly move the pad of your finger to the edge, touch the lens and slowly start moving down.
  9. When the edge of the lens moves away from the mucous membrane of the eye, grab it with your index and middle finger. Without blinking, remove the lens from your eye.
  10. Be sure to clean the corrective agent with a special composition. Place in a container for storing contact lenses.
  11. Place the product in a storage box.

By following these conditions and precautions, you can easily remove the lenses from the eyeball for the first time. It is possible that this procedure will take a little longer the first time than subsequent removals. But with a few training sessions in the future, the lenses can be removed quickly and without difficulty.

How long can you wear contact lenses?

Contact lenses have a number of benefits. If you compare them with glasses, then the lenses will win in many respects.

You can play sports in them, they cannot be broken, they are more compact. But still, the lens is a foreign body on the eye, which can cause irritation and discomfort to its owner. One of the reasons for such consequences is a violation of the operating time of the lenses.

All contact vision correctors have a wearing limit. Lenses containing hydrogel allow them to be left on the eyes for about 5-7 hours; silicone hydrogel lenses will provide a longer wearing time of 10-12 hours.

There are lenses with a wearing period of about a day; current models of lenses increase the wearing period to a week without removing them at all. The longest period of continuous use of contact lenses is a month. But doctors still recommend removing even these lenses once a week so that the eyes have a chance to rest.

An extended period of wearing lenses will definitely affect the eyes. Dry eyes, blurred vision, and an unpleasant burning sensation will appear.

If such signs suddenly appear, you need to remove the lenses and give your eyes a rest. In the case where correction is necessary at the moment, you need to use glasses.

If there are no unpleasant sensations from post-term wear, then you still don’t need to wear the lenses any longer; there is a possibility of microbes forming on them, which can cause an infection in the eye.

It is best to purchase lenses with a short service life. Disposable lenses would be ideal. They contain more water, and oxygen passes through them well.

Some problems occur

There are situations when it is not possible to remove the lens the first time, due to prolonged wear or due to excessive dryness of the lenses.

In such situations, you must follow the rules:

  1. Remove lenses with clean, disinfected hands. Which is very important, in particular when removing stuck lenses. Since you will have to touch the surface of the eye more than once.
  2. It is necessary to remain calm. Do not think that the product will move behind the eyeball. Physiologically this will not happen due to the muscles and mucous membrane around the eye. Don't worry, the lenses won't harm your eyes. Even if obvious redness of the eye is visible, after removing the contact lenses, everything will go away.
  3. Now you need to find the lens in the eye. Most likely, they could not be pulled out because they were moved from their place. You need to close your eyelids and relax, feel where the lens is. If you can’t figure out where it is, you need to touch your eyelid with your finger and find it. If the lens is stuck in the corner of the eye, then you need to look in the opposite direction. Accordingly, if the lens is at the bottom, then up. If the lens is not visually visible and cannot be tactilely felt, then it has simply fallen out.
  4. Place your finger on the upper eyelid and pull it back to see the lens under the eyelid.
  5. Use a moisturizing solution. After moistening the lens, the chances of removing it will increase.
  6. If the lens is under the upper eyelid, you need to close your eyes and massage them. At the same time, try to move the lens to the lower eyelid.
  7. If the lens is in place, you need to slightly squeeze the eyelid towards the lower one, and the lower one towards the upper one, the lens should be easily removed.
  8. If you are unable to pull it out from under your upper eyelid, you need to pull it back and carefully pull it out.

Useful video on the topic

Why do you need to remove them from your eyes at night?

Many contact lens owners have encountered situations where they forgot to remove their lenses at night, or were unable to do so.

Reasons why you should always remove your lenses at night:

  • eyes need rest;
  • dry eyes;
  • the risk of various eye diseases;
  • the lens reduces the supply of oxygen to the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • unpleasant painful sensations in the morning after sleep.

Contact vision correction is designed for daytime wear. At night, when we are sleeping, this is not necessary. Contact lenses are safer and more effective when worn during the day rather than at night. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to take them off and give your eyes a rest too.

Dry eyes are the main sign that you forgot to remove your contact lenses. Your eyes will burn, and unpleasant painful sensations will haunt you all day.

In addition, if you constantly forget to take off your lenses at night, then due to the constant lack of oxygen entering the cornea, blood vessels will grow. This threatens the development of infectious diseases, for example, conjunctivitis.

Some manufacturers produce lenses that you can wear for a week or a month without removing them. But still, ophthalmologists advise removing lenses at night. Firstly, it will increase their service life.

If the lenses are designed to be worn for a week, then removing them at night can extend their wear period to two weeks. Secondly, your eyes need rest. No matter how good the lenses are, they still reduce the supply of oxygen, and do not forget that this is a foreign body.

Difficulties for girls with long nails

Contact lens wearers have a hard time removing their lenses for the first time. This is especially true for those who have long nails.

Therefore, you need to be aware of the risks and damage to the eyes if you remove lenses with long nails:

  1. Preparation. It is necessary to rinse the container in which the lenses are stored. It should be washed not under running water, but with a special solution. Because water is not sterile. Do not use the lens container for more than three months.
  2. Wash the hands. This is one of the most important rules when removing lenses. Owners of long nails should pay more attention to hygiene. Washing off the dirt under your nails is a must.
  3. You need to find a room with a mirror and good lighting. Look closely at your eye and find the edges of the lens. There is no need to touch the eyeball that is not protected by the lens.
  4. It is necessary to take a comfortable and stable position.
  5. The index finger should be placed on the eyelid so that the nail is located towards the ear. Place your thumb under the lower eyelid and lightly press the eyelids towards each other. The contact lens should bend, but do not squeeze it too hard. The edges of the lens should not touch each other. The lens should be freely removed from the eyelid. Under no circumstances should you pick up or touch the lens with your fingernails, as this can damage the lens or eyeball. You only need to use your fingertips.
  6. Another way to remove lenses. Touch the lens with your fingertip and pull it towards the lower eyelid. Because of its shape, it will begin to bulge when it moves away from its place. Then you need to pick it up and remove it.

Problems arising after incorrect removal

Some contact lens owners, especially those who wear lenses for a long time, neglect the advice and rules of ophthalmologists regarding the correct removal of lenses. After all, the main thing in this matter is hand hygiene.

If you remove lenses with dirty hands, you can easily get an infection in your eye. You can also damage the blood vessels of the eyes, which can lead to hemorrhage in one of them.

You need to put on and take off your lenses correctly. Eye damage can be severe and long-lasting. Moreover, wearing lenses during treatment is unacceptable.

If you do not remove the lenses carefully, you can damage the lens itself and be left without it for the whole day. If damage to the lens is not noticed, it loses its corrective properties and becomes useless.

Proper lens removal includes:

  • hands washed with antibacterial solution;
  • comfortable body position in front of the mirror;
  • prepared container with lens liquid;
  • a device for removing lenses (for example, suction cups);

You need to remove your lenses every day to avoid eye dryness and irritation, even if they are lenses that you can wear for a week and not take them off. Give your eyes a chance to rest.

How to store devices after removal

Contact lenses are used by people of different ages and professions. This is a convenient vision correction; over time, it is not felt at all on the eyes.

To maintain and improve visual acuity, you must not only choose high-quality lenses, but also take proper care of them in a timely manner. Following the rules for storing vision corrective products will help avoid the occurrence of infectious eye diseases and increase the service life of the lenses.

Rules for storing lenses:

  1. Thorough hand washing. It doesn’t matter what kind of lenses they are, colored or for vision correction, it is necessary to treat the surface of your hands before using the products.
  2. Lens type. If you use a new pair of lenses every day, you don't need anything to store them. Just dispose of it and that's it. If these are lenses with multi-day use, then you need a separate storage box and liquid in which the lenses will lie.
  3. Lens structure. Various contact lenses have a porous structure. It has the ability to accumulate and retain not only water, but also various substances that are not always useful. To remove these substances, you need to clean your lenses well.
  4. Liquid for lenses. After removal, the lenses are washed with the solution. It is easy to rinse the lenses; you just need to pour a few drops inside and gently rub with your fingertips. After this procedure, you need to rinse the container itself and fill it with new liquid and put the lenses there.
  5. Lens care. After each removal, you need to rinse and clean the lenses. Do not allow infection to get on the lenses and then they will not harm the eyes and will last their service life.

Suction cup for contact lenses

A lens remover is a device that helps remove lenses by suctioning surfaces to each other. The main advantage of the suction cup is the absence of eye injuries and safety for the cornea. Thanks to this assistant, you can easily not only remove the lenses, but also put them on.

Advantages of the device:

  • Comfort. This product adheres well to the lens. There is absolutely no problem with sticking to the fingertips.
  • Safety. Now you don't need to pull your eyelids back. Touching the eye with fingers is prohibited. Unlike conventional manual removal. This will help avoid infection.
  • Preserving lens integrity. The suction cup does not deform the lenses, does not squeeze them or scratch them.
  • Fixation. Reliably fixes the lens on the eye after putting it on.

Features of removal technology

It is necessary to apply eye drops to help moisturize the eye. Take the suction cup in your hand and slightly pull your eyelids. Bring it perpendicular to the eye. Squeeze the air gun and press it against the cornea. Then gently release the gun, the suction cup will stick due to the pressure decrease. Then you need to pull it away from you along with the lens.

It is worth noting that the suction cup has a minus. It should be the optimal size for the lens.

The diameters do not always match. The suction cup has a larger one, and you have to open your eyes wide. However, using a suction cup is much safer and faster than using your hands.

Microtraumas when wearing

When wearing contact lenses, the cornea experiences stress every day, microtraumas appear on its surface, accompanied by pain symptoms, the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, lacrimation and redness of the conjunctiva.

To restore the tissues of the ocular surface after injuries, as an auxiliary therapy, products with dexpanthenol, a substance characterized by a regenerating effect on tissue, can be used, in particular, the eye gel Korneregel.

It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.

Korneregel remains on the eye for a long time due to its gel-like form, is easy to apply, penetrates into the deep layers of the cornea and stimulates the regeneration process of the epithelium of the superficial tissues of the eye, promotes the healing of microtraumas and eliminates the sensation of pain.

The drug is applied in the evening, when the lenses are already removed. *5% is the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among ophthalmic forms in the Russian Federation. According to the State Register of Medicines, State Medical Devices and Organizations (individual entrepreneurs) engaged in the production and manufacture of medical devices, as well as data from open sources of manufacturers (official websites, publications), April 2017 There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

How to remove lenses from your eyes

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A large number of SCLs (soft contact lenses) are designed for daily use, but if necessary, some of them can be worn continuously. Whether it is possible to leave the lenses on at night and the duration of wearing depends on the type of contact correction product.

There are several types of lenses:

  • Daytime wear - they can be worn no more than 12-14 hours a day. They cannot be used longer or continuously, since their composition is less moist than contact correction products for long-term use. If the rules of use are neglected, such lenses can harm the eyes.
  • Extended wearing - were designed to be used not only during the day, but also at night. Therefore, such products can be used without removing them for 7 days and 6 nights, and after 7 days they are thrown away. Their composition contains more moisture than the previous type.
  • Continuous wearing — it is allowed to use such SCLs for 30 days if they are made of silicone hydrogel material. In the case of hydrogel lenses, it is highly undesirable to leave them on overnight, as they do not allow oxygen to reach the cornea well.

How long you can wear lenses depends on their type, but wearing SCLs during the day is in any case safer than their continuous use. It is much less likely to lead to various diseases of the organ of vision, including inflammatory processes and irreversible changes in the cornea.

Why do your eyes need a break from lenses?

It is advisable to use any contact lenses, regardless of their cost and quality, during the day and be sure to remove them at night, as the eyes need rest. This type of wear is safe because the cornea is constantly wetted by blinking. During sleep, the eyelids are closed, so the eyes in the lenses experience dryness and also cannot effectively clean themselves.

What happens if you don't remove your lenses at night?

There are many consequences:

  • Edema. Due to the fact that the cornea receives oxygen directly from the atmosphere, SCLs interfere with its normal gas exchange. As a result, it begins to starve, and various complications form in the form of edema or the proliferation of newly formed vessels on its surface.
  • Infections. Due to improper wearing of SCLs, the normal outflow of carbon dioxide is disrupted, which leads to susceptibility to the addition of microbes.
  • Allergy. Antibodies appear on the surface of the lens, under the influence of which allergic reactions can occur.
  • Development of dry eye syndrome. With this syndrome, wearing lenses becomes impossible due to the appearance of severe burning and stinging in the eyes.
  • Irritation and inflammatory processes. The tear film contains fats, proteins, and calcium that come into contact with the contact lens. Deposits appear that begin to accumulate if a person wears SCL continuously. Because of this, irritation develops, and the patient scratches and rubs his eyes. As a result of improper wearing of the product, an inflammatory process may develop.
  • Corneal injury. Deposits cause the surface of the contact lens to become rough and uneven, which can cause injury and inflammation to the cornea. Microbial keratitis or corneal ulcer is formed, which are serious and dangerous complications, leading in some cases to blindness.

What if it is not possible to remove the lens at night?

There are unforeseen situations from which a person has nowhere to put the lens. In such cases, daily lenses are ideal. With them, the user of SCLs does not have to worry about where to place the product if there is no container. Their advantage is that at the end of the day, the removed lens is thrown away, and the next day you need to put on new products.

If the SCLs are worn for extended periods, but there is no solution for storage, you can put them in a regular glass with clean water to prevent drying out. In the morning, place in a container with lens solution for 4 hours, and before putting on, wash thoroughly in the solution.

If a person nevertheless falls asleep with MCL, in the morning he will feel unpleasant consequences: dry eyes, a feeling of sand or specks, itching and burning. Therefore, after waking up, it is recommended to drip a multifunctional solution into your eyes.

In what cases is it permissible to sleep in lenses?

It is believed that daytime sleep in an SCL lasting several hours will not affect the condition of the eyes in any way. However, you should not fall asleep wearing any contact lenses that are not designed for overnight wear.

In case of extreme need, extended and continuous wear lenses can be used to sleep, but it is advisable to give the organ of vision a rest at night. It is recommended to instill drops or a multifunctional solution before going to bed and the next day, and then use glasses for several days to allow the eyes to recover.

How to remove lenses correctly

Beginners often experience certain difficulties in removing MCL from their eyes. In fact, they are quite easy to remove.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Raise your eyes up and pull down the lower eyelid with the middle finger of your active hand.
  2. Place the pad of your index finger on the bottom edge of the lens.
  3. Slide the lens down or to the side, gently pinching it between your thumb and forefinger, and remove it from your eye.
  4. Clean the lens and place it in a container with a solution for disinfection and storage.

Many people sometimes neglect the rules for using contact correction products and wear lenses without removing them. Unfortunately, such actions do not go unnoticed. In most cases, a person experiences a feeling of sand and pain in the eyes, but sometimes improper use leads to the development of inflammation and deterioration of vision.

Ophthalmologists strongly recommend wearing them exclusively during the day, removing them at night. If this is not possible, try to remove your contact lenses at least once every 2 days. When the first signs of eye diseases appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Useful video on how to put on and remove lenses

Don't know how to properly put on and remove lenses? Do not worry! After just a few tries, you will get used to it, and this procedure will become as simple for you as, for example, brushing your teeth. To begin with, I would like to mention some nuances that a person who uses contact lenses should always remember.

Rules for wearing

If you compare lenses with glasses, they are not so easy to use. The glasses are as easy to take off as they are to put on. With lenses the situation is completely different. They come into contact with the eyeballs, and therefore when using them, do not forget about the following rules:

1. Before putting on and before removing the lens, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

2. To clean and store lenses, use specially designed solutions purchased at optical stores or pharmacies. Never rinse them with regular tap water.

3. Do not use the same portion of the solution twice. Lens solution that has expired should not be used.

4. Monitor the period for wearing lenses and strictly adhere to it. Using them longer than prescribed is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Remember that the health of your eyes depends on this!

6. It is better to apply cosmetics after putting on lenses, and remove them only after removing them.

7. Lenses are an item for purely personal use. Do not give them to other people, as this may cause allergies.

8. It is undesirable to carry out water procedures without removing the lenses. If there is a need to take a shower or wash with lenses, then close your eyes tightly before doing so.

9. At the end of a busy day, reddening of the whites may occur. This happens because the eyes under the lenses are tired. After removing them, the redness usually goes away.

10. You can engage in any kind of sports, including active ones, while wearing lenses. But to prevent their loss, it is recommended to wear sports glasses that fit tightly to the face.

How to remove lenses correctly

Of course, putting on and taking off lenses requires some skill. Beginners initially face fear and worry that they might scratch their eyes. But, according to ophthalmologists, this is unlikely if certain caution is observed. Another obstacle is that when you try to put on and remove the lens, the eyelid begins to reflexively close. But don’t worry - over time you will acquire the skill and will no longer think about how to put on and how to remove the lenses. They can be worn with one or two hands. To put on lenses, pull down the lower right eyelid with your middle finger. Shift your gaze upward, and then carefully apply the lens slightly below the pupil, to the white area of ​​​​the eyeball. Then remove your finger from the lens and slowly look down. It will automatically position itself in the center of the eye - you will immediately feel it. After this, release your eyelid and slowly blink a couple of times to help the lens fit more tightly to the cornea. If vision has improved and there is no feeling of discomfort, this means that everything was done correctly. They are much easier to remove. But in the first days of wearing, a person still wonders how to remove the lenses. Pull down the right lower eyelid using the middle finger of your left hand. Place the index finger of your right hand on the bottom edge of the lens. Then slide it to the side or down, gently pinch it with your index finger and thumb and remove it from the eye. Before removing your lenses, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly!

When putting on lenses for the first time, a person experiences a lot of problems and inconveniences. When the time comes to remove them, the feeling of discomfort and dryness returns. Pay close attention to the hygiene and cleanliness of your hands - this is very important in order not to introduce dirt and infection into the mucous membranes of your eyes. Read the rest of the tips in the paragraphs of this article.

Wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with antibacterial soap that is fragrance-free. It is also best to avoid cream soaps as they leave a thin oily layer on the skin. Touching your eyes with these hands can be dangerous to the natural environment of your eyeball. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel or paper towels. The second option will be a higher priority, because the paper will absorb moisture dryly and will not leave small particles of dust and lint on your fingers.

In the first stages, long nails may hinder you. Pay attention to this, otherwise you risk injuring your eye.

Rinse your fingers with a special lens solution and dry your hands again. With one hand, gently bend your eyelid down, try to open your eye wider, but without feeling any discomfort.

Now carefully begin to move the lens with the fingers of your second hand towards the inner section of the eye. Do this very carefully, without pressing on the eye itself. The pad of your finger should gently touch the surface of the lens, and the drier your finger, the better your contact lens will cling to it.

At this stage, it is better to immediately remember which eye you remove the lens first and continue to do so always. This will help you avoid confusing the right lens with the left one.

As soon as you bring the lens to the tip of your eye, start blinking frequently - the contact lens will peel off from the eye itself, and you can take it out without difficulty.

Rinse the lenses with a special ophthalmic solution for contact lenses. Pour in some liquid, place the lens in it and gently run your finger over it. If your solution says “no contact” or “no mechanical impact,” then you do not need to touch the lens with your finger. Then, transfer the lenses to a container filled with solution. Don't forget about the placement of the right and left lenses.

Apply drops to your eyes with soothing drops or your usual drops. This will relieve fatigue and dryness of the eyes, give them proper hydration, and restore metabolic processes in the mucous membrane.

When choosing a solution for yourself, do not forget to consult an ophthalmologist. Each remedy may have certain contraindications. If, when removing a contact lens, you experience a burning sensation and severe discomfort, and your eyes water, put this activity aside for a while. Give your eye time to get better. You can also try washing your hands with a different soap and drying in a different way. Perhaps the hand sanitizer irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Treat your eyes with care and take the time to clean your hands, contact lenses, and apply eye drops to your eyes.

Their material is very thin, soft and does not have sharp edges or any fastenings. And there are no pain receptors on the cornea of ​​the eye and the pupil. Therefore, putting on eye lenses quickly and painlessly. And wearing them, provided you follow all the rules and store the optics in a special solution, is safe. The only difficulty a beginner faces is blinking and increased tear flow when touching the eye.

How to put on lenses

Using this personal device is very easy, don't be afraid! Putting lenses on your eyes for the first time can be difficult, except mentally. To begin with, carefully read the step-by-step instructions to the end, prepare everything you need and only then proceed. Colored ones, by the way, are put on in the same way as transparent ones.

How to put on lenses for the first time?

It’s good if, before putting on lenses for the first time, you accustom your eyes to new influences: pulling back the eyelid and touching the eyeball. But even if your eye has not been trained, you can immediately begin to learn how to put on lenses correctly:

  1. Prepare your hands. They must be washed thoroughly. Women should be careful with long manicures and voluminous nail designs.
  2. Decide for yourself which eye is more convenient for you to start with. Sit down at table. Place a mirror and storage container in front of you so as not to confuse the right and left sides.
  3. Take one microlens out of the container (use only special tweezers!) and place it on your index finger, edges up, on the pad. Inspect for bent edges, roughness or foreign particles on its surface. The correct lens is bowl shaped.
  4. With another finger of the same hand, lightly press against the lower eyelid, and at the same time, with the other hand (thumb and index finger), pull both eyelids and fix them.
  5. Raise your gaze or look straight (it is convenient to do this by switching focus to the other eye). Place the lens slightly downward from the pupil line so that all edges simultaneously touch the eye. The eye will reflexively close, and the gaze will lower - the lens will move into the desired position.
  6. If the lens falls out or does not fit into place, be sure to rinse it in ophthalmic solution and repeat the operation again. Then switch hands if necessary and place the miracle of science on your other eye.

Scleral lenses are put on for the first time using the same technology, only you have to hold them on three fingers at once due to their rather large size. To correct the position, manipulate the bottom edge of the lens by moving back the lower eyelid.

Try not to blink too quickly, but rather close your eye and wait for a while. Don't be upset if it tears a lot and the focus doesn't appear right away - this is normal for the first time. In the future, these reflexes will fade a little and stop bothering you. Try not to walk around with your new device all day for the first time. As soon as you feel discomfort, remove it and treat your eye with drops.

How to remove lenses

Removing contact lenses is also not difficult. It is important to do this on time, in accordance with the recommended wearing period. Can I wear them longer than this? Highly undesirable! After removal, they need to be washed with a solution and placed in a container, and one-day old ones should simply be thrown away.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly, prepare a container, tweezers and solution. Hands must be dry.
  2. Sit in front of a mirror at a table (if you are doing this for the first time, the table will provide maximum support and prevent the CL from falling to the floor).
  3. If you don't have long nails, use your fingers; otherwise, use tweezers only.
  4. Pull your lower eyelid down - you will notice the edge of the lens. Slightly move the lens downwards and pinch (squeeze slightly along the vertical axis). The lens will easily lose contact with the surface of the iris and end up in your hands.
  5. Place each in a container (its own letter - R for right or L for left), after rinsing with storage solution.

Note to ladies
Never handle personal lenses while wearing makeup. It must be washed off both before putting on and before removing lenses.

How to remove lenses if they are not removable?

Rarely, you may not be able to remove the lenses the first time. Don't panic - it's just a small technical problem. Calm down and try again, taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Check it out. Are you trying to manipulate with wet hands? The laws of physics require that hands be dry;
  • If the eye feels dry, it is most likely the cause of the problem. Use artificial tears and try again;
  • If the cup has moved relative to the center of the pupil, carefully move it to its normal position, and only then try again to free the cornea;
  • Do not neglect the recommended periods of wear, otherwise you will have to contact an ophthalmologist with irritation of the sclera. After removing, immediately immerse the lens in the solution and treat the eye with the recommended drops.

If the problem recurs constantly despite following all the recommendations, contact an ophthalmologist and ask to double-check whether these contact lenses are right for you. The doctor should teach you how to use the instrument correctly in his office. This applies equally to regular, color and night variations.

One interesting question that can be covered within the framework of this article is what anisocoria is. No, this is not a disease. This is a symptom characterized by a difference in the size of the pupils. Colored CLs do a good job of visually correcting this feature.

To prevent CL from causing harm, we learn to follow the basic recommendations of doctors:

  • Do not wear daytime CLs at night and night CLs during the day;
  • Do not swap left and right sides;
  • Do not try to put the lens on inside out;
  • Maintain hygiene and follow aseptic rules;
  • Complete a visual acuity examination in a timely manner and select current diopters for correction;
  • Do not wear a contact lens on an irritated, injured or infected eye.

Basic Rules

The whole next day depends on how you put the lens on. Follow three rules for CL:

  • Attention to eye health;
  • Accuracy in handling CL;
  • Hygiene.

Is it possible not to take it off at night?

There are special night orthokeratological CLs, the use of which must be justified and prescribed by the treating ophthalmologist. Daytime lenses, when used for a long time during the day, dry out the mucous membranes and cause irritation.

What happens if you wear it inside out?

The sensations when wearing contact lenses depend directly on which side you put on the lens. If you turn it inside out, the shape will be broken. This means that adhesion to the surface of the cornea will not be complete. The lens simply won't stay on. But attempts to wear it inverted will lead to damage to the mucous membrane of the eye.

Hygiene is important

Both the durability and safety of contact lenses depend on the quality of care. Therefore, carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions and doctor's recommendations.

Fighting reflexes

When you put it on, both one eye and the other blink and water. Why does the body need this and how to get used to putting on lenses? Any reflex, even an unconditioned one, can fade away under certain conditions. Blinking can be overcome with training. Several times a day, pull back your eyelid and touch the white of your eye.

If, when putting on the CL, you notice that you are trying to move back (your head reflexively leans back), try putting them on while standing against the wall and firmly resting the back of your head.


In some cases (depending on the type and material), contact lenses are contraindicated for patients. Only an ophthalmologist can solve the problem of vision correction if there are contraindications. If the patient cannot wear glasses and contacts, then he can try vision correction using the Zhdanov method. Actually, the patient will not see anything worse directly from the method itself, but time can play a role.

Who should not wear contact lenses?
Those who are generally prohibited from wearing CLs include those suffering from glaucoma, lacrimation disorders, and cross-eyed patients. In cases of inflammatory diseases, the issue of choosing CL is decided based on the results of treatment of inflammation.

Carrying, storage and care

Caring for and storing lenses is simple, but requires care. Use only special tools. Equipment and liquids. The kit includes: a case with separate cells for the right and left sides, a storage solution. In addition - eye drops. It is best to use moisturizing neutral formulations. Handle the tweezers carefully and do not touch the lenses with your fingernails or sharp objects, protect them from hair, dust and falls.