How to escape from the Chupacabra. Ukrainian Chupacabra attacks people. “Recently, more and more cases of encounters with this animal, even during the day, have been recorded.”

The animal, about which there is debate between cryptobiologists and zoologists, is increasingly appearing, in the literal sense of the word, in public. Reports of the attack of the legendary Chupacabra come from various regions of the world. But if five years ago it was known that the animal, which has not yet been definitively identified by scientists, prefers, as it was “prescribed” by myths and zoologists, to feed on the blood of goats and rabbits, then in recent years the chupkabra, apparently, has become accustomed and considers it quite appropriate to attack people. Most often this happens in Ukraine.

“In the Ukrainian village of Bobrik, in the Sumy region, local teenager Ruslan Bobrik was attacked by an unknown creature,” reports the Ukrainian channel 1+1. The boy said that at about 11 o'clock in the evening he was returning home, walked near the railway and smelled a sharp and strong smell of sulfur. And suddenly, unexpectedly, a strong blow to the hand... The blow knocked Ruslan off his feet, and when his eyes got a little accustomed to the darkness, the guy saw that some large animal was bending over him, standing on its hind legs. “Like a kangaroo,” says Ruslan.

The beast hissed loudly. Suddenly, the darkness was cut through by the bright light of car headlights - one of the neighbors was returning home by car. The light scared the beast, and perhaps this belated driver saved the teenager’s life.

“It immediately rushed into the bushes, I saw that it was very tall, taller than me. It jumped on its hind legs,” recalls Ruslan. The guy, scared to death, rushed home, not understanding who attacked him. Already at home I saw that his left hand was covered in blood, the beast had torn the skin with its long claws. “I still couldn’t see its face, but I’m sure it’s a Chupacabra,” says the guy.

Ruslan has every reason to believe that the unprecedented creature that attacked him is this very legendary beast - the Chupacabra. Doctors at the local hospital, which Ruslan went to with injuries inflicted on him by an unprecedented beast, vaccinated the teenager against rabies, but they cannot give a clear answer to the question of who exactly is capable of inflicting such wounds.

The only thing they say is that this animal is unknown to them. “Chupacabra,” local surgeon Vladimir Shtogrin shrugs. Ruslan's fellow villagers admit that the creature terrorizes them and they are afraid of it. Once again, when it is dark, they try not to go outside.

The suspicions of local residents about attacks by the Chupacabra are not groundless. In the village of Vovkitsy not far from Bobrik, just recently a local dog killed an unknown animal, which by all appearances resembles a chupacabra.

Ukrainian chupacabra researcher Vladimir Litovka says that a species such as the chupacabra could have appeared as a result of a mutation of some animal, and most likely its origin is artificial. Moreover, if previously there was confidence that the chupacabra does not grow more than a meter (usually its height is about 70 centimeters), then in this case we are talking about a true giant up to two meters in height!

By the way, the biologist Litovka also examined the corpse of a Chupacbra, which was killed by a dog in the village of Vovkivtsi. In his opinion, it can be assumed that the appearance of the chupacabra “is the result of someone’s selection work using genetics. They have a very mobile hand, consisting of two joints. Therefore, they are able to open doors in rabbit cages like a human hand.”

Then, in Vovki, first all the hares disappeared in the forest - hunters complained about this circumstance. Then, when an unknown animal killed dozens of domestic rabbits, local residents tried to catch it. It didn’t work out alive, but one day the dog, which the owner began tying up for the night right next to the cages with long-eared animals, horrified her with its prey: the dog bit to death an unprecedented creature that had sneaked up on the rabbits that night.

After a “consultation” with the neighbors, they decided that the dead beast was the same Chupacabra and decided to bury its corpse.

Having learned that a real chupacabra had been caught, a pilgrimage of researchers, ordinary hunters and veterinarians began to the place of its burial. The corpse was dug up several times, but no one could say anything sensible. And then the remains of the animal inexplicably disappeared.

There were attacks on people in Ukrainian villages in 2010 and 2011, and their geography is quite large - these include the western regions of Ukraine and its center - the Kiev region, and the eastern part of Ukraine. The Chupacabra was everywhere and left bloody trails everywhere.

The “pattern of murders” was identical - a silent night penetration into the farmstead, either broken or, on the contrary, neatly, as if by a person, open cages and bloodless carcasses of chickens, rabbits, sheep, and other small domestic animals, which the beast carefully “laid out” in rows or in bunches. A little later there were reports of attacks on people. Thank God, there were no deaths, but there were dozens of people bitten and wounded by claws.

Obscurantism with the Chupacabra covers up mass cases of extermination of domestic animals by stray dogs

In the village of Safonovo, Ramensky district, rabbits and chickens die at night
An ordinary-looking garden plot in the village of Safonovo has been investigated by “ghost hunters” for several days now.
This is what young Muscovites, fascinated by paranomal phenomena, call themselves. The guys brought with them several devices that, as the “hunters” assure, allow them to detect traces of otherworldly forces.
This time, the “hunters” do not exclude the possibility that the chupacabra, a legendary creature that allegedly drinks the blood of domestic animals, is operating in the village of Safonovo. The fact is that over the past month, owners have already found their pet rabbits and chickens dead in the morning four times. Birds and animals had their necks snapped, and rabbits had broken ribs.
The last incident occurred on May 22.
- This time it’s even scarier than before! - says animal owner Larisa Ilyicheva. - In the cage there was a rabbit carcass without a skin, the cage itself was untouched, and the chickens’ necks were again broken. In total, 26 rabbits and 23 chickens have died recently.
The big-eared ones live on the street: some live in cages with several tiers, others live in an open wooden enclosure. Nearby is a pen for chickens. The site itself is surrounded by a wooden fence.
“Here here in the morning there were tracks like those of a dog, only bigger,” says Larisa, pointing to the garden bed next to the rabbit enclosure. - Our dogs don’t roam here, they are on a leash. Previously, there was a large landfill nearby, where homeless dogs fed. The landfill is no longer there, but dogs still gather there.
We ourselves were in the city, our neighbors called us and said that the rabbits were screaming at night.
But how do stray dogs get into closed cages?
The owners informed the police only this, the fourth time. But the police found no traces of a break-in, at least human ones, and did not open a case.
“We’re thinking, maybe one of the neighbors got a lynx, and she hunts here at night?” But for the rest, all the animals are intact, and people around would know if someone brought such a predator to the site,” the owner reasons.
Desperate, Larisa turned to Moscow “ghost hunters.” Anomaly researcher Ilya Sagliani arrived in Safonovo shortly before us. He investigated the site of the mass killing of chickens using a magnetometer.
“Near the barn, sharp changes in magnetic fields are recorded,” says Ilya. - This may be due to the fact that a certain energy-informational trace remains in space from the penetration of a creature unknown to us. There is also a magnetic anomaly.
This year, for some reason, the mysterious predator only disliked the Ilyichevs’ yard. Other neighbors do not complain, although they recall that a year ago similar things happened in several houses.
“But then not many animals died, and no one started making a fuss,” recalls the Ilyichevs’ neighbor Natalya Alekseevna. - Or maybe one of the neighbors is to blame? You know what happens in villages - they take revenge through animals. However, the owners themselves claim that they have no enemies. And they don’t know how to protect themselves from the night predator.
- I feel sorry for the animals, and I’m scared too! - says Larisa. “My son-in-law now goes out to the site every night with a pitchfork and checks the cages. So far I haven't noticed anything suspicious...
Psychics and ghost hunters have been exploring an ordinary-looking garden plot for several days now.
Or maybe a dog? Or maybe a ferret?
“An ordinary dog ​​wouldn’t tear apart rabbits like that,” says dog handler Kirill Gladkov. - Bite - yes, maybe, but to break ribs? - And then there would still be bite marks.
But an ornithologist tried to explain the death of chickens.
“It could be a ferret, he needs a very small hole to get into the chicken coop, and if he’s already inside, he’ll hurt everyone, his hunting instinct will kick in,” Vladimir Romanov, director of the Moscow Poultry Hospital, told KP. - A ferret can wring the necks of birds, but not touch the meat. Get enough of chicken alone.
But the rabbits' broken ribs are still a mystery. And ferrets don’t attack rabbits – the game is too big for them.
This is not the first time that pets have mysteriously died in the Moscow region. Two years ago, in the village of Raduzhny near Kolomna, a “monster” killed 33 sheep. Two weeks later, the emergency on the farm repeated: another 12 sheep were torn to pieces. It was never possible to establish who was responsible for the death of the animals.
Similar cases are occurring throughout Russia. The death of domestic animals and birds is blamed on stray dogs, wolves, martens, but, as a rule, there is no evidence of this.

The authorities started talking about the Chupacabra in Belarus

When the appearance of an obscure animal, dubbed the Chupacabra, is reported not by lovers of the paranormal, but by official municipal news, and local authorities announce that a night watch has been organized to catch the pest, it becomes clear that the matter is serious.

Bloody carcasses of rabbits, chickens and turkeys are scattered throughout the yard. Some had their heads and paws torn off and their entrails torn out. The cages are broken, the doors are torn off their hinges. The owners of the house in Uzhgorod saw such a terrible picture.
“Four little rabbits from the top cage and a mother hen in the lower side cage survived,” says owner Olga Badida. The locals cannot find an answer to the question: who could have carried out the massacre. There is a small forest a few kilometers from this area, but large predators have never been found there. But a fox, ferret or weasel cannot do this.
The doors of the cells, including those at a height of 1.5 m, were torn out of their iron hinges “with roots” and chewed, the ground was scratched by giant claws. In this case, the dead animals are not eaten. This is not the first time this has happened here. Even unleashed dogs don't help. The terrible creature leaves nothing living behind.
“At night we heard the barking and squeaking of rabbits,” says neighbor Galina Sinichka. “We were just about to go out into the yard, when the dog runs through the open door and hides under the bed. The second one hid under the porch: in the morning we could not get him out.
When the dog handlers arrived, the dog, after sniffing one of the carcasses, backed away. Apparently, the chupacabra secretes something that causes horror in animals. Some caught a glimpse of the mysterious creature. The brown-brown animal resembles a huge, thin dog with an elongated muzzle, short front legs and long hind legs.
The scraps of fur left on the fence were taken for examination by veterinarians. The head of the veterinary hospital, Yuriy SHPOLARICH, suggests that an animal of unprecedented strength was operating in the Uzhgorod courtyards.
“Experts cannot yet determine what kind of animal this is,” says the head of the Uzhgorod veterinary hospital, Yuriy Shpolarich. - All animals died in a very short time. But to deal with so many of them, even a pack of dogs would work for several hours. The animal can jump and possibly move on two legs. Has powerful paws with claws. Finally, the imprints of the teeth: the holes are round, as if from large nails, the penetration depth is five centimeters. A dog or wolf's teeth are flattened and curved, like a saber; when they bite, they tear the meat into pieces.

“Chupacabra” in Transcarpathia: petrified pets did not even try to escape

Going out into the yard in the morning, Olga Badida, a resident of the Dravtsy microdistrict on the outskirts of Uzhgorod, saw a terrible picture: several dozen carcasses of rabbits, baby rabbits, chickens and large 10-kilogram turkeys were scattered throughout the yard, wooden cages were broken, doors were torn off their metal hinges and were lying on the ground. earth. The bloody massacre will not leave even a cold-blooded person indifferent, let alone the housewife who went out into the yard in the morning to feed the domestic animals.
“There were 15 rabbits in the bottom cage,” says Olga Badida. - In the next three-tier cage there are ten 2-month-old females, and above them there is another female with five rabbits. Everyone is overwhelmed. In the bottom cage sat an adult turkey with ten chicks. Here they are lying on the ground...
“I can’t say who exactly could have done this; in my practice, nothing like this has happened before...”
In total, according to Olga Badida, about 50 rabbits, 10 chickens, a rooster, and three turkeys were strangled or torn apart. Only the baby rabbits from the top cage survived - they were baby rabbits, only two weeks old. As well as a hen sitting on eggs in the lower side cage, and one adult turkey. She is wounded, with broken bones and scalped skin, so she will have to be cut down...
Even at midnight Olga went out into the yard and everything was in order. The owners have a dog - a cross between a shepherd and a collie. She often protected animals by lying down under their cages, but that night she was locked in the house (the dog was in heat). It is difficult to imagine that such a brutal massacre of rabbits and birds could be silent, yet the owners did not hear anything.
A suburb of Uzhgorod, the Dravtsy microdistrict is a former village, there are only private farms here. Behind the vegetable gardens and orchards there is a field, a few kilometers away there is a small forest, but large predators have never been found there. But small ones, for example a fox, a ferret or a weasel, cannot do this.
Cages, even those located at a height of one and a half meters, had their doors torn off their iron hinges “with roots”; large rabbits and adult turkeys were pulled out and torn apart. The wooden door of one of the cages was chewed by teeth, and the ground around it was scratched by claws. Apparently, the animal frantically tried to break open the door, and when the metal latch did not budge, it tore out the back boards in the cage and got to the unfortunate turkey.
Neighbors, who also have a lot of domestic animals, but they were not touched, suggested that feral dogs could have torn the animals to pieces. However, the veterinarians who arrived at the scene deny this.
“The animals died either from suffocation or from loss of blood,” explained the head of the Uzhgorod veterinary hospital, Yuri Shpolarich. - Almost all rabbits have broken (bitten) cervical vertebrae, some have completely scalped skin and crushed bones. Several animals with their heads torn off. In this case, the carcasses are practically not eaten. If the animal could break the cages on the third tier and pull out large adult rabbits, then it was both tall and very strong. I can’t say who exactly could have done this, nothing like this has ever happened in my practice before...
“A three-month-old rabbit at the market costs from 350 to 450 hryvnia,” Olga almost cries. - A kilogram of rabbit meat costs 60-65 hryvnia, and a living female weighs about five kilograms. Turkey chicken costs 25 hryvnia. Here,” the woman points to the bloody carcasses, “speaking offhand, there lies about five thousand hryvnia.”
Villagers say that this is not the first such case in Dravtsy. Two weeks ago, a similar massacre occurred at one of Olga Badida’s neighbors. Even the dog, unchained for the night, did not help.
“The brown-brown animal resembled a very thin large dog.”“I had exactly the same thing,” says Olga’s neighbor Galina Sinichka, who, having heard about the emergency, went to the victim. - 20 rabbits were torn to pieces or strangled, and cages with metal doors were smashed to pieces. In the morning the carcasses were still warm, which means everything happened before dawn. But we didn’t use meat, we were afraid that the animals had been torn to pieces by someone rabid...
That night we slept soundly, but the neighbor heard everything. Somewhere at three o'clock in the morning a terrible dog barking and rabbits squeaking began. They squeak loudly when they are slaughtered. The neighbor came out into the yard and thought that they were probably stealing our rabbits, but for some reason she didn’t call us. Her dog ran into the house in fear and hid under the sofa. And we found ours under the porch in the morning, we couldn’t get her out, she was so scared...
Then we heard that there were similar cases in neighboring Baranintsy. There, the owner, who found her animals torn to pieces in the morning, had to call an ambulance. I told people that they needed to sound the alarm because something bad was happening in the village, and they said to me: “What’s wrong! No need". So we waited...
The woman’s words were confirmed literally a day later. On Thursday night, an unknown beast carried out another bloody raid in neighboring Baranyntsy - just a few kilometers from Dravets. At the same time, people saw him, albeit briefly.
“At about half past four in the morning, my mother heard the splashing of water in the backyard, turned on the light and left the house,” says Baranintsov resident Mikhail Gavrilets. - And I saw a brown-brown animal rush from the yard into the garden and further into the field. He was 60 centimeters tall and resembled a very thin large dog. The animal rushed under the metal mesh with such speed that the entire fence rattled. And in the yard there were eight killed ducks and two chickens.
At night we keep the bird behind a metal fence that closes with a hook. The gate was open, and the hook made of thick steel wire was bent. If mom had not come out, I think all 20 ducks and 12 chickens would have died. Some of the wounded birds were still alive, albeit with bite marks under the left wing and on the neck. They sat on the ground motionless, as if paralyzed. Not a single duck was eaten, they were simply killed. In the morning, on the metal mesh under which the animal had broken through, I discovered its fur - light brown, with white and black streaks, very hard. Veterinarians took some of it. About two weeks ago, the same attack was carried out on neighbors - rabbits and chickens died.
In some cages, the metal mesh was pulled apart, and through the resulting hole, adult five-kilogram rabbits were taken out and killed.
Even a person cannot stretch the mesh with his bare hands; this requires a lot of strength. The neighbor's dog heard everything and barked, but it was not an aggressive bark, but a frightened bark.
Olga from Dravtsy said: dog handlers came to her with a dog, but the dog, after sniffing one of the dead carcasses, immediately backed away and sat on its tail. Apparently, the animal secretes something that causes horror in the animals. And he lives somewhere nearby, because since the beginning of the year this is already the seventh case in nearby villages!
“People who managed to see the animal note its similarity to a kangaroo - short front legs and long hind legs.”
There is an interesting pattern in the latest attacks. First, the beast killed all the living creatures near Galina Sinichka in Dravtsy, and two days later it visited the neighbors of Mikhail Gavrilets in Baranintsy. Then there was a lull for two weeks. At the beginning of this week there was a new attack, again in Dravtsy, and next door to the first - at Olga Badida. And two days later - again Baranintsy, and again in the neighborhood - at Mikhail Gavrilets. What kind of animal is this that so carefully selects its hunting sites?
When the material was already being prepared for publication, the results of a laboratory study of veterinary medicine became known.
“The cause of death of domestic animals is bite and laceration wounds inflicted by a large animal,” says Yuri Shpolarich. “Almost all the internal organs of the victims were damaged; nothing survived. And clearly defined bite wounds near the head, on the neck, on the back. What exactly this animal is, experts cannot determine; this is not within their competence. Criminologists who examined the carcasses suggested that the animals were killed by a large dog.
But we reject such an assumption. A number of circumstances indicate: this is a different creature. For a dog to pull rabbits out of a cage and bite their cervical vertebrae, it would take one or two minutes for each individual, and this would be accompanied by a lot of noise. And then the slaughter of rabbits, for example, would take several hours, or a whole pack of dogs would operate. However, nothing was trampled in the garden, and all the animals died in a maximum of half an hour.
This means that this animal can jump and, perhaps, move not only on four, but also on two legs. To climb onto the third tier of cages and reach a rabbit huddled in the far corner, you need to be long - at least 1.2 meters excluding the tail, and have a powerful paw with retractable claws.
Why were so many animals killed, and not one of them even tried to escape? Why were even dogs afraid of him? Because the smell of this animal, unknown to domestic animals, caused them panic horror and numbness.
Finally, the nature of the bites, the imprints of the teeth. The holes from them are round, as if from large nails, and the depth of penetration is four to five centimeters. A dog or wolf has teeth that are flattened and curved, like a saber, but there are animals with round teeth - representatives of felines or mustelids.
Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the animal, which easily jumped over the fence and did not trample anything in the garden, could be either a big cat or a representative of the mustelid. Among felines, similar parameters are found in the lynx or exotic animals - oncelot, caracal (steppe lynx), serval. True, the last three live in North America, Africa or Central Asia. And among the mustelids, it could be a wolverine - the most powerful of the named predators, which poses a danger even to humans. By the way, the wolverine was found in Transcarpathia until the 19th century, but then was exterminated.
Attacks by an unknown animal on domestic animals are recorded in different regions of Ukraine. Many people who managed to see it note some similarity with a kangaroo - an elongated muzzle, short front legs, long hind legs. Representatives of mustelids look the same, their hind legs are twice as long as their front legs. But in order to accurately identify the animal, an integrated approach is required with the involvement of scientific institutions. We will send samples of fur found during the last attack in Baranyntsy to Kyiv for species examination. We'll see what she shows...

Who kills animals in Tatarstan?

Terrible rumors are creeping across the republic from the Zakamsk zone. Every day they acquire new chilling details. Unknown predators (mutants, monsters, aliens) in villages attack livestock.
Moreover, they deal with living creatures in the most barbaric way - by ripping open their stomachs, gnawing out their entrails and drinking their blood. The monsters were dubbed the Chupacabra. There is such a semi-mystical beast in Latin America that destroys livestock, similar to our goblin or yeti. But what does Tatarstan have to do with it? The DAILY newspaper looked into the essence of the terrible events.
The last massacre of the Chupacabra took place in the villages of Shilnebash and Surovka near Naberezhnye Chelny. Here the monster tore to pieces poultry and sheep. Frightened residents combed the nearby forest with guns, but did not even find traces of unknown predators.
Similar reports are coming from Kukmorsky, Mamadyshsky, Nizhnekamsky districts. Local residents who survived the defeat are afraid to go out into the yard in the evening and lock themselves at night with all the bolts. Stories about a creepy chupacabra with steel fangs, claws and red eyes are the most popular horror stories at village gatherings.
More recently, a similar attack was experienced in the village of Sidorovka in the suburbs of Naberezhnye Chelny.
“At night, our pets raised a terrible cry,” says victim Guzel Fazlieva. - We ran out into the yard and froze in fear: goats, chickens, rabbits, turkeys were lying dead on the ground, their bellies were torn open, the blood seemed to be sucked out of the carcasses...
Who caused panic in Tatarstan?
“It’s clear that this mysterious chupacabra is our Russian animal, the wolverine,” said Petr Gorshkov, professor of zoology at the Kazan Pedagogical University. - This predator is very rare and very secretive. Even I, having worked in zoology for many years, have only seen a wolverine twice in my life.
Recently, its food supply has been greatly reduced; in our forests there are fewer and fewer hares, small ungulates, even mice and gophers. Therefore, wolverines are forced to come from the depths of forests to villages and slaughter livestock. This predator usually hunts alone. Only hunger and fear unites animals into small flocks.
The wolverine is the size of an average dog, can stand on its hind legs and even climb trees. This animal can also be dangerous for humans; it attacks from behind and inflicts fatal wounds. A hunter I know from Mamadysh recently told me that before his eyes in the forest, a wolverine drove a large lynx into a tree and killed it. Wolverine rips open the bellies of his victims and eats out their entrails. What happened to the cattle of the victims of the “chupacabra” is a typical hunting signature of a wolverine.
However, there were cases of attacks by unknown animals on livestock last year.
Last summer, in the village of Sidorovka, on the outskirts of Naberezhnye Chelny, a mysterious beast staged a real bloody feast. Having climbed into one of the yards at night, he killed several turkeys, rabbits and one goat. All animals and birds also showed no visible damage. The owner of the farmstead, Guzel Fazieva, said in an interview with a local TV channel that in the morning she saw a strange animal with a narrow muzzle and wide ears near her house. Was it really a Chupacabra? As Cosmopoisk employees noted then, all the settlements affected by the night killer are located near Chelny-Broiler LLC, where they breed chickens.
“This enterprise probably attracts mysterious predators,” suggests Alexei Voitsekhovsky. - True, what exactly is unknown. Chelny Broiler has modern equipment installed and strict sanitary control has been established. Bird carcasses are not thrown into landfills here., 04/22/2015

In Somovo, an unknown animal entered the barn of local residents and drank the blood of poultry. For two years in the Voronezh region, nothing was heard about the mysterious creature that attacks domestic animals at night, strangles them and drinks blood. People call it the Chupacabra (from Spanish - “goat vampire”). No one has ever managed to catch him. Yesterday, April 21, to the editorial office of “MY!” A resident of Voronezh, Alena Brezhneva, called and said that in the morning she found all her 18 chickens and one duck killed. Moreover, it was unclear what kind of animal entered the barn. “Yo!” correspondents We immediately went to the scene of the incident.
Alena Brezhneva’s family lives in Somovo in a private house, which is located next to a pine forest. According to the girl, she and her parents did not hear any suspicious sounds at night.
“Our dog just barked louder than usual, around midnight, but we didn’t attach any importance to it,” says Alena. - And in the morning dad found all our chickens dead. There isn't a single one left.
The mysterious beast left footprints in the sand, along which its movements could be traced. He entered the Brezhnev yard not from the side of the forest, but from the side of the roadway, making a small tunnel under the fence.
“What’s interesting is that at the bottom of the fence there is a chain-link mesh on which there is not a single piece of wool left, although the edges are sharp and the animal could get caught on them,” suggests Alena’s mother Vera Brezhneva. “And the traces left are such that it is unclear which animal they belong to.” The print looks like it's from a bear's paws. But at the same time there were traces of long sharp claws, which dogs do not have.
Then the animal proceeded to the barn where the chickens were located. It was not easy to get inside - the first gate was locked with a latch. However, the beast was able to bend the steel mesh and break down the door. Then the animal broke down the front door to the barn and got to the chickens. Some of the birds tried to escape, but to no avail. The picture that appeared before us was terrible. A path of dead birds led from the street to the barn. The beast tore only one chicken, while the rest had two punctures visible on their carcasses.
“When we discovered the chickens, we immediately called a veterinarian,” says Vera Brezhneva. “She examined the birds and said that they were bleeding, but did not take them for an autopsy to confirm this for sure. But the veterinarian could not guess what kind of animal did it. Ferrets can drink blood, but a ferret is too small to break down a door. He would jump over the fence. The veterinarian said that the dog would have dug, but would not have used force to break the door. And dogs don't drink blood.
“It happened that foxes stole chickens from us,” recalls Alena. - But the fox usually carried off one bird, probably for her cubs. We have never encountered such cases or heard of them happening among our neighbors. We've been keeping chickens for ten years now.
Vera Brezhneva said that on the eve of the incident, twenty chickens were hatched in their incubator, which they are now very afraid to release into the yard. The family estimates the damage caused by the beast at approximately 4,500 rubles, based on the fact that one chicken costs about 250 rubles. Vera Vasilyevna says that it would be better if the animal ate the chickens entirely than abandoned them strangled - it’s a pity that the goodness is lost, because all the bird carcasses will need to be disposed of.
“The neighbors are very worried about us and are afraid that this could happen to them too,” says Alena. - We ourselves are afraid of repeated attacks. You need to find out what kind of animal this is in order to understand what type of protection is needed from it. It's scary that he can attack a person. We read about the Chupacabra on the Internet, and it can attack people.
The last time such attacks on livestock occurred in our region was in 2013 in the Ternovsky district. In several villages, from three to eight cases of mass extermination of rabbits were recorded. According to the description, these cases are exactly the same as in the Brezhnev family. The beast made its way to the cages with rabbits at night, broke down the door with its paws, strangled the living creatures, leaving two punctures on the carcasses, and in the morning the owners found bloodless rabbits. Some of the local residents managed to see the beast. It was described as a large animal with a muzzle that looked like both a dog and a sheep. We asked Tatyana Nenasheva, deputy head of the Ternovsk regional station for combating animal diseases, to comment on these cases. She suggested that the mysterious attacks on rabbits were the work of a wolverine, which may have been started by a lover of exotic animals, and the animal escaped. It is not yet clear whether the same beast was operating in the Ternovsky district and in Somovo.


Chupacabra- an animal creature that has declared itself quite recently. According to numerous stories of people who lost livestock and birds due to its attacks, this creature looks like a huge dog, others say that it resembles a kangaroo. Scientists agreed that the world around us has not yet been sufficiently studied, and that the Chupacabra may be the result of some natural mutations or an unsuccessful scientific experiment. Obviously, the chupacabra is a sign of natural or climate change. This creature attacks mainly at night (mainly on medium-sized livestock - sheep, goats), but there have also been cases of attacks on bulls; it sucks the blood from the victims. There have been cases of Chupacabra attacks on people. Scientific organizations in several countries are conducting ongoing research based on the obtained traces allegedly left by this creature.

The first reports of a farmer's thunderstorm emerged after local farmers in Puerto Rico discovered several dead goats whose blood had been completely sucked out. When a local clairvoyant was shown the skeleton of an unknown monster found by local residents, she, without hesitation, said that “the remains belong to an animal from another dimension, it is not from the world around us.”

Ecologists have made the assumption that the Chupacabra is a kind of mutant, a victim of changes and pollution in the surrounding world. Researchers of anomalous phenomena did not find any secrets in the find; they guessed that it was an alien from other worlds. They immediately “tied” the Chupacabra to an anomalous zone, which was somewhere nearby, where eyewitnesses more than once noticed the appearance of unidentified flying objects. The mutant could either fight back, and in the end was lost by the aliens, or deliberately abandoned by them, but with the arrival of winter, the creature could not stand the cold. This explanation borders on the fantastic, but at least it was a little reassuring. It turned out that the Chupacabra was “imported” in a single copy. It turned out that this was a big misconception.

After some time, a new wave of Chupacabra attacks on livestock swept across the world. In animals, a small round hole was found on the body in the neck area with perfectly smooth and round edges, reminiscent of a puncture with a nail. Most likely, the monster sucked blood through these punctures. At the scene of the incident, no traces of a struggle, no drops of blood were found, only half-dead and frightened animals, which in the end had to be slaughtered or they died on their own. Sometimes animals are found without individual organs - brains, eyes, paws or tails. A terrible case was recorded when a chupacabra killed a large herd of cattle in the amount of 70 heads. The world around us is full of mysteries, and to this day the origin of this mysterious creature remains a mystery. Many speculate that the creature escaped from a secret US military base where genetic experiments on animals are carried out. Others believe that the appearance of the Chupacabra is directly related to the UFO, that it arrived with them, since when the Chupacabra was observed, a UFO was often seen.


The beginning of the 21st century was marked by the appearance of a mysterious and merciless creature called the Chupacabra. After some time, the appearance of the monster began to be noted in Russia and Ukraine. Official data confirms that the monster made its first attack on animals in Russia in 2005. Scientists were able to find out that the animal killer never stays in one place for a long time; it can appear in different regions in a short time. Two owners living on the small farm of Saperka lost all their turkeys at night. The owners discovered the corpses of the unfortunate animals in the morning; the birds were terribly bled dry. But according to the bird owners, they did not hear anything suspicious at night; neighbors interviewed said that even the local dogs did not bark. Many livestock owners note that the chupacabra attacks mainly old and sick animals that cannot defend themselves. And in the village of Gavrilovka, a mutant “encroached” on a flock of sheep, still sucking the blood out of them in the same way.

Numerous statements to the authorities of the owners of the killed livestock agree on one thing - the creature differs from ordinary animals in its cunning and intelligence. For example, one of the owners said that at night he tightly locked the door to the barn with an iron crowbar, but the resourceful creature, without any noise, removed the heavy crowbar and killed four sheep. After such an incident, the villagers were seized with real panic. If the creature can break into a shed so easily, maybe it can get into a house? In the evenings, people in villages became seriously afraid to go out into the yard, and even more so, to walk down the street. However, some brave men go out on duty at night with weapons, hoping to catch the elusive cattle killer. And no one knows for sure where the Chupacabra will appear next. This means that in any village you can expect the appearance of an elusive monster, eager to kill livestock and drink their blood. But something else is scary - what if the Chupacabra is not alone?


Chupacabra continues to make bloody attacks. This time, residents of the Khmelnitsky region were “lucky” to encounter this ruthless vampire. One of the villages in the region became a black day - in just one day the creature killed several cows, two horses and several local mongrels. But this was not enough for the mutant - two young women were attacked. On the evening of another day, the monster attacked a girl at a bus stop. The girl's neighbor heard loud screams and jumped out to help with a stick. The neighbor beat the beast as hard as she could, but it was useless; he did not pay any attention to the stick, continuing to bite the girl. A local hunter living next to the stop ran out to the screams with a gun. He shot the unknown monster seven times before it fell behind the girl. The animal, without visible effort, jumped into the bushes and disappeared. The victim is still in the hospital; the animal inflicted multiple wounds on her arms and legs and injured her head.

Another case occurred in the Vinnytsia region. An unknown creature managed to get into the cage, where it killed the rabbits that were there. The elusive creature managed to tear the board along with the nails from the cage, destroying the innocent animals. According to the owner of the rabbits, she found deep wounds on their necks; the alien probably sucked all their blood. The owner has no doubt that a chupacabra got into the cage.

Employees of the veterinary service are ironic about this: since reports about the bloodthirsty monster began to appear, the veterinary department has not recorded such creatures. Over the past year, the press has repeatedly described attacks by an unusual animal on domestic animals, but for some reason there were practically no calls from owners to veterinarians. Experts don’t really believe in the existence of an unusual creature; they believe that most likely a rabid fox or dog was here. Sick animals are capable of a lot, experts have confirmed this more than once. But no one dares to say where the unprecedented beast came from almost within the city limits.

The next attack occurred in the Kolomensky district. In just one night, on a farm near Moscow, an unknown monster killed half of the herd - the horned animals' legs were badly damaged and their blood was drunk. Some of the animals were still alive. The surviving sheep, who were dying in terrible agony, were discovered in the morning by the general director of this farm. Entering the sheepfold, he saw a terrible picture - most of the livestock showed no signs of life, all the animals' legs were brutally twisted. According to the general director, there was no blood in the bodies of the victims; it was as if they had been dried out. Game wardens, police and veterinarians immediately arrived when called. As law enforcement officers suggested, killing animals is the work of human hands. But here’s the mystery: no foreign traces were found on the farm. In only one place on earth were several claw marks from an unknown alien found.

The Kolomna district police have opened a criminal case regarding the mass murder of sheep on a farm, and an investigation is underway. The opinions of experts agree on one thing: attacks on animals are made by a very bloodthirsty creature with sharp fangs. In all cases, the victims suffered tendons torn, arteries punctured, necks bitten and blood drained.

A high-profile incident took place in the Sumy region, where an elusive vampire attacked a teenager. According to the tenth grader, around eleven o’clock in the evening he was returning home from a date. While passing under the bridge, he smelled a strong smell of sulfur, after which something hit him hard on the arm. “I felt a blow and fell, a flashlight flew out of my hands, some creature was either bending down or standing on its hind legs, like a kangaroo and hissing like a snake,” said the injured young man. During those terrible moments, a car was passing by, so the guy assumed that the headlights scared the beast. The tenth grader added that “It began to run into the bushes, it was very tall, taller than me and jumped on its hind legs.” Doctors prescribed the guy a course of vaccinations and pills - in case the unusual animal was infected with rabies. Doctors stated that neither dogs nor foxes have such claws, traces of which remained on the victim’s hand. After studying this case, the researchers concluded that a mutation in any animal is unlikely. But there is an assumption that the creature was created artificially. For a long time, there was a version among experts that the size of the vampire killer was relatively small - no more than 70 cm. “In this case, we are dealing with a two-meter creature, and this may already indicate a mutation of this individual,” noted one of the experts.

In terms of its habits and resourcefulness, the Chupacabra can be compared to bears. Biologists consider bears to be the most intelligent and cruel among animals. Bears are easy to train, but at the same time they are more dangerous than a crocodile or a lion. He is characterized by outbursts of causeless rage, in which case he is capable of attacking even a familiar person and crippling him.

It is almost impossible to predict an explosion of rage in this animal, since its craniofacial muscles are not developed. Before pouncing on the victim, the bear does not express any intentions. It is also impossible to recognize from the appearance of the animal what mood it is in. In the Amur region on a summer day, a bear brutally killed a man. The deceased most likely went into the forest to look for ferns. One of the Amur residents, who was not far from the scene of the incident, heard inhuman screams and immediately called the police. The operatives who arrived along with the hunters were presented with a terrible sight - the man’s scalp had been ripped off, his severed leg was lying nearby, and parts of his body had been eaten away.

It turned out that this predator has long been famous in these parts for attacks on people. Hunters have been searching for a man-eating bear for a long time; this is not the first time an attack has occurred. The search has not yet yielded any results; after the attack, the aggressive animal disappears into the forest without a trace. Amur residents also remember the case of an animal invasion in the region. Then bears regularly came to the cemetery, where they dug up graves and ate the bodies. Several cannibals were subsequently shot.

Most likely, these are not her last forays; sooner or later the Chupacabra will show itself again, since she is an animal creature and she needs to eat. Let's hope that sooner or later the Chupacabra will be captured more accurately and in better quality, and we will all see who this mysterious and elusive creature called the Chupacabra is. Stay tuned for more news.


Research into the Chupacabra phenomenon boils down to the fact that it is a genetic mutant bred by US military scientists at one of the secret bases. There are rumors that there are top-secret photographs of the Chupacabra. In 1947, in Roswell, it was in the area of ​​these military bases that a fallen UFO was investigated. The information was strictly classified, but the appearance of the Chupacabra is associated precisely with the UFO crash.

It is unknown whether the Chupacabra was released into the wild by the US military to test a potential biological weapon, or whether it escaped during transport. There was even a special document about a biological mutant, but the Pentagon remains silent on this matter. Therefore, you should not rely on the rapid declassification of the most important documents. Regarding the origin of this unusual mystery, there are many supernatural versions of the genesis of the mutant (UFO, mutation, other worlds, werewolf). But of these, the most plausible version seems to be the version of biologists who consider the Chupacabra as “an ordinary animal with unusual genetic abnormalities.” The population of this creature is extremely small; it is possible that there is only one such vampire in nature. Despite this, the bloodthirsty monster has almost no immediate enemies (perhaps except humans). This biological monster is very difficult to catch, almost impossible, which indirectly confirms the existence of the creature’s high intelligence, cunning and desire to remain unknown. In addition, paleontologists agree with their colleagues, noting that the remains of a fossilized saber-toothed kangaroo they found in Queensland are very similar to the Chupacabra, only much larger in size. Unlike its descendant, the ancient animal did not have a peaceful disposition. Scientists consider both the saber-toothed kangaroo and its modern descendant to be an ideal creature for killing.


For a long time it was believed that predatory animals become cannibals due to illness, old age or injuries, which is why they can no longer hunt animals.

The International Wildlife Fund conducted studies that showed that wild predators (lions, for example) do not attack people because of hunger. Thirst drives the wild beast to do this. If a predatory animal drinks brackish water, then chemical processes begin to occur in its body. A person is attractive to an animal because his soft tissues have a corrective effect on the animal’s body, helping to stop thirst. In India, since the 80s, large reservoirs with drinking water have been installed in forests, in places where there are frequent cases of attacks by predatory animals on people. By nature, man exposes himself to danger; this primarily applies to hunters of wild animals. Predatory animals are dangerous simply because they regard humans as a potential enemy. One of the city residents contacted the Makeevka sanitary and epidemiological station in the Donetsk region. He was attacked by a weasel, inflicting multiple bite wounds on his hands and elbows. A wild animal wandered into the courtyard of a private village house, where it attacked the owner. At the hospital emergency room, doctors classified the predator's bites as severe injuries. As practice shows, wild animals are often carriers of rabies. Once on human territory, an animal infected with rabies is capable of attacking any creature it comes across - a cat, a dog, etc. Chupacabra in this sense is a clear example of rabies, although there is no reliable data on the bloodsucker. The case of the weasel may be no exception. This animal has now been sent to the veterinary laboratory for examination. The injured man will undergo long-term preventive treatment using immunoglobulin and rabies vaccine. Yet sometimes it happens that a person encounters predatory animals.

mad dog

How should one behave in order not to cause aggression in the animal? When meeting a predator, a person’s emotional state can be extremely tense, and most often the person runs away, screams, or, most dangerously, shoots at him. It is very important here to try not to lose self-control, not to make sudden movements and under no circumstances run away from him. It should be remembered that in most cases, predators by nature are afraid of humans. In addition, the sight of a running person can arouse the pursuit reflex in the animal, and most likely it will rush after and attack. It is well known that in animals the pursuit reflex can be much stronger than the fear of humans. It is also unacceptable to run away from the beast for another important reason: a person can, without knowing it, rush towards the predator’s cub. In this case, females or males are especially dangerous, since the animals instinctively perceive this as an attack on the cub.

Chupacabra hunts at night and attacks defenseless animals, sucks the blood and disappears. People have found completely bled animals in the forest or paddock. A small round wound with perfectly smooth and round edges (mainly in the neck area) was found on the animals’ bodies, through which all the blood was presumably sucked out; Not a drop of blood was found at the scene. People found animals dead or half-dead. There was a case when an entire herd of 70 heads of cattle was killed. Sometimes animals are found missing some organs: entrails, brain, eyes, tail or paws. The victims of this creature were all animals: from birds to cattle.

You can believe it, you can not believe it, but in Ukraine all sorts of information constantly appears here and there about a mysterious nocturnal beast that strangles domestic animals and disturbs citizens.

“Having chosen a more picturesque place, the car stopped so that the hood’s headlights looked at the strip of the Oka River. The snowless morning felt chilly under my open jacket. I stopped specifically to smoke and think about the upcoming everyday affairs. Already by inertia I was carried out of the car and, having taken out the first cigarette of the day, I greedily took a drag. The smoke fell heavily, licking my hand, and melted in thinning streams. There are seconds when a person is in a state of “nothing” and, at the same time, thinking “about everything.” The rustle behind me was unexpectedly comparable to the explosion of a miniature firecracker that the street kids throw at your feet. There can’t be anyone in this wasteland this early...”

Subsequent events may seem implausible. But a fairly large number of Vyksa residents can confirm this phenomenon with stories about similar encounters from their own experience.

“I turned around. A creature was moving among the sad, torn tufts of gray-yellow grass. It looked like a garbage dog with sunken, broken sides and dirty brown-black watercolors. The webbed wings trembled nervously, and the movements of the shadow were prehistorically bestial and impudent. A lump of fear instinctively rose from the bottom of my stomach, gradually squeezing my breath and drying out my mouth. In front of me stood the famous Vyksa - a creature of as yet unexplained origin. Trying not to take my glazed eyes off the half-dog, my body reached for the camera to the glove compartment. I took a photo of the Chupacabra and immediately got into the car. The engine, driven by my desire to get away from this damned place, obediently started up. The foot reflexively found the gas pedal and pressed it to the floor. Muffled by the shocked beating of my heart and the roar of the car, I tried not to turn back to the place where this unknown creature and the smoldering dropped cigarette remained.

This is how Anton Kutuzov (name and surname changed) met with Chupacabra on the morning of December 14 near the village of Shimorskoye. It is not customary to talk about these meetings, but you can learn such stories by listening to the whispers of village men.

The authenticity of the fact is confirmed by a photograph taken at the scene of the incident. On the right side of the photo, a creature resembling a dog with wings is clearly visible. The director of the Megatechnik A store, Alexander Zhirnov, immediately recognized the Chupacabra, which, in the amount of two individuals, was chasing him in the vicinity of one of the Vyksa villages.

Is the chupacabra a creature that grew independently in our area under natural conditions or something unreal, supernatural. Or perhaps it is the result of a mutation in the zone of radioactive burial grounds (burial grounds) in the adjacent areas of the city of Vyksa and the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Correspondents of the Komsomolskaya Pravda-NN newspaper and TNT TV channel will find out.

As for the origin of this mysterious animal, nothing is known for sure. Some believe that this creature escaped from a secret US military base where genetic experiments were carried out, others believe that the Chupacabra is connected with a UFO, that it flies with them, because often when observing the Chupacabra, a UFO was also seen.

As far as I heard from very competent people from their local laboratory, at least three experimental monsters escaped from the Nasovites, but they were never caught, says the famous Chilean architect Dagoberto Corante. He also says that in April last year, soldiers from a unit located in Kalama caught one such creature.

Be that as it may, one thing is clear: the Chupacabra is rapidly multiplying and expanding its domain. More recently, in Mexico and Nicaragua, eyewitnesses observed cubs next to adults. And the drawings of those who saw the bloodsucker are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. It is quite possible that in a few years the exotic creature will become a competitor to our native Russian goblin. Some scientists who oppose the UFO theory believe that these creatures appeared on Earth millions of years ago and their small population has survived to this day. But in the last few years, under the influence of an unknown factor (for example, the consequences of a nuclear weapons test), their number has increased so much that they were forced to leave their habitat due to hunger. At the end of April - beginning of May 2000, numerous reports of the appearance of the Chupacabra there again began to arrive from the outskirts of Santiago (Capital of Chile). On April 27, farmers in the Hupil-Tukapel region found 70 cows and bulls dead. A small wound was found on the neck of all the animals, from which the Chupacabra drank blood. After a detailed examination of the victims, it became known that all the animals were almost completely bled dry. On May 4, 35 dead birds were found in one of the poultry houses. On each carcass, cuts with perfectly straight edges were found. In total, from April 20 to May 12, more than 30 reports of mysterious animal killings were received from farms located within a radius of 300 kilometers from Santiago. On April 29 at approximately 8 p.m., 59-year-old farmer Jose Ismael Pino noticed a luminous ball above the forest. When the ball descended and disappeared behind the trees, Jose went to look at it. Among the trees, the farmer saw a creature, apparently arriving in a spherical apparatus. “It was 1.5 meters tall and resembled a large monkey,” said Jose. “Two thin fangs protruded from its mouth, and a pair of wings could be seen behind its back.” The frightened farmer ran away. The next morning, six of his cows were found dead with bite marks on their necks. On May 3, in the middle of the night, Professor Romero from the city of Laguna Redonda was awakened by the plaintive howling of dogs. Taking the gun, Romero went out into the yard. Directly in front of him, he saw his Rottweilers, huddled against the fence in fear. In front of them stood a dark creature, barely visible in the moonlight, about 1.7 meters high. He had wings and stood with his back to the man, who was not taken aback and shot at the creature. It shuddered, spread its wings and quickly flew over the fence. The creature did not appear in the yard of the professor's house again. People say that animals sense the approach of the Chupacabra (like some animals sense the approach of a hurricane or earthquake). Some animals scream heart-rendingly and run from side to side, others stand as if paralyzed or try to hide somewhere. On September 1, Novosti (ORT) showed a story from Nicaragua: the corpse of the Chupacabra, a mysterious creature accused of sucking blood from animals. Zoologists who surrounded the corpse said that they had not seen anything like it. The commentator's voice said that the origin of the creature is unknown - either it is a mutation, or someone's genetic experiment. The corpse, he said, was sent to the National University. It turns out that the chupacabras was shot on August 25 by sheep farmer Jorge Luis Talavera. Talavera's farm is located near El Barrio village in the vicinity of the town of Malpaisillo (Leon). The farmer is tired of finding dead sheep with puncture wounds on their necks; he waylaid the “vampire” and shot him with a rifle. The creature disappeared into the thickets, but he did not manage to get far. Soon his corpse, already half-decomposed under the rays of the tropical sun, caught the eye of Talavera. After examining the corpse, zoologists stated that they had not seen anything like it. But, they say, more thorough research is needed. The remains of the creature were sent to the National University of Nicaragua (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua - UNAN). Scientists soon declared that the mysterious creature was... just a dog! How they could come to such a conclusion is beyond comprehension. Talavera said that the body was switched on the way to the UNAN laboratory in the state of Leon, and he can prove it. “Firstly, the skeleton of the dog, which was shown on television in Managua, was complete, although I kept part of the front paw as a souvenir,” he said. Secondly, the bones of my corpse were dark, while his bones were white. Thirdly ", the shot creature had 22 teeth, I counted, and that one had about forty. And that's not all the differences." Talavera added that he would give the remaining part of his paw only to international researchers who could conduct a better study. The mayor of Malpaisillo, who personally saw the corpse of the Chupacabra, was also extremely dissatisfied with the conclusion of the scientists from UNAN. So far this case has not been widely discussed in the Russian press. Only the 24 Hours digest published the following note (literally) with reference to the Le Monde newspaper on September 5: “In Nicaragua, newspapers published a photograph of an unknown animal monster that sucked blood from sheep and was shot by a shepherd. It has a dog's body, a bull's head, small paws, soft fur like a bat, long claws and a crocodile crest. The appearance of a similar monster was reported in Mexico." Yes, it doesn’t look very much like an ordinary dog! While disputes and strife were going on in Malpaisillo, Talavera saw a second Chupacabras - this time with white, not yellow, fur like the first one (newspaper " Diario La Prensa de Nicaragua" September 6)... A mysterious creature that sucks the blood of its victims is being talked about throughout Latin and South America. In the last month it has been reported from the northern part of Mexico (San Pedro, Coajuela) , Chile (La Florida and Carajue) and other places. On February 18, 2001, the Argentine newspaper "Diario Austral de Temuco" reported that these creatures regularly appeared at night in the town of Pitrufquen. The main eyewitnesses were local children. They claim that the creature (or creatures) has been regularly appearing at night since September last year in the same place, in a vacant lot near Manuel Rodriguez St. “Sometimes we were able to illuminate it with a flashlight,” the guys said. - The light blinds the creature, and it falls to the ground. In the light of a flashlight, you can see some things on the sides of the head that look like ears. Then it begins to make a shrill cry for us to leave; that's why we throw stones at him. The creature is chasing us, but we always manage to escape." The guys added that the creature is afraid of them, since it cannot do anything with them. However, the "little devil" is not at all harmless and has great strength - he fought off several dogs, and once moved a car parked nearby to another place. The guys’ stories were confirmed by local resident Hernan Saint-Martin: “One day I was drinking tea with my wife and heard that the guys were throwing stones at someone. We went out to look, and my wife told me that there was some “little man” wandering around here... I found something like a hole in which he apparently hid. The guys told me that it was a little man with hairy ears, like a pig, and glowing eyes." Saint Martin himself never managed to see the "little devil." Rumors connect these creatures with the mysterious death of chickens and other small domestic animals, whose local residents find bloodless corpses every now and then. It seems that the “little devils” are something like a small variety of chupacabras, but no one knows whether this is true. On March 11, 1995, near the city of Orocovis in the center of the island of Puerto Rico, farmer Enrique Barreto Gernandez found 8 dead sheep in his pen. Each of them had three small holes on the chest, without any traces of blood. During the spring and summer of that year, reports of similar cases began to arrive not only from the central part of the island, but also from its remote areas. By November 1995, the total number of mutilated domestic animals in Puerto Rico, including sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, dogs and pigs, reached several hundred. Veterinarian Dr. Carlos Soto of Levittown, Puerto Rico, examined one rabbit with a particularly deep wound and said he didn't know "what kind of predator could have done this." According to eyewitnesses, the creature had three toes with 5-centimeter claws on its feet, protruding ears and thin skin of gray, brown and yellow colors. One police officer from Canovanas, who had the honor of shooting at a mysterious creature that had attacked his dog, smelled a disgusting smell emanating from the monster, “like an animal crawling out of a sewer pipe.” Interestingly, some residents of Puerto Rico associate the appearance of the Chupacabra with UFO arrivals. In June 1995, at 11:30 pm, a young woman, Enrique Gonzales, and her six-year-old daughter went out for a walk. Suddenly, Enrique’s husband, who remained in the house, heard the heart-rending scream of both. Jumping out in great alarm, he saw a luminous ball rising to the sky. A red ray of light shot out of it, touching the girl’s raised hand. At this point the skin became very red and blistered. El Vocero newspaper photographer Eddie Conde, who heard about the incident, came to the Gonzaleses and photographed these bubbles on the girl’s hand, although the redness had already subsided. After some time, the head of the family saw a broken wire cage in the yard in which chickens were kept. However, nine of them were dead and had bloodless holes on their necks or torsos. “This is the work of the Chupacabra,” Gonzales said. “I think she arrived on that same UFO!” At the end of September 1995, computer technician Juan Murati was walking to his car around five o'clock in the afternoon when he suddenly felt someone's gaze on him. Looking around, he fell into a state of shock: at a distance of 15 meters from him, a certain “stuffed animal” a little more than half a meter high was sitting on a tree! The eyes are round, ketchup red, and the size of oranges. Suddenly the “stuffed animal” spread its wings, flapped them loudly and flew away... Murati kept five dogs to guard his house. A month after meeting the “scarecrow,” Juan again saw him on a tree. And on the same day, the owner found his largest dog dead. There were two “vampire” holes on her neck. According to Murati, this was done by a “stuffed animal”, that is, Chupacabra! The monster seems to be expanding its activities outside of Puerto Rico. Washington Post reporter Molly Moore wrote on May 11, 1996 from Mexico City: “The first to come in were reports of the mysterious deaths of goats, then sheep and, finally, chickens. They were completely drained of blood, and there were traces of powerful fangs on the animals’ necks.” (!) Veterinarians deny the participation of coyotes, wolves or other predators known to local residents in this bloody business. In early May 1996, Mexican Jose Angel Pulido from Tlajomulco (Jalisco state, Mexico) came to the police and said that while returning home at 11.30 at night, he was attacked by an unknown animal. Jose felt pain in his right forearm and began to wave away the aggressor with his left hand. Hitting the animal’s body, the Mexican, in his words, “hit as if he were hitting a plastic bag filled with a jelly-like substance: there were no bones or muscles in the animal.” There was a terrible roar, and the attacker instantly disappeared. Pulido still has a “memory” of the incident - two wounds several millimeters in size on his right forearm and a triangular-shaped wound on his chest. In the archives we managed to find a message about a similar incident 70 years ago. In 1925, the Daily Times newspaper, published in Woodbury (New Jersey, USA), published a fairly detailed description of an unknown creature, presumably the Chupacabra. According to a newspaper correspondent, one farmer, walking around his property, saw an unknown beast devouring his chickens. The farmer saw four fangs in the powerful jaws of the monster! An analysis of the testimony of eyewitnesses of the Chupacabra indicates a fairly wide range in the descriptions of the appearance of the beast. It is possible that people see not one, but several different creatures, still hiding from human eyes. The fauna of our planet, of course, is far from being fully understood. This is evidenced by the systematic discovery of more and more new species of animals and birds, not to mention insects. But many experts are inclined towards the alien origin of the Chupacabra, believing it to be a biorobot. “In July 2002, Sanchez-Oseyo visited the cities of Calama and Marie Elena in the northern part of Chile, it is from there that the majority of reports about the Chupacabra are now coming from,” Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Oseyo, head of the Miami Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (USA), told Interlocutor ) - Marie-Elena is a small town, the population is only 8 thousand, and the main enterprise is the Soquimich mine. Literally before my arrival, the panic caused by the Chupacabra reached such proportions that the mine management forbade its employees to even mention this creature. There, a group of students showed me a cast of the footprint of this monster - a little over 10 centimeters in length, three-toed. The guys showed me the place where the cast was made. In the vicinity of the footprints, we found large circles similar to those left at UFO landing sites. According to my calculations, the diameter of the aircraft was approximately 30 meters. The hair of these creatures, found by the students, was not similar to the hair of any animal known to science. As local residents told the researcher, two days before his arrival in Marie Elena, the Chilean Air Force dropped a bomb near the city. “I experienced inhuman fear,” continues Sanchez-Oceyo. “It always seemed to me that the creatures were somewhere nearby.” And now I’m sure that the Chupacabra is not an earthly creature. Sanchez-Oseyo found indirect confirmation of this version in Calama, in a private school. Its director, Juan Vega, said that Chupacabra recently snuck into a cattle pen located on their property and drank about 17 liters of goat blood. It is completely incomprehensible how he managed to get back through the narrow gap in the cage. A few days later, when news of the incident spread throughout the country, Vega saw a plane with NASA symbols at the local airport. It is unlikely that this department would be interested in an ordinary earthly creature. By the way, tortured by the atrocities of the bloodsucker, Chilean Senator Carlos Cantero recently made an official request to the authorities of Calama about the incidents happening in the city and near it. And having not received an intelligible answer, he called on all services, including customs and health officials, to conduct an investigation." “In fact, people have seen the Chupacabra before,” says ufologist Yuri Raitarovsky. “I analyzed many eyewitness testimonies and came to the following conclusion: it is possible that people see not one, but several different creatures. Much in eyewitness accounts speaks about the alien origin of the creature. For example, the unreasonable fear that people feel in places where the Chupacabra appears, strange smells - all these phenomena usually accompany the appearance of a UFO. And one more important detail : Chupacabra suddenly appears in some area, rages there for some time, and then disappears. Perhaps the Chupacabra is a biorobot of alien origin, created to study the life of earthlings. Maybe that is why it does not attack people. From time to time the biorobot is improved - hence the differences in descriptions.


The publication of "FACTS" about a mysterious vampire predator, the search for which was carried out by an entire scientific expedition near Kiev, caused a great resonance. Several of our readers from different regions of Ukraine spoke about their encounters with a terrifying animal


Lately, disturbing reports about a mysterious predator attacking domestic animals and sucking their blood have begun to arrive suspiciously often from different regions of Ukraine. After the publication of an article in FACTS about the outrages of the Chupacabra in Bolshaya Aleksandrovka, which is twenty kilometers from Kyiv, people from other regions of our country began to call the editorial office. Their stories of a vampire predator seem even creepier. Moreover, more and more often people say that they have seen several of these mysterious animals at once. As our newspaper reported, an expedition of specialists in anomalous phenomena discovered traces of a Chupacabra of various sizes in Bolshaya Aleksandrovka - from four to thirteen centimeters in length! Interestingly, the animal’s tracks were both four-toed and three-toed. Has a whole family of bloodsucking predators settled near Kiev?

“I have heard many stories about the Chupacabra, but I never thought that I would encounter one myself.”

I saw five creatures at once! - says Vladimir Anatolyevich from the Khmelnitsky region. - I work as the head of a television and radio center. The tower is located in the forest. Sometimes you have to be on duty there around the clock. To avoid boredom, I started breeding rabbits. Before what happened, I had heard many stories about the Chupacabra, but I never thought that I would encounter one myself.

At approximately two o'clock in the morning, Vladimir Anatolyevich heard some noise in the yard. He immediately ran out into the street and turned on the spotlight.

Most likely, these creatures are afraid of light, he says. - Because they immediately jumped over the fence, one after another. I just had time to count: five mysterious creatures jumped from the yard into the forest! Can you imagine? Five at once!

How did they move?

As soon as I turned on the spotlight, they began to jump over the fence without accelerating. And they did it quite easily. One animal, however, hesitated a little and overcame the obstacle only the second time. Maybe it’s a female, or maybe it’s sick with something.

Did you manage to see them?

I noticed something. I noticed the long thin tails, elongated muzzles and manes all over the back. Their front legs seem to be smaller than their hind legs. That's what they write about them, that they look a little like kangaroos, and that's what I thought.

As soon as the mysterious animals were out of sight, the man immediately rushed to the cage with the rabbits.

My heart just bled,” recalls Vladimir Anatolyevich. - There were 23 rabbits in the cage. I look, most of them lie motionless, the carcasses are neatly stacked one on top of the other. The survivors huddled in a corner and trembled with fear. I've never seen rabbits so scared.

Have you calculated your losses?

These creatures strangled 17 rabbits. Only six remained alive. If I hadn’t run out and turned on the light, they probably would have been strangled.

Vladimir Anatolyevich says that on each carcass of a killed rabbit there were two small wounds on the ridge from the teeth of predators.

It was as if all the blood had been drained from the rabbits. It's a pity that I didn't show them to the vet then! He just dug a hole and buried everyone. But the fun began two months later! I didn't get any new rabbits for fear of another Chupacabra attack. But I strengthened the cage with the remaining animals as best I could. They bastards managed to bend the metal mesh!

And recently I went into the rabbits’ cage and saw that they didn’t look like themselves. The ears and faces are swollen, blood is flowing from the eyes! And even earlier, I noticed that female rabbits no longer get pregnant. It's a pity for me to kill them. I'll have to show it to the vet.

Do you think these are the consequences of a Chupacabra attack?

Anything is possible. What if that creature is contagious...

Zoya Stepanovna from the Chernigov region told us another story over the phone.

We also have a Chupacabra! - she claims. - My daughter-in-law works at the Mankovsky district hospital, so they recently brought a woman there who was attacked by a chupacabra.

Until now, there seem to have been no cases of attacks on humans...

But this is true! Call the hospital, they will tell you!

Unfortunately, the woman who was attacked by a strange animal refused to talk to me on the phone: “Many people don’t believe me that this happened. I won’t tell you anything more. I don’t want to be a laughing stock.”

The staff of this medical institution told us what the woman who was attacked at the regional hospital reported.

Nadezhda’s husband brought her to the hospital at night,” says the nurse. - He said that his wife was attacked by some kind of animal. Nadya was returning from work to her village late. Her husband had just come out to meet her. And suddenly, out of the darkness, an animal jumped out at the woman. She thought it was a wolf and screamed! Then the husband grabbed a stick and began to hit the animal on the head. The animal let go of Nadezhda and rushed away, but after running a few steps, it fell. When Nadya's husband came closer to the beast, it no longer showed signs of life.

Fearing that the animal that attacked Nadezhda was rabid, her husband took her by car to the regional hospital. When he returned to the scene, the creature was lying where the man had left it.

It was very vile,” the narrator continues. - The man cut off the head of the animal’s corpse and brought it to the hospital to show it to the doctors. Unfortunately, I was on another shift and didn’t see this head. But colleagues said that she was ugly and had fangs. And it also seemed to them that the eyes of this creature were similar... to human ones.

Where did this head go then?

You'd better ask Nadya. They say someone took it for examination.

“I don’t know where my head is,” the woman said when I called her again. - Yes, my husband brought the head of the beast that attacked me and showed it to the doctors. Then someone came up and asked me to give it to him. Looks like he was going to send it for examination. We ourselves did not understand how and why we gave away this head.

And the photos didn’t survive?

Unfortunately no. Teenagers can now take pictures of everything with their mobile phones. We don't have such a mobile phone with a camera. Now do you understand why I would not like to be written about in the newspaper? Who will believe us now? No head, no photograph. Unless the body of this beast can be dug up and looked at.

Nadezhda is currently still under medical supervision. Doctors say the woman's life is not in danger. But she experienced a serious shock.

Oleg Yuryevich Korneev, head of the historical department of the Suvorov-Nakhimov Association, also told FACTS that the Chupacabra can attack people.

This happened during archaeological excavations in the Kyiv region back in 1993! - he claims. - Chupacabra attacked our employee, she was barely repulsed. And then another member of the expedition barely escaped the attack of the beast: he managed to escape.

Another amazing case was reported to us from the Cherkasy region. There the chupacabra paid for his curiosity with his own life.

The animal got into our barn by tearing off the wooden bolt,” says Olga Timofeevna. - And there we had bricks stacked. For some reason, the Chupacabra jumped there, and the bricks kept falling right on it. We woke up in the morning, went to the barn, and there a strange animal lay there, dead, covered with bricks. My 14 year old son took a photo of this Chupacabra and we then buried it. The beast was very unusual. Thin, scary, long tail and muzzle - like a rat. Mane on the back. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs...

Unfortunately, at that moment the telephone connection was interrupted. The woman from the Cherkasy region did not have time to tell us her coordinates and then did not call again. But soon after her call, a man appeared at the FACTS editorial office who offered us a photograph of the dead Chupacabra, and was also ready to show us the place of its burial. But - for a big reward. The circumstances of the animal’s death were suspiciously similar to those that a woman from the Cherkasy region told us about.

“Recently, more and more cases of encounters with this animal, even during the day, have been recorded.”

It is not known for sure where the animal with the Spanish name “chupacabra” (translated as goat-sucking) came from in Ukraine. Mostly these animals appear in rural areas. Residents of the Zhovkovsky district of the Lviv region, who suffered from the atrocities of the blood-sucking beast, are sure that the chupacabra escaped from the personal zoo of some deputy. However, there is no confirmation of this version.

Residents of Western Ukraine were among the first to encounter the mysterious beast in our country. At first it was believed that the “vampire kangaroo,” as the Chupacabra is also called, moved around the country from west to east, constantly migrating. But after we wrote about the appearance of a mysterious predator near Kiev, it was seen again in Western Ukraine. Maybe the Chupacabra never left that region, but has long since spread throughout the country?

People who called the editorial office reported that the chupacabra had recently visited the town of Khirov, Stary Sambir district, Lviv region. The first traces of this mysterious animal were seen by a resident of the town of Daria Geida. In the morning she went to feed her rabbits and saw that “all the cages were torn.” Three dozen carcasses were neatly laid out on the ground into three piles. All of them had their necks bitten. Interestingly, no blood flowed from the wounds. Near the cages, the woman found five large paw prints of an unknown animal.

According to the Stary Sambir regional newspaper "Voice of Prykarpattya", in the barn of one resident at night, a chupacabra broke the fence of the cage, pulled out a 40-kilogram pig from it and gnawed through the neck, sucking all the blood. The predator left the dead pig in the barn.

Not far from the city of Zbarazh, Ternopil region, a chupacabra attacked roe deer, which were in an enclosure near a roadside cafe in order to entertain the public. The cafe watchman says that at five o'clock in the morning he heard some noise, went out into the street and saw that two roe deer were lying dead. They both have two small bite marks on their necks. And - not a drop of blood. Interestingly, the two-meter metal mesh fence was not damaged anywhere!

Readers from the Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions also reported similar cases to us. It is interesting that many of the victims of the Chupacabra turned to various authorities for help, but never heard a clear answer. Officials, as a rule, answer that they know nothing about the existence of the Chupacabra on the territory of Ukraine.

Stray dogs are often blamed for the role of domestic animal killers. This happened in two regions of the Lviv region. However, no one was able to explain why the victims had two small bite marks on their necks.

The head of the Ukrainian Research Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, Artem Bilyk, suggests that the Chupacabra may be a cross between a wolf and a domestic dog.

That’s why she’s not very afraid of people,” says Artem. - Recently, more and more cases of encounters with this animal, even during the day, have been recorded.

What about the sucked blood from rabbits and chickens?

Alas, this has not yet been proven. Unfortunately, no one has ever examined a single carcass of a killed domestic animal. Their owners usually buried dead rabbits immediately. There is no reliable information that their blood was sucked out. But we continue to search for the mysterious animal.

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There are several versions regarding the origin of the Chupacabra. According to one of them, this is a population of mutants preserved somewhere in the jungles of Central America - it was there that the mysterious blood-sucking predator was first seen. It is also believed that this creature may be the result of biological experiments carried out in secret laboratories in some countries. Quite fantastic versions are also expressed: supposedly the Chupacabra was brought to Earth by aliens, who have them as pets, like our cats.

The first official mention of the Chupacabra dates back to 1995. In the vicinity of the city of Canovanas (Puerto Rico, South America), people began to find completely bled corpses of pets with one or two small wounds (mostly in the neck area), as if they had been pricked by a needle. The victims of the vampire were mainly goats, but the monster did not disdain sheep, chickens, rabbits and even dogs.

Dark Mexican night... Having put the children to bed, the farmer decided to go outside before going to bed to check the cattle. In the light of the bright moon, the head of the family noticed a faithful dog cowardly clinging to the fence. The desperate bleating of goats could be heard from the barn. Having loaded the gun, the man carefully opened the bolt. Five goats were killed, and the remaining goats crowded in horror against the far wall of the barn. The culprit of the incident, an unknown animal, noticed the farmer and instantly disappeared into the darkness. Having examined the killed goats, the owner was stunned - the terrible beast did not touch the meat, only sucked the blood through two neat holes on the neck...

This is roughly how Mexican farmers describe encounters with El Chupacabra, the legendary “goat vampire” who has been operating on the American continent for three decades.

The first reports of the “activities” of the Chupacabra began to arrive in the 70s of the last century from Puerto Rico. Livestock died every night, and worried farmers found only torn and bloodless bodies. A government commission, having conducted an investigation, was unable to find any traces of the creature, or the beast itself (no one even saw it from afar, let alone take a photo of the Chupacabra), or evidence of a hoax. hid for almost 20 years.

Chupacabra photo. Mexico.

In 1995, attacks resumed with a vengeance. At first, the authorities, remembering the bitter experience of twenty years ago, ignored reports of the vampire’s atrocities. When the number of complaints exceeded all unimaginable limits, Puerto Rican officials became worried - the “joke” clearly dragged on, but the army and police could not cope with the night hunter. El Chupacabra attacked so quickly that it was impossible to catch him.

A few eyewitnesses described monster as “a one and a half meter kangaroo man with large eyes and spikes on his head, hairless, less often with black or gray fur. The membrane of skin located between the chest and paws allowed the creature to fly or hover.”

Who is Chupacabra?

Some believe that the Mexican Chupacabro vampire is connected to a UFO. Traveling with the aliens, the beast goes out to hunt, collect DNA samples, and scout the area. People tamed dogs, why couldn’t they? aliens domesticate a creature from another planet?! In the end, a vampire may turn out to be a biorobot created by aliens specifically to study our planet.

Some researchers of the phenomenon believe that he is a mutant born in the depths of American secret bases. There is even talk of secret photos of the Chupacabra taken at the American base in Roswell (yes, yes, this is the same base where a fallen UFO was investigated in 1947. Roswell, by the way, is located in New Mexico, in close proximity to the Mexican border). Whether the Chupacabra was released by the Americans in order to convince the general staff of the power of a potential living weapon and to extract additional funding to continue the experiments, or whether it escaped on its own, for example, during transportation, is unknown. The Pentagon remains silent; there is no point in hoping for a quick declassification of the “Project Chupacabra” documents. It is important to note that the description of the monster as two peas in a pod repeats the appearance of the character of the Sumerian-Akkadian mythology Gallu - an evil underground demon, who, in turn, can easily be confused with a velociraptor.

If we discard supernatural versions of the origin of the reptile ( UFO, mutation, parallel worlds, werewolf), then the most plausible version is the version of biologists who see the Chupacabra as an “ordinary unusual” animal. The small population of vampires prevents them from reproducing; they have no natural enemies (perhaps except humans) capable of repelling the bloodsuckers, which indirectly confirms the presence of intelligence and the desire of the creatures to remain unknown. Meanwhile, paleontologists echo their colleagues, noting that the remains of a fossilized saber-toothed kangaroo they found in Queensland look very much like a Chupacabra, only much larger. The ancient jumper, unlike its descendant, did not have a peaceful disposition; scientists themselves call it almost an ideal killing machine. By the way, it became extinct due to lack of food, which is understandable - the weight of predator kangaroos reached 2-3 tons!

Chupacabra in Russia and Ukraine

In the 21st century, reports of Chupacabra activity began to come from Russia and Ukraine. In the area of ​​the Oka River (near the Vyksa region), hunters discovered the skeleton of a creature similar to a goat vampire.

The men did photo of chupacabra, but zoologists disappointed the hunters - the photo showed a fox with its front paws torn off. The murderer operated in Orenburg, in the Trans-Volga forests of the Nizhny Novgorod region, and the chupacabra made its way to Ukraine (Kremenchug, Lvov, Ternopil, Vinnitsa region).

Sheep killed near Orenburg

Eyewitness accounts are like two peas in a pod: a chupacabro sneaks into the village, bleeds chickens and sheep and silently disappears. Deadbolts, guards, attack dogs - nothing can stop a vampire. A different kind of evidence comes from hunters who not only find identical skeletons all over the world, but also encounter entire families of chupacabras in the wilderness, which, fortunately, have not yet harmed people.

Video of Chupacabra in Lviv region

Video of Chupacabra in Kyiv

Video and photo of the Chupacabra

With the development of digital technologies and the Internet, photo of chupacabra. Many photographs are faked, and the remains of monsters that are allegedly found in America and Mexico are also falsified. Common animals are often mistaken for livestock killers - old, balding coyotes, baby dogs, little arms(ouch-ay). In the wake of the popularity of bloodsuckers, low-budget films appear like mushrooms after the rain, in which the appearance of the Chupacabra does not always even approximately reflect the real state of affairs, however, a similar fate awaits any more or less popular hero of popular rumor.

Chupacabra - fantastic images.

Creepy chupacabro In the woods.

Chupacabro coyote in Texas.

Chupacabra video (compilation)

Scary Chupacabra (photo)

Chupacabra photo. In fact, he is an old coyote with mange.

Skeleton of an unknown creature.

Since the New Year, residents of the Yarmolyntsy district center in the Khmelnytsky region have been hiding their pets in barns from an unknown creature. It strangled 30 rabbits in a month. The bodies were found with their necks bitten through and drained of blood.

“It runs from two in the morning until five in the morning,” says 36-year-old Olga Boyko. She saw the creature. “Once something started trampling on my rabbitry.” I go out, and it’s so reddish. Ran away. The garden was jumped over in four leaps. Long, like a greyhound, but much larger. Jumps like a kangaroo.

There was a gas stove on top of the rabbit cage. The creature threw her over. In the Rikhlik family, she drank blood from four rabbits.

They have holes on their necks from fangs, says Vladimir Rikhlik, 61 years old. “I took apart the meat, but it was clean and not a drop of blood.” I called the veterinary hospital. They told me to throw it away. It was a pity, three females and a male.

The predator tore apart the cages to get to the rabbits.

Slate and a sheet of iron were thrown. “It all weighed at least 50 kilograms,” continues Vladimir. - There were little rabbits in the other cage. I hid them in the barn. A week later it came again - and the rabbits were in the barn. What has it done? First it stomped around the rabbitry, then jumped out onto the roof of the barn. Although there is 3 meters in height.

This time people saw paw prints.

The mark is the size of her husband’s palm, says Nadezhda Rikhlik, 55 years old. - Three front claws as long as human fingers. We stuck 3 centimeters into the frozen snow. There were tracks on the barn. The dogs are so afraid of him that the shepherds whine like puppies and hide. They say it's a chupacabra or a werewolf. People are afraid. We didn’t contact the police; they still won’t help. Therefore, we have a place for the werewolf to hide. And in old houses, in the reeds, in the forest.

The creature attacks rabbits in farms located near lakes and forests. People are trying to catch a predator. However, traps and metal cages do not help.

A dog started barking in the yard,” recalls Andrey Myasnikov, 37 years old. - I went out, got to the toilet, and there was some shadow here. He jumped about 4 meters and ran. Such speed - no dog can do that. The metal mesh was torn. The board, 4 centimeters thick, was not only bitten through - it was torn into sawdust. I had three nights in a row. I set traps. They work, but no one is there. On the last night I installed a loop. So it broke the 4mm wire. There was a 30-kilogram iron sheet on the cage. He was thrown several meters. It's about 70 centimeters high at the withers. It's scary. Now I don’t leave the house without a stick.

People assume that the predator is hiding in an abandoned house on the outskirts. I'm heading there in the evening. The snow crunches underfoot. Dogs bark in the courtyards. It gets creepy under the house. There are only heaps of straw here.

“I have no doubt that this is some kind of mutant,” says 40-year-old hunter Pyotr Boyko. He traveled to the Russian taiga and worked as a contract sniper. - In the taiga, a man-eating bear followed us, and it wasn’t so scary.

Boyko ambushes the beast.

I only noticed his traces. I've never seen anything like this in my life. The only one who can drink blood is the weasel. But can a weasel be 40 kilograms? And the dogs are afraid of him. It howls so much that everything in your soul turns upside down. Its front legs are like those of a cat, and its hind legs are like those of an ungulate. Such a creature cannot exist in nature. Judging by the bites on the board, he has long and sharp fangs, at least 3 centimeters long.

Pyotr Boyko says he will shoot the predator:

I'll gather a couple more hunters, set fire to the reeds and smoke them.

The last time the howl of an unknown creature was heard was at Epiphany.