How to trick your body and lose weight in record time. If you have a nosebleed. Changing candies for chewing gum

The human body has great hidden capabilities that many people are not aware of - and these capabilities are fully explained by physiology, psychology and neurobiology. Look At Me has collected several examples of how to outsmart your body and brain and use these opportunities. For the most part, the tricks described do not harm health, but, on the contrary, are aimed at strengthening and improving it. However, we encourage readers to take care of themselves: be careful not to sacrifice sleep, starve yourself, or ignore pain or stress.

How to cheat a dream

Coffee and sleep

If you need sleep but don't have time, drink coffee and then take a 15-minute nap. This way, both sleep and caffeine will invigorate you. This double charge of vigor is possible due to the fact that the effect of caffeine begins approximately 20 minutes after consumption, and during such short sleep the body does not have time to fall into the deep sleep phase, only into microsleep, which restores a small reserve of strength.


Try it breathing exercise from the practice of yoga. It is called “kapalabhati” and consists of taking a normal inhalation and a sharp, accentuated exhalation. Repeat this about 10 times. This technique warms, invigorates and affects the pineal gland, which affects the so-called circadian rhythms (sleep - wakefulness).


Strange as it may seem, one of the the best ways to overcome drowsiness and fatigue is to strain your body a little and exercise physical activity. You can jump, squat, do push-ups. Any physical exercise at intervals of 20-30 minutes will help speed up the blood and improve the flow of oxygen to the cells, and therefore give additional energy to the body. The best option- short walk. Studies show that 15 minutes of walking gives new energy for two hours of work. Of course, you won’t get much exercise at night, so you can replace a walk with 100 squats. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk exhausting the body so much that it immediately requires rest.


If you are faced with the opposite problem - that is, your body is so excited that the sleep you need does not come, then you should use self-hypnosis. In psychology, such an effect is known as the “sleep paradox”. It is as follows: by convincing your body that it does not want to sleep, you turn your brain against itself. He begins to rebel and, as if Small child, does exactly the opposite of what you call him to do, that is, he begins to prepare for bed.

How to trick your appetite


Drink more fluids. Moreover, any other liquid except water (consume which in minimum quantity required every day). It could be green tea, water with lemon, tomato juice. That is, a liquid that will occupy your digestive tract. By the time your body realizes that it has been literally and figuratively “hoodwinked,” you will have time to prepare healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.

Eat slowly

Give your body at least 20 minutes to eat. Yes, the rhythm of our lives has certainly accelerated a lot over last years and even decades. However, our body evolves much more slowly. And so he’s used to it - it takes him about 20 minutes to eat; he’s just not ready for less time yet. And even if you managed to get enough in 5-10 minutes, your brain still can’t keep up with your stomach, and therefore continues to send “hungry” impulses.


Aromatherapy has beneficial influence not only on nervous system. It also helps people who are watching their figure, but whose body, naturally, sometimes rebels and demands food because it wants, and not because it needs. In this case, you should smell the perfume, light incense sticks, or smell the peel of a citrus fruit, such as grapefruit. Due to the fact that the centers of smell and hunger are located next to each other, smells suppress the feeling of hunger as our brain switches from one center to another.

How to trick your nerves

Get ready to perform

What do many of us do before an upcoming public speaking event? That's right, they are worried. And it doesn’t matter how many people you have to perform in front of - it could be your friend to whom you are about to propose, or reading poetry from the stage, or defending your thesis before a committee - in any case, your body will be subject to stress.

To avoid this worry, you should make sure that there are no mistakes on your part. And you can avoid them with preliminary preparation. And it’s not just about standing in front of a mirror, rehearsing your speech and watching your facial expressions and gestures. So you will deceive yourself: you will reassure yourself by remembering the words, although you have not prepared your body for the upcoming event at all. As soon as you go on stage, sit down at a cafe table - and that’s it, your rehearsals are crying. And all because the poor organism was preparing to perform the way it was prepared - standing alone in front of the mirror.

Repeat the same performance, but only in a different setting. Simulate the upcoming situation in your apartment. Let's say public speaking: stand on a stand in the corner of the room, place chairs and armchairs in front of you, place toys on them or lay out clothes (use your imagination as much as possible), turn on the noise of the streets or just the news on the computer at low volume (in this way you can train yourself to act calmly in the presence of extraneous noise, because no one guarantees that people will listen to you in deathly silence), point the light of the lamp at yourself, put on the clothes in which you will perform. Relive this performance two, three, four times. When the time comes, you will feel not like a beginner, but like a teacher who is giving a long-familiar lecture to the next class.

How to deceive the body

Calm the heart

Palpitations may be the result of stress or pre-stress. Fortunately, our body is designed in such a way that many reactions can be stopped with the help of our own body. Sometimes just blowing on something is enough to calm your heartbeat. (it is often recommended to blow on thumb) . The fact is that the breathing phases are closely related to the heart rate. Depression occurs on inspiration vagus nerve (vagus) and the heart rate accelerates (this is why during panic attacks a person begins to inhale air more and more often and it is so important that he restores breathing as quickly as possible), when exhaling, the nerve is irritated, which leads to a slowdown in cardiac activity.

Proper breathing is one of the main ways to put yourself into a trance or meditative state. With the help of special breathing techniques, a person can cheer up or, conversely, fall asleep, or can practically stop his heart. It is known for sure that such a “trick” is used by fakirs in India, who, with the help breathing techniques and self-hypnosis can slow the heartbeat to such a speed that it seems as if it has stopped.

Get rid of side pain

Unfortunately, many of us have encountered such an unpleasant sensation as pain in the right side after walking or jogging. This syndrome also occurs in healthy people, and those who follow all precautionary rules (do not eat two hours before jogging, breathe properly, do not make sudden stops while running). The fact is that when we exhale, stepping on right leg, then the pressure on the liver increases significantly - hence the pain in the side. Therefore, as soon as this appears unpleasant symptom, try to exhale while simultaneously shifting your body weight to left leg, - this way the liver will put less pressure on the diaphragm, and gradually the pain will go away.

How to deceive the disease


Very often, people who are sick or constantly think that they are sick are prescribed a placebo. In medicine, this is a dummy tablet, which can be ordinary ascorbic acid, and treats in this case not she, but the patient’s confidence that he is taking the most effective medicine in the world. Our body is so amazing that it can cure not only a psychological illness if we are dealing with self-hypnosis, but also cope with real illness. IN modern medicine Doctors often resort to the placebo effect by prescribing beautiful, loud-named, but useless pills. The main thing here is self-hypnosis, so it is important that the patient believes that he is taking a real drug.

How to trick your memory

Palace of Memory

A person tends to underestimate himself and his body. This especially often applies to mental abilities and the power of our memory. Sometimes it seems to us that, having memorized a certain layer of information, we are no longer able to accommodate more or cannot cover all these layers at the same time. The method that proves the opposite is called the “Memory Palace” or “Locus Method”.

Its essence lies precisely in a kind of calming deception. You create in your head an image of a palace, a house, an apartment - any space convenient for you, where you place bright things or association phenomena. The deception here is that the brain does not focus on the fact that there are many new things to remember, but simply endows familiar images and objects with a slightly different meaning. This way you can memorize numbers, names, titles and entire phrases.

All processes in the body are controlled by the brain. At the same time there is cunning tricks, which allow you to deceive the brain and thereby force the body to do what a person needs. There are 30 ways to deceive your body, and we will look at the most popular ones below.

2. If it is difficult to hear your interlocutor’s whisper

There are times when you urgently need to hear the conversation behind the wall. For this it is recommended to use right ear, which hears inexpressive language better. Wherein left ear perfectly perceives the melody.

3. If your hand is numb

Quite often, due to pinched muscles in the neck, numbness of the limbs occurs. To get rid of this unpleasant condition you just need to move your head from side to side to stretch your muscles. This will restore sensitivity in your hands.

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4. If you are afraid of injections

Most people are afraid of pain during an injection. At the same time, you can reduce painful sensations if you cough during the procedure. The voltage will go to chest and reduce discomfort elsewhere.

5. Stuffy nose

If a person has a stuffy nose, then breathing difficulties automatically arise. To relieve nasal congestion, you need to massage it between your eyebrows with your finger.

6. Heartburn

Quite often, heartburn prevents a person from falling asleep. To avoid this unpleasant sensation, you just need to sleep on your left side. This will avoid getting caught of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus.

7. Bad tooth

To decrease toothache You need to massage it with an ice cube between your thumb and index finger. The brain will automatically switch to your hands and forget about your teeth.

8. Burns

Due to careless handling of fire and hot objects, a person may accidentally burn his fingers. To avoid the appearance of a large bubble, you need to apply the pad of another finger to the burned area.

9. Dizziness after drinking alcohol

Alcohol, entering the blood, disrupts the density of the fluid in inner ear, which leads to poor body coordination. The brain cannot control all movements, so dizziness and loss of coordination occur. In this case, you just need to grab a stable object with your hands to restore your balance.

10. Side pain after running

So while running you may experience pain in your side. In this case, you just need to exhale and transfer your body weight to your left leg. This will reduce pressure on the liver and reduce pain. In this case, you only need to stand on your left leg.

11. Nosebleed

In this case, on upper jaw under the frenulum on the gums you need to apply cotton swab. This will reduce nose bleed.

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12. Palpitations

In order to reduce your heartbeat, you just need to blow on your thumb. This will switch brain activity to another part of the body and activate the desired nerve.

13. If you really need to go to the toilet

This method is only suitable for men. To make it easier to endure, you just need to think about sex.

14. If it is difficult to reach the bottom of the pool

Not every person can hold their breath for a long time while under water. You can simply trick your brain by taking a few quick breaths and diving. This way the brain will think that the person has enough oxygen to dive to the deepest depths.

15. If you need to memorize information

Before you fall asleep, you just need to repeat the text. The brain processes everything during sleep necessary information and transfer it into long-term memory. Therefore, in the morning a person will easily remember everything.

16. Seasickness

If a person suffers from seasickness, then you just need to look at the horizon on the lower deck. Ginger will also help cope with unpleasant sensations by adding it to food.

17. Hold back your laughter

Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they need to hold back their laughter, for example, at a serious event. To do this, you just need to pinch yourself or bite your tongue.

18. Get rid of nausea

In order to get rid of this unpleasant feeling, you just need to press on the points that are located just above the palm on the inside.

19. To wake up quickly in the morning

It's so hard to get up in the morning, especially when you went to bed late. In this case, you need to get up and go to work or school. To activate the body you just need to hold your breath as much as possible. possible time. The lack of oxygen will automatically invigorate the body.

20. Acne

IN adolescence Quite often acne and pimples appear on the skin. To avoid this unpleasant effect, you just need to wash your face more often cold water. This will reduce sebum production.

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21. Mosquito bite

After an insect bite, pain and itching occurs. To avoid discomfort the affected area should be anointed with toothpaste or soap.

22. Dizziness

To do this, you just need to put your finger in your ear. At the same time, we move the finger first from side to side, and then up and down.

23. Prevent sneezing

There are situations when it is impossible to sneeze. In this case, we simply pull the skin a little above the tip of the nose.

24. To reduce the pain of a blow

A person may accidentally hit or fall. To reduce pain, you just need to throw out all your emotions outward, in verbal form.

25. Cheer up

Stress and conflict situations lead to worsening mood. In this case, you can trick your brain by holding a pencil between your teeth. The facial muscles that are responsible for smiling are automatically activated.

26. To hold back crying

An emotion such as crying can be contained by raising your eyes up without blinking.

27. To stop snoring

Very simple. You need to sleep on your side. This is how you can avoid terrible snoring at night.

28. How to deal with hiccups

You can try holding your breath for as long as possible.

29. How to fall asleep quickly

There are situations when you need to sleep, but don’t want to. In this case, you can trick your brain. You just need to open your eyes wide and repeat to yourself that you don’t want to sleep. The effect will be the opposite and the person will quickly fall asleep.

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M it is possible, of course, to wage a grueling struggle with own body for liberation from every gram excess weight. But it’s better to act like a woman - just... deceive your body. Small tricks are forgivable if they allow you to effortlessly lose a few kilograms and feel more active, beautiful and healthy.

Most women suffering from excess weight have impaired water exchange, that is, the amount of water in the body exceeds the norm.
This is due to the fact that obese people produce excess insulin, which causes fluid retention and increased appetite. At the same time, water accumulates - it is formed during the oxidation of food entering the body.

What should we eat when we decide to lose weight, but we really want to eat?
What all weight loss diets have in common is the consumption of juices, fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, and yogurt. So they are y6ep with the desire to eat to their fill in the evening. One or two fruits or vegetables for each meal will help you feel full and naturally will reduce calorie intake.
Have snacks every 4 hours. Small portions food will help maintain blood sugar levels, which will relieve you of mood swings and insurmountable hunger pangs. At home and at work, always have a “pantry” with oranges, apples, biscuits and other low-calorie but tasty “stuff” on hand. The main thing is not the feeling of satiety, but the feeling of satisfaction!

How to lose weight without torturing yourself, your beloved?
Cut yourself some slack. But then atone for your “sins”. After eating a pie during the day, in the evening give up something no less high in calories, but not so tempting. Tighten the nuts gradually. Cut your diet by 100 kcal every day: replace the regular chocolate bar with an orange, cookies with sauerkraut.
Have fun. Try a new dish every day, and fresh taste sensations will save you from “dietary boredom” and the dull suspicion that beauty really requires sacrifice and this sacrifice is you.

How to always feel full?
Eat slowly. It takes the body 20 minutes for the “I’m full” signal to travel from the stomach to the brain. Hot food is absorbed more slowly than cold food.
Cook quickly. Then you won’t have time to “go crazy” from hunger, feeling the kitchen smells. Use pre-peeled or frozen vegetables. Never eat on the go while doing something - cleaning, reading, etc. Try food as little as possible during cooking, or better not try it at all. Brush your teeth after eating. If the taste of food remains in your mouth, your body will “think” that you are not yet full. Drink water - one glass before meals and one glass every hour during the day. This will suppress the feeling of hunger and relieve you from evening attacks of appetite. Always have a bottle ready mineral water without gas. But coffee helps increase your appetite!

How to reduce the calorie content of food without depriving yourself of gastronomic joys?

Here are some tricks

Use spices. Sometimes we mistake the desire to experience intense taste sensations for real appetite. Seasonings will help you satisfy him.
The fierce enemy of appetite is garlic! Grind three cloves of garlic and pour into a glass boiled water room temperature. After a day, the infusion is ready. Take a tablespoon before bedtime. Sugar in desserts can be replaced with vanilla or cinnamon. Eat mostly unprocessed or minimally processed foods—wholemeal bread instead of white bread. Low-calorie “versions” of familiar foods are preferable to all others. “Skinny” sauces instead of fatty ones (with butter, mayonnaise or sour cream). The chicken will be no less tasty with mustard or vegetable sauce.
Evening is the most “dangerous” time of the day! In the evening we are left alone with our appetite. The best defense for your diet: don't come home hungry.
There is also such a tactic for curbing appetite - the “+5 minus kg” rule. For one week, when you come home and feel a passionate desire to pounce on food, make an effort and be patient for 5 minutes. In the second week, wait 10 minutes, etc. Once you learn to hold back for 20 minutes, you will begin to control the impulsive desire to put something in your mouth.

How to trick your appetite with exercise!
Never give up physical exercise only because you don’t have time to complete the entire complex. Some kind of load is better than none.
Get your schedule right. If you have a hard day at work, start it with a workout. And if you want to reduce your appetite before dinner, then exercise at 17-18 hours. Stress and fatigue will be relieved by an evening workout, around 20:00.

How can you curb your appetite without training?
Routine housework is an aerobic exercise, because simply washing floors burns 250-400 kcal per hour, ironing clothes - 250, and machine washing - 160.
Walk several stops to work or the store. Everyone knows this advice, but for some reason few people follow it. An elevator in your life should become an abstract concept. Wherever possible, go up and down stairs.
Add romance. Get into the habit of admiring the city panorama, sunset or sunrise from high points (hills, towers, top floor). Let your loved one consider this your whim. On the one hand, there is a fresh stream in relationships, on the other, fitness.

How to really get rid of the desire to eat an extra piece?
Be inspired by other people's successes. If others did it, so can you! Stories of victory over your own weight in magazines, someone else's slender waist - best motivation and a source of inspiration for you. If you are one of those lucky women who manage to sleep 10-12 hours a day, then you have a much better chance of maintaining slim figure! Deep dream promotes the production of a hormone similar to growth hormone, which accelerates the metabolic process.
Dress fashionably and tastefully. Beautiful appearance will increase your confidence, and the need for comfort with food will disappear. This is also an incentive to watch your figure.
Don't starve: less than 1,000 kcal per day is dangerous to your health.
Weigh yourself no more than once a day: the water content in the body changes during the day by 0.5-1 kg, and muscles weigh more than fat.
Avoid alcohol - it increases appetite and weakens willpower.

What traps lie in wait for us?

1. Food as a pastime.
When you are tired of idleness, it is very easy to start eating in order to at least occupy yourself with something. To avoid this, learn a few rules:
- try to follow your usual diet;
- plan everything in advance. If you are going for a long walk, take lunch with you.

2. Eating with children.
Be careful. It's so easy to give in to persuasion and go to McDonald's to eat hamburgers instead of limiting yourself light salad and fruits. Besides healthy eating will benefit not only you, but also your child. The same applies to sweets: it’s better to buy some fruit than candies or chocolates that contain nothing but sugar. The main thing is communication, not food. Playing hide and seek in the forest will be more memorable for your children than eating in the cafeteria.

3. Buffet.
Abundant Buffet can destroy any good intentions. Mentally imagine what you will eat. If you eat a lot of salads first, you will have less room in your stomach for other higher-calorie foods. The main thing is not quantity, but quality. Eat fruits and fresh vegetables without restrictions.

4. Holidays.
Try to find out in advance how many holidays await you in the coming month. Mark these days in your diary. People are often shocked to find that they have anywhere from four to ten such events scheduled in one month. Before you go to your next celebration, prepare small plan actions. Decide in advance what and how much you will eat and drink. Find yourself allies. This is especially true for family holidays, because at them it is customary for the tables to be laden with food, and the tradition of “clean plates” is strong. In this case, it is very important to be able to negotiate. Try to explain to your relatives in advance what goals you set for yourself and ask them to help you. This could be a request to cook your vegetables separately and not put all the food on plates at once. If you go on a visit where you feel uncomfortable refusing a treat, eat a piece of candy, but not sugar-based, but sorbitol-based.

Life, youth and beauty are a miracle. And we hold this miracle in our hands! In theory, we all crave a healthy young life, but in practice, in most cases we do everything to deprive ourselves of beauty and youth. Just think, you can bring your body to perfection.

“The human brain asks us the most difficult riddle: well, this is how tissue is similar in consistency to a raw egg, able to be responsible for our mind, feelings, thoughts, memory and even our consciousness? - this idea was expressed by Susan Greenfield, a professor at the Royal Institute of Great Britain, who devoted many years of her life to researching the human brain. Indeed, this important organ of our body is extremely complex and not fully understood.

More recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that with the help of illusions and deception it is possible to study the brain from a completely different, different side.

How the brain works

The adult brain weighs on average one and a half kilograms, in some cases its weight reaches up to two. This is about 2 percent of the mass human body. It is wrong to believe that the heavier a person’s brain, the higher his intelligence - these factors are not interrelated. This entire mass consists of approximately 100 billion different cells, the vast majority of which are neurons. It is noteworthy that the neurons never touch each other. All of them are separated from each other by microscopic gaps, they are called synapses.

The brain is divided into two large hemispheres, and each has its own purpose. Thus, after conducting many studies, it was found that right hemisphere collects information that a person receives through the eyes, ears, etc., and the left one processes it, or analyzes it. For example, the right hemisphere “sees” a cat walking and determines that it is a cat. And the left hemisphere analyzes that this is not just a cat - but the neighbors’ cat. Also, both hemispheres can be divided into many sections, or areas, each of which is responsible for certain actions. So, one area is responsible for our speech, the other for balance, so that a person walks smoothly. There are areas that control our attention, hearing, breathing, smell and much more.

As they studied the brain, scientists conducted many experiments of varying complexity aimed at studying and deceiving the brain using various manipulations and illusions. If you wish, you can also conduct some of these yourself at home. interesting experiments related to brain activity.

Illusions and deceptions of the brain

This experiment was first carried out in the 1930s and was aimed at auditory deception of the brain. You will need a regular radio and one table tennis ball. Set the radio so that only static is heard from the speaker. Then you need to lie down on the sofa and close your eyes, and place one half of a table tennis ball on top of each eye, securing each half with an adhesive plaster. After about a minute, you will begin to hallucinate. These can be a variety of images, but some even hear people's voices. What causes these hallucinations? It turns out that our mind reproduces what we feel, and when there are not so many sensations, the brain itself begins to “draw” them.

It happens that we accidentally get hurt and experience pain. But if you look at your wound through upside-down binoculars, the pain will decrease. Oxford scientists have found that when the size of a wound visually decreases, pain also decreases. This visual experience of deceiving the brain proves that all our basic sensations, including pain, depend on our visual perception.

This experiment clearly shows how the brain can be deceived using the sense of touch. To perform this experiment, you will need a couple of chairs and a blindfold. The person puts on a headband and sits on a chair, and the second participant in the experiment sits in front of him on another chair. The one wearing the bandage puts his hand on the nose of the one sitting in front of him. Meanwhile, with his second hand he touches his nose and at the same time, with both hands, begins to stroke both noses at once. If these actions are performed for about a minute, then more than fifty percent claim that their nose begins to lengthen.

4. Trick the mind.

Raise your right leg a few centimeters from the surface and begin to make circular movements with it clockwise. At the same time, with your index finger right hand draw the number six in the air. You will see how your leg begins to rotate counterclockwise, and you will not be able to do anything against it. To some extent, this is not a trick of the brain; rather, it is a feature of the brain, since the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the synchronization of movement, cannot simultaneously manage the work of two opposite movements.

5. Trick the ear.

Three people can participate in this experiment, one of whom will be the test subject, and the other two will be observers and assistants. You will also need headphones. A long plastic tube must be attached to each earphone. The subject sits on a chair, and two assistants stand on either side and apply tubes with headphones to the ears of the person sitting. Each of the assistants, in turn, says something into the phone from his side. The one who listens can correctly determine from which side the sound is coming. But what happens if the assistants switch places and also take turns speaking? In this case, the subject will become confused and begin to point in the opposite direction - not at all the one from which the sound is coming. This is called auditory localization - that is, the brain's ability to determine direction based on the source of sound.

6. Rubber hand brain trick illusion.

This experience occupies one of the first places in the section on illusions and deceptions of the brain of the psychology course. The essence of the illusion is to suggest to a person that the rubber hand is his own. For the experiment you will need a rubber hand (you can inflate a rubber glove), a towel and a pair of brushes. Place your artificial hand on the table in front of you and hide your real hand under a towel. Let your assistant take the brushes and at the same time stroke both hands with them - real and rubber, while doing the same movements. After some time, you will have the feeling that the rubber hand has become yours, the real one. And if your assistant hits the rubber hand, you will even feel discomfort and pain, because the brain believes that this is not an artificial hand, but a real one.

7. The sound heard by people under 20 years old.

This sound is a sine wave with a frequency of 18,000 Hertz. It is recognized only by the brains of those people who are not yet 20. Some teenagers even use it as a ringtone so others can't hear when their phone rings. The explanation for this is simple - the older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to hear the sounds of high tones.

8. The Purkinje effect is a picture that deceives the brain.

You need to close your eyes, turn your head towards the sun and very quickly move your hand back and forth without opening your eyes. After some time, your imagination will begin to draw various intricate shapes.

Focus your gaze on the plus sign in the center of the picture. Look at it for about 30 seconds, and then turn your gaze to the wall. There you will see a spot. Now blink your eyes. What did you start seeing?

10. Illusion with a rotating silhouette.

Start looking at the silhouette of the girl in the video. How does it rotate - clockwise or counterclockwise? If it seems to you that it is hourly, then it will be difficult for your brain to imagine that it is rotating in a different direction. But in fact, this silhouette does not rotate at all, but moves forward and backward. However, the brain perceives this image as three-dimensional. This experience shows that once you have deceived the brain, it is difficult to see this illusion differently.

All these experiments only prove how complex and important body is our brain. Some of these experiments are still not fully understood by scientists. Apparently, humanity will need more than one century to finally understand and study our brain - the most complex object in the Universe.

Massage your earlobe. This will activate the ear receptors and reflexively cause a spasm in the throat, which will relieve the sore throat.

2. If you find it difficult to hear your interlocutor's mutterings

Turn your right ear towards it, as it hears fast sounds better. slurred speech. And the left ear will help you hear a quiet melody better, as it more sensitively picks up musical overflows.

3. If your hand is numb

Rotational movements of the head will help to cope with this problem. Stiffness in the hand is often caused by pinched nerves. neck muscles. Physical activity will help relieve nerves and hand sensitivity will be restored.

4. If you are terribly afraid of injections

Cough during the painful insertion of the needle. This will significantly reduce pain by increasing tension in the chest and cerebrospinal fluid, which will reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors.

5. If you have difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion

Press your tongue onto the roof of your mouth and massage with your finger between the eyebrows, which will cause the vomer, which forms back nasal septum. This will relieve nasal congestion within 20 seconds.

6. If heartburn prevents you from sleeping at night

Try sleeping on your left side. This position has been shown to reduce the reflux of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. This is due to the fact that when lying on the left side, the angle between the esophagus and the stomach decreases, and it becomes difficult for acid to enter the esophagus.

7. If you have a toothache

Rubbing an ice cube on the back of the palm in the membrane that forms between the thumb and palm will help relieve the pain. index fingers. Thus, you block pain signals from the diseased tooth to the brain.

8. If you burn your finger

Applying a clean pad of another finger to the sore spot will help reduce the likelihood of blisters appearing at the burn site. It's not likely to be as effective in reducing pain as a piece of ice, but you will avoid long-term treatment blisters.

9. If you have too much alcohol and it leads to dizziness

Grasp a stable object with your hand. The fact is that the liquid in the inner ear is of the same density as blood. By diluting the blood, alcohol increases the density of the fluid in the inner ear and raises the dome, which regulates balance. The brain ceases to correctly perceive the position of the body. Even the fact that you stand firmly on the ground is unlikely to help in this situation. Only tactile sensations from the hand help the brain correct the wrong impression.

10. If after a run you feel pain in your side

Exhale as you shift your body weight to your left leg. This will reduce the pressure of the liver on the diaphragm and reduce pain in the side. Remember. That most people exhale when stepping on their right foot, and this leads to increased pressure on the liver.

11. If you have a nosebleed

Place a piece of cotton wool on the gum behind the frenulum located on the upper jaw and press firmly. This will increase pressure on the front of the nasal septum and reduce bleeding.

12. If you are worried about palpitations

Blowing on your thumb will irritate the vagus nerve and slow down your heart rate.

13. If you are a man and you really need to go to the toilet

Force yourself to think about sex. It will immediately become easier to endure. Because urination and sex are mutually exclusive concepts.

14. If you find it difficult to reach the bottom of the pool when diving

Take a few short, quick breaths. This will give you 10 more seconds. Because the brain will think that you have enough oxygen in reserve and you will be able to carry out your plans.

15. If you have to learn information by heart

Repeat the text several times before falling asleep. During sleep, the brain organizes information and transfers it to long-term memory. When you wake up in the morning, you will find that you remember the text by heart.

16. If you are prone to seasickness

Standing on the lower deck. Keep your eyes on the horizon. This will make your condition easier by reducing the contradiction between sensations and visual impressions. Eating ginger will also help combat the problem of seasickness.

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