Which days of the cycle are dangerous for pregnancy. How to calculate dangerous days for pregnancy before and after menstruation. How to calculate dangerous days for conception and whether to rely on a physiological method of contraception

There are many methods of traditional and alternative medicine that help avoid unwanted conception. Various methods that help calculate dangerous days for conception are especially popular. These are quite simple but effective techniques that help avoid unnecessary conception or, conversely, calculate the most appropriate time for pregnancy. This is quite convenient, since such techniques allow women to keep their cycle under strict supervision and promptly notice the presence of deviations, irregularities, unusual signs, etc.

You can track dangerous days for conception using various principles: taking basal measurements, calculating unsafe periods of the monthly cycle, observing changes in cervical mucus and other signs. But, unfortunately, these methods cannot guarantee 100% contraceptive protection, because the results of such calculations are only approximate. During the most dangerous days for conception, the couple will have to give up unprotected sexual intimacy, and if they want to have a baby, then, on the contrary, it is recommended to live an active sex life during these days.

Natural contraception has undoubted advantages, if only because it is possible to calculate safe and dangerous times absolutely free, and there is no negative impact on the female body due to such methods, unlike oral contraception. Although natural contraception also has undoubted disadvantages. For example, it is necessary to keep various records, noting the days of ovulation, and measuring rectal temperature. All this must be done every day.

In addition, such methods only work for those patients who have a stable cycle; only in this case can one count on the effectiveness and accuracy of the methods. Also, an undoubted disadvantage of the natural birth control method is the lack of barrier protection against the possible transmission of sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, married couples can calculate safe/dangerous periods of the cycle using similar methods, so that in the event of an error and unwanted conception, they will keep the child.

How to calculate unsafe days

So, there are several popular methods of natural contraception:

  • Billings method;
  • Calendar method;
  • Maintaining a basal schedule.

Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages. But with any calculation methods, knowledge of the cycle parameters is important. After all, accurate calculations can be expected only if the female cycle is stable at least during the last six months.

This method of contraception is relevant only for women 20-45 years of age. In addition, it is worth taking into account that in the last month the woman was not exposed to stress, did not experience psycho-emotional overload, did not change climatic zones, did not go on or quit a diet, did not start sports training and did not make other changes in the traditional way of life.

Billings technique

It is necessary to keep a calendar and mark the date of the start of menstruation

This method of calculating unsafe days, according to experts, is considered the most inaccurate. It was created by an Australian couple. The essence of this technique is to control the nature of cervical mucous discharge, which changes its character during the cycle, at its various phases. Everyone knows that the female cycle begins on the first day of menstruation. When menstrual bleeding stops, it will be replaced by clear, mucous, cervical, insignificant discharge. By the time the ovulatory period begins, this discharge will become similar to egg white, and its intensity will increase to the volume of a tablespoon. These mucous secretions are necessary for sperm to move better through the genital tract.

According to the method of the Billings spouses, it is on these days when a woman notices a noticeable increase in the abundance of discharge that special protection must be taken against unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, you should avoid unprotected sex during these especially heavy days.

When the danger of conception disappears, the cervical discharge will change its consistency to thick, its color will be a little white and cloudy, and its character will be scanty. Cervical discharge will remain this way until menstruation. The technique seems to be safe, but it has a lot of disadvantages. Neither is that a woman’s discharge can be influenced by various factors such as thrush, cervicitis, vaginosis, etc. In such a situation, the results of observations will be unreliable.

Calendar method

  • The essence of this method is to understand the mechanism of menstruation, and therefore this technique can be used only after long-term monitoring of the cycle, at least for several months.
  • Experts say that sperm viability remains in the uterine tract for 3-4 days.
  • Fertilization of the egg can occur within a 2-day period after the female cell leaves the ovary.
  • Ovulation occurs on days 13-14 in a 28-day cycle, and on days 15-16 in a 30-day cycle. The possible time of conception using this method can be determined using the following formula: a couple more days before and after its onset are added to the expected onset of ovulation. As a result, it turns out that with a regular 28-day female cycle, the dangerous period, when pregnancy is almost inevitable, will be 11-16 days of the cycle, with a 30-day cycle – 13-18 days, etc.
  • For maximum safety, it is recommended to add another 4 days on each side. The resulting segment of the cycle will have a red danger level. On other days, as gynecologists say, the likelihood of conception is almost impossible.

You cannot rely unconditionally on this technique. Before using such calculations, you should definitely consult with a specialist to determine how suitable this method is for you.

The onset of ovulation varies for each woman

Doctors believe that the calendar method is only 30-60% reliable, so you cannot rely on it completely. One of the disadvantages of the calendar method is the need for the patient to have a regular cycle. With an irregular cycle, it is impossible to calculate the exact day of ovulation. Practice shows that ideal regular cycles occur only in a few. For example, young girls often experience ovulation at different times because their ovaries function very unevenly.

In addition, ovulation can shift in any direction due to an accidental fall, any illness, nervous breakdown or psychological distress, climatic conditions, physical overload, etc. Therefore, one cannot rely on the reliability of the calendar method with one hundred percent certainty.

Basal method

An equally popular way to calculate certain days dangerous for pregnancy is the temperature method. Every lady has her own menstrual cycle. To accurately determine which days in this cycle are unsafe for conception, you need to know for sure when the ovulatory period occurs. It is on this day that the cell matures, which will serve as the beginning for a new life.

The life of an egg lasts a little more than a day. If during this time she encounters sperm, fertilization will occur and pregnancy will occur. To correctly calculate this time, it is necessary to measure basal rates daily, which are determined in the anus.

Measurements must be taken daily, every morning, while lying on the bed. The thermometer is inserted into the anus to a depth of 5 cm, kept there for about 10 minutes, then carefully removed and the results read. On safe days, temperatures do not exceed 37°C. And when ovulation occurs, the temperature rises slightly.

Such measurements need to be taken for at least three female cycles, only then can they be reliable. Due to constant hormonal changes, thermal indicators in the rectum are constantly changing. During menstrual flow, the temperature drops below 37°C; by the time of ovulation it drops further, but when the egg leaves the ovary, a sharp jump occurs. Until the month itself, temperatures remain at 37°C. When menstruation arrives, the temperature drops again.

How effective are the calculation methods?

The methods described above cannot be considered as indisputable and accurate, because the reliability of the calendar method, for example, does not exceed 60 percent. With such indicators it is quite difficult to talk about the accuracy of the results. Therefore, there is no need to rely on physiological contraceptive methods.

  1. The main disadvantage of such methods for determining the dangerous time for pregnancy is the presence of a strictly regular menstrual cycle.
  2. That is, every month a girl’s menstruation should come at the same interval, for example, 28 or 30 days. Only under such conditions can you rely on the results obtained and not worry about an accidental pregnancy.
  3. Moreover, even with regular menstruation, possible mistakes cannot be ruled out, because the onset of ovulation, as already mentioned above, can be influenced by quite a variety of factors.
  4. If a girl was very worried, went through a stressful situation, was very scared of something, overtrained in the fitness center, or went on a strict diet, then all this can easily affect the monthly cycle, shifting it in any direction.
  5. As a result, menstruation may begin earlier than expected, or it will come with a noticeable delay.

All these conditions must be taken into account when calculating unsafe days.

Are periods a guarantee of safety?

The daily menu should contain fresh fruits and vegetables

Many girls believe that pregnancy is considered impossible during menstrual bleeding. But experts do not exclude the possibility of such a phenomenon; a small percentage of the probability still exists. Doctors believe that on the first day of menstruation, conception is absolutely impossible, because active exfoliation of endometrial tissue occurs in the uterine body, and heavy bleeding also prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity, destroying them.

But conception can occur if there is a surge of hormonal substances in the body, which results in an unscheduled ovulatory period during menstruation. Therefore, theoretically, pregnancy during menstrual bleeding is quite possible, although unlikely.

Any girl can use these contraceptive methods, but you need to realistically assess the situation, taking into account that the results obtained will only be approximate. Of course, with the help of such techniques it is quite possible to minimize the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy. You just need to remember that these methods are not 100% accurate, they can make mistakes, especially since not a single girl is immune from various hormonal changes, stress, psycho-emotional experiences, etc.

You cannot rely on chance, therefore, if you are absolutely not ready for the birth of a new family member, then you should use more realistic and reliable contraceptives. Then unfortunate surprises can be avoided.

How to protect yourself from pregnancy? This topic is quite relevant today. Partners can go beyond the use of contraceptives and, at the same time, avoid undesirable consequences. At least once in her life, any woman has heard that there are days in the menstrual cycle when the likelihood of conception is excluded.

How to calculate safe days?

To understand the essence of the issue a little, you need to know the basics of women’s physiology. So, every month at a certain time, representatives of the fair half begin their periods. Bleeding washes the uterus away from the remnants of the endometrium and promotes the renewal of the lining itself. After 14-16 days, the ovulation period begins - these are dangerous days (favorable for conception). The period before and after ovulation is considered safe.

At first glance, everything is elementary. You need to calculate the safest days and not worry about the result. However, it is worth considering that there are always exceptions. Otherwise, there would not be so many cases of unwanted pregnancies as in recent years. To calculate the right days, women must use more than just memory. Everyone is required to keep a monthly calendar, which helps to navigate the period of the ovulation cycle. The women's calendar contains information about the beginning and end of menstruation. It is with its help that you can accurately calculate safe days. Additionally use:

  • ovulation test;
  • cervical mucus method;
  • measurement of basal temperature;
  • symptothermal method;
  • hormonal monitoring.

There is no reliable method that can determine ovulation 100%. Out of 50 couples, 12 still get pregnant. All of the methods listed below are accessible and easy to use.

Oggino-Klaus method or calendar method

Using the calendar, the survivability of sperm in the uterus is conventionally designated as 2-3 days. Since the time of ovulation is 2 days, you can calculate safe days in the following way: add a couple of days to the expected date of ovulation, before and after, if ovulation may occur a few days later. That is, if the cycle is 28 days, the expected ovulation (dangerous days) is on the 14th day. We add and subtract 2 to this number. It turns out that from 12 to 16 there should be no unprotected sex. These are the days when you are most likely to conceive. Accordingly, safe days are all before the 12th and after the 16th. By keeping a calendar, a woman can calculate safe days directly in it and carry it with her always.

One of the main disadvantages of the calendar method is irregular periods. Not many women can boast of having a regular cycle. Girls living in a noisy city have been complaining about:

  • pain in the ovaries;
  • painful periods;
  • strange vaginal discharge.

A woman’s emotional state plays a big role. Especially in adulthood.

Dangerous days will be determined by cervical mucus

Sometimes, to determine dangerous days for pregnancy, women resort to the cervical mucus method. It is based on changes in vaginal discharge. There is no need to count anything, as observation is required.

As a rule, during the ovulation period, women experience a watery, slippery discharge similar to protein. Sometimes they bring discomfort in the form of wet panties. This mucus helps sperm penetrate into the uterus. The period of ovulation is called dangerous days. A few days before and during ovulation, there should be no sex without contraception unless you want to get pregnant. If a woman does not take OCs and the couple does not use condoms, it is better to wait a few days, because the likelihood of pregnancy is very high. When the discharge changes and becomes thicker and whiter, and the amount decreases, it means that the time of ovulation is most likely over.

The cervical mucus method has certain disadvantages that can lead to unwanted pregnancy.

  • Firstly, not every woman is able to determine the thickness and color of mucus.
  • Secondly, women's discharge depends on their health.

Irregular cycles and periods are the first signs of danger. Depending on the problems, the mucus may thicken, acquire a specific odor, and change consistency.

BT as a method for determining dangerous days

Basal temperature will help you calculate the days that are safest for pregnancy. However, for clarity, a calendar is needed here too. The temperature in the anus is measured for at least 3-4 months. To chart your menstrual cycle. Experts advise doing this both to conceive and to determine the days when it is impossible.

So, we start measuring basal temperature from the first day of the cycle. You can draw a small diagram, but it is best to use online programs. Some women's sites, chats and forums provide the opportunity to keep your own page and diary. There you can create both a monthly calendar and temperature charts.

When the temperature drops slightly in the middle of the cycle and immediately rises to 37.2–37.3 degrees, this is most likely ovulation, i.e. favorable day for conception. If an increase is not part of your plans, it is better to refuse sex these days or use condoms.

Using a thermometer, you won’t be able to accurately plan sexual intercourse or determine ovulation. If only because gynecological infections, diseases and even colds contribute to an increase in temperature. The method is effective only if the woman is healthy.

And finally, the most reliable method among modern women is an ovulation test.

No need:

  • maintain calendars;
  • diaries;
  • build diagrams;
  • monitor the discharge;
  • listen to your feelings.

It is enough to buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy and carry out the test at the appointed time, that is, count 10-12 days after your period (to be sure). If the result shows two lines, it means the most dangerous days for sex have arrived. If the second stripe is weak, it means that the follicle is preparing to rupture and soon the egg will end up in the fallopian tube, therefore, these days there should be no unprotected PAs, unless, of course, the conception of a chicken is planned.

This method of determining days safe from pregnancy includes an integrated approach.

The use of the above methods is combined into symptothermal. It helps to determine unfavorable days of the cycle twice as effectively and reliably.

Required indicators:

  • basal temperature;
  • change in the cervix;
  • indicators of the ovulation period (count ovulation according to the calendar).

The method is based on changes in basal temperature and mucus in different periods of the cycle. They are guided by changes in the location of the cervix. When it goes up a little, dangerous days are approaching, down means safe days, when conception is unlikely to occur.

To be sure, you can consult a gynecologist. It will determine exactly when changes occur and help compare them with other indicators.

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A woman's body is a complex mechanism. Even pregnancy can occur only during a certain period. And to find out which one, find out the dangerous days for conception, and also learn how to calculate them.

Pregnancy can only occur during ovulation. At this moment, a mature, viable egg emerges from the follicle, which can unite with a sperm, which will lead to the birth of a new life. But when exactly does this happen?

The period of ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. That is, if its duration is 27-28 days, then the egg will mature approximately on the 13-14th day. But this does not mean at all that you can get pregnant only on this single day. A favorable or, on the contrary, dangerous period stretches for several days. The fact is that sperm can remain viable in the female body for 4-5 days. And the egg, matured and released from the follicle, lives only 24-48 hours. It turns out that the probability of pregnancy remains increased two days before ovulation, as well as for about 1-2 days after it.

How to calculate such days?

There are several ways to calculate dangerous days for conception:

  1. Calendar method. If the cycle is regular and remains so for 4-5 months, then you can find out on what day ovulation will occur. So, if the duration is 27 or 28 days, then the egg will mature on the 13th or 14th day. With a cycle length of 32-35 days, ovulation will occur approximately on the 16th or 17th day. But the accuracy of the calendar method is low. In addition, no woman is immune from disruptions that can occur even due to common colds or moving.
  2. Method for measuring basal temperature. This method is quite complicated, but accurate. If the cycle is regular and the woman does not have any gynecological diseases, then in the first phase of the cycle the temperature is approximately 36.7-36.8 degrees, and before ovulation it decreases slightly. But when the egg leaves the follicle, there is an increase to 37-37.2 degrees. To notice such minor fluctuations, you need to take measurements correctly for at least 3 months, and also keep a graph. The thermometer is placed in the vagina or anus, and in the morning. And a woman should not get out of bed (any movement can provoke an increase).
  3. Symptomatic method. To use this method to calculate dangerous days, you need to be very observant. Some symptoms may indicate the onset of ovulation. Thus, cervical mucus is synthesized by the cervix in large quantities, that is, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant. They resemble egg whites in consistency and color. There may also be some discomfort in the lower abdomen, on one side. And this is due to the release of an egg from one ovary. But such signs do not always indicate ovulation; they can be a signal of some abnormalities.
  4. Using ovulation tests. Such devices allow you to determine ovulation by hormones contained in the urine. A special reagent applied to the test strip shows that there has been an increase in the volume of such hormones. In order not to miss dangerous days, you need to start testing on the 10th day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle (that is, from the first day of menstruation). If you see a second faint line, it means ovulation will occur very soon. And when it becomes bright, it means that the egg has matured and has left the follicle.

Can dangerous days never come?

Even a normal woman can experience so-called anovulatory menstrual cycles, during which the egg does not mature. But normally their frequency should be no more than once or twice a year. If ovulation does not occur for several months in a row, then this is most likely a symptom of a serious abnormality or gynecological disease.

Calculating dangerous days is not so easy, but if you know some of the characteristics of the female body, it will become possible.

Every girl who is sexually active knows that during the menstrual cycle there are periods when the chance of becoming a mother is extremely high, or very low. But not every girl can independently calculate dangerous days for pregnancy after menstruation.

If for some reason a girl is unable to use contraception during sexual intercourse, she can use calendar marks to protect against unplanned pregnancy, which consists of calculating the days of ovulation and the most favorable days for pregnancy. The same method is used in cases where a family cannot have children for a long time, or simply want to plan a pregnancy. Some geneticists believe that knowing your ovulation period, it is quite possible to program the gender of your unborn child.

This method is effective only if the girl is between 20 and 45 years old and has long had a stable menstrual cycle.

In order to find out in what period you can get pregnant, you need a calendar in which all the days of bleeding for six months were noted. In this calendar you can see your menstrual cycle - its beginning is the first day of your period, and its end is the first day of the next period. Now you can calculate your ovulation period as follows:

  1. Every month, the beginning of menstruation can differ by several days, so we find the longest and shortest menstrual cycles.
  2. From the shortest (let's say 28 days) we subtract 18. It turns out 10, that is, the tenth day of menstruation, and also the first day of ovulation.
  3. From the longest (let's say 30 days) we subtract 11. We get 19. Here it is - the last day of ovulation.
  4. We take into account that sperm have the function of “waiting” for the egg in the body for 3 days. And this is minus 3 days before the start, and plus 3 after the end of ovulation.

This is how we calculated the ovulation period. But, in order to find out at what period of the cycle you can get pregnant, you need to understand how the fertilization process occurs and how long the sperm and egg live.

A girl becomes a mother through the union of a sperm and an egg, which, after formation, lives from 24 to 48 hours. The sperm reaches the egg within 32-42 minutes. And it often stays in a girl’s body waiting for fertilization for up to 3 days.

By nature, a girl does not have a time in her cycle when she absolutely cannot get pregnant. Therefore, in response to the question at what period of the cycle you can get pregnant, we boldly answer - any. And there are many reasons for this:

  • long abstinence. The body perceives this as a threat to procreation, and can urgently prepare a new egg for fertilization, even during menstruation. This significantly increases the risk of getting pregnant, especially if you do not forget that male sperm can be in a woman’s body for up to 3 days. A girl needs to take this into account when she calculates which days are vagrant after menstruation;
  • love. Oddly enough, falling in love is the same, because at this time the body also adjusts to procreation;
  • prolonged failure of sperm to enter the body. This condition is similar to the first point, but differs in that the girl can be sexually active, but use contraceptives. The principle of the body's reaction is the same;
  • several eggs. Yes, it also happens that sometimes during the menstrual cycle a pair of eggs grow at once, which are released at different times, and this makes it unrealistic to calculate dangerous days for conception after menstruation.

And these are not all the reasons for many unplanned pregnancies.

The calendar method is not the most reliable method of contraception. The percentage of possibility of fertilization when following calendar data ranges from 40 to 70 percent!

To more accurately determine the flying days before and after menstruation, you need to monitor your women's health and ovulation periods. There are several methods for this.

  • Tests

Now there is an extremely convenient way to track your cycle - ovulation tests. They are almost the same as pregnancy tests, except for the fact that the test is always positive, except during the period when the egg is released and lives in the body. At this time, the test shows a negative result.

You need to be checked every morning before 12 o'clock, or even better - immediately after waking up. Don't worry, you don't have to run to the pharmacy every day. The manufacturer took this aspect into account, so the package contains several tests at once. If someone is wondering on what day of ovulation you can get pregnant, then you can safely say that on any day the probability will be very high.

  • Basal temperature

Here you will have to keep a notebook in which you will write down your body temperature every morning. To do this, you need to have an accurate thermometer, which you need to insert into the rectum every morning, immediately after sleep. Data is carefully recorded.

Until your body temperature rises. Before ovulation, it will decline slightly (within 0.2-0.5 degrees) and then jump to 37. This temperature will remain until the end of ovulation, after which it will return to normal. If the ovulation period has passed, and the temperature does not decrease for several days, this indicates that the girl is pregnant.

For those who are wondering what day after ovulation you can get pregnant - this is possible on any day. The smallest chance of fertilization is during the first 7 and last 7 days of the cycle. But this value may vary depending on the characteristics of the organism.

For some, conceiving a child is a desired and long-awaited process. Other men and women try by all means to avoid this. On what days can you not get pregnant? This question is asked by couples who use interrupted sexual intercourse or the calendar method of calculation as contraception. The days when you cannot get pregnant will be described in this article. You will find out the opinion of experts on this issue. You can also find out how these most infertile days are calculated.

On what days can you not get pregnant? Doctors answer

If you ask this question to a gynecologist, reproductive specialist or obstetrician, you will not receive a clear and unambiguous answer. In their opinion, days when you cannot get pregnant simply do not exist. Throughout the entire cycle, a woman remains likely to become fertilized. It’s just that on some days it is maximum, while on others it decreases to a minimum. Doctors say: you can never guarantee that pregnancy will not occur during a certain period of the cycle. There is an exception to every rule.

Doctors also note that the female body is very unpredictable. Quite often, due to the influence of external factors, the fairer sex experiences hormonal imbalance. It is because of this that pregnancy can occur when you definitely don’t expect it.

A little theory

To find out on which days you can’t get pregnant, you should have a fairly clear picture of conception. Even at school, teachers tell children about this during biology and anatomy lessons.

Thus, the male body produces seed cells - sperm. They are capable of fertilizing the female body with every sexual contact. That is why men do not have specific days when they can or cannot conceive a child. If a representative of the stronger sex is healthy, he is always fertile, of course, after puberty.

What can you say about a woman? On what days can you definitely not get pregnant? There is only one answer to this question. Pregnancy cannot occur when there is no egg to fertilize. After all, it is the presence of this gamete in the genitals of the fairer sex that leads to fertilization. Without it, pregnancy is simply impossible.

How to calculate safe days so as not to get pregnant?

Finding out which days you can’t get pregnant is quite simple. It is necessary to know exactly the duration of a woman’s menstrual cycle and the stability of these periods. We can talk about regularity when for at least six months the duration of the cycle has not varied by more than 1-2 days. The rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg occurs on average two weeks before the next menstruation. This is precisely the peculiarity of the second phase. It always lasts the same amount of time. While the first half of the period can normally last from seven days to three weeks.

To calculate which days you cannot get pregnant, subtract 10-14 days from the duration of the cycle. The resulting number will be considered the most fertile day. During this period, the gamete ready for fertilization is released. The woman’s body remains in this state for about two more days. After this, the probability of pregnancy gradually decreases and reaches its minimum at the beginning of menstruation.

What can be said about the first half of the menstrual cycle? During this period, sexual contact is quite likely to lead to conception. It is worth remembering that sperm can stay in a woman’s uterus and vagina for about one week. Based on these data, you can make a simple calculation. Remember that a lot depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. So, for women with a period of 21 days in the first half there is no safe time. If the cycle lasts 35 days, then its first 14 days can be called infertile.

Menstruation period

On what days of your period can you not get pregnant? If we take into account the woman’s physiology and the calculation method described above, we can answer this question as follows. The first days of discharge can be called safe. However, this rule only applies to women whose cycle lasts 28 days or more. For representatives of the fairer sex with a short period, even the days of menstruation are dangerous.

There is also an opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant during bleeding. This is explained by the fact that the discharge simply washes away sperm and male gametes from the uterus and vagina. Also during this period, the endometrium is in the most unfavorable condition for implantation. Even if fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg simply will not be able to attach and develop further.

On what days after menstruation can you not get pregnant?

As for menstrual flow, you already know. Let's try to calculate on which days you definitely can't get pregnant in a given case.

  • In a cycle lasting three weeks, safe days can be considered the period from 10 to 21 days.
  • If your cycle lasts four weeks, then the absence of pregnancy is likely if you have intercourse from days 1 to 7 and from 18 to 28.
  • With a long cycle of five weeks, safe days are the first 14 days, as well as the period from 25 to 35 days.


Many representatives of the fair sex use the methods described above and try to find out on which days they cannot get pregnant. Calculating the safe period is quite easy. However, no one can guarantee your success.

Women say that misfires still happen. The reason for this may be hormonal imbalance. In this case, the cycle is shortened or lengthened. The ovulation period similarly shifts. Also, the environment for sperm to stay can be quite favorable. In this case, they will remain in the woman’s body for up to ten days. Statistics say that every third representative of the fairer sex who uses this method of contraception ends up pregnant. Protect yourself correctly. Good health to you!