Stones are contraindicated for cancer. Which gemstones are suitable for Cancers?

Natural element- Water.

Cancers are endowed with extraordinary intelligence. Against the background of external restraint, they are characterized by hidden emotionality. At heart they are sensitive and vulnerable people prone to introspection. Childhood memories are extremely important for adult individuals.

Talismans for all Cancers

Being the embodiment of the Water element, Cancer is opposed to Fire. Therefore, thick yellow, orange, bright red, black minerals, which can suppress a person with their powerful energy, are undesirable for him. The best option– blue, green, pink, pale yellow stones.


A luxurious gem is an amulet for creative people. In down-to-earth individuals it awakens hidden talents, can spark an interest in philosophy.

– protector of travelers, sailors, businessmen. This is a talisman for future mothers.

The noble mineral is believed to bring material well-being.

Contact with emerald is beneficial for the vulnerable psyche of Cancers. The gem gives them joy and peace of mind.

The stone helps closed people overcome their inhibitions and establish communication with people.


The stone is associated with longevity, prosperity, and strong marriages. Creates powerful protection out of envy.

It may lose its wonderful shine. In this way, he warns the owner of an impending illness.

Moon rock

The translucent bluish-silver mineral absorbs lunar energy, relieving a person of the stimulating influence of the full moon. For Cancer this is of significant importance.

(usually this) is useful to wear for those who are looking for love. The mineral softens the owner’s temperament and suggests a reasonable way out. difficult situation, promotes career.

cat's eye

This is the name for mineral samples whose greenish and golden tints resemble the mysterious shine of a cat’s pupils. This tourmaline and chrysoberyl.

Their properties are useful for those who want to attract the attention of others and establish communication with work colleagues and family members. These stones contribute to career success.

Cancer amulets by date of birth

21.06 – 01.07 (Moon)

Representatives of the first decade are gentle and sentimental. They pass all external impressions through the heart. Vulnerable people need effective protection from dark energies.

A blue beryl specimen stabilizes nervous system, protects Cancer from deception and meanness. The cloudiness of the mineral reveals the owner’s spiritual melancholy.

The strong energy field of the chalcedony variety gives strong defense from stress.

They help overcome inertia and find your place in life. The owners of these gems have a keen sense of other people's lies and falsehood.

Strengthens the spiritual and physical strength of a person.

02.07. – 11.07 (Jupiter)

Cancer of the second decade is characterized by a thirst for knowledge. He takes an active life position, is ambitious, loves power. Difficulties do not frighten him. Negative trait– cynicism.

  • Chrysoprase

Represents new beginnings. Brings good luck to explorers. Attracts money. Helps you make new friends.

Dubious financial frauds bring only sorrows and disappointments to Cancers. A beautiful green mineral warns its owner against reckless actions.

A talisman for brave, self-confident people. Allows you to preserve the youth of your soul in adulthood.

Provides business assistance.

12.07 – 22.07 (Neptune)

Representatives of the decade are the support of family and friends. Among them there are many gifted creative personalities - writers and artists. Characteristic- an unusually developed sense of duty.

Jadeite is a type of jade. Both stones are endowed with similar properties. These are symbols of perfection, which Cancers of the third decade strive for.

The solar mineral is a source of inspiration for creative people.

As already noted, memory has a strong power over Cancers. The blue mineral relieves a person of difficult memories.

Transparent sharpens insight and eliminates pessimism.

Dangerous stones:

Although modern Astrologers have different opinions about unsuitable stones and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones not according to the Sun sign, but according to the weak one. List of stones that Cancers should take a closer look at:

  • brown and;
  • bloody pomegranate;

The Cancer woman can be described as a sensitive and romantic person. She is moderately practical, emotional and always easy to communicate with. External well-being can hide fears and experiences that Cancers do not show to others.

True feelings are always held back, and they can only reveal their soul to a very close person. Therefore, those around you can only observe a sharp change in mood, slightly irritable behavior, immediately replaced by an unobtrusive smile.

Behind the shell of a firm and optimistic personality hides an always easily vulnerable little girl who needs a man’s shoulder and protection.

Women born under the sign of Cancer are called to live for the sake of others. They tenderly care for loved ones and those who require help, giving themselves completely. They are torn apart between work and home in order to have time to realize their abilities and create comfort in the home. In return, they only need gratitude and reciprocity.

The best stones for a Cancer woman by date of birth

First decade

The first decade of birth of Cancers (06.21 – 07.01) is characterized by one important circumstance - the patronage of the Moon, which makes women everyone’s favorites. To reveal your unique qualities and talents, it is recommended to use talismans and amulets with symbolic and iconic natural minerals. The main one is considered to be moonstone. It promotes opening creative potential, makes the owner independent from others.

Hematite can be used as a talisman against negative energy and evil eyes. He will become reliable protection from ill-wishers and envious people.

Rock crystal is also considered an iconic crystal for Cancers. It improves thinking, helps to concentrate to achieve a goal, motivates and gives self-confidence.

Jewelry and ritual paraphernalia made of amethyst will reward the owner with happiness, tenderness and sincerity loved one. The mineral is also used as a symbol of family well-being.

Second decade

Cancer women born in the second decade (02.07 – 11.07) are very assertive and enthusiastic various studies and riddles. They almost always achieve their goals. And the main assistants and talismans are chrysoprase and heliotrope.

These minerals balance the contradictions of character, which promotes concentration. mental activity. Through mobilization, the slightly cynical Cancer achieves his goal.

As a talisman to protect against the negative attacks of ill-wishers, it is recommended to acquire natural pearls. In addition to protection, it also strengthens relationships in marriage, neutralizes rivals and symbolizes happiness.

Turquoise will help you cope with grievances and grief. The mineral also attracts an influx of money. Sardonyx is distinguished by its ability to prevent conflicts and disagreements. A talisman with a crystal brings good luck to the owner.

Opal will help Cancers, who are emotional and prone to unraveling various mysteries, pacify their impulses and return to reality.

Third decade

Cancer women born in the third decade (07/12 – 07/22) are characterized as creative and dreamy individuals. Sensitive natures do not know how to refuse others, who often take advantage of their kindness and responsiveness.

Tourmaline is considered the main assistant in demonstrating strength of character. It will give you self-confidence and energy. A cat eye will stimulate the development of intuition, which will promptly open eyes to the thoughts of the environment.

To stabilize financial issues, you cannot do without a ruby. It not only directs cash flows into the owner’s pocket, but also gives him confidence in his abilities.

Aquamarine will open your eyes to the true attitude of friends and employees towards the owner of the stone. Beryl will bring good luck and guide you on the path leading to achieving your most cherished dream.

Emerald will help improve your health and gain peace of mind. The gem must be placed in the area solar plexus, from this it is magical and healing effect will be much more effective.

Stones for Cancer woman

Different natural stones are suitable for women born under this zodiac constellation. The best talismans and amulets will be raw nuggets that have powerful energy. Natural minerals can be purchased at jewelry stores. Their cost depends on their affiliation certain group and processing quality.

  • emerald;
  • aquamarine;
  • beryl;
  • opal;
  • ruby;
  • tourmaline.

Semi gems also have magical and healing properties. This constellation is suitable for:

  • cat's eye;
  • turquoise;
  • Moonstone;
  • chalcedony;
  • amethyst;
  • rhinestone.

Talismans and amulets

When choosing a mineral or decoration for a talisman or amulet, you should give preference to products with smooth shapes and elegant design. By color scheme For Cancer women, gems of blue, greenish shades and transparent stones are suitable.

They fit perfectly with the water element. If the mineral shimmers in water, then it is ideal for the hostess and will be most effective in attracting good luck and health.

On store shelves you can see many products made in animal themes. Cancers should select water inhabitants: fish, crabs, turtles, etc. Such a pendant or pendant may well become a talisman that attracts good luck.

Any woman cares about two important factors in life: beauty and love. A ring or pendant made of moonstone. Pearls have the same effect.

It personifies femininity, happiness and love, so those who seek to re-create a family and raise offspring in love are advised not to part with a pearl talisman. Black pearls should be treated with caution.

At the slightest manifestation of discomfort, it is better to refuse such an amulet. It is not recommended to purchase for unmarried women pearl jewelry, and even more so use them as ritual paraphernalia.

Iconic emerald rings should only be purchased in a gold setting and worn on the left hand. Then the symbol of balance and financial independence will work flawlessly.

To achieve career advancement, you should acquire a turquoise pendant. She will help you find right decisions and achieve your goals.

Earrings with amethyst or heliotrope will give a woman with a timid character courage and determination. Agate beads also have the same properties.

Which stones are not suitable

Cancer women can wear any minerals as jewelry. But when worn for a long time, some natural stones can provide negative impact, both on the state of health and on events in the life of the owner.

Particular care should be taken with nuggets (unprocessed minerals). They have powerful magical properties. And if their energy is incompatible with the energy of the hostess, then a strange chain of troubles in a woman’s life can be linked to the influence of the gem.

The most dangerous stones are bright and saturated in color: garnet, orange sapphire, onyx, red agate, yellow lapis lazuli.

The remaining minerals are selected for ritual symbolism, taking into account the character of the hostess. Vulnerable and sensitive people should not wear topaz and diamond as a talisman. These gems bring good luck only to strong and persistent people. And energetically weak person they'll just break it.

Unmarried Cancers should not wear natural pearls, so as not to attract the legend of a widow who owns a luxurious pearl necklace.

Topaz is considered the main enemy of Cancers. The strong energy field of the mineral will put pressure on the owner, preventing her from showing her talents and knowledge. But in case of violations gastric tract Oddly enough, only a topaz pebble can help.

Of all zodiac constellations Cancer is the smallest. People born under this sign are quite mysterious and secretive. Cancers are ruled by the Moon, which is able to control them. emotional background. They can be hard and insensitive to their surroundings, yet relationships and love play a dominant role in their lives. All Cancers can be wonderful family men and sometimes other people’s problems are alien to them, they live only for the sake of their loved ones.

Cancers have well-developed intuition; it happens that they can sense certain mystical powers within themselves. These people have excellent memory and a strong sense of justice. Almost all representatives of this zodiac sign are characterized by pessimism. Cancers have good intelligence and a phenomenal memory, which they should use for good, and not to remember bad moments, take revenge and delve into themselves. In order to reveal the essence of a sign as best as possible and improve its qualities, it is necessary to correctly select stones, talismans and amulets. Each situation will have its own specific mineral.

Cancer is affectionate and playful by nature. None of the signs yearns for their homeland as much as he does. This is a leisurely sign; before acting, he must carefully consider all his actions. Cancer women great attention pay attention to their image and body, care about the beauty of their clothes and image. They prefer silk, follow fashion and value individuality. Cancer men are mannered in their youth, but with age they lose these qualities and become more careless.

Properly selected gemstones help Cancers to enhance the personality traits that allow a person to be purposeful and achieve what he wants. Topaz London Blue enhances the intuition of this zodiac sign. If Cancers carry this stone with them, then they can apply their talents precisely in the area in which they like to work, as well as in their personal lives. Topazes, especially bright and rich colors, are perfect for women of this sign. Minerals give health and natural beauty, feed with energy, protect from dangers and machinations of spiteful critics. Blue topaz protects family well-being from quarrels and disagreements and helps in mutual understanding between generations.

Since Cancers are ruled by the planet Moon and the element Water, their lucky minerals will be moonstone and pearls. Moonstone will help return past relationships to women born under this zodiac sign. It protects the hearth and helps create balance and harmony. Moonstone helps relieve fatigue, increases vitality and saturates with energy in order to realize what is planned. The mineral must be purchased by those who constantly fall into stressful situations or is affected by depression.

Belomorite is a stone that is mined only in the Baltic Sea. Belomorite is best used by those Cancers who strive to gain new knowledge - schoolchildren and students. The mineral helps to better remember and analyze information, and also allows you to do correct conclusions and improves logical thinking. For women's health, the gem is extremely useful and is capable of restoring it to its fullest extent. In addition, those girls who wear belomorite as a talisman can successfully conceive a child and carry it to term.

Emerald also has a beneficial effect on representatives of this zodiac sign. It is a symbol of wisdom and purity. The one who wears this stone is always protected by the forces of good. Emerald allows you to attract fame, wealth, allows you to become more successful, and has a beneficial effect on the body. Emerald crystal will help banish insomnia, strengthen cardiovascular system and immunity. The mineral has pronounced magical properties. Anyone who has this bright green gem can foresee the future. A talisman with an emerald helps Cancers overcome melancholy, get rid of stiffness and isolation.

For the prudent and overly rational Cancer, it will be useful to bring a little passion and bright emotions into life. A decoration with a pomegranate is best suited for this. For beautiful Cancer women, pomegranate will help them stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, be able to open up to loved ones and bare their soul to them.

Green agate is also perfect for women. This stone is able to preserve family happiness when you have an excess of worries and troubles.

Kashmir sapphire is an excellent amulet for Cancers, since they often try on the role of the victim. This gem will help you switch yourself to positive thinking and focus on your own needs.

Ruby will be a powerful spiritual amulet that brings good luck to Cancer. Jewelry with this stone is a kind of indicator general condition body.

Aquamarine will warn her ward against human envy and anger. The stone will also soften the obstinacy and intransigence of Cancer’s character, which will contribute to career advancement.

Purple amethyst will help Cancer get rid of negative aspects human character, become more welcoming and friendly. The mineral will protect its owner from accidents, dangers and help make the right decision at a crucial moment.

Jewelry with chalcedony helps Cancers to gather their thoughts, tune into a positive mood, and contribute to achieving their goals.

Obsidian calms and softens strong character, brings prosperity, inner freedom and will ensure material independence in the life of Cancers.

A product with ametrine makes representatives of this zodiac sign wiser and more careful. But you should not wear it too often, since the mineral must be gained from an influx of energy from the outside.

White onyx is also suitable for Cancers. This amulet helps to cope with increased nervousness and irritability. He protects them from conflicts and contradictions in which they often get involved.

The diamond helps Cancers to be a person whose words match their deeds, to get rid of contradictory thoughts and actions. Diamond gives you the opportunity to make the right decisions on your own, without listening to the opinions of more successful people.

Pearl is the guardian of harmony when surrounded by representatives of this zodiac sign. Pearls strengthen the marriage bonds of Cancers and protect them from negative energy from ill-wishers. It repels envious words and glances, clears you of unnecessary worries, and protects you from worries. Pearls can change their shade depending on who is wearing them. If Cancers are often sad, then the pearl may darken. If Cancer looks at him, then this improves his psychological and emotional condition, brings peace of mind.

Taoists believed that pearls are a kind of elixir of youth that prolongs the life of its owner. In Mongolia, it was used to check glasses of wine for poisons that might be contained there. There is still a belief in many countries that pearls cure cataracts and help cope with other eye diseases. In Europe, pearls are considered a sign of longevity; in India, they symbolize a successful marriage, prosperity and well-being.

Lithotherapists also advise people born under the constellation Cancer to take a closer look at semi-precious stones

>Cancer Stones

To figure out which stone is suitable for Cancers, first you need to analyze their character traits, goals, aspirations and life principles. Typically, Cancer is a good and calm homebody. This person obeys the Sun and Moon and literally lives in the past.

The horoscope notes that this is one of the most emotional signs, although you will only see a small part manifestations of his experiences. These are melancholic people whose moods tend to change quickly. At the same time, Cancer is strong, responsive, knows how to sympathize and is the first to come to the rescue. These are the most suitable Friends.

The birth of the zodiac binds him to traditions, and therefore he cannot love change. They are careful with money, they know how to earn, save and increase it. But the instinct of accumulation is born not because of a vision of the future, but of prediction possible problems. Among the main advantages of a cancer character: kindness, perseverance, developed intuition and compassion. Cons: closedness, belittling one's merits, weak will.

Stones for Cancer by date of birth

Moon people are born from June 21 to July 1. They are important social pets as they are affectionate, receptive and sensitive to the troubles of others. Natural minerals such as hematite, carnelian, rock crystal, jasper (some varieties), moonstone and amethyst are prepared for them.

Before July 11, businessmen with a hint of cynicism appear. The date makes them look at the world as a universal mystery that they need to unravel. To find answers, the horoscope advises stocking up on pearls, sardonyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase, heliotrope and turquoise.

The lucky ones from the third period (from July 12 to July 22) receive simultaneous influence from Neptune and the Moon. Endowed with creative and sometimes magical abilities, and some are making breakthroughs in scientific research. These are incorrigible romantics, sensitive natures. The horoscope advises looking for help among beryl, ruby, tourmaline, aquamarine and emerald.

It will come with a ruby favorable time for the heart, since the material strengthens it and makes it stronger. It also drives away sad thoughts, saturates sexually, and inspires the owner. With him, Cancer will dare to do a good and brave deed.

The cat's eye plays the role of a talisman. It protects against betrayal and protects love. It will become easier for the sign to communicate and understand others. The lunar one restrains anger and relieves emotional overstrain. Emerald comes to the rescue when composure is important, and pearl drives away quarrels and protects family men.

To say goodbye to sadness and anger, you should wear chalcedony on your little finger. The ancients believed that it attracts a soul mate to a girl. Plus it's incredible powerful amulet, so he needs to shoot periodically. To find peace or soothe frayed nerves, just look at a pearl necklace. But in the form of a talisman he will receive it exclusively married woman, the rest are contraindicated.

Horoscope Amethyst is perceived as a symbol of purity. It can be inlaid into a ring and given to a successful business or creative person. Turquoise in a pendant will also help in your career. Courage and boldness will come with agate (amulet or beads).

The lunar mineral absorbs your doubts and consolidates positive attitude aventurine. If you feel that emotions are boiling inside and you cannot find balance, try on aquamarine. A woman will find wisdom and courage in hematite. From a Christian point of view, heliotrope is considered the most powerful amulet. For example, if you place it in earrings, Cancer will forget about obstacles.

According to the horoscope, a man who is confident in his abilities keeps onyx. This is a talisman for leaders in which the energy of masculinity is concentrated. He will free you from the captivity of public opinion and gloomy mood. The young man will become successful, rise in the eyes of the public and withstand the vagaries of fate.

Agate will invigorate Hard time. It affects weak sides zodiac (pessimism, low self-esteem, vulnerability) and weakens them. Cancer frees itself from its fears and moves more easily towards its goal. With emerald, stiffness, awkwardness, and secrecy will disappear. He becomes more interesting and opens up. If it’s difficult for a guy to control his feelings, then he calms him down and fills him with joy.

Develop innate talents with carnelian. It attracts luck and justice. A man becomes insightful and sees the situation more clearly. The mineral is not a fighter against depression, but it forces the owner to act and pushes towards better living conditions.

If you choose stones by color, then remember that Cancer is a representative of water, and therefore iridescent transparent talismans are suitable for him. Avoid dark and red colors, as they only cause harm. Also forget about topaz, diamond and garnet.

Articles dedicated to Cancer

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Cancer most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

“Not a man, but a cloud in his pants.” This line from a poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky characterizes the poet born under the sign of cancer. They are said to be sensitive romantics. Personalities are vulnerable, creative, energetic and ready for adventure. The problem of representatives of the water element - sudden changes moods. Either melancholy or unbridled joy. Mineral amulets will help you find a reasonable balance between extremes.

Cancer stone for woman according to horoscope– selenite. This is the name given to the bluish variety of moonstone. She helps sensual ladies of the sign find happiness in their personal lives. In the old days, rings with selenite were worn by lovers who were separated.

It was believed that the mineral helped them overcome the severity of separation and reunite again. Alchemists of the Middle Ages said that bluish stones, suitable for cancer women act as “advisers” who show the right path in life. To the advantages of moonstone, lithotherapists add the ability to treat dropsy and nervous disorders.

Which stones are suitable for Cancer women? who want to strengthen marriage bonds or relationships with a partner? The answer is pearls. Mother of pearl shifts the mood of the representatives of the sign in a positive direction and reduces mood swings. As a result, those around them begin to look at crayfish differently, appreciate them, and be drawn to them.

Pearls give fertility, the alchemists of the Middle Ages believed. The sea mineral is still worn by those who want to have children and take care of them. proper development. What kind of stone does cancer have? prevents diseases genitourinary area? Again - pearls.

Agate gives the lady of the water sign longevity. The mineral also “supplies” eloquence. This helps to find mutual language with people, promotes career advancement and success on the personal front.

Agate hides flaws, highlighting advantages, therefore, it is the best stone for cancer. Woman This sign does not like society to see her weaknesses, but without energy “feeding” she is not always able to cope with the task on her own.

Mental anguish and emotional instability often prevent men of this sign from achieving their goals. Halfway through, your hands drop, and when they rise again, the moment is already lost. Emerald will force you to finish what you started. He enters stones for cancer men ensuring success in society and respect from others. Green-blue crystals sweep aside doubts and promote making the right decisions.

Recommended cancer sign stone- jet. This is the name given to the black variety of amber. It normalizes the sleep of representatives of the water element. Insomnia is a common problem among Cancer men. For most of them, the No. 1 value is family. Jet will help here too, ensuring happiness in marriage and relationships.

Cancers can be vain. The thirst for recognition goes hand in hand with the desire for your opinion to be taken into account. Jade helps you gain respect and find an appreciative audience. This Cancer zodiac sign stone with powerful energy. She is able to give strength for changes in her destiny, taking new heights. Everyone wants to be successful. But, the green mineral transforms the desired reality only for Cancer men.

Kind and sensitive. This is a characteristic of the early representatives of the sign, born from June 21 to July 1. Stones, suitable for cancer of this period: - amethyst, tourmaline, carnelian. Their crystals will protect people of the first decade from disappointments.

Many people tend to take advantage of the soft-heartedness of Cancers. The amulets help you accept it, survive it and only become stronger. The strongest of the “firstborns” is perhaps Mike Tyson. The “Beast” in the ring apparently learned to hide his vulnerable and kind nature very well.

Stones for cancer, born from July 2 to July 11: - turquoise, chrysoprase, opal, heliotrope. They smooth out the consequences of the cynical actions of those who were born in the middle decade. Its representatives are internally somewhat insecure. The mask of a cynic is a way to hide this.

For “average” Cancers, the world is a mystery that one wants to comprehend. It is easier to search for the meaning of existence and understand its laws in a society of disgrace. It is also included in stones for cancer. Many representatives of the sign express their thoughts poetically. Just look at the works of Anna Akhmatova, born on July 11, 1889.

Beryl, cat's eye, ruby, tourmaline are the minerals of those born from July 12th to July 22nd. Which stone is suitable for crayfish? The third decade is decided by the vulnerability of its representatives. For the most part, they creative people, with a fine mental organization. Such, for example, is Ivan Okhlobystin.

He managed to be a priest, and acts on stage. Such diverse activities speak of the internal torment to which one is disposed cancer. Stones according to the horoscope Lia Akhedzhakova will also come in handy. The People's Artist has repeatedly admitted in interviews that she is too emotional, although this only helps her in her career.

There are also minerals that cannot be tolerated zodiac cancer. Stones, contraindicated for him: - rauchtopaz and diamond. By the way, Princess Diana avoided them. Her engagement ring was a sapphire, albeit an 18-carat one. For necklaces, the lady chose pearls as if they were true cancer. Stones talismans Prince Charles's wife also wore earrings. There were no rauchtopazes in any of the princess’s jewelry. Diamonds were also found, but only small ones, as a frame for other crystals.