Why does a married woman dream about a fox? Why do you dream about a fox: they want to outwit the dreamer

For many, the fox is a beautiful fairy-tale animal, a symbol of cunning, deception, and flattery. Fairy tales of many peoples repeat this, but there are few clear answers about why the red fox dreams. Let’s try to figure out what its appearance in our dreams promises and what it warns about, based on several sources.

Interpretations in the works of psychologists and clairvoyants often differ. To be sure, you should always consider several opinions.

Hunt a fox - there is a risk of getting into a complicated romantic story or participating in a not very decent business. Seeing a fox in your own home is a sign that envious people are not asleep and are in a hurry to harm you. A clean reputation is at risk.

Killing a fiery beast is an auspicious sign. Success lies ahead, the destruction of your enemies.

And here there is a reminder of the cunning of the forest dweller. If you dream of a fox, then, according to the interpreter, the dreamer is either cunning and resourceful, or may become a victim of such unscrupulous people. Most often, a fox in a dream is in the form of a rival, taking something away - a bad symbol. There is a person around who wants to either take your place or become the owner of your property.

Catching a fox means news that a powerful patron will appear. Losing the animal in a dream, the fox managed to escape - losing the trust of the patron.

The French have believed since ancient times that a fox seen in dreams means meeting a swindler. There is a possibility that the dreamer will become a victim of deception. Watching a calm, friendly fox nearby means experiencing abuse from your work colleagues.

To suffer from an attack means to have strong rivals in everyday life. Feeling a fox bite means trouble coming from your enemies will not take long to arrive. Successfully fight off the attack - avoid the traps set for you by hypocrites.

According to all interpretations, the source reports about a fox in dreams as a messenger about an existing embittered enemy.

Hear the fox yapping - be careful, people are gossiping about you and plotting intrigues. Taking a fox in your arms and holding it close to you means mutual love or a trusting relationship with business people.

Seeing a cunning animal in a cage - become a victim of robbery. To experience a bite means to suffer from swindlers. A fox in the house means money problems. Seeing dead means you will be able to abandon an unwanted business.

Killing a fox in any way, strangling, drowning, shooting - rise above employees in the eyes of superiors. Eating fox meat means a serious quarrel, with a chance of escalating into a fight.

Old English dream book

A dream with a fox indicates the presence of hidden enemies and warns against their plans. You can suffer both in love and in court cases. A sign that there is a two-faced person nearby, ready to betray your interests for a bribe. Seeing a red fox means losing in the process.

A kind fox in dreams - one must be wary of flattering speeches. Especially if the animal is beautiful and neatly cleans itself with its tongue. A fox or little fox running away from a lady means problems, the source of which will be a close friend. A fox running around in a circle - it’s time to hear what your loved ones advise.

An animal rushing, wanting to bite - your behavior is too unpleasant for others. Moderate your anger and causticism. Otherwise, loneliness is just around the corner. A child's dream of a fox is a sign of a meeting with a deceitful, dangerous adult.

A man who often sees many foxes in his dreams may be deceived by another male colleague. A fox with black fur warns of unnecessary and senseless spending that you will regret. A fox wagging its tail - to frivolous romantic adventures and short-term relationships. The initiator of the break will be the mistress.

A modern source claims that dreaming of a red fox signifies the appearance of a scoundrel in your house. A dreaming fox can also indicate bad neighbors who wish you harm.

The bright coat of an animal can warn of a possible fire. Meeting a fox - deceiving a friend. Fox in a trap - you will be able to expose your friend’s duplicity. Killing an animal means having a big fight and learning bad things. Attempts to catch an animal - it’s time to go on the attack on the opponent. A struggle, a fight with a fox - an argument with an intelligent interlocutor lies ahead.

For a man to see an animal locked in his room is a sign of a fateful meeting with a strong but evil lady. She will win his heart and subjugate him. Sometimes a fox in a dream is the thoughts of the dreamer himself, or perhaps someone has figured out you and is playing a double game. The beautiful fur of an animal is a sign of petty affairs, while gray, shabby fur signals an imminent catch. Perhaps the dreamer will lose an inexpensive but beloved item.

Hunting a fox in a dream - caution is required on your part. Meeting an animal and passing by is an indication of your intelligence and originality. Outplay everyone. For a man to see a fox in a dream is a warning against dear women. Watching a fox family means a harmonious union with a worthy girl.

A mad fox aggressively rushing towards the dreamer is a clear warning of impending danger from a very unscrupulous enemy. We must try to avoid communicating with people who internally cause anxiety.

Existing in real life the dreamer's fears will be confirmed. There will be something that causes fear.

A bite and attack by an animal in a dream predicts a meeting with an insidious person who is ready to begin dishonest actions towards the dreamer. A plan is needed that makes it possible to resist the enemy.

A red fox who wants to bite at all costs - may portend a fire. If she bites the dreamer until he bleeds, then the fire will be serious and dangerous.

The interpretation of this dream is twofold:

  • Some say it's good to meet a beautiful and intelligent lady.
  • On the other side, the enemy is so close that it is impossible to think about him.
  • According to the Autumn Dream Book it is believed that an attempt to deceive is likely in the shortest possible time. We must not let our guard down.
  • Feeding a fox cub by hand - it means the person is dangerously gullible, many people use this successfully for themselves.

According to the Women's Dream Book, holding and playing with a baby is a sign that children are not given due attention, but they really want it. Another interpretation: you will soon learn unpleasant news about your person, inflated by spiteful critics. There is no need to react or respond to provocations. Better start reviewing your plans for the near future.

Fox cubs in a dream - a symbol of the troubles that children most often cause. If the little animals are very tiny, then these are everyday, easily solvable troubles.

Take a little fox in your arms in a dream, means becoming a constant object of slander.

A beautiful owner with luxurious fur usually predicts success, even if minimal effort has been expended. If the fox skin is lined, frayed and even peeling off in places, financial collapse is expected. At best, the planned business will not go uphill.

The Fox dream book says it differently. The black fox is an old competitor well known to you. He always strives to compete with you, this applies not only to work matters, but also to family matters. The women's dream book adds that not only a rival, but also a loved one can engage in intrigues.

Different dream books interpret this dream differently:

  • There's danger ahead, the dreamer is unreasonably gullible and will pay for it.
  • The source of deception is a brunette lady. Gossip pours out of her mouth. If in a dream a person strokes a silver fox, then he himself inadvertently gives rise to rumors.
  • Black fox bite - to an impending illness.
  • You can't let anyone in on your plans.. Among friends are enemies who only pretend to be friendly.
  • The dreamer will become a victim hypocrites.
  • For a woman, a dream with a black fox to difficulties in justice or to the appearance of a beautiful rival. For a man, a business is expected that involves great risk on the verge of opportunity.
  • Unpleasant loss because of his own narrow-mindedness and gullibility.
  • You are a prisoner of envy and are mistaken in many ways.. Wearing a fox fur coat or collar denotes a reputation as a liar.

An animal in a home can portend different things in a dream:

  • On a leash or in a cage, box- to close enemies.
  • Walking freely around the house- to a successful deal.
  • Hiding somewhere behind the furniture, running into another room- to a rival more successful in love.
  • I dreamed of a fox at home to thinking about making money.
  • Fox sneaking into the apartment– envious people are not asleep, waiting for the right opportunity to attack.
  • Creeping along the wall- to the deceit of loved ones.
  • Fox in the house– to conflicts and scandals among family members.

Coping with a red animal in a dream means getting rid of a deceitful friend. Sometimes to sudden success. The Chinese believe that killing a black fox is a victory over oneself and one’s hidden vices.

  • Catch the beast– you will soon find out who is a friend and who is a liar and a saboteur.
  • Someone else hurt the fox and put him in a cage– bad dream. You will be punished for lying.
  • The dreamer himself shot and caught- this means that a very insidious enemy will be neutralized.
  • Kill in your sleep– attracting success and prosperity to your affairs.
  • Chasing a fox– to the dubiousness of transactions, or the riskiness of a romantic relationship.
  • Catch the cheat- soon, with the help of a cunning combination, information about a two-faced friend will become known.
  • Grab the fox by the tail– the dream warns against making major mistakes with unpleasant results.
  • Hunt for the red beast– secret lustful desires leading to harlots.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why do you dream about Fox?

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Fox?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that a fox was running somewhere, very soon you will become happy. To make this period longer, carry a piece of fox fur with you for a week.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were hunting a fox, someone wants to deceive you. To avoid this, wrap yellow tape around your right index finger.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • The fox is a crafty enemy and his actions are an internal deception, a deceptive path that leads you astray from the right path. Fiery red fox wine, orgies and various harms from drunkenness. Barking fox - loneliness due to one's own fault. A fox devouring bloody prey - illnesses from a dissolute life. The skin of a fox is a lie, betrayal by a friend. A persecuted fox - your lies or falsity doom you to inner loneliness. Hearing a fox barking from afar means depression, loneliness in general. Petting a fox is a deception, a nuisance. Eating fox meat means quarrel. Killing a fox or seeing one killed is an unfortunate end to your own deceptions, a burden of everyday worries.

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • Seeing a fox means a crafty enemy and his actions / your inner appearance / deceptive path / personality or spirit leading you astray.
  • Fiery red fox – wine, orgies and various damages from drunkenness.
  • Barking fox - loneliness due to one's own fault.
  • A fox devouring bloody prey - illnesses from a dissolute life.
  • The skin of a fox is a lie, betrayal by a friend.
  • A persecuted fox - your lies or falsity dooms you to inner loneliness.
  • Hearing a fox barking from afar means depression, loneliness.
  • Stroking a fox or seeing a dead one is an unfortunate end to one’s own tricks / an unfavorable development of circumstances / a burden of everyday worries.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

See a Fox in a dream

  • Fox - secret enemy, enmity; kill a fox - victory; ironing is dangerous.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • Fox hunting dreams of dubious affairs and risky love affairs.
  • A fox sneaking into your yard is a warning: you better beware of envious people, otherwise your reputation will be at risk.
  • If you killed a fox in a dream, you will win in any matter.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • Cleverness, cunning. If you see a fox passing by, you will be smarter than everyone else. If you are hunting a fox, then this means that you should be careful of other people. The fox (female) is a symbol of beauty and cunning. Beware of very beautiful, self-confident and attractive women. A fox with cubs indicates an intelligent woman.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • A dream about a fox is a harbinger of a meeting with scammers. If in a dream you fight a fox, then in reality you will be threatened by strong and dangerous opponents. If in a dream there is a tamed fox next to you, this means that your servants (or employees) are abusing your trust.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Why do you dream about Fox?

  • If you dream of a fox, this means that you have cunning, hidden enemies, either a competitor in trade, undermining your interests, or a rival in love, seeking to oust you from your loving heart. If you are involved in a lawsuit, your lawyer will be two-faced. You will eventually lose the trial.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Fox?

  • If you dreamed that you were following a fox, you risk being involved in a dubious adventure. Killing a fox is a sign that you can achieve any goal you set. A dream in which a fox snuck into your yard or chicken coop warns: envious people can discredit your reputation.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • The fox personifies such bad human qualities as deceit, cunning and hypocrisy. There are many proverbs and sayings about this cunning animal, and all of them in some way reflect the qualities of the fox: “The Patrikeevna fox has all its ears on the top of its head,” “The fox will lead seven wolves,” “When you look for the fox in front, then it is behind.”
  • Seeing a fox in a river in a dream means that you will soon meet a person who will make you a good offer that can significantly improve your financial situation. If you dreamed that other animals were pulling a fox out of the river, then such a dream suggests that you should think carefully before taking on the proposed business, no matter how profitable it may seem at first glance.
  • Watching in a dream how a fox robs an animal of its prey is a sign that soon you will need to show great wisdom in order to achieve your goals.
  • If in a dream you saw a fox abandoning its prey, despite the fact that at that moment nothing threatened it, then in real life you should think about what danger you are exposed to when doing this or that task.
  • Seeing a fox running away from hunters in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your endurance and intelligence, you will be able to defeat your enemies and restore your reputation.
  • If you dreamed of a fox without a tail, it is a harbinger that you will be able to defeat your enemies with their own weapons.
  • Seeing little foxes in a dream is a sign that you need to pay more attention to your children. Perhaps they are doing something cunning, and it will be very unpleasant for you when you find out about their lies.
  • Seeing a fox pretending to be dead in a dream is a sign that there is a secret ill-wisher in your environment who is just waiting for an opportunity to harm you.
  • Seeing a fox in a cage in a dream is a prophecy that you will be able to improve your affairs, which are currently not going well.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fox

  • Seeing a fox hunt in a dream means that you will engage in dubious matters and risky love affairs.
  • If in your dream a fox sneaks into your yard, this is a warning: beware of envious people. Your reputation is at risk.
  • Killing a fox means that you will win in any matter.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • secret enemy, enmity;
  • kill a fox - victory;
  • ironing is danger;
  • in the house - an evil woman or evil from a woman;
  • deception.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

See a Fox in a dream

  • If you dreamed that you were following a fox, then in reality you risk being involved in some dubious matters. If in a dream you kill a fox, then in real life you will be able to achieve any goal you set. A dream in which a fox snuck into your yard to your chicken coop warns you that envious people can discredit your honor.
  • Is there anyone else around the fox with similar qualities?
  • Is there anyone else in your dream who is wary of you?
  • Dream Interpretation: Assyrian Dream Interpretation

    Why do you dream about Fox?

    • If you caught a fox in a dream, you seem to have found a protector. If the fox broke free and ran away, then your protector and patron will leave you.

    The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Solomon's dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), the ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, the Wanderer's dream book, the eastern women's dream book, the men's dream book, the gypsy dream book, the old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), the dream book Denise Lynn (brief), dream book Veles, dream interpreter (1829), Italian dream book Meneghetti, spiritual dream book, dream book of love, Freud's dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, ancient French dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, lunar dream book, Chaldean dream book, Danilova's erotic dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore), Indian shamanic dream book, and others.

    A dreamer who sees a fox in his dream will not have a feeling of apprehension or fear. After all, what danger can this cute, fluffy animal cause? But actually dream about a fox warns people about upcoming losses, thefts or transactions with scammers. Dream interpreters claim that a dream about a predator indicates that the sleeper is surrounded by liars and adventurers.

    • A dream when a fox attacks and bites you warns that soon enough attackers who want to harm you will want to take action. From such a dream you should expect a serious trick from those who envy you and try to harm your well-being. In general, a dream about the bite of any animal predicts similar troubles from fairly strong and influential people. But if you manage to overcome the beast, then the person who had such a dream will be able to achieve victory over his opponents in reality and achieve well-deserved success.
    • If in a dream you kill a fox, then expect the speedy fulfillment of all your plans. According to Shereminskaya’s dream book, it can be argued that such a dream guarantees you a real opportunity to achieve any goal, even at the expense of friendly relations.
    • Killed by someone else's hands fox in a dream, Grishina's dream book, foreshadows the fulfillment of some desire, for the realization of which the dreamer will not have to make any special efforts. Also, such a dream precedes well-deserved encouragement or reward.

    • Loff's dream book advises paying attention to the color of the fur of the animal you dreamed about. A silver fox in a dream means acquiring a valuable and useful purchase. Pastor his interpretation of a dream about a fox interprets in two ways . Loff argues that the specific meaning of a dream depends on how the dreamer feels about the animal in real life. If you are afraid of a fox, deception awaits you; if you feel sympathy for her, you will achieve success thanks to your intelligence.
    • If you dream of a mad fox, then pay attention to your surroundings; perhaps you will find those who do not wish you well. Also, such a dream reflects the emotional state of a person associated with his regular experiences in reality.
    • A dream in which a fox and fox cubs are present is seen before the appearance of a wise woman with an unusual destiny in life.

    Fox interpretation according to Miller

    Psychologist G. Miller also considers a dream about foxes as a threat of being deceived. Therefore, it warns that when a person sees such a dream, he must make purchases, enter into transactions with extreme caution and constantly beware of scammers. Deception will not happen if a fox is killed in a dream.

    Regarding the dream about foxes, dream interpreters generally agree on their opinions. Specifically, what such a dream promises people in real life is communication with unpleasant, selfish individuals who are capable of harming, deceiving or stealing. In any case, no matter what the dream with the participation of this cute animal promises, you should not take everything literally, and sometimes, it is enough to look at the lunar calendar and check what is the probability of the dream coming true. Indeed, on some days dreams have prophetic meaning, on others, dreams are empty and mean nothing.

    Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

    Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

    The article on the topic: “dream book of a fox with cubs” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

    Fox with a fox cub

    Dream Interpretation Fox with a fox cub did you dream about why you dream about a fox with a fox cub? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a Fox with a fox cub in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Fox

    See interpretation: animals, animals, hunting.

    What does a fox seen in a dream mean?

    at the Women's Club!

    The animal world is incredibly rich and surprisingly diverse, but in addition to the real world, many animals love to visit our dreams.

    This never happens just like that - after all, animals, every representative of their world, are also bright symbols.

    It is not for nothing that most proverbs, sayings, legends, myths and fairy tales are filled with images of animals. They are endowed with bright qualities, they are associated with one or another phenomenon.

    The fox can rightfully be considered a particularly striking representative of the animal world. A red-haired cheat, a cunning, inconspicuous and predatory, beautiful fox is in every fairy tale. If she came into a dream, obviously she wants to say something to the dreamer. But it’s not easy to understand why a fox dreams - after all, dreams with its participation are so different.

    It can symbolize a beautiful woman, an insidious enemy, good luck in love, or difficulties in business. It all depends on what she is doing in the dream - sneaking or attacking, biting or running. For example, options for dreams with a fox are:

    • You saw in a dream a bright red, fiery fox.
    • You dreamed of a fox who gave birth to cubs.
    • Fox in your home, yard or chicken coop.
    • You see how a fox robs another predator of its prey.
    • The fox in your dream is running away from hunters.
    • A tailless fox in your dream.
    • You dreamed of cute little foxes.
    • In your dreams you saw a fox in a cage.
    • You dreamed of a fox just running somewhere.
    • You hunt a fox in your dreams.
    • Follow the fox's trail.
    • The fox wants to bite you, attacks, and you escape.
    • The fox attacks and bites you.
    • You have tamed the fox and become its master in your dreams.
    • You killed a red fox in your sleep.

    All these dreams are different, and of course, their meanings are also very different. You can correctly interpret what a fox is dreaming of only after you carefully remember all the details of what you dreamed about. Then the dream book will tell you what to expect in reality and what to be prepared for.

    The fox ran nearby

    There are dreams in which a fox could simply appear to you from the side, close or far, but not come into direct contact with you.

    To interpret such a dream and understand why you dream of a fox in a dream where you have not had contact with it, carefully remember its appearance and habits, as well as what exactly it did and where it was. This will help you get the correct interpretation of your dreams and draw conclusions.

    1. According to the dream book, a fiery red, bright and beautiful fox promises you in reality the same bright and fiery experiences, adventures, seductions and temptations. A thousand pleasures await you, but try not to go to extremes, do not succumb to temptations too much, so as not to regret it later.

    2. If a woman or girl dreams of a fox, this may unobtrusively indicate that those around her in reality admire her and consider her very attractive and seductive. So, if you have a complex because of external data, or think that people don’t like you, know that you are very mistaken.

    3. It is also curious why the fox dreams of appearing in dreams along with newborn fox cubs.

    This dream is a sign that, obviously, somewhere in your immediate circle there is an intelligent and wise woman, and you should not only pay attention to her, but also listen to her advice, become closer, and communicate more with her if possible.

    Because her experience and intelligence can give you a lot, teach you how to become happier and do the right thing. Keep this in mind!

    4. As the dream book says, a fox that quietly crept into your house, yard or chicken coop in your dream may mean ill-wishers in your society. And you don’t even notice them yet.

    To prevent enemies or unkind people from causing you any harm, be careful. You are too kind and open, and you don’t see enemies nearby!

    5. If you saw a fox in your dreams taking prey from some animal, this means that you will soon witness some kind of conflict. You probably shouldn't get involved to play it safe.

    6. A fox, which you see running away from hunters in a dream, is a symbol of the fact that in real everyday life you are in some kind of confrontation with an enemy or competitor (or maybe just with circumstances or difficulties).

    But you will win thanks to your intelligence, cunning and calmness. Use these qualities because they are strong in you and will help you be a winner in everything.

    7. If you dreamed of a fox without a tail, this means that you will be able to brilliantly defeat your enemy with his own weapon, which he wanted to use against you. Knowing this, it will be easier for you to calculate a strategy for dealing with an ill-wisher - so use the advice of the dream book, you will win!

    8. Cute and cute red fox cubs that parents dreamed of are a symbol of the fact that you should be more attentive to the upbringing of your children. Perhaps they are becoming cunning, and it is worth raising them a little more strictly or wisely.

    9. A fox in a cage in your dream is a sign that soon your affairs will be settled quite easily. If today you have the feeling that your problems have no end, know for sure that this is not so. Soon you will be able to settle and improve everything, just don’t rush things.

    10. If you saw a fox in your dream just running somewhere, this can only mean that happiness will come to you very soon. Where? This dream book does not say directly, and does it matter? The main thing is that happiness is already on the way!

    Catch the fox by the tail

    Even more curious and full of meaning are those dreams where the fox did not just appear in the distance or run past, but directly contacted you in some way.

    Here it is also worth remembering not only what the fox was like and what it did, but also what you did. The meaning of the dream and its meaning depend on this.

    1. Did you hunt a fox in your dream? This is an ambiguous dream. On the one hand, love affairs, vivid emotions and temptations await you, but be careful. Avoid dubious entertainment, don’t go to extremes and, if possible, don’t take risks.

    2. If you followed the trail of a fox in a dream, adventures await you. But decide for yourself whether to get involved in them or not, because it’s better, after all, not to risk your reputation.

    If you doubt whether you should take part in any dubious business or event that is offered to you, it is better to refrain and avoid adventures.

    3. If a fox is chasing you, wants to bite you, attack you, this is evidence that you have competition ahead of you. But you can probably come out on top if you're smart, fearless, and a little cunning in dealing with your competition.

    4. If the fox nevertheless attacks and bites you, be careful - you are probably too frivolous and underestimate your enemies. You are strong and no one will harm you, but only on the condition that you are not too frivolous.

    5. If you tamed a fox in your dreams, and it became your pet, this portends you a new position, a promotion. You can also expect higher social status, recognition, good reputation and even fame.

    You have to become a boss - even if not a very high-ranking one, then all the same, there will now be people under your command. Are you ready for this?

    6. Killing a fox in a dream is a great sign. IN You will win in any situation, even if you don’t believe in your victory now.

    You will achieve any goal, even the most desperate and daring one. Even if not right away, but believe in your strength, believe in your dream - and do what you must. You will succeed in whatever you secretly have in mind.

    The fox is a cunning animal, and the symbol is ambiguous and complex. She ran through your dream, waved her fluffy red tail, and left you wondering - what does the dream mean, what to expect, what to do?

    Know that in fate, everything still depends on your direct intentions and actions, and not on dreams. Therefore, you can believe the dream book - and do whatever you think is necessary to improve the situation, or bring luck closer, which is already very close. Believe only in the best!

    And the most important advice

  • Fox cub according to the dream book

    The fox is a cunning animal. Her cub, like no other animal, begins to show cunning and ingenuity from an early age. It is not difficult to guess that a little fox seen in a dream is a symbol of cunning and slyness, perhaps in a milder form, but, nevertheless, after such a dream you need to be on guard. The dream book will help you understand in more detail why the little fox is dreaming and understand how to protect yourself from deception.

    Fox cub according to Miller's dream book

    To dream that you are hunting for a little fox means that business with a dubious reputation awaits you, or you will be drawn to love adventures, and not ordinary ones, but with increased risk.

    If you dream that a fox puppy secretly entered your house - beware of people's envy, otherwise your reputation may suffer.

    If you dreamed that you killed a fox cub, you will win in some small but important matter.

    Feeding a young fox - in reality you have warmed up a deceitful and envious person next to you.

    Watching a little fox - monetary joys and sorrows

    If you dream that you are watching a young fox swimming in the water, you will soon meet a person who will help you get rich by making a very lucrative offer, Aesop’s dream book prophesies.

    If in a dream you see that a fox baby cannot get out of the river and some other animal is helping him with this, you should not take on a new business without considering all the options, you may end up in an unpleasant situation.

    If you dreamed that a fox caught a small animal or was taking prey from someone else - in order to achieve your goals, you will need to try very hard.

    In the dream, a young fox left her food and ran away, although there was no threat - be careful in the coming days, you may put yourself in danger by carrying out the planned task, warns the Lunar Dream Book.

    Contact with animals or Beware of deception

    To dream that you are holding a fox cub in your arms means that they may try to deceive you in the coming days. Be alert, don't let this happen.

    Catching a little fox in your house in a dream means meeting a deceitful person who deceives others not for his own benefit, but just like that, predicts the Autumn Dream Book.

    Hold a little fox in your arms and feed it from your palm - in real life you are too trusting, some people take advantage of this and can cause you trouble.

    If you dreamed that you were playing with a fox cub, such a dream is a symbol that you should pay more attention to children. Perhaps they have some secret that could harm them. Be careful, advises the Women's Dream Book.

    Hunting an animal is a symbol of triumph

    If you dream that you managed to catch a fox puppy in a trap, in reality you will be able to defeat your opponent in an argument or conflict, Tsvetkov’s dream book gives hope.

    If you dreamed that you killed a little fox, this means victory over your enemies, quick and unconditional. It is unlikely that they will ever decide to bother you again.

    Seeing a dead fox cub in your house in a dream means that in reality you will defeat your enemies, but you will also have to sacrifice something for this.

    A dream in which you held a wounded animal in your arms and bandaged its wound means that you will show mercy towards your enemy or competitor. You will give him a helping hand when you know he is in trouble.

    I recently dreamed of a gray fox who was my friend.

    I dreamed of a red, fluffy little fox who jumped into my arms as he walked and said that his name was Valyusha.

    I dreamed that behind the wall of the kindergarten pavilion I saw a red fox cub rotting (almost completely) with maggots, but still alive, on the damp ground! What could this mean?

    I was eating an apple on my porch and talking with my family, later I noticed something unusual in the apple i.e. instead of a bone, it has a shape similar to a butterfly pupa in all sensations, but a slightly different shape, a diamond is by definition suitable. So, the seed (pupa) began to open and an embryo appeared. After which I threw the apple on the ground and this embryo mutated into a fox cub, it was speckled black, we all caressed it and I woke up.

    Why do you dream about a little fox playing with a domestic rabbit and they are friendly?

    Why do newborn fox cubs and their mother dream?

    I dreamed that a little fox attacked me and my friend, then we caught him, and she strangled him until he died, then she started petting him and he vomited on my blanket and hair. Ugh, what does this mean?

    I dreamed of a cute little fox, a friend, and I was looking for a house for him.

    I dreamed that I found two little foxes, hugged, stroked and fed them. All this happened at my home.

    I dreamed of a very beautiful little fox, like a toy. He sat on the ground and smiled at me as I passed by. What is it for? Hidden enemy?

    Why do you dream about a red fox?

    A red fox in a dream represents a treacherous woman, as well as deception, self-deception, or evil deeds committed by other people and most often aimed directly at the dreamer. Popular dream books will help you understand why you dream of a forest guest.

    Miller warns

    Have you ever seen a red fox hunt? In reality, you will get involved in a risky venture or a dangerous amorous adventure. The outcome of the event will be determined by the outcome of the hunt.

    Did you dream that a red fox climbed into the yard or even entered the house? Your reputation is at risk because ill-wishers are spreading nasty rumors. What does it mean if you managed to kill a cheat? This vision literally means that you are guaranteed victory in any endeavor.

    Grishina's noble dream book explains

    Did you dream about a red fox? According to the dream book, it symbolizes the enemy and the actions he is taking. This same image hints at the wrong path, and also reflects the inner world of the dreamer himself.

    Why do you dream of a fiery red fox? She promises in reality a major drinking session and the damage that it can cause. Did you happen to pet a fox in a dream? Your own frivolity and promiscuity will lead to big troubles. The same symbol reflects the burden of life’s problems and the unfavorable development of some event.

    Answer from the general dream book

    Why do you dream about a red fox? In reality, you will meet a person who will try to become your friend, but in the end will turn out to be your worst enemy. The Dream Interpretation recommends exercising extreme caution when communicating with suspicious individuals.

    Did you dream about a dead red fox? Your detractors will literally get what they deserve. But don’t be too happy, because the same fate may befall you too.

    Hint from the dream book of spouses Winter

    Did a bright red fox appear in a dream? In a dream, this is a sign of intrigue in love and gossip. Did you dream that a fox fell into a trap? In reality, some kind of deception will be exposed. If you yourself decide to trick someone, then abandon the idea before it’s too late.

    Seeing or even killing a red fox in a dream, according to this dream book, is bad. The vision promises a scandal or a serious quarrel, as a result of which some secret event will be exposed to public display.

    Why do you dream of a red fox in a house or forest?

    Did you dream that you were chasing a red fox in the forest? In reality, you will get involved in a risky romantic relationship or business scam. Seeing a red fox in your home means that financial difficulties are coming.

    Why do you dream of a red fox in a zoo? This is a sure omen of theft, robbery or fraud. A red fox in a school's living area symbolizes a fierce enemy; in the forest - a dangerous situation. If a red fox sneaks into the chicken coop at night, then beware of the envy of others.

    What does a red fox with fox cubs mean in the night?

    Why do you dream of a fox with her cubs? In a dream, this is a call to pay more attention to your own children. Take a closer look, there is a chance that they are deceiving you. A fox with cubs in a dream represents a very smart, beautiful, but cunning woman.

    Why does the red fox attack, bite, want to bite?

    Did you dream about a red fox attacking? In reality, you will encounter an insidious and calculating person. If the fox tried to bite you, then there is a character nearby who is ready at any moment to take advantage of your weakness for his own purposes. Did you happen to see a kind red fox who seemed to seduce you? The new relationship will be short-term, and you will rush to get rid of your mistress, but she will not like it very much.

    Red fox in a dream - examples

    To interpret the dream, try to take into account as many additional details as possible. Especially the red fox's own actions and behavior.

    • hunting is a risky business
    • catch a red fox - you will find a protector
    • escaped from your hands - you will lose your patron, assistant
    • ran away - misfortune from a good friend, girlfriend
    • running in circles - useful advice
    • stroking her is a danger, an unjustified risk
    • washes - flattery, insincerity
    • barks - gossip

    If in a dream a red fox appeared completely without a tail, then in the real world you will be able to defeat your enemies, using their own methods against them.

    Discussion of why foxes dream. What does the appearance of this cunning animal in a dream mean?

    The fox is one of the most famous characters in the folklore of our country; we have known her since childhood, from fairy tales. A cunning, insidious, seductive liar - that’s what everyone knows her to be.

    It is logical to assume that if you dreamed about it, then a person should expect deception and deceit. Not everything is so simple; sometimes seeing a fox in a dream is a sign of great luck or, conversely, bad luck. So why dream of a fox?

    Why do you dream of attacking foxes?

    The fox is an extremely cautious animal and rarely gets involved in dog bickering. If in a dream you dreamed that one or more foxes were attacking, then in reality expect something extraordinary that goes beyond ordinary life. It is very difficult to get a fox or foxes to attack you, even in your sleep.

    This dream warns you: change your behavior now, or even the calmest people closest to you may be offended by you. Perhaps you have been too aggressive lately, and that is why people around you are suffering and are about to start fighting back.

    If in a dream you were able see from the outside If foxes attack someone, then in reality you will witness one or more aggressive people attacking someone. Although attackers are usually cowardly and do not get involved in a fight.

    Foxes with cubs

    Fox cubs in a dream are a softening symbol: although foxes themselves are cunning and insidious, they, like everyone else, are not alien to parental feelings. Seeing a fox attacking you in a dream in real life means that you will have to face a person who could not offend you.

    His attack is a necessary measure. Think about it: Are you insulting any of your loved ones?. This dream is also interpreted a little differently: perhaps a new enemy will appear in your life, who will not cause serious problems for you, but minor troubles will last you for a long time.

    If in a dream you attacked by a fox and a little fox, then big troubles await you, which you will create for yourself. Therefore, take a look at what this or that idea could turn out to be for you. Do not conflict in the near future: a small quarrel can ignite a serious conflict.

    If you dreamed of foxes and wolves

    Be careful, this dream warns that difficulties will soon appear in your life that you cannot solve on your own. If in a dream foxes fought with wolves, then in reality expect a struggle for justice, because of which you will be left alone.

    Remember: weren’t the animals howling in your dream? If a fox howled in a dream In reality, one of your friends may become seriously ill or even die. The longer the handsome red-haired man grieved, the worse the trouble could befall your friends.

    But if a wolf howled in a dream, then expect problems in your family. Whatever happens, try to help your loved ones, they will need your help more than ever before. In your dream you saw how did the wolf kill the fox? There will be much less deception in your life, but you will achieve the truth at too high a price.

    Why do you dream about a lot of foxes?

    Seeing many beautiful, well-groomed foxes in a dream is interpreted in two ways. This can be either a warning or, conversely, a good sign. It all depends on what the foxes were doing in your dream.

    If you saw in a dream swimming foxes, then in reality expect great danger. You will have to become a real cunning fox to ward off trouble from your home.

    The deeper the river, the more trouble there will be. The worst thing is to see a fox drowning in dirty water. You will face problems that one person cannot cope with. Either get friends and family to help you, or try to prevent the problem itself.

    If in a dream fox swam in dirty water and did not drown, then this dream is interpreted as follows: you will cope with the difficulties that have befallen you. Even though it won’t happen right away and you’ll have to dodge it, everything will end well.

    We saw in a dream how foxes playing in the snow? This beautiful sight is a very good omen; in fact, you will spend time with your near and dear ones. The atmosphere of kindness and peace will help you relax and unwind from the daily routine. So, expect only good things from this dream.

    Foxes bite

    Expect big troubles. You will have to become victim of deception. Remember which fox bit you? If a young fox bites you, and bites you more than once, then you have already been told about the danger that awaits you. But you ignored good advice, and now you will have to figure everything out in splendid isolation.

    If you were bitten by an old fox, then wait exacerbation of an old conflict. Make every effort to ensure that it does not develop into a serious scandal. Well, if you were bitten by a little fox, then the troubles will be completely trivial.

    There may be a misunderstanding or an incident, but everything will end well.

    What can foxes and dogs dream about?

    A dog even appears in a dream as a good, loyal friend. If in a dream a dog rushed at a red-haired rogue, then you have to solve many problems. Good, old friends will help you, they will find out about your problem and will be able to solve it.

    If in a dream foxes played with dogs, then in reality expect an incident: those problems that now seem insoluble will very soon become trivial and even funny. But if in a dream a fox fought with a dog, and you saw the dog’s blood, then expect that your loved ones will have a problem that will exhaust them to the end.

    They will probably become victims of swindlers and swindlers. Find time to help your family and prevent them from troubles, and if you couldn’t protect them, then help them as much as possible. Your help will be life-saving for them.

    Why do you dream of foxes in winter?

    Seeing these animals in winter is very good news, especially if the fox is alone and playing in the snow. This means that a calm, happy time awaits you, which you can devote to yourself and your development. There is another interpretation of this dream: if in a dream you saw fox in winter, then you are in for a fun ride indeed.

  • according to Loff's dream book

    The fox is a cunning animal. Therefore, if you see a fox in a dream, then either you yourself possess the qualities characteristic of it, or you become a victim of them. How do you feel about this symbol - with caution or with pleasant feelings? Whether you like this image or not, it defines your view of the world and your relationship with it. If the fox appears before you as a rival, then the determining factor for interpretation may be the object that it is trying to take from you. The appearance of a fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life qualities are manifested that are inextricably linked with this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their effect on yourself. Is there anyone else around the fox with similar qualities? Is there anyone else in your dream who is wary of you?

    Why do you dream about a fox?

    according to Tsvetkov's dream book

    secret enemy, enmity; kill a fox - victory; ironing is danger; in the house - an evil woman or evil from a woman; deception.

    I dreamed about a fox

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing a fox hunt in a dream means that you will engage in dubious affairs and risky love affairs. If in your dream a fox sneaks into your yard, this is a warning: beware of envious people. Your reputation is at risk. Killing a fox means that you will win in any matter.

    Seeing a fox in a dream

    according to the dream book of animals

    The fox is a symbol of cunning, longevity, fertility, hypocrisy and vice. The tricks of the fox are the tricks of the devil in the Christian tradition. The red fox is a fire demon in Rome. In North America it is a symbol of deception. In Scandinavian mythology, the fox is associated with the god Loki, the god of cunning, deceit, deceit and fickleness. In China, the ku-li fox is one of the symbols of longevity. It is believed that at the age of fifty a fox can turn into a woman, and at a hundred years old - into a young girl. The fox knows what is happening at a distance of a thousand miles and can influence a person’s mind, turning him into an idiot. When a fox turns a thousand years old, he becomes the Heavenly Fox, tien-hu, who has nine tails. The Heavenly Fox can take the form of not only a woman, but also a man. In Japan, the white fox is a symbol of abundance. Fox figurines were placed at the entrance to the temple; in his teeth he usually had the key to the barn with rice. Where there is no fox, a village cannot be founded - Chinese proverb.

    Expert answers


    In a dream, my brother and friend and I went into the forest. They picked berries. Suddenly it began to suddenly get dark and small and large foxes and one wolf began to surround us. I asked to turn on the flashlight, but no one turned it on, they laughed. I was scared and I woke up. What is it for? (Akimenko, Daria)

    Picking berries in a dream means troubles and worries in reality. The appearance of foxes and a wolf in a dream suggests that in reality you are in some not very pleasant situation, you do not yet understand how to solve it and you feel that there are many more ill-wishers around you than helpers.