Indoor flowers for Aquarius according to the horoscope. Choosing indoor plants according to your zodiac constellation

Compatibility horoscope: flower according to the zodiac sign Aquarius woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The most ideal flower for Aquarius according to the horoscope is the orchid. Aquarius plants will help you look at old problems with “new eyes”. They are able to “wean” a person to act according to usual patterns, that is, according to habit.

Which flower suits Aquarius according to the horoscope?

Those born between January 21 and February 18 are born under the sign of Aquarius. Flowers of this sign protect against stereotyping and conservatism. They help a person look at the situation with a fresh look and can help find a way out of all situations.

Uranus is considered the ruler of Aquarius. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, you need plants with a pleasant smell, slightly moist and airy. These plants attract with their beauty and smell. Aquarius is a graceful lover of colors. Aquarius is extremely fond of exotic and strange flowers.

Aquarius loves nature. Any Aquarius plants can stimulate people to search for innovative and unconventional solutions in various areas of life.

Aquarius is the sign of ideas, discoveries and inventions, therefore its plants are mascots for innovators who can contribute to the search for new ideas and ways to implement them. This is why Aquarius plants often have an unusual and unique appearance.

According to the horoscope, the Aquarius flower with yellow leaves is able to absorb aggression, clear away negative energy, and prevent an impending quarrel. Variegated flowers can develop a person’s ability to speak quickly and beautifully, inspire creativity and give bright thoughts.

Blue inflorescences can transform sadness into joy and attract creativity and love. They are able to create a festive mood and send you uplifting.

Aquarius is the sign of original ideas, so its plants can serve as talismans for innovation for all of us. For people born under the sign of Aquarius, there are no special restrictions in terms of colors. Aquarians will enjoy bouquets of roses, lilies of the valley, tulips and daffodils.

Indoor flowers of Aquarius

Indoor plants that correspond to the zodiac sign Aquarius are bocarnea reflexum, alocasia sander, hybrid and striped butylon, bloome flower, lemon-yellow callistemon, cocolloba berry-bearing, calathea Lubbers, Rowley's cross, sweet strophantha, tricolor arrowroot, poinsettia, gouty jatropha, fittonia silver with veins, orchids.

Orchid patronizes the year of the Pig, these are people who were born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 and 2007. These people are energetic, kind-hearted, responsive, courageous, objective, and not hostile.

Aquarius garden flowers

Garden plants that suit Aquarius are bird cherry, daffodils, white lilac, jasmine, lilies of the valley, daisies, violets and gillyflowers. Also suitable for the zodiac sign Aquarius is the daffodil flower, as well as all kinds of bulbous flowers. These plants help you find the right solution, no matter how difficult the task. Lilacs are good in all colors from lilac, blue and yellowish to pink. Snow-white lilac will strengthen mutual understanding, pink one seems to say: “You are my satisfaction and bliss.”

Aquarius plants according to the horoscope

Aquarius trees: fruit tree - pear, berry tree - rowan. Trees that can grow near the sea are also suitable: aspen, olive and Indian oak.

Herbs and plants of Aquarius - licorice, cardamom, sage, cumin, mint. It is believed that Aquarius is absolutely obliged to plant at least a few ferns on his own plot.

In general, every Aquarius can choose any plant that he likes from a large list of suitable flowers and trees. Try to grow these plants near your home or where you are constantly located.

Flower for Aquarius woman. What flowers to give to an Aquarius woman

Astrologers agree that each zodiac sign has its own flower. It is the same talisman as a precious stone, metal or wood. But according to the horoscope, the Aquarius flower is not at all the favorite for all representatives of this sign. Of course, to achieve spiritual harmony and psychological comfort, it is better to grow at least one of the talisman plants. But for a birthday or wedding, it is somehow not customary to give a dracaena or a potted Christmas tree.

In this article we will consider in detail the topic of flowers for a woman who was born between the twenty-first of January and the eighteenth of February and who thereby belongs to the sign of Aquarius. What plant will become her talisman? What indoor flowers should I give her? And what should I use to make a bouquet for her? Read about this in our article.

Aquarius woman character

Representatives of this zodiac sign are influenced by Uranus and Saturn. The first planet endows Aquarius (regardless of gender) with creativity, a passion for improvement, and a revolutionary spirit. But Saturn smoothes out impulsiveness, gives calm and balance. Only geniuses would be born under the sign of Aquarius, if not for their passion for new areas of activity. They generate ideas, but rarely implement them to the end.

The Aquarius woman is a complex person. She is original, smart, thinks outside the box, and knows how to win hearts and minds. But at the same time, she is easily vulnerable and in this state does not make a scene, but simply withdraws into herself (and there hatches a plan for revenge). Based on this, a flower for an Aquarius woman should be original and unusual. Even if these are standard roses, carnations or tulips, they will be liked better when they come in rare varieties or unexpected colors.

Talisman plant for Aquarius

Let’s make a reservation once again: not all flowers that bring good luck please the eye of a representative of a particular zodiac sign. But it may also be that you like the talisman plant. What is the flower of Aquarius according to the horoscope?

Since this sign is under the protection of two planets at once, there are several such talismans. These are narcissus, myrtle and violet. If we talk about the talisman tree, it is important to know that Aquarius belongs to the element of air. He loves a slender trunk, a high and beautifully decorated crown. Keeping in mind the Aquarius woman’s love for everything unusual, you can opt for a gift on a miniature bonsai tree. We can also start from a color talisman. For Aquarius, these are all shades of blue (from steel gray to purple), as well as yellow.

Now we combine these shades with colors that bring good luck. And we add maximum originality, which Aquarius likes so much. Thus, it turns out that instead of modest violets, it is quite acceptable to give pansies, peony-shaped yellow daffodils with terry edges, and add a sprig of myrtle to the bouquet.

What flowers to give to an Aquarius woman

When choosing a bouquet, it is important to proceed from two criteria: originality and tonal range. Aquarius belongs to the air element, so preference should be given to all shades of blue. Fortunately, nature was not stingy and endowed many plants with this color. You should not think that blue, and especially purple, makes you sad and leads to depression. A calm and balanced Aquarius woman, who does not suffer from loneliness at all, loves this color. Especially if it is embodied in exotic orchids or dark blue tulips.

A yellow flower for an Aquarius woman will also be appropriate. This color is wrongly considered disturbing or leading to separation. It gives Aquarius a new burst of creativity and activity. Give the representative of this sign yellow freesias, roses, tulips, and crocuses. She will also like white callas with a sunny pestle because of their unusual aristocratic shape.

Bouquet for an Aquarius woman

It is not necessary to collect all the flowers according to your zodiac sign. The Aquarius woman loves unusual combinations of shades and extraordinary solutions in creating a bouquet. But if you just give her red carnations or white roses, she will think that you are boring and unimaginative. The air sign likes plants that are slightly moist and have a strong aroma. Therefore, a bouquet of lilies of the valley will be received favorably. The Aquarius woman will also be pleased with cut lilacs. But it is important that its branches are cut from more than one bush. The changeable nature of the sign likes the contrasts of white and dark lilac. Fragrant jasmine will also come in handy. Pay attention to the design of the bouquet. Among the flowers, insert some green branches of ornamental plants.

Indoor flowers for an Aquarius woman

In addition to cut bouquets, you can give the representative of the sign an elegant pot with a living plant. However, it should be remembered that painstaking care every day is not for Aquarius. If you don’t want your gift to turn into a burden, don’t give her bulbous plants. The Aquarius woman can make an exception for only one sissy - the orchid. This flower suits her both in color (lilac or yellow), and in her love for sunlight, and in her need for aeration.

The orchid is like a reflection of the aristocratic and sophisticated Aquarius woman. Otherwise, give her unpretentious plants. The best home flowers for an Aquarius woman are: silver fittonia, jatropha, poinsettia, tricolor arrowroot, strophantha, lemon callistemon, Sander's alocasia, Blume flower, bocarnea reflexum, Rowley's cross, Lubbers's calathea.


The unconventional mind of an Aquarius woman will appreciate a gift in the form of a non-flowering tree or shrub. If there is no cat in her house that can be poisoned by the poisonous juice of the plant, give such a lady a pounsettia. It is also called the most beautiful milkweed or Christmas tree. The upper leaves of the plant are bright crimson in color. Why is this not an original flower for an Aquarius woman? Abutilone striped has another name - Indoor Maple. Having a tree on the windowsill or jardiniere is quite in the spirit of Aquarius. Moreover, the plant produces bizarre flowers that look like drooping poppies. Indoor maple is a protector of the home, protecting it from the penetration of negative energy.

Variegated Reo with pointed striped leaves has a green-lilac color, which Aquarius cannot but like. This plant stimulates creativity, eliminates grievances, and facilitates emotional relationships between those living in the house. If you are planning to give Aquarius a dracaena, then let it be the Godsef variety. This is the most original variety with almost white leaves. The plant will help you concentrate and find mutual understanding with your household.

garden plants

Violets of all varieties, crocuses, tulips and daffodils must be present near the house or in the garden in the spring. Lilacs should be planted from the bushes - the favorite flower for the Aquarius woman. In the summer she will be delighted by gillyflowers and original roses, and in the fall – by purple dahlias and asters.

Plants suitable for the zodiac sign Aquarius according to the horoscope

Plants and flowers for Aquarius

When choosing an Aquarius talisman tree, you should keep in mind that it should reflect its air element.

In this regard, the most suitable option would be a tall tree with lush foliage.

The plant horoscope says that all Aquarius plants have the ability to awaken original thoughts and ideas in a person. That is why these talismans can be used not only by representatives of this sign, but also by everyone who wants to engage in creative activities.

As a rule, Aquarius indoor plants are a symbol of the search for non-standard solutions and new knowledge.

No matter who the person who grows these plants is or what they do, they will feel inspired in all areas of their activity.

When choosing plants and flowers for an Aquarius, it is worth taking into account that this person does not always have the necessary patience for growing indoor plants, especially if they require careful care.

All those who want to surprise their friends with unusual thinking, the ability to look at things from different angles, as well as enviable intuition, should plant Aquarius plants in their home, which will help them realize all their ideas.

What indoor plants and flowers are suitable for Aquarius?

It should be remembered that this sign is a symbol of innovation and invention, which is why by growing indoor plants for Aquarius, a person discovers new abilities and gives birth to ideas in the fields of science and technology.

As noted above, a representative of this sign is not always ready to make efforts to grow a particular plant. When considering the question of which indoor plants and flowers are suitable for Aquarius, you should opt for the most unpretentious and patient plant.

As a rule, the desire to green up his plot or home comes to this person around the age of 30, when he realizes the importance of the vital energy that plants exude.

Indoor plants for Aquarius are a source of mental and physical strength, creative expression and relaxation. However, his attempts to grow a talisman may be unsuccessful, and then he would prefer that someone grow these flowers for him, and he would enjoy the beauty and positive result.

Representatives of this zodiac sign should avoid growing bulbous plants, but dracaena, arrowroot, cross, abutilon or euphorbia are suitable indoor flowers for an Aquarius woman.

Aquarius flowers according to the horoscope

A representative of this zodiac sign must choose the right flowers for Aquarius, since astrologers believe that in order to achieve harmony in life, every person should grow at least one plant, which is prescribed for him according to his horoscope.

When considering the question of which flowers are suitable for Aquarius, one should, first of all, take into account which planets influence the representative of this sign.

So, this person is ruled by two planets, Saturn and Uranus, which give him a calm character on the one hand and a changeable character on the other.

Considering the above, one can come to the conclusion that this is a rather unpredictable person, and Aquarius flowers, first of all, should have a relaxing effect on him.

Those who decide to find a flower for an Aquarius woman should take into account that the most undesirable choice may be any bulbous plant, but dracaena or arrowroot have every chance of becoming her favorite.

Properly selected flowers according to the Aquarius zodiac sign will improve his well-being, enhance his immunity, and have a calming effect on his mental state. Representatives of other signs can also grow one or another Aquarius flower according to the horoscope to achieve a similar result.

Aquarius trees according to the horoscope

When wondering which tree is suitable for Aquarius, first of all, you need to rely on their main characteristic features. As you know, this person has unconventional thinking and an approach to different situations.

Thanks to this property, he is able to achieve success in both science and technology.

In addition to the above, according to the horoscope, the Aquarius tree must fully correspond to his creative and independent nature.

As a rule, this person begins to show his creative abilities at work or among like-minded people. That is why, when choosing a tree for the Aquarius zodiac sign, you need to keep at least a branch of it in your office in order to create friendly relations with employees.

It should also be taken into account that this person is ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus, which endow him with high efficiency and interest in everything new and unknown. According to the horoscope, the Aquarius tree should also have a strong and upward-striving trunk.

The representative of this zodiac sign has a well-developed intuition.

Aquarius: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Aquarius. This information will help you succeed in your relationship with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Flower for Aquarius

Pouncetia (Euphorium the Fairest)

These indoor plants have huge, magnificent inflorescences in which the energies of the Sun and Mercury are mixed. It is good to keep them in a home where large groups constantly gather, they love guests, intimate conversations, and entertainment. The positive energy of Pouncetiya will fill the house with acceptance, joy, and celebration.

Parties loved by representatives of the Zodiac sign will be incredibly successful, filled with sparkling fun, interesting conversations, and vibrant communication. A whimsical plant will help you get rid of isolation, reveal your talents, and be accepted and understood. This is a magnificent talisman of celebration and creativity.

Indoor Maple (Abutilon Striped)

These indoor flowers perfectly protect the atmosphere of the home of the zodiac sign from the invasion of negative energies.

Abutilon is a real talisman-protector that protects the house from unwanted vibrations.

It absorbs the vibrations of painful thoughts, unkind glances, sadness, despondency and turns them into creativity, joy, and love. All Aquarius household members will feel the positive influence of Abutilon's energy. Even the home of a notorious pessimist of the Zodiac sign will become brighter and more comfortable. The laziest people will feel the desire to create, enjoy, create. Also, unusual indoor flowers help to find bright moments in any situation, promote family cohesion, and true acceptance of others. They can dispel old conflicts, replacing them with joyful friendliness and love.

Reo Motley

By combining the energies of Mars, the Sun, and Mercury, such unusual indoor plants will help cope with deeply hidden resentment, anger, and aggression. They are able to release negative feelings, free the mind, and ease the emotional state. Reo is a talisman that protects relationships. The energy of the house will become brighter, tension, vibrations of resentment, evil passions, and disappointment will disappear from it..

Reo develops the ability to speak clearly, beautifully present your thoughts to your interlocutor, and stimulates creative thinking. It encourages people of the zodiac sign to actively create. Accelerates the implementation of ideas. Such indoor flowers make you think about the benefits or harm of your actions and the consequences of them.

Arrowroot tricolor

Beautiful indoor flowers are perfect for the home of representatives of the zodiac sign, where they love frequent receptions of guests and have a developed spirit of competition or constant change. Which Aquarians don't fit this description? Maranta absorbs vibrations of forced aggression and smoothes out conflicts. This is a talisman of peace and positive communication. It calms all the inhabitants of the house, removes unnecessary excitement, and relieves tension in the atmosphere. These indoor plants soften fussiness, help you choose the right thing in your life, and find yourself. They contribute to the rapid assimilation of information, helping students, writers, and journalists.

Maranta also makes it possible to quickly make a profit in commercial activities. She is a financial talisman for businessmen, traders, bankers.

Dracaena Godsefa

The most original variety of Dracaena. Its unusual leaves are almost white. The combination of vibrations of two elements - Water and Fire - makes these indoor flowers suitable for harmonizing the emotional state. Softens sudden mood swings, smooths out misunderstandings between members of different spirits.

Dracaena is a talisman of balance that allows people of the zodiac sign to always make the right decisions and adequately assess the situation. It helps not to give in to feelings, to remain calm and equanimous in crisis situations, which allows you to catch luck even in difficult moments, correctly using all opportunities.

Bouquet for Aquarius

For a gift to a representative of such an original zodiac sign, only the most creative bouquet, rare, expensive, exotic, is suitable. You shouldn’t limit your imagination – your intuition and sense of style will tell you which jewelry to choose. It is better if all the ribbons and bows on the pendants are in non-standard colors, bright and attractive. Jewelry does not have to be flashy; after all, Aquarians have a rather refined taste, but they are attractive and unique.

The character of the air sign of the Zodiac corresponds to an elegant bouquet, refined and sophisticated, but maximalism allows its representatives to appreciate an armful of incredible size or a basket, or a tiny composition of cute wild or garden flowers. Saturn, the ruler of the zodiac sign, implies a long stem of the plant. It is better to give an Aquarius a large, tall flower.

It is better to keep the bouquet in bright colors, not very hot and scorching. The favorite colors of the representatives of the zodiac sign are blue, purple, light blue. It is worth choosing unusual shades. An Aquarius woman will be delighted, for example, with a black orchid or rose, or selection flowers of green, blue, lilac or violet color.

The more creative the shades, the more spectacular the gift for such an original will be. Which flower according to the horoscope corresponds to the character and tastes of an Aquarius woman?

  1. Orchid. Royal flowers, talisman of love and nobility.
  2. Narcissus. A symbol of beauty, pride, egocentrism.
  3. Violet. Talisman of fidelity, modesty, virtue.
  4. Tulip. The personification of splendor, splendor, valor.
  5. Calla lilies. A flower of severity, solemnity, nobility.
  6. Rose. A talisman of love, a symbol of protected beauty, where tenderness is combined with danger.

Flowers for other zodiac signs:

Flowers for Aquarius

Aquarians appreciate paintings, antique furniture, beautiful flowers. Basically, they prefer indoor flowers that do not need to be cut to make a bouquet. Indoor flowers can bloom all year round, even when it is cold and cold outside. It happens that their whole house is filled with various pots that look simply amazing!

Most astrologers agree that only certain plants are suitable for each zodiac sign. Flowers for an Aquarius woman can be cut flowers, as they love roses, gladioli, and also lilies. For them, preference should be given to rare colors. They can be completely inconspicuous, but at the same time they can be a kind of talismans for a girl. There may be: calathea, azalea, fittonia, poinsettia. If a girl is depressed, then flowers will help her get out of this state. Roses, pelargonium, balsam, and gardenia are perfect for this.

Beautiful plants

Flowers for Aquarius must certainly be bright and memorable, so that they bring optimism and a harmonious attitude. You can decorate the room with cut lilacs and tulips. Believe me, they will be able to give you a romantic mood for the whole day. To create a mini-jungle, you can purchase a small portable fountain and surround it with various vines, flowering plants, palm trees, then it will be pleasant to practice meditation. This beauty will appeal to many ladies who appreciate everything beautiful.

An Aquarius flower should have an interesting color. You can choose daffodils, yellow tulips, yellow roses, and other plants in this color. It is commonly believed that yellow is a symbol of separation, but this is a misconception. Now yellow flowers can be used in a bridal bouquet or given for the holidays. Yellow can bring happiness, good luck, and good mood to Aquarius.

You can also give preference to blue colors. They are able to transform sadness into joy, give inspiration, and banish depression. It’s good if these are indoor plants, choose blue or light blue tulips, forget-me-nots, gladioli, flowers that are blue. The main thing is that you definitely like them. Orchids are trending and look simply amazing!

Also choose tones that would symbolize the air element:

Such shades calm, harmonize the personality, and eliminate anxiety, which is so characteristic of this zodiac sign.

A plant such as violet is also suitable. It has amazing aesthetic characteristics that were known in ancient times. It is advisable to choose violets with blue or purple inflorescences, which are more suitable for this sign.

When choosing a gift, you can give preference to coleus. Usually it has another name - nettle, since the shape of the leaves is somewhat similar to ordinary medicinal nettle. This plant is completely unpretentious and requires a minimum of care. Such flowers are suitable for those people who do not want to waste their precious time on watering and care. They can be grown on the balcony.

Aquarians appreciate paintings, antique furniture, beautiful flowers. Basically, they prefer indoor flowers that do not need to be cut to make a bouquet. Indoor flowers can bloom all year round, even when it is cold and cold outside. It happens that their whole house is filled with various pots that look simply amazing!

Most astrologers agree that only certain plants are suitable for each zodiac sign. Flowers for an Aquarius woman can be cut flowers, as they love roses, gladioli, and also lilies. For them, preference should be given to rare colors. They can be completely inconspicuous, but at the same time they can be a kind of talismans for a girl. There may be: calathea, azalea, fittonia, poinsettia. If a girl is depressed, then flowers will help her get out of this state. Roses, pelargonium, balsam, and gardenia are perfect for this.

Beautiful plants

Flowers for Aquarius must certainly be bright and memorable, so that they bring optimism and a harmonious attitude. You can decorate the room with cut lilacs and tulips. Believe me, they will be able to give you a romantic mood for the whole day. To create a mini-jungle, you can purchase a small portable fountain and surround it with various vines, flowering plants, palm trees, then it will be pleasant to practice meditation. This beauty will appeal to many ladies who appreciate everything beautiful.

Choose these plants:

  • poinsettia;
  • violet;
  • gladioli.

An Aquarius flower should have an interesting color. You can choose daffodils, yellow tulips, yellow roses, and other plants in this color. It is commonly believed that yellow is a symbol of separation, but this is a misconception. Now yellow flowers can be used in a bridal bouquet or given for the holidays. Yellow can bring happiness, good luck, and good mood to Aquarius.

You can also give preference to blue colors. They are able to transform sadness into joy, give inspiration, and banish depression. It’s good if these are indoor plants, choose blue or light blue tulips, forget-me-nots, gladioli, flowers that are blue. The main thing is that you definitely like them. Orchids are trending and look simply amazing!

Also choose tones that would symbolize the air element:

  • blue;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • yellow.

Such shades calm, harmonize the personality, and eliminate anxiety, which is so characteristic of this zodiac sign.

A plant such as violet is also suitable. It has amazing aesthetic characteristics that were known in ancient times. It is advisable to choose violets with blue or purple inflorescences, which are more suitable for this sign.

When choosing a gift, you can give preference to coleus. Usually it has another name - nettle, since the shape of the leaves is somewhat similar to ordinary medicinal nettle. This plant is completely unpretentious and requires a minimum of care. Such flowers are suitable for those people who do not want to waste their precious time on watering and care. They can be grown on the balcony.

Another very popular plant for such people is the common rose. It is advisable to grow it in the country or in pots so that it always pleases you with its appearance and delicious smell. If you feel like these flowers have become boring, try growing new and unusual varieties that will go well with your mood. They require some kind of care.

You should also definitely watch this video, which will help you when choosing a bouquet for an Aquarius girl.

Flowers have their own special, strong energy and are able to influence a person’s life. Astrology helps determine which flowers will benefit which sign.

Aquarians - what are they?

Under the sign of Aquarius are people born between January 21 and February 20. They are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence and unconventional view of the world, so they often encounter misunderstanding in society. However, Aquarians often choose a creative profession and reach great heights there.

Element of Aquarius

The air element makes this sign easy-going, but at the same time frivolous. They are pleasant to talk to, generous and always come to the aid of even strangers. Aquarians know how to persuade, but many of them do not really value romance.

What flowers suit Aquarius?

Aquarius flowers love high humidity and look airy. They attract the eye with their irresistible beauty and have an attractive delicate scent. To inspire the creative Aquarius to new ideas and accomplishments, plants must have an unusual appearance. Representatives of this sign will appreciate rare, exotic flowers; they will also like the bright colors of bouquets.

Flowers with yellow leaves neutralize negative energy, soften anger and help avoid quarrels. Buds with variegated colors give the ability to speak beautifully, think lightly and kindly. Bouquets of a bluish tint contribute to the rise of mental strength, bring joy and happiness.

Indoor flowers for Aquarius

  • Beaucarney. This flower has long, narrow leaves that lushly cover the plant's sturdy trunk, making it look like a palm tree. Bocarnea is unpretentious in care, but it grows quite slowly.
  • Alocasia. This tropical flower is rarely seen among indoor flowers, but recently alocasia has been gaining popularity among gardeners. Its leaves are very unusual: curly, pointed, juicy green with yellow veins.
  • Abutilone. Indoor maple, as this plant is otherwise called, belongs to the mallow family and blooms very beautifully. Flowers come in pink, orange, and red shades.

  • Maranta. This flower is simply meant for Aquarius. He is bright, beautiful, unusual. Its leaves are small, oval, bright green, with yellow and red veins.

Among the flowers suitable for Aquarius, one can also highlight fittonia, cross, calathea, strophanthus, jatropha.

Garden flowers for Aquarius

Daffodils, daisies, and lilies of the valley are most suitable for Aquarius to grow in the garden. Among the shrubs are lilac and jasmine. Spicy herbs, including mint, cumin, cardamom, also support the energy of this sign.

It is believed that ferns must grow in the Aquarius area. This mystical plant is not only a garden decoration. Some varieties can even be eaten.

Aquarius Comment: What I love most is late spring, when the lilacs begin to bloom in May. I adore white, purple and pink lilacs. At home in the spring I always have a large bouquet of these flowers, which gives me a truly sunny mood.

Bouquet for Aquarius

The Aquarius bouquet should be elegant and medium in size. However, some representatives of this sign, thanks to maximalism and openness to everything new, will enjoy both a huge armful of roses or lilies, and a small bouquet of field daisies.

It is best to choose flowers for a composition as a gift for Aquarius with large flowers and a long stem. For example, suitable:

  • roses are a symbol of beauty, tenderness and at the same time danger;
  • callas are flowers of severity and nobility;
  • daffodils are a sign of selfishness and self-love;
  • orchids are royal flowers.

As for the color of the bouquet, it is better to stick to rich tones, but not too bright. It is worth choosing unusual shades. Exotic purple flowers, as well as blue and light blue, are suitable. Aquarians will be delighted with unusual selection flowers, for example, a green rose or a black orchid.

Each Aquarius must choose their own talisman from a large list of proposed colors and care for it. Then in return the flower will give the owner good energy. In general, it is useful for representatives of other signs to have such plants at home, especially for those who are just planning to get creative or who just can’t find their muse.

From January 21 to February 19 inclusive of the Sun passing through zodiac sign Aquarius. Most often, intellect is in first place for a person born under the sign of Aquarius, and feelings are under strict control. And it is difficult for him to understand that not everyone can control their emotions. Therefore, Aquarius can acutely perceive dissatisfaction, violent emotions and impulsive actions of others.

At the same time, in the character of Aquarius, the desire to help everyone is so great that he needs to learn not to forget about his family. According to astrologers, individuals born under this sign are most suitable as a talisman for indoor plants such as striped abutilon, tricolor arrowroot, variegated reo or beautiful poinsettia.

But they can also be useful as talismans for overcoming depression, for innovative activities, and also for finding optimal solutions in unexpected situations. Plants - the mascots of Aquarius - are good to have in the home for those who are associated with high-speed technology: pilots, mechanics, navigators, mechanics, navigators, electricians, electrical engineers, and electronics specialists.

It should be taken into account that plants gradually get used to their owner; they may not get used to it if they are treated poorly. In particular, Aquarius plants often get sick from cold drafts. Only with prolonged interaction between a person and a plant, when it is clear that it feels comfortable in the house, can we say that the flower has acquired the properties of a talisman.

This low, bushy plant from the arrowroot family has oblong leaves with red veins and yellow spots along the middle of the leaf. Maranta loves partial shade and regular spraying of the leaves. A sudden change in air temperature can be detrimental to her. It is propagated by division during transplantation every two years, in the spring.

It is good to have tricolor arrowroot in a house where family members lead an active life and strive to show off their bright abilities. Maranta protects group members from quarrels and clashes. In addition, it is capable of absorbing the energy of aggression. Psychologically, arrowroot is interesting for those who fuss a lot in search of the realization of their abilities. In the presence of arrowroot, such a search is more successful, and learning becomes more exciting. For individuals with commercial inclinations, this plant helps them find ways to make quick profits.

The presence of arrowroot in the house is useful because it calms family members in the evening and at night, and protects against diseases associated with hypothermia.

A branching shrub from the mallow family, its homeland is Brazil. Abutilon leaves grow up to 12 cm, flowers are on long stalks, drooping, red, orange or yellow. Blooms from early summer to autumn. Abutilon is propagated in the spring by apical cuttings at a temperature of 20...25°C.

Hybrid abutilone is useful for those who find work a burden and who believe that people have a bad effect on them. It helps a person discover the qualities necessary for pleasant communication. In the presence of abutilone, offensive words and intonations disappear from the speech of interlocutors. Abutilon flowers inspire a person to turn plans into reality.

Abutilone is beneficial for human health because its presence improves the condition of the vascular system, which, in turn, helps treat heart and blood diseases.

For the atmosphere of the home, striped abutilon is valuable because it is able to absorb the heavy energy of the room and radiate the energy of joy and creativity. In those homes where painful experiences and bad mood are in the air, abutilon is able to create a mood of kindness and elation.

A plant from the Commelinaceae family. Homeland - humid forests of Mexico and Central America. It has a short stem with shiny lanceolate leaves, green or yellow-green above and purple below. Small flowers sit in the axils of the lower leaves in purple “boats”. In winter, it needs warm air and protection from drafts. Reproduces by division.

Reo motley is useful for those who would like to learn how to clearly express their thoughts, speak quickly and beautifully, and successfully translate their plans into reality. Emotionally, reo cleanses us of painful feelings. There are observations that reo helps a person cope with love turmoil when he is bewitched.

Reo variegated is useful in that its presence improves the condition of the vascular system and promotes the dissolution of blood clots in the vessels. In any case, drug therapy is more successful in the presence of such a plant.

In the house, reo motley is capable of absorbing and transforming the energies of secret aggression, anger and passion, even if they are cleverly hidden. Thus, reo protects the atmosphere of the house from critical tension.

The most ideal flower for Aquarius according to the horoscope is the orchid. Aquarius plants will help you look at old problems with “new eyes”. They are able to “wean” a person to act according to usual patterns, that is, according to habit.

Which flower suits Aquarius according to the horoscope?

Those born between January 21 and February 18 are born under the sign of Aquarius. Flowers of this sign protect against stereotyping and conservatism. They help a person look at the situation with a fresh look and can help find a way out of all situations.

Uranus is considered the ruler of Aquarius. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, you need plants with a pleasant smell, slightly moist and airy. These plants attract with their beauty and smell. Aquarius is a graceful lover of colors. Aquarius is extremely fond of exotic and strange flowers.

Aquarius loves nature. Any Aquarius plants can stimulate people to search for innovative and unconventional solutions in various areas of life.

Aquarius is the sign of ideas, discoveries and inventions, therefore its plants are talismans for innovators who can contribute to the search for new ideas and ways to implement them. This is why Aquarius plants often have an unusual and unique appearance.

A flower of the zodiac sign Aquarius with yellow leaves is able to absorb aggression, cleanse negative energy, and prevent an impending quarrel. Variegated flowers can develop a person’s ability to speak quickly and beautifully, inspire creativity and give bright thoughts.

Blue inflorescences can transform sadness into joy and attract creativity and love. They are able to create a festive mood and send you uplifting.

Aquarius is the sign of original ideas, so its plants can serve as talismans for innovation for all of us. For people born under the sign of Aquarius, there are no special restrictions in terms of colors. Aquarians will enjoy bouquets of roses, lilies of the valley, tulips and daffodils.

Indoor and garden flowers in the house of Aquarius

Indoor plants that correspond to the zodiac sign Aquarius are bocarnea reflexum, alocasia sander, hybrid and striped butylon, bloome flower, lemon-yellow callistemon, cocolloba berry-bearing, calathea Lubbers, Rowley's cross, sweet strophantha, tricolor arrowroot, poinsettia, gouty jatropha, fittonia silver with veins, orchids.

Orchid patronizes the year of the Pig, these are people who were born in 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995 and 2007. These people are energetic, kind-hearted, responsive, courageous, objective, and not hostile.

Flowers in the Aquarius garden

Garden plants that suit Aquarius are bird cherry, daffodils, white lilac, jasmine, lilies of the valley, daisies, violets and gillyflowers. Also suitable for the zodiac sign Aquarius is the daffodil flower, as well as all kinds of bulbous flowers. These plants help you find the right solution, no matter how difficult the task. Lilacs are good in all colors from lilac, blue and yellowish to pink. Snow-white lilac will strengthen mutual understanding, pink one seems to say: “You are my satisfaction and bliss.”

Trees and grasses of Aquarius according to the horoscope

Aquarius trees: fruit tree - pear, berry tree - rowan. Trees that can grow near the sea are also suitable: aspen, olive and Indian oak.

Herbs and plants of Aquarius - licorice, cardamom, sage, cumin, mint. It is believed that Aquarius is absolutely obliged to plant at least a few ferns on his own plot.

In general, every Aquarius can choose any plant that he likes from a large list of suitable flowers and trees. Try to grow these plants near your home or where you are constantly located.