How to overcome the fear of public speaking? How to overcome stage fright, fear of audiences and public speaking

A person who wants to achieve certain success in modern society has to constantly talk with other people and speak in front of small and large audiences. The profession of a teacher and politician, scientist and ordinary manager requires developed communication skills. A person can be prevented from revealing his oratory talents by stage fright (peiraphobia, glossophobia), which almost 95% of the population has.

Glossophobia: symptoms

Fearpublic speakingfamiliar to everyone: trembling of limbs, slight anxiety, insomnia, which appears only on the eve of that most important day, and confused thoughts. However, it is enough to speak in front of an audience, see approval and understanding in the eyes of the listeners, and the newly minted speaker becomes more confident and relaxed. Peiraphobia causes much deeper anxiety and anxiety in a person; it is only one of the options for the fear of speaking at all. In medicine, the fear of speaking with people associated with stuttering is called logophobia or glossophobia. If stage fright is associated precisely with starting to stutter in public, this variant of the disorder is called lalophobia. There are situations when panic fear causes the need to say some specific words, the pronunciation of which causes a person to stutter. This form of the disorder is called verbophobia.

Logophobia in any of its manifestations causes characteristic symptoms:

  • increased blood pressure and pulsation in the temples;
  • tachycardia and increased sweating;
  • dry mouth and “cotton” feet;
  • sometimes the voice disappears, its timbre may change: it becomes squeaky or chesty, too loud or quiet;
  • in other cases, the person panics so much that he cannot squeeze out a word.

If the patient is emotional and sensitive, then the moment he finds himself in front of an audience, his face may turn pale, nausea may appear, he may become dizzy, and his limbs may become cold. Such a speech will end quite quickly, because in most cases the speaker either gathers his courage and calms down, or loses consciousness. In young children who are forced to recite a rhyme in front of a crowd of relatives or answer in front of the whole class, lalophobia is sometimes accompanied by involuntary urination. In adults, such a symptom is rarely observed.

Stage fright as a result of upbringing

Lalophobia develops more often in children raised by strict and authoritarian parents. It is enough for mom or dad to tell the child that he cannot talk loudly on the street or in public places and attract attention to himself, so that over time he will develop stage fright. They try to raise other children to be intelligent and modest, instilling in them that it is better to sit in the audience than to try to take the place of a lecturer.

The fear of public speaking often haunts people who at a young age were forbidden, intimidated, or subjected to physical or psychological violence. The atmosphere of constant pressure and devaluation of any achievements contributes to low self-esteem. When a speaker is not confident in his mental abilities, physical appearance, or the significance of the proposed idea, it is more difficult for him to pull himself together and overcome his fear of an audience.

Children who are instilled with ambition and the need to always be first suffer from perfectionism and inflated self-esteem. It makes them value the opinion of society, which is why fear of performing is formed. A person is frightened by the possibility of being ridiculed or hearing criticism from listeners, which will hurt his pride and make him doubt his own abilities.

Fear of public speaking: genetic memory

Some psychologists argue that logophobia is a genetic problem. In primitive society, a person tried not to separate from the masses, so as not to be rejected. Exile in most cases meant death from predators or starvation. Modern speakers are quite capable of surviving in splendid isolation, but subconscious instincts and fears can play a cruel joke on them.

The reason for the development of a phobia is also considered to be the presence of unsuccessful experiences in the past. For example, when a schoolchild or student was publicly ridiculed, making him feel worthless. Memories are deeply etched into the subconscious if not only classmates, but also the teacher himself took an active part in the bullying. Strong personalities try to get the maximum benefit from such situations and use the experience gained to train their willpower and character. Sensitive people, prone to self-criticism and depression, become withdrawn and simply refuse the opportunity to share thoughts with others.

Logophobia appears in patients with speech defects. They feel quite comfortable in the company of friends, but a large audience scares them, because listeners can make fun of his speech impediments. Such people are recommended treatment that is aimed at improving diction and increasing self-confidence.

Fear of blushing as a cause of glossophobia

Patients with erythrophobia refuse to speak in public due to the characteristics of their own body. When experiencing excitement or other strong emotions, they blush. Among the causes of a telltale blush are problems with the nervous and vascular system, hormonal disorders and the consequences of stressful situations.

More often, glossophobia in this form is diagnosed in blue-eyed and fair-haired patients with thin and pale skin. Erythrophobes try not to appear in public again, because a crowd of strangers makes them worry and panic, blush and feel even more embarrassed.

Erythrophobes refuse high positions, because a director or a successful lawyer will have to take part in conferences, speak before subordinates or juries. Some patients are helped to get rid of the fear of public speaking by breathing exercises and self-hypnosis treatment, while others have to work with psychologists for a long time. If treatment with drugs and psychotherapy does not help, the person is offered surgical ways to overcome the problem. They simply clamp certain nerve endings, and the patient gets the opportunity to communicate with other people, speak in front of huge audiences and not blush.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking?

Some people consider stage fright a trifle, but neglected logophobia can develop into a serious problem. The patient first avoids public speaking, then becomes shy with friends, and over time tries to isolate himself from society as a whole so as not to get into awkward situations.

The classic advice given to all new speakers is to mentally undress the audience or dress them in funny costumes to relieve tension. Others recommend making friends with the audience, focusing on listeners who follow every word spoken with interest and admiration. A smile, gestures of approval and support help cope with stress.

To overcome panic and anxiety, it is recommended to carefully prepare for the performance. Select interesting and reliable material, rehearse your speech several times in front of a mirror or a pet. You can dictate your speech onto your phone and then listen to it to find mistakes and get rid of them before your speech.

People obsessed with perfectionism and pedantic tendencies should relax a little. Give yourself the right to make one or more frivolous mistakes, because no one is perfect, even opponents who try with a satisfied grin to find inaccuracies in the given facts.

Getting rid of negative memories

It is more difficult to cope with the memories of the past, which prevent you from relaxing and make you expect the worst. Psychologists give some tips on how to overcome stage fright and believe in yourself. At home, it is useful to perform special exercises and master breathing exercises, which will help normalize the heartbeat and muffle fear.

Meditation can overcome the tension that lalophobia causes, but you need to do it for at least several months. A couple of hours before a performance, it is useful to solve simple or complex mathematical equations to activate the left hemisphere of the brain. Then it will be easier to concentrate on the topic and answer all the questions from the audience.

Toovercomepanic, you should tune in to a positive result. Imagine how the audience jumps up from their seats and gives a standing ovation, amazed by the performance. How the proposed idea will change the world or make people's lives easier, and bring universal recognition and glory to its creator.

It is necessary to watch your body: do not cross your arms or legs, do not close yourself off from the audience. Muscles and gestures should be as relaxed as possible, and postures should be open. In serious cases, when peiraphobia interferes with career advancement, and you cannot get rid of the problem on your own, you should consult a psychologist and undergo a course of treatment. You may need to take sedatives or tranquilizers.

Treatment by a specialist will help you relax and reveal your oratorical potential. But the main weapon of all successful lecturers, lawyers and business trainers is a smile. Sincere, broad, confident and disarming. After all, sometimes it’s enough to smile at the world for it to smile at you.


A person who has stage fright and speaking in front of an audience is like a person caught in a frying pan. The emotional temperature rises, he feels hot, his palms sweat, his arms and legs tremble from tension, his breath catches. Thoughts are confused, and the voice becomes hoarse from a suddenly dry throat. Plus a strong heartbeat, lip tremors are often accompanied by nausea and dizziness.

Thinking level

It is at this level of assessment of the situation that stage fright arises. You imagine a situation where everyone laughs at you. Or you think that you will definitely get confused or stumble at the most inopportune moment of the speech and goof up. Change your assessment of the situation of speaking in front of an audience, and then your emotional reaction will change.

Advice from a psychologist on how to overcome the fear of speaking at a mental level. To begin, find the opposite image or thought to your initial assessment. Then use the pain shock method to embed this new assessment into your consciousness. To do this, put a rubber band on the wrist of your non-dominant hand (if you are right-handed, on your left hand). As soon as the thought of a bad performance or embarrassment on stage arises, pull back the rubber band and flick your wrist. At the same second, with an effort of will, focus on a new thought and image of a successful performance. Make clicks until your consciousness begins to switch to new thoughts automatically.

Bodily level

At the behavioral level, stage fright manifests itself in the form of muscle tension and shallow and rapid breathing. The best way to remove excess tension in the body is abdominal or belly breathing. It is characterized by a short inhalation and a long exhalation, so that the muscles of the diaphragm relax. It is better to master this method of breathing in advance, so that if you are stressed before a performance, you can easily switch to belly breathing.

As soon as you have “embedded” a new thought with an elastic band, immediately begin to breathe deeply. Moreover, to the inhalation and exhalation you need to add a self-hypnosis formula, which will attune your consciousness to the desired, confident way. This method of relaxation is called signal relaxation. For example, as you inhale, think “I-I-I-I”, and as you exhale, think “I-I-I-I-I’m coping.” Or “I’m calm.” Come up with a self-hypnosis formula that gives you confidence and calms you down at the same time.

Emotional level

Your general mood before going on stage, your feelings, ultimately determine the state in which you will perform. By changing your mental assessment of the situation, you have already shifted your emotional reaction towards the positive. And yet, let’s add one more technique to overcoming stage fright.

To control emotions, use the technique of anchoring the desired state. It will also take time and works on the principle of replacing negative emotions, in this case fear, with positive ones, such as confidence or calm. First, accumulate an “anchor” and secure it at the sensory level.

People often experience fear of public speaking. It doesn’t matter if there are 3-4 people in front of you or an audience of several hundred spectators. Fear is manifested by characteristic symptoms: stomach cramps, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, confusion and similar symptoms. It is necessary to learn to convey information correctly and clearly. To understand anxiety before mass demonstrations, you should understand its root cause, which will allow you to effectively overcome the phobia.

Fear of public speaking often manifests itself several days before the event. A person begins to think through the options in his head about why his speech may not be liked by the public, criticized and imperfect? All individuals are programmed to worry about reputation as much as they do about other personal qualities. Sometimes it is almost impossible to control the brain's reaction at this moment.

For example, the scientist Charles Darwin conducted a unique experiment. He visited the serpentarium of one of the English zoos. Charles tried to keep his cool, moving extremely close to the glass behind which the reptiles were located. With each throw of the snake, the researcher jumped to the side in panic. In his conclusions, he wrote that the mind and will cannot withstand danger that has not previously been experienced. The scientist called the reaction an ancient defense mechanism that is completely natural.

Manifestations of phobia

When a person is visited by thoughts of bad consequences, the hypothalamus (part of the brain) is activated through the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the adrenocorticotropic hormone. It is aimed at stimulating the adrenal glands with the subsequent release of a dose of adrenaline into the blood.

As a result of the manifestation, the back and neck muscles contract. This leads to a change in posture, the individual becomes stooped, tends to take the “embryo” position. Resistance to this by straightening the back and straightening the limbs leads to tremors in the legs and arms, since the body has prepared in advance for the upcoming attack.

Blood pressure rises, the digestive tract slows down. The result is dry mouth and discomfort in the abdominal area. The eyes react by dilating the pupils, visibility deteriorates near, but the faces of the audience in the distance are more clearly visible.

Aspects Affecting Public Fear

There are three main points here. The first of these is genetic predisposition. It greatly influences the behavior of an individual in society. For example, the famous musician J. Lennon performed at concerts thousands of times, and going on stage was always accompanied by bouts of nausea.

Some individuals at the genetic level have a code for significant anxiety in front of the public. There is an opinion that a little jitters before a performance are signs of a good speaker or an artist who is worried about the quality of his actions.

Degree of preparation

How not to be afraid? One option is to conduct thorough rehearsals to increase experience and reduce nervousness. A prepared speech or other public performance is not as intimidating as a spontaneous or hastily planned presentation.

To prove the statement, an experiment was conducted on billiard players. A group of psychologists divided them into two categories: some played in front of an audience, others played alone. Strong representatives rolled more balls when speaking in front of the public, while weak players showed worse results.

Main risks

A few points stand out here:

  1. Performance anxiety will increase if everything is at stake or if there are a lot of people watching the presentation. The likelihood of failure significantly lowers the speaker's reputation.
  2. Due to nervousness about one’s own status, the production of adrenaline increases, which is characterized by a panic attack and paralyzing fear.
  3. Even online sellers guard their own reputation. Research has shown that positive recommendations from a manager on one well-known online trading platform increase the price of a product by 7–8%.

How to overcome your fear of public speaking?

Knowing the causes of stage fright, you can begin to overcome the phobia. If it is in an advanced stage, it is best to contact a psychologist-hypnologist, for example, Baturin Nikita Valerievich. He will help you find the root of the problem and draw up the right solution.

Frequent conference visitors have noticed speakers who spent some time going over their material for some time before the presentation. This is the same as if an artist crammed songs before a concert. In addition, this is not entirely respectful of the audience of listeners who spend their time on the speaker.

Some tips on how to stop being afraid of public speaking and prepare well for it:

  1. 5-7 days before the event, it is advisable to sketch out a narrative plan, delving into the content and supporting important thoughts with short captions and diagrams.
  2. This approach will give the speaker confidence, allow him to highlight the main points, and leave room for additional elaboration and rehearsal of the slides.
  3. The fear of public speaking will be reduced if you write a detailed plan for the work to be presented. It includes an introduction, disclosure of all planned topics, supported by theses, examples from life, and a final part.
  4. The “thesis-example-thesis” format makes it possible to visualize the information presented and convey the essence of the presentation to the audience.
  5. In the introductory part, they talk about themselves, and also voice the main ideas of the report, allowing them to interest the audience.
  6. Each part of the performance is rehearsed several times.
  7. Read out the work in full at least 10 times in a row.

How to overcome the fear of public speaking with the help of rehearsals?

During the speech preparation period, an environment is created that is as close as possible to a real speech. This will allow you to level out moments of uncertainty and spend less energy and effort thinking about the nuances.

Several years ago, a team of researchers discovered that a person has a lot of visual stimulants in front of his gaze, while the brain reacts to only 2-3 objects. How can you overcome your fear of public speaking using this fact? You need to concentrate on connecting with your audience and delivering your report well. Should you avoid the stress of trying to remember the order in which the slides were presented, or where is the best place to stand on stage? During rehearsals, you need to use the same slides, accessories and equipment that will be used during the presentation.

How to avoid stage fright before going out?

The most exciting and stressful moment is the last seconds before a public speech. To overcome nervousness, go to a secluded place, stretch your arms up, do a few deep ones. This stimulates the functioning of the hypothalamus with the subsequent production of relaxing hormones.

According to scientific research, the slow breathing technique, tested on 46 experienced performers, showed that the effectiveness of the exercise lies in reducing nervous tension. The technique is relevant for people prone to excessive anxiety. The fear of public speaking is especially strong a few minutes before the report. So before going off stage, stretch and breathe.

Mastery in the art of public speaking is achieved through quantity, which each time develops into quality. Each new report or presentation will be accompanied by less and less fear of failure. Is this another way to overcome stage fright?

You should start with low-level events. For example, a brief description of the next family vacation. Then move on to other people, gradually increasing the size of your audience if possible.

The fear of speaking in public is called stage fright. Many people have it, and its eradication is directly related to the search for the root cause. It is necessary to understand that presentations to a wide audience are an integral part of career growth. Awareness and getting rid of the problem is an important step for work and inner confidence.

Ways to get rid of it yourself

Awareness of several positive attitudes comes to help in solving this problem:

  1. Statistics. Some researchers claim that stage fright is the second most important human fear, after death phobia. This is a very controversial fact, since the basis of surveys and inspections is not entirely clear. However, the fact that this fear is widespread is undeniable. Moreover, the degree of anxiety ranges from mild excitement to panic attacks. For example, the famous violinist D. Oistrakh became increasingly worried before each concert. A successful performance secured a certain reputation for him, which he was terrified of losing.
  2. Before you understand how not to be afraid of public speaking, remember that anxiety in front of a mass audience is not a pathology, but a natural acquired quality of an individual. This fear was experienced by many speakers and artists. This was not noticeable outwardly, although internal excitement was definitely present. Conclusion - they conquered anxiety.
  3. How to stop stage fright? Getting rid of fear is not so difficult. If you really want this, in advanced cases, contact a specialist. After a few sessions it will become a distant memory.

All achievements and failures of a person are mainly formed in the head. Even one positive approval of these attitudes contributes to the growth of self-confidence. The main thing is not to focus on negative aspects that cannot be eliminated from life.

Most people have a fear of public speaking. At these moments there is a desire to simply fall through the ground. However, in some cases it is not possible to avoid this type of speech. And why? After all, all you need to do is overcome stage fright, and nothing more. Only one question remains: how?

First, you need to understand what exactly seems so frightening and shocking. Some are afraid that they will be asked a difficult question for which there is no answer. Others are worried that the public will not accept them. Still others cannot continue a monologue if someone interrupts it in the middle. In general, there are a lot of “excuses”. Let's try to consider the basic recommendations that will help you get rid of fear and forget about obstacles. submit to anyone who takes preparation seriously.

  1. To begin, prepare a short plan according to which you will convey information to your listeners. Do not write down all the text under any circumstances. This will only distract and confuse, forcing you to go back to point 1 to complete the story, then back to 10. You can’t do this. Go in order.
  2. You should not read from a piece of paper. Talk, tell. After all, when a person does not read, he conveys information much more clearly and his speech looks more attractive.
  3. Don't create a monologue. Talk to the public. Otherwise, listeners may think that the speaker is not interested in them. Give the opportunity to express yourself and participate in the discussion. Show that their opinion is important, otherwise there will be no attention to the story.
  4. It is important to keep the report short and simple. There is no need to delay the presentation. Know to use words and expressions that everyone can understand. It has been scientifically proven that people's intellectual abilities decrease in crowds. Accordingly, the larger the audience, the simpler it is to choose words.
  5. Use poises, because this makes it easier to perceive any information. This must be done in such a way that the listeners have time to comprehend everything that has been said, and the speaker has time to prepare for the continuation of the story.
  6. Speak clearly and loudly. And most importantly, speech should be intelligible. This is the most important point; if it is not observed, then all the others are simply meaningless. - the basis of preparation for any performance.
  7. You need to practice, and as much as possible. The speaker needs to understand what he is talking about. Do this at home, in front of your family and friends. Using a mirror is perfect. After all, there will be an opportunity to see yourself from the outside.

How to start fighting

First of all, you need to understand that the sooner you start solving the problem, the faster the fear of the public will cease to cause physical and psychological discomfort. Scientists have probably had a hard time deciding what stage fright is called.

As a result, the term “social phobia” emerged. It means an unmotivated fear of speaking in front of an audience. Of course, sometimes the roots of this problem turn out to be very deep.

For some, the fear of speaking in public begins in kindergarten, when a persistent teacher demands to recite a poem at a New Year's party.

At the same time, a poetic creation may be much less interesting to a child than the ears of a hare sitting on the next chair. Childhood failure is recorded in the brain and grows into a powerful fear of performing, pathological stage fright in adulthood. In this case, you may need the help of a good psychologist who can dig out the true reasons for the fear of speaking in front of the public. You should not expect that one session will solve a problem that has been well-rooted over many years. It will take a long, focused effort. In this case, the specialist will only give recommendations on how to get rid of stage fright, how to overcome the fear of performing.

In any case, you will have to go on stage, overcoming your fear of public speaking, on your own. No one will lead you by the hand.

You should not resort to alcohol. After all, he is able to both overcome fear of the public and become a companion for the rest of his life. For this reason, many famous singers and theater artists ended their careers and vegetate in poverty in the embrace of the “green serpent.”

Therefore, it is better to look for other methods that will allow you to both overcome stage fright and stay “in the ranks.” It may be consoling to know that 90% of people have a fear of public speaking. It’s just that with experience comes an understanding of how to get rid of stage fright and not show the audience your trembling knees and sweaty palms.

Meetings to help you get rid of fear

To begin with, you should practice speaking among people whose recognition is of little value to you. You can, for example, join a discussion club and discuss the work of poets of the 18th and 19th centuries. In this case, eradicating the fear of public speaking, as well as overcoming shyness, will occur by discussing the problem in the format of a friendly conversation (people in such interest clubs are quite friendly). You can join a theater lovers' club. This will help both overcome stage fright and develop oratory skills and acting skills.

A good leader of such a circle usually acts as a psychologist. He tells his students about how to overcome the fear of public speaking, how to gesticulate correctly, and place emphasis in words.

Before a presentation, many lecturers suddenly remember that, despite many years of experience, they are still bothered by stage fright. They learned to fight this scourge for a long time. First, you should calm down and do some breathing exercises. Of course, every speaker has his own secrets on how to overcome the fear of speaking. However, there are some general recommendations that give even beginners an idea of ​​how to overcome stage fright.

In any case, you need to understand that the fear of performing will not go away after the first time. Only regular practice will help you get rid of fears of failure. As stage fright subsides, the quality of performances will improve, because communication . And lastly, don’t worry about being asked a question you don’t know the answer to. In any case, there are no people who have all the information. Be natural, pronounce your speech, and still, take a couple of drops of sedative before your first speech! Good luck!


The best way to stop being afraid of performing is to prepare well for it. However, often, upon learning about an upcoming performance, most immediately view this event as negative. Subsequently, this leads to the fact that instead of preparing, a person constantly postpones work for the future. Therefore, as soon as you hear that you need to perform in front of someone, be happy, say “WOW!”, make a characteristic movement. This way, you will reprogram your mind to have a positive attitude and several times reduce the likelihood of remaining unprepared before a performance.

Any one is related to breathing. For example, when a person is scared, he breathes intermittently and quickly. Therefore, if you cannot cope with fear, then try to breathe from your stomach, as deeply and slowly as possible. In addition, you can breathe with a delay of 4 seconds. Soon you will feel the fear receding.

One of the best ways to get rid of it, which will allow you to tune in to a positive wave, is to hum some melody. However, it is not always possible to sing the entire song, so it will be more convenient to use a certain phrase, motto or statement, whatever inspires you.

When a person is afraid, his body releases adrenaline. On the one hand, this allows him to get a huge surge of energy. But at the same time, when there is too much adrenaline, under its influence the body becomes numb, movements slow down, and speech is distorted. The best way out of this situation is to do physical exercise. If you don’t have this opportunity, then you can simply clench your fists - no one will notice, and you are guaranteed to get rid of excess adrenaline.

Body position has a huge impact on a person's internal state. Open your chest, pull your shoulders back, fix your gaze on the horizon, and then stand in this position for several minutes. After this, try talking, you will definitely notice the difference.

Video on the topic


  • Educational magazine "School of Life" in 2019

People living in the frantic rhythm of modern life encounter completely unimaginable fears that seem far-fetched and unnatural to others. One such phobia is the fear of mirrors, which causes people no less suffering than more serious obsessive fears. However, like any phobia, it can be successfully overcome.

The fear of mirrors in the scientific world can be called either spectrophobia (fear of reflection in a mirror or mirror surface) or eisoptrophobia (panic fear of mirrors directly). In connection with the object of fear, the reasons that cause the phobia and ways to get rid of it are distinguished.

How does spectrophobia appear?

The ways to overcome them also depend on the cause of phobias, and therefore it is advisable to remember when and why for the first time. It is often difficult to do this yourself if it has not already happened at a conscious age. When the cause cannot be established, it is better to consult a specialist or psychotherapist with experience in working with phobias.

A mirror is considered a kind of magical attribute; in various legends, fairy tales and myths it is assigned a negative and mysterious role: supposedly you can see something otherworldly in it, get through it to another dimension, etc. This gives rise to prejudices that are common to most people, for example, failures due to a broken mirror, communication through them with dead people. This is successfully used by the creators of horror films, thrillers and horror stories, which frightens especially impressionable people. From here, a fear of mirrors can develop, which does not even imply a person’s reflection in them. People are simply scared to be in a room with mirrors, to walk past them, etc.

Another possible reason for the fear of looking in the mirror may be a rejection of yourself or certain traits of your personality. It is more difficult to fight this phobia, since a huge amount of personal work is required to become aware of oneself, one’s positive and negative qualities, one’s actions, accepting responsibility or guilt for some actions, etc.

How to get rid of the fear of mirrors?

Establishing the cause of fear is already considered half the battle. If fear appears after reading a scary book, watching a horror movie, performing some ritual or fortune-telling, you can fight it yourself. During the day or in a lighted room, you need to overcome yourself (you can call a friend or relative for help), stand in front of the mirror, smile and say pleasant things: to yourself, to the room, to the mirror. You can come up with affirmations (formula statements) that will set you up for a positive attitude towards mirrors even without their participation, and repeat often throughout the day: “I love looking in the mirror”, “The mirror shows only my beauty”, etc.

If the fear is deeper, then you will not be able to cope on your own. In this case, you can turn to a psychologist or psychoanalyst who will help you overcome the phobia and realize how irrational it is.

If the fear appears because a person cannot accept something in himself and therefore cannot look in the mirror, it is important to find out those qualities, traits, and actions that the mind so stubbornly does not accept. People can commit unpleasant, treacherous, evil, or simply perceived as wrong actions, and after realizing them, feel guilty. If this feeling is not worked through, there may be consequences in the form of fear of oneself, one’s reflection, etc. Such problems can only be solved with specialist hypnologists, psychotherapists or psychiatrists.