Will Viferon help with herpes? The use of viferon and acyclovir for herpes. Genital herpes in men

Cold infections always overtake us at the most inopportune moment, especially if they are accompanied by a rash on the lips or near the nose. To combat herpetic diseases, several dozen medicines have been created, which literally flood the shelves of pharmacies. But what about those who are faced with the disease for the first time and do not want to limit themselves to eliminating only the symptoms? Which medication is safe for pregnant women or children to use?

Agree, it is difficult to make an informed choice, despite the abundance of available options. However, you should not rack your brains in search of a suitable liniment that would satisfy all the listed requirements. It has long been developed by pharmacists and is very popular among our compatriots. The drug Viferon is simply irreplaceable for herpes. What makes this antiviral drug unique?

Today’s material will be devoted to this and other topical issues.

The peculiarity of this medication is that it not only eliminates the symptoms of herpes on the lips or mucous membranes, but also eliminates pathogenic viruses. To be more precise, it relieves the disease, prevents its spread to healthy tissue, and has an immunostimulating effect. Today, Viferon ointment is considered one of the safest and most effective means of combating herpes and viral infections.

No pharmaceutical drug can completely cure a patient of herpes. But the liniment in question manages to quickly “put to sleep” the disease and significantly improve the quality of life of patients. The main condition is to use the medication in a timely manner (best in the early stages).

How to use the drug for herpes infection

Viferon ointment helps get rid of herpes on the lips, especially when it comes to a blistering rash. But the tricky thing about herpetic infections is that they can occur without visually noticeable symptoms. Many people do not even suspect that 2-3 watery pimples are a signal from the body that the immune system is weakened and is unable to contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Dermatologists focus on:

  1. For herpes, complex therapy is indicated; ointments and gels alone cannot overcome the disease.
  2. In addition to local effects on skin infections, it is important to take immunomodulatory and antiviral medications.
  3. It is necessary to activate the protective functions of the body, thanks to which it could actively fight viral agents and pathogens.

Viferon is one of these universal, complex drugs. It has long been used as part of a therapeutic complex for herpetic infections. The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories, gel and ointment.

  • To eliminate skin rashes, ointments and gels are used. They are effective for lips and mucous membranes.
  • Genital disease is treated with rectal suppositories.
  • Suppositories are suitable for complex suppression of pathogenic microflora.

Before starting therapy, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine the optimal treatment regimen and give dosage recommendations.

Efficacy of the drug

The effectiveness of the drug in the fight against herpes is due to its pharmacological properties. The saying is appropriate here - no magic - only chemistry!

All of the above is achieved thanks to the unique active ingredient of the drug - recombinant human interferon.

Description of the drug

Viferon ointment for lesions of herpetic viruses acts specifically on the problem area. The medication is characterized by a pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. It helps strengthen the immune system and prevents viruses from multiplying, capturing healthy cells.

The main active element of the pharmaceutical product is a synthetic analogue of human interferon of the recombinant type alpha-2b.

The main component of the drug normalizes lymphocytes and leukocytes, activates biochemical processes aimed at the synthesis of antibodies. One course of treatment is enough to record positive changes:

  1. The duration of the acute phase is reduced significantly.
  2. Watery blisters containing pathogenic microorganisms dry out.
  3. The regeneration of damaged cells and tissues is activated.
  4. Painful symptoms are relieved.
  5. The likelihood of re-infection and exacerbation is eliminated.
  6. A stable and long period of remission ensues.

After taking Viferon, there are practically no cases of side complications, which indicates the safety of the composition.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug belongs to the MIBP cytokines (interferon, antiviral). Suppresses the activity of most viruses except HIV. It is characterized by a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

pharmachologic effect

Recombinant interferon, upon contact with pathogenic cells, inhibits their protein synthesis, which is accompanied by a disruption in the sequence of a number of biochemical reactions vital for the virus. As a result, subsequent replication of pathogenic genomes becomes impossible.

The effect of the medication is not limited to this:
  • activates the synthesis of interferon;
  • increases the body's protective functions by improving the immune system's response to foreign agents;
  • normalizes the condition of microphages responsible for the destruction of pathogens
  • strengthens general immunity.

Thanks to the above, Viferon is actively used for herpes zoster. The ointment is indicated for use by pregnant women and children.

Release form and composition

In pharmacies you can purchase the medicine in several forms, differing in the concentration of active substances and method of application.

Regardless of the form of release, the composition of the drug is similar in active ingredients, and differs in auxiliary ones. The key element of the drug is recombinant human interferon alpha 2b. Of the additional ingredients, the main role is delegated to vitamins (E, C), as well as highly active antioxidants.

Instructions for use

Depending on the location of the problem area, different forms of medication are used. Let's look at each method in more detail:

You must first consult with a specialist who can objectively assess the patient’s condition and prescribe optimal therapy.

Indications and contraindications

Viferon ointment has long been “settled” in the home medicine cabinets of many of our compatriots, which is quite expected.

Indications for use of the drug:
  • prevention of ARVI and influenza during seasons of high activity of colds;
  • respiratory diseases of infectious etiology (including acute forms);
  • herpetic cervicitis;
  • herpes infection of the genitourinary tract, mucous membranes and epidermis;
  • hepatitis;
  • complex therapy;
  • infectious diseases of the urogenital type.

However, you should not self-medicate and treat the skin with ointment or gel at the slightest sign of herpes. You must first undergo an examination by a doctor, who will determine the form of the disease in each specific case.


  • during pregnancy (up to 14-15 weeks);
  • individual intolerance to the composition;
  • high sensitivity of the skin.

During pregnancy, when herpes occurs, it is important to seek help from a doctor. He may prescribe rectal suppositories, since the virus is potentially dangerous to the fetus in the womb.

Directions for use and doses

The exact dosage of Viferon is calculated by a specialist based on the diagnosis, age, condition and well-being of the patient. If you refer to the instructions for use, an individual amount of the composition is selected for each method of use.

If a therapeutic effect is not observed after 5-7 days, it is necessary to reconsider the treatment regimen.

Side effects

Viferon is exceptionally well-tolerated, with virtually no side effects. As an exception, some patients may experience allergic reactions in the form of itching and dermatitis. To eliminate them, it is enough to stop taking the medicine.

Review of analogues

Like any other medicine, Viferon is easy to replace if necessary, because There are plenty of drugs based on human interferon. Let's look at some of them.

  1. - almost a complete analogue of the composition in question, except that the drug has a natural plant base. It has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. Suitable for children, effectively resists herpes viruses. Intravenous administration is allowed.
  2. Genferon is a suppository similar in composition to Viferon. Prescribed for herpes and urogenital infections. There are no contraindications for use.
  3. Interal-P - injected into the muscle, applied topically or to the problem area. It is forbidden to use pregnant women, as well as patients prone to severe allergic reactions.

There are analogues that are cheaper, but they have different indications for use and many contraindications and side effects. A complete substitute can only be prescribed by a doctor.

When patients are looking for an effective remedy for colds on the lips, they can be offered Viferon for herpes. Despite the fact that this drug is not capable of permanently curing such a disease, it is quite capable of “putting the enemy to sleep” and significantly improving the patient’s quality of life.

The sad thing is that the herpes virus can affect not only the rim of the lips, but also the porch of the nose, eyelids, cheeks, ears, forehead, oral mucosa, genitals, and even the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system. The most common and safe type of this pathology is the herpes simplex virus. It is carried by 90% of people worldwide, but only 5% of them exhibit clinical symptoms.

Features of treatment with this remedy

The use of Viferon for herpes is completely justified due to its pharmacological properties:

  • increases the body’s own immune response to the penetration of microbes;
  • prevents the fixation and active division of viral particles on the epithelium of the mucous membranes;
  • suppresses the replication (reproduction of offspring similar to itself) of the genetic material of viruses.

All this is possible thanks to the main component of this medicine - recombinant human interferon. And excipients help maintain its biological activity.

Taking into account the variety of possible herpetic eruptions, 3 standard forms of release were developed: gel and ointment for external and local use, as well as rectal suppositories.


The use of Viferon ointment for herpes has become a common practice in many families. It is also actively used during the cold season (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza) as an effective preventative. In addition, the ointment can be used in pediatrics (young patients from 1 year old), as well as pregnant women (after 14 weeks) and during breastfeeding, since interferon acts mainly at the site of application.

Apply a thin layer of ointment to areas affected by the herpes virus up to 4 times a day. Treatment procedures can be continued for up to 1 week. Typically, patients do not experience any particular discomfort or significant adverse reactions when using this ointment, but when applied to the nasal mucosa, a slight burning sensation, sneezing and the release of watery mucus may occur.

For the ointment to really help, it must be stored correctly. The temperature range is suitable for her - from 2 to 8 °C, so she definitely needs a refrigerator. If you keep the ointment at room temperature, you can’t expect a good result. In addition, if the product is in an aluminum tube, then after opening it is good for 1 month, and if it is in a polystyrene jar - only 2 weeks.

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Manifestation of herpes on the back, main causes and treatment


Viferon for herpes on the lips in the form of a gel is also used quite often. Moreover, it is even preferred due to the fact that it has an increased duration of action. In addition, Viferon in this form is recommended for a larger number of pathologies:

  • acute infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • false croup (acute narrowing of the lumen of the larynx);
  • herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, including the genitourinary tract;
  • herpetic cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix).

If the gel is used for herpes on the lips, then squeeze out a pea-sized amount (about 5 mm) of the product and distribute it with a cotton swab on pre-dried lesions up to 5 times a day. Therapy is continued until all clinical manifestations of the pathology disappear. Usually 5-7 days are enough for this.

For gynecological purposes, squeeze out up to 1 ml of the product and apply it with a cotton swab to the lower segment of the uterus, which is previously cleared of mucous secretions. The manipulation is repeated in the morning and evening for 1 week, and if the clinical picture requires it, then for 2 weeks.

In addition, the gel can be used to lubricate the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity or tonsils. In the case of the latter, you need to act very carefully - do not touch them with a medical swab, but only with the gel, which will spontaneously flow down the palatine tonsils. And you can do this 30 minutes after eating.

“After 30-40 minutes, a thin film appears in the places where Viferon gel was applied, which does not have to be washed off, although this can be done before the next application of the drug.”


Viferon suppositories are a very versatile drug that is actively used in pediatrics and neonatology, including premature babies. Therapeutic regimens in the treatment of children differ from adult practice in dosages. Rectal suppositories can contain from 150,000 IU of interferon to 1,000,000 IU.

Along with the treatment of mild and moderate forms of primary or recurring herpetic infections of the skin and mucous membranes, suppositories with interferon are used for the following pathologies:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of infants (inflammation of the membranes of the brain under the influence of enteroviruses, herpes, thrush);
  • infectious liver damage (hepatitis B, C, D) in a chronic form in patients of different age categories;
  • urogenital infectious diseases.

The drug is rectal, so it is administered into the rectum. Adults are recommended to take 1,000,000 IU suppositories 2 times a day with a 12-hour break. The treatment course can be 10-14 days depending on clinical indications. Despite the fact that suppositories are positioned as rectal, gynecologists sometimes prescribe them for vaginal use.


Viferon Ointment and Gel for herpes

Herpes is the scourge of a modern person, disfiguring the face and suddenly spoiling all immediate plans. Are there any remedies to quickly get rid of a “cold”? How to prevent rashes and is it even possible to do this? Can topical antiviral drugs help?

For many years, herpes infection was treated as some kind of minor disease. This is understandable, because, unlike the flu, this virus does not cause a high fever and does not put a person in bed for several days with aching joints and headaches. Moreover, many people infected with herpes do not even know about it until a “cold” appears on the lip or other mucous surface. This rash, which always appears at the wrong time, ruins the lives of many people. What to do and how to act if you are already infected?

Does Viferon help with herpes?

Almost from the first rash on the lip, the life of the infected person begins to turn into a quest to find an effective cure for a “cold on the lip.” But most lotions and cauterization products do not solve the problem, and the consequences of such treatment can be unpredictable. Even if you manage to dry out the rash with lotions, ugly red spots (up to several weeks) or even scars may remain on the injured skin. As with the treatment of any disease, treatment must begin by finding out the cause of the disease. The source of infection in this case is the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The most common types are the first and second.

Symptoms and manifestations

They appear as rashes on the human mucosa from the lips and oral cavity to the intimate area. Unfortunately, this infection, once in the human body, remains there for life; it is impossible to completely get rid of it, but there are drugs that can reduce the activity of the virus under factors unfavorable to humans, for example, hypothermia, stress, and so on.

One of these antiviral drugs is Viferon. It is available in several forms: rectal suppositories, gel and ointment. Regardless of the form, it contains the active substance human recombinant interferon alpha-2b protein, which inhibits the active reproduction of HSV. Usually, in the treatment of relapses of this disease, the combined use of suppositories and external antiviral drugs (gel or ointment) is recommended. Suppositories affect the general immunity of a person, and a gel or ointment helps locally, reducing the area of ​​rashes and reducing the duration of discomfort from the sore.

Instructions for use of Viferon gel for herpes

General doctor

Full collection and description: how effective is Viferon for herpes for readers of our site.

The effectiveness of Viferon for herpes has been confirmed by clinical studies. The medicine is the result of development by Russian scientists. It has its own original antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, which are not duplicated by other medications with similar effects.

Viferon is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. It strengthens the human immune system, prevents the activity of the herpes virus, and inhibits its reproduction. The medicine contains a new generation of interferon - a synthetic protein similar to human. This substance promotes the production of antibodies by the body, normalizes the activity of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood. Thanks to this, the body's resistance to various infections increases.

The drug promotes the regeneration of affected tissues and dries out herpetic blisters. The antiviral substance reduces the period of exacerbation of herpes, relieves unpleasant symptoms of the disease, such as burning, itching, and a feeling of tightness. It also significantly reduces the likelihood of re-infection.

There were no complications or side effects from the use of Viferon. The medication is quite compatible with other drugs used to treat infections caused by herpes. Can be used even by small children.

The use of this drug is contraindicated in the early stages of pregnancy up to 4 months. Contraindications also include individual intolerance to the components of the drug, therefore, in order to avoid an overdose of the drug or its improper use, you should not prescribe it yourself, but should use it only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

The drug Viferon is available in 3 dosage forms:

  • ointment;
  • gel;
  • suppositories (rectal).

The first two forms are intended for local use on infected areas of the body. The fact is that the herpes virus reduces the body’s immunity and resistance to various infections in the infected area, as a result of which infection with the herpes virus may be accompanied by other related ailments. Viferon is not available in the form of tablets or injections because injections of a potent substance can cause allergic reactions, and in tablets, medicinal proteins are broken down by the body's digestive enzymes.

Therefore, local use of an antiviral agent is much more effective for genital herpes. In this case, the drug has strong antiviral activity, increases the body’s immunity and resistance to various infections in the affected tissues directly. Gel and ointment are used externally for herpes to treat skin rashes, ulcers, and affected mucous membranes. Treated wounds heal faster, burn and itch less. The gel is highly effective, and the ointment has a milder effect. Suppositories are administered rectally into the body. This allows the active substance to better penetrate the lesion.

Advantage of suppositories

Viferon suppositories are effective for rectal and urogenital forms of herpes. Suppositories easily melt under the influence of body temperature and are absorbed by the body. This way the healing substance gets into all the tissues of the pelvis, which increases the effectiveness of using the drug. Rectal agents increase local immunity within the tissues of the urogenital organs, which speeds up the healing of the genital virus. The drug quickly relieves the unpleasant manifestations of the disease inside, where ointment or gel cannot penetrate.

Through the rectum, the drug is absorbed into the blood and has a general therapeutic effect on the patient’s body.

Therefore, the use of Viferon in the form of candles is the most popular. Suppositories are also used to treat herpes in children for whom injections of various medications are contraindicated. Depending on age, there are restrictions on the dosage of the drug: the younger the child, the lower the dose. Therefore, both the drug and the dose should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Viferon candles have a pale yellow color, sometimes with an uneven marbled color. They contain interferon, antioxidants - vitamins E and C, and cocoa butter. Suppositories are administered orally rectally only after bowel movements and washing. The suppository needs to be pushed as deep as possible into the anus while lying on your back. Your legs should be bent at the knees. You need to lie in this position for at least 30 minutes so that the substance is absorbed by the body and does not leak out.

Herpes is a viral disease that is characterized by a skin rash. Almost 90% of people on earth are carriers of the virus. The disease has no clinical manifestations, only 5% develop visible symptoms.

The most susceptible to rashes are:

  • facial mucosa;
  • eye skin;
  • genital mucosa;
  • central nervous system, brain.

Places of relapse include the corners of the lips, cheeks and eyelids, wings of the nose, forehead, and gums. But more often the rashes occur on the lips.

When treating herpes, therapy is used, which includes taking immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, as well as external ointments. The drug Viferon helps well against the herpes virus. It has shown high effectiveness, confirmed by clinical studies. Developed by Russian scientists. Original in its own way.

Description of the drug

Viferon has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect for herpes. Due to this, the immune system is strengthened, and this in turn acts to reduce the activity of the virus, it stops reproducing. The drug contains interferon - a protein of synthetic origin, which is an analogue of the human one. It normalizes white blood cells and lymphocytes and helps produce antibodies. All this stimulates the body to resist infections.

While taking Viferon, the acute period is noticeably shortened, the blisters dry out and damaged tissues are regenerated. All irritating symptoms stop. And most importantly, there is a high probability that re-infection will not occur. There were no complications after taking the drug.

Another important point is that Viferon combines well with other antiviral drugs. It can be used by children from an early age. Contraindicated for use only by pregnant women in the first trimester and people with individual intolerance. Naturally, the drug should be used only with the permission of the attending physician, and in no case should you prescribe it yourself.

Types of drug

The doctor may prescribe Viferon ointment or gel for external use. They lubricate infected areas of the body to prevent a decrease in the body's resistance in this place.

Viferon is not produced in tablets, so only suppositories for herpes are used. Injections are not permissible, since an allergy to the main component of the drug is possible, and in tablets it will be broken down by the body's enzymes.

Herpes gel and ointment are good for treating skin rashes, especially on the lips. As a result, the ulcers stop itching and burning and heal well. If we talk about the difference between the effects of gel and ointment, then the first is more effective, but the second has a gentle effect.

Suppositories are used rectally, which allows you to quickly act on the infection. They are well absorbed by the body, melting under the influence of human heat. The use of suppositories helps speed up recovery from a genital virus, as the unpleasant symptoms inside are relieved, because neither ointment nor gel can get there. Absorbed into the blood through the rectum, the substance affects the body in general. Today, the use of candles is very popular. Depending on age, different dosages are used, the younger, the less. Only a doctor knows the dosage best.

In addition to interferon, the suppositories contain vitamins, antioxidants and cocoa butter. If we talk about the appearance of the suppositories, they are yellowish in color, sometimes there is a marble color. They are used rectally. Before administration, be sure to cleanse the intestines and wash yourself. While lying down, the suppositories are inserted as deeply as possible. It is advisable to bend your legs at the knees. After administration, you must not get up for about 30 minutes for the body to absorb the medicine.

Disease prevention

Often it is in the spring that the disease worsens. After winter, the body weakens significantly. Lack of vitamins and previous colds have an effect. You should not wait for herpes to firmly establish itself on the skin. At the first symptoms on the lips, which are redness and itching, start taking the drug. This way you can suppress the virus and it will not start attacking the body. You will again put him to sleep reliably for a long period. In parallel with the use of the medicine, increase the amount of essential vitamins in your diet. Hardening the body and physical activity help a lot. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. If you missed the moment and the virus attacked your body, contact specialists so that you can be prescribed the right treatment, which will lead to a quick recovery.

Treatment of recurrent herpes in pregnant women and children

All therapy is prescribed by the attending physician and is carried out under his strict supervision!

Interferons are indicated from the 14th week of gestation. The goal is to prevent intrauterine transmission of infection and infection during childbirth.

For genital herpes of a recurrent nature, Viferon-2 (500 thousand IU) is indicated: 1 rectal suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 10 days, then 1 suppository 2 times a day 2 times a week - 10 days (for 5 weeks), then preventive interferon-stabilizing courses - Viferon-1 (150 thousand IU) 1 suppository 2 times a day for 5 days, 1 time per month, after 4 weeks this 5-day course is repeated until delivery. If necessary, conduct a 10-day treatment course immediately before childbirth (from the 38th week of gestation).

Most often, local therapy (gels, ointments) is indicated; in severe cases of recurrent herpes, acyclovir is indicated.

Treatment of recurrent herpes in children is prescribed by a pediatrician or immunologist. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated due to the imperfection of the immune system in children of different ages.

Viferon is indicated from birth: for herpes infection, Viferon-1 from birth to 12 months, Viferon-2 from one year to 7-14 years, Viferon-3 is allowed from 7 years of age with severe manifestations of infection.

Newborn babies (full-term, gestational age more than 34 weeks) are prescribed Viferon-1, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours for 5 days. In case of prematurity (gestational age less than 34 weeks), 1 suppository 3 times a day every 8 hours 5 days. Shown are 2 courses with an interval of 5 days. For older children, Viferon 1 or 2 according to the regimen: 1 suppository 2 times a day for 10 days. Preventive courses can be prescribed taking into account the age and severity of the process.

Kipferon is prescribed to children from 12 years of age. 1 suppository 1 time per day for 10 days.

Likopid is prescribed to children from 1 to 16 years old at a dose of 1 mg. Treatment regimen: 1 table. (1 mg) 3 times a day orally for 10 days daily.

Amiksin from 7 years old 60 mg per tablet: 1 tablet 2 days in a row, then 1 tablet every other day for 2-4 weeks (course dose 10-20 tablets).

Cycloferon is prescribed from the age of 4: 4-6 years 150 mg (1 tablet) per dose, from 7 to 11 years - 300-450 mg (2-3 tablets) per dose. Regimen for herpes: a single dose on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14. The course may vary depending on the severity of the manifestations and severity of the disease. Parenterally, the drug can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously according to a basic scheme of 10 injections with possible subsequent administration once every 3 days for 4 weeks.

Alpizarin is prescribed orally for children from 3 years of age. Single dose from 3 to 6 years 50-100 mg (1/2-1 tablet), from 6 to 12 years 100 mg (1 tablet), from 12 years - 100-200 mg (1-2 tablets), prescribed 2- 3 times a day for 5-14 days.

Derinat is prescribed according to the following scheme: 5 injections every 24 hours. Single doses for children under 2 years old - 0.5 ml (7.5 mg), 2-10 years old - 0.5 ml per year of life, from 10 years old - 5 ml.

Isoprinosine is prescribed from 3 years of age (from 15-20 kg of body weight): at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day for 3-4 doses or ½ tablet (250 mg) per 5 kg of body weight per day. Course 5-10 days.

Summarizing all of the above, we can talk about the variety of drugs and methods for treating chronic herpes infection. Treatment regimens are selected strictly individually and prescribed by the attending doctor, taking into account the basic principles of herpes therapy. An example of a treatment regimen for a frequently recurrent form of herpetic infection (Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education) is the following:

1) relief of exacerbation (antiviral drug and immunomodulator - for example, interferon inducer, local therapy for 5-10 days);
2) anti-relapse therapy (vaccination, treatment with dendritic cells and in between courses);
3) maintenance therapy (continuation of the immunomodulator with long courses, preferably the same as in the first stage).

Infectious disease doctor N.I. Bykova

Home Venereology Viferon in the treatment of genital herpes

Viferon in the treatment of genital herpes

Viferon is a domestic product of recombinant interferon - a 2a of a new generation. In addition to interferon, it contains antioxidants: a-tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) and ascarbic acid (Vit. C). It has strong antiviral activity and is a highly effective remedy in the treatment of genital herpes and is quite compatible with basic therapy. There are no side effects or complications when using it. It leads to normalization of the interferon-producing function of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood.

Clinical observations have noted the effectiveness of including Viferon in the complex therapy of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): herpetic, cytomegalovirus and chlamydial infections; diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.); mycoplasmas; the simplest.

After all, interferons are natural factors of nonspecific defense of the body and mediators (cytokines) of immunity, have the widest spectrum of action: anti-infective and immunomodulatory activity.

In the complex treatment of genital herpes, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 courses of treatment with Viferon (500,000 IU) in the form of suppositories, 2 suppositories per day with a 12-hour interval every other day (10 suppositories per course). Then 3 times a week, every other day, 2 suppositories per day at 12-hour intervals for 1-3 months.

Viferon is not contraindicated for pregnant women suffering from herpetic diseases of the genitals, in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality of newborns.

Viferon was developed at NIIEM named after. N. F. Gamaleya of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and is published by the Biology Department of the joint venture BCI in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Viferon-250 is recommended for children under 7 years of age. For children over 7 years old and adults – Viferon-5 00.

In our many years of work, we used Viferon in the form of suppositories (suppositories) daily once at night for 2-3 weeks and noted the therapeutic effect of its use.

In a comparative clinical assessment of the effectiveness of Zovirax and alpizarin in the prevention of recurrent genital herpes, carried out by L.N. Khakhalin, F.I. Abazova and co-authors, using a small group of patients (67 people), the authors concluded that Zovirax causes persistent remissions 3.8 times more often than alpizarin. The average number of relapses per patient while taking alpizarin is 2.19, while with Zovirax it is 5 times less.

Thus, Zovirax (acyclovir) is significantly more effective than alpizarin in the treatment of recurrent genital herpes.

Kozlova V.I. Pykhner A.F.

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Find VIFERON in pharmacies

Genital herpes– a viral infection that causes rashes on the mucous membranes and in the genital area. The cause of the development of this disease is the herpes simplex virus type II (in 80–90% of cases).

Type II herpes. in the long term, promotes the development of cervical cancer and negatively affects the central nervous system. Cervical cancer can appear as a complication of long-term herpes infection of the genital tract type II, which occurred together with the human papillomavirus.

Symptoms of genital herpes

Signs of genital herpes include redness of the skin, itching and the appearance of specific blisters filled with liquid.

Symptoms of genital herpes in women And men They are similar and differ only in the localization of the rash.

Herpes on the genitals with primary damage, it resolves within 2-3 weeks. After 5-7 days, the blisters burst, forming small wounds. At this point, it is important to maintain hygiene standards and regularly treat them with an antiseptic to prevent bacterial infection. If you follow these rules, the wounds will heal in 1-2 weeks.

Relapse lasts, as a rule, 10 – 14 days.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure genital herpes once and for all. During the initial infection, herpes settles in the cells of the nervous system and leukocytes, and during the period of exacerbation, when the immune system is weakened, the virus enters the blood and manifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin.

Genital herpes in men

Genital herpes in men begins acutely and with an increase in body temperature to 38.5°C, especially if it is a primary infection. The general condition may resemble a severe cold or flu. Then itching and burning appears in the groin area, redness and swelling appear on the penis, the itching becomes very severe. Literally after a few hours, a characteristic rash appears on the reddened area.

Genital herpes in women

Genital herpes in women also begins painfully and is accompanied by weakness, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area. In women, herpes can affect the vagina, external genitalia, cervix, or area around the anus. The appearance of rashes is preceded by severe itching, pain and burning.

Genital herpes without symptoms

In rare cases, the disease may occur without pronounced symptoms, but this is more bad than good, because the absence of these symptoms indicates low immunity (immunodeficiency). People with reduced immunity due to herpes type 2 may develop anxiety-phobic neuroses and depression.

Viferon - fast and effective treatment of genital herpes

At the first symptoms of genital herpes, as soon as you experience itching, burning and redness in the genital area, use Viferon antiviral suppositories. This is the first aid to your body before consulting a doctor. Viferon has a powerful effect on the herpes virus, blocks its reproduction and activates the immune system, while having virtually no contraindications or side effects. By applying

The use of antiviral suppositories Viferon in the first hours of herpes activity allows you to accelerate the regression of herpetic eruptions, and sometimes prevent their appearance. The special antiviral component contained in the suppositories quickly blocks the reproduction of the herpes virus and contributes to its death. Viferon restores the body's immune balance and promotes a longer period of remission.

Treatment of genital herpes at home

In addition to suppositories Viferon and topical antiviral ointments, there are several treatments you can do at home to relieve symptoms.

Brew anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, calendula) and take a warm sitz bath, this may help improve the condition. You can also make a compress with sea salt and water.

With genital herpes, hygiene is very important. Rashes/wounds should be kept clean and wounds should be dry.

When studying this disease, a pattern was found: if a person’s immunity is healthy, the herpes virus remains in a latent (dormant) state. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, avoid stress and take preventive courses with Viferon suppositories. Studies have proven that the use of Viferon suppositories for the treatment of genital herpes allows one to achieve long-term remission, lasting more than a year.


Herpes is a difficult-to-treat viral disease that is diagnosed in over 90% of the country's population. It is transmitted through airborne droplets and through contact with an infected person. It is not completely removed from the body; it remains either dormant or active. The hardest thing is when the infection becomes asymptomatic, a person’s health indicators deteriorate, and not everyone can guess what the real reason is. To successfully fight the herpes virus, you need to take different drugs in a comprehensive treatment regimen, as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle. The more gentle the patient’s way of life, the less likely it is that a relapse will occur, since the virus manifests itself acutely when the body’s defenses deteriorate. The herpevirus manifests itself in the places where it was transmitted. If it is a cold herpes, then it appears in the nose or on the lips. The situation is bad with the genital form of the disease, which is sexually transmitted. If you have genital herpes, you should refrain from sexual contact during the period of exacerbation, take antiviral and immunomodulators, and lead a calm lifestyle. For external use, you will need an ointment for herpes, and if the patient has severe immunodeficiency, then you need to take the medication systemically (take pills). One of the best remedies as part of complex treatment is Viferon ointment and suppositories for vaginal or rectal administration.

Treatment with suppositories and ointments for herpes Viferon

Viferon can be used as part of a complex treatment of complicated forms of the herpes virus, since it is both an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. The drug contains recombinant human interferon alpha-2-b, which is enhanced with antioxidant components - ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol (vitamins E and C). The medication is aimed at fighting viruses, stimulating the production of its own interferon, due to which the immune system is strengthened, and the human body copes with the infection more quickly. Viferon ointment helps well against herpes on the lips, which locally affects the affected area, due to which local activation of the immune system occurs, and wounds heal faster.

With periodic use, which is especially important in the presence of genital and shingles forms of the disease, it has been proven that the frequency of possible relapses is reduced several times, and if a relapse does occur, the inflammation heals on average 5-7 days faster. Viferon in the form of a gel or ointment for external use is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. For systemic use, suppositories are used, which should be administered intravaginally or rectally. Viferon-3 is best suited for the treatment of herpes, where the amount of active substance in one suppository is equal to 1 million international units. Suppositories are administered twice a day for 10 days in a row.

Treatment of lip rashes with Acyclovir

If a person has a herpetic cold infection no more than twice a year, then you can use a more affordable antiviral agent. Many people know the drug acyclovir, which is applied to the nose or lips up to 5-6 times a day for a week. With the help of acyclovir, the wound will heal faster, but it does not prevent relapse in any way, since it only applies to antiviral drugs, and even then, not too strong. To prevent and prevent a possible relapse, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, and this can only be done by following proper nutrition and regular use of vitamin supplements. People with immunodeficiency will benefit from drugs that enhance the production of their own interferon protein. Such medications include Viferon. Before using the product, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Herpes is a viral disease that is characterized by a skin rash. Almost 90% of people on earth are carriers of the virus. The disease has no clinical manifestations, only 5% develop visible symptoms.

The most susceptible to rashes are:

  • facial mucosa;
  • eye skin;
  • genital mucosa;
  • central nervous system, brain.

Places of relapse include the corners of the lips, cheeks and eyelids, wings of the nose, forehead, and gums. But more often the rashes occur on the lips.

When treating herpes, therapy is used, which includes taking immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, as well as external ointments. The drug Viferon helps well against the herpes virus. It has shown high effectiveness, confirmed by clinical studies. Developed by Russian scientists. Original in its own way.

Description of the drug

Viferon has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect for herpes. Due to this, the immune system is strengthened, and this in turn acts to reduce the activity of the virus, it stops reproducing. The drug contains interferon - a protein of synthetic origin, which is an analogue of the human one. It normalizes white blood cells and lymphocytes and helps produce antibodies. All this stimulates the body to resist infections.

While taking Viferon, the acute period is noticeably shortened, the blisters dry out and damaged tissues are regenerated. All irritating symptoms stop. And most importantly, there is a high probability that re-infection will not occur. There were no complications after taking the drug.

Another important point is that Viferon combines well with other antiviral drugs. It can be used by children from an early age. Contraindicated for use only by pregnant women in the first trimester and people with individual intolerance. Naturally, the drug should be used only with the permission of the attending physician, and in no case should you prescribe it yourself.

Types of drug

The doctor may prescribe Viferon ointment or gel for external use. They lubricate infected areas of the body to prevent a decrease in the body's resistance in this place.

Viferon is not produced in tablets, so only suppositories for herpes are used. Injections are not permissible, since an allergy to the main component of the drug is possible, and in tablets it will be broken down by the body's enzymes.

Herpes gel and ointment are good for treating skin rashes, especially on the lips. As a result, the ulcers stop itching and burning and heal well. If we talk about the difference between the effects of gel and ointment, then the first is more effective, but the second has a gentle effect.

Suppositories are used rectally, which allows you to quickly act on the infection. They are well absorbed by the body, melting under the influence of human heat. The use of suppositories helps speed up recovery from a genital virus, as the unpleasant symptoms inside are relieved, because neither ointment nor gel can get there. Absorbed into the blood through the rectum, the substance affects the body in general. Today, the use of candles is very popular. Depending on age, different dosages are used, the younger, the less. Only a doctor knows the dosage best.

In addition to interferon, the suppositories contain vitamins, antioxidants and cocoa butter. If we talk about the appearance of the suppositories, they are yellowish in color, sometimes there is a marble color. They are used rectally. Before administration, be sure to cleanse the intestines and wash yourself. While lying down, the suppositories are inserted as deeply as possible. It is advisable to bend your legs at the knees. After administration, you must not get up for about 30 minutes for the body to absorb the medicine.

Disease prevention

Often it is in the spring that the disease worsens. After winter, the body weakens significantly. Lack of vitamins and previous colds have an effect. You should not wait for herpes to firmly establish itself on the skin. At the first symptoms on the lips, which are redness and itching, start taking the drug. This way you can suppress the virus and it will not start attacking the body. You will again put him to sleep reliably for a long period. In parallel with the use of the medicine, increase the amount of essential vitamins in your diet. Hardening the body and physical activity help a lot. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. If you missed the moment and the virus attacked your body, contact specialists so that you can be prescribed the right treatment, which will lead to a quick recovery.