A basic set of medicines for a home first aid kit. Home first aid kit: what should be in it

Many of us have encountered a situation where we urgently needed medicine, but it simply wasn’t available. home medical kit. We had to quickly get dressed and rush to the nearest pharmacy. Mostly it didn't cause much discomfort.

But one day it may happen that the price of a drug missing from a medical kit will be not just wasted time, but a human life.

More than 55% of people do not know how to properly stock a first aid kit. But health is not something to joke about.

Therefore, let's look at twelve items that must be present in yours.

Composition of a home first aid kit (list of medications).

1. Tweezers.

2. Creams for muscles and joints.

The usual rearrangement of furniture can result in stretching, and a fresh summer breeze can lead to hypothermia of the tissues (popularly called “drastically”). This is where these tools will help you. With their help, you will quickly get rid of discomfort and regain your productivity.

3. Dressing material, adhesive plaster.

No one is immune from cuts and injuries. Suddenly, a cabinet might fall on your foot, or a knife might decide to test how deep it can cut your finger. In this case, it will come to your aid elastic bandage and adhesive bandage.

4. Sedative.

Modern life moves at a frantic pace. Nowadays it is simply impossible to do without stress. We are used to not reacting to minor irritations, but they tend to accumulate. One day they roll up into a huge ball and fall on our heads. Then a sedative is used. It returns us clarity of thought and sobriety of judgment.

5. Thermometer.

Many diseases cause an increase in body temperature, and we need to ensure that it does not exceed the permitted limit. In this matter, a thermometer or, as we used to call it, a thermometer comes to our aid.

6. Antipyretic drugs.

The thermometer screams elevated temperature? No problem. Antipyretics will instantly bring it back to normal.

7. Cough medicines.

It happens that a cough simply prevents you from working. During an attack, objects fall from your hands, and people shy away in horror. There is an exit. Can you guess what will help us?

8. Enterosorbents.

These are drugs that are aimed at absorbing toxins. Behind it terrible word hiding medicines known to all of us, which are simply irreplaceable for food poisoning. Activated carbon is the most famous representative of enterosorbents.

9. Antiseptic drugs.

These are disinfectants that are familiar from childhood: brilliant green, iodine and hydrogen peroxide. By the way, soap is also an antiseptic.

10. Antihistamines (anti-allergenic substances).

This point should be noted Special attention. Many people are confident that they do not have allergies, but the reality is that allergies can occur suddenly. It can be caused by a bite from an unknown insect or exotic fruit. Even if you are sure that you do not have allergies, still purchase antihistamines.

11. Painkillers.

You can do without comments here. Many people know how sharp pain(dental or headache) prevents you from sleeping and working.

12. Tourniquet.

It can be used to quickly stop arterial bleeding, which can kill in a few seconds. A tourniquet is applied above the wound. It should not be kept for more than an hour or two, and in cold weather no more than half an hour. When using a tourniquet, a note is placed under it indicating the time of application.

A properly stocked first aid kit can save lives.

Now you know what medications you should have in your first aid kit at home. Remember that properly assembled first aid kit will help maintain nerves and health. And in as a last resort it can even save lives. For those who need to know what should be included in the content list car first aid kit, can read .

Everyone knows that self-medication is dangerous. But it is almost impossible to do without it completely. Pace modern life does not allow you to go to the doctor with every minor problem, and information about ways to help yourself medical care quite accessible. This means that we have only one thing left: to learn to provide this assistance competently and within the limits to which it is permissible for a person who does not have special education.

As part of such training, you first need to understand how to use a home first aid kit.

Source: depositphotos.com

What medications should you keep in the house?

Content home first aid kit largely depends on the health status and age of family members. For example, if elderly people and chronically ill people live in the house, then the medications required to maintain their normal well-being should always be at hand. If there are children in the family, the first aid kit should be supplemented with medications and care products that are optimal for this age group.

And in each apartment it is necessary to store a common set of medications for everyone, which can come in handy literally at any moment. It should contain:

  • dressing materials - cotton wool, bandages, plaster, BF-6 glue, gauze. You can add cotton pads and swabs, wet wipes, soaked in antiseptic, etc.;
  • products intended for treating wounds - hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, furatsilin, healing sprays and ointments;
  • painkillers and antipyretics. When choosing, you should follow your doctor’s advice, but you should still keep paracetamol in your medicine cabinet;
  • antispasmodic (no-spa or drotaverine);
  • antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs;
  • sedatives plant origin(tincture of valerian or motherwort);
  • medications that help relieve cold symptoms and respiratory diseases. Choice of the most effective medicines remains up to the specialist, but lozenges for coughs or sore throats, rinses, and herbal drops for the runny nose are needed in every home. In addition, it is advisable to include mustard plasters in the first aid kit;
  • means of combating gastrointestinal dysfunctions - diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, nausea; preparations containing enzymes. The first aid kit should also contain medications intended for first aid in case of poisoning (activated carbon, smecta, etc.);
  • first aid for heart patients (for example, validol). If there is a family member with angina pectoris, it is necessary to keep a “standby” package of nitroglycerin in the first aid kit;
  • ammonia;
  • ointments, gels or rubs that relieve pain from sprains and bruises.

Thermometers, pipettes, finger tips and blunt scissors should be stored in a separate place. It is very good if you have an inhaler and a blood pressure monitor in your home, and if relevant, then a glucometer.

Source: depositphotos.com

We organize the storage of medicines competently

Drugs to be stored under low temperature must be placed in the refrigerator. It is not necessary to dedicate an entire shelf for them, but it is important that they do not come into contact with the products. It is best to place medications in a tightly sealed plastic box.

To store other medications, you should choose a spacious box, casket or basket with a lid and place it in a closet. It is very important that this cabinet is locked and children do not have access to the keys. By the way, it is recommended to store baby care products and children's medications separately from the first aid kit for adults. This is necessary not only to emergency situation quickly find a drug for your baby, but also so as not to confuse the medications: products for children often have the same names as for adults, but contain a lower concentration of active ingredients.

Now about the most important thing: all medications sooner or later expire, and using expired medications is dangerous. Therefore, a responsible owner of a first aid kit not only completes and stores it correctly, but also checks it once every six months to ensure that expired medications are removed and replaced with new ones, as well as to replenish the shortage. Then there is a risk of being left without the right drug or material excluded.

The ability to help yourself and your loved ones first aid is the basis of the concept of responsible self-medication, actively promoted World Organization healthcare. IN Lately our country also became interested in this concept; it is approved by the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Health. Obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for such assistance is the civic duty of every modern person.

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A home first aid kit is the place to which we all rush when problems arise with our health, the health of our household and “our little brothers.” Drawer, bedside table, shelf, box, bag - here any housewife would like to have perfect order. But, alas, there is usually no order there. Either the volume of space does not suit us, or necessary pills are not found, then the found pipettes turn out to be unusable. What is the best way to go about organizing a first aid kit?

Composition of a home first aid kit

Illness is an unpredictable thing. A minimum of medications and dressings should always be on hand to quickly provide emergency assistance. Based on this, we advise you to consider the following points:

1. Space

You know that any space allocated for a first aid kit eventually turns out to be insufficient. To solve this problem, consider the possibility of creating several places with different functional contents. For example, like this:

a) place the main medications in a small box. Try to zone its internal space.

b) place a set of sanitary products and medical instruments in a separate box. This will ensure proper storage and ease of retrieval.

c) medicines, the storage of which requires additional requirements for temperature conditions, store in a compact container (either a plastic container or a special elastic bag with a lock) in the refrigerator.

What is included in a home first aid kit is up to you. The necessary set of medical supplies to provide emergency care in case of accidents may vary depending on your needs. We advise you to have the following list of medications in your first aid kit:

  • Dressing materials: cotton wool (needed for making various compresses and apply bandages); sterile bandage(used for dressing wounds) and a non-sterile bandage (used for fixing bandages); rubber tourniquet (necessary to stop bleeding and when inserting intravenous injections); bactericidal plaster (used to treat wounds) and regular adhesive plaster (needed to secure bandages).
  • For emergency care, the following are suitable: iodine, brilliant green or chlorhexidine (used for primary processing and disinfection of wounds); hydrogen peroxide (used to wash wounds and stop bleeding); medical alcohol(suitable for compresses and disinfection of injections); ammonia (needed to revive a person who has fainted); corvalol or validol (used as first aid for heart problems); nitroglycerin (helps with severe heart pain).
  • You can also add to the medications that are convenient to always have on hand: paracetamol (used for pain relief and fever reduction); analgin (painkiller); no-spa and spasmalgon (used to relieve spasms); Imodium (for diarrhea); smecta (with stomach disorders); suprastin (antiallergic agent); activated carbon (needed for indigestion, flatulence and poisoning); enterosgel (used for poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea); several sachets of Theraflu, Coldrex, antigrippin (to help with colds); furacillin (for gargling); “Rescuer” gel (for bruises and bruises), as well as Levomekol ointment (a good wound healing agent).
  • Other useful items include thermometers, pipettes, a rubber heating pad, an enema and syringes from 2 to 10 ml.

This is the minimum required to provide emergency assistance at home until the doctor arrives. To avoid confusion with medications, try to store medications for pets in a separate area. It makes no sense to keep other drugs that are rarely used in your home medicine cabinet, since their shelf life is still limited.


This point is no less important than the rest. Even if you complete the previous two points one hundred percent, the result of your efforts can be reduced to zero if you do not monitor your medications.

Medicines for the first aid kit

It is important not only to purchase medications for your first aid kit, but also to control them. Try to make a list of the medications you have. Track its replenishment, as well as all changes in it. Remember that not only tablets have a shelf life, but also pipettes, gloves, and syringes. Try not to throw away the instructions for using a particular medication. Having them in the designated storage space may come in handy more than once. And one more very important point– try to organize your home first aid kit so that you fully control your children’s access to it. Medicines for the first aid kit, of course, cost money, but your health is priceless.

And now that the first aid kit for the home has been compiled, let us remind you of the basic rules for its use:

  1. Always store medications in containers with instructions.
  2. Remember to periodically review your medications and check the expiration date before using any medication.
  3. Study the information in advance and become familiar with the features of use of each medicine in the first aid kit so that you can quickly provide assistance if necessary.
  4. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances and call a doctor as soon as possible.

Now, we hope, you are fully armed. Be healthy!

A home first aid kit is a necessary thing in every home in order to provide first aid in case of illness before the doctor arrives. Head and periodic pain, colds, fever, poisoning, as well as household cuts, burns, abrasions happen to every person. A home first aid kit should contain all the medications that will help in case of emergency. At the same time, you must remember which medications are taken for which ailments, in what dosage and how often.

How and where to store a home first aid kit?

It is best to store medications in a dry, cool, dark place. For example, the kitchen cabinet next to gas stove or a shelf in the bathroom: in the first case - heat, and in the second - high level importance negatively affect medications, which can cause them to become unusable even before the expiration date indicated on the package expires.

This is very dangerous, because a tablet is not a jar of jam, signs of spoilage may not be noticeable, but dangerous chemical changes in the medicine have already occurred and it cannot be used. Also, for most drugs it is unacceptable to be in bright light, especially sunlight. In addition, perhaps the most important storage condition is that the home first aid kit should be kept out of the reach of children, otherwise multi-colored vials, boxes, pills and capsules can easily turn into objects have a fun game, and then... irreparable things can happen.

Take care of your first aid kit from a young age!

Once every six months, you need to carefully check the contents of your home medicine cabinet: some medications may have expired and need to be thrown away, buying fresh ones instead; some supplies are running out and it’s time to buy more. All medications in a home medicine cabinet must have labels on which the name of the medication, its composition and expiration date must be visible.

Never store, and even more so, do not use drugs without packaging! Information leaflets (instructions for use) for medications should also be stored in the first aid kit, preferably next to the medications, so that when you need to take the medication, you do not confuse the medications and avoid poisoning.

Expired medications should be thrown away immediately! In addition to the expiration date, you should be alert to the following signs:

  • Potions and tinctures cannot be used if a significant part of the product has evaporated or sediment has appeared at the bottom (except for those medicines in which sediment may form, as described in the instructions).
  • The tablets should not have cracks or chips, or areas of discoloration.
  • Ointments that do not squeeze out well, spread, or separate can no longer be used.

First aid kit contents

  • Disinfectants for the treatment of small domestic injuries(abrasions, wounds, cuts): three percent hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol (70 or 96°), brilliant green, iodine (they can now be purchased in the form of easy-to-use “felt-tip pens”), as well as a remedy for burns - for example, Panthenol in the form foam aerosol;
  • Cold and flu remedies: acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin or paracetamol, cough tablets and syrups, and ascorbic acid(vitamin C), which is considered universal remedy to improve immunity. Please note that if there are children in the house, the first aid kit must have anti-flu medications in a “children’s” format;
  • Painkillers and antispasmodics: analgin, citramon, no-shpa, baralgin and others;
  • Enterosorbents in case intestinal disorder, and it is still desirable to replace traditional activated carbon with more modern means. For example, Enterosgel is much gentler, safe for children of any age, and, importantly, does not change the color of stool. The fact is that very often the color and nature of feces play a big role in the production of correct diagnosis in case of poisoning or intestinal infection. Black from activated carbon stool can cause misdiagnosis and possibly subsequent inappropriate treatment.
  • Cardiac medications are those that will help with an attack of angina: validol, nitroglycerin, valocardine or corvalol.
  • Sedatives: usually “classic” valerian (tincture of valerian) and motherwort are enough, since drugs like Novo-passit are not emergency medicine, to achieve the effect they need to be taken in a course; one tablet during stress is unlikely to radically change the situation.
  • Antiallergic drugs, even if you are not prone to allergies - for example, diazolin, fenkarol. As with anti-cold medications, if there is a child in the house, there must be anti-allergy medications for him as well. For example, the same diazolin is available in two dosages, “children’s” and “adults”.
  • Cream or ointment against sprains, neuritis, to relieve muscle fatigue. Both a simple diclofenac gel and “complex” warming or cooling ointments are suitable.
  • In addition, a home first aid kit must include an adhesive plaster, a sterile bandage or a piece of sterile gauze, cotton wool, a thermometer, tweezers, a pipette, and a measuring spoon for medicine.

It must be remembered that if one of the household members suffers chronic diseases, the home medicine cabinet must contain a sufficient quantity of “his” medicines - both for a routine appointment and for stopping an exacerbation of the disease.

It wouldn’t hurt to put the phone numbers of your local doctor and medical help in your first aid kit - just in case.

A home first aid kit is a very important and irreplaceable attribute. It must be in any home. And it doesn’t matter whether a person has health difficulties or not. Many people take this issue carelessly and replenish and check the first aid kit only when their health is pressing. There are those who don’t even know what it is. So what is a first aid kit, what is it for and what should it contain. You will learn more about this in the article.

What should be in a home medicine cabinet

It is impossible to name the exact composition of a home first aid kit. Since each is individual and comes from the needs and family members. But we can name the components that must be present in any first aid kit.

Home first aid kit: list


  • A simple bandage, a sterile bandage, there are different sizes (7x14; 10x15, etc.) just choose the one that is most convenient for you to use. It is used for dressing.
  • The bandage is elastic and will help secure a body part in case of a fracture. Also used for compress.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Bactericidal patch.
  • Medical fabric plaster.
  • Venous tourniquet.


Immunostimulating, anti-cold drugs

  • Powder products fast acting, knocking down the first symptoms (Rinzasip, Orvirem, Gripferon).
  • Antipyretics (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Pracetomol, in extreme cases Analgin with Diphenhydramine).
  • A remedy for sore throat, both in the form of tablets and sprays (Strepsils, Faringosept, Agisept, Ingalipt).
  • Cough tablets.
  • (Aqualor, Rinostop)


Drugs for the gastrointestinal tract

  • Festal, pancreatin, helps digestion.
  • Noshpa relieves heaviness and pain.
  • Activated carbon is used for poisoning and nausea.

Antiallergic drugs

Suprastin, Diazolin, Zodak.

Irreplaceable items

  • Measuring spoon.
  • Thermometer.
  • Warmer.
  • Ammonia.

What requirements must a home first aid kit meet?

Exist certain rules, according to which you need to collect and store a first aid kit. Here are some of them:

  1. Medicines should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  2. The availability of medicines should be limited so that children and animals cannot get them.
  3. Make sure that all packaging is marked with the production date and expiration date.
  4. If there are instructions for the drug, try not to lose it, make sure that it is located directly with the medicine for which it is intended.
  5. At least once every six months, check for expired medications, and at the same time, based on its results, replenish the supply.

A home first aid kit should be organized and neatly folded. If it happens that there are those in the family who suffer from chronic diseases, the pills prescribed by the doctor must be placed in the first aid kit. They should always be on top, as the most quickly accessible. It's best to store medications in boxes, but if you decide to save space by clearing your medications out of their boxes, label them. Make an inscription directly on the package, or on a piece of paper and attach it to it. You should write down the name, dosage, pharmacology.