Useful properties of chicory. How to make coffee from chicory. Recipes for cooking chicory salad

Chicory is a common plant with blue flowers, which can be found in the vast expanses of European Russia, Western Siberia and the Caucasus. It is grown as a seed crop in the USA and Western European countries. For all its inconspicuousness, buttonwood (another name for chicory) brings undeniable benefits to the human body. The use of chicory root, its benefits and methods of preparation is the topic of our article.

Benefits and preparation of chicory root

Composition of chicory root

Button roots consist of 60% inulin, a polysaccharide that is a powerful bifidostimulant, that is, a substance that catalyzes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole. The grass contains up to 15% of various sugars, as well as tannins, B vitamins, resins, microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and others). The composition includes intibin, a substance used in pharmaceuticals. Chicory root has an average calorie content of 380 kcal.

How to properly prepare chicory?

A ready-made solution or powder from button roots can be found on the shelves of pharmacies or in grocery store, but it’s not difficult to prepare it yourself. It is worth collecting the medicinal plant away from busy roads and highways, in environmentally friendly areas. The roots are removed from the ground in late autumn; they must be carefully rinsed and dried in the sun or in the oven. Next, chop and fry in a frying pan. No need to worry, that's it useful material at heat treatment will be preserved, and the mixture will acquire beautiful colour and characteristic aroma. The roots are then ground into powder.

Chicory root: medicinal product, on the basis of which tasty and healthy drinks are prepared

How to use chicory root?

The uses of chicory root are quite varied. It became widespread due to its rich and complex composition, as well as a small list of contraindications.

Benefits of chicory root

Button root is a truly unique medicinal product, there are recipes based on it in folk medicine a lot.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

Brewed chicory root powder has long been used to stimulate secretion. gastric juice, increase appetite, improve digestion.

Improving microflora and pancreas condition

Thanks to high content inulin, button grass can improve intestinal microflora, reduce inflammatory processes, and normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

Reduced excitability and improved cardiac activity

The benefits for the nervous system are obvious - the B vitamins contained in chicory ensure healthy deep sleep, eliminate insomnia and apathy. Chicory, unlike coffee, has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system, since it does not provoke an accelerated heartbeat or tachycardia. The potassium contained in this medicinal plant is large quantities, normalizes the heart rate.

Normalization of sugar levels and weight loss

The root of this plant is effective in complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Inulin normalizes blood sugar and supports metabolic processes.

Treatment of dermatological diseases

Buttonweed helps cope with dermatological diseases, products based on the roots of this herb have wound-healing properties.

Chicory root in cooking

Chicory roots are also used in food purposes, it is part of confectionery, cakes and pastries, as a flavoring additive that gives baked goods a delicate nutty taste, pleasant color and aroma. Butterfly is the most safe alternative coffee close to the latest taste qualities, but not causing harm to the body. Unlike coffee, this medicinal plant does not contain a dangerous alkaloid - caffeine, which has a detrimental effect on humans when taken in large doses. Alcohol obtained from the roots of this medicinal plant, in quality and output volume, superior to potato. Edible leafy varieties of chicory, such as witloof and escarole, have been successfully selected. Young shoots and leaves, rich ascorbic acid, good at fresh in salads and soups. When fried, the product is served as a side dish for fish. Chicory is indicated for dietary nutrition.

What can be prepared from chicory root?

Chicory root is good both on its own and as part of phytotherapeutic preparations. It is compatible with yarrow, corn silk, oregano, milk thistle. You can make a decoction, infusion, coffee and tea from chicory root.


You will need:

  1. a teaspoon of chicory powder;
  2. water - 200 ml.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. This decoction should be taken one glass per day, divided into 4 doses.

Chicory root tea


  1. a teaspoon of chicory powder;
  2. water - 250 ml;
  3. sugar or honey - 1 teaspoon.

Mix the powder with water and cook over moderate heat for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and strain. Sweeten warm tea with sugar or honey.

Imitation coffee


  1. a teaspoon of chicory powder;
  2. water - 200 ml;
  3. milk - 50 ml.

The cooking method is similar to the previous one. Add milk to the finished coffee if desired. This will have a positive effect on its taste.

Contraindications to the use of chicory

In some cases, the use of button root is contraindicated. It should be abandoned when ulcerative pathology, heart disease, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Now you know about the uses of chicory root and what unique properties he has. This product will help you get rid of all kinds of ailments, provide good mood And healthy sleep, and you can purchase it at an affordable price. If you have serious illnesses, before drinking drinks, if possible, consult a specialist.

When we're talking about When talking about chicory, I immediately remember that it is a well-known coffee substitute. However, the grass has useful components a lot. Many people do not even suspect that this plant is quite often found in desert meadows or along off-road areas, like common weed. Summer residents who know beneficial features of this grass, they try to care for it in their plots. Read more about how to properly collect, dry and store chicory for the winter.

Chicory is in active phase flowering period is 3 months, from July to the end of September. The green part of this plant is harvested during this period. Cut off the top with flowers 30 centimeters long, without touching the hard stems.

As for the part of the plant that grows underground, its collection begins during the rainy season. During periods of high soil moisture, removing chicory roots is not difficult. The very beginning of spring or late autumn, after the grass stems have withered, are suitable for this procedure.

Anyone who wants to gain from eating chicory maximum amount benefits, collects rhizomes in the autumn.

To carefully remove the roots, you must first dig up the soil around the stem, then pull out the root. The most useful part of the plant is deep in the ground, so the use of a shovel is not required, as there is a risk of tearing off only top part herbs. When growing grass at home, it is easy to follow the phases of its growth and flowering.

Harvesting chicory for the winter

In order for chicory to be stored well in winter, the top and bottom part the plants are dried. Before harvesting the grass, it needs to be prepared.

After collecting the upper part of the plant, the raw materials must be sorted out, removing yellowed damaged branches, particles of dirt and leaves damaged by pests. There is no need to wash the collected chicory stems. The branches can be dried whole or cut into several parts. For ease of storage, many chop the grass into strips only 3 centimeters long.

Chicory roots should be removed from the soil and washed thoroughly in water. Small lateral roots are torn off from the main rhizome, since they are not suitable for drying, most of all useful vitamins contained in the main root.

Very long rhizomes can be cut crosswise into several parts, thick rhizomes can be cut lengthwise.

How to dry grass

Suitable places for drying chicory are: fresh air, many choose a balcony, veranda or canopy. The main thing is that the air circulates well and the grass is protected from direct contact sun rays. The room is chosen without high humidity, as this contributes to the molding of raw materials. Cut chicory branches are laid out on thick paper or fabric.

To prevent caking of the grass, the plants are periodically stirred during the drying process. Some craftsmen dry the grass in a dryer, using temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius. In two to three weeks green part the plants will be dried out.

How to dry rhizomes

The roots of the beneficial herb are also dried in two ways. This can be done by laying it out on canvas or paper and leaving it in the open air in a dark place. Or using a dryer or oven preheated to no more than 40 degrees Celsius.

If you select natural way drying the roots, the chicory readiness time will be no more than 2 weeks. Before the procedure, the rhizome is cleaned of dirt and small damaged lateral shoots. If necessary, cut lengthwise or crosswise.

How to determine product readiness

Distinctive features that the chicory has dried well enough are that when squeezed between the fingers, the dried leaves turn into powder, and the stems make a distinct cracking sound when they break. If the top of the plant is dried in compliance with all conditions, it will not change its natural shade during the drying process.

The roots, dried to the required stage, acquire a light brown color, and inside have a yellowish tint.

Storage methods

Thick paper bags, fabric bags or cardboard boxes are great for storing green grass tops. Choose a dry place where there is no sunlight. Useful herb retains its healing components for 12 months.

Dried roots medicinal plant or ground chicory drink is recommended to be stored in a glass container in a dark, dry place. Jars with preparations must be placed away from products that have a pungent or specific aroma. Taking into account all the above recommendations, chicory coffee, as well as dried roots plants retain their beneficial qualities for 24 months.

Application of chicory preparations

Chicory root is the most popular coffee substitute. As you know, natural coffee contains a substance such as caffeine. This component is contraindicated for people suffering from certain diseases.

As for the chicory drink, there is no caffeine in it at all, but other beneficial substances are contained in large quantities.

To make coffee from chicory roots, you need to chop the fresh roots into several pieces no more than 10 millimeters thick. And then subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of about 100 degrees Celsius for 12 hours.

Already dry pieces of roots need to be fried in a frying pan without the use of oil. When does the chicory take on color? coffee drink, the product is considered ready.

The specific aroma of chicory coffee is given by the essential oil that is released during roasting of the roots. The fried raw material must be cooled, then crushed using a blender or coffee grinder.

Chicory drink is brewed both without adding grain components and with them. The supplements usually chosen are soy, barley, rowan, oats, dried carrots or roasted almonds. The proportion of these components is always different, depending on taste preferences.

Also from this powder healing herb preparing tea. To do this, one teaspoon of the powder mixture should be boiled in water, the amount of which is approximately equal to one glass of water. After which the drink is allowed to brew. After 10 minutes the drink is ready. By adding sugar, cream or milk, you can enjoy aromatic tea with bitterness.

Drinks made from ground chicory have a positive effect on the nervous system and give sedative effect And, moreover, they do not contain caffeine at all.

Chicory is a plant with blue or purple flowers, this plant has various medicinal properties and is found both wild and cultivated. However, this name is also inherent in the drink; what chicory is as a drink is what we will talk about in this article.

So, chicory drink is the most popular coffee substitute in the world. In addition to the fact that it can completely replace coffee, many people use it as an additive to coffee to improve its quality. It should be noted that chicory is not as aromatic as coffee and has a slightly bitter taste, but at the same time it has many useful qualities, unlike coffee, and also does not affect nervous system stimulating, due to the absence of caffeine in its composition. You will learn more about the benefits of chicory from another article on our website - “What are the benefits of chicory? "

What is chicory made from?

A coffee substitute is nothing more than the roots of the chicory plant, and to prepare the drink, the roots are harvested in the following variations:

  • Liquid chicory is an extract from the roots of the plant.
  • Soluble chicory.
  • Ground and roasted chicory. Exactly this option chicory is considered natural and more beneficial.

You can prepare the drink by purchasing prepared chicory root in stores, or you can make the preparations yourself.

Let's talk about how to prepare chicory for later preparation. Wild chicory can be found on the edges of the forest, along the road, on lawns, and even in vacant lots. It grows in temperate zones as well as in the tropics. It is not cultivated in Russia.

It is better to dig up roots in September-October. You should not pull the roots out of the ground, as they are quite long and some of them may remain in the soil. After the roots are dug, they must be thoroughly washed and allowed to dry in natural conditions(not in the sun) for 1.5-2 weeks. Then the roots must be cut into thin rings and dried in the oven (but not fried). Store in a cool dry place. This preparation will allow you to drink homemade chicory all winter.

How to cook chicory

To prepare a drink from your own preparations, you need to take several dried rings and fry them in a frying pan (until golden brown). Grind the fried pieces into powder using a coffee grinder, pour boiling water over them and let it brew. For 1 glass you need 1-2 teaspoons of root. You can also add honey and sugar to the drink to taste. In addition, this powder can be added to coffee. There are a great many options for drinking chicory, so you can add whatever you see fit to the base drink.

If you are using ready-made chicory, follow the cooking instructions on the package.

Now you know what chicory is, but in addition to its use for preparing a drink, chicory is used in cooking various dishes, as a seasoning, as well as in medicinal purposes.

Many people have seen blue flowers that grow along meadow paths. But not everyone knows that it is beautiful flowering plant is chicory - an excellent substitute coffee that does not contain caffeine. Its benefits are not limited to pleasant taste. Based on the roots of the plant, a healthy drink is prepared that has a beneficial effect on circulatory system and the heart, as well as many other organs and systems.

Antiseptic properties

The powdery mixture, which looks like coffee, acts as an antiseptic. It is advisable to use infusions with its use as remedy against inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. You can buy chicory in the store. However, there is also a way to prepare this yourself useful product. How to make chicory at home? The process is quite simple if you follow the recipe step by step.

From collecting roots to processing them

Energy without caffeine

To prepare a tasty and healthy drink you will need about 2 teaspoons of powder. Infusion time is 2-3 minutes. It is recommended to add milk, cream and sugar to taste to the finished chicory. This aromatic drink, like coffee, is recommended to be drunk hot. It does not have an invigorating effect due to the lack of caffeine, but it is more beneficial for the body as a whole. Based on it, you can prepare drinks for children and the elderly.

Chicory is a perennial or biennial plant, a member of the Asteraceae family. Herbs belonging to this genus have a strong, elongated taproot and a rigid, upright stem, covered with oblong leaves, serrated along the edges. The blue (less often white or light pink) flowers of the plant are located on short individual stems. The fruits are multifaceted oblong achenes of light brown color, crowned with small scaly tufts.

How to collect chicory

For medicinal purposes, both the roots of the plant and its above-ground part are used. The procurement of plant raw materials is carried out in an environmentally friendly manner. clean places located at a distance from automobile and railways, landfills, pastures, livestock farms, industrial enterprises, chemical storage facilities, cemeteries and cattle burial grounds.

Rules for harvesting chicory herb

The above-ground part of chicory is harvested during the period of mass flowering: from July to September. Only healthy, green, juicy shoots with fully blossomed buds are selected for collection. The stems are cut at a distance of 30 cm from the top and placed in containers that protect the flowers and leaves of the plant from being crushed. At the same time, the harvesters carefully ensure that insects, yellowed or browned leaf blades and hard stems covered with plaque do not get into the harvest.

For harvesting chicory, choose only dry, warm, fine days: raw materials collected in rainy weather dry poorly and quickly lose their properties. healing properties. The apical flowering parts of the shoots are cut off only after the morning dew has dried on them.

Collecting chicory roots

Chicory roots are harvested at the very beginning of spring or at the end of autumn, after the above-ground part of the shoot dies. At this time, the maximum amount of healing substances accumulates in the root system of the plant.

Harvesting is done on rainy days, after waiting until the soil gets wet and softens. The roots are carefully dug in from all sides and slowly, without doing too much sudden movements, pulled out of the ground. The above-ground part of the shoot is cut off, and the root system is cleaned of adhering soil, washed in cool running water and slightly dried in the sun.

How to dry chicory?

Chicory herb is dried under canopies in the fresh air or on verandas, balconies or attics with good ventilation, carefully ensuring that the raw material is not exposed to sunlight. Before drying, the stems are cut into pieces and laid out on canvas or thick paper. During drying, plant materials are periodically turned, thereby preventing caking. If necessary, the grass can be dried in a dryer at temperatures up to 45 °C. Well-dried stems break with a crack when deformed, and leaves and flowers crumble into powder when rubbed between the fingers.

Chicory roots can be dried as naturally, spread out in a thin layer on a fabric or paper mat in the shade in the fresh air, or in dryers or ovens at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C. Before drying, the collected raw materials are cleaned of small and rotten roots and cut crosswise into small pieces (thick roots are sometimes cut lengthwise). Well-dried roots break with a crack when deformed; they are light brown on the outside and pale yellow at the break.

Making chicory coffee

Dried chicory roots are an excellent substitute for coffee beans. Healthy drink, prepared on their basis, does not contain caffeine, does not have negative influence on the heart, blood vessels and nervous system, but has a rich, deep taste and pleasant aroma.

To prepare chicory coffee, fresh roots are cleared of adhering soil, thoroughly washed, cut into pieces 10 mm thick and dried for about 12 hours in the oven at a temperature of about 100 °C. After this, the plant material is fried in a clean frying pan without oil until it changes color to a darker color, begins to crumble easily and acquires pleasant aroma special essential oil, produced during its heat treatment. The fried chicory roots are cooled and ground into powder using a blender or coffee grinder.