How to find out if a cat is pregnant. How to find out that a cat is pregnant. What conclusions should be drawn in order to prevent unnecessary problems?

If people communicate with each other primarily verbally using spoken language, then cat language is much more diverse and therefore not always understandable to us. In addition to the sounds made by a cat, it includes postures, gestures, facial expressions, movements of the tail, ears and whiskers. And this is only what is noticeable to a person with his senses. It is possible that cats distinguish between themselves in an even greater number of different signals that are simply inaccessible to us. For example, many cat smells that they use to communicate with their relatives are inaccessible to humans. So how do you understand a cat and its cat tongue?

Distinguish between sounds. The well-known “meow” may mean at the current moment something completely different from what you think at first glance. Scientists have determined that cats can make this cat sound in at least two dozen different intonations. As a rule, low-pitched sounds express irritation and anger, while high-pitched sounds are responsible for the area of ​​pleasant emotions or requests. Here are some examples.
A short meow in a high tone. Standard greeting in cat language.
Several short high-pitched meows in a row. An excited and extremely joyful greeting.
Meowing in a medium tone. A call to something.
A long, thin meow. A request for something, or a complaint.
Loud, consistent meowing. Emotional expression of anger, fear, or severe pain.

The famous purring of a cat also has many faces. It really most often means that the cat is now experiencing very pleasant emotions, but there may be exceptions. A cat can purr not only when it feels good, but also when it is sick in order to calm itself down. At the same time, the owners will believe that their pet is doing well, while she will need their care and concern. A very short, single purr in a low tone can mean irritation or sudden fear. Watch your body language.
A lot of information about a cat's mood and what she is feeling at the moment can be conveyed by her tail.
A raised tail with a moving tip indicates that the cat is greeting you.
Sudden tail flicks may indicate that your cat is irritated.
Moving the tip of its tail when the cat is resting means that it is in harmony with itself and the world around it.
The jumping of cats with a tail in the shape of an inverted letter U is characteristic of animals during games that combine an extreme degree of excitement on the verge of fear.

If, while observing the tail, you also pay attention to the ears and eyes, you will get a more informative picture. Here are some typical conditions.

Pleasure and peace.
Eyes. Are in an open or half-closed state. The pupils are of normal size or constricted in the light.
Ears. Turned forward and slightly outward.
Tail. It is lowered down, motionless and slightly curved at the end.
In addition, a cat’s positive attitude, as mentioned above, is often accompanied by purring. If you stroke her at this time, then she seems to be telling you that the cat feels good, is happy with you and she likes what you are doing.

Eyes. Wide open, with a playful expression.
Ears. Stand straight and point forward.
Tail. Located parallel to the ground, or slightly raised and curved.
If a cat wants to play with you, then it will use all available methods to attract your attention. He will touch you with his paw, call you with his voice, or use other methods.

Excitement, anxiety.
Eyes. Wide open with enlarged pupils.
Ears. Twitching.
Tail. Low set, often hanging over the hind legs. There may be twitching at the tip of the tail.

Anger, aggression, resentment.
It is difficult to confuse a cat’s angry mood with another, since it is often accompanied by hissing and other obvious manifestations of an irritated state, such as waving its paw with its claws extended, the desire to scratch or bite the offender.
Eyes. They may cover themselves slightly when hissing or making guttural sounds.
Ears. Pressed to the head and turned back.
Tail. Dropped back and increased in volume due to the hair standing on end.

Excitement, excitement.
Eyes. The pupils are wide open.
Ears. Pressed to the head.
Tail. Lowered back.
A frightened cat may also try to crouch or run away.

It should also be noted that some cat breeds may have behavioral characteristics that differ from others. For example, if a cat moves with its head and tail lowered, this means submission. But the same habits are, in principle, characteristic of the Bengal breed and do not mean anything. The following picture will help you more accurately determine your cat’s mood.

Respect your cat's wishes.
Cats are self-sufficient animals and like to be left alone occasionally, especially when they are sleeping or hunting. Don't forcefully hold your cat when she doesn't want to. Your cat should be given the opportunity to express its natural behavior and instincts. Allow her to spend time alone and make sure there is a suitable space in your home for this. They especially like matching cardboard boxes, or special cat houses.
The main time cats hunt is at night and you shouldn’t be surprised if it is at this time that she shows increased activity. These are her instincts that you need to adapt to.

Play with your cat.
Cats are natural hunters and your task is to organize a “hunt” for her. Play with your cat using special fishing rods. Allow her to win the game periodically so that she can feel a sense of satisfaction and pride.

Cats communicate with each other through smells, leaving special marks with their urine, or with special glands. They leave similar messages by scratching something with their paws, touching objects with their chins, or spraying their urine. When a cat rubs against furniture, doors, walls, it marks its territory. Rubbing fur over your legs, she seems to be telling you that you are her person.
The scratching process, in addition to olfactory and visual messages, allows the cat to maintain its main weapon, the kogi, in the desired condition. You should equip a special place in your home for this in the form of a suitable scratching post, which will protect your furniture from damage.

Cats are constantly learning to communicate with us. The more you interact with your cat, the faster it will learn and understand you better. They achieve much better success in this than we do in the question of how to understand a cat or its language.
Be consistent if you want to teach your cat anything. A very common mistake many owners make is that they forbid their cat to do anything and immediately start petting it. Your four-legged friend will experience great problems in this case with interpreting your reaction to his actions, and you will gradually become annoyed with the disobedient animal.

If a cat suddenly begins to go to the toilet in the wrong place, this means that for some reason she began to feel some kind of threat. Think about whether you brought any objects into the house that could have been marked by other cats. It could be a children's bicycle, or a stroller parked in the entrance. Since smells play a big role in a cat’s relationship, she tries to assert herself through the intensification of her own smells and regain lost confidence in her territory.

The cat will always remain proud, independent and self-sufficient. But, if you learn to understand your cat and master its cat language, then it will be much easier for you to understand this amazing and mysterious creature, and also enjoy coexistence next to it.

Time has passed, and your pet has grown from a mischievous kitten into a kitty that requires attention, and she is in heat. For yard pets during heat, the process of having offspring is much more romantic than for purebred pets, who are deprived of the privilege of choosing an ally. They are forced to live according to the law of their bloodline, they have to be content with who they offered. Sometimes due to these circumstances false matings occur. It seems that a date with a cat has happened, but how can you determine that your favorite will finally bring the long-awaited offspring? In this article we will talk about the main signs of pregnancy in cats.

The most successful period for mating is 3-5 days from the start of estrus. For the process to be successful, the cat must temporarily move in with the cat, and in the first few hours the animals may have misunderstandings and even fights. It is better to give the female time to calm down and get used to the new environment. It is best for the move to take place on the first day of estrus.

Moreover, the cat itself begins to flirt with the cat, provoking him to take active actions, then shows aggression, not letting him near her. Sometimes a cat covers a cat, several times, but the long-awaited success is not observed. In order to figure out whether full coverage has occurred or not, you need to know the signs of successful mating:

  • After contact with the cat, the female begins to roll around on the floor.
  • The mucous membranes of the genital organs swell and become brighter in color.
  • The male completely loses interest in the cat, calmly moves away, and begins to lick himself with enthusiasm.
  • If, nevertheless, the cat continues to pay attention to the female, he receives a sharp refusal.
  • The cat may lose its appetite and become lethargic within 4 days.

If your cat has a fever and bleeding from the genitals, you should consult a veterinarian.

Early signs

Not every mating can result in pregnancy. In the early stages, it is quite difficult to find out whether a cat has managed to get pregnant, but you can try to figure it out based on the following signs:

  • If after mating the female continues into estrus, then most likely the long-awaited process has not occurred.
  • After pregnancy, a cat can be affectionate.
  • The animal develops drowsiness, apathy, and decreased appetite. The previously active mischievous woman has turned into a lazy creature - this is how hormonal changes affect her.
  • A sharp change in the behavior of the female may indicate hormonal changes in the body.
  • In the early stages, a change in the color of the nipples occurs, which turn pinkish. There are times when changes in color do not occur in all nipples, but only in some.

Late signs of pregnancy detection

More precisely, it is possible to say whether conception has occurred in about three weeks. The following symptoms will help you understand:

  • You can use palpation to determine the presence of embryos in the tummy. Pressure must be done very carefully so as not to harm the babies. Too harsh an examination can cause a miscarriage.
  • The mammary glands and nipples become swollen and acquire a brighter color.
  • There is a sharp increase in appetite, and variability in the perception of foods may occur. Previously consumed food may be rejected, and interest in previously unloved food may appear.
  • At 3-5 weeks, the tummy becomes rounded.
  • When they reach 6 weeks, the kittens can be palpated.
  • At 7-8 weeks, it is possible to notice the movement of the babies, feel the heartbeat, and identify the head and body.

What changes occur before childbirth?

It is very important for the owner to know the due date, because it is unknown how this process will go, and it may be necessary to provide assistance to the pet. You can find out when this period is approaching using the following signs:

  • About 3 days before the onset of birth, the cat begins to look for a secluded corner, she looks for a suitable place, and begins to build a nest. To prevent this process from happening on your bed, it is best to prepare for it in advance. You can offer her a box covered with a warm cloth and a sheet on top.
  • The cat's nipples sharply increase in size, from which colostrum is secreted. Mucus discharge is observed from the genitals.
  • The temperature drops sharply by about 1 degree and can reach 37 degrees.
  • 10 hours before the birth of the offspring, the pet hides in its nest. There is no need to disturb her; you can help at this stage by providing fresh water.

Diagnostic definition of pregnancy

Some owners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to determine whether conception has occurred in an animal using a human test. Veterinarians give a clear answer that the test is not suitable for mustaches. It is possible to determine whether the female managed to become pregnant using ultrasound only after the first 2 weeks. After 5 weeks, the veterinarian will perform a palpation test and tell you how many kittens she will give you.

You can find out whether your pet managed to get pregnant using a clinical test for relaxin. This test can provide reliable information only 3 weeks after the expected day of the onset of an interesting situation; it requires blood plasma. The result will be ready in 10 minutes. You can determine whether your attempt to get pregnant was successful using an x-ray 5 weeks after mating.

When should you contact a veterinarian immediately?

At this time, the cat especially needs a caring attitude from the owner. If she exhibits the following signs, you should call your veterinarian immediately:

  1. The pet refuses to eat for more than 2 days.
  2. Fever, above 39 degrees.
  3. The cat drinks a large amount of fluid and at the same time breathes heavily.
  4. The female licks herself very often, and dark discharge is observed from the loop. If the discharge is red, you should urgently take it to the clinic.

Attentive attitude to the animal after mating will help to easily determine the presence of pregnancy. Only a specialist will give more accurate information; he will also recommend methods of caring for the cat, tell you how to properly help her prepare for a difficult moment, and give recommendations for helping the animal during childbirth.

As is known, cats, like other female mammals, are fertilized as a result of mating with a representative of the opposite sex. This can happen both intentionally, that is, purposefully, and spontaneously. But in each case, there is a possibility that the animal will not become pregnant due to a number of external circumstances and health conditions.

How to find out if a cat is pregnant after mating?

The mating took place, the cat and kitty are happy, but what next?

Of course, owners may be interested in two cases: either their pet “socialized” with other cats as a result of a simple walk, or a special mating was carried out. The desired outcome, accordingly, varies depending on the situation: in the first option, while in the second case it is the expected outcome.

One way or another, it is necessary to determine this condition in order to plan and coordinate your further actions.

Primary signs of pregnancy

A pregnant cat's nipples begin to turn pink

So, let’s figure out what manifestations allow us to determine whether to expect a new addition to the cat family or not. The first signs can be noticed already from 5 to 9 days from the moment of fertilization.

However, inexperienced owners usually make a number of mistakes, attaching importance to factors that do not at all determine the condition of the cat. To avoid such confusion, it is best to remember all the manifestations and be able to detect them.

  1. No heat occurs . This process is absolutely natural for all mammals. For some it happens more often, for others less often. For cats, this indicator varies from 2 times a month to 1 time every 3 months. Most often these are . If the planned date has already approached, and the animal has no signs of readiness for mating: the cat’s desire to go outside has disappeared, there are no characteristic uterine sounds. Of course, in such a situation, various diseases may occur, so it is better to consult a veterinarian. .
  2. . One of the most common signs. Typically these organs, located on the abdominal part of the animal, are flesh-colored or slightly darker in color. As soon as pregnancy occurs, they gradually change color and become deep pink. This sign is especially pronounced if the cat is impregnated for the first time.
  3. The cat needs to stop. But it can also scare its owners when...
  4. Poor appetite and . Such manifestations can be characteristic of various diseases, however, if there is a suspicion of pregnancy, there is no doubt: the cat is expecting offspring. In addition, this may manifest itself in nausea and weakness, which is quite natural for such a condition.

Drowsiness is a sign of pregnancy

Secondary signs of pregnancy

Weight gain and growing belly - mating was successful

As already mentioned, inexperienced owners may not pay attention to the primary manifestations of pregnancy. But such errors can also occur due to the fact that the signs were expressed too weakly, as a result of which a correct “diagnosis” could not be made.

In this case, secondary symptoms that appear at later stages will help determine this condition.

  1. Weight gain. Has your cat started eating a lot? Have you improved noticeably? Naturally, she needs to feed her cubs while they are developing in the mother’s body. This is especially evident if the cat begins to eat not just a lot, but several times more than it could under normal conditions.
  2. Big belly and nipples . Even the most gluttonous animal will not grow such a belly as can be seen in a pregnant animal. Moreover, it has a characteristic relatively neat round shape, and not ugly outlines, like those of obese individuals. The nipples become noticeably enlarged and become visible to the naked eye. This is a clear sign that the cat is getting ready to feed her babies.
  3. Unusual behavior . The hormonal background of a pregnant pet makes itself felt already after 3-4 weeks from the moment of fertilization. The animal not only begins to demand increased attention, but also becomes overly caring. This is especially true for other pets, as well as the cat’s favorite toys. She begins to arrange and protect her corner, where, as a rule, she brings her beloved and takes care of her.


Knowing all these signs, any owner will be able to find out whether his pet is expecting kittens or not. Timely determination of the pregnancy status will allow you to take measures that will make this period a little more pleasant for your cat.

Cats in the early stages are important for two reasons:

  • It is necessary to prepare for the birth of kittens in order to get healthy offspring. Having the necessary information, the breeder will adjust the diet and provide proper care for the cat in the early stages.
  • If offspring are undesirable, sterilize the cat in time. The earlier pregnancy is detected, the less likely there are complications from surgery. At a later stage, veterinarians rarely decide on such intervention, since the risks to the animal’s life are great.

At home

It is impossible to determine the “interesting” position of a cat in the first days after mating at home. No external and/or behavioral changes are observed. The first signs appear a week after meeting the cat. Let's consider ways to determine the pregnancy of an animal at different stages.

Method 1

Starting from 1-3 weeks, you can observe the following changes in the animal:

  • Manifestations of toxicosis. As a rule, nausea and vomiting are observed in the first half of the day. The duration of this condition is 1.5-2 weeks.
  • Swelling of the nipples, especially in young animals.
  • Changing the shade of the nipples to a brighter one.
  • Drowsy state

Method 2

Starting from the fourth week, the following changes occur in the pet:

  • Significant improvement in appetite, weight gain.
  • Enlarged abdomen (this is not related to overeating).
  • Changing the character of the animal. An aggressive cat becomes calm, and vice versa.
  • Significant enlargement of the mammary glands.
  • Increased activity. The cat moves a lot, loves to walk, but does not allow cats near her.

Method 3

These signs relate to late pregnancy:

  • A period of calm. The cat spends most of its time lying down.
  • The movement of the fruit is noticeable to the eye.
  • The animal is looking for a secluded place to give birth. It’s not at all a fact that this will be a familiar cat bed. Cats often try to climb into a laundry drawer, a closet, or onto a low mezzanine.
  • 1-2 days before giving birth, the cat begins lactation. Heavy breathing and strong meowing are signs that labor has begun.

Sometimes owners purchase “human” tests at the pharmacy. The result obtained will be incorrect, since human chorionic gonadotropin is secreted in the body of a pregnant woman (which is what the rapid test records). The animal body does not produce this hormone.

At the veterinary clinic

In a veterinary clinic, the range of methods for diagnosing pregnancy is much wider than at home:

  • External examination of the animal.
  • Palpation.
  • Laboratory research.
  • X-ray diagnostics.

Method 1

The doctor examines the animal. By the second month of pregnancy, signs appear that are noticeable even to the naked eye:

  • Increase in abdominal size.
  • Fruit tremors.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands, coloring of the nipples in a more intense shade.
  • Calm behavior of the animal. The cat shows no signs of agitation in the unfamiliar environment of the veterinary clinic. She doesn't get nervous when a stranger (the veterinarian) touches her.

Method 2

Palpation. The animal is palpated on the examination table. The direction of palpation is towards the lumbar vertebrae.

Careful palpation reveals compacted uterine horns the size of a walnut or slightly larger (after 3 weeks of pregnancy). At later stages, the doctor can clearly palpate the fruits.

You cannot palpate a cat yourself without special skills. Any rough, hasty or careless movement can provoke a miscarriage or cause premature birth.

Method 3

Research carried out by veterinary laboratories. The doctor sends venous blood for analysis. During pregnancy, a cat's body undergoes a number of changes. Biochemical analysis allows you to obtain information about the physiological state of the animal, including the presence of pregnancy.

As a result of laboratory tests, the following can be revealed:

  • During pregnancy, the cat’s body secretes the hormone relaxin (the placenta is “responsible” for this process). Special rapid tests can detect its presence. A relaxin test is recommended after 25 days from the expected date of fertilization. It is at this time that the placenta is formed and the secretion of the hormone begins.
  • The relaxin test allows you to distinguish between true and false pregnancies.

Express analysis results are ready in 10 minutes. However, there is a caveat: in the presence of an ovarian cyst, the result is unreliable, therefore, in addition to AK, an ultrasound examination is prescribed.

A urine test to determine pregnancy is not informative. Changes in urine are often mistaken for various pathologies. In addition, collecting urine with a catheter is associated with known difficulties.

Method 4

Ultrasound. Another name for this technique is ultrasound sonography. This method is considered the most informative in determining feline pregnancy. Before the study, the fur on the cat's belly is trimmed on both sides of the white line.

The information obtained from ultrasound depends on the power of the device:

  • Detection of fruits - 20 days after mating.
  • Assessment of motor reflexes, fetal viability, identification of possible developmental defects.

There is no point in performing an ultrasound earlier than 20 days.

Method 5

X-ray diagnostics. With the advent of ultrasound diagnostics, this method is used exclusively for special indications when ultrasound does not provide the necessary information. The reason is that x-rays are harmful to the health of the animal. X-ray diagnostics makes it possible to determine the number of fetuses at a late stage of pregnancy, when the skeleton of the fetus is formed. In the early stages, the method is not informative.

When do you need veterinary help?

Any atypical condition of the cat should alert the owner and is a signal to show the pet to the veterinarian:

  • Protrusion between nipples. This especially applies to swelling between the penultimate and last pairs.
  • Bloody discharge or clots from the genitals.
  • Restless behavior of the animal.
  • Lethargy, apathy, deterioration or lack of appetite.
  • Irregular shape of the abdomen towards the end of pregnancy, red and swollen loop.
  • Absence or extreme weakness of training contractions. There is no dilatation of the uterus.
  • Sudden miscarriage, bleeding (as an option - rapid labor).
  • An enlarged abdomen is observed in the absence of other signs of pregnancy.

Be responsible for the animal, do not expose it to pointless risk.

It is difficult for inexperienced cat owners to understand that their pet is pregnant. But it is advisable to find out about this at an early stage. This is primarily due to the fact that the pregnancy process in a cat proceeds very quickly and the owners of the animal need to prepare in a timely manner for childbirth in order to get healthy offspring.

Today, there are reliable signs of pregnancy in cats, thanks to which it becomes possible to promptly identify symptoms of a piquant condition in an animal. At the same time, mastering them will require attentive care and understanding of the future cat mother. But the main thing is to know how to determine if a cat is pregnant?

Pregnancy in a cat - timing and symptoms

Like a person, a pet must reach puberty before having offspring. It is for this reason that until the pet reaches six months of age, there is no need to worry about the appearance of cubs. The signal that a cat is ready for pregnancy will be the first heat. In addition, the pet owner should understand other features of pregnancy in cats.

Sterilization of cats possible only after 3-4 heats and, if possible, at least after one birth. In turn, if sterilization is not carried out, then the animal will be capable of reproduction throughout its life, and each time you will have to check again and again whether the cat is pregnant.

Animal mating does not lead to pregnancy in all cases females, so when the heat is over, the pet owner has to figure out how to find out if the cat is pregnant? Moreover, if it is early, then determining pregnancy is much more difficult than if it is 3 weeks, but some signs still exist.

  1. You need to pay attention to the animal’s habits after mating. If the heat does not stop within the next 24 hours, the cat is not pregnant. If the discharge has stopped, then, most likely, you should expect offspring in the near future.
  2. Almost all cats are pregnant turn into affectionate and tame animals, rubbing against their owners.
  3. When determining the piquant state of an animal, you should not blindly rely on the behavior of your pet. But if drastic changes in the animal’s behavior are noticed, then you should think about it and contact a veterinarian.
  4. More precisely, it will be possible to determine a cat’s pregnancy 4 weeks after mating. During this period, you can feel certain lumps in the lower part of the animal’s abdomen. To do this, press into the lower part of the abdominal region with your fingertips. It is important to do this with maximum tenderness to avoid miscarriage.
  5. With the onset of 3 weeks after mating, obvious signs of pregnancy appear: the nipples swell, which acquire a pronounced pink tint; the mammary gland of the animal is also subject to changes.
  6. During the same period of pregnancy eating behavior changes in a pet: in most cases this is manifested by increased appetite. In addition, previously favorite foods will not be accepted by the cat, and those that she did not like will become a treat.
  7. During the 3-5 weeks, the belly begins to quickly increase and become rounded, and the appetite grows literally by the hour.
  8. With the onset of the 6th week of pregnancy, formed kittens will begin to be felt in the abdomen. By placing your palm on the animal’s tummy, you can feel the round lumps located on both sides of the middle of the belly.
  9. By 7-8 weeks, the kittens begin to move inside the mother’s belly. You can also feel the head and body of the cubs and feel the beating of small hearts.
  10. A week before childbirth will occur again dramatic changes in animal behavior. The cat will begin to scour the apartment in search of a secluded place in which to build a cozy nest. Moreover, if you do not take care of a convenient shelter, your pet will present a surprise in the closet or on the owners’ bed.
  11. 2-3 days before the kittens appear, the cat's nipples sharply increase in size and colostrum begins to be released.
  12. Approximately 10–12 hours before giving birth, the cat will hide in a prepared shelter. At the same time, it is very important that no one disturbs her, since the stage of preparation for the appearance of kittens occurs. In such a situation, even the most inattentive owners will understand that their cat is pregnant.

It is possible to check pregnancy at an early stage only using ultrasound, and even then it will show the result 2 weeks after the conception of the offspring. Moreover, this is the most optimal time to go to the veterinarian after the first changes in the pet’s behavior have been noticed. In addition, a doctor's examination will help determine how many cubs the cat will have. It is very important to understand that if pregnancy is proceeding normally, then in the later stages it is not recommended to contact a veterinarian.

Features of caring for pregnant cats

A pregnant cat, like a person, demands affection and close attention. Therefore, there are several recommendations for caring for an animal in a sensitive position.

Closer to the time of the birth of the offspring, ask for the phone number of the nearest veterinary clinic, whose doctors will be able to arrive in time to help the animal if it is needed.

In the first week, when your beloved pet becomes pregnant, there may not be any significant changes in her habits, but her activity and the animal often goes to sleep. At the same time, the animal eagerly makes contact with its owners, asks to be petted and climbs into their arms. An increase in appetite may be observed - the animal constantly asks for food, and does this with great persistence. At 5–7 weeks, the kittens begin to move imperceptibly in the mother’s womb.

A couple of days before the kittens appear, the animal takes special care and attentiveness, starting to lick the owners or other inhabitants of the apartment in every possible way, showing concern for them. Naturally, such changes are not inherent in all cats, which is primarily due to the individual characteristics of the animal. On the day when childbirth occurs, the pet becomes restless, unable to find a place for itself.