Hookah at home. How to make a smoky hookah: useful tips. Which charcoal is best for home hookah?

The history of tobacco smoking in the world does not go back very long since the beginning of the Europeans’ exploration of the American continents, where the Indians have been using the plant for more than two thousand years. Having quickly spread thanks to trade routes, tobacco found supporters among various pseudo-scientific healers who were enamored with fashion, fortunately not for long. In eastern countries, smoking tobacco was approached more thoroughly and leisurely than the fussy Europeans, making the process a kind of ritual for relaxation, peace and a pleasant pastime. It was in India that the first hookahs appeared, making it possible to impart softness, pleasant coolness and a wide variety of aromas to tobacco smoke. In our article we will tell you how to make a real hookah yourself quickly and easily at home, correctly and without much expense!

How to make a hookah at home: making your choice

Modern hookahs are made from high-quality materials to avoid unwanted flavor impurities. Such smoking devices are easy to clean, convenient to disassemble and last much longer than their copper and brass counterparts. Design solutions in the production of such devices allow you to purchase a high-quality and original model. Traditional hookahs remain popular due to their relative affordability and oriental flavor. A properly made hookah at home is not inferior, and sometimes superior, to purchased copies and, of course, will cost much less.

The design of hookahs is simple; the main rule in its manufacture is tightness. At the end of the article you can view detailed video for making various designs at home.

simplest homemade hookah can be made in seconds from a plastic bottle. You will need a regular half-liter bottle. plastic bottle and a tube more than 10 cm long as a mouthpiece. IN The container is filled about a third full with filter liquid, after which the bottle is tilted directly in the hands and a hole is made in the side to insert the tube. The lower end of the mouthpiece must be immersed in the liquid a couple of centimeters to achieve a filtering effect. Tobacco is stuffed into a cigarette, inserted into the mouthpiece and smoked through the neck of the bottle. The advantages of a hookah from a bottle include its availability, speed of assembly and smoking, undemanding quality of tobacco and the absence of coal. The main disadvantages, of course, are almost one-time use and “unpresentableness”. And you won’t be able to really relax with such a hookah - you need to constantly keep it in the same inclined position.

Let's look at serious, “adult” hookahs that you can assemble yourself from scrap materials, piece by piece:

1) The hookah flask is designed for filter liquid. Any container from a glass to a large five-liter bottle is suitable for this purpose. The main requirements for this part of the smoking apparatus are a tight lid, no leaks and stability sufficient to support the entire structure of the apparatus. You need to make a hole in the lid of sufficient size for the hookah shaft. The number of smoking holes and their location are determined depending on the container and the presence of hoses, for example, to make a hookah from a bottle, it is better to make 1-2 holes on the side, above the level of the filter liquid. In glass or small vessels it would be more appropriate to make a stopper with the necessary holes. There are options for making a flask from large fruits of watermelon, melon or pumpkin.

There are no special restrictions for the filter liquid; juices, milk, wine and even plain water. Beginning hookah smokers should not immediately experiment with strong alcoholic drinks; the effect can be much more noticeable than intended.

2) The hookah shaft performs the functions of pre-filtration and cooling of smoke. For a homemade hookah, metal tubes with a diameter of 1-3 cm are best suited; due to condensation, heavy impurities remain best on the metal. A piece of plastic pipe left over after repair is also quite suitable. At the very extreme case You can use regular foil, wound around an object of the required diameter in several layers necessary for rigidity. The shaft is inserted into the hole of the flask and sealed at the joint with rubber, foil, plasticine or simple chewing gum. Please note that the shaft must be lowered into the filter liquid to a depth of 2-3 cm and secured in this position. This will prevent you from straining your lungs too much when smoking. You can lower the shaft tube to the very bottom, after making a cut or hole at the desired level.

3) The tobacco bowl has special requirements for heat resistance. Depending on skill and imagination, cups are made with your own hands from wood, gas burners, a tea strainer, or even sculpted from clay. For one-time use, a small piece of fruit can be used as a bowl. The holes in the bowl should be small enough so that the tobacco does not fall into the shaft and large enough so that air can freely flow through, otherwise smoking the hookah will become extremely difficult. Cover the top of the bowl with foil with holes on which the smoldering coal will be placed. The optimal distance between the coal and the tobacco layer is approximately 1 cm. The bowl is hermetically secured to the shaft; in the case of fruit, you just need to press it tightly into the shaft so that there are no gaps.

4) Everyone chooses tubes and hoses for a hookah according to the availability of material and their own preference. Dropper pieces or plastic corrugation are suitable. At worst, you can use chewing gum to secure a cocktail tube in the hole; this, of course, will reduce the mobility of the smoker, but will allow you to fully experience the functionality of the hookah you made yourself. Remember to keep the pipes and hoses clean to avoid unpleasant flavors in the smoke.

Video on the topic of the article

Creating a hookah at home or in the countryside yourself can be turned into an exciting activity, it all depends only on your skills and imagination. The video will help you choose the option that's right for you.

Hookah these days has become a part of friendly meetings, get-togethers, conversations and feasts. Nowadays such a pastime is considered fashionable and prestigious. And this can be done not only in cafes, restaurants and hookah bars, but also at home. A smoking device can be purchased at a store or made with your own hands. Making it at home will not take much time, and it does not require any special skills.

Modern hookahs are made from high quality materials to prevent the appearance of unwanted flavor impurities. These smoking devices are easy to clean, disassemble and last much longer than their brass and copper counterparts. A properly made homemade hookah is not inferior to them, and sometimes even surpasses them. It will cost much less. Its design is simple, the main thing is tightness.

From the bottle

The simplest smoking device can be made from available materials. Consider the option from a plastic bottle.

What you need for this:

  • 2 l plastic bottle;
  • can;
  • tubes (can be from under a drip) or hoses;
  • a piece of pipe with a diameter of up to 3 cm;
  • rubber stopper;
  • foil.

The flask is intended for filter liquid. In this case, a plastic bottle will be used. 2 holes are made in it for tubes (above the level of the filter liquid). They should fit freely and not be pinched. In the tin can you need to make a wide hole of such a size that you can insert a piece of pipe (metal or plastic). The same operation is done with a rubber stopper. It will act as a seal, eliminate leaks and hold the structure in place.

Insert a pipe (shaft) into the bottle to a depth of 2-3 cm, pour water and secure the stopper on top. You can lower the shaft to the very bottom. But shallow depth makes the process easier smoking, and the lungs are not very strained. The hookah shaft filters and cools the smoke.

Insert the hoses into the holes. The tin can, which acts as a bowl for tobacco, is securely attached to the pipe. Tobacco is placed on top. This should be done loosely, since the presence of air ensures uniform burning of the tobacco. Next, you need to secure the foil folded in half on top of the jar. Make several holes. They must be small to prevent tobacco from getting into the shaft. Make a hole in the bottle with reverse side and insert the valve there, for example, you can take a ballpoint pen. Next, add coal, and you can enjoy hookah smoking.

You can also attach the mouthpiece (if available) to the hookah hose from the inside. Using a small bottle, you can make a mini hookah using the same technology.

Fruit based

A homemade device made on the basis of any fruit, has its advantages:

  1. By combining several flavors at once, the hookah produces a richer taste.
  2. Fruit juice slows down the drying of tobacco.


The fruit must be dense so that it can withstand high temperatures long time. It is better to give preference to fruits from which the seeds can be easily removed without spoiling the shape. Pomegranate, pear, melon, apple (green is best) and grapefruit are suitable. It is not recommended to take banana, orange, tangerine and red apple, as they are unstable to high temperatures.

First you need to make a disassembled smoking device. After which it is poured into the flask cold water, the level of which should be 3 cm higher than the level of the hookah tube. The fruit acts as a bowl. Using a knife, cut off the top part and remove the pulp so that you can add tobacco there. Cover the bottom of the fruit with foil, make holes with a toothpick and add tobacco. The top of the bowl is covered with foil with holes.

How to make an electronic hookah at home

The idea of ​​making an electronic hookah came true along with electronic cigarettes. Smokers subsequently abandoned cigarettes in favor of electronic ones. Those who want to enjoy an electronic hookah do not need to fill the bowl or light the coals. It is prepared in a few minutes and can be used with or without nicotine. Essentially it's the same Electronic Cigarette, which is connected to the hookah form.

You can make an electronic device yourself by converting the body of a classic hookah for greater power and an air intake system, which allows you to achieve the same effect as with regular smoking.

A device is placed inside, which is a steam generator in the form of a nichrome tape. The aromatic water begins to transform into steam when it reaches a certain temperature. The process takes 40 minutes. The disadvantage is that a hookah assembled with your own hands may be slightly bitter.

There are many on the Internet different ways and drawings for the manufacture of such a device.

From the samovar

The advantage of smoking a hookah with hot tea is that you can experience completely different sensations, similar to a pleasant inhalation. It is believed that the colder the liquid, the tastier the hookah. But in this case it's the other way around. With each puff, you feel how warm and aromatic steam passes through your throat, and a warming effect occurs.


A hole is made in the lid of the samovar where the hose will be inserted. Another hole is made for the valve. The shaft (it is better to use titanium) is installed in the middle of the lid. An elastic band is glued to the samovar (the place under the lid) for tightness. Can be used as a bowl tin can with holes. It needs to be attached (using plasticine) to the samovar shaft. Next, tobacco is placed on it, and on top there is foil with holes on which coals are placed.

How to smoke at home

To smoke a regular or electronic hookah, you need to accurately calculate the volume of water, the degree of humidity of the tobacco, the amount of coal for lighting and the hookah mixture. The latter can be made independently.

The whole process boils down to this:

If there is no bitterness, then everything was done correctly.

Homemade hookah - This is an excellent device that can create a new atmosphere at home and decorate the interior, and pleasant aroma promotes leisurely conversation among friends. It is a good alternative to smoking cigarettes, but in everything you need to know in moderation.

Good afternoon, dear readers of world-mans magazine! Today we’ll talk about how to make an ordinary party or a simple evening unforgettable. People are attracted by the pleasant intoxication and the opportunity to relax without any serious consequences. For this reason, hookah is considered a good gift, and a substitute for alcohol and necessary items in the house just in case. The preparation of this oriental symbol has become popularized, becoming superficial and incorrect in many respects. But this is a real art, learning which you will get real pleasure.

All the secrets of how to properly prepare a delicious hookah

To be more precise, they do not eat, but inhale. Hookah as a device is used for smoking aromatic herbs with different properties. Muasil is poured into it - a special tobacco, the smoke from which actually brings the long-awaited feeling of euphoria. IN Lately Conversations about the harmfulness of hookah, which supposedly harms people, have become popular nervous system and the body as a whole. Here we need to clarify the terminology.

  • Firstly, the device itself cannot cause harm: the hookah smoking system itself is safe.
  • Secondly, the main source of danger or pleasure is the “filling” - tobacco. Nothing bad will happen from pleasant aromatic herbs, but smoking prohibited or experimental substances can end badly for you. Therefore all the salt proper preparation hookah lies in the filling and its preparation. Choose a “filling” with a low content of resins and neurotropic substances.

You also need to take the “purity” of the tobacco composition very seriously. Not worth searching thrills interfere different types smoking tobacco. They may simply not be suitable in structure and, when mixed, create a literally dizzying “aroma” that will make you want to escape from the smoking room forever.

How to prepare tobacco for hookah

Rule number one - do not experiment with unfamiliar compounds and substances. Rule number two - even proven tobacco requires careful consideration. To get the perfect smell, you must first remove all foreign substances from the smoking mixture. These are twigs, sticks, hard pebbles, large leaves. The latter need to be carefully cut so that they dry and smoke faster.

Tobacco should not be stale. In this case, it dries out completely and no longer gives the desired sensation when smoking. You have to moisten the tobacco, and the process largely depends on how much you can find " golden mean" The freshness of the material largely determines how exciting the process will be.

Don't be afraid to go overboard with tobacco. A lot is not a little, especially since it does not burn, but only evaporates vapor, so even if you smoke heavily, you don’t have to worry about a small fire. The main thing in this case is to control the temperature. Despite the unlimited quantity, the density will have to be limited. There is no need to stuff the tobacco into the cup with your fingers, otherwise it simply won’t start smoking at all. Always leave some air in reserve. But if there is no desire and opportunity to prepare a tobacco mixture yourself, then you can buy it at finished form at http://kalyanvkayf.ru/tab ak-fumari ".

All that remains is to correctly position the tobacco in the chilim, and half the job is done. And the long-awaited moment of oblivion became closer.

How much water to pour into the flask

And now about Arab secrets hookah, which will transform smoking tobacco from an ordinary ceremony into an interesting ceremony and pleasure. First of all, choose the right water. Namely water, and not cognac, wine, whiskey and other assortment of the liquor department! Experimenters who shout about an extraordinary effect are blatantly lying. The only thing such substances can provide is a familiar smell and nothing more.

The liquid in a hookah plays the role of an ordinary filter, so it is not advisable to waste alcohol on this procedure. The best thing you can do is prepare clean water and add a small drop of pleasant aromatic oil. And the sensations are without impurities, and the aroma is appropriate. And there will be no load on the body.

Water must be poured very carefully. Don’t listen to advisers who base their recommendations on centimeters and height. Two centimeters or five – these are all arbitrary numbers that you don’t need to focus on at all. All hookahs are different, so the volume of water is individual in each case. There are long hookahs with a large oblong flask, and there are small voluminous pumpkins. If you fill the latter, for example, with the recommended three centimeters, you will not be smoking tobacco, but drinking this water from a straw. The main thing is that there is not too little of it, in otherwise there will simply be no filtration. On the other hand, if you fill it with water to the very top, you will not be able to inhale the smell, or worse, the liquid will get into your mouth and the pleasure will be ruined.

What you need to know about pipe, mine and coal

Remember: you need to clean everything thoroughly before each use. Burnt and soot may remain in the shaft - the central part of the device. Tubes that are not washed in time will cause foreign odors. Therefore, all parts must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, getting rid of any taste.

Be sure to check the tightness. This is his main requirement for him to smoke tobacco well. And this is done like this: you need to squeeze the top of the shaft, while simultaneously lowering the bottom into the flask, and try to inhale. If you can’t do this, it means there is a vacuum inside, and unforeseen circumstances will not await you when smoking a hookah.

The same goes for pipes. They should not have defects, scratches, and be thoroughly washed, especially the end intended for inhaling tobacco. If not properly cleaned, it imparts an unpleasant bitterness and mixed taste to the smoke. I just don’t recommend washing your pipe, because at the base of the pipe there is a metal cord that can rust and you will simply throw out your pipe, although as professionals say, the pipe needs to be changed every six months, but it all depends on the time of smoking. After all, people are also calling for pipe cleaning. normal rules personal hygiene. This is especially important if the hookah is intended not only for close household members. But you won’t have enough pipes for everyone.

What coals should you use?

Next important point– heating of coals. The “fuel” for a hookah must be special, and the coals must not be harmful impurities. The best option- ordinary charcoal. They are unlike less natural analogues retain natural warmth and do not introduce unpleasant, metallic taste. Often pressed saltpeter coal is used, covered with a special shell for better heating and combustion. Unlike charcoal, it ignites easily with a match or lighter, which is its big advantage. However, at first the pressed version gives off a very unpleasant smell, so it is useful to keep the already hot “tablets” in the open air until the acrid smoke disappears. I personally recommend coconut charcoal, now there are more and more options, the most important thing is that they are not raw. Of course, they take a long time to flare up, but they hold the heat for a long time, and the heat itself is more powerful than that of the “tablets”. I prefer coals from Garden, Cocobrico, only they come in two 1kg packages of 84 cubes and 65, if I’m not mistaken, it’s better to take 84, they are smaller and burn faster, and they give the same heat, if you don’t believe me, buy a pack of this and that and you’ll see for yourself , well, of course the choice is yours.

There is a little secret on how to significantly speed up the warming up process. You can preheat the charcoal on the stove using thick foil to avoid burning your hands and to avoid a fire. Once it is warm enough, place them on top of the foil around the chilim - a cup for smoking tobacco. This is necessary so that the coal heats the tobacco evenly, and so that it does not happen that it is damp on one side and at the burning stage on the other. Ideally, tobacco and wood fuel are placed on a special mesh. If you don’t have it and you are using thick foil, you need to make several neat holes in it with toothpicks. This way the heat from the coals will quickly and evenly reach the tobacco itself.

How to smoke a hookah correctly

Perhaps the most enjoyable stage of its preparation. Much depends on the person who started smoking hookah, because there are pitfalls here. The first smoker is like the first person to make a toast - it is he who sets the tone for everything that happens.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not a stranger who should light a hookah. Today, in many establishments it is customary for the waiter to handle the entire process. But if only you knew how much pleasure you are losing! The waiter, in fact, does not care about the level of pleasure you receive, and he with a light heart throws cold tobacco and hot coals. And this, consider it, is the death of the whole process. You must take care of your own pleasure.

  • Firstly, you need to heat the hookah evenly so that the tobacco is heated equally in all places.
  • Secondly, taking puff after puff is not recommended. You inhaled once, your neighbor inhaled once, and inside, from the flow of air, the tobacco begins to burn and lose its magical properties.

So a little waiting won't hurt. It’s worth waiting a few minutes, then little by little, in small portions, inhale the smoke and gradually come to a feeling of relaxed euphoria.

Have you tried the smoky one? Consider that you haven’t lived at all! Most people ask a professional to fill their hookah in specialized establishments. How about a tutorial for making it at home?

It is not easy to take into account all the details: tobacco at a certain level from the foil, the optimal amount of liquid for filtering and cooling the vapor, purging. A beginner can ruin a bookmark by forgetting at least one of the primary rules. We have prepared simple tips to fill a hookah at home.

Cooking at home: the devil is not so scary

The basics are an assembly of nargile. If you assemble it incorrectly, you won’t be able to smoke. It all starts with water in a flask. The substance that flows from the tap is not suitable for the kitchen. It is better to use distilled water, but you can get by with a filter. To enhance the aromatics, milk, fruit (sometimes vegetable) juices are added, and the most desperate - alcohol.

When they hear the phrase “flask with milk,” they imagine an infused half-liter pack. We have already written about why you can’t fill a full container with anything other than water. In fact, only a few tablespoons are added. Approximately 1 in 3. The same applies to other drinks.

Final preparations: filling the bowl

Each mixture has certain specifics of installation: Tang must acclimatize, Phunnel chilim suits him; Adalia is best smoked on unglazed clay; And so on.

Since we are talking about those who do not know how to score yet, most likely you have Al Faker :)

You don’t need to fuss with it for a long time, the tobacco is unpretentious: just fluff it, blot it with a dry napkin and put it in small portions in a cup.

The complexity of preparing the bowl depends on the model of the accessory and the type of dressing.

If you selected for the session nicotine-free mixtures This means you need specialized cups.

Recently, many hookah lovers have appeared. This pleasure came to us from eastern countries and interest in it is growing every year. Some smoke out of habit, others - to keep up with fashion, and others - for peace of mind.

Few people know that it is not necessary to buy a hookah or go to a hookah bar to smoke. You can make this device yourself.

How to make a hookah at home?

To do this, you will need products that are on hand. Let's consider making hookah at home in a glass.

  1. Buy a medium shaped apple.
  2. Cut off top part and carefully remove the core. The walls of the fruit must remain intact, without damage.
  3. Make a hole at the bottom of the fruit and insert a straw into it. The length of the tube depends on the amount of liquid into which it will be lowered.
  4. Cut the tube so that it remains flush with the inner bottom of the apple.
  5. Make a second hole in the apple so that it is nearby, but the tube comes out obliquely.
  6. Kill the tobacco and cover with a thick layer of foil.
  7. Make a few holes in the foil. They should be in a place where there is no core.
  8. Place hot coals on top.
  9. You will end up with something similar to a cap, which will need to be removed occasionally to regulate the heat.
  10. Enjoy your smoking at home.

How to make a good hookah at home?

To prepare it, you need to follow the instructions and know a few secrets. In fact, you can make a hookah at home very quickly and easily; making an electronic hookah is much more difficult.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a hookah at home, which is easy to make:

  1. Choose good quality tobacco. Please note that it should not be wet or jam-like. Too dry tobacco is also not recommended, as it will ruin all the pleasure; you won’t be able to make a pleasant process at home. The most popular fruit flavors are apple and strawberry.
  2. Don't be afraid to experiment, try any taste. Only in this way can you make the right choice of hookah tobacco without leaving your home.
  3. Purchase charcoal, which you will later have to light on the stove.
  4. Place the hookah tobacco in a special cup, having first unrolled its leaves. Make sure that not a single sticky leaf remains. This is easy to do with a special knitting needle on hookah tongs. Place it in the bowl and stir well. The tobacco should take the shape of a funnel, this is not difficult to do.
  5. Take a piece of foil and crumple it up. Then straighten the corners. The surface for the coal is prepared. On such a plane, heat transfer will be maximum, and this can be done without problems.
  6. Cover the bowl tightly with the indicated sheet, after puncturing several holes. The more evenly spaced the holes are and the more there are, the better the taste of the hookah.
  7. Place the coal and cover it with a special head.

To give your hookah a rich taste at home, it is better to use an apple cut crosswise instead of a bowl.

Preparing the bowl involves removing the pith and pulp. You need to make a hole in the bottom and insert 2 toothpicks so that the tobacco does not leak out. Peel the second part of the apple in a similar way and pierce several holes to allow air to leak into the coal.

Fill in bottom part tobacco and place foil on top, securing with toothpicks. Make holes and place coals on top. It's very easy to do this at home!

All that remains is to cover with the other half of the apple and the hookah is ready!

Take a flask filled with water and have fun.

In order to prepare a delicious hookah at home, you need to take the following steps:

  • purchase the right, high-quality hookah (when purchasing, do not fall for souvenirs)
  • check the hookah for the tightness of its components, since the main taste of the hookah and the ease of use at home depend on the draft.

When checking the tightness you need to check:

  1. Connections between the shaft and the flask.
  2. Place where the hose is attached to the shaft.
  3. Attaching the bowl to the shaft. In case of a poor connection, a good seal while smoking at home can be achieved using an adhesive plaster or tape.

To make your hookah at home delicious, you should use at least 3 flavors of tobacco.

The remaining steps for preparing a hookah are similar to the previous one.

How to make tobacco for hookah at home?

Main ingredients:

  • pipe tobacco
  • fruits
  • glycerol


  1. Bring the fruit to a mushy state. What fruits to use is up to you. Use your imagination.
  2. Dilute the slurry with tobacco. You need to add it gradually, otherwise you risk getting a shapeless pancake; this can be done simply. Leave the mixture in a cool place for a day.
  3. Dilute the mixture with liquid honey. This is necessary for the desired consistency.
  4. Strain it through cheesecloth and place it in a thin layer on a plate. Leave your invention for a day in a room at normal temperature.
  5. Treat tobacco with glycerin. To do this, just do a few light sprays.

Smoke and enjoy!

Video about how to make a mango hookah with ice cream

Making hookah is tasty and interesting. Exist ready-made instructions how to make a hookah at home. Advice from experienced hookah masters will help you get maximum pleasure from properly preparing and smoking a hookah. The main thing is to carry out all operations slowly, following the basic rules.

In addition, it is important to thoroughly wash the smoking device after each use. This helps eliminate dirt and unnecessary odors. It is also not recommended to use the liquid in the flask twice. There are a lot of methods for preparing the right hookah; let’s look at just some of them, the most common ones.

How to prepare tobacco

Preparing a hookah according to all the rules requires certain knowledge: how to prepare a tobacco mixture, hammer and smoke a hookah at home. The classic method will help you make hookah tobacco. You need to take 50 grams. tobacco, molasses and glycerin (2 bottles), essential oils. First you need to reduce the strength of the tobacco. To do this, take 2/3 of the leaves and place them in a container. The volume of tobacco is chosen based on preference. Experienced smokers do smoking mixtures according to individual recipes.

You can prepare the mixture for smoking within a week. The tobacco is poured with boiling water and then filtered through a colander. Now it should be dried. The tobacco is placed in the oven for 20 minutes at 80 degrees. It's important to follow up. So that it doesn't start to char. Then the spent mixture must be mixed with the remaining tobacco.

To 1 mg of tobacco add 1 mg of glycerin. Then essential oil is added. It is recommended to use 2 flavors - 8 drops each. Then the mixture must be diluted in molasses. There is no need to be careful with her. The homemade mixture is placed in a container and left for a week.

It’s easy to learn how to properly prepare a hookah. It is worth following a few tips that will help you enjoy tasty and dense smoke for many hours of relaxation.

Preparing the hookah

There are many ways to make a good hookah at home. However, it is better to use a proven method.

The classic way to prepare a good hookah:

First, the flask is filled with water so that the tube is immersed in it by 2-2.5 cm. Otherwise, there will be poor draft. Ice is also added here, which will allow the doom to cool better.

Then you need to install the shaft on the flask and connect the tube. Then a saucer is installed on the shaft. It is necessary for the burnt coals, as well as for the lid and tongs.

A bowl is placed on top.

Now you should move on to filling the hookah with tobacco. The tobacco is pre-dried. Place it on a napkin, removing excess moisture.

Then you need to remove sticks and too large particles from the tobacco. For better filling, it must be finely chopped. Next, put the tobacco in the bowl. This is done in such a way that it does not lie in a slide, but is evenly distributed closer to the edges. Tamping tobacco is an unnecessary action that will only worsen the smoldering process.

Food foil is placed on top of the bowl. Before this, it is folded in 2 layers. It should be of such a size that it completely covers the bowl. Now you need to make a lot of holes in the foil (in the center) using a toothpick.

Now you should make a ring 1 cm high from foil. It is placed on the already covered bowl. Another layer of foil is placed on top. You need to make holes in it again.

These hookah secrets will be useful for both beginners and experienced hookah lovers. At the final stage, the coal is placed on the foil structure. Now you need to start smoking. After 10-15 puffs, the smoking device needs to be blown in the other direction - this will help get rid of excess particles that could get into the shaft. These tips will help even a beginner understand how to make a hookah at home.

Why is this design made of food foil? This allows you to create air lock, the air under which warms up well. As a result, the tobacco will be heated more well; it will smolder slowly rather than burn. Smoking a hookah with kalaud is a great way to not have to worry about lighting the charcoal. Kalaud is a round device that replaces the foil structure.

Ignition and coals

To find out how to make a hookah correctly, you need to decide on the ignition. You should use only natural coals. The best thing

Coconut charcoal is suitable. When using quick-burning “tablets,” there is a high probability of inhaling saltpeter. During outdoor recreation, coals are lit on an open fire. Torches are also often used. It is important to monitor the condition of the coals - they should be red on all sides. If black areas appear on the coals, you may get a headache while smoking. The hookah should be brewed according to certain rules, otherwise the pleasure from smoking will be minimal. There are many ways to prepare a hookah, but it is better to use the classic one.

There are many tips on how to cook delicious hookah. The coals must be placed on the edges of the bowl. This will heat the bowl evenly, allowing the tobacco to smolder slowly. In this case, the smoke is soft. How many coals to put depends on the size of the bowl. For some hookahs, 3 coals are enough. For example, a pineapple will require about 6-8 pieces. The classic clay bowl requires 4 coals. After 7 minutes of heating, 1 of them is removed and smoking continues with 3 coals. Numerous tips on how to prepare a delicious hookah at home are based on simple principles.

How to light a cigarette

If you follow the instructions, it’s easy to understand how to make a delicious hookah. The tobacco is heated to its optimal state within 7 minutes. After 1 ember is removed, you can inhale the smoke full breasts. After 2-3 deep breaths The hookah is considered ready for smoking. You need to remove the coals, shake off the ashes and put the coals in other places. After 20 minutes, new coals will be needed, so you should think about lighting in advance.

By following these tips, you can quickly figure out how to properly brew a hookah at home yourself. The whole process is quite easy. If you want to know how to make colored smoke in a hookah (to exhale beautiful multi-colored puffs), you should not try different dyes for tobacco. This has no effect on the smoke. You can't make it colored. Using checkers or homemade charcoal with dyes is dangerous to life.

It is worth remembering that in pursuit of the aesthetics of smoking you should not take various tablets, which change the color of the smoke. If you inhale the smoke produced by such tablets, it can cause serious harm to your health. Making hookah at home is easy. The main thing is to follow the basic rules.

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Many nightclubs and entertainment venues have hookah rooms with a cozy atmosphere. If you decide to recreate such a corner at home, it will be useful for you to learn how to make a hookah so that you get thick smoke and a pleasant taste without bitterness. Our instructions provide information for beginners in the hookah business.

First, let’s find out what the design of the hookah is; this knowledge will be useful for further manipulations. It consists of a flask, a shaft, a hookah bowl (chilim) and hoses (or a single hose). In addition, for this venture you need to stock up consumables, and this is foil, hookah charcoal and tobacco. To care for the structure you will need a special brush and lemon acid. Now let's talk directly about preparing a hookah. The whole ritual begins with filling the flask with liquid. You can use ordinary water, juices, milk. However, in the latter case you'll have to great attention Pay attention to cleaning the hookah, otherwise you will get a rotten smell when smoking. When you pour water, make sure that there is enough space in the chilim for steam to form. The end of the rod is immersed in water by about 2-4 centimeters. This is very important, since excessive immersion of the pipe will prevent you from lighting the hookah. This also risks allowing liquid to get into the hose. If it is not placed deep enough, the smoke will be hot when it reaches the throat. To make the steam more aromatic, it is customary to add a little wine, juice or fruit essence to the water. Remember that it is not recommended to add strong drinks (scotch, absinthe, cognac), as the result is difficult to predict.

At the next stage, it is recommended to check the tightness of the structure. Most of them are sold with a gasket connecting the flask and the shaft, which is made of plastic or rubber. They are characterized by high tightness. But if this is a problem, it is recommended to use electrical tape. Although this is not entirely aesthetically pleasing. After this, you can place the saucer on the hookah. It is necessary for placing coals, protecting flooring from falling ash. It is also convenient to place tongs on it. A bowl is placed on it.

Insert the hose into the special port, with the less beautiful end. If the tightness is insufficient, it is recommended to use appropriate gaskets. If your hookah has more than one hose, but you usually only use one, then close the second hole with a rubber stopper.

The most important step is filling the bowl with tobacco. Toss the leaves well until they are coated with the syrup and molasses. Layout features depend on your preferences. The classic version is this: carefully sort out the tobacco, select and tear leaves that are too large, fluff the remaining tobacco and place it loosely in a bowl, there should be a lot of air in the mixture. It is highly undesirable to compress it, just as it is not advisable to fill the entire bowl with tobacco. On the contrary, it should not stick to the foil; for this it is recommended to leave about 2 millimeters to the foil. It’s good if you pierce the laid mass with a needle so that air can better flow to the smoldering tobacco. This will make it easier for you to pull the hookah.

Now you can cover the tobacco with aluminum foil. Its size should be 5 centimeters larger than the diameter of the bowl. You can place it on either side, it doesn’t matter. After placing the foil, wrap it around the bowl to create tension, but do not press it, it should not compress the tobacco. Thick foil is, of course, good, it will be easier to regulate the heat, but remember that it cannot be rolled up, one layer will be enough. Fold the thin foil several times. However, there should not be too many layers, 1-3 is just right. At this stage we make holes in the foil. To do this, we will use an ordinary needle or pin. But toothpicks are thicker, put them aside. For a classic Egyptian bowl, this hole pattern is best suited: a circle around the edge of the bowl and a spiral inside. If your bowl is funnel-shaped, make three concentric rings. Remember that many holes do not produce a lot of smoke. To do this, you need to achieve a balance between tobacco, coals and holes.

It's time to light the coals. For this purpose, use matches, a fireplace or hookah lighter that produces a large fire. An ordinary pocket one will not work, as you can burn your fingers. It is convenient to hold the coals with special tongs. Then we proceed as follows: light the fire, bring it to the coal, hold it for several minutes, wait for the coal to burn (at the same time it sparks and gives off acrid smoke), when the coal becomes gray on top and red inside - place it on the tobacco bowl. Make sure the coal is red. If it is black, do not try to inflate it on the spot, nothing good will happen, best case scenario guaranteed bad smell, and at worst - carbon monoxide poisoning. It is not recommended to light charcoal over the bowl, otherwise particles from it will get into the tobacco and change its taste. If you use natural coal, say, pressed coconut, then keep in mind that it is usually lit on a gas burner. In the case of a ceramic or glass stove, cracks may form.

Wait for the bowl to heat up. You can then move the coals to the edge to prevent the tobacco from burning and producing acrid smoke. To light a hookah, you will have to take 5-10 breaths. But it is impossible to smoke with one puff. You need to pull slowly, not jerkily, the tobacco should not bounce. But it is recommended to take strong breaths. When pleasant steam comes out and the puffs become full of smoke, the hookah is ready for use. It is customary to smoke a hookah with a clay bowl for 30-40 minutes. When smoking alone, it can last for an hour. If the hookah is made from fruit, then about 50 minutes.

Often, when smoking, some unpleasant moments arise:

  • Sore throat and bitter taste. This happens due to leaky joints, especially the place where the hose is connected. It is also recommended to check the coals in case they touch the tobacco.
  • If you have to make a lot of effort when inhaling, then you should pay attention to the water level. Remember that the tube must be immersed a maximum of 5 cm.

Caring for a hookah is not very difficult. The tobacco is discarded immediately after the bowl has cooled. It is recommended to change the water when changing the type of tobacco. However, at least once every 10 smokes. In this case, you need to rinse the flask thoroughly. It’s good to use a brush for this kind of thing. The upper part of the structure is washed every 10-15 smokes. After the bowl has cooled, the tobacco is discarded. Remember that to care for your hookah detergents unsuitable. But it is better to wash hoses rarely, but leather products are not washed at all. After washing, dry the structure to avoid oxidation.

That's almost all. Store the hookah after disassembling it. But if you want it to show off assembled on your shelf, at least remove the hoses. This is due to the fact that their frame is made of a metal spring, which can rust. If you need to move your hookah, hold it!

A special hookah instruction for preparing a hookah is step by step guide on the topic “How to make a hookah” so that it pleases you and makes guests come again and again for tasting.

How to make a hookah: instructions from HookahM

How much water to pour into a hookah

We take the flask and fill it with water so that the hookah shaft plunges inward by 2-3 cm. If you are using an Egyptian hookah, then it has a corresponding expansion closer to the end of the shaft, immerse this part in water. Be sure to check with a hose whether the hole in the shaft will come out of the water during strong seething.

Also, to check how much water to pour into the hookah, you can not insert the shaft into the flask each time, but apply the shaft to the flask, pressing the seal. This way, it will immediately become clear whether more water needs to be poured into the hookah flask.

Tobacco preparation

Hookah tobacco is sold in vacuum packages; during packaging (during the pumping of air from the package), the tobacco becomes extremely dense. Before smoking, be sure to soften the tobacco first, loosen the tobacco. Loosen hookah tobacco better with your hands, crushing the tobacco with the fingers of one hand. Also cut (you can do without it) the tobacco with scissors or a kitchen knife, after rolling it tobacco leaf into the "sausage".

Please note that tobacco packaging sometimes contains sticks, branches and stones, along with extremely dense tobacco leaves. Unfold what you get into a flat sheet; set the rest aside for cooking the right hookah will not need.

How much tobacco is in a hookah and how to put tobacco in the bowl

The amount of tobacco in a hookah depends on the size of the bowl in which it is placed and on the type of filling. To start, use air filling: when you throw loosened tobacco into a bowl, and it already randomly falls inside the bowl. No tampers, let it fly down naturally. With this arrangement, 15 grams of tobacco is placed in a classic bowl. They sell bowls that hold 8-10 grams of tobacco, and they sell “buckets” that can hold almost 40-45 grams by air. If we tamp tobacco or hammer in a strong “overpack,” then tobacco consumption increases exactly twice.

Lay the tobacco so that there is 2-3 mm left from the top layer to the edge. The heat from the coals reaches the tobacco, it smolders, but at the same moment the tobacco does not stick to the foil, which preserves pleasant taste throughout smoking.
Please note that after placing the tobacco in the bowl, we recommend carefully using a toothpick to make a through “tunnel” from the top layer of tobacco to the central hole of the classic clay bowl. This technique will improve cravings and have a positive effect on the taste and timing of hookah smoking.

Foil for hookah

Use 3-4 layers of foil. If the foil is thick, then two layers are possible.

Pull the foil tightly over the bowl of tobacco, create tension, try. Make holes in the foil bowl so that the center is covered. If you make a hole in the center, you will inhale when smoking carbon monoxide from coals, which goes directly to the lungs, bypassing tobacco.

The number and size of holes is up to taste. Some prefer 15-20 large holes, others 70-100 small ones. The main thing is easy traction through the foil, but how many holes and what size they are is up to everyone to decide for themselves. I prefer to do a lot and small ones.

A separate article about holes in foil.

Hookah coals and ignition

Use only proven charcoal, preferably coconut. If you use a quick-fire one, there is a risk of inhaling saltpeter.

If you are outdoors, you can light the coals in a fire; If you find yourself without a fire, it is better to use a stove or a special burner. Remember, in order to properly light a hookah, you will need to wait until the coals are in such a state that they become evenly red on each side. If there are still black spots on the coals, then when smoking a hookah on such coals, smokers will get a headache.

Place the coals exclusively on the edges of the bowl so that the coals heat the edges of the bowl, this way the bowl will heat evenly and heat the tobacco from the inside. As a result, the hookah will be soft and smoky. The amount of coals for a hookah depends solely on the size of the bowl. For some bowls, three coals will be enough, but for a pineapple you will need six to eight pieces. Four coals are placed on a classic clay bowl for a period of 7 minutes to allow the bowl and tobacco to warm up, after which one coal is removed and smoked on three.

Smoking a hookah

If you followed our hookah instructions and waited 7 minutes for the bowl and tobacco to warm up, then the tobacco will reach the smoldering temperature on its own. All that remains is to remove one coal (or not, depending on the size of the bowl) and inhale the resulting smoke deeply. After two or three deep breaths, the hookah will be ready for smoking. Remove the coals, shake off the ashes and place the coals in new places. In twenty minutes you will need new coals, take care of ignition in advance.

We wish you a smoky hookah!

Recently, many hookah lovers have appeared. This pleasure came to us from eastern countries and interest in it is growing every year. Some smoke out of habit, others - to keep up with fashion, and others - for peace of mind.

Few people know that it is not necessary to buy a hookah or go to a hookah bar to smoke. You can make this device yourself.

How to make a hookah at home?

To do this, you will need products that are on hand. Let's consider detailed instructions preparing hookah at home in a glass.

  1. Buy a medium shaped apple.
  2. Cut off the top and carefully remove the core. The walls of the fruit must remain intact, without damage.
  3. Make a hole at the bottom of the fruit and insert a straw into it. The length of the tube depends on the amount of liquid into which it will be lowered.
  4. Cut the tube so that it remains flush with the inner bottom of the apple.
  5. Make a second hole in the apple so that it is nearby, but the tube comes out obliquely.
  6. Kill the tobacco and cover with a thick layer of foil.
  7. Make a few holes in the foil. They should be in a place where there is no core.
  8. Place hot coals on top.
  9. You will end up with something similar to a cap, which will need to be removed occasionally to regulate the heat.
  10. Enjoy your smoking at home.

How to make a good hookah at home?

To prepare it, you need to follow the instructions and know a few secrets. In fact, you can make a hookah at home very quickly and easily; making an electronic hookah is much more difficult.

Step-by-step instruction to create a hookah at home, which is easy to do: