The meaning of the name Gulnara from Arabic. What secrets does the name Gulnara keep?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Gulnara, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Gulnara's zodiac is Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • The color of the name Gulnara is Pale green, pale yellow, white.
  • Talisman stone – Marcasite, silver.

What does the name Gulnara mean?: decorated with flowers (the name Gulnara is of Muslim origin).

It must be said that the name Gulnara is a Russian version of the name Gulnar. Also, the owner of this name is often called Gulya. The Kazakhs know the name Gulnar.

In Ancient Persia, Gulnara was called “pomegranate flower”, translated from the national language. However, among the Kazakhs the meaning of the name Gulnara is somewhat more romantic - “a flower like a flower.” By the way, there is a version according to which the herbaceous plant adonis with red and bright yellow flowers was called the flower of the pomegranate tree. Therefore, in some sources there is an interpretation of Gulnara’s name as an adonis.

Short meaning of the name Gulnara: Gulya, Gulechka, Ulya, Nari, Gunnel.

Angel Gulnara's Day: the name Gulnara does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Character of the name Gulnara: What does the name Gulnara mean? The meaning of the name Gulnara from the point of view of numerology is determined by the number 4, which indicates a person capable of science and technical wisdom. It also represents stability, reliability, integrity, caution, and honesty. Gulnara has a good reaction in extreme situations, quickly reacts to changing situations and adapts to new circumstances. It is in such cases that her best qualities are revealed. This is a person who can generate ideas, plan and implement plans. Only the number 4 indicates the need to set global goals, otherwise Gulnara will not achieve success. In addition, the four gives the name Gulnara the basis for the development of knowledge and skills in a variety of specialties. All you have to do is decide on your goals - and everything will work out!

Gulnara is very active as a child; it is difficult for her to sit in one place. She is cheerful, emotional, has a developed sense of humor, and loves active, noisy games. Over time, she becomes less emotional, calmer and more balanced. Since childhood, the name Gulnara has been gifted with a variety of talents. For example, she has such a good memory that Gulnara is able to quickly learn a poem and recite it by heart. She is also an excellent dancer.

Choosing a profession by name: When Gulnara thinks about choosing a future profession, she wants the work to match her character and be sure to bring pleasure. The name Gulnara is a very diligent and diligent worker. Although it is worth noting that sometimes she is lacking initiative. But if she learns to overcome herself, she will become a good organizer.

Gulnara's love and marriage: The name Gulnara does not like loneliness, and in her personal life she is rarely completely calm - she is constantly in relationships. Although at the same time she makes quite high demands on men.

Health and talents named after Gulnara: The meaning of the name Gulnara from a psychological point of view can be interpreted based on the time of birth of its owner. For example, Gulnars born in winter are more intelligent and active. But they also create difficulties for themselves, they can be too principled and persistent. Summer Gulnars are softer, but they also need work in which they can express themselves. By the way, if a girl named Gulnara chooses a place of work for herself in accordance with her goals, then, as a rule, she does not change it again.

The fate of the name Gulnara in history:

  1. Gulnara Abikeeva is a Kazakh film critic and film scholar, author of 5 books about the cinema of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
  2. Gulnara Karimova is the daughter of Islam Karimov (President of Uzbekistan), who has been the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Japan since 2010.
  3. Gulnara Khasyanova is the general director of the Sky Link company, which in 2010 took third place in the Communications category in the ranking of top executives according to the Kommersant newspaper.
  4. Gulnara Sarsenova is the producer of the feature film “Mongol”.
  5. Gulnara Zairova is a journalist at the Irbis television company, presenter and author of a program about women.


Gulnara, Gulnar(Persian گلنار, Golnār‎, Tat. Gөlnara, Kazakh Gүlnar /gylʲ"nɑr/ “Gulnar”, Uzbek Gulnora, Gulnora, Crimean-Tat. Gülnara, Gulnara) - a female Persian name. Translated means floral, like a flower , flower-like. Literally - flower of a pomegranate tree, flower of a pomegranate: gүl - flower, nar - fruit of a pomegranate tree. There is also a version that the herbaceous plant adonis, which has bright yellow and red flowers, was called “pomegranate tree flower”. Therefore, the name Gulnara can be used. also give an interpretation of the name - “Adonis”.

The name is common in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), as well as in Russia (mainly in Tatarstan).

Synonyms: Gulnaria, Gulnar, Gulanar, Anargul. Not synonymous: Gulnur, Gulnur, Nurgul, etc.

Short form: Gulya. The diminutive address Gul is also a short form for many female names, not only starting with “gul” (Aigul, Galina, Gul, Gulnaz, Gulzira, Angel, Gulshat and others), as well as for some male names (George, Sergey. ). Variants of spelling the name Gul in Latin: Gulya, Gulja, Gulia, Gula

Some famous owners of this name:

  • Samitova-Galkina, Gulnara Iskanderovna - Russian athlete, the first ever Olympic champion, as well as the world record holder in the 3000 m steeplechase.
  • Sakhatova, Gulnara Bayakhmetovna - Kazakh and then English chess player, international master (1985) among women.
  • Karimova, Gulnara Islamovna - daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Spain in 2010-2012.
  • Khasyanova, Gulnara Shamilyevna - executive director of the LTE Union; Chairman of the Board, President of OJSC SMM.
  • Abikeeva, Gulnara - Kazakh film expert and film critic.
  • Sultanova, Gulnara Yurievna - Russian civil and LGBT activist.
  • Kopyrina, Gulnara Shakhislamovna - Russian checkers player, bronze medalist of the Russian team championship in international checkers 2012.
  • Dusmatova, Gulnara Abdulaevna - Soviet and Kazakh film actress, People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Sarsenova, Gulnara Bolatovna - film producer, “Best Cinematographer of Asia in 2008” according to the Busan International Film Festival and in the same year she was nominated for an Oscar for the film directed by Sergei Bodrov Sr. “Mongol”. The film “Tulip” received 53 film awards at international film festivals around the world in 2008-2009. Founder of the luxury goods chain "French House", the popular newspaper "New Generation" and the magazine "Revue".

See also:

  • Gulnar is a city and district in the province of Mersin (Türkiye).
  • [[::en::Nintinugga|Gula]] is one of the names of the Babylonian goddess of healing (English).
  • Gul, Gul is a werewolf in Arabic, Persian and Turkic mythology.
  • Gulya is an affectionate name for a dove (as well as a form of calling it).
  • Gulya (village) is a village in the Tungiro-Olyokminsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Gulnara or Gulnar: the meaning of the name speaks about the character of a person

A baby is born into the family, and all the relatives, led by the new mother and father, gather for a family council to choose a name for the child. Our distant ancestors approached this issue no less responsibly. They believed that a person's name is a reflection of his inner self. Modern parents, when choosing it, are guided mainly by how it sounds. A beautiful and unusual, sonorous name, they believe, will attract the attention of everyone around them to their baby. In Muslim families, the female name Gulnara or Gulnar is often found. “The meaning of a name has a direct impact on a person’s destiny,” says popular wisdom. In this article I will talk about how you can decipher the name gulnar. Sometimes it can be very interesting to find out how the word with which you are called is translated.

The meaning of the name Gulnara

Each name has its own meaning. The name we are talking about is of Persian origin. And it came from the word gulnar, which translates as “pomegranate flower”. Girls in Muslim countries are often called exactly this way: Gulnara or Gulnar. The meaning of a name appears to be a guide for parents when choosing a name for their child. It would be logical to assume that women with this name are as gentle and feminine as a pomegranate flower. But in fact, Gulnara, as a rule, is not distinguished by modesty and complaisance. But more on that a little later.

Numerology of the name

Number 2 is the number of the soul that corresponds to Gulnar. The meaning of the name and its number have a certain connection with each other. Just as the first influences the character and destiny of a person, so the second affects the manifestation of certain personal qualities in him. The deuce instills in its wards self-doubt and anxiety. Alone, it is sometimes very difficult for such natures to achieve anything in life. But in a team, all their greatest strengths are revealed.

Little Gulnara

The main character traits of the girl who bears the name Gulnara are cruelty, disobedience and equanimity. In childhood, such babies are very nimble; among their friends there are mostly tomboyish boys. I would like to advise the parents of little Gulnara to send the girl to dance in order to direct the energy of a super active child in the right direction. Since the baby has a good memory, you can also prepare her for performing on stage. She will recite poetry with great pleasure, with a special emotionality inherent only to her. The older Gulnara gets, the calmer and more balanced her character will be.

Gulnara's character

Adult Gulnara is a very sociable person with a good sense of humor. She can hardly stand loneliness. Therefore, she tries to surround herself with people who are close to her in spirit. At work, she is diligent and efficient, but, unfortunately, initiative comes from her very rarely. Therefore, although managers value her working qualities, they are in no hurry to trust her with truly complex tasks. By adulthood, Gulnara acquires the perseverance and uncompromisingness necessary to achieve her goal. These qualities do not always reflect well on her family members. In another, she remains a bright and friendly person.

Thus, we found out what a girl Gulnar could be like. The meaning of the name, as we already know, influences our actions. Gulnar is a beautiful word. But a girl with that name will have a hard time in life.

What kind of name is Gulnara? Whose? What does it mean?

Miftakhov fidan


Origin and meaning. This name is of Persian origin - "pomegranate flower".

These girls are very mobile, it is difficult for them to sit in one place. They can react quite emotionally to everything that happens. They prefer active games. But over the years they become calmer. Their memory is well developed and they can recite poetry well. But they dance no less beautifully, and they have a well-developed sense of humor. Most of all they do not like loneliness, but sometimes they also need to be at home, in silence. In their work they are quite efficient and diligent, but they cannot always show initiative. They try to choose a job to their liking. They can become good organizers.

Those born in winter are choleric by temperament. They are agile and think quite quickly. It is their style to create problems for themselves. Sometimes they become persistent, principled and even domineering. They try to choose a profession based on their character. They can be called careerists; they are hardworking. It is not their style to change jobs.

Those born in spring are calmer. They are very responsive and cheerful. Quite often they think about the future. But sometimes they are not confident in themselves. They are friendly, try to maintain relationships with both new and old acquaintances. They don't like to break rules. In adulthood, they become more decisive and persistent. Sometimes capricious and in most cases very demanding of men. But they are affectionate and exemplary wives. They are devoid of any prejudices.

The names of women of the East are beautiful, graceful and gentle. They are filled with mystery and, like an oriental beauty hiding her face behind a burqa, are mysterious and attractive in their sound.

  • First: the name Gulnara is of Persian origin, consists of two parts: “gul” - flower and “anar” - pomegranate. If you put these two halves together, you get "pomegranate flower" - probably in earlier times this name was given to girls born when pomegranate trees were in bloom.
  • Second: Gulnara is a name of Kazakh origin, and it comes from the name of the flower adonis, which blooms with red and yellow flowers. This plant is sometimes also called pomegranate flower. In this case it means “like a flower.”

It is difficult to say which of these versions is more correct, but the meaning of the name Gulnara in both versions is associated with a beautiful creation of nature - a flower, a symbol of spring, renewal and new hope.

In Russia, it is widespread mainly among people of Tatar nationality. Affectionately, girls bearing this name are most often called Gulya, Nari, Ulya, Gulnarik, Gulnarka, Gulenka. Gulnara does not celebrate her name day, since this is a Christian tradition, and her name is of Muslim origin.

A beautiful flower - a nimble bunny

The name Gulnara endows its little mistress with lightness and restlessness. Babies with this name need constant movement, static conditions tire them, so properly organized leisure time is of great importance for Gulnara.

Gulya loves outdoor games. Modern dancing or gymnastics will be a great release for her. A girl bearing this name constantly needs company where she will feel free and relaxed. From an early age, Gulnara has excellent communication skills and a wonderful sense of humor. These qualities allow her to successfully integrate into an unfamiliar team and establish relationships with different people.

The school period will be marked by a decline in activity and an increase in perseverance. However, studying may cause some problems associated with the girl’s energy; the exact sciences, which require a lot of concentration, will especially suffer. But Gulnara is mastering the humanitarian field quite successfully. She memorizes poetry with great pleasure and ease, and knows how to beautifully express her thoughts.

Adolescence becomes a transitional period for her. The girly fidget blossoms, turning into a “scarlet flower”, alluring with its beauty and sophistication.

The character traits typical of a little girl become a thing of the past, Gulnara finds calmness and poise. Her value system is also changing. However, as before, she loves to be in a group - the desire to be alone with herself only occasionally visits her.

  • Those born in winter are temperamental, active, and quick-witted. They strive to realize themselves in their chosen direction, rarely dream and work very hard on themselves.
  • Spring Gulnars are friendly and calm. They prefer not to make sudden movements. They like to think about the future and make plans. They are careful in their words and do not like to quarrel. As a rule, these Gulnars never completely break off old relationships.

  • Those born in the summer are creative, quite active, they love to dream, plan, and very often as a result of their activities something unusual and new comes into being.
  • Autumn ones have a changeable mood. They are fickle: with one person they can be open and friendly, but with another they can be strict and cold-blooded. In general, we can say that autumn bearers of this name are persistent, hardworking and purposeful women.

Adult life - career and love

Adult Gulnara is a woman who lives according to her own rules. With age, character traits such as independence, determination and integrity develop.

These women, for the most part, are attractive to others, but external beauty and correct manners do not at all mean a lack of intelligence. Gulnara has insightful and unconventional thinking, which often baffles lovers of beautiful women who are not burdened with intelligence.

This girl chooses her future profession quite early. Gulnara must like the work, otherwise she will say goodbye to it very quickly. She is suitable for professions related to movement and communication, for example, television show host, reporter, journalist. These women are not inclined to change their chosen profession; they prefer to develop in it and very often achieve career success.

Despite the large number of fans, Gulnara will never become a flirt. She does not tolerate fleeting connections, strives to find her ideal soul mate and will prefer to settle on someone who can impress her mind. However, this does not mean at all that Gulnara is insensitive - in matters of love, she is characterized by emotionality and passionate expression of her feelings.

Good relationships can develop with, Alexander, Sergey,. Some tension may arise with Valery.

The importance of family in Gulnara’s life is very great. Having become a wife, she turns into a thrifty, caring and even a little strict mother of the family. Author: Anastasia Alyokhina

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Gulnara, manifestation in love

Gulnara, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most sublime love and the most sincere affection, but do not tolerate attacks on your freedom in any form. And as soon as you feel that the bonds of marriage are turning into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unambiguously, introducing an imbalance into family life. If your partner has the common sense not to focus on your marital responsibilities, coexistence can be long, calm and happy.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any framework and restrictions weigh on your soul, constraining its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, when choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate provides you with the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you without hesitation give up what you already have in favor of something new, still unknown. “Being overgrown with moss” is clearly not for you. You move through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul craves.

You just have to remember that “a hundred friends” will never replace one “heart friend”. Your reluctance to establish a stable relationship, to “settle” for a long time on one attachment, may subsequently become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, which will be difficult for you to come to terms with.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom ceases to bring joy.

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Guli, manifestation of love

Guli, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage and the creation of a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Meaning of the name Gulnara: This name for a girl means "floral", "flower-like", "flower-like".

Origin of the name Gulnara: Persian.

Diminutive form of name: Gulnarochka, Gulnarushka, Gulnaronka, Gulnarchik, Gilechka, Gulyushka, Gulenka, Gulenochok.

What does the name Gulnara mean: It must be said that the name Gulnara is a Russian version of the name Gulnar. Also, the owner of this name is often called Gulya. The Kazakhs know the name Gulnar.

In Ancient Persia, Gulnara was called “pomegranate flower”, translated from the national language. However, among the Kazakhs the meaning of the name Gulnara is somewhat more romantic - “a flower like a flower.” By the way, there is a version according to which the herbaceous plant adonis with red and bright yellow flowers was called the flower of the pomegranate tree. Therefore, in some sources there is an interpretation of Gulnara’s name as an adonis.

Angel Gulnara's Day: the name Gulnara does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac – Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Element – ​​Earth
  • Colors – Bright Blue, Gold (Golden)
  • Metal – Gold
  • Tree – Larch
  • Planet – Sun
  • Constellation – Dolphin
  • Number – Seven
  • Food – Meat and grains
  • Animals – capercaillie
  • Stones – Moonstone

Characteristics of the name Gulnara

Positive features: Gulnara has a good reaction in extreme situations, quickly reacts to changing situations and adapts to new circumstances. It is in such cases that her best qualities are revealed.

Negative features: Number 4 indicates the need to set global goals, otherwise Gulnara will not achieve success.

Character of the name Gulnara: What does the name Gulnara mean? This is a person who can generate ideas, plan and implement plans. In addition, the four gives the name Gulnara the basis for the development of knowledge and skills in a variety of specialties. All you have to do is decide on your goals - and everything will work out!

Gulnara is very active as a child; it is difficult for her to sit in one place. She is cheerful, emotional, has a developed sense of humor, and loves active, noisy games. Over time, she becomes less emotional, calmer and more balanced. Since childhood, the name Gulnara has been gifted with a variety of talents. For example, she has such a good memory that Gulnara is able to quickly learn a poem and recite it by heart. She is also an excellent dancer.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: When Gulnara thinks about choosing a future profession, she wants the work to match her character and be sure to bring pleasure. From the point of view of numerology, the name Gulnara is determined by the number 4, which indicates a person capable of science and technical wisdom. It also represents stability, reliability, integrity, caution, and honesty.

Business and career: A good performer, he has the makings of a leader, which are revealed with outside help. She is not a careerist; most often she is content with her favorite job. A diligent accountant, a good economist, a family lawyer. Gulnara lacks ambition and business acumen for career growth. He may dream of running his own business, but in practice he rarely opens a company. The talent of an organizer can manifest itself in amateur performances or organizing a hike. Such impulses rarely appear at work. Gulnara is a very diligent and diligent worker. Although it is worth noting that sometimes she is lacking initiative. But if she learns to overcome herself, she will become a good organizer.

Gulnara and her personal life

Love and marriage: The name Gulnara does not like loneliness, and in her personal life she is rarely completely calm - she is constantly in relationships. Although at the same time she makes quite high demands on men.

Gulnara is an excellent housewife, she understands well what exactly to require in family life. She does not tolerate lies and betrayal, and therefore will never allow her husband to cheat in front of her eyes. Confidently does household chores and knows how to properly distribute the family budget. She loves family events and happily invites her best friends over. She adores children and tries to give them the best. The husband dotes on his Gulnara and tries to protect her from all troubles.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Gulnara’s health is excellent. She has good immunity, which allows her to practically not get sick, and if she does get sick, she can easily cope with it. Nevertheless, her tendency to be overweight forces her to go on a diet from time to time. Moreover, over the years, its activity decreases and this needs to be done more and more often.

The fate of Gulnara in history

What does the name Gulnara mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Gulnara Abikeeva is a Kazakh film critic and film scholar, author of 5 books about the cinema of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
  2. Gulnara Karimova is the daughter of Islam Karimov (President of Uzbekistan), who has been the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Japan since 2010.
  3. Gulnara Khasyanova is the general director of the Sky Link company, which in 2010 took third place in the Communications category in the ranking of top executives according to the Kommersant newspaper.
  4. Gulnara Sarsenova is the producer of the feature film “Mongol”.
  5. Gulnara Zairova is a journalist at the Irbis television company, presenter and author of a program about women.