Irish moss in brewing. Irish moss: medicinal properties, recipes

“The store is good. This is exactly what the device is needed for the dacha.”

Fedorova Eaterina Borisovna,

"Good afternoon,
I purchased it on 03/15/19 at the Cosmoport shopping and entertainment complex in your PVK-30 department. A comparison of the instructions with the actual design of the PVC raised questions:
1.What is called “2.Control valve” in the instructions (and in the photo) ... "For the level" is actually a drain valve from the food bowl and has no connection with the jacket. How then can you control the level in the jacket when drawing water?
2. This faucet (drain from the bowl) is actually 1/2", but on your website in the "Included components" section it is indicated "Drain faucet 1 1/4" - I would like to replace it in accordance with the description, for draining thick stillage it is more preferred.
3. Instead of a drain valve from the jacket (Bottom valve No. 3 according to the Instructions), a plug is installed.

Ivan Ostapenko,

“6 days have passed. Parcel arrived. Everything as ordered. I was pleasantly surprised that when talking with the manager they indicated that the yeast was expiring, but in fact it had another year left!!! Very nice! Thank you!"

Medvedev Igor,

“I’ll add. We contacted them promptly, all issues were resolved instantly, the order was promised to be sent within a day. I’ll let you know how quickly it arrives and whether the contents match the order :)”

Medvedev Igor Valerievich,

“I ordered PVK 50 liters. Thank you to Maria for the prompt response, she contacted me, gave all the information, and provided information about the stage of the order. Special thanks to her for this. PVC quality at high level. Of the minuses ... - the description on the website does not correspond to what came in the end. The thermal cover is made for a different boiler, and is already adjusted to the new model. There is no tap for convenient draining of the shirt. The bottom does not have a 15 degree slope; instead, it is concave inward, which makes cleaning difficult.»

IN folk medicine used a lot different means. One of them is Irish moss, or carrageenan. It began to be used thousands of years ago as useful remedy, having medicinal properties. Moss is used in treatment various ailments. The benefits and use are described in the article.

Description of the plant

Carrageenan is a marine red algae found most abundantly on the Atlantic coast of the United States and Ireland. The plant is popularly called “cartilaginous algae”, as well as “pearl”, “pitched moss”. It lives in lower intertidal and shallow subtropical areas.

The height of the moss shoots is 150 mm, and the width is 2-15 mm. The shape of the apical ends is rounded or slightly obtuse. These algae have a purple-red, yellow or green. But these shades may not be visible in water.


What are the healing properties of Irish moss? It is rich in many minerals and nutritional components. Thanks to the healing and dietary properties algae have positive action to your health. They do not pose a danger to humans.

Carrageen consists of the following components:

  1. Vitamin A. This component renews skin cells and restores it upper layer, relieves dryness and flaking. This leads to smoothing out wrinkles and gaining elasticity in the epidermis.
  2. Vitamin B1, B2. With them it is prevented premature aging skin.
  3. Vitamin C. It has a stimulating effect on collagen fibers, which actively restores them. The skin will be protected from pigmentation and strengthened blood vessels.
  4. Vitamin E component moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic, and prevents aging.

The healing properties of Irish moss are as follows:

  1. Because of great content Iodine carrageenan is useful for radioactive poisoning.
  2. It has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, which allows you to fight infections and have an excellent effect during the treatment of throat diseases. It will help eliminate skin inflammation and soften the epidermis.
  3. Treats stomach diseases including diarrhea, ulcer.
  4. Protects against the appearance of excess fat in the body and the accumulation of cholesterol.

These are all the properties of Irish moss, due to which it is used in many areas. Although such algae are useful, it is still preferable to consult a specialist before using it.


Irish moss contains such valuable components as calcium, magnesium, sodium and iodine. It is used in Food Industry: it is included in jelly and jellied dishes. It is a thickener used in making puddings and fruit yoghurts.

The plant has useful extract carriginan, which contains iodine, bromine, iron, vitamin A and B. It is added to toothpaste, hand care creams. It is also included in tablets and teas for weight loss.

Irish moss is used for wraps. Carrageenan is actively used in folk medicine. For example, it is part of laxatives. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory and emollient if the mucous membranes of the intestines or organs are affected. respiratory system. Algae is included in hand and body lotions, medicinal salts for baths

Features of collection and preparation

Irish moss should be grown for 3 months until the required mass is gained for processing. If the plant weighs at least 1 kg, it is dried, baled and sent to the manufacturer of carriginan, which is found in red algae.

When a manufacturer receives dried raw materials, it sends it to be washed to remove impurities. Then the seaweed is cooked in a special solution of hot alkali. The duration of this stage is up to 48 hours. Then the solution is filtered to clean it from some parts of the plant, after which a carrageenan mass is obtained, which is pressed, dried, and ground to obtain carriginan powder. This product is used to prepare medicinal products.

Storage rules

Carrageenan should be stored in a place protected from light and moisture, where it is cool. This is due to the fact that the influence of moisture and high temperature There is a loss of the medicinal properties of this plant. The shelf life is 3-4 years, after which the algae cannot be used.


The instructions for Irish moss indicate cases when it can be used. Algae are effective for:

  • radioactive poisoning;
  • colds or flu;
  • susceptibility to bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • stomach diseases, which will destroy viruses;
  • eczema, skin rashes various types, sun burns and psoriasis;
  • overweight.

According to reviews, Irish moss copes well with these problems. You just need to use suitable means and follow the instructions correctly.


Specific medicinal prescriptions There is no use for Irish moss (bryozoans), but people have it all different methods its use. To properly brew the plant you should:

  1. Dry the moss, grind until powder type.
  2. Fill it up hot water(for 1 glass you need 1.5-2 liters of water).
  3. The mixture must be placed in a place protected from light and moisture. Let it sit for 2 days.
  4. After this time, you need to strain the drink.
  5. It should be taken orally 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

The infusion created according to these instructions can be used as a bath solution. To do this, fill the bath with water (no more than 40 degrees) and pour out 3-5 liters of infusion. You should take a bath no longer than 15 minutes. Then you need to dry your body and cover yourself with a blanket.

If it is not possible to prepare an infusion of carrageenan, you can buy the product yourself at the pharmacy. To prepare the decoction, you will need 25 g of ready-made raw materials, which is filled with water (300 ml) and brought to a boil. Then you need to let it brew for 30 minutes. You need to take the decoction half an hour before meals. Its quantity should be 150 ml. Treatment time is 20 days if taken 4 times a day.

How to treat a cough?

Irish moss is effective for coughs. Therapeutic effect is associated with the presence of mucus, which allows you to soften and envelop the bronchial mucosa. The decoction allows you to get rid of inflammation and have an antimicrobial effect, so the person recovers quickly.

The instructions for Irish moss for cough are simple. Carrageenan can be purchased at the pharmacy in crushed form. To prepare the medicine, the raw material (50 g) is poured with water (750 ml) and boiled for half an hour. To save useful properties plants can be made into a remedy in a water bath.

Use 150 ml of the decoction 30 minutes before eating. The frequency of administration is up to 4 times a day. Course duration at acute bronchitis equal to more than 20 days.

In medicine

Irish moss is used in the treatment of the following ailments:

  1. Whooping cough. You will need a mixture of moss and thyme (0.5 tsp), which is poured with boiling water (1 cup). Infusion is carried out for 5 minutes, and then filtering occurs. You need to take 1 glass, no more than 3 times a day.
  2. Old cough. Raw materials (2 tbsp.) poured cold clean water(1 cup), after which the product is simmered over low heat for 1 hour until a jelly-like mass is obtained. You need to take it 2 tbsp. l. several times a day.
  3. Exacerbation of ulcers. You need marshmallow root, moss and flax seeds (in equal quantities). You will need 1.5 tbsp. l. mixture, which is filled with boiling water (0.5 liters). Boil for 15 minutes, after which you need to strain and consume ¼ cup 5 times a day.
  4. Pathologies of the stomach and intestines. To do this, you need vegetable raw materials (80 g), which are poured with vodka (2 glasses). Let the product sit for 10 days. You need to take 10 drops 2 times a day.
  5. Gastric atony. The product is prepared on the basis of 5 tbsp. l. raw materials, which are filled with water (a little less than 1 liter) and cooked for 30 minutes over low heat. After cooling, the broth is filtered and taken 1 glass after 5 hours.

Pharmacy medications are produced in the form of tablets and lozenges, as well as syrups and warming ointments and creams. Before using any product, you must read the instructions.

In cosmetology

Products based on Irish moss are considered highly effective and tonic. They have a soothing effect that eliminates irritation, and also cleanses the skin of acne, softens it well and restores it.

To skin covering has acquired a healthy and youthful appearance, you need to use it simple means. The crushed raw materials (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. The decoction should be left for half an hour, and then you can drink ½ cup 3 times a day.

When should it not be used?

Carrageenan is harmless to human health, but you should not use products containing the following moss in treatment:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • elderly.

It is prohibited to simultaneously use carrageens and anticoagulants, antipyretics and amino acids. Compliance with these rules will prevent negative consequences for good health.

Side effect

Taking Irish moss leads to almost no side effects. Rarely appear discomfort and discomfort in the stomach and intestines if you use drugs with carrageen for a long time.

So Irish moss has a lot valuable properties. Thanks to them, it is used in the food and medical industries. Carrageenan is used in the treatment and prevention of many ailments, the main thing is to use the appropriate recipe.

Bright, sparkling, and clear beers are highly sought after by beer drinkers, but clear beers may be out of reach for the average home brewer. Commercial brewers use fining agents, filtration, pasteurization and techniques to keep their beer crystal clear. Using several simple tips, which are not at all difficult for homebrewers, and you will get the clarity of commercial beer.

Before giving advice, let's take a quick look at the main causes of cloudiness in beer. The cause of which stems from three main sources: tannins, proteins and yeast. Tannins are natural elements in the husk of barley grains that are extracted along with sugars during the mashing process. Proteins come from dark grains as well, including from grains of barley, wheat, oats, flakes eating barley.

Proteins increase the head retention and body of the beer, but also reduce the clarity of the beer. It's a delicate balance when trying to achieve a full-bodied beer without too much protein. Finally, the yeast will remain suspended in the beer for some time during fermentation. Most yeast will eventually settle to the bottom of the fermenter, but this takes a significant amount of time for many yeast strains. Tannins, proteins, and yeast also contribute to a “youthful” flavor, so the sooner you can clear your beer, the sooner you can enjoy it!

1. Choose grains that are low in protein

Proteins strengthen the body of your beer, but can harm clarity. Use unmalted grainsWith high content squirrelsuch as wheat, flaked barley and very dark wheat malt for dark beers where clarity is not required special attention. If you are brewing a light beer, then choose a very light malt or malt extract for the base and add dark malt with a high enough protein content to achieve the desired color and body in the beer.

2. Use Irish moss at the end of the boil.

A few pinches of Irish moss at the end of the boil will help much increase the clarity of your finished beer. Irish moss is a charged adsorbent that picks up tannins and proteins in hot wort and quickly deposits them to the bottom of the kettle as the wort cools. If you place a small amount of Irish moss into your boiling wort 10 minutes before the end of the boil, you may notice the proteins and tannins coagulating into little clumps at the end of the boil.

3. Cool the wort quickly

Use an immersion or counterflow chiller to cool your wort faster. If you quickly cool boiling wort to fermentation temperature, then the tannins and proteins will clump together and fall outV bottom part boiler, forming thick layer draft. The faster you cool the wort, the better the effect. The less tannins and suspended proteins in your wort, the clearer your beer will be. Ideally, 20 liters of boiling wort should be cooled to room temperature within 15 minutes or less.

4. Choose a highly flocculating yeast

Flocculation is the rate at which a particular yeast strain will flocculate after fermentation. beer in the dregs . If you choose a yeast strain with high flocculation, then the beer will clear much faster than one with low flocculation. Flocculation should not be your only selection criterion. It's best when you have a yeast strain that matches the style of the beer and has medium to high flocculation.

5. Adding clarifier

A number of drugs can be added to the finished beer, which will help clarify the beer faster. These agents work by attaching to yeast, tannins and squirrels to help them quickly precipitate at the bottom of the fermenter or bottle. One such ingredient is easy to find - regular store-bought gelatin. Dissolve it in several cups of warm sterile water and add it to your secondary fermenter a few days before bottling. Another favorite substance of mine -By liclar . Mix it with a small amount water and add it to your secondary fermenter a few days before bottling or kegging.

6. Cold aging (lagering) your beer

Aging beer in the refrigerator is called lagering, it helps clarify the beer faster. With more low temperatures yeast, tannins and proteinit's harder to stayin suspension. Cold aged beer will clear much faster than beer stored at room temperature. Remember that in the event of a spill or natural carbonation, you need to wait to beer became fully carbonated before lagering. Otherwise, lagering may slow down or kill the yeast causing the beer to belightly carbonated.

Irish moss are two varieties of red seaweed that are common in the coastal waters of Ireland, the North Atlantic, the Far East and Kola Peninsula. The Latin name is Chondrus crispus, the plant is yellow-brown in color and belongs to the red algae family Rhodophyceae. Folk names Irish moss – cartilaginous algae, cartilaginous and rock moss.

In fact, Irish moss is not moss, but algae and grows not only in Ireland.

Irish moss is grown industrially on "floating farms" or in salt water tanks. Thanks to a wide range useful microelements, this algae is used in medicine and cosmetology, as well as the food industry to produce agar-agar substance, which is characterized by strong gelatinizing properties. It was this feature that brewers paid attention to, since gelatin-containing substances bind protein well in beer.

Growing on a floating farm

Difference between Icelandic and Irish moss

Due to the geographical proximity of the two countries and the external similarity in dried form, there is often confusion between Irish and Icelandic moss, some even believe that they are the same plant. In fact Icelandic moss (Latin name– Iceland moss) belongs to lichens, not algae, and grows on soil or tree stump bark. It's powerful natural antibiotic, sold in pharmacies, but for brewers it is useless and sometimes even harmful.

Fresh Irish Moss

Why Homebrewers Need Irish Moss?

In brewing, Irish moss is used to clarify wort during the brewing of grain varieties (not from extract) of light beer. Moss is very rarely used for dark and wheat beers, since transparency is usually not required for these varieties.

One batch, on the right is a beer clarified with Irish moss

Moss has a strong negative charge and how a magnet attracts positively charged protein molecules to itself. As a result of coagulation (sticking together), substances are formed that quickly settle to the bottom and prevent the protein from rising back up. The beer becomes clearer, but the taste of the drink does not change.

Beer clarified with Irish moss is considered unfiltered, but other things being equal, the foam retention will be lower because the protein concentration decreases. You have to choose between a generous head of beer and transparency.

Sediment after coagulation with Irish moss

Sales form

Previously, Irish moss was collected by hand, dried and chopped small pieces. The algae was not exported and was only available in cultivation regions.

Now Irish moss can be bought in crushed dried form or in tablet form. There is no fundamental difference, even the quantity does not change, but for small volumes of cooking it is easier to measure dried moss, and the tablets dissolve faster and are suitable for volumes of 100-120 liters.


In tablets

To maintain its coagulating properties, it is important that Irish moss is stored in airtight bags in a cool, dry place. Shelf life is 2-3 years, but what fresh plant, the better, since its quality decreases over time.

Instructions and dosage

In most cases, Irish moss is added to beer 10 minutes before the end of boiling (hopping) in the amount of 0.5-0.75 grams per 25 liters of wort. Dry moss is pre-soaked for 1-2 minutes in 50 ml of water so that it has time to swell. The tablets are added immediately, crushed into powder. Next, follow the chosen beer recipe.

The exact instructions for application and dosage depend on the properties of the plant, so it is important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer and author of the recipe.

Attention! If the dosage is significantly exceeded or low-quality moss is used, the beer may smell of iodine, algae and even mud.

Irish moss are two varieties of red seaweed that are common in the coastal waters of Ireland, the North Atlantic, the Far East and the Kola Peninsula. The Latin name is Chondrus crispus, the plant is yellow-brown in color and belongs to the red algae family Rhodophyceae. The common names for Irish moss are cartilaginous algae, cartilaginous moss and rock moss.

In fact, Irish moss is not moss, but algae and grows not only in Ireland.

Irish moss is grown industrially on “floating farms” or in salt water tanks. Thanks to a wide range of useful microelements, this algae is used in medicine and cosmetology, as well as the food industry to produce agar-agar substance, which is characterized by strong gelatinizing properties. It was this feature that brewers paid attention to, since gelatin-containing substances bind protein well in beer.

Growing on a floating farm

Difference between Icelandic and Irish moss

Due to the geographical proximity of the two countries and the external similarity in dried form, there is often confusion between Irish and Icelandic moss, some even believe that they are the same plant. In fact, Icelandic moss (Latin name - Iceland moss) belongs to lichens, not algae, and grows on soil or the bark of stumps. This is a powerful natural antibiotic sold in pharmacies, but for brewers it is useless and sometimes even harmful.

Fresh Irish Moss

Why Homebrewers Need Irish Moss?

In brewing, Irish moss is used to clarify wort during the brewing of grain varieties (not from extract) of light beer. Moss is very rarely used for dark and wheat beers, since transparency is usually not required for these varieties.

One batch, on the right is a beer clarified with Irish moss

Moss has a strongly negative charge and, like a magnet, attracts positively charged protein molecules to itself. As a result of coagulation (sticking together), substances are formed that quickly settle to the bottom and prevent the protein from rising back up. The beer becomes clearer, but the taste of the drink does not change.

Beer clarified with Irish moss is considered unfiltered, but other things being equal, the foam retention will be lower because the protein concentration decreases. You have to choose between a generous head of beer and transparency.

Sediment after coagulation with Irish moss

Sales form

Previously, Irish moss was collected by hand, dried and chopped into small pieces. The algae was not exported and was only available in cultivation regions.

Now Irish moss can be bought in crushed dried form or in tablet form. There is no fundamental difference, even the quantity does not change, but for small volumes of cooking it is easier to measure dried moss, and the tablets dissolve faster and are suitable for volumes of 100-120 liters.

In tablets

To maintain its coagulating properties, it is important that Irish moss is stored in airtight bags in a cool, dry place. The shelf life is 2-3 years, but the fresher the plant, the better, since its quality decreases over time.

Instructions and dosage

In most cases, Irish moss is added to beer 10 minutes before the end of boiling (hopping) in the amount of 0.5-0.75 grams per 25 liters of wort. Dry moss is pre-soaked for 1-2 minutes in 50 ml of water so that it has time to swell. The tablets are added immediately, crushed into powder. Next, follow the chosen beer recipe.

The exact instructions for application and dosage depend on the properties of the plant, so it is important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer and author of the recipe.

Attention! If the dosage is significantly exceeded or low-quality moss is used, the beer may smell of iodine, algae and even mud.