Digestive system. Anatomy of the dog's digestive system

This article is the beginning of a series of articles devoted to the nutrition of small domestic animals. It will examine the features of the digestive system of dogs and cats. Very often you have to deal with the fact that both clients and workers in the pet business perceive a cat as a small dog. And this is not at all true. These types differ significantly from each other and require different approach in feeding, maintenance, treatment.

Features of the digestion of dogs and cats.

In the classification of biological species, cats and dogs belong to the order of carnivores, that is, animals that eat meat. The term “carnivores” may imply not only the name of a classification unit, but also reflect the type of feeding behavior of animals. The carnivorous order consists of 12 families, which differ from each other in the type of food: true carnivores, omnivores and even herbivores (for example, panda). Representatives of the canine family are omnivores, and representatives of the cat family are strict or true carnivores. Which determines the anatomical, physiological, metabolic and behavioral characteristics of these animal species.

Eating behavior.

Dogs' closest relatives, such as wolves and coyotes, can act as active predators or scavengers, depending on environmental conditions. Coyotes feed mainly on carrion and hunt rodents and other small mammals, birds, and amphibians. In addition to this diet, they eat the feces of herbivores. Wolves hunt mainly ungulates (deer, elk, buffalo, antelope, zebra). The most delicious part of the carcass for them is the entrails, since semi-digested plant contents are an important part of the wolf's diet. Both coyotes and wolves can also eat fruits, berries, melons, and even mushrooms. Just like their wild relatives, dogs can eat a mixed diet. The anatomical and physiological characteristics of their digestive tract allow them to digest and absorb not only meat, but also other types of food, although the former should predominate in the diet.

Domestic cats are also similar in some feeding behavior to their wild counterparts. Unlike most mammals, cats do not exhibit regular daily rhythms in sleep cycles, activity, feeding, and fluid intake.

Cats typically consume food in 10 to 20 small meals throughout the day and night. This feeding behavior reflects cats' evolutionary relationship with their prey. Most of the prey of wild cats usually consists of small rodents (for example, voles and mice), but some of the prey may also include young rabbits and hares, birds, reptiles, frogs and insects. Repeated hunting cycles throughout the day and night are designed to ensure adequate food intake for the average cat. In addition, when kept indoors, repeated heat cycles have become normal feeding behavior for cats through frequent small feedings.

The hunting instinct in cats is so strong that they can stop eating food in order to attack new prey. Many owners think that a well-fed cat will not hunt and are upset if they pet kills a bird or a mouse. But this is a manifestation of their natural instinct. And you can only come to terms with this.

Cats are very sensitive to the physical form, smell and taste of food. The texture of the food is very important to them. Cats prefer dense, moist foods that have similar characteristics to meat. They do not accept food in powdered form, with a sticky or very greasy surface. Cats prefer certain flavors that reflect the nutritional characteristics of their food in nature. They prefer the tastes of various animal products, such as protein hydrolysates and meat extracts. Unlike dogs, cats are not attracted to the taste of sugars and flavor enhancers based on plant products(for example, so popular in Food Industry glutamic acid). There can be a significant amount of variation in taste preferences within the cat population. Owners often say that cats really love the taste of pumpkin, banana, melon, corn, and cucumbers. Preferences for the taste and texture of food are often formed early in life (mostly before 6 months of age). A cat that is accustomed to a certain texture or type of food (eg, wet, dry, semi-moist) may refuse food with a different texture, which is important to consider when transitioning your cat to a new diet.

Despite cats' reputation as picky eaters, many cats will choose a new food over a familiar one. But in a stressful situation, cats are more likely to refuse new foods. This is important to consider when placing cats in a veterinary clinic or hotel.

The feeding behavior of cats in the wild differs in that they avoid eating the plant contents of the insides of their prey, but prefer meat directly. Temperature influences the acceptability of food by cats. Cats prefer food whose temperature is close to normal body temperature (38.5 C), this is due to the fact that in nature they eat freshly killed prey.

Eating grass is a natural behavior for cats. The grass is not digested in the cat's digestive tract, but is an irritant and sometimes stimulates vomiting. Thus, eating grass is a way to eliminate hair and other indigestible substances.

Brief anatomical and physiological features.

Oral cavity.

Cats and dogs have the same number of incisors (6 on each jaw) and large canines (2 on each jaw). However, cats have fewer premolars (false roots) and molars (molars) and do not have the same textured surfaces as animals that are omnivores. Cats' jaws have limited ability to move side to side and back and forth, which limits their ability to chew. The scissor-like movements of a cat's teeth are ideal for grasping a victim's neck for injury. spinal cord and immobilization.

Cats do not have the enzyme amylase in their saliva, which is used to digest carbohydrates, which is also a sign that the cat's digestive tract is not adapted to digest plant foods.

In dogs, canines are used for tearing food, molars with large chewing surfaces for grinding food. Dogs can grasp large pieces of food with their paws and tear off small pieces with their canines and incisors, after which the food pieces are moved to the back of the mouth, where they are ground with the help of molars, mixed with saliva and swallowed. Hungry dog can swallow very large pieces without chewing them.

The taste of dogs and cats is not as subtle as that of humans, and this is due to anatomical differences. Their sense of taste is closely linked to their sense of smell, and it can be difficult to draw the line between the two senses. A person has approximately 9,000 taste buds on the tongue, while dogs, according to research data, have less than 2,000, and cats have less than 500. At the same time, the number of olfactory receptors in them exceeds human levels by several times. Many people believe that dogs and cats share our world of taste, but this is not entirely true. The taste buds of these animals are capable of registering sweet, sour, bitter and salty, but they discriminate taste in such a unique way that it is probably better to discuss the sensation of taste on the level of "pleasant - indifferent - unpleasant." As mentioned above, in cats, tactile sensitivity is also very important, which reflects their demandingness regarding the consistency of food.


Because cats in the wild are characterized by frequent consumption of small meals, the stomach is less important as a food storage reservoir compared to the stomach of dogs. Thus, the stomach of domestic cats is simpler than that of dogs (that is, relatively small, with a smaller glandular bottom).

Wild canids typically eat large amounts of food, often on an irregular basis. Dogs can receive daily norm diet in one or two doses. This type of nutrition means that the stomach must be able to stretch quite a lot. The stomach volume of a medium-sized dog is 2-2.5 liters, and in large individuals it can reach a volume of 9 liters.

Small and large intestines.

The length of the small intestine in dogs is 23% of the total length of the gastrointestinal tract, versus 15% in cats. The ratio of intestinal length to total body length in dogs is 6:1, in cats 4:1, in rabbits 10:1, and in some herbivores more than 20:1. This ratio reflects the ability of omnivores to digest not only easily digestible animal meat, but also poorly digestible plant foods. Dogs digest carbohydrates using pancreatic enzymes and intestinal disaccharidases.

In cats, in addition to the shorter relative length of the intestines, the absorptive capacity of the intestinal wall is 10% less than in dogs. And lower activity of intestinal disaccharidases (maltase, isomaltase, etc.). Amylase production by the pancreas in cats is approximately 5% of that in dogs. All this is an indication that cats are adapted to food that contains limited amounts of simple sugars and carbohydrates.


The article describes the main features of digestion in dogs and cats. Key differences are reflected in the following table:





Power type

Omnivores (although the bulk of the diet is meat)

True carnivores

Nutrition method

1-2 feedings of relatively large amounts of food

10-20 small meals throughout the day

Sensitivity: - to food consistency

To the smell of food

To the taste of food



Relatively low



Relatively low

Number of taste buds

Less than 2000

Less than 500

Dental system:





6 on each jaw

2 on each jaw

8 on each jaw

4 on top, 6 on bottom

Dogs' molars are adapted for grinding and chewing food.

6 on each jaw

2 on each jaw

6 on top, 4 on bottom

2 on each jaw


Adapted to eating relatively large amounts of food.

Simpler than in dogs, has a smaller relative volume.

Ratio of intestinal length to body length

Amylase production by the pancreas

5% of that in dogs

The next article will discuss the main nutrients necessary for the life of dogs and cats, their role, and the features of absorption in these animal species.

The digestive system performs the functions of capturing prey (feed), its mechanical and chemical processing, as well as removing undigested food masses (waste or feces) from the body. This system works in close conjunction with other body systems.

The digestive system of dogs includes: the oropharynx, the esophagogastric region, the small and large intestines.

Mouth. The oral cavity is formed by the upper and lower lips, cheeks, gums, teeth, hard and soft palate, tongue, salivary glands, tonsils.

The upper lip merges with the nose. If your dog has a fever, the nose becomes dry and warm. In a healthy animal it is moist and cool.

Cheeks together with the lips, they limit the vestibule of the oral cavity.

Gums- folds of the mucous membrane that cover the jaws and strengthen the position of the teeth in the cells (alveoli).

Teeth- perform the function of capturing food and crushing it, and also serve for defense and attack in dogs.

A young dog has 32 baby teeth, which are then replaced by 42 permanent teeth. According to their purpose (function) and shape, teeth are divided into incisors (12 pieces, 6 on each jaw), canines (4 pieces, 2 on each side of the jaw), molars (26 pieces, 12 upper and 14 lower). Molars are divided into premolars (premolars) and molars (actual molars).

In a puppy, the development of baby teeth begins at two weeks of age. At 3.5-4 months they are replaced with permanent ones. All teeth go through the milk stage with the exception of molars - they are permanent from the very beginning.

Solid sky- the roof of the oral cavity, which separates it from the nasal cavity.

Soft sky (velum) - is freely located on the border of the oral cavity and pharynx, serves to separate them and is a continuation of the mucous membrane of the hard palate.

Language- attached to the floor of the oral cavity and is a muscular organ with high mobility. It is actively involved in the intake of water and liquid food, in chewing and swallowing solid food, and also serves as an organ of taste and heat regulation.

Salivary glands- paired formations that secrete saliva into the oral cavity through the excretory ducts. Saliva serves to moisturize the oral cavity and solid food masses, and is also a kind of “coolant” - evaporating from the surface of the tongue, it removes excess heat from the dog’s body (the dog’s body does not have sweat glands).

Pharynx- a funnel-shaped cavity, which is a continuation of the oral cavity. This is where the respiratory and digestive tracts intersect.

Esophagus- a muscular tube connecting the oral cavity to the stomach. It ensures the movement of food mass from the pharynx to the stomach.

Stomach- an expanded part of the digestive tube in the form of a curved sac-like cavity. It is located in the anterior abdominal cavity, mostly in the left hypochondrium. Under the influence of gastric juice, the first stage of food digestion occurs in the stomach. Contractions of the smooth muscles of the stomach move food along in small portions into the small intestine and beyond. In medium-sized dogs, the stomach volume is 2-2.5 liters.

Intestines- is a continuation of the stomach and is divided into thin and thick sections. It is attached to the spinal column using the mesentery (a special muscle ligament), through which nerves, blood and lymph vessels pass. The total length of the intestines in dogs is 3-4 meters.

The small intestine serves to digest food with the participation of intestinal juice and absorption nutrients, isolated using special digestive enzymes.

Liver- a large gland whose main function is to secrete bile into the small intestine. Bile converts fats to such a state that they acquire the ability to be absorbed into blood vessels intestinal walls.

Pancreas- refers to the system of endocrine glands. It secretes pancreatic juice into the intestines, and directly into the blood - the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels and its consumption.

Large intestine- here the absorption of nutrients ends and the formation of feces occurs for their removal out through the anus.

Service dog[Guide to the training of service dog breeding specialists] Krushinsky Leonid Viktorovich

3. Digestive system

The dog's body is built from complex organic substances - proteins, carbohydrates, fats. The most important of these is protein. In addition to these organic substances, the body also contains inorganic substances - salts and a large amount of water (from 65 to 90% of body weight). All these substances are equally necessary for the life of the body. In the process of life, these substances are consumed, so the body needs to constantly replenish them. This replenishment comes from food. However, the food that the animal receives cannot be used by the body for replenishment until it has undergone appropriate processing, that is, chemical decomposition in the gastrointestinal tract to a state in which it is able to be absorbed into the blood and can be digested cells of the body. This processing of food constitutes the process of digestion, which occurs in a special system of the digestive organs (Fig. 40).

Rice. 40. Layout of the internal organs of a mammal

1 - oral cavity; 2 - pharynx; 3 - esophagus; 4 - stomach; 5 - liver; 6 - pancreas; 7 - middle (small) intestine; 8, 9, 10 - hind (large) intestine

The digestive system, if we consider it schematically, is a tube starting with the oral cavity and ending with the anus.

Different sections of the digestive tube have unequal widths. The area starting from the oral cavity and pharynx has a narrow lumen and is called the esophagus. Then the lumen of the digestive tube expands significantly, forming the stomach, and narrows again, forming the intestines.

The wall of the digestive tube different areas built differently, which is associated with their various functions. In general structure, the wall of the digestive tube consists of: a) the inner or mucous membrane, b) the middle, or muscular, layer, and c) the outer serous membrane. The mucous membrane lines the cavity of the entire digestive tube and, depending on its function, has a different structure in different areas. The muscle layer consists of two layers of smooth muscle fibers - the superficial one, which has longitudinal fibers, and the internal one, consisting of circular fibers. As a result of alternating contractions of longitudinal and circular muscle fibers, a movement of the digestive tube occurs, reminiscent of the movement of a worm, called peristalsis. The serosa covers the portions of the digestive tube facing the abdominal cavity. She highlights serous fluid, facilitating the sliding of the tube as it moves among neighboring organs or cavity walls.

The digestive system consists of:

a) the oral cavity with the organs located in it;

b) pharynx;

c) esophagus;

d) stomach;

e) small and large intestines, as well as the liver and pancreas.

Oral cavity. The oral cavity is the initial part of the digestive canal and serves to capture, crush and wet food. Tasting of food also takes place there. The oral mucosa is covered with a protective epithelium that can withstand the touch and friction of solid foods. On the sides, the oral cavity is limited by the cheeks, on the front side by the lips, closing the mouth. The lips are two folds of skin surrounding the entrance to the oral cavity. A dog's lips have little mobility and are almost not involved in grasping food. The dog grabs solid food with its teeth, and liquid food with its tongue. The mucous membrane covering the dental processes of the jaw bones forms the so-called gums in the form of dense ridges. In the area of ​​the upper wall of the oral cavity, the mucous membrane forms the hard palate in the form of transverse ridges. The continuation of the hard palate towards the pharynx constitutes the soft palate, or velum palatine. It looks like a fold separating the oral cavity from the pharynx. With the help of special muscles, the velum palatine can be lifted, as a result of which the opening connecting the oral cavity with the pharynx increases.

Language. The tongue is a muscular organ consisting of striated muscles with fibers running in different directions. Thanks to the contraction of individual muscle groups, the tongue can produce all kinds of movements. This mobility of the tongue allows it to capture liquid food and water (lack), mix, place under the tooth and push food into the pharynx (Fig. 41).

Rice. 41. Dog tongue

1 - tip of the tongue; 2 - body of the tongue; 3 - root of the tongue; a - fungiform papillae; b - valicular papillae; c - leaf-shaped papillae; g - groove of the back of the tongue

The mucous membrane of the tongue is smooth below. It has a rough surface on top due to the presence of filiform papillae. These papillae have mechanical significance. They create a rough surface that makes it easier to retain food in the mouth. The tongue is divided into the tip of the tongue, the middle part - the body of the tongue, and the back part - the root of the tongue. The tip of the tongue is relatively thin and can be strongly stretched. The tongue is attached to the hyoid bone. On the lateral surfaces of the tongue and on its back there are small protrusions, or taste buds - filiform, mushroom-shaped and leaf-shaped. Thin nerve fibers extend from these papillae. They transmit irritations from food flavorings to the central nervous system. In this part, the tongue is the organ of taste.

Teeth. The dog uses its teeth to grasp, bite and tear food, as well as to defend and attack. The dog has 42 teeth, of which 20 are in the upper jaw and 22 in the lower jaw. Teeth differ in appearance from each other. The shape of a tooth depends on its purpose. The front teeth are called incisors. Their purpose is to grasp food. The dog has 6 incisors in the upper and lower jaw. The frontmost pair of incisors are called toes. Next to them, on both sides, are the middle incisors, and at the edges are the edges. The surface of the incisors in young dogs has a three-toothed shape. Behind the edges there are fangs. Fangs are a weapon of attack and self-defense, and also serve to hold captured food and tear it into pieces. Behind the fangs are the molars. There are 12 molars in the upper jaw, and 14 in the lower jaw. They are equally distributed on the right and left sides. The molars have an uneven surface, with sharp tubercles, and are used for grinding hard food. In this case, the lower jaw moves in the direction from bottom to top. Teeth are divided into milk and permanent teeth. A dog is born without teeth. Teeth begin to erupt from the third week. First, the puppy develops baby teeth, which fall out after a certain time and are replaced by permanent ones. The incisors are the first to be replaced, starting from the age of two months. Milk teeth are white and smaller than permanent teeth (Fig. 42).

Rice. 42. Diagram of tooth structure

1 - dental socket in the jaw; 2 - dentin; 3 - cement; 4 - enamel; 5 - dental cavity; 6 - jaw bone cavity

The teeth are strengthened in special recesses of the jaw bones. These depressions are called dental sockets. The part of the tooth that fits into the socket is called the root, and the part that protrudes into the oral cavity is called the crown of the tooth. Each tooth consists of a very dense substance - dentin. Dentin is harder than normal bone and serves as the foundation of the tooth. Inside the tooth there is a cavity containing dental pulp, or pulp. It contains blood vessels and nerves. In the crown area, the tooth is covered with even harder tissue - enamel. Over the course of a dog's life, the crowns of the teeth wear off and the age of the dog is determined by the degree of their wear.

Salivary glands. Simultaneously with chewing food in the oral cavity, food is wetted with saliva, which is secreted by the salivary glands. Three pairs of large salivary glands secrete saliva into the oral cavity - parotid, submandibular and sublingual. These glands are located at some distance from the oral cavity and communicate with the latter through ducts. The parotid glands secrete watery saliva, the sublingual glands secrete mucous, and the submandibular glands secrete mixed saliva. Saliva is a clear or slightly cloudy liquid that stretches into threads. As a rule, saliva is secreted simultaneously by all salivary glands and is a mixture of secretions from these glands. The dog almost never produces continuous saliva. Saliva secretion occurs as a result of mechanical or chemical irritation of the oral mucosa. Irritation from the oral mucosa travels along the nerves to the salivary center located in the medulla oblongata. From the salivary center, excitation is transmitted through the secretory nerve to the cells of the salivary glands, irritation of the gland cells occurs and saliva is released. The intensity of secretion and the nature of saliva change depending on the food. Dry food produces more saliva, and less saliva produces watery food. The quality of the saliva produced also depends on the nature of the food. To substances rejected by the dog - pepper, soda, etc. - the saliva produced is more viscous and thick. The dog's salivation in response to mental stimulation is especially developed. If a dog is familiar with some food substance, then when it is seen (showed) it always reacts by salivating. Unlike other animals, dog saliva does not contain enzymes. Therefore, food does not undergo chemical decomposition in the dog’s mouth (Fig. 43).

Rice. 43. Location of the salivary glands in a dog

1 - parotid gland; 2 - its duct; 3 - large chewing muscle; 4 - submandibular gland: 5 - its duct; 6 - sublingual long-ductal gland; 7 - its duct; 8 - sublingual short-ductal gland

Pharynx. The pharynx is a joint passageway for food and air. Air passes through the pharynx from the nasal cavity to the larynx and back when breathing. Through it, food and drink enter the esophagus from the oral cavity. The pharynx is a funnel-shaped cavity covered with a mucous membrane, with its expanded part facing the oral and nasal cavities, and its narrowed end facing the esophagus. The pharynx communicates with the oral cavity through the pharynx, and with the nasal cavity through openings called choanae. In the upper part of the pharynx, near the choanae, the openings of the auditory tubes (Eustachian) open, through which the pharynx communicates with the tympanic cavity of the middle ear. The esophagus begins behind the pharynx.

Swallowing is a complex muscular act, which consists of the following: chewed and collected food moves towards the pharynx using the tongue; when food enters the pharynx, the entrance to the larynx is closed by the epiglottis; The larynx at this moment rises towards the root of the tongue, the cavity of the pharynx and the opening of the esophagus expand to accept the food coma, which is pushed into the esophagus by compression of the pharynx. The act of swallowing is the result of irritation of the mucous membrane of the root of the tongue and pharynx. The nerve center that controls the act of swallowing is located in the brain. If this center is damaged, as well as the nerves going to the pharynx, the act of swallowing will not occur (Fig. 44).

Rice. 44. Half diagram of a dog's throat

1 - pharyngeal cavity; 2 - esophagus; 3 - larynx

Esophagus. The esophagus serves as a continuation of the pharynx and is a tube consisting of an outer connective tissue membrane, a muscular layer and a mucous membrane. The mucous membrane of the esophagus forms numerous folds, and therefore the walls of the esophagus can expand during the passage of a food coma. The esophagus, starting from the pharynx, runs along the neck, enters the chest cavity, pierces the diaphragm (the muscular partition between the thoracic and cervical cavities) and ends in the stomach. Due to contractions of the muscles of the esophagus, peristaltic movement of its walls occurs, and with the help of these movements, food is carried through the esophagus into the stomach. Peristaltic movements of the esophagus can also occur in the opposite direction, that is, from the stomach to the pharynx. This movement of the esophagus occurs during vomiting.

The digestive organs following the esophagus lie in the abdominal cavity, occupying most of it. The abdominal cavity is formed: from below and from the sides by the abdominal muscles, from the front - by the diaphragm, from above - by the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, and from behind - by the pelvic bones (pelvic cavity). The abdominal cavity is lined inside with a thin serous membrane - the peritoneum.

Stomach. The stomach is the first section of the digestive tube where food is digested. The stomach is an expanded and bent part of the digestive tube in the form of a bag. It lies in the anterior abdominal cavity and mostly in the left hypochondrium. The normal stomach capacity for medium-sized dogs is 2–2.5 liters. The initial part of the stomach, adjacent to the esophagus, is called the entrance to the stomach. The part of the stomach adjacent to the place where it enters the duodenum is called the pylorus. middle part forms the so-called fundus of the stomach. The wall of the stomach consists of an outer layer (serous membrane), a muscular layer (smooth muscle) and an inner layer (mucous membrane) (Fig. 45).

Rice. 45. Dog's stomach

1 - esophagus; 2 - small curvature; 3 - intestine; 4 - greater curvature

The wall of the stomach contains glands that secrete gastric juice. Gastric juice is a colorless, transparent, acidic liquid containing hydrochloric acid and special substances called enzymes. Under the influence of gastric juice, digestion occurs mainly of food proteins. In addition to digesting proteins, gastric juice has the ability to coagulate milk and dissolve calcium salts, which is important for their further digestion. Gastric juice also has strong disinfectant properties. There is a certain pattern in the secretion of gastric juice. In the absence of food, the gastric glands are at rest; as soon as the dog begins to eat or sees familiar food, it enters a state of food arousal. And within a few minutes the secretion of gastric juice begins in her stomach. Even one presentation of food gives an impetus to the glands to begin their activity, and this indicates participation in this process higher departments central nervous system. The separation of gastric juice occurs in two phases. The first phase of the separation of gastric juice is the result of food irritation of the taste nerves of the oral cavity (during eating) or sensory organs at a distance (the dog sees food, smells it, etc.). Academician Pavlov calls this phase “appetizing.”

The second phase (coming later) is called chemical. The causative agents of this phase are chemical food irritants that act directly on the gastric mucosa.

Gastric digestion is accompanied by a number of motor phenomena in the stomach. These movements manifest themselves in the form of wave-like contractions of the walls of the stomach towards the outlet part. In the outlet part of the stomach, contractions occur in the form of deep ring-shaped ligations. Gastric emptying occurs at different times depending on the type of food. So, the meat remains in it for 10–12 hours.

The act of vomiting occurs by contracting the walls of the stomach, abdominal muscles and diaphragm while simultaneously relaxing the walls of the esophagus. When vomiting, the larynx and supraglottic space close in the same way as when swallowing. Vomiting is a reflex act and can be caused by irritation of the root of the tongue, pharynx, stomach, intestines, abdominal muscles and uterus. The coordinated activity of a number of muscles involved in the act of vomiting indicates the presence of a vomiting center in the central nervous system (in the medulla oblongata). In a dog, vomiting occurs as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines by toxic substances that enter the stomach with food or as a result of severe mechanical irritation of the pharynx, as well as the esophagus with solid parts of food. In these cases, vomiting should be considered as a protective reaction of the body.

Vomiting can be induced artificially by introducing emetic drugs into the body. The effect of these drugs is reduced to irritation of the vomiting center.

Intestines. The continuation of the digestive tube after it leaves the stomach is the intestine. It is usually divided into two sections - thin and thick. At the border of these sections, the digestive tube forms a sac-like protrusion called the cecum, which is considered the beginning of the large intestine (Fig. 46).

Rice. 46. ​​Diagram of the section of the walls of the duodenum, jejunum and rectum

A - duodenum; B - jejunum and ileum; C - straight; 1 - villi; 2 - intestinal glands; 3 - submucosal tissue; 4 and 5 - longitudinal and circular layer of muscle tissue; 6 - bile duct; 7 - liver; 8 - pancreatic duct; 9 - pancreas

The intestinal wall consists of mucous, muscular and serous membranes. The mucous membrane contains small glands that secrete intestinal juice. The serous membrane covers the entire intestine from the outside, rises upward to the spine, and forms folds called mesentery. The entire intestine is suspended on the mesentery in the abdominal cavity. Blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves pass through the mesentery to the intestines. The main function of the intestine is digestion, absorption, movement of contents and formation of feces.

The small intestine is formed by the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The duodenum, starting from the stomach, forms an S-shaped gyrus and then goes under the spine approximately at the mid-height of the abdominal cavity. Having reached the pelvis, it moves forward and passes into the jejunum. The mucous membrane forms numerous villi, which are like protrusions of the mucous membrane. The villi are approached by blood and lymphatic vessels, into which nutrients from the intestine enter. A small part of food is absorbed in the duodenum; the intestinal mucosa contains glands that secrete intestinal juice. In the gyrus of the duodenum there is a large gland called the pancreas. In its structure it resembles the salivary gland. The pancreas secretes juice into the duodenum. Along with pancreatic juice, bile produced by the liver is secreted into the duodenum. During digestion, bile flows through the bile duct into the duodenum. Bile is a viscous, thick liquid brown color, has the ability to decompose fats, enhance the effect of pancreatic and intestinal juices, stimulate peristalsis, and also has disinfectant properties.

The process of digestion in the duodenum is as follows. Food processed in the stomach in the form of gruel moves in separate portions into the duodenum. This movement begins soon after food enters the stomach. When acidic food gruel from the stomach enters the duodenum, it irritates the intestinal mucosa and causes the secretion of bile, pancreatic and intestinal juices. Under the influence of these juices, chemical decomposition (digestion) of all components of food occurs. At the same time, the food gruel moves towards the jejunum. The jejunum and ileum form numerous loops in the abdominal cavity. The jejunum is located mainly in the central part of the abdominal cavity. It received the name “lean” because the food gruel entering it from the duodenum becomes liquid, as a result of which this intestine, in comparison with others, has a collapsed appearance. The jejunum imperceptibly passes into the ileum. The latter goes to the right iliac region (hence its name) and here passes into the small cecum and its continuation - the colon. The final section of the ileum has a highly developed muscular layer and a rather narrow lumen. This promotes more energetic pushing of food gruel into the large intestine and prevents it from returning back to the small intestines.

The food gruel entering the jejunum and ileum undergoes further chemical decomposition in them, resulting in the final products of the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that are capable of absorption. Water and salts are absorbed unchanged. Absorption of nutrients into the body is the main function of the jejunum and ileum. The large length of the intestines and the presence of a huge number of villi, which increase the internal surface of the intestines by almost 20 times, ensure the absorption of all the nutrients necessary for the body as the food mass moves through the intestines. With the help of villi, nutrients are absorbed from the intestines into the blood or lymph. Once in the blood, they are carried to the liver, where they undergo complex transformations. Some of them are deposited in the liver as a reserve, the other part is carried by the blood throughout the body. The breakdown products of animal proteins are absorbed in an amount of 95–99%, and of plant proteins - 75–80%. Fats enter the lymphatic system first. They enter the blood along with lymph in the form of tiny particles, spread throughout the body and are deposited in fat depots (omentum, subcutaneous tissue, etc.). Water is absorbed along with the salts dissolved in it and quite quickly (5-6 minutes after ingestion) begins to be excreted in the urine. Getting enough nutrients into the body affects the dog's behavior. Restless before eating, after eating the food she becomes calm, lies down and sometimes falls asleep.

The large intestine consists of the cecum, colon and rectum. The large intestine is noticeably separated from the small intestine. At their border there are special formations in the form of valves that prevent the reverse flow of food masses into the small intestine. The length of the large intestine is many times shorter than the small intestine.

The cecum, which represents the first section of the thick section, is located on the border of the ileum and colon and has the shape of a short sac-like protrusion. It is located in the right half of the abdominal cavity.

The colon is relatively long and represents a simple, smooth, narrow loop.

The rectum is the last section of the large intestine that ends at the anus.

In the area of ​​the anus, the ducts of two anal glands open into the rectum, secreting a thick mass of secretion with a specific odor.

Around the opening are circular muscles that form the so-called sphincter, or obturator of the rectum.

The main difference in the structure of the large and small intestines is that the mucous membrane of the large intestines has only simple intestinal glands. These glands secrete mucus and thereby promote the movement of intestinal contents.

Digestive processes in the large intestine continue partially only due to juices coming from the small intestines. In the initial part of the large intestines, little absorption of nutrients occurs. Water is absorbed well. In the colon and especially in the cecum there are favorable conditions for the vital activity of various microbes present there in huge quantities. Under the influence of microbes, fermentation and rotting of the contents occurs with the formation of gases. In the posterior part of the thick section, feces are formed. Feces represent the remains of undigested food, particles of exfoliated epithelium of the mucous membrane, coloring substances (pigments) of bile that give color to feces, salts, lumps of mucus and microbes. The amount and composition of feces vary depending on the composition of food. For example, if a dog is fed bread, more feces will be excreted than when fed meat. The amount of feces increases with overfeeding, since some of the food is not digested.

The excretion of feces is a reflex act caused by irritation of the intestinal walls with feces when it is filled. The reflex center is located in the lumbar region of the spinal cord.

The time required for food to pass through the digestive canal different dogs various. It depends on the composition of food, personality and a number of other reasons. It is believed that food stays in the dog’s digestive canal for 12–15 hours. 2–4 hours after eating, more than 1/3 of the meat fed to it continues to remain in the dog’s stomach, after 6 hours this amount is 1/4, after 9 hours - 1/10, and after 12 hours the stomach is empty. Plant foods cause stronger peristalsis and therefore pass through the digestive canal faster than meat foods (in a dog, after 4–6 hours).

The following data can be given about the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the digestive canal.

In a dog, almost half of the accepted amount of meat is digested after 2 hours, after 4 hours - almost 3/5, after 6 hours - 7/8, and after 12 hours almost all (96.5%). The dog digests rice: after an hour - 8%, after 2 hours - 25%, after 3 hours - 50%, after 4 hours - 75%, after 6 hours - 90% and after 8 hours - 98%. The dog does not absorb meat food during the first hour. After 2 hours, 36% is absorbed, after 4 hours - 50%, after 9 hours - 75% and after 12 hours - 95%. Rice is absorbed: after 2 hours - 20%, after 3 hours - 50%, after 4 hours - 75%, after 8 hours - almost 98%.

Liver. The liver is the largest gland in the body. It lies in the abdominal cavity, directly adjacent to the diaphragm, reaching both the right and left of the last ribs. Using deep incisions, the dog's liver is divided into 6–7 lobes (Fig. 47).

Rice. 47. Dog liver

1 - left lobe; 2 - right lobe; 3 - left middle lobe; 4 - recess for the esophagus; 5 - portal vein; 6 - gallbladder

On the curved surface of the liver, facing the intestines, there is the so-called portal of the liver - the place where blood vessels and nerves enter and the excretory duct exits. On the same side of the liver, between its lobes, lies the gallbladder in the form of a small sac. Bile accumulates and is temporarily stored in it. From the gallbladder comes the bile duct, which flows into the duodenum. In addition to the hepatic arteries, the portal of the liver includes a large so-called portal vein. It collects blood from the stomach, intestines, pancreas and spleen and carries it to the liver, where it branches into small vessels(capillaries). As it passes between the liver cells, the blood is filtered and purified of toxic substances that enter it from the intestines. Then the blood, collecting in the hepatic veins, is carried away from the liver through the posterior vena cava and flows into the general circulation.

The liver accumulates significant reserves of carbohydrates coming from the intestines. If necessary, the body uses these reserves.

Pancreas dogs are long and narrow. It is adjacent to the duodenum and in its structure resembles the salivary glands. It consists of tissue that secretes pancreatic juice and special tissue, scattered in the form of islands throughout the gland, which secretes the hormone insulin into the blood. Pancreatic juice enters the duodenum through one or two ducts.

From the book Treatment of Dogs: A Veterinarian's Handbook author Arkadyeva-Berlin Nika Germanovna

Examination of the digestive system When examining the digestive system, the following questions are recorded: – the dog’s intake of food and water; – the condition of the lips, tongue, oral cavity (teeth); – the presence of vomiting, salivation, bleeding from the rectum;

From the book Service Dog [Guide to the training of service dog breeding specialists] author Krushinsky Leonid Viktorovich

Diseases of the digestive system Stomatitis Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. There are catarrhal, vesicular, ulcerative, aphthous and phlegmonous stomatitis. Carnivores of all ages and breeds get sick.¦ ETIOLOGY Primary stomatitis occurs as

From the book Dog Diseases (non-contagious) author Panysheva Lidiya Vasilievna

2. System of organs of movement The system of organs of movement serves to move individual parts of the body in relation to each other and the whole organism in space. The system of organs of movement is formed by the bone and muscular apparatus of movement. Bone apparatus of movement. Organs

From the book Homeopathic treatment of cats and dogs by Hamilton Don

4. Respiratory system Respiration is the process of the body absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. This one is vital important process consists in the exchange of gases between the body and the atmospheric air surrounding it. When breathing, the body receives from the air

From the book Age Anatomy and Physiology author Antonova Olga Alexandrovna

5. Blood and lymph circulatory system Cells of the body require constant delivery of nutrients and removal of unnecessary and harmful substances - the products of their vital activity. These functions in the body are performed by the blood and lymph circulatory system. System

From the book Biology [Complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam] author Lerner Georgy Isaakovich

6. Urinary organ system In the process of constantly occurring metabolism in the body, waste products of cell nutrition and mainly protein breakdown products that are harmful to the body are formed. In addition, substances that are not harmful accumulate in the body, but

From the book Natural Technologies of Biological Systems author Ugolev Alexander Mikhailovich

7. System of reproductive organs Reproduction is one of the most important functions of the body and ensures procreation. To perform functions related to reproduction, dogs use the reproductive apparatus. The reproductive apparatus of a male dog. The male reproductive system consists of

From the author's book

8. System of internal secretion organs Internal secretion organs are glands that produce and release special substances - hormones - directly into the blood. A characteristic feature of hormones is their ability to exert

From the author's book

Diseases of the digestive organs L. V. Panysheva Diseases of the digestive organs occupy one of the main places among non-contagious diseases of dogs. Puppies especially often suffer from indigestion after weaning from their mother. A range of infectious diseases such as

From the author's book

Examination of the digestive organs Observing the intake of food and drink, one can notice a number of abnormalities. Many diseases begin with a partial loss of appetite or its complete loss. Lack of appetite occurs with fever, infectious, invasive diseases,

From the author's book

Chapter VIII Digestive System Food and Nutrition I have always liked the expression “We are what we eat”; this applies to cats and dogs just as much as it does to humans. The digestive system primarily suffers from poor food; other organs - liver, pancreas

From the author's book

9.2. Digestion process Features of digestion in the stomach. The stomach is the most expanded part of the digestive system. It looks like a curved bag that can hold up to 2 liters of food. The stomach is located asymmetrically in the abdominal cavity: most of it is on the left, and the smaller part is on the left

10 - gums
11 - sublingual-maxillary fold
22 - language
30 - tooth enamel
31 - tooth crown

The tooth consists of dentin, enamel and cement.

Dentine- tissue that forms the basis of the tooth.
Dentin consists of a calcified matrix penetrated by dentinal tubules containing processes of odontoblast cells lining the tooth cavity. The intercellular substance contains organic (collagen fibers) and mineral components (hydroxyapatite crystals). Dentin has different zones that differ in microstructure and color.

Enamel- a substance covering dentin in the crown area. Consists of crystals of mineral salts oriented in a special way with the formation of enamel prisms. Enamel does not contain cellular elements and is not tissue. The normal color of enamel is from white to cream with a yellowish tint (distinguishable from plaque).

Cement- tissue covering dentin in the root area. The structure of cement is close to bone tissue. Consists of cementocyte and cementoblast cells and a calcified matrix. Nutrition of cement occurs diffusely from the periodontium.

Inside the tooth there is cavity, which is divided into coronal cavity And root canal, opening with the above about aperture of the tooth apex. Fills the dental cavity dental pulp, consisting of nerves and blood vessels immersed in loose connective tissue and providing metabolism in the tooth. Distinguish coronal And root pulp.

Gum- mucous membrane that covers the dental edges of the corresponding bones, tightly fused with their periosteum.
The gum covers the tooth in the neck area. It is abundantly supplied with blood (tendency to bleeding), but relatively poorly innervated. The grooved depression located between the tooth and the free edge of the gum is called the gingival sulcus.

The periodontium, alveolar wall and gums form supporting apparatus of the tooth - periodontium.

Periodontium- provides attachment of the tooth to the dental alveolus.
It consists of the periodontium, the wall of the dental alveoli and the gums. The periodontium performs the following functions: supporting and shock-absorbing, barrier, trophic and reflex.


A dog's teeth, like those of most mammals, are diphyodont type, that is, during the life of the animal there is one change of teeth: the first generation - temporary, or baby teeth replaced by second generation teeth - permanent. In dogs, only P1 teeth do not change; they erupt along with the baby teeth and remain permanent.

Table Timing of teething in dogs
(according to J. Hozgood et al., 2000).

Changing teeth (general X-ray)


Dogs are heterodont animals, i.e. have teeth of different structures depending on the functions they perform. The following types of teeth are distinguished: incisors, fangs And permanent teeth: premolars (false, small molars), or premolars And truly indigenous, or molars that do not have milk precursors.

Teeth arranged in order in a row form topand lower dental arches (arcades) . The upper arcade is represented by 20, and the lower by 22 teeth (10 and 11 on each side, respectively).

Anatomy of the incisors of the upper arcade


Between the margin and the canine of the upper arch, as well as the canine and the first premolar of the lower arch, there are spaces - diastemas, which ensure the closure of the canines.

The molars of each arcade increase in size distally to the largest secant teeth, also called predatory. Molars have a different structure on the upper and lower arches, and therefore their structure will be considered separately.

Premolars - 4 on each side.
P I - has 1 (rarely 2) crown tubercles and 1 root.
P 2.3 - the crown has 3 teeth: a large medial one and 2 smaller distal ones; the tooth has 2 roots - medial and distal;
P 4 - the crown has 3 tubercles: large medial
both distal and lesser lingual; There are 3 roots, they correspond to the tubercles in location.

Molars - 2 on each side. Their longitudinal axes are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the median plane.

M 1 - the crown has 6 tubercles: 2 large buccal, middle - lingual and 3 small between them. The tooth has 3 roots: powerful lingual
and 2 smaller buccal ones - medial and distal.
M 2 - the crown has 4-5 tubercles: 2 buccal (medial and distal) and 2-3 lingual. There are 3 roots, their location is similar to that of M 1.

P 1-4 are similar in structure to those of the upper arcade, with the exception of slightly longer and narrower roots.
The lower P 1 is sometimes referred to in the literature as a wolf tooth.

Molars- 3 on each side.

M 1 is the largest of the molars. The crown has 5 cusps: medial, 2 distal and 2 middle between them: powerful buccal
and a smaller lingual. 2 roots: medial and distal.

M 2 - the crown has 3-4 tubercles: 2 medial and 2 distal. The tooth has 2 roots, identical in size: medial and distal.

M 3 is the smaller of the molars; the crown usually has 1 or 2 cusps. There is one root, rarely two.


Recording teeth in the form of a number series, where each number indicates the number of teeth of a certain type on one side of each arcade in the direction from the median plane is called dental formula.

The dental formula is:
baby teeth D: ICP/ICP
molars: P: IСРМ/IСРМ.

Dog teeth formulas:
D: 3130/3130
R: 3142/3143.
Thus, 28 milk teeth (here we should not take into account the first premolars, which are essentially permanent teeth, although they erupt with the milk shift) and 42 permanent teeth.

In medical dental practice, the dental formula is written according to the following scheme: D: PCI|ICP/PCI|ICP; R: МРCI|ICРМ/ МРCI|ICРМ the number of teeth is reflected in the entire arcade, and not just on one side. In this case, the dog’s dental formula will look like D: 313| 313/ 313|313; R: 2413|3142/3413|3143.

This form of recording the dental formula seems to be the most rational. Using this type of notation, you can briefly designate any arcade tooth. For example, the permanent lower left second premolar is designated as P|P2, the deciduous upper right tooth as DI1|-, or OP for short]. The entry D|Р1 is erroneous,
since there is no primary first premolar in dogs.

The closure of the dental arcades is called occlusion, or occlusion.

When the dog's jaws close, the upper incisors come in front of the lower ones in such a way that the lingual surfaces of the former are in free contact with the vestibular (vestibular) surface of the latter, and the fangs freely enter the corresponding diastema, forming a so-called lock. This occurs because the upper dental arcade is slightly wider than the lower one (anisognathous arcades). Teeth touching are called antagonists.

The bite can vary depending on the shape and size of the jaws and incisal bone, the direction of growth of the incisors and canines, which in turn is determined by the breed, type of constitution of the animal, age and other factors.

The physiological occlusion options are:

Orthognathia or the scissor bite described above. Characteristic for dogs with gentle, strong and strong rough types of constitution. Is normal for most breeds. With this type of bite, wear of the incisors occurs most slowly.

If the lower incisors are located behind the upper ones, but are separated from them at some distance, such a bite is called undershot.
In this case, the mesial surface of the upper canines and the distal surface of the lower canines are worn down due to friction.
Such a bite may be caused by abnormalities in bone development (elongated upper jaw and/or shortened lower jaw - microgenia) or dental growth. It is more common in dogs of dolichocephalic breeds with a sharp muzzle. It is found in puppies with a massive head in the cheekbones and a wide lower jaw in the branches. As a rule, with the completion of the formation of the skeleton, the bite in such puppies is restored to a scissor or straight bite.
For adult dogs of most breeds it is considered a defect, as it significantly complicates eating and reduces the animal’s performance. In addition, with underbite, the fangs of the lower jaw do not form a lock, but injure the palate.

Progenia or snack- The lower incisors are located in front of the upper ones. Significant shortening of the bones of the facial region with a normal or elongated lower jaw causes the advancement of not only the lower incisors, but also the canines - a bulldog bite. It is standard for breeds such as English and French bulldogs, pugs, boxers and some others, provided that the incisors and canines of the lower jaw do not protrude beyond the upper lip.

Straight bite (pincer-shaped)- the incisors touch the edges.
This bite is typical for dogs of coarse and coarse loose constitution types with a massive lower jaw. For some breeds, a direct bite is allowed by the standard unconditionally or from a certain age. For example, the FCI-335 standard for the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed (came into force on March 22, 2000) states: “scissor bite, straight or close bite (without waste), regardless of age.” With a straight bite, the incisors grind down most quickly.

Gradual wear of enamel and dentin with age - physiological process. At correct bite Under physiological loads, adequate compensatory changes occur in the dental organ, ensuring the full functioning of worn teeth.


The timing of crown wear in dogs, as in other animals, depends on many factors. These include, first of all, bite. As stated above, with a scissor bite, grinding of the incisors and canines occurs much more slowly than with a straight (pincer) and other bite options.
We should not forget that in addition to the described types, there is a great variety of pathological forms of occlusion, in which the grinding of individual teeth occurs inappropriately for age.

Also, the intensity of crown abrasion is determined by feeding conditions, such as: consistency of food (dry or wet food); the depth of the dish from which the dog takes food, and the material from which it is made (does the dog have the ability to physiologically capture food and not injure its teeth). The habit of some dogs to chew and carry hard objects greatly affects the time it takes for the incisors and other teeth to wear down.

Special meaning for erasing teeth have individual characteristics microstructure and chemical composition of enamel and dentin. Such deviations can be either congenital (hereditary factor, use of teratogenic drugs in pregnant dogs, severe feeding disorders and diseases during pregnancy) or acquired (disease and other infectious diseases during the period of teeth change, taking tetracycline drugs in young animals, excess fluoride in the body (dental fluorosis), the use of aggressive chemicals (mineral acids) for treating the oral cavity, etc.

Taking into account the above factors, it becomes obvious that it is impossible to establish a strict relationship between the degree of abrasion of individual teeth and the age of the animal. The exception is animals under the age of 10-12 months, in which the order of eruption permanent teeth is quite stable, and after its completion (6-7 months) until 10-12 months, the final advancement of the crowns of permanent teeth into the oral cavity occurs.
Over 1 year, the correlation of erasure with age is very conditional.

Erasure of the trefoils of the lower incisors (2.5 years)

Below are approximate dates changes in the dental apparatus in dogs.

Shamrocks begin to wear off at around 2 years of age. First, they are ground down on the lower incisors, by 3 years - on the upper hooks, by 4 years - on the middle ones, and by 5-6 years, trefoils, as a rule, are absent on all incisors, except for the upper edges.

From 5-6 to 10-12 years, the lower incisors move forward with varying intensity (the lower hooks are usually the first to move forward), the canines and large tubercles of the molars wear down.

In dogs older than 10-12 years, the crowns of the lower toes are usually almost completely worn out. The crowns of other teeth are slightly evenly ground down. If the animal does not suffer from periodontal disease (which is rare in dogs) home care), then natural tooth loss begins by the age of 14-17 years.

Note that with periodontitis and periodontal disease, complete loss of teeth can occur by the age of 8-10 years.

A more reliable criterion for determining the age of a dog is the relative size of the tooth cavity. With age, there is a gradual decrease in the cavity of the tooth until it is completely obliterated in old dogs. This parameter is practically not influenced by external and internal factors and can be the basis for the development of a method for determining age.
To determine the size of the tooth cavity, it is necessary to take an x-ray. Using this technique, it will be possible to determine the age from an x-ray or a section, having only one tooth at your disposal.


Digestion in the oral cavity occurs mainly mechanically; when chewing, large fragments of food are broken into pieces and mixed with saliva. Chewing is especially important for the absorption of plant-based ingredients, since nutrients are often encased in cellulose-containing membranes that are resistant to digestion. These membranes must be broken down before the nutrients inside can be used.

Mechanical digestion also increases the area exposed to digestive enzymes.



The floor of the oral cavity is covered with mucous membrane, located below the free surface of the tongue and on the sides of its body, it is a slit-like space under the sublingual mucosa. Sagittally, the floor of the mouth is divided by a fold of the frenulum of the tongue.

On the sides of the body of the tongue, the mucous membrane of the bottom with a thick submucosal layer forms folds into which multiple short ducts open sublingual salivary gland. Lateral to the frenulum of the tongue there are small sublingual (hunger) warts. They are the openings of the excretory ducts mandibular
and long duct sublingual salivary glands.


1 - parotid gland
2 - mandibular gland
3 - sublingual gland
7 - zygomatic gland

Maxillary (mandibular) salivary gland located behind the branch of the lower jaw, ventral to the parotid salivary gland, reaches the neck, where it lies between the maxillary veins.
It is large, oval in shape, yellowish-waxy in color and larger than the parotid gland. Its excretory ducts follow in the intermaxillary space over the premaxillary muscle medially from the sublingual salivary gland into the hungry warts. The gland secretes a serous mucous secretion.

Parotid salivary gland lies more ventral auricle, comparatively small sizes. The excretory duct passes across the masticatory muscle and opens into the buccal vestibule with a low salivary papilla.

Sublingual salivary gland lies under the mucous membrane on the sides of the body of the tongue. Divided into multi-channel, which big amount, the ducts open on the lateral surface of the sublingual fold, and single-duct- one duct - in a hungry wart. Produces a mucous secretion.


Saliva is secreted into the oral cavity by four pairs of salivary glands.
Typically, a small amount of saliva is present in the mouth, but the amount may be increased by the sight and smell of food. This effect, called the “taste reaction,” was first studied by academician I.P. Pavlov.

Salivation continues as food enters the oral cavity, and its effect is enhanced by the chewing process.
Saliva is 99% water, while the remaining 1% is mucus, inorganic salts and enzymes.
Mucus acts as an effective lubricant and promotes swallowing, especially dry food. Unlike humans, the saliva of cats and dogs lacks the starch-digesting enzyme amylase, which prevents the rapid hydrolysis of starch in the oral cavity.
The absence of this enzyme is consistent with the observed behavior of dogs, which tend to swallow without chewing all but the hardest pieces of food, and the behavior of cats, characteristic of carnivores, which tend to consume foods with a low starch content.


Language- a muscular, movable organ lying at the bottom of the oral cavity.

Language structure

The papillae of the mucous membrane of the tongue perform the function of a taste analyzer; its surface provides thermoregulation of the dog’s body, and also performs the function of touch.

Curving like a spoon, the tongue serves to receive water.

In terms of external shape, dogs' tongues are long, wide and thin. The skeleton of the tongue makes up the inner surface of the lower jaw, as well as the hyoid bone.

Language structure

2 - muscles of the tongue
3 - body of tongue
4 - root of tongue

In the language there are: root, body And top.

Root The tongue is located between the molars and is covered with the mucous membrane of the palatoglossal arch.
Body The tongue lies between the branches of the lower jaw; the back and lateral surfaces are distinguished on it. There are many papillae on the back. The dorsum of the tongue is concave and divided by a deep sagittal groove extending to the apex of the tongue. On the sides of the back, the lateral surfaces of the body of the tongue converge into its frenulum.

tip of tongue- its most mobile part, expanded and flattened, has a ventral surface free from the frenulum. The dorsal surface of the apex is noticeably wider than its dorsum.
In the thickness of the apex of the tongue lies a specific intralingual cartilage (a remnant of the intralingual bone), which supports the dog’s protruding tongue and helps with the intake of liquid food.


The papillae of the tongue are divided into mechanical And taste.


1. Thread-like
Cover the entire dorsal surface of the tongue, long, thin
and soft.
2. Conical
Located in the area of ​​the root of the tongue instead of threadlike ones.

Flavoring(contain taste nerve receptors - taste buds):

1. Mushroom
Scattered over the entire surface of the back of the tongue among the threadlike ones.
2. Roll-shaped (grooved).
They lie on the border of the body and the root of the tongue in 2-3 pairs. They are large, round in shape, with a groove around each one. In the latter, the mucous glands open.
3. Leaf-shaped
They lie on the sides of the root of the tongue in front of the palatoglossus arches. Oval in shape, 0.5 - 1.5 cm long, divided into segments - “leaves”. Contains serous-mucous glands.


The glands of the tongue are parietal, they are scattered over the entire surface and edges of the tongue, lie deep in the mucous membrane, and secrete a mucous secretion.


The tongue is based on striated muscle tissue. Its muscle fibers are oriented in three mutually perpendicular directions: longitudinal (front to back), transverse (right to left) and oblique (top to bottom) and form differentiated muscles, which are divided into the muscles of the tongue and the hyoid bone.

The basis of the language is lingual muscle. It is built from vertical, oblique and longitudinal muscle fibers running from the hyoid bone to the tip of the tongue.
Function: changes the shape (thickness, length, width) of the tongue in different directions.

Lingual lateral muscle. It starts from the lateral surface of the middle segment of the hyoid bone and follows the lateral surface of the tongue to its apex.
Function: with bilateral action pulls the tongue back, with one-sided - turns it in the corresponding direction.

Sublingual - lingual muscle. It begins on the body and laryngeal horns of the hyoid bone, ends in the thickness of the tongue medially from the lateral lingual muscle, lateral from the genioglossus.
Function: pulls the tongue back, flattens the root of the tongue when swallowing.

Genioglossus muscle. It begins on the mental angle of the lower jaw and branches fan-shaped in the midsagittal plane from the apex to the middle of the body of the tongue.
Function: flattens the tongue, moves it forward.


The geniohyoid muscle is fusiform and runs from the chin of the lower jaw to the hyoid bone.
Function: pulls the hyoid bone and with it the tongue forward. Provides maximum extension of the tongue when lapping or licking.

Transverse premaxillary (hyoid) muscle. It extends from the mental angle of the lower jaw, along the dental edge along the line of its muscular attachment to the tendon suture of the submandibular space and ends on the body and large horns of the hyoid bone.
Function: raises the tongue when chewing. Presses back to the hard palate.

Stylohyoid muscle - from the greater and lesser horns of the hyoid bone.
Function: brings the branches together when swallowing.

Hornohyoid muscle - follows from the laryngeal horns of the hyoid bone to its lesser horns.
Function: pulls up named branches.

Hyoid retractor muscles - the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles retract the hyoid bone during swallowing.

2. Pharynx (Pharynx)

Throat - pharynx - a tube-shaped movable organ in which the digestive tract crosses, going through the pharynx from the oral cavity to the pharynx and further to the esophagus and the respiratory tract - through the choanae to the pharynx and further to the larynx.

1 - esophagus
2 - throat
4 - trachea
5 - larynx
6 – epiglottis


The pharyngeal cavity is divided into two different parts: the upper - respiratory - nasopharynx and the lower - digestive - (larynx), which are limited from each other by the velopharyngeal arch. The velopharyngeal arches converge before the beginning of the esophagus, forming the esophagopharyngeal border.

The respiratory part of the pharynx, located under the base of the skull, serves as a continuation of the nasal cavity behind the choanae. It is lined with single-layer columnar ciliated epithelium, while the digestive part is lined with squamous stratified epithelium. The pharyngeal openings of the auditory (Eustachian) tubes open into the lateral parts of the nasopharynx, which connect the nasopharynx with the tympanic cavity of the middle ear (pharyngitis can provoke otitis media).

The anterior section of the digestive part of the pharynx borders the pharynx, from which it is separated by the velum palatine and, thus, serves as a continuation of the oral cavity, and is therefore called the oral cavity. At the back, it abuts the anterior surface of the epiglottis. Then, located on top of the larynx, the pharynx continues back to the entrance
into the esophagus. This part of the digestive section of the pharynx is called the laryngeal part, since the entrance to the larynx opens into it from below. Thus the pharynx has 7 holes.

On the dorsal wall of the pharynx in the area of ​​the fornix is ​​the pharyngeal tonsil.

The pharynx is located between the middle segments of the hyoid bone, they cover the organ from the sides, and the upper (proximal) segments of the hyoid bone suspend it from the mastoid part of the petrous bone.
Contraction of the pharyngeal muscles underlies the complex swallowing act, which also involves the soft palate, tongue, larynx, and esophagus.

Radiography: X-ray control
performing endoscopy of the pharynx area

At the same time, the pharyngeal levators pull it upward, and the compressors consistently narrow its cavity backwards, pushing the food bolus into the esophagus. At the same time, the larynx also rises, the entrance to it is tightly covered by the epiglottis, due to pressure on it with the root of the tongue. In this case, the muscles of the soft palate pull it upward and caudally in such a way that the velum palatine lies on the velopharyngeal arches, separating the nasopharynx.
During breathing, the shortened velum palatine hangs obliquely downward, covering the pharynx, while the epiglottis, built of elastic cartilage, directed upward and forward, provides access to a stream of air into the larynx.

The outside of the pharynx is covered with connective tissue adventitia.
It is attached to the base of the skull through the basilar pharyngeal fascia.

The basis of the pharynx is made up of three pairs of constrictors (narrowers) and one dilator (dilator). These paired muscles form a middle sagittal tendon suture on the upper wall of the organ, extending from the velopharyngeal arch to the esophagus.

1. Cranial (rostral) constrictor of the pharynx - consists of paired muscles: velopharyngeal and pterygopharyngeal.

The velopharyngeal muscle makes up the lateral walls of the cranial part of the pharynx, as well as the velopharyngeal arch, starts from the palatine and pterygoid bones and ends at the tendinous pharyngeal suture.
Function: brings the mouth of the esophagus closer to the root of the tongue.

The pterygopharyngeal muscle tendinously begins on the pterygoid bone and ends in the caudal part of the pharynx. Merges with the velopharyngeal muscle.
Function: pulls the pharyngeal wall forward.
The main function of the anterior pharyngeal constrictor is to block the entranceinto the nasopharynx and expansion of the esophagus.

2. The middle constrictor of the pharynx (hypoglossal muscle) is formed by: the cartilaginous and oropharyngeal muscles (belong to the group of muscles of the hyoid bone) - it follows from the laryngeal horns of the hyoid bone to the tendon suture of the pharynx.
Function: pushes the food bolus towards the esophagus.

3. The caudal constrictor of the pharynx is formed by: the thyropharyngeal muscle, going from the thyroid cartilage of the larynx to the tendinous suture, and the annular pharyngeal muscle, going from the annular cartilage to the pharyngeal suture.
Function: pushes the food bolus towards the esophagus.

Pharyngeal dilator - follows from the medial surface of the middle segment of the hyoid bone under the middle and caudal constrictors to the lateral surface of the pharynx.
Function: expands posterior section pharynx after swallowing, narrows the nasopharynx.

3. Esophagus (Oesophagus)

Esophagus- is the initial part of the foregut
and in structure it is a typical tube-shaped organ. It is a direct continuation of the laryngeal part of the pharynx.

The mucous membrane of the esophagus along its entire length is collected
into longitudinal folds, which straighten as the food bolus passes. The submucosal layer contains many mucous glands that improve the sliding of food. The muscular lining of the esophagus is a complex multi-level striated layer.


The outer membrane of the cervical and thoracic parts of the esophagus is connective tissue adventitia, and the abdominal part is covered with visceral peritoneum. The attachment points of the muscle layers are: laterally - the arytenoid cartilages of the larynx, ventrally - its annular cartilage, and dorsally - the tendon suture of the larynx.

Schematic representation of the esophagus

Along the way, the diameter of the esophagus is uneven: it has 2 expansions and 2 narrowings. In medium-sized dogs, the diameter at the inlet is up to 4 cm, and at the outlet up to 6 cm. There are cervical, thoracic and abdominal parts of the esophagus.

The total length of the esophagus is on average 60 cm, and the average diameter of the collapsed esophagus is about 2 cm. Topographically, the esophagus is divided into cervical, thoracic and abdominal parts. The cervical part is long and makes up about half the length of the esophagus. Directly behind the pharynx, it is located above the semi-rings of the trachea
and under the prevertebral layer of the fascia of the neck (surface plate).

Then, at the level of the 4-6 cervical vertebrae, the esophagus makes a bend, descending to left side from the trachea, and follows into the entrance to the chest cavity. This feature of the topography allows you to avoid tension on the organ in the thoracic part during movements of the head and neck, at the same time, it should be taken into account during medical manipulations on the organ.

In the chest cavity in the mediastinum, the esophagus accompanies the trachea on the left, and then in the region of its bifurcation (bifurcation) again lies on the trachea. The thoracic part of the esophagus first passes over the base of the heart to the right of the aortic arch, then through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, located at the level of the third intercostal space, slightly to the left. Behind the diaphragm, in the abdominal cavity, the short abdominal part of the esophagus forms the entrance to the stomach or cardiac opening (cardia).


There is no secretion of digestive enzymes in the esophagus, however, the epithelial cells of the esophageal mucosa secrete mucus, which serves to lubricate the food coma during the process of peristalsis, automatic wave-like muscle contractions that are stimulated by the presence of food in the esophagus and ensure its movement through the digestive canal. The process of moving food from the mouth to the stomach takes only a few seconds.

4. Stomach (Ventriculus)

The dog's stomach is single-chamber, intestinal type. It is an extension of the digestive tube behind the diaphragm.

Appearance of an isolated stomach

1 - pyloric part of the stomach
2 - cardiac part of the stomach
3 - fundic part of the stomach
4 - exit of the duodenum
5 - cardial opening (entrance of the esophagus)

The external ventral flexure of the stomach is commonly called great curvature, and the dorsal small bend between the entrance and exit from the stomach is small curvature. The anterior surface of the stomach between the lesser and greater curvatures faces the diaphragm and is called diaphragmatic, and the opposite posterior surface is called visceral. It faces the intestinal loops.

From the outside great curvature the greater omentum is attached to the stomach - gastric mesentery. It is very extensive, covering the entire intestine up to the hypogastrium like an apron and forming an omental sac. On the left surface of the greater curvature, in the fold of the omental sac, the spleen is adjacent to the stomach.
It is connected to the greater curvature of the stomach gastrosplenic ligament, in which numerous vessels are located. This ligament is a continuation of the mesentery of the stomach - the greater omentum.

The entrance to the omental sac is located between the caudal vena cava and the portal vein of the liver, medial to the right kidney. Small seal located on the lesser curvature, it is short and consists of gastrohepatic ligament. In the cranial direction it merges with esophagohepatic ligament, and in the caudal - with hepatoduodenal ligament. The above ligaments, in addition to the gastrosplenic ligament, perform only a mechanical function.

Endoscopy: appearance stomach is normal

Endoscopy: appearance of the stomach.
Ulcerative gastritis

(various projections)


The stomach is located in the left hypochondrium in the region of the 9th - 12th intercostal space and the xiphoid cartilage (epigastrium); when filled, it can extend beyond the costal arch and descend onto the ventral abdominal wall.

In large dogs, this anatomical feature underlies the pathogenesis of non-contagious diseases of the stomach - its acute dilatation or volvulus.


It is customary to distinguish three parts of a single-chamber stomach: cardiac, fundus (fundic), pyloric, which differ not only in structure, but also in the specialization of the glands. The cardial part of the stomach is thicker and less blood-supplied compared to its other parts; this fact must be taken into account when performing surgical interventions.

The cardiac part is an extension behind the entrance
into the stomach and makes up 1/10 of the area of ​​its greater curvature. The mucous membrane of the cardiac part of the intestinal type is pinkish in color, rich in parietal cardiac glands, which secrete a serous-mucosal secretion of an alkaline reaction.

The middle part of the stomach behind the pars cardia on the side of the greater curvature is called the fundus of the stomach. It is the main part of the stomach where food is deposited in layers. There is located bottom gland zone(aka functional or bottom). In dogs, it occupies the left half of the greater curvature of the stomach.

The zone of the fundic glands is distinguished by a dark coloration of the mucosa, and is also equipped with gastric pits - the mouths of the parietal glands. The right half of the stomach is occupied zone of pyloric glands. The gastric mucosa, when unfilled, is gathered into folds. Only in the area of ​​lesser curvature are they oriented from the entrance to the stomach to the pylorus.

The pyloric part of the dog's stomach has a powerfully developed constrictor (narrower), which circumferentially covers it 5 - 7 cm from the entrance to the duodenum and ensures the evacuation of food from the stomach to the intestine.


The mucous membrane is white, lined with stratified squamous epithelium, collected in numerous longitudinal folds. The well-developed submucosal layer contains mucous glands.

The muscular lining of the stomach is made of smooth muscle tissue and has three layers of fibers: longitudinal, circular and oblique.

Longitudinal fiber layer thin follows from the esophagus to the pylorus. Circular layer located predominantly in the bottom
and pyloric parts of the stomach. It forms the pyloric constrictor.

Oblique layer predominates in the left half of the stomach; in the area of ​​the circular layer it doubles (into internal and external).

The serous membrane of the stomach passes from the lesser curvature into the lesser omentum, and from the greater curvature into the splenic ligament and greater omentum.


During embryonic development, the stomach, as part of a straight digestive tube, undergoes two 180-degree rotations. One in the frontal plane counterclockwise and the other in the segmental plane.


The stomach performs several functions:

It serves to temporarily store food and controls the rate at which food enters the small intestine

The stomach also secretes enzymes necessary for the digestion of macromolecules

The stomach muscles regulate motility, allowing food to move caudally (away from the mouth), and aid digestion by mixing and grinding food.

The dog's stomach is large in size; its maximum volume can approach the volume of the entire large and small intestines. This is due to the dog’s irregular feeding and eating food “for future use.”
It is known that a dog can also use its stomach as a temporary reservoir for storing food: for example, when feeding older puppies, the bitch regurgitates the food she has obtained for them.


Gastric secretion is regulated by complex processes of nervous and hormonal interaction, thanks to which it is carried out at the right time and in the required volume. The secretion process is divided into three phases: cerebral, gastric and intestinal.

Brain phase

The medullary phase of secretion is initiated by the anticipation of food intake and the sight, smell and taste of food, which stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen, although gastrin and hydrochloric acid are also released in small quantities.

Gastric phase

The gastric phase is initiated by mechanical stretching of the gastric mucosa, a decrease in acidity, as well as products of protein digestion. In the gastric phase, the main secretion product is gastrin, which also stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen and mucus. Gastrin secretion slows down sharply if the pH drops below 3.0 and may also be controlled by peptic hormones such as secretin.
or enteroglucagon.

Intestinal phase

The intestinal phase is initiated by both mechanical distension of the intestinal tract and chemical stimulation with amino acids and peptides.

5. Small intestine (Intestinum tenue)


The small intestine is a narrowed section of the intestinal tube.

The small intestine is very long, representing the main part of the intestine and ranges from 2.1 to 7.3 meters in dogs. Suspended on a long mesentery, the small intestine forms loops that fill most of the abdominal cavity.

The small intestine emerges from the end of the stomach and is divided into three different sections: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The duodenum accounts for 10% of the total length of the small intestine, while the remaining 90% of the length of the small intestine consists of the jejunum and ileum.


The wall of the thin section is richly vascularized.

Arterial blood flows through the branches abdominal aorta- the cranial mesenteric artery, and to the duodenum also via the hepatic artery.

Venous drainage occurs in the cranial mesenteric vein, which is one of the roots of the portal vein of the liver.

Lymphatic drainage from the intestinal wall occurs from the lymphatic sinuses of the villi and intraorgan vessels through the mesenteric (intestinal) lymph nodes into the intestinal trunk, which flows into the lumbar cistern, then into the thoracic lymphatic duct and cranial vena cava.


The nervous supply of the thin section is represented by branches vagus nerve and postganglionic fibers of the solar plexus from the semilunar ganglion, which form two plexuses in the intestinal wall: intermuscular (Auerbach) between the layers of the muscular layer and submucosal (Meissner) in the submucosal layer.

Control of intestinal activity by the nervous system is carried out both through local reflexes and through vagal reflexes involving the submucosal nerve plexus and intermuscular nerve plexus. Intestinal function is regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system, the center of which is its medulla oblongata, from where the vagus nerve (10th pair of cranial nerves, respiratory-intestinal nerve) extends to the small intestine. Sympathetic vascular innervation regulates trophic processes in the small intestine.


The thin section begins from the pylorus of the stomach at the level of the 12th rib, is covered ventrally by the leaves of the greater omentum, and is limited dorsolaterally by the thick section. There are no clear boundaries between the sections of the small intestine, and the identification of individual sections is mainly topographical in nature.

Only the duodenum is most clearly distinguished, which is distinguished by its large diameter and topographic proximity to the pancreas.

Contrast barium radiography of the small intestine



The functional features of the small intestine leave an imprint on its anatomical structure. There are mucous membrane and submucosal layer, muscle (external longitudinal and internal transverse muscles) And serosa intestines.


The mucous membrane forms numerous devices that significantly increase the absorption surface.
These devices include circular folds, or Kirkring folds, in the formation of which not only the mucous membrane is involved, but also the submucosal layer and villi, which give the mucous membrane a velvety appearance. The folds cover 1/3 or 1/2 of the circumference of the intestine. The villi are covered with a special bordered epithelium, which carries out parietal digestion and absorption. The villi, contracting and relaxing, perform rhythmic movements with a frequency of 6 times per minute, due to which they act as a kind of pumps during suction.

In the center of the villus there is a lymphatic sinus, which receives fat processing products. Each villus from the submucosal plexus contains 1-2 arterioles, which break up into capillaries. Arterioles anastomose with each other and during absorption all capillaries function, while during a pause there are short anastomoses. Villi are thread-like outgrowths of the mucous membrane, formed by loose connective tissue rich in smooth myocytes, reticulin fibers and immunocompetent cellular elements, and covered with epithelium.
The length of the villi is 0.95-1.0 mm, their length and density decreases in the caudal direction, that is, in the ileum the size and number of villi are much smaller than in the duodenum and jejunum.


The mucous membrane of the thin section and villi is covered with a single-layer columnar epithelium, which contains three types of cells: columnar epithelial cells with a striated border, goblet exocrinocytes (secrete mucus) and gastrointestinal endocrinocytes.

The mucous membrane of the thin section is replete with numerous parietal glands - the common intestinal, or Lieberkühn's glands (Lieberkühn's crypts), which open into the lumen between the villi. The number of glands averages about 150 million (in the duodenum and jejunum there are 10 thousand glands per square centimeter of surface, and 8 thousand in the ileum).

The crypts are lined with five types of cells: epithelial cells with a striated border, goblet glandulocytes, gastrointestinal endocrinocytes, small borderless cells of the crypt bottom (stem cells of the intestinal epithelium) and enterocytes with acidophilic granules (Paneth cells). The latter secrete an enzyme involved in the breakdown of peptides and lysozyme.


The duodenum is characterized by tubular-alveolar duodenal, or Bruner's glands, which open into crypts. These glands are a continuation of the pyloric glands of the stomach and are located only on the first 1.5-2 cm of the duodenum.

The final segment of the thin section (ileum) is rich in lymphoid elements, which lie in the mucous membrane at different depths on the side opposite to the attachment of the mesentery, and are represented by both single (solitary) follicles and their clusters in the form of Peyer's patches.
Plaques begin in the final part of the duodenum.

The total number of plaques is from 11 to 25, they are round or oval in shape, length from 7 to 85 mm, and width from 4 to 15 mm.
The lymphoid apparatus takes part in the digestive processes.
As a result of the constant migration of lymphocytes into the intestinal lumen and their destruction, interleukins are released, which have a selective effect on the intestinal microflora, regulating its composition and distribution between the thin and thick sections. In young organisms, the lymphoid apparatus is well developed, and the plaques are large.
With age, a gradual reduction of lymphoid elements occurs, which is expressed in a decrease in the number and size of lymphatic structures.


The muscular coat is composed of two layers of smooth muscle tissue: longitudinal And circular, and the circular layer is better developed than the longitudinal one.

The muscularis propria provides peristaltic movements, pendulum movements, and rhythmic segmentation that propel and mix the intestinal contents.


The serous membrane - the visceral peritoneum - forms the mesentery, on which the entire thin section is suspended. At the same time, the mesentery of the jejunum and ileum is better expressed, and therefore they are combined under the name mesenteric colon.


In the small intestine, food digestion is completed under the action of enzymes produced by the wall (liver and pancreas) and parietal (Lieberkühn and Brunner) glands, absorption of digested products into the blood and lymph, and biological disinfection of incoming substances.
The latter occurs due to the presence of numerous lymphoid elements enclosed in the wall of the intestinal tube.

The endocrine function of the thin section is also great, which consists in the production of some biologically active substances by intestinal endocrinocytes (secretin, serotonin, motilin, gastrin, pancreozymin-cholecystokinin, etc.).


It is customary to distinguish three sections of the thin section: the initial segment, or duodenum, the middle segment, or jejunum, and the final segment, or ileum.


The duodenum is the initial section of the thin section, which is connected to the pancreas and the common bile duct and has the form of a loop facing caudally and located under the lumbar spine.

The length of the intestine is on average 30 cm or 7.5% of the length of the thin section. This section of the thin section is characterized by the presence of duodenal (Bruner's) glands and a short mesentery, as a result of which the intestine does not form loops, but forms four pronounced convolutions.

Barium contrast radiography

The cranial part of the intestine forms S-shaped, or sigmoid gyrus, which is located in the pylorus region, receives the ducts of the liver and pancreas and rises dorsally along the visceral surface of the liver.

Under the right kidney, the intestine makes a caudal turn - this cranial gyrus of the duodenum, and goes to descending part, which is located in the right iliac. This part passes to the right of the root of the mesentery and under the 5-6 lumbar vertebrae passes to the left side transverse part, dividing the mesentery into two roots in this place, and forms caudal gyrus of the duodenum.

The intestine is then directed cranial to the left of the mesenteric root as ascending part. Before reaching the liver, it forms duodejejunal gyrus and passes into the jejunum. Thus, a narrow loop of the anterior root of the mesentery is formed under the spine, containing the right lobe of the pancreas.


The jejunum is the longest part of the small section and is about 3 meters, or 75% of the length of the small section.
The intestine got its name due to the fact that it has a half-dormant appearance, that is, it does not contain voluminous contents. The diameter exceeds the ileum located behind it and is distinguished by a large number of vessels passing through a well-developed mesentery.
Due to its considerable length, developed folds, numerous villi and crypts, the jejunum has the largest absorption surface, which is 4-5 times greater than the surface of the intestinal canal itself.

The intestine forms 6-8 skeins, which are located in the region of the xiphoid cartilage, the umbilical region, the ventral part of both ilia and the groins.


The ileum is the final part of the thin section, reaching a length of about 70 cm, or 17.5% of the length of the thin section. Externally, the intestine is no different from the jejunum. This section is characterized by the presence of a large number of lymphoid elements in the wall. The final section of the intestine has thicker walls and the highest concentration of Peyer's patches. This section runs straight under the 1st-2nd lumbar vertebrae from left to right and in the area of ​​the right ilium flows into the cecum, connecting with it by a ligament. At the point where the ileum enters the cecum, the narrowed and thickened part of the ileum forms ileo-cecal valve, or ileal papilla, which has the appearance of a relief ring-shaped damper.

This section of the small intestine received its name due to its topographic proximity to the iliac bones, to which it is adjacent.


Liver- the largest gland in the body, it is a parenchymal organ of dark red color, weighing 400-500 g, or 2.8-3.4% of body weight.

Five tubular systems are formed in the liver:
1) bile ducts;
2) arteries;
3) branches of the portal vein (portal system);
4) hepatic veins (caval system);
5) lymphatic vessels.


The shape of the liver is irregularly rounded with a thickened dorsal margin and sharp ventral and lateral margins. The pointed edges are dissected ventrally by deep grooves into lobes. The surface of the liver is smooth and shiny due to the peritoneum covering it, only the dorsal edge of the liver is not covered with peritoneum, which in this place passes onto the diaphragm, and thus is formed extraperitoneal field liver.

Under the peritoneum there is a fibrous membrane. It penetrates the organ, divides it into lobes and forms perivascular fibrous capsule(Glisson's capsule), which surrounds bile ducts, branches of the hepatic artery and portal vein.

The anterior surface of the liver - the diaphragmatic surface - enters the niche formed by the dome of the diaphragm, and the posterior surface - the visceral surface is in contact with organs located in the vicinity of the liver.

The dorsal margin has two notches: on the left - esophageal depression, and on the right - vena cava gutter. Located on the ventral edge cutting of the round ligament. In the center visceral surface located surrounded by connective tissue gate of the liver- this is the place where the vessels and nerves penetrate, where the common bile duct exits and where the hepatic lymph nodes lie.

The falciform ligament, which is a duplicate of the peritoneum passing from the diaphragm to the liver, is a continuation round ligament- remnant of the umbilical vein, divides the liver into two lobes: right- large and left- smaller. Thus, the entire portion of the liver located to the right of the round ligament is the right lobe.

On the right side of the liver lies the gallbladder. The area of ​​the liver between the gallbladder and the round ligament is middle share. The middle lobe of the portal of the liver is divided into two sections: the lower one is called square fraction, and the top one is caudate lobe. The latter consists of caudate process, which has renal depression, And mastoid process, which occupies the lesser curvature of the stomach. Finally, the left and right lobes are divided
into two parts each: lateral and medial.

Thus, the liver has six lobes: right lateral, right medial, left lateral, left medial, quadrate and caudate.

The liver is a polymer organ in which several structural and functional elements can be distinguished: hepatic lobule, sector (a section of the liver supplied by a branch of the portal vein of the 2nd order), segment (section of the liver supplied by a branch of the portal vein of the 3rd order), hepatic acinus (adjacent sections two adjacent lobules) and the portal hepatic lobule (areas of three adjacent lobules).

The classic morphofunctional unit is the hepatic lobule, which is hexagonal in shape, located around the central vein of the hepatic lobule.

The hepatic artery and portal vein, having entered the liver, are repeatedly divided into lobar, segmental, etc. branches all the way
before interlobular arteries and veins, which are located along the lateral surfaces of the lobules along with interlobular bile duct, forming hepatic triads. From these arteries and veins branches arise that give rise to sinusoidal capillaries, which flow into the central veins of the lobule.

The lobules consist of hepatocytes, which form trabeculae in the form of two cellular cords. One of the most important anatomical features The liver function is that, unlike other organs, the liver receives blood from two sources: arterial blood through the hepatic artery, and venous blood through the portal vein.


One of the most important functions of the liver is the process of bile formation, which led to the formation of the bile ducts. Between the hepatocytes that form the lobules, there are bile ducts that flow into the interlobular ducts, which, in turn, form two hepatic duct, coming out of each lobe: right and left. Merging, these ducts form the common hepatic duct.

The gallbladder is a reservoir for bile, in which bile thickens 3-5 times, since it is produced more than is required for the digestion process. The color of gallbladder bile in dogs is red-yellow.

The bladder lies on the quadrate lobe of the liver high from its ventral edge and is visible from both the visceral and diaphragmatic surfaces. The bubble has bottom, body And neck. The wall of the bladder is formed by the mucous membrane, a layer of smooth muscle tissue and is covered on the outside by peritoneum, and the part of the bladder adjacent to the liver is made up of loose connective tissue. The cystic duct originates from the bladder and contains spiral fold.

As a result of the fusion of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct, the common bile duct is formed, which opens
into the S-shaped gyrus of the duodenum next to the pancreatic duct at the apex major papilla duodenum. At the point where it enters the intestine, the duct has bile duct sphincter(sphincter of Oddi).

Thanks to the presence of the sphincter, bile can flow directly into the intestines (if the sphincter is open) or into the gallbladder (if the sphincter is closed).


The liver is located in front of the stomach and is in contact with diaphragm. Lies almost symmetrically in both hypochondriums. Caudal edge The liver corresponds to the costal arch; only in old animals the liver can protrude beyond the costal arch.
On X-ray and ultrasound examination, the distance between the caudal edge of the liver and the diaphragm should be five times the length of the second lumbar vertebra.

The liver is held in its position by the ligamentous apparatus, which includes round ligament liver - connects the ventral edge of the liver with umbilical ring, the connection continues in falciform ligament, attaching the liver to the diaphragm; the liver is also connected to the diaphragm using the coronary ligament, the left triangular ligament; The liver is connected to the right kidney by the hepatorenal ligament, to the stomach by the hepatogastric ligament, and to the duodenum by the hepatoduodenal ligament.

The liver receives blood supply through the hepatic arteries and portal vein, and venous outflow occurs through the hepatic veins into the caudal vena cava.

The innervation of the liver is provided by the vagus nerve through the extra- and intramural ganglia and the sympathetic hepatic plexus, represented by postganglionic fibers from the semilunar ganglion. The phrenic nerve takes part in the innervation of the peritoneum covering the liver, its ligaments and the gallbladder.


The liver is a multifunctional organ that takes part in almost all types of metabolism, plays a barrier and disinfecting role, is a depot of glycogen and blood (up to 20% of blood is deposited in the liver), and performs a hematopoietic function in the embryonic period.

The digestive function of the liver is reduced to the process of bile formation, which promotes the emulsification of fats and the dissolution of fatty acids and their salts. Dogs secrete 250-300 ml of bile per day.

Bile is a mixture of bicarbonate ions, cholesterol, organic metabolites and bile salts. The basis on which bile salts work is fat. Bile salts break down large fat particles into small droplets, which interact with various lipases.

Bile also serves to excrete organic residues, such as cholesterol and bilirubin, during the breakdown of hemoglobin. Liver cells produce bilirubin from the blood and actively secrete it into bile. It is due to this pigment that bile acquires its yellow color.

Three-dimensional structure of a bile salt
indicating the polar and non-polar sides


The pancreas is a large, loose parenchymal organ, consisting of individual lobules united by loose connective tissue. By weight, iron is 30-40 g, or 0.20-0.25% of body weight, and the color is pale pink.

According to the structure of the iron, it belongs to the complex tubular-alveolar glands of mixed secretion. The gland does not have clear contours, since it does not have a capsule, is stretched along the initial section of the duodenum and the lesser curvature of the stomach, covered with peritoneum ventro-caudally, the dorsal part is not covered with peritoneum.

The pancreas consists of exocrine lobules and endocrine parts.

Anatomically, the gland is divided into body, which is located in the S-shaped gyrus of the duodenum, left the lobe or gastric lobe, which is adjacent to the lesser curvature of the stomach, lies in the duplicate of the omentum and reaches the spleen and left kidney, and right lobe, or duodenal blade, which lies in the duplicate of the mesentery of the duodenum and reaches the right kidney.

In dogs, the right lobe is highly developed, so the gland has an elongated (ribbon-like) shape bent at an angle. The gland has a main (virzung) pancreatic duct, which leaves the body of the gland and opens next to the bile duct at the top of the duodenal papilla (sometimes the duct may be absent),
and 1-2 accessory (Santorini) ducts, which open at a distance of 3-5 cm from the main one.

The blood supply to the gland is provided by the branches of the splenic, hepatic, left gastric and cranial mesenteric arteries, and venous outflow occurs into the portal vein of the liver.

Innervation is carried out by branches of the vagus nerve and the sympathetic plexus of the pancreas (postganglionic fibers from the semilunar ganglion).


The pancreas is responsible for both exocrine and endocrine functions, but in the context of this section, only exocrine digestive functions are considered.
The exocrine pancreas is responsible for secreting digestive secretions and large volumes of sodium bicarbonate ions, which neutralize the acidity of the chyme that comes from the stomach.

Secretion products:

Trypsin: Breaks down whole and partially digested proteins into peptides of various sizes, but does not cause the release of individual amino acids.
- chymotrypsin: breaks down whole and partially digested proteins into peptides of various sizes, but does not cause the release of individual amino acids.
- carboxypeptidases: cleaves individual amino acids from the amino terminus of large peptides.
- aminopeptidases: cleaves individual amino acids from the carboxyl end of large peptides.
- pancreatic lipase: hydrolyzes neutral fat into monoglycerides and fatty acid.
- pancreatic amylase: hydrolyzes carbohydrates, converting them into smaller di- and trisaccharides.

6. Large intestine (Intestinum crassum)

The large intestine is the final section of the intestinal tube, averages 45 cm in length and is divided into the cecum, colon and rectum. It has a number of characteristic features, which include relative shortness, volume, low mobility (short mesentery), and the presence of a blind outgrowth - the cecum - on the border with the thin section.

1 - stomach
2, 3, 4, 5 - duodenum
6 - jejunum
7 - ileum
8 - cecum
9, 10, 11 - colon
12 - rectum

The blood supply to the colon is provided by the branches of the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries, and the rectum is supplied by three rectal arteries: cranial(branch of the caudal mesenteric artery), middle and caudal(branches of the internal iliac artery).

Venous drainage from the cecum, colon and cranial portion of the rectum occurs into the portal vein of the liver. From the middle and caudal portions of the rectus cat into the caudal vena cava, bypassing the liver.

Innervation of the thick section is provided by branches vagus(transverse position of the colon) and pelvic nerves(blind, most of the colon and rectum). The caudal part of the rectum is also innervated by the somatic nervous system through the pudendal and caudal rectal nerves of the sacral spinal plexus. Sympathetic innervation is carried out through the mesenteric and rectal plexuses, which are formed by postganglionic fibers of the semilunar and caudal mesenteric ganglia.

Muscle control from the nervous system is carried out both through local reflexes and through vagal reflexes involving the submucosal nerve plexus and the intermuscular nerve plexus, which is located between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers. Normal bowel function is regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system. Control is directed from the medullary part of the vagus nerve to the anterior part and from the nuclei sacral region spine
through pelvic nerve To peripheral department large intestine.

The sympathetic nervous system (control directed from the ganglia in the paravertebral sympathetic trunk) plays a less important role. The processes of local control and coordination of motility and secretion of the intestine and associated glands are of a complex nature, involving nerves, paracrine and endocrine chemicals. The nervous supply of the small section is represented by branches of the vagus nerve and postganglionic fibers of the solar plexus from the semilunar ganglion, which form two plexuses in the intestinal wall: intermuscular (Auerbach's) between the layers of the muscular layer and submucosal (Meissner) in the submucosal layer.

Control of intestinal activity by the nervous system is carried out both through local reflexes and through vagal reflexes involving the submucosal nerve plexus and intermuscular nerve plexus.
Bowel function is regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system. Control is directed from the medullary portion of the vagus nerve to the small intestine. The sympathetic nervous system (control directed from the ganglia in the paravertebral sympathetic trunk) plays a less important role.
The processes of local control and coordination of motility and secretion of the intestine and associated glands are of a more complex nature; nerves, paracrine and endocrine chemicals take part in them.

The loops of the large intestine are located in the abdominal and pelvic cavities.


The structure of the colon consists of several layers: mucous membrane, submucosal layer, muscular layer (2 layers - outer longitudinal layer and inner circular layer) and serosa.

The epithelium of the cecum does not contain villi, but has numerous goblet cells on the surface that secrete mucus.

The mucous membrane does not have villi or circular folds, which is why it is smooth. Villi are present only in the embryonic state and disappear soon after birth. This is sometimes observed in some dogs in the first days of life, and in most individuals by the end of the second week.

The following types of cells are distinguished in the mucous membrane: intestinal epithelial cells with a striated border, goblet enterocytes, borderless enterocytes - the source of restoration of the mucous membrane, and single intestinal endocrinocytes. Paneth cells, present in the small intestine, are absent in the large intestine.

The intestinal (Lieberkühn) glands are well developed, lie deep and close to each other, and there are up to 1000 glands per 1 cm2.

The openings of the liberkühn glands give the mucous membrane an uneven appearance. In the initial part of the thick section, there is an accumulation of lymphoid elements that form plaques and lymphatic fields. An extensive field is located in the cecum at the confluence of the ileum, and plaques are located on the body of the cecum and at its blind end.

The muscular layer in the thick section is well developed, which gives the entire thick section a thick appearance.


Undigested food debris enters the large intestine and is exposed to the microflora inhabiting the large intestine. The digestive capacity of the large intestine of dogs is negligible.

Some excreta (urea, uric acid) and salts of heavy metals, water is intensively absorbed mainly in the initial part of the colon. The thick section is functionally more an organ of absorption and excretion than of digestion, which leaves an imprint on its structure.


The large intestine consists of three main parts: cecum, colon And rectum.


The cecum is a blind outgrowth at the border of the thin and thick sections. The iliac foramen is well marked and represents an obturator mechanism.
The exit cecumcolic opening is not clearly defined and does not have a locking mechanism. The cecum in dogs is greatly reduced. It has the appearance of a convoluted appendage, making from 1 to 3 curls, its walls are enriched with lymphoid elements, but the intestine does not have a vermiform appendage, characteristic of higher primates. Depending on the size and number of curls, 5 types of dog cecum can be distinguished.

The intestine hangs on the mesentery on the right in the lumbar region under the 2-4 lumbar vertebrae, its length ranges from 2 to 16 cm, or 11% of the length of the thick section.

The cecum forms a pouch, closed at one end, located below the junction of the large and small intestine. In cats, the cecum is a vestigial organ, while in dogs the size of the cecum is significant.


The colon makes up the main volume of the thick section.
It reaches about 30 cm in length, or 66.7% of the total length of the thick section. The intestine is very narrow (narrower than the duodenum), but thick-walled. The shape forms a rim located in the frontal plane, under the spine, which in appearance resembles a horseshoe.
The colon consists of three relatively straight sections: the ascending colon, the transverse colon
and the descending colon, which continues into the rectum.

The colon begins on the right in the lumbar region and runs in the dorsal part of the right ilium in a straight line to the diaphragm as the ascending colon.
Behind the diaphragm (in the hypochondrium) it forms a transverse bend - the transverse colon and, moving to the left side, runs caudally in the dorsal part of the left iliac as the descending colon. Having reached the left groin, the sigmoid colon forms a sigmoid bend and passes into the rectum.


The rectum is the final segment of the large intestine. The length of the rectum is about 10 cm, or 22.2% of the length of the colon. The intestine is suspended on the mesentery, and in the pelvic cavity it is surrounded by loose connective tissue (pararectal tissue).

In the pelvic cavity, the intestine forms a poorly developed ampulla.
The rectum has smooth, elastic and thick walls, with a uniformly developed muscle layer. The mucous membrane is collected in longitudinal folds and contains modified Lieberkühn glands and numerous mucous glands that secrete large amounts of mucus.
There are many venous plexuses in the submucosal layer, due to which water and aqueous solutions from the rectum are well and quickly absorbed.

Lies under the sacrum and the first caudal vertebrae, ending with the anus.

The perineal part of the rectum is called the anal canal. The mucous membrane of the rectum 2-3 cm before the anus ends with the anorectal line, caudal from which the stratified squamous epithelium begins. In this area, two ring-shaped zones are formed. The inner zone is called the columnar zone of the anus, the longitudinal folds of which are called the anal columns. Between them, depressions are formed - anal sinuses, in which mucus secreted by the anal glands accumulates.

The outer zone is called the intermediate zone, which is separated from the skin zone of the anus by the anal cutaneous line.
In the latter, the circumferential glands and paranal sinuses open. The rectum and anus have their own muscular apparatus, which in the anal area is represented by two sphincters: external and internal. The first is an accumulation of smooth muscle tissue around the anus, formed from the muscular layer of the rectum, and the second is striated muscle. Both sphincters function synchronously.

A number of muscles extend from the anus to the sides:

The rectal-tail muscle is represented by a longitudinal layer of the rectal musculature, which passes from the walls of the rectum to the first caudal vertebrae;
- levator anus - originates from the ischial spine and goes from the side of the rectum to the muscles of the anus;
- suspensory ligament of the anus - originates from the 2nd caudal vertebra and in the form of a loop covers the rectum from below; built of smooth muscle tissue; in males it becomes a retractor of the penis; and in females it ends in the labia.


The absolute length of the intestines of dogs is 2.3-7.3 meters. The ratio of body length to length is 1:5. There are small and large intestines.

Small intestine

It begins at the level of the pylorus of the stomach and is divided into three main parts: the duodenum (the first and shortest part of the small intestine, into which the bile ducts and pancreatic ducts exit; the length of this section of the small intestine in dogs is 29 cm), the jejunum (2-7 m ) and ileum. The ribbon-shaped pancreas (weighing 10-100 g) lies in the right hypochondrium and secretes several liters of pancreatic secretion into the duodenum per day, containing enzymes that break down proteins, carbohydrates, fats, as well as the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. The liver with the gall bladder in dogs is located in the right and left hypochondrium; blood flowing through the portal vein from the stomach, spleen and intestines passes through it and is filtered. The liver produces bile, which converts fats for absorption into the blood vessels of the intestinal wall.

The intestinal mucosa is more specialized for the digestion and absorption of food. Epithelial cells lining the inner surface of the small intestine are called enterocytes. The mucous membrane is collected in folds called villi. Each villi is well supplied with blood vessels and has a dead-end lymphatic vessel. These vessels transport absorbed nutrients from the small intestine to the liver and other parts of the body. The duodenum has a relatively porous structure and is capable of secreting a large volume of fluid into the lumen. The degree of permeability decreases accordingly in the jejunum, ileum and large intestine, where only fluid resorption takes place. This preserves fluid in the body and prevents diarrhea.

The bulk of proteins is digested in the small intestine to amino acids under the action of pancreatic enzymes. They are absorbed into enterocytes through specific transporters, and then transported to the liver through the portal vein. Carbohydrates (dogs get most of their carbohydrates in the form of starches) are broken down in the small intestine into glucose and other monosaccharides by pancreatic enzymes. In enterocytes, glucose is rapidly released into the bloodstream and transported to the liver through the portal vein. Dietary fats mainly consist of triglycerides, which can be easily broken down by bile salts into glycerol and fatty acids and absorbed, while cholesterol and phospholipid can be digested by dogs, but not as efficiently. This occurs under the influence of bile secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Since the cell membrane of enterocytes consists of lipids, the absorption process occurs passively and is often accompanied by the absorption of vitamins dissolved in fats. Inside the enterocytes, fatty acids are converted to triglyceride and attached to lipoproteins to form chylomicrons, which are excreted into the milk duct for transport to the main circulatory system and subsequently to the liver and other tissues.

Thus, any disruption of the small intestine (for example, rotavirus infection) can cause diarrhea and anorexia (loss or lack of appetite) due to the virus damaging the enterocytes of the villous apex). Well-digestible foods are necessary to reduce the cost of enzymes and increase the absorption area, which simultaneously achieves good level nutrient consumption. Eating small amounts of food does not overload the digestive and absorption capabilities of the intestines and reduces the risk of diarrhea.


This section of the intestine consists of the cecum (its length in dogs is 6-12 cm, lies under the 2-4th lumbar vertebrae and widely communicates with the colon); colon (located in the lumbar region and forms an arch) and rectum (lies at the level of the 4-5th sacral vertebra, has a powerful muscular structure) intestines. There are no villi on the mucous membrane of the large intestines. There are crypts - depressions where the intestinal glands are located, but there are few cells in them that secrete enzymes. The columnar epithelium of the mucous membrane contains many goblet cells that secrete mucus. Feces are formed in the large intestines.

In the large intestine, the final hydrolysis of nutrients occurs with the assistance of enzymes of the intestinal tract and enzymes of microorganisms. The most active activity of the intestinal microflora is observed in the colon: absorption of water and electrolytes, which is necessary for the formation of feces and the prevention of dehydration; fermentation of food residues by abundant bacterial flora (from nitrogen-rich food residues, bacteria produce large amounts of ammonia, which is absorbed and enters the liver through the portal vein, where it is processed into urea, which is excreted by the kidneys). Due to strong peristaltic contractions, the remaining contents of the large intestine enter the rectum through the descending colon, where feces accumulate. The release of feces into the environment occurs through the anal canal (anus). The anus has two sphincters: deep, made of smooth muscle fibers, and external, made of striated muscles. In dogs, there are two depressions on its sides - the right and left sinuses, into which the paranal glands open, secreting a thick secretion that emits a specific odor.

Thus, once in the oral cavity, the food is ground and chopped, rather than chewed with the teeth. Then it is moistened with saliva and enters the stomach through the pharynx and esophagus, where the process of its decomposition into simpler substances begins. Absorption of nutrients occurs in the intestines, and undigested food remains, mainly fiber, are excreted through the rectum.

Respiratory system

This system ensures the entry of oxygen into the body and the removal of carbon dioxide, that is, the exchange of gases between atmospheric air and blood. In pets, gas exchange occurs in the lungs, which are located in the chest. Alternate contraction of the inspiratory and expiratory muscles leads to expansion and contraction chest, and with it the lungs. This ensures that air is drawn in through the air passages into the lungs and expelled back out. Abbreviations respiratory muscles controlled by the nervous system.

While passing through the airways, the inhaled air is moistened, warmed, cleared of dust, and also examined for odors using the olfactory organ. With exhaled air, some water (in the form of steam), excess heat, and some gases are removed from the body. Sounds are produced in the air passages (larynx). The respiratory organs are represented by the nose and nasal cavity, larynx, trachea and lungs.


The nose together with the mouth make up the front section of the head in animals - the muzzle. The nose contains a paired nasal cavity, which is the initial section of the airways. In the nasal cavity, the inhaled air is examined for odors, heated, humidified, and cleaned of contaminants. Nasal cavity communicates with the external environment through the nostrils, with the pharynx - through the choanae, with the conjunctival sac - through the nasolacrimal canal, as well as with the paranasal sinuses. On the nose there are apex, dorsum, sides and root. At the top there are two holes - nostrils. The nasal cavity is divided by the nasal septum into right and left parts. The basis of this septum is hyaline cartilage.

The paranasal passages communicate with the nasal cavity paranasal sinuses. The paranasal sinuses are air-filled and mucous-lined cavities between the outer and inner plates of some flat bones skulls (eg frontal bone). Because of this message inflammatory processes from the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity can easily spread to the sinuses, which complicates the course of the disease.


The larynx is a section of the respiratory tube that is located between the pharynx and trachea. In a dog it is short and wide. The unique structure of the larynx allows it to perform, in addition to conducting air, other functions. It isolates the respiratory tract when swallowing food, serves as a support for the trachea, pharynx and the beginning of the esophagus, and serves as a vocal organ. The skeleton of the larynx is formed by five movably interconnected cartilages, on which the muscles of the larynx and pharynx are attached. This is an annular cartilage, in front and below it is the thyroid cartilage, in front and above there are two arytenoid cartilages, and below it is the epiglottic cartilage. The laryngeal cavity is lined with mucous membrane. Between the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage and the body of the thyroid cartilage on the right and left there is a transverse fold - the so-called vocal lip, which divides the laryngeal cavity into two parts. It contains the vocal cord and vocal muscle. The space between the right and left vocal lips is called the glottis. The tension of the vocal lips during exhalation creates and regulates sounds. Dogs have large vocal lips, which allows your four-legged pet to make a variety of sounds.


The trachea serves to conduct air to and from the lungs. This is a tube with a constantly gaping lumen, which is ensured by rings of hyaline cartilage that are not closed at the top in its wall. The inside of the trachea is lined with mucous membrane. It extends from the larynx to the base of the heart, where it divides into two bronchi, which form the basis of the roots of the lungs. This location, which occurs at the level of the 4th rib, is called the tracheal bifurcation. The length of the trachea depends on the length of the neck, and therefore the number of cartilages in dogs ranges from 42 to 46.


These are the main respiratory organs, directly in which gas exchange occurs between the inhaled air and the blood through the thin wall separating them. To ensure gas exchange, a large contact area is required between the airways and bloodstreams. In accordance with this, the airways of the lungs - the bronchi - like a tree, branch repeatedly to the bronchioles (small bronchi) and end with numerous small pulmonary vesicles - alveoli, which form the lung parenchyma (parenchyma is a specific part of the organ that performs its main function). Blood vessels branch parallel to the bronchi and entwine the alveoli with a dense capillary network, where gas exchange takes place. Thus, the main components of the lungs are the airways and blood vessels. Connective tissue unites them into a paired compact organ - the right and left lung. The right lung is slightly larger than the left, since the heart, located between the lungs, is shifted to the left (Fig. 14). The relative weight of the lungs is 1.7% relative to body weight.

The lungs are located in the chest cavity, adjacent to its walls. As a result, they have the shape of a truncated cone, somewhat compressed from the sides. Each lung is divided into lobes by deep interlobar fissures: the left - into three, and the right - into four. Frequency breathing movements in dogs depends on the load on the body, age, health status, temperature and humidity of the environment.

Normal number of inhalations and exhalations (respirations) healthy dog fluctuates within significant limits: from 14 to 25-30 per minute. This range width depends on a number of factors. Thus, puppies breathe more often than adult dogs because their metabolism is more active. Bitches breathe more frequently than males. Pregnant or nursing dogs breathe more frequently than non-pregnant dogs. The breathing rate can also be affected by the breed of the dog, its emotional state, and the size of the dog also affects it. Small breed dogs breathe more often than large ones: miniature pinscher, the Japanese Chin breathes 20-25 times per minute, and the Airedale - 10-14 times. This is due to different rates of the metabolic process, and, as a consequence, greater loss heat.

Breathing largely depends on the dog’s body position. Animals breathe easier when they stand. In case of diseases accompanied by damage to the heart and respiratory organs, animals take a sitting position, which helps to facilitate breathing.

Rice. 14. Topography of the dog's lungs, right view: 1 - trachea; 2,3,4 - cranial middle lobe of the lung; 5 - heart; 6 - diaphragm; 7 - dorsal edge of the lung; 8 - basal edge of the lung; 9 - stomach; 10 - ventral edge of the lung

The breathing process is also affected by the time of day and season. At night, when at rest, the dog breathes less frequently. In summer, when the weather is hot, as well as in stuffy rooms with high humidity, breathing becomes more frequent. In winter, dogs' breathing at rest is even and imperceptible. Muscle work sharply increases the dog's breathing. The factor of the animal's excitability is also of certain importance. The appearance of a stranger or a new environment can cause rapid breathing.

Urinary system

These organs are designed to remove end products of metabolism in the form of urine from the body (from the blood) into the external environment and to control the water-salt balance of the body. In addition, the kidneys produce hormones that regulate hematopoiesis (hemopoietin) and blood pressure(renin). Therefore, dysfunction of the urinary organs leads to serious illnesses and often to the death of animals.

The urinary organs include paired kidneys and ureters, an unpaired bladder and the urethra. In the main organs - the kidneys - urine is constantly produced, which is discharged through the ureter into the bladder and, as it fills, is released out through the urethra. Per day adult dog a small breed excretes 0.04-0.2 liters of urine, and an adult dog of medium and large breeds - from 0.5 to 1.5 liters. Urine pH ranges from 4.8 to 6.5 depending on feeding. In males, this canal also carries sexual products and is therefore called the urogenital canal. In females, the urethra opens into the vestibule of the vagina.


The kidneys are organs of dense consistency, red-brown in color, smooth, covered on the outside with three membranes: fibrous, fatty, serous. They are located in the lumbar region under the first 3 lumbar vertebrae. These are quite large organs, identical on the right and left, having a bean-shaped, somewhat flattened shape. Near the middle of the inner layer, vessels and nerves enter the kidney, and the ureter emerges. This place is called the renal hilum. On the section of each kidney, the cortical, or urinary, cerebral, or urinary, and intermediate zones are distinguished (Fig. 15).

The cortical zone is darker and lies superficially. The medullary zone is lighter, located in the center of the kidney and is shaped like a pyramid. The apex of the pyramid forms the renal papilla, of which the dog has only one. Between these zones, in the form of a dark stripe, there is an intermediate zone, where the arcuate arteries are visible, from which the interlobular arteries separate towards the cortical zone. Along the latter are located the renal corpuscles, consisting of a glomerulus - a glomerulus (vascular glomerulus), which is formed by the capillaries of the afferent artery and capsule. The renal corpuscle, together with the convoluted tubule and its vessels, constitute the structural and functional unit of the kidney - the nephron. In the renal corpuscle of the nephron, liquid - primary urine - is filtered from the blood of the vascular glomerulus into the cavity of its capsule. During the passage of primary urine through the convoluted tubule of the nephron, most (up to 99%) water and some substances that cannot be removed from the body, such as sugar, are absorbed back into the blood. This explains the large number of nephrons and their length. The primary urine then enters the straight canaliculus and directly enters the renal pelvis (dogs do not have renal calyces), located at the hilum of the kidney, from which secondary urine enters the ureter.

Rice. 15. Kidney: 1 - renal lobule; 2 - cortical zone; 3 - border zone; 4 - renal papilla; 5 - brain


The ureter is a typical tube-shaped paired organ: its wall is formed by three membranes. Its diameter is small. The ureter starts from the renal pelvis, and, covered by the peritoneum, goes into the pelvic cavity, where it flows into the bladder. In the wall Bladder it makes a small loop that prevents urine from flowing back from the bladder into the ureters without interfering with the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder.


The bladder is a reservoir for urine continuously flowing from the kidneys, which is periodically excreted through the urethra. It is a pear-shaped membranous muscle sac. It distinguishes between the apex facing the abdominal cavity, the body and the one directed towards the pelvic neck. In the neck area, the bladder muscles form a sphincter that prevents the voluntary release of urine. The empty bladder lies at the bottom of the pelvic cavity, and when full, partially hangs into the abdominal cavity.


This organ serves to remove urine from the bladder and is a tube made of mucous and muscular membranes. The internal end of the urethra begins from the neck of the bladder, and the external opening opens in males on the head of the penis, and in females on the border between the vagina and its vestibule. The auricular part of the long urethra of males is part of the penis, and therefore, in addition to urine, it removes sexual products. The urination center is located in the lumbosacral region of the spinal cord and is connected to the brain

Reproductive organ system

The system of reproductive organs is closely connected with all systems of the body, in particular with the excretory organs (these two systems have a common terminal excretory duct and common rudiments of some other organs). Its main function is to continue the look. The genital organs of males (males) and females (females) are different, so we will consider each system separately.


The genital organs of male dogs are represented by paired organs: testes (testes) with appendages, vas deferens and spermatic cords, accessory sex glands; and unpaired organs: the scrotum, genitourinary canal, penis and prepuce.


The testis is the main reproductive organ of males, in which the development and maturation of sperm occurs (Fig. 16). It is also an endocrine gland - it produces male sex hormones - sperm. The testis is ovoid in shape, suspended on the spermatic cord and located in the cavity of the saccular protrusion of the abdominal wall - the scrotum. Closely associated with it is its appendage, which is part of the excretory duct. In the epididymis, mature sperm can remain quite immobile long time, they are provided with nutrition during this period, and when animals mate, they are thrown into the vas deferens by peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the appendage. The appendage has a head, body and tail.

In males, the testes are relatively small, and the appendage is highly developed: its head and tail are equally thick.

Rice. 16. Position of the testis in a dog: 1 - scrotum; 2 - testis; 3 - head; 4 - body; 5 - tail appendage; 6 - vas deferens; 7 - vaginal membrane; 8 - spermatic cord


The scrotum is the container of the testis and its appendage, which is a protrusion of the abdominal wall. The temperature in it is lower than in the abdominal cavity, which favors the development of sperm. In male dogs, the scrotum is located closer to anus. The skin of this organ is covered with small hair and has sweat and sebaceous glands.

The muscular-elastic membrane is located under the skin and forms the septum of the scrotum, as a result of which the organ cavity is divided into two parts. The muscular formations of the scrotum ensure that the testis is pulled towards the inguinal canal at low external temperatures.

Vas deferens, or vas deferens

The vas deferens is a continuation of the epididymis duct in the form of a narrow tube of three membranes. It starts from the tail of the appendage. As part of the spermatic cord, it is directed through the inguinal canal into the abdominal cavity, and from there to the pelvic cavity, where it forms an ampulla. Behind the neck of the bladder, the vas deferens connects with the excretory duct of the vesicular gland into a short ejaculatory canal, which opens at the beginning of the genitourinary canal.

Spermatic cord

The spermatic cord is a fold of the peritoneum that contains vessels, nerves going to the testis and lymphatic vessels leaving the testis, as well as the vas deferens.

Urogenital canal, or male urethra

Serves to remove urine and sperm. It begins with the urethral opening from the neck of the bladder and ends with the external urethral opening on the head of the penis. The initial, very short part of the urethra - from the cervix to the confluence of the ejaculatory canal - conducts only urine. The wall of the male urethra is formed by a mucous membrane, a spongy layer and a muscular layer. The mucous membrane is collected in folds. The spongy layer has a network of veins with extensions - lacunae. When the spongy layer is filled with blood, the lumen of the urethra opens and sperm comes out.

Accessory sex gland

This is the unpaired prostate gland. It is complex in structure, and its excretory ducts open into the pelvic part of the genitourinary canal. The secretion of this gland activates sperm motility.


The penis performs the function of introducing male sperm into the female genitals, as well as removing urine from the body. It consists of the cavernous body of the penis and the penile (udal) part of the urogenital canal. The penis is divided into root, body and head. The root and body are covered from below with skin, the latter extends to the head, forming a fold at the transition to it - the prepuce, or foreskin. During sexual arousal, the cavities of the penis fill with blood, as a result of which the penis lengthens, thickens and becomes dense, that is, it becomes erect.


When the penis is not erect, the prepuce completely covers the head of the penis, protecting it from damage. It is pulled onto the glans penis by the prepuce cranialis muscle and pulled back by the penile retractor. In males, the head of the penis is long and cylindrical. The urethra opens at the end of the head. The head is based on bone. Its length in large dogs reaches 8-10 cm. The amount of sperm secreted by a male dog fluctuates around 15 ml. There are about 6000 sperm in 1 mm3 of sperm. Inside the uterus, sperm exist for 8-12 hours.

After the birth of puppies, the absolute weight of the testes increases 16-17 times in the first 6 months of life, and the weight of the accessory sex glands increases, especially during puberty. Sexual and physiological maturity is the ability of animals to produce offspring. It is characterized by the release of sperm in males, the formation of sex hormones that determine the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Sexual and physiological maturity occurs at 6-8 months.


The genital organs of bitches include paired organs: ovaries, fallopian tubes; and unpaired: uterus, vagina, vestibule of the vagina and external genitalia (Fig. 17). In dogs, the length of the fallopian tube is 4-10 cm.

Rice. 17. Female genital organs from the dorsal surface of the dog: 1 - ovary; 2 - oviduct; 3 - uterine horn; 4 - body of the uterus; 5 - cervix; 6 - external opening of the uterus; 7 - vagina; 8 - vaginal vault; 9 - vestibular-vaginal fold; 10 - external opening of the urethra; 11 - vestibule of the vagina; 12 - small vestibular glands; 13 - clitoris; 14 - labia; 15 - bladder


It is a hollow membranous organ in which the fetus develops. During childbirth, the latter is pushed out by the uterus through the birth canal. The uterus is divided into horns, body and cervix. The horns on top start from the fallopian tubes, and below they grow together into the body. The uterine cavity passes into the narrow canal of the cervix, which opens into the vagina. The body and cervix of the non-pregnant uterus lie in the pelvic cavity, next to the bladder, and the horns hang into the abdominal cavity. The entire uterus is located in the abdominal cavity, mostly on the right. The dog's uterine horns are long, straight and thin, and the body is short.


It is a tubular organ that serves as an organ of copulation and is located between the cervix and the urogenital opening. In dogs, it is 2 times longer than the vestibule.

Vaginal vestibule

The vestibule of the vagina is a common area of ​​the urinary and genital tracts, an extension of the vagina behind the external opening of the urethra. It ends with the external genitalia.

Veterinary guide for dog owners
M. V. Dorosh