4 ex hour work week. Be complex when it makes sense

Academy of Healers — for free!

To understand what the healing system of the best bioenergy-information specialist in Russia, healer Nikolai Peychev, is, we suggest you download absolutely free recordings of two of his trainings "Restoration of vision and quick relief from all pains in the body" And "Karma and money, Energy of well-being and health".

Also receive as a gift for free, which has already become a classic book by Peychev "Multidimensional Human Model".

Download free trainings and books
Nikolai Peychev

Free video courses, trainings and books by Nikolai Peychev within the framework of the Academy of Healers will help you get acquainted with the methods of Nikolai Peychev

What is the Academy of Healers and how do they study in it?

If you want not only to get rid of mental and physical diseases yourself, but also to treat other people, then the International Academy of Healers of Nikolai Peychev will teach you this.

While studying at the Academy of Healers, you will communicate with hundreds of other healers who will share their experience with you as part of the school program.

For training in the Academy do not require money. Voluntary donations only.

Education for a voluntary donation!

Paid courses and books by Nikolay Peychev

New trainings and courses by Nikolai Peychev 2018

New! Wellness training « ».

New! Wellness Training.

New! Webinar recording.

New! training "How to build female happiness" .

New! Well "How to Conquer Your Fear" .

Seminar by Nikolai Peychev "Karma and money" will indicate the direction in which you need to move in order to be a truly Successful Person and benefit not only yourself, but also make the world around you better. The seminar consists of two full-fledged video recordings, where you will not be loaded with theory in huge volumes, but you will receive a large number of practical tasks.

training "Full recovery of vision in 30 days". After completing this course, you will restore your vision, at whatever level it may be! You will not only remove glasses yourself, but also save your children, relatives and relatives from glasses. The course consists of 8 consecutive lessons, with text explanations and bonuses. You will complete tasks and move step by step towards your goal. This technique has shown very high efficiency.

Practical training "Dowsing Skills and Extrasensory Perception" dedicated to the development of intuition and extrasensory perception. The ability to know everything about everything and get answers to any questions is hidden in each of us - you just need to wake it up and learn how to use it correctly. By discovering this amazing power within yourself, you will be able to accurately determine what is happening in any area of ​​your life.

Video course "Programming the body for health" allows you to lay reserves in the body of each person and start the mechanisms for longevity, health and well-being. This is a course on changing one's own destiny and managing life events. The course consists of 3 lessons in audio format with text homework.

Training for women "Esoteric aspects of problems in the family, or how to create an ideal relationship in 1 month" It is intended for those whose family leaves love and respect. If you want to become such a woman, next to which any man will be incredibly happy, then this training is for you. The course consists of 9 daily video lessons, with text explanations, homework assignments and audio recordings.

The training will tell you how to become the creator of your own game, in which all events will take place according to a pre-programmed scenario. You will learn how to put energy into your programs and thought forms, because without energy they will materialize for a very long time. The course program consists of 3 daily lessons in audio recording, with text explanations and homework.

Seminar "Removal of all negative programs" will allow you to remove all negative programs, induced influences, evil eye, damage from yourself and protect yourself from them for the future. The course consists
of 3 video lessons, which discuss in detail the issues of negative impacts on a person. After completing the course, you will learn how to save yourself and other people from negative influences.

Video course "Unleashing the Potential of the Mind" is a course on revealing the inner potential of the human mind and obtaining superpowers. The issues of restoring health and self-healing from ailments will also be touched upon. The course consists of three audio lessons, lasting 1.5 - 2 hours, describing practices for restoring health and energy. A very powerful course with a guaranteed result.

A complete collection of meditations by Nikolai Valerievich Peychev will help you get rid of pain, clear negative influences and adjust your life to harmony, well-being and happiness. Meditations are recorded in the popular mp3 format. Therefore, they can be listened to on any playing device. The collection is constantly updated with new meditations. Currently, the collection makes it possible to listen to more than 30 meditations.

Training manual for the work of a healer with a client will teach a student of the Academy of Healers to effectively apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

The course includes the basic foundations of healing with an explanation on living people.

This manual is a good example of work on the chakra system and human biofields.

Remember, your spiritual and physical health is in your hands. Nikolay Peychev Academy of Healers will teach you how to heal from any disease and manage your health.

The new wellness training of 2018 by Nikolay Peychev "The Way of Life"

More courses and trainings for women

Healer Nikolai Valeryevich Peychev is the founder of the International Academy of Professional Healers, better known as the Academy of Healers. Many tens of thousands of people went through the trainings and seminars of the Academy of Healers and were completely cured of various diseases (including those considered incurable by traditional medicine), thanks to a unique and very effective system developed by Peychev for a quick and complete recovery of health.

Grateful reviews of these people can be easily found on the Internet, including video reviews on YouTube of people who have actually recovered from serious illnesses. Unlike many other healers, Nikolai Peychev does not have seriously justified negative reviews, as he is a professional in his field and the health restoration system he developed on the basis of which the Academy of Healers functions really helps to cure any disease. And how can you write negative reviews about a person who constantly holds charity events, both in the form of live trainings and seminars, and online.

If you want to receive fresh materials and unique practices for restoring and maintaining your health, you can subscribe to the free mailing list of the International Academy of Healers.

New videos and unique practices of Nikolai Peychev in 2019 as part of the Academy of Healers

Meditation Course.

Three practices from Nikolai Peychev that will change your life.

Download for free and read online two books by Nikolai Peychev: the book "The Multidimensional Model of Man" and the book "Secrets of the Soul".

Healers Academy Video Newsletter


If you want not only to get rid of physical and mental illnesses yourself, but also to help other people recover, then the International Academy of Healers of Nikolai Valerievich Peychev will help you learn this, revealing the super abilities hidden in you using special techniques that are included in "Complete health recovery system" created by the famous healer.

While studying at the Academy of Healers, you will communicate with hundreds of other students who are trained as professional healers, who will share their best practices with you.

For training in the Academy of Healers do not require money. Only voluntary donations for any amount - for the amount that your heart and soul suggests.

The main course of study at the Academy of Healers is distributed for a donation!

You yourself determine, in accordance with your capabilities and state of mind, for what amount of money you are ready to buy the main video training course at the Academy of Healers. Any donation amount and there is no minimum threshold! Sacrifice for unique knowledge as much as you think is necessary and possible for yourself!


Book ( for free as a gift from the Academy of Healers).

Book “Complete health recovery system. Causes of diseases and ways to eliminate them .

Book “Fast healing of the body. Secrets of the soul" .

Nikolay Peychev: paid trainings, seminars and unique practice videos

Well . New for 2019.

Training. Training that awakens the strength of the spirit. New for 2019.


Transformational training.



Training for women.

Recording of a two-day practical training. New

Unique hands-on training.

Creation is better for self-expression than possession: life is manifested in creativity, not in possession. /Vida D.Scudder/ Today we will talk about a very famous book. I think many readers of this blog are familiar with it. However, to my surprise, I have to meet people who have neither read the book nor heard anything about its famous author. Therefore, we will correct the current situation. Well, those who are familiar with the book can immediately skip to the summary and refresh the key points in their heads.

So, before us is the work of one of the greatest scoundrels, hardened love of life and successful businessman Timothy Ferris. You can tell a million different stories about him, where he achieved success, although it would seem that there was not the slightest chance of winning, but this had already been done more than once before me. I will tell you why this is possible and how this book can help you.

The basis of Ferris' philosophy of life is to find your niche in life where you can be the best, where it is easy for you to achieve a good result, where you feel most comfortable with your current physical and material condition.

Many people mistakenly think that this book is about increasing productivity or about running a business. There are already enough books in this niche and Tim is not trying to compete with them. Taking as a basis that for a comfortable existence a person does not really need much, he defines a new type of people: the “new rich”. These are people who are rich spiritually rather than materially, but at the same time their level of satisfaction with life is much higher than that of people with millions of bank accounts. About how Tim and other people went from ordinary office workers to the new rich and is told in this book.

Brief summary:

A dream is not a million dollars in the bank, but all the freedom that such money gives.

If time and place do not play a role for you, the value of your money by itself increases by 3-10 times.

Being rich in monetary terms and being able to live like a millionaire are diametrically opposed things.

Make it a rule to value fruitful work, not workload.

A few words about time management: forget about it. In no case should you do more and more every day, try to fill every second with fussy fuss.

It is impossible at any point in time to have enough complete and reliable information to make a decision.

It's amazing how quickly people's IQs rise when you hold them accountable and say you trust them.

There is a difference between the concepts of “being a specialist” and “being considered a specialist”. In business, the second sells the product, while the first creates it and prevents returns.

Intuition and experience are poor advisers when it comes to determining which products and companies will bring profit.

We are not faced with the task of creating the largest possible enterprise: we are quite satisfied with a company that does not annoy us. Its structure should be such that we have the opportunity to get out of the information flow, and not be in the thick of things.

It is not enough to think outside the box. Thinking is a passive occupation. Try to get out of the grip of conventions.

Your task is to learn to separate your activity from a certain environment and develop the habit of working alone, under your own guidance.

Freedom is not just enough income and the ability to manage your time. It is possible to have both money and time, but still participate in the rat race, and this is more the rule than the exception.

It is much easier to get along with yourself if you find an external reason for your own inaction.

Find the most interesting thing for you, take it and do not justify yourself to anyone.

Thoughtfully and leisurely look for your calling, do not grab the first job alternative that comes across.

It must be said that many of the tips in this book, as well as in the previously reviewed "Startup without a budget", may seem overly naive and simply ineffective in our harsh Russian reality. But do you know why this reality of ours is so harsh and gloomy? Precisely because we don’t know how to choose the right priorities in life, we don’t know how to think positively and we talk and whine too much, instead of doing.

And I believe that it is precisely such motivating books that should be read first of all, recharged with positive emotions and form the right outlook on life, and only then begin to act.

Timothy Ferris


and at the same time not to hang around in the office "from call to call", live anywhere and get rich

Dedicated to my parents, Donald and Frances Ferris, who taught the little tomboy that it's great to dance to your own tune. I love you both, I owe everything to you.

Half scientist, half traveler, Tim Ferris has created a new roadmap for a whole new world. I read this book in one breath, I have never read anything like it before.

Charles L. Brock, Chairman and Member of the Board of Directors of the Brock Capital Group; Former Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer and Principal Consultant for Scholastic, Inc. and former president of the Harvard Law School Association

Outsourcing is no longer reserved for Fortune 500 companies. Small and medium-sized companies, as well as full-time employees, can work remotely to increase their productivity and free up time for more important things.

Vivek Kulkarni, Member of the Board of Directors of Brickwork India, Former Head of the Ministry of IT in Bangalore, holder of the title of "tech bureaucrat", thanks to which Bangalore and IT found their niche in India

Tim is the master! I know it for sure. I saw how he moved on the path to wealth and how he became a successful entrepreneur. He is always looking for the best way.

Dan Partland, Emmy Award Winner, Reality Show Producer American High and Welcome to the Dollhouse

How to Work Four Hours a Week is a must for anyone who wants to live life to the fullest. Buy this book and read it before you make a big sacrifice!

John Lusk, Group Product Manager at Microsoft World Headquarters

If you want to fulfill your dreams now, not 20 or 30 years from now, buy this book!

Laura Roden, Chair of the Silicon Valley Aspiring Entrepreneurs Association and Lecturer in Corporate Finance at the University of San Jose

With this kind of time management, which allows you to focus on important things, you can get 15 times more done than with a normal working week.

Tim Draper, founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, a finance and innovation firm that has funded Hotmail, Skype, and Overture.com

Tim managed to do what most people only dream of. I can't believe he revealed all his secrets. Everyone must read this book!

Stephen Key, renowned inventor and designer of the Ruxpin Bear and Laser Tag game development team, consultant for the TV show American Inventor (American Inventor)

The most important

Questions and answers for doubters

Are you ready to be in charge of your life? Probably yes. The following are the most typical doubts and fears that overcome people who decide to join the "new rich".

Will I have to quit my job? Should I take the risk?

No and no again. There is an option for every taste: it is more convenient for someone to disappear from the office with the help of the esoteric skills of the Jedi, someone to create companies in such a way that they finance a comfortable lifestyle. How does the CEO of a Fortune 500 company go to China for a month to look for treasure and cover his tracks with modern technology? How to create a company that works without the participation of an investor and brings in 80 thousand dollars a month? Read about all this below.

Is it necessary to be a purposeful and ambitious youngster?

Not at all. This book is for everyone who is fed up with making plans for the future and who wants to live, not wait. The examples range from a 20-year-old Lamborghini owner to a single mother who spent five months traveling the world with her two children. If set meals are on your toes and you're ready to choose from an endless array of options, this book is for you.

Is it possible to do without travel? I just wish I had more time.

Please. This is just one of the options. The main thing is to have at your disposal as much time and space as you like and use them as you please.

Should I be born rich?

No. My parents' combined income never exceeded $50,000 a year, and my working career began at the age of 14. I'm not a Rockefeller, and you don't need to be.

Do I have to be an Ivy League graduate?

In no case. The characters presented on the pages of this book have never studied at Harvard, some of them are even expelled from educational institutions. An education from prestigious universities is great, but it doesn't guarantee success on its own. Graduates of the best educational institutions work hard for 80 hours a week and believe that such hard labor cannot be dispensed with for 15-30 years. How do I know? I went through this and saw with my own eyes the devastating consequences. My book refutes this approach.